Beyond the Cusp

March 17, 2017

UN Economic and Social Commission Declares Israel Apartheid


According to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia; after careful, deep, serious and intensive deliberations calmly released their verdict that Israel is an Apartheid nation. In a new report published recently it was claimed after examinations based on key instruments of international law that Israel has established an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinians. The basis for their determination rested on the fact that Israel has had repeated wars. This was stated without any reference to the fact that none of these wars were initiated by Israel and every war had as its cause actions by Arab forces, nations, terrorist groups or other forms of hostility including kidnapping, murder of civilians, cross border violence, weeks of ever increasing rocket assaults across the border and other casus belli for war. Instead the implication is that Israel has initiated these wars in order to enslave the Arab people and subjugate them while stealing their lands. They point to the presumed fact that Israel has annexed lands claiming the lands were not originally denoted by numerous legal treaties, conferences, mandates and even the United Nations Charter was Israeli to start with.


United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia map

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia


They noted expulsions of Arabs from their homes, businesses and lands presumably because of Israeli violence or threats thereof. There is a small problem here as the only large scale or even documented expulsion or dispossession of Arabs from their property occurred immediately before six Arab armies attacked Israel in May of 1948. This dispossession was caused by the Mufti of Jerusalem who insisted that the Arabs should leave their homes, farms, businesses and lands and escape to safety behind the Arab armies poised on the border of Israel so that their invasion could be simplified and all they need do is murder every person between them and the Mediterranean Sea. That story ended with them losing, not erasing all of Israel. The Arab forces did manage to wrest Judea, Samaria, Gaza and half of Jerusalem from the lands which were rightfully Israeli and because they did not slaughter every single last Jew and the Jews began to actually push the Arab armies back, they had the rest of the world preserve their gains by demanding an end to the war and threaten Israel that their further assaults would be viewed dimly. Israel, the Jews, winning has always resulted in the world demanding Israel cease their belligerence ignoring the small factor that the Arabs began each round of violence. With Israel still in existence, the Arabs decided to retain the Arabs whose lands remained under Israel control and demanded the world recognize these Arabs as refugees of the Israeli war because Israel refused to surrender everything to the Arabs who claim that all of Israel is rightfully theirs.


The final point is so ridiculous it is almost an embarrassment to mention. They state the Arabs they have labeled as Palestinians, since the invention of such a people in 1964, have been divided into groups which are treated differently. There are four groups which Israel treats differently and when we list the groups you might notice a particular peculiarity. These groups are the Arabs who are citizens of Israel (they leave out that they are full citizens but why argue over particulars); the Arabs in East Jerusalem; the Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza; and the Arabs dispersed outside of these areas.


Let us take them in reverse order; it will work out shorter this way. The Arabs who once lived within what is today Israel within the Green Line and are now refugees were requested (read demanded) to leave their properties to allow the Arab armies to destroy the Jews and then they could return and enjoy the spoils of the Jew wealth and have been prevented from returning by the Arab nations themselves or the Palestinian authority and Hamas governments in Judea and Samaria, and Gaza respectively. These Arabs were placed into camps and imprisoned there by their own people are not and never have been under Israeli occupation, control and Israel has absolutely no responsibility for the fact that they have never been permitted to settle in the nations where they are presumably refugees. The world is complicit in making these refugees a separate definition and the only refugees whose status is hereditary and passed from father to son and mother to daughter adinfinitum. There are approximately fifty-thousand original refugees left alive from the first Arabs who listened to the Mufti of Jerusalem and suffered for their obedience. The remaining five to six million are their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so forth. None are in any way caused or the responsibility of Israel. Originally these refugees numbered about seven-hundred-fifty-thousand while the Jews forced from their homes in the Arab and Muslims nations of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) numbered in excess of eight-hundred-fifty-thousand. This should have been an exchange of populations in a similar manner as the exchange between Pakistan and India or Germany and France and other refugee exchanges throughout recent history.


