Beyond the Cusp

April 7, 2019

Where Can the World’s Jews Go?


Let us, for argument’s sake, presume that Israel would not be the first choice for much of the Jews should they face needing to relocate from their present country. This is not too far from reality when considering far too many of the American Jews believe every evil thing the world accuses Israel of perpetrating. We are going to assume, for this article and potentially some not too distant future, that the United Nations had voted through the General Assembly a resolution that the Security Council strip Israel of her membership in the United Nations, rescinded the November 29, 1947 Resolution which many believe was permission for the founding of Israel (it was not anything of the kind), declared Israel a non-entity and barred Israel from any interaction with the world of the United Nations. Impossible, you tell us. The United Nations in UNSC Res. 2334 authored and submitted by United States President Obama has already declared all the regions beyond the Green Line to be off-limits to Jews. This was President Obama’s parting shot at Bibi Netanyahu as well as Israel and all Jews in general. Does anybody think for a minute that should the United States cease vetoing anti-Israel resolutions in the Security Council that the rest of the world would waste any time before delegitimizing Israel? Such would be a done deal within two weeks. So, our premise that, thanks to the United Nations, in particular a Security Council with no moral compass remaining, Israel has been ostracized from the rest of the world and the only means of reaching Israel would be to run a United Nations enforcement blockade or walk through Lebanon, Syria, Jordan or Egypt to reach Israel. Your best hope would be a very fast ship in the dead of night simply initially trying to sneak by and if intercepted, well, that is why we stated very fast ship. \

So, the world has spit Israel from its midst, surrounded her with a naval and air blockade, has already shot down two aircraft for entering Israeli air space and detained hundreds from attempting to enter via the Mediterranean and there are no numbers telling the outcomes of any who attempted entry traveling through Arab lands, but it is assumed they did not fare well. At this point in time, there are still over a million Jews in Europe and over three million, possibly four million, Jews in the United States. Were they to face rising levels of animosity both from numerous groups who have rid the world of the scourge of Israel and those who have now set their sights on the remainder of the Jews, where would they find safe refuge. When this is brought up, we hear a lot about the rule of law, human rights and the protections granted by Constitutions and legal principles. Where these arguments fall flat is when one simply looks back at the 1920’s and early 1930’s. Seeking the most advanced, politically free, most private rights protections, highly civilized, leader in physics, mathematics, chemistry, power generation, literature, music and virtually every other human endeavor all eyes turned to Germany. Germany was where scientists went to advance their careers and learn from the greatest minds on the planet. Remember that Albert Einstein still resided in Germany during this period as did most of the other top physicists of this era such as Heisenberg, Edward Teller, James Franck, Wernher von Braun, Niels Bohr, and many numerous others were in Germany making it the center of the world of physics amongst numerous other fields. So, such a purging has occurred in modern times and if one looks throughout human history, the Jews have been purged from nation after nation with some qualifying for that dubious honor more than once. So, it is not as if such is without precedent.

So, we will claim that three and a half million Jews in the United States and almost another million from around the world largely from Europe, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Oceania plus any region with any sizeable Jewish presence, are all forced to vacate from their homes and find someplace in this wide world where they can find refuge. This mass revulsion against the Jews would have been preceded by a United Nations Resolution condemning Jews equating them with being merely half-human and the rest alien to the safety and purity of the human genome. With the Jews now officially a taint to the DNA if they should breed outside their own and a danger should they have children one with another, the only safe path was to expel Jews from everywhere they could be identified. By this time, the world anti-Semitism had reached unprecedented levels and universal acceptance. Obviously, universal acceptance of some of the most damning claims against the Jews now being common fodder everywhere and with Israel barricaded, to where do these Jews flee? The truth of the matter is they would have nowhere to flee just as the nine-hundred-plus Jews on the MS St. Louis sailed the length of the east coast of the United States while Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the State Department refused to allow them entry to America simply because America already had all the Jews they desired. That was the official position expressed by the State Department and we quote, “Breckinridge Long, the State Department officer responsible for issuing visas, was deeply anti-Semitic. He was determined to limit immigration and used the State Department’s power to create a number of barriers that made it almost impossible for refugees to seek asylum in the United States. For example, the application form for US visas was eight feet long and printed in small type. Long believed that he was “the first line of defense” against those who would “make America vulnerable to enemies for the sake of humanitarianism.” Long and his colleagues at the State Department went so far as to turn away a group of Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis in May 1939 when the German ocean liner sought to dock in Florida after the refugees were denied entry to Cuba. Following their deportation back to Europe, many of these people perished in the Holocaust.” Yet, still, there are numerous Jews who protest to this day, it cannot happen here. Early in 1939, an unidentified Canadian immigration agent was asked how many Jews would be allowed in Canada after the war. He replied, “None is too many.” We could take a trip around the world and seek out more and similar positions concerning allowing the Jews to escape persecution and we doubt it would be any different in such a future. \

(The refugees, (Jews)) were welcomed nowhere and could be assimilated nowhere. Once they had left their homeland they remained homeless, once they had left their state they remained stateless; once they had been deprived of their human rights they were rightless, the scum of the earth.
–Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1973), 267.

Now that we have basically established that it can happen here because it already happened here, let us continue with our little imaginary escapade. With no other nation on earth outside a select few who also took in Jews during the Holocaust and one even denied their Nazi allies when ordered to either murder their Jews or turn them over to the German SS Officer to return them to Germany and put them where they belonged, which of course was Japan, who along with China and the Philippines allowed Jewish refugees harbor. These nations could not give refuge to close to four million refugees without causing unrest in their own cities. Realistically, should the world decide that Israel is the pariah amongst the nations and that the Jews are the contamination which causes such, the only refuge Jews would have available would be Israel.

Perhaps the world would be kind and allow the Jewish refugees from the rest of the world to be permitted a one-time allowance to enter Israel. Such a “kindness” would likely be a limited time affair where they would be permitted at most one month and likely less to make port and live in Israel. This would be welcomed by Israel as she would likely be demanding to be permitted to give refuge. This was proven during the crisis over the Vietnamese Boat People as from 1977 to 1979 the State of Israel permitted approximately 360 Vietnamese boat people fleeing the 1975 Communist takeover of Vietnam to enter the country. Israel has always been more helpful taking people with real emergency situations into Israel from the Syrian civil war and taking care of their immediate needs. Can anybody claim that were the situation reversed that Israelis would be treated in Syria? This is the reality which was evidenced when the Arab world expelled almost one-million Jews with most expelled between 1948 and 1960. The majority were taken in by the young state of Israel despite hardships, difficulties and challenges this caused. Israel did not have sufficient housing and some refugees had to initially be housed with families in Israel who stepped forward and assisted their brothers and sisters. This also is why Israeli statistics today we find that approximately half of the population originated from the Arab world. The idea that the Jews could simply return to Europe if Israel disappeared is as false as any premise could be. These Arab nations would most certainly not permit a single Jew to return and the Europeans would not be much more willing. What we witness today across one third of the world and another third of the world not far behind does not bode well for the future for Jews in the world outside of Israel. This is a reality which the Jews will need to face and unfortunately it will be sooner rather than later. This is true even in the United States as evidenced in this poster which was distributed on the campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago. This is a sign of traditional Jew hatred and such has become endemic on numerous campuses in the United States and across Europe. All the signs are evident for one who is capable of reading the direction politics, life, public opinion and the general mood is headed, and I have been watching and warning Jews since the late 1960’s receiving numerous rebuffs and worse. Perhaps, if my protestations caused a small number to sit up and notice, then I had a positive effect.

Anti-Semitic Flier used on Campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago

Anti-Semitic Flier used on Campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago

Those who claim that the Jews would never face such a scenario, especially where they reside, are simply ignoring history. History has shown that the “other” is always eventually persecuted, ostracized, ghettoized, exterminated, castigated and eventually expelled. This has not been true of only the Jews, but as one of the oldest peoples remaining as an identifiable people, and as one spread throughout the world, we seem to hold the record for such treatment. The Jews throughout history have said the same thing over and over only to end up proven completely wrong, and that is the infamous phrase, “It can’t happen here.” They thought this initially in Egypt, in ancient Persia, in Hellenistic Greece, in pre-Inquisition Spain (Andalusia), in France, Britain, Russia, Germany, Poland and on and on wherever they were to be found. The story is always the same. The Jews arrive and work at trades or take any employment which they can find. Soon the Jews are sending their children to schools using every penny they have ever saved. The Jews with education rise and become respectable. The Jews are finally accepted and this continues for a period of time. Then there would begin some anti-Semitism which spreads slowly like a virus which had a long incubation period. Eventually, the anti-Semitism hits a crucial tipping point and from that time on things start to go awry for the Jews. Initially they no longer receive promotions and their employment reviews head south. Things snowball from there and soon the Jews are being rounded-up for deportation or worse. This is why Israel is vital to the Jewish People. For twenty-five-hundred-years the Jews had nowhere they could go to escape being left to the will of strange people who often were not all that enamored with the Jews and their strange practices and their Hashem who was outside of their reality. Even when those under whom the Jews lived claimed they worshipped the same source, they still decided that the Jews were a threat which required special treatment. These treatments varied and included but not limited to enslavement, pogroms, the Jiyza tax, Inquisitions, expulsions, wearing special marker on their clothing (originated with Muslim rulers in the Eighth Century), purges, purifications and the Holocaust. Still, many Jews living around the world will ignore the history and placate themselves believing it cannot happen here.

They ignore the warning signs such as Ilhan Omar and her ilk in the United States, Jeremy Corbin in Britain and others in each nation as one tours our world. The time will come when Jews will not be considered acceptable to live anywhere outside Israel. The proof is evident in every vote taken against Israel in the United Nations General Assembly where at most a dozen nations actually vote against the measures. Some people will claim that there were twenty, thirty or even forty nations who abstained, that simply means they are in the process of condemning Israel once the United States joins those condemning the Jewish State. The United States joining those who condemn Israel or at the very least no longer provide Israel protection in the Security Council, then we will see who remains with Israel. Fortunately for many nations, Israel does not check their United Nations voting record when they suffer a natural or other disaster and Israel rushes anywhere on the globe to assist those who allow her to do so. We talked about this in our article “Israel is the Unique Miracle Nation” where we concentrated on a few select and gave links to further information. We were even surprised by the number and various disasters which have received Israeli aid including the United States after Hurricane Katrina and Super Storm Sandy. One is left to wonder when this age where Jews are left out, will Israel still be permitted to assist people in distressed conditions due to storms, earthquakes, eruptions or any of hundreds of other problems. Somehow, we feel assured that the developments, inventions, discoveries and scientific achievements made by Israel will continue to make the world a better place, all the world need do is allow Israel to share and she will even to a hostile world. This is just how Jews are wired, we have an insatiable need to make the world better for our being able to play a part in it. As we are commanded, we are to be a light unto the nations, no qualifiers.

Beyond the Cusp


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