Beyond the Cusp

August 8, 2015

President Obama and John Kerry Blame Israel First

Filed under: Administration,Advanced Weapions Systems,Amalekites,Anti Missile System,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Ayatollah Khamenei,Benyamin Netanyahu,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Breakout Point,Cabinet,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Ditherer in Chief,Ease Sanctions,EMP Device,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Hassan Rowhani,Hate,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jihad,John Kerry,Leftist Pressures,Media,Mohammad Javad Zarif,Muslim World,Nuclear Proliferation,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,P5+1,Parchin,Passover,Politically Correct,Politicized Findings,Politics,Post Modernist,President Obama,Promised Land,Remove Sanctions,Russian Pressure,Sanctions,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secretary of State,Secular Interests,Seder,Shiite,Smiling Cheshire Man,State Department,Supreme Leader,Threat of War,Threat of War,Tradition,Twelvers,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,Uranium Enrichment,Weapons of Mass Destruction,WMD,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:47 AM
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This week we had some of the most anti-Israel and anti-Semitic Comments from the Administration. The statements from Secretary of State Kerry were given in an in-depth interview given to the Administration’s favorite and very supportive reporter, Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic newspaper. Secretary Kerry made claims that the nuclear deal with Iran is “as pro-Israel as it gets.” The Secretary of State further stated resolutely that he “doesn’t know” if the Iranian leadership is serious about destroying the State of Israel. One can only wonder what universe Secretary Kerry’s mind is wandering, lost and all alone, to make such ludicrous statement of this magnitude of self-deception. Kerry predicted that the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei would never negotiate stating, “The ayatollah constantly believed that we are untrustworthy, that you can’t negotiate with us, that we will screw them. This will be the ultimate screwing. He will not come back to negotiate. Out of dignity, out of a suspicion that you can’t trust America. America is not going to negotiate in good faith. It didn’t negotiate in good faith now, would be his point.” From what we observed, the Iranians, especially there Quran memorized genius extraordinaire Ayatollah Khamenei, have yet to negotiate once they had read Secretary Kerry and his boss, President Obama, were neophytes splashing in the toddlers’ wading pool claiming they were fighting off the circling sharks and thus ended any hopes for negotiations and opened the doors for schooling. The Iranians realized that neither Secretary Kerry nor President Obama had a solid conviction, they could never compromise and as such would accept every rejection as final, never to be brought back and pushed again, and further were taking dictation from the Iranians for the wording of the agreement and thusly Iran dictated and the Americans simply wrote what they were instructed bobbing their heads in agreement like a bobble-head in the rear window of a car riding the cobblestone streets of Annapolis.


There is little doubt that what has been presented to Congress for their taking an up or down vote is at best a disastrous compendium of failed and spineless representation of the United States committed without even a modicum of American pride and care for the future of a once great nation or at worst it is simply a shameless, weak-willed, cowardly, bald-faced surrender of the United States, Europe, Israel, the Western World, and every former American ally the world over before the greatest state sponsor of terrorism responsible for uncounted deaths of American military men in Lebanon, Iraq and within the United States itself and that was merely their initial volleys. Just wait until they have their nuclear stockpile guaranteed by this deal to come as early as eight years and likely less. I apologize for that long-winded prose but as they might have said in any number of states within the United States, “They needed a sayin’!” The deal which has been made public and the admission that the public deal, as atrocious and dangerous it is to the United States and the world beyond that, is only the welcome mat placed at the door to nuclear weaponry with the blessings and assistance of the best the United States has to offer, there is a further secret deal so much worse for the free world and anyplace not currently ruled by Shiite believers in the Twelfth Imam, that it has not and never will be made public. This deal that is being offered which implies acceptance of the secretive deal forbidden for the lawmakers in Congress to even read while in a closed session of Congressional members holding Top Secret clearance from the Pentagon, State Department, the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security, has the stench of making Obama Care smelling like a rose. Giving this deal the ratification which President Obama is demanding is even worse than Nancy Pelosi and her statement, “you have to pass the bill to know what’s in the bill,” as with this deal it is “you have to pass the deal and still you will never know what’s in the deal until it happens and thus too late.”


The secretive deal which was accomplished with the professional assistance of the IAEA has been produced using the IAEA as the middle men for the additional deal such that neither the United States nor the Iranians talked directly to the other side but instead were required for all communications go through the IAEA such that all negotiations and the final agreement will necessarily remain inaccessible to all but the persons directly involved in its crafting. By having the IAEA withhold any information until after the fact that the deal has been passed and approved by both sides. There is a remote possibility that the super-secret additional treaty will contain elements put into the final writing which the IAEA actually felt were necessary for them to complete their assigned duties which come from its charter and that of the United Nations as well as their enforcement of the NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) which the IAEA felt were necessary to complete their requirements and duties independent of any agreement between the P5+1 and Iran. Any stir or complaining over the secretive deal would necessarily emanate from the Iranians as the United States appeared to be negotiating more like a gameshow host with the name of the show is ‘Giveaway’ which attempts to give people more prizes than they walk away with. As Carly Fiorina stated about the negotiations and the efforts directed by President Obama and carried out by John Kerry, “They broke every rule in the book.”