The next groups mentioned were the Arabs in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. The Arabs living in Gaza are living under Hamas governance which we can safely assume is not about to change despite elections. The Arabs residing in Judea and Samaria live under Palestinian Authority rule as a form of semi-autonomous rule. Currently their leader is a gentleman named Mahmoud Abbas who is in the eleventh or twelfth year of his four year term. The Palestinian Authority has apparently had some degree of difficulty in arranging the overdue election which has nothing to do with Israel. Sorry to upset the theory that Israel refuses to allow them to vote as Israel has nothing to do with the Palestinian Authority’s election schedule, that remains the domain of Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah Party. The sole Israeli responsibility is to protect the Palestinian Authority government from outside attacks and the Israel Defense Force has arrested numerous Hamas teams whose assignment very well could have been to overthrow Mahmoud Abbas forcing elections which they believe they are assured to win. Should they ever succeed and Hamas take over, things still would not be the Israeli’s responsibility.


The final two are actually to varying degrees Israeli responsibility. There are two areas which Israel has annexed, the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. The Golan Heights, which the Israelis annexed to prevent the Syrians from murdering Israelis farming or people walking in the Galilee using snipers and occasionally artillery fire, was uninhabited; as it was entirely a military zone under the Syrians. With the current situation in Syria and having the Islamic State often taking border areas as a result of the multifaceted civil strife, civil war, the Israelis annexing the Golan Heights now looks like brilliance. Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem, thus reuniting the city, should have been a no brainer as it had been formerly illegally held by Jordan whose annexation had been universally rejected even by the United Nations with only Pakistan and Great Britain recognizing the annexation, was performed simply to reestablish and making the Israeli capital city whole once more. The challenge was what should be done with the Arab citizens who previously had been citizens of the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority rejected these former citizens demanding that Israel accept them whole. Israel gave the East Jerusalem Arabs citizenship receiving the benefits of healthcare and free movement in Israel and the right to vote in Jerusalem elections. The remaining right to vote in national elections has been left to be addressed at some future time presumably after final status talks have been completed.


That leaves one final groups and the easiest group to explain. These are the Arabs who remained in their homes, farms, businesses and land in 1948 refusing to obey the demands of the Mufti of Jerusalem demanding they abandon their homes so the invading Arab armies could slaughter all they met as everyone remaining was to be considered a Jew, even the Arabs and some might claim especially the Arabs as punishment for not obeying the Mufti. After the war they retained their homes, farms, businesses and land plus were granted full Israeli citizenship along with everyone who remained in Israel during the war. This was regardless of religion, race or any other descriptor imaginable. They have equal rights including healthcare, voting, free access to travel, driving privileges with a driver’s license as well as serving as judges, Ministers in the Knesset, doctors, nurses, salespeople or any other profession. The one right the Arabs were not required to fulfill was mandatory military service. They may enlist, do not get us wrong, it is just they are not required to either serve in the military or do community service. But the majority of the Arabs that this group was all torn-up over their treatment are actually honestly mistreated either by being denied proper, free and open elections as the Arabs in Gaza under Hamas and the ones under the Palestinian Authority or are being held in camps within barbed wire and guarded to prevent escape despite many having direct relatives living just on the other side of the barbed wire and fencing.


But perhaps we should take a glance at who are the nations making up the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. These nations are Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, The Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, The United Arab Emirates and Yemen. There are a few items of interest. First thing we noted was that Israel is obvious in its omission despite being located centrally within the area. The next item of interest was the inclusion of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and the Sudan as none of these are in any part of Asia; they are all located in Northern Africa. The last thing we noticed, well, all right, the first thing, actually, was that none of these nations are exactly on the best of terms with Israel. Jordan and Egypt both have a cold peace with Israel with over eighty percent of Egyptians polled desire for Egypt to go to war and destroy Israel breaking the treaty which they find demeaning. Almost every, if not every, nation on the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia are also signatories to the Khartoum Conference where the “Three No’s” were established: “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” In reality all of this is simply another declaration by the same mouths from across the Arab world as those at Khartoum. This is the actual truth of this declaration and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia is that it will be similar in nature regarding Israel and will simply be a paper mill grinding out more and more useless denunciation of Israel with nary a dissenting opinion in similar manner as the General Assembly. Simply ask Ban Ki-moon.


Beyond the Cusp 


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