Beyond the Cusp

March 6, 2016

Insights on Candidate Trump and the Rest of the Campaigns


There are so many detractors against Donald Trump and many are not connected or even influenced by the “establishment” or “elite” of the Republican Party, unless Fox News has finally merged with the Republican Party as many a conspiracy theorist has claimed week in and week out. There are some things which have been troubling as to why Donald Trump has not turned accusations into positives, but then again he is businessman and not a politician or a political junkie despite his dabbling in politics over the years. There have been an ongoing number of times Donald Trump has been accused, honestly, of changing his position from one debate to the next or one week to the next, or as the most recent episode, within minutes after the debate as soon as his “handlers” had got ahold of him. Donald Trump should have grabbed that charge and used it to his advantage pointing out that he knows his limitations as he cannot be expected to know everything all the time and knowing his limitations he is intelligent enough to listen to those he has hired and are knowledgeable, at least more so than he, to advise him and knowing when to listen and adjust one’s position even if it makes one look bad because being right is more important than looking right.


Donald Trump and his campaign needs to explain the two donations to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign in 2008 and how and why he believes he could run against Hillary Clinton once she becomes the Democrat Party Presidential candidate. He needs to convince many in the Republican Party that he will make a viable candidate and is not just a planted candidate meant to destroy party unity and further pave the path allowing Hillary to run headlong almost uncontested as he takes the Republican Party and split its votes right down the middle after taking the nomination and then having Mitt Romney or other member of the Republican Party feeling there is no honest to goodness conservative candidate for the real Republicans to support against Hillary or possibly, though quite doubtful, Bernie Sanders. This is the right time for the Republican establishment to become concerned with the system they set up to choose their candidate earlier in the season by front-loading all of the primary elections instead of allowing the contest to take possibly into August before deciding on a candidate. Their aim was to have a more streamlined path to the candidacy allowing for a candidate to present themselves earlier and thus have a greater amount of time to prepare and set the tone for the fall run to the White House. The system is seriously worrying the Republicans on this the year of the voter revulsion revolution.


For the remainder of the article we will give a partial review of the candidates remaining in the Presidential race from our particular Zionist viewpoint and their stated views towards Israel. Probably the most misunderstood of them and the one who would be most dangerous to Israel is Bernie Sanders. We can already hear the gasps and the faint of heart grabbing their chests thinking, ‘But he is Jewish.’ Unfortunately the fact that Bernie was born of Jewish parents, he was not raised in a particularly religious home, a problem for many such assimilated Jewish families. Yes their children had their Bar (Bat) Mitzvahs and that was hoped, along with four to six years of Sunday school and enough Hebrew lessons to be able to perform their Bar (Bat) Mitzvahs with sufficient tutoring and practice, would fulfill their obligation to their forefathers; it was not! Some even remember how to pronounce Hebrew when in print with vowels but would be as lost if dropped into Israel as would be some aboriginal Inuit would if they dropped into Israel completely unprepared. The preconceptions about Bernie Sanders concerning Israel will be that he will favor Israel over the good for the United States. Soon any interaction between the United States and Israel will be examined under a crucial lens seeking to magnify any conceivably perceived favor proving that a President Sanders has preferences which place Israel ahead of United States and then starts a whispering campaign. There will be an undertone leading to a rumble growing towards an explosion of claims that Bernie is selling out the store to favor Israel. The fact that much of the aid Israel will be receiving is being discussed and will be initially set by the current regime under President Obama and will more than likely be signed and sealed even before the coming elections will be irrelevant to those who are set on hatreds. Bernie Sanders record towards Israel had not been one that caused any joy or dancing in Israel. The reality about much of the military aid received by Israel is that it is approved and often suggested by the Pentagon and is based on both Israeli needs and the projected needs of the United States. The one item which the brains in the Pentagon realize and know is something that Israel provides that is irreplaceable, a permanent air force and military base which the United States could utilize which would place forces closer to many areas in the always volatile Middle East and would serve as a compliment to the Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean. The problem is the President is the one who is held responsible for these decisions despite his often signing off on them assuming the Pentagon knows what they are doing, not necessarily the best idea at times. Closing on a President Bernie Sanders, he would likely react should charges of placing Israel interests above those of the United States by tightening the screws, so to speak, on Israel initially cutting almost all military aid including items Israel had already negotiated and made initial payments and could even follow such up by recognizing the Arab state and sending United States military personnel to enforce the borders as they desire within some reason. Whatever might occur, Bernie Sanders would not be even remotely close to a President that favored Israel.


Democrat Front Runners Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders

Democrat Front Runners
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders



The more likely Presidential candidate from the Democrat side is Hillary Clinton. Hillary was favorable to the liberal Jewish Democrats, as they tend to vote in high proportions and provide sizeable donations to campaigns and PACs, during her Husband’s time in the White House, when she was running for the Senate in New York but reflected a far less favorable attitude while serving with President Obama. There is not much in her public persona which actually shows any preference for or against Israel when there is no political interest to serve thus the signs of which were to be a President Hilary Clinton might take. The one hiccup in this record came in 1974 after Bill Clinton had just lost an election for a congressional seat she called Paul Fray, her husband’s campaign manager at the time, a “fucking Jew bastard”. Some of those closest to Hillary Clinton have reported clandestinely, as anything less could cost one far more than their jobs, that she often uses descripted words around the word Jew as an insult and thrown at people. We can expect Hillary Clinton to do well with the liberal, professional Jews who are known to be more attached to their political liberal alignment than their birthed religion. With luck, these Jews will remain attached enough to have their children Bar (Bat) Mitzvah as that is the minimalist demand from the previous generation. Not to worry, the Jews recognize trouble and tend to band together in such times throughout history. This time they are more likely to believe that their political alignment will save them and their will be an over-abundance of Jews believing themselves safe as there is no way they can be considered to be Jews. The sorry news will come when they seek out those whose parents, grandparents or possibly great-grandparents were listed in census information as Jews then they too will be treated as such. Hillary will have no feelings of affinity for Israel just as the Jews who support her have no affinity with Israel. Hillary will be a disaster for Israel, potentially as bad as or worse than Bernie Sanders, if that is possible. Perchance the Republican candidates will be covered tomorrow.


Sometime this coming week we hope to provide the Zionistic Republican Review, thank you, please, no applause, you’re embarrassing us, thank you, thank you….


Beyond the Cusp


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