Beyond the Cusp

August 28, 2014

Truth Behind Disproportionate War Efforts by Israel

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,Administration,Advanced Weapions Systems,Air Support,Al Nusra Front,al-Qaeda,Amalekites,Anti Missile System,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab League,Arab World,Armed Services,Arms Transfer,Barbarian Forces,Blood Libel,Britain,British Mandate,Cabinet,Civil War,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Crimes Against Humanity,Disengagement,Domestic NGOs,Egypt,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Media,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Fatah,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Government,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,History,IAF,IDF,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Iranian Pressure,ISIS,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jordan River,Mahmoud Abbas,Media,Mediterranean Sea,Military,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Navi Pillay,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Pressure by Egyptian People,Recognize Israel,Response to Terrorism,Russian Pressure,Settlements,Sykes-Picot,Syria,Terror,Third Intifada,Threat of War,UNHCR,United Nations,United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Weapons of Mass Destruction,White Papers,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:02 AM
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Many critics of Israel and news agencies from around the world love to use the description that Israeli use of the IDF is disproportionate force because Hamas does not possess equivalent equipment such as jet fighters, attack helicopters, tanks, armored personnel carriers and such. Of course there was no problem from these same sources when the United States and their allies used stealth fighters, stealth bombers, B-52 bombers, Apache Longbow Attack Helicopters, Abrams Main Battle Tanks, F-15, F-16, and a full arsenal of the most advanced weapons systems including special munitions, guided missiles, aim by sight chain guns which are aimed by the pilot simply looking at the target and pulling the trigger as well as satellites and drones of numerous varieties against the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Iraq without a single accusation of using disproportionate force. But Israel ran into the most absurd suggestion from the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights Navi Pillay who citing Israel’s refusal to share its Iron Dome ballistic missile defense shield with the “governing authority” of Gaza, which is the universally recognized terrorist organization Hamas. She stated concerning the Iron Dome anti-missile system which has spared Israelis the devastation from Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the other terror groups’ rockets fired into civilian areas of Israel decrying that, “No such protection has been provided to Gazans against the shelling.” Perhaps next Ms. Pillay will want Israel to provide Hamas, Islamic Jihad et al with Merkava tanks and the United States to provide them with F-15s, F-16s and perhaps F-35 Stealth Fighters when they roll off the production lines, possibly before they supply Israel.


The stressing importance for providing the people of Gaza with humanitarian aid including food and medical supplies as has been reported in virtually every news coverage and commentary is a ruse and dishonest reporting. Those relaying the blood libel that Israel has prevented such aid from entering Gaza are relaying a complete falsehood. All but two or three days during the entire fifty days of the conflict with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and their allies in Gaza the Israelis continued delivering tens upon tens of tractor-trailers full of tons of such supplies. The few missed deliveries were sent the ensuing day as soon as the terrorist forces in Gaza lifted their mortar fire directed at the crossing point with the intent of causing the deliveries not to enter for propaganda reasons. Those days also correspond to reports of the lack of supplies due to Israel preventing their delivery, something Hamas and friends were sure to emphasize in their press releases for those days. Fortunately, there have been some journalists whose integrity and sufficient outrage and indignance who have spoken about the offenses perpetrated by Hamas to control and edit their releases and limiting their access in order to restrict any negative reporting, especially reports that would have further proven and detailed their use of human shields and firing their rockets from within schools, civilian neighborhoods, mosques and other supposedly protected sites. These reporters will likely face similar restrictions against reporting the full extents to which they were intimidated and otherwise coerced and kept from reporting the truths they uncovered by their editors and higher-ups who will want to protect their news reporters access to Gaza in the future. The one thing that needs to be at the base of everyone’s thinking when it comes to the Palestinians, be they the Palestinian Authority (PA), Hamas, Islamic Jihad or even ISIS is that these groups all practice some form of fascism, be it political nationalist fascism such as the PA or theocratic jihadist fascism such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and ISIS, and they use similar tactics including control of the media, deception and projection onto others those same tactics of which they are guilty.


