Beyond the Cusp

February 9, 2016

Amos Oz Does not Speak in My Name


Amos Oz speaking at his seventy-fifth birthday celebration stated, “I cannot stand to hear that term ‘price tag’, and even more so I can’t stand to hear the term ‘hilltop youth’.” He continued to decry and denounce what he referred to as ‘hilltop youth’ exclaiming, “It’s time we look at this monster straight in the eye. ‘Price tag’ and ‘hilltop youth’ are just sweet nicknames for a monster that is time to call by its name,” he continued, adding that those who carried out these vandalism attacks were “Jewish neo-Nazi groups.” And Israel most famous leftist egalitarian hater and proven loud denouncer of all who do not tread his narrowest of paths at the extreme opposite end of the political spectrum from Zionist had this to add, “There is nothing that the neo-Nazis in Europe do and these groups do not do,” charged Oz. “Time to call them by name. Perhaps the only difference is that the neo-Nazi groups enjoy the backing of quite a few nationalist, even racist legislators, as well as rabbis who have given them a pseudo-religious basis.”


Perhaps Amos Oz lost all sense of reason and sanity and was carried away by the moment and in his exuberance of reaching the age of seventy-five, though this is far from the first outburst, but maybe it is we who should be denouncing the repeated hatreds of his fellow Jews and countrymen praising and exulting a mass murdering convicted terrorist. I am referring to his having sent one of his personally autographed books, translated into Arabic, to the imprisoned arch murderer and arch terrorist, Marwan Barghouti, with the wish that he be released soon from prison. Amos Oz has denounced and belittled Zionist, observant Orthodox Jews, and the entire settlement movement often referring to them as fascist and now adding neo-Nazi to his list of insults and derogatory references to these dedicated, religious Jews. These are his terminologies as I prefer to refer to these heroes as those living and exemplifying Torah and the commandment to settle the lands as was commanded of Moses to instruct the Israelites, of which the majority remaining Jews were from the tribe of Judah whose tribe was always cast to lead by example and conquer the lands and we are now also commanded by Hashem to settle and resume our claim to the lands. Amos Oz would have us refute the title of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish People as he does not see the Jews as tied to anything other than his leftist and reactionary hatred for Zionism and the identification of oneself as one who fears and loves Hashem and realize and exults the gift and blessings we Jews are blessed with by Hashem. I doubt Amos Oz even believes in a Creator and that Hashem exists neither does he see Torah as defining the way to a righteous world where people respect one another and try to see the best in people, even in Amos Oz.


I am not what Amos Oz would refer to as a ‘settler’ nor do I consider myself yet to be a strict Torah observant Jew though I am aware of my deficiencies and at least trying to bring myself to a point where I can believe I stand amongst my fellow Jews as we are all making our own attempts at living by the commandments, faithfully exhibiting the traditions of our people, settling the land and by land we mean that which was promised us, and not an inch more or less than those defined in Torah, and lastly living to respect others and expect one thing as a minimum requirement for all others to meet defining civil behavior, thus deserving of respect, is for them to at a minimum to obey the seven Noahic Codes (see below).


Noahic Code the 7 laws


The one thing I learned in my return to Torah is that the very first step is accepting that you are but somewhere within the mapping of all of humanity and though we are all measured to be at different places on a mapping that only Hashem knows and physicists are trying to determine the number of dimensions there are in the universe Hashem created, none of us are likely to be any closer or further from the divine entrusted to each of us by Hashem and in at least doing less additional damage as it is the part of us which returns to Hashem for the determination of what will be required to permit our individual soul back into the Heavenly Realm. Eventually we all will meet in that realm and we on this plane of existence know not which of us is closest to Hashem’s hopes for us and that makes us all equal in the eyes of Hashem and thusly we should extend the same respects to each other. That is why though I feel pain in the words; the accusations laid upon our fellow Jews by one whom Hashem has been most generous and graced with what others have found worthy and of merit beyond my understanding, but enjoy these earthly rewards because in the reality of our eternal existence those trinkets hold no value. The unfortunate truth is that on this world others place merit upon us using a different scale, one which may or may not hold value in the end but I believe that part of our cleansing process is finding forgiveness from those we maligned and realizing the equality of all in Hashem’s kingdom.


I can only speak for myself, as I am likely to be more judgmental than the actual victims of each terse accusation leveled by Amos Oz and his fellow celebrated leftist academics, writers, directors, composers and the host of other intellectuals and academics, the referring of a fellow Jews as a neo-Nazis or any other reference comparing them to such a universally reviled group is not a kind act and only serves to further alienates one from another. Such are of an unkindness linkable to the referenced individuals as it were the Nazis who defined evil and berating of fellow human beings for their beliefs and on that basis alone made them be considered as an entity undeserving of even the smallest of respectful treatments. Such labelling of an entire group as being Nazis, whether neo, paleo, defacto, extra, intra, ante, crypto, anti, arch, astro, hyper, hypo or any other prefix one might care to place before terms such as Nazi, cheapens the Holocaust and its dreaded connotations and denotations and belittles the acts and consequences of their horrors. The terminology ‘Nazi’ is such a term which must remain identified with Adolf Hitler and the criminal governance and open wound they inflicted on their own countrymen and women and all of humanity. The hilltop youth and the settlers from whence they originate have not ever murdered entire groups of people nor have they denigrated an entire race of people simply to gain power.