The rule they broke and broke constantly with Secretary of State Kerry starting his tirades with and ending his tirades with condemnation at Israel or at Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. President Obama declared that Prime Minister Netanyahu to be a warmonger. There were innuendos that somehow any Israeli condemning, or even dare commenting at all, about the Iran nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA), are traitors to their country and they are defaming the President. President Obama has made particular mention of Israeli, and Prime Minister Benyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu’s opposition to the deal and claiming ad-nauseum that all the Israeli leader, and the rest of the Israeli leadership, wanted was to drag American troops back to the Middle East to fight their fight for them. They also implied that the Israelis were the only nation who was objecting to the deal and this must be because they just want to stir up trouble. While President Obama claimed Israel was blowing smoke and trying to vilify those who worded with great dedication to get such a strongly negotiated deal and that the JCPA was the equivalent of John F. Kennedy’s stand-off with the Soviets and ranked right up there with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s work in his terms in office; Secretary of State Kerry was denoting that if the deal was not approved by Congress that Israel would find herself alone in the world and more international isolation of Israel was to result from their rejection of the greatest deal since the Ten Commandments were “negotiated” on Mount Sinai. Actually the entire deal was very much like receiving the Ten Commandments as Moses must have trembled in awe as the stones were carved and taken right out of the bedrock by Hashem and it is fairly safe to claim that Moses simply agreed to the terminology and meanings behind the Ten Commandments while Secretary Kerry and team sat there while Iran dictated the terms it wanted and cleaned the slate of any other concerns or left them with an aside which simply watered down any inconvenience Iran might have faced.


Between Secretary Kerry and President Obama’s deriding Israel, castigating Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and their blame Israel first, last and foremost should the JCPA fail in the Congress that Israel is to blame despite the small but consequential fact, Israel had absolutely no input on the terms, the one way terms, in this deal which is what will destroy its enactment as Israel would have demanded significant changes and most definitely refuse to allow the Iranians to delay any snap inspection and place it on a series of hearings and other deliberations and further delays from an appeal system which if taken through every delaying tactic, by our calculations, Iran can delay a snap inspection for as long as anywhere from 45 to 52 days which really does not make them all that snappy, immediate, or a surprise at all; and this system is the one for their supposed known facilities used strictly for civilians purposes. The snap inspection of a military instillation, if permitted at all by Iran which means a strong suspicion will possibly be approved after almost six months and If Iran can prove that such would harm their standings in the world and that the inspection is solely for Western spying, then the approval may not come, ever. Meanwhile, the collection of soil samples from the Parchin facility, which somehow survived in some form, permitting the IAEA to investigate by the use of soil samples has been tainted by the collection method of those samples. The Iranians have been noted through satellite pictures and reported sightings to be replacing the soil and gravel roads and putting down new soil for at least the second time. The soil samples from the Parchin will be provided by the Iranians themselves and not by a neutral or outside of the sight and simply labelled that they were taken from Parchin. They could guarantee the soil was the same as was now used in Parchin even if they used the soil from there and did not take it from the quarry or from wherever the current new soil is being taken.


The constant drumbeat of accusations against Israel and Israeli leadership for their lack of cooperation in assisting the administration in attaining approval for the JCPA began to wear thin as I am sure was also the feelings in the White House towards Bibi’s speech to Congress and his continued refusal to cooperate and get behind what he feels is an inadequate agreement. The inevitable blaming the Jewish leadership and Jews generally as being unsupportive and displaying an unhealthy affinity towards Israel and were guilty of putting Israel before their home nation, the United States will be the first step to rising anti-Semitism. Where this accusation was probably more targeting the Jewish members of Congress and potentially a remote few in media who are opposing the deal, the reality is it was also a warning shot across the bow for all Jews in the United States that under the remainder of President Obama’s term in office that the Jews have been put on notice that their loyalties are in question and they will also be held accountable should the JCPA fail in the Congress. So, should the JCPA fail in Congress then the problem is disloyal Jews who put their Judaism before their loyalty to the motherland, fatherland, hinterlands, any accusation of disloyalty or misplaced emotions for their ancestral homeland. By making this accusation against the Jews and only the Jews we have finally hit the official Nazi style denunciations of Jews as traitors. Where I am concerned is whether this is being drummed up solely to place an albatross around Senator Schumer, the Senior Senator from New York, is Jewish and is voting against the JCPA as of the latest news on his position attempting to force him back in line knowing full well that a number of other democrats will also follow his lead should he vote for the JCPA or is this a lead-up to convicted spy for Israel, Jonathan Pollard, who has been granted his parole and will be released from an American jail on November 21, 2015 after being incarcerated for thirty plus years with a number of that time held in solitary confinement. Perhaps President Obama is considering nullifying Pollard’s parole should the JCPA fail in the Congress as punishment for what he perceives as further Jewish treason and the sole person that President Obama can actually affect is Jonathan Pollard. Such spite is not beyond President Obama and one hopes that he is not mulling such a hate filled move should his precious not be passed.