Back to Israeli supposed use of disproportionate force. The truth is that Israel used the opposite of disproportionate force. Israel could unleash hell on earth on Gaza and eradicate Hamas and Islamic Jihad no matter how deep into their infernal tunnel systems they tried to hide. Israel used such munitions in order to take out three top commanders who were deep in the tunnels underneath a civilian house. Hamas even made a point of pointing out the weight of the munition dropped on their commanders and classified it as a bunker busting bomb. They were correct and be assured that Israel either already possesses or can readily produce more of such munitions should the need warrant such. Israel has all the capabilities of any first rate technologically advanced nations. Israel is one of the leaders in the design and production of drones. The Iron Dome is just one of a number of high tech weapons systems used by Israel to defend their people and military equipment. Many of the Israeli systems are top secret but they have one which is just as remarkable as the Iron Dome that is not secret. The Israelis have a defensive system which when mounted on tanks, other armored vehicles, tanks or anything else even stationary objects is capable of intercepting and neutralizing even an RPG round fired from relatively close range. So, the real accusation which should be made against Israel is that she is using so little force compared to what the IDF is capable of unleashing that they could end the war with Hamas but the end result to the people of Gaza would be harmed beyond reason which is exactly why Israel does not use all at her disposal. Israel actually takes precautions and as much restraint as possible while still being able to accomplish the necessary tasks required to keep her people safe.


Despite the basic understanding that the political leadership is attempting to walk a fine line between unleashing the full force the IDF is capable of unleashing and the complete surrender to Israel’s enemies at the hands of the indignant morality which finds Jews fighting and defending themselves, especially with such professional competence, to be repugnant and against their concepts and perceptions of what Jews are presumable permitted by those who permitted them to reside within their borders. Many have such indignation that now Jews have their own borders and are willing and fully capable of defending them that they feel they must destroy those borders by any means or at least so all that is politically possible to make it as difficult as possible to prevent Israel being permitted to fully defend them. There are those who desire for Israel to hold the Western powers to their word through the treaties and conventions established at the end of World War I, especially the British who guaranteed in an agreement known as the Churchill White Papers that in exchange for the lands east of the Jordan River in order to establish a land for the Palestinian Arabs which is now known as Jordan, they gave their guarantees that the lands west of the Jordan River as inviolate into perpetuity. Well, once again Israelis and Jews can see the trustworthiness of a British promise. Eventually this round and round the mulberry bush will come to a final end and one side will prevail, Israel or her enemies, the Arab and Muslim world. This war started in the year 629 at the Battle of Khaybar where Mohammad commanded his Muslim marauders slaughtered the tribe of Jews known as the Banu Nadir with whom a treaty was theoretically in force. It is this battle on which the concept of a Hudna was born which allowed Muslim forces to enter into a treaty until they gained sufficient strength to fight from a more favorable position and then break that treaty by attacking their enemies. In theory the other party to the treaty or hudna was to be held to the terms of the treaty in order to protect the forces of Islam who were merely waiting until the situation was in their favor before launching their assault and breaking the same treaty completely unannounced, thus also gaining the advantage of surprise in their favor. This time the result will be different than the slaughter of Khaybar. Israel will simply gain control over the lands promised her by treaty and do so with as little force as required. Israel had become experts at using minimal force with maximum restraint in order to cause as few innocent casualties as humanly possible. Any doubt can research the actual ratio of civilians to combatants of any Israeli confrontation with the Arabs or Palestinians with the ratio of any other military in a modern war, especially any contest where a modern military was facing an enemy utilizing asymmetric warfare. The best commentary was delivered by retired British Colonel Richard Kemp in his Oct. 16, 2009, address to the United Nations Human Rights Commission which states the truth without any bias or predisposition reporting what he observed reviewing Israeli actions during their war with Hamas.


Beyond the Cusp


1 Comment »

  1. Israel murders so many children and civilians. Also Israel and Zionist bankers are behind ISIS. The Zionist Neocons wanted 7 countries destroyed and even though they did not get it done in the time frame they wanted they are still working on it. As soon as President Obama leaves office the Neocons will have the USA back in the Mideast to expand borders for Israel. They will do another 911 ( The New Pearl Harbor) if they have to. Obama was our only hope but Zionist scumbag Rupert Murdoch and Fox News destroyed and sabotaged his presidency!!!!!!


    Comment by Tina Lewis — August 28, 2014 @ 9:31 AM | Reply

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