Where you, Amos Oz, and your fellow celebrated elites have a mutual and special uniqueness, you are among the last progressive, liberal leftists who believe that their views are the sole aspect of human development above contempt and thus so far superior to all others that this grants you the right of judgmentalism. There is one small problem with this view; no human being should be permitted such power to decide for an entire society their political viewpoint enforcing a form of prejudicial restriction upon thought so as to produce a world with thought-crime as defined by George Orwell in his later works. There is an interesting parallel between the Amos Ozes of the world, and particularly of Israel, in that in their youth and early adulthood they were all leftists and had the heart that is required of those inexperienced in the ways and consequences of their views but unlike the Amos Ozes of the world, George Orwell witnessed where taking his youthful views and applying them to their logical and unavoidable end and altered his perspective on the spectrum of political thought and thus wrote truly inspired works which will remain staples for people with discerning taste long after your self-serving and self-aggrandizing works have faded from the human consciousness, and perhaps that is the one gratifying piece of knowledge I can tolerate your special hatreds for people who think as do I.


We have learned from others’ mistakes such as the horrors brought on the human race by Communism, a proven failed form of governance which still manages to have its proponents who claim that they have the magic formula which will make such a governance produce the magical kingdom which requires that all make great sacrifices for the good of everyone but in practice those sacrifices are still demanded and they serve a select few who rule which leads to ever worsening productivity as people working for the privilege of a few will slowly grind to a halt as the people realize that their efforts do nothing to improve their lot in life. There is another name for Communism and that word is slavery. Granted they are not identical but to the worker slaving away for their Communist masters or the slave working away for the plantation masters, there be little difference.


Amos Oz, I realize that you have a feeling of privilege because you have received the loud applause of an audience of your fellow travelers and as your group has invented awards and commendations which provide for you fame and fortune often which does not reach beyond the gilded walls of your mentally restrictive thought police, but there is another side to this world which is that you never get to experience the life and aspect of those who are not exalted by fellow travelers and who all make a living out of purporting and supporting unviable systems which can sound so egalitarian when played against the greed of Capitalism and the horrors of nationalism with blanket denunciations. Your premise that nationalism means fascism is erroneous and I can give you a quick reference on how. During World War II, as in many wars, there was the side of the Axis Powers which were indeed fascist and exhibited nationalism yet even Stalin noted that the Russians who fought and died after the Nazis turned on their former Communist allies were not fighting for any governance or government; they were fighting for Mother Russia, their nation. The English were fighting to preserve and save England. Both sides exhibited nationalistic traits where things were done for King, Queen (especially Queen Elizabeth II) and country. Both sides were nationalist but for very different reasons.


The other claim many leftists make is that Capitalism is evil and oppresses the worker but such is not true. Capitalism rewards two things above all else, hard work and smart work. These function in a complimentary manner. When a worker works hard he is paid in accordance with what he produces be it through piece-work where the worker receives a percentage of the production of their work or an hourly rate where the worker receives payment for their hours of labor and their rate of pay is merited in hourly rate raises. Every so often a worker looks at their way of production and believes they have a better mouse trap or a better and more efficient way of producing the mouse trap (all references to mouse trap is imaginary as it could be automobiles, clothing or even widgets). He will be rewarded by increased production which provides greater profit and thus better conditions and payment of the workers. One example of such in practice was the implementation of the assembly line which has had an effect on many and varied industries and thus production increased, increasing sales and lowering prices, all making life easier and more rewarding. Many leftist elitists claim that such is selfish and only serves to reward greed. I will admit that I know something which you also know to be true, people are greedy and if their greed does not hurt anyone else, then they will be as greedy as possible. In a worker this means producing more so his pay rates rise. To the innovator it means more and greater ideas produce more money in their pockets. Yes, Capitalism is powered by greed and as mankind is greedy there will always be fuel for the Capitalist engines of the economy.


Socialism, be it communism which is universal socialism or fascism which is nationalist socialism, rewards only the few who stand above the law and above their fellow man. The workers are told that they will receive all that they desire regardless of their work habits or even if they work. This system turns into a problem rather rapidly, when told that reward is not tied to production there starts to be more demand than production can meet because people are too busy taking from the system without investing effort into the system. It does not take a rocket scientist to see where that road leads, to collapse and some very unpleasant end for those at the top. Socialism can work on the small scale as everybody knows and can see what everyone does and those who do not produce can be shamed into working and contributing more. Even being a small group did not work for the early pilgrims who almost starved to death under a purely socialist system where everyone shares in the production of the whole. They had a massive shortfall, but once they permitted each farmer to keep ten percent of their crop for their own use, the production led to excesses and a much happier community. This was the documented story of the Plymouth Colony which has often been challenged and never refuted successfully, though every challenge is quoted by those attempting to discredit the reality but rarely are the results of each challenge touted but instead each retelling of the challenges applies another layer of opaque lacquer slowly dissolving the fact the challenge was refuted as why would anybody argue that a refuted challenge proved their point? How about because by doing so after every telling the failed rebuttal begins to sound as if it were truth for the illogic of using it if it were false. That is how many untruths becomes accepted wisdom despite the entire fiction being well known by those educated few who allow the warping of history to serve their own ends.


Plymouth Colony Recreation on Actual Site

Plymouth Colony Recreation on Actual Site


The above is something for the average college and even high school student to be aware of so they can dig a little themselves and find the reality and not the reputation where in some circles a reputation is more easily gained through aggrandizement than through hard toil as long as your story is the accepted story. It is sad that many of the ‘soft-sciences’ are taught by ideologues who refuse to condone any divergence from their warped views which they will champion until the cows come home, which will never happen as nobody repaired the holes in the fencing and the cows have crossed the highway and gone to a neighboring Capitalist farm where they feed the cows and repair the fences.


Beyond the Cusp


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