At the other end of the scale, there has been rumored that a Republican Senator is planning to propose legislation forbidding the signing of the JCPA instead of simply relying on the proposed JCPA to fail in either side of the Congress but wishes to go the extra step of emphasizing the opposition to the Iran deal. This would be the worst possible idea and would only serve to empower President Obama’s use of his veto. Any legislation calling for the Iran deal to be nullified, never ever signed, discarded and try again, or any other manner of describing the distaste for the deal that was negotiated is wrongheaded and a potential disaster. Any such legislation proposed in either side of the Congress should be quashed immediately as should any legislation of this sort actually be passed challenging the Administration’s desire would open the entire effort to a Presidential veto. A bill demanding there be no signature on the JCPA gives President Obama veto power which he does not have should the JCPA be voted down. Should the JCPA be voted down in the Congress, that is the end, fini, terminated, and dishonorably discharged thus nullifying the Iran Deal. Once the JCPA is voted down it goes nowhere, not to the White House and does not even need to reach the other side of the Capital Building. Further, Presidents do not get to veto legislation which has not passed both sides in the Congress. A Presidential Veto is used to prevent legislation from the Congress become the law of the land and cannot take anything which failed in the Congress, veto their voting the deal down, and by doing so reinvigorate the monster deal giving it life again. If either side of Congress says no to this deal it is all over, especially should the Senate turn it down. President Obama does not get to change the rules in the Congress and make their voting something down come back to life by his vetoing their defeat of any vote, and challenge them to override his veto, as his veto has no weight if the Congress turned the bill down even if by a single vote in both sides of Congress. That is how democracy in the United States functions. The fear I hold is what ramifications might the Congress turning the JCPA down produce, as they most definitely should. They should demand in its place a real treaty where both sides get some of what they demand, not just sit there like sheep when the Iranians reject a proposed clause, and hang their head and acquiesce when the Iranians make a demand and nod approvingly as it is incorporated into the eventual final JCPA and then made into international law. The Jews will be held to account and the anti-Semitism that is running rampant in Europe will then take its first real foothold in the United States.


It is well known that President Obama has transformed two things in the United States. The first item he transformed was the Democrat Party which he remodeled into the far leftist realm of the ultra-socialist labor parties found in most European nations or whatever their main leftist, socialist party might be named. Additionally, President Obama has changed the United States and made it a faded copy of any European nation one might care to choose, even poor Greece as the United States debt is even worse than that of Greece in total Dollars or Euros. The only missing element has been overt anti-Semitism. Has anti-Semitism in the United States increased? You better believe it has as the reading of headlines for the past weeks would show. Anti-Semitism in the United States is fortunately nowhere near as bad as it is in Europe, but the potential is there for it to explode. Just remember the vote taken at the Democrat convention where the effort to include support for Israel and recognizing their capital city as Jerusalem, even if it did say Western Jerusalem, and to place “In G0d We Trust” into the Democrat Party Platform where they had to take the vote three times and never got the required majority but called it passed despite the votes by the delegates refuting these inclusions.





If the Democrat Party had that much difficulty that they had to operate by ignoring the rank and file delegates whom voted evenly split on whether or not to recognize Jerusalem as the Capital City of Israel, and for placing devotion to G0d into their Party Platform, then it would not be much of a step into anti-Semitism and the first call for rejecting the Jews in the United States separating them from the body of the Republic is always the same throughout history, the Jews are accused of treason, unfaithfulness to the nation, too involved with their religion to be true citizens and all of those start with the claim that they are not normal citizens and have an unhealthy allegiance to Hashem, Israel, Torah, their brethren amongst the enemies of the state, refusal to fight like everyone else in the last great war despite their service percentage of their population being higher than the average of the rest of the nation. The reason always used was to ask a group, ‘Who served in the last conflict,’ then with almost half the hands raised they ask the clincher, ‘Who had any Jews serving with you?’ When the majority of the hands go down the point is made but only because the Jews in the nation are almost always below two and more often below one or even one-half of a percent and thus even if every Jewish man, woman, child and infant were to serve in the last conflict and make a point that they were Jews, something rarely done often out of uncertainty and fear, still the majority would not have had a Jew serving with them. But that makes no matter and even if a mere three percent of the nation supports these haters, that still means they outnumber the Jews often two to one so at any rally the anti-Semites almost always outnumber the Jews simply due to numbers.


People are often amazed to find out what the percentage of Jews in the world, including those who barely have any attachment to their religion except perhaps holding a shortened Seder dinner with family at Passover and possibly attending Synagogue for high holy days of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur, the total percentage of Jews in the world stands around zero-point-two percent, that is 0.2 percent. When one figures in the Jewish populations for the United States and Israel accounting for just over 80 percent of the Jews living in the world, that makes the percentage of Jews in the remainder of the world at 0.04 percent on average for the rest of the world. The total number of Jews in the world is approximately a whopping 14.25 million out of a world population of 7.25 billion and President Obama claims that the Jews in Israel and around the world are going to defeat his international diplomatic triumph simply to punish his Jewish perceived scorn for Israel and its Prime Minister and their reaction, if it were to exist, is based on how it will treat Israel and not out of concern for the potential of an Iranian attack on the United States. Really? Give me a break.

President Obama is attempting to tap in on the world’s longest hatred and make out that he is the victim and will point at Senator Schumer, the Senior Senator from New York, is Jewish and is voting against the JCPA and ignore the small fact that the journalist, actually White House go to man at the Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg, who also happens to be Jewish and is the man of the hour whenever the President or John Kerry or other Administration personnel need to get promising and glowing report into print, they just call Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic newspaper. and the deed is done.


A four picture montage of John Scary Kerry at his long-faced best. Hopefully once he is done failing and flailing at being Secretary of State we will be done with John Kerry. His ineptitude and at times traitorous actions have shamed the United States ever since his treacherous testimony before the Senate accusing his supposed, though never in Kerry’s mind or heart, fellow soldiers equating them with the ruthlessness of Genghis Khan and his opinions have little changed with the years.

A four picture montage of John Scary Kerry at his long-faced best. Hopefully once he is done failing and flailing at being Secretary of State we will be done with John Kerry. His ineptitude and at times traitorous actions have shamed the United States ever since his treacherous testimony before the Senate accusing his supposed, though never in Kerry’s mind or heart, fellow soldiers equating them with the ruthlessness of Genghis Khan and his opinions have little changed with the years.


So, President Obama, let me inquire as to whom it was the Secretary of State Kerry ran to with his tale of woe and despair that we mentioned at the top of our editorial. That’s right, Jeffery Goldberg and out came the long-faced tale of woe and how again John Kerry was forced to carry the weight of the world on his broad shoulders and that his long-face, a genetic thing we assume as he always appears to be deeply sorrowed and long-faced, that aside, Kerry spoke with Jeffrey Goldberg on the record explaining the wondrous Iran deal and then with his long-face he told of the woe as he was not being given the expressions of thanks and lauded for the great deal he snuck into the Iranian crafted deal in such a way as they would never notice, which is largely because he snuck absolutely nothing into the agreement nor overtly insisted on anything in the agreement and bent over backwards and with a long-face all seriously drawn even further he has slogged his way through these tough and harried negotiations without receiving any thanks. Well, I thank you Secretary Kerry as without your tales of woe what ever could I poke so much fun at and we all know that this train of long-faced tales of woe will continue into the future for at least fifteen more ever tedious months. Thank you Secretary John (long-faced) ‘sKerry.’


Beyond the Cusp


August 5, 2015

Iran Deal Delivers Donations for Disaster in Death

Filed under: Absolutism,Administration,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Ayatollah Khamenei,Ayatollahs,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Breakout Point,Cabinet,Calaphate,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Defend Israel,Dhimmi,EMP Device,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Union,Executive Order,Fascism,Foreign Funding,France,Germany,Government,Government Controlled Media,Great Britain,Hassan Rowhani,Hate,History,IAEA,ICBM,International Politics,Intifada,Iran,Iranian Military,Iranian Pressure,Iraq,Islam,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Interests,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,John Kerry,Leftist Pressures,Mainstream Media,Media,Michigan,Middle East,Military,Military Advisors,Military Option,Missile Attacks,Mohammad Javad Zarif,Munich Accord of 1938,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim Invade Europe from the East,Muslim Invasoin of Europe from the West,Muslim World,Neville Chamberlain,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,P5+1,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,President Obama,Remove Sanctions,Russia,Russian Pressure,Samantha Power,Sