Beyond the Cusp

January 1, 2017

The Only Way Out of Current Impasse


Recognize Gaza as the Palestinian State and annex Judea and Samaria. That is the solution in a nutshell. Simply allow the next attempted coup by Hamas, as allowing it to survive for just short of a week, say five days, as in five days any credible coup will remove the hierarchy of Fatah, decapitating the Palestinian Authority (PA). This would be the start of a bloodbath of fighting with much of the PA Security Forces, the same forces, which though trained by United States General Dayton and his cadre in Jordan, lost to Hamas in Gaza in just under a couple of weeks, resulting in their losing badly again. Any decently planned Hamas coup attempt would likely place one third of the PA Security forces against another third of the PA Security Forces while the remaining third would run to Jordan seeking asylum. The hue and cry from those selfsame United Nations Security Council which just passed a resolution all but demanding that Israel flee back from Judea and Samaria, if not jump straight into the Mediterranean Sea, would be blaming Israel for the Arab on Arab fighting and demanding that Israel dispense sufficient IDF force to save the Arabs from the other Arabs. This is where Israel points out their solving this problem, which will have all the appearances of Syria redux, comes with a price, Judea and Samaria, and that the world had best find someplace for these newly made refugees to be taken in and coddled, perhaps around Turtle Bay in New York.


The first step Israel should take when such a scenario of a Hamas coup explodes in Nablus would be to secure Area C and make sure everybody knows Israel is simply following through on providing security and protection for all people residing in Area C as per the Oslo Accords. Israeli leadership could produce numerous copies of the agreement if the world demands so and it will reveal that Area C security, both militarily and politically, falls to Israel and Israel alone while Area A is purely PA security and Area B is shared when necessary. On that note make sure to inform the world that Israel is carefully overseeing the security potential for problems in Area B and if the PA proves not to be up to the task that there are contingencies for the IDF to provide security in Area B as per the Oslo Accords. Israel would need to issue Hamas a stern warning that Israel takes a very dim and critical view of their activities in this coup and as Israel remains powerless to aid the PA, Israel will not allow any actions against Israeli forces, citizens or lands to go unchallenged and no such actions will be ignored. All this in place, Israel should monitor the situation, offer to secure Area B if the PA would so request and otherwise wish the PA well with their electoral problems and pretend they are finally holding those long overdue elections.


As the world begins to press Israel about the fighting in Nablus and much of Area A, Israel should simply point out that the world just demanded Israel honor its commitments to the Palestinian people and their government and that is exactly what Israel intends to do. We should invite the United Nations to send peacekeepers if they feel such is required in Area A but warn that once peace is restored that Israel expects to be included in any further governance other than the PA being reinstalled. If Hamas performs anywhere near to their past history, reinstalling the PA would necessitate new leadership and potentially the parties who should have had the power all along, the ruling clans who have lived under dire threat with the PA in charge, would regain their positions. With each town and village ruled by their clan elders things can become manageable and perhaps a peace could be forged. Of course, again, there would be a price for permitting these clans to have some form of autonomy where they could expect to rule without terrorist groups cutting the heads of leadership of the public body, both figuratively and actually. Israel could simply make a deal where the IDF rules the area keeping the boogie men at bay allowing semi-autonomous rule of the Arab enclaves by the local Arab clans with the international and national security provided by Israel. In exchange these clans would permit all of Area C, the Jordan Valley and the overlooking Heights to be annexed by Israel to further facilitate providing complete security for these clan leaders.


This ends the claims of from the river to the sea all Jews must be eradicated and in its place implants Arab rule over Arab peoples and room for both to expand and Israeli sovereignty over all of Israel as defined by countless conferences, treaties, articles in charters, white papers and just about every conceivable form of Internationally recognized legal proceedings. These clan leaders will also submit that their education system can be either handled completely by themselves with their curricula supervised to remove any instigation, they could hand the entire responsibility to Israel who would then run the necessary schools within their area for a reasonable fee or the two could collaborate and form a partnership. The final compromise would likely serve well and Israel taking their school system and incorporating it into the regular Israeli system would provide a high level of education and a promising opportunity for these students. The most difficult task will be the deprogramming of those swayed or involved with terrorism and those deepest in its clutches may require a deprogramming followed by an intense reeducation experience required to give them maximum normal education in an extremely abbreviated timeframe.


Many will claim that this is completely unfeasible because the PA is too powerful for any inferior Hamas force to contend against. If this is so, then the PA will continue, possibly wounded, but continue and things will only affect Area C which will still be locked down under the demands of the Oslo accords. If the world is going to pretend that the Green Line is the result of the Oslo Accords, then perhaps Israel should act exactly as demanded by the Oslo Accords and secure Area C. Such security would preclude any building by the European Union or any European government or NGO. When we speak of Area C we are speaking of the general areas defined within Area C and not any of the roadways beyond those required for access to and from Israel and Jerusalem. Securing the areas which the Oslo Accords favored Israeli retention of lands, Area C, and offering and potentially securing the shared responsibility and lands where the debate over who owned what was presumed to be negotiated, Area B, Israel will have reinstated the realities of the Oslo Accords. Should the debate by AK-47 in Area A between Hamas and the PA devolve into a Syria-like mire of horrific levels of hell on earth, Israel should offer to protect the areas which the world, especially the Western World, hold dear such as Hevron, Bethlehem, Jericho and other special religious sites which include but are not limited to Joseph’s Tomb, Rachel’s Tomb and all locations within the city of Jerusalem and immediate suburbs (see map below). There would therefore be some alterations but should the PA accept such terms, even after any coup attempt, these could be the final peace. The understanding would be that absolutely no terror activity which could be traced to PA instigation or having received rewards or special recognition by the PA and all such activity would not be tolerated. This must be an absolute sworn to before the world as witness and thus enforceable by both parties. Be assured that Israel does not desire to rule over Arab parties who desire semi-autonomous self-rule. These areas would be given sufficient autonomy to police their own areas, collect taxes, limit entrance if desired, and run their own governmental agencies. The understanding is that the IDF and Israeli security forces would be permitted to operate within these areas in order to combat terror and to secure the lands from outside threats, a duty taken over completely by Israel. Any electricity, water, sewage treatment and other necessary utilities would be provided by Israel if desired but must be paid for as received or face termination of service as would any other customer. As a part of being semi-autonomous such utilities could also be billed as is done in Israel but once again bills must be paid for continued service.


Map of Proposal for Peace with Palestinian Authority

Map of Proposal for Peace with Palestinian Authority


After any coup destroyed the local governance and after Hamas is defeated, then the Arabs residing in Areas A and B will be granted an opportunity to choose whether they desire local rule by chosen clan leaders or other tribal means, attempted inclusion within Israel after meeting a series of educations and understandings, or a return to rule by the PA or by Hamas. These choices will take place as voted under Israeli and outside observers from the United Nations, European Union and the United States along with other interested parties. Should the majority choose self-rule in semi-autonomous clanship ruled enclaves, then the PA will be dissolved and such governance as chosen will be set by another election held soon thereafter. This would result in a two state solution with Gaza as the second state ruled by Hamas, at least for now. What the lying political appointees and elected officials claiming to favor a two state solution are either making the choice for a three state solution with one under Hamas rule and the other under PA, unless they are admitting that they are already aware that should the PA be granted any form of governance, it would inevitably provide Hamas the high ground overlooking the Israeli center and the major developed lands both industrial and residential after they once again would route the PA in a mano-a-mano fight. Israel cannot and will not allow Hamas such ground with which to destroy the heart of Israel, and as such, Israel will never surrender our holiest sites to further ruin as has been the case with such sites in Syria and already perpetrated on our holiest grounds, the Temple Mount. As difficult as it might be for the world to admit, placing the Palestinian Arab people under clan and tribal rule would improve their lives immeasurably and far improve their opportunities for advancement. It would also remove from their shoulders the yoke of PA leadership’s embezzlement and oppressive and borderline criminal rule and the crony system by which a select few get unfathomably rewarded and the poorest find providing their family with food difficult.


What the world has proven through their actions supporting the PA kleptocracy and refusing the Palestinian Arabs honest governance by their own representatives and chosen local leaders in favor of the homicidal maniacs instigating a horrific injustice by instigating terror, is they support the destruction of Israel and the Jewish State even if the Palestinian Arab areas must suffer depravations only exceeded by Syria. This terror war is spreading now beyond Israeli shores into Europe, America, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and virtually every place on earth with the exception, thus far, of Antarctica. France has been heavily struck as has Germany with both nations facing climbing criminal complaints with an unbelievable increase in sexual assaults. These increases can be directly tied to the social shock of attempting to incorporate one culture into an existing older order which one has a differing sense of order and moral behavior while the newer system believes in taking any woman who is not protected by law or criminal enterprise. Their governance has been largely corrupt and could not care less about their rights. In these mixtures, not all lives are created equal and the power appears to rest with the few at the top and the rest make do however they are capable. Such is a poor excuse for governance, especially when one realizes the last held election was approaching past a decade ago and that Abbas has been serving a four year term since 2005. There is no representation of the people or their interests within the PA. The PA operates for the special treatment of the select few and their armed protectors and in return the protectors provide the security in the same manner as the power is distributed. The entirety of the PA is as corrupt as one can imagine and is under the sway of the Iranians. As such it should be viewed with suspicion that they are working towards the destruction of Israel through subversion. Once routed out this time, it will be necessary to keep them out permanently. That is the sole path to peace.


Beyond the Cusp 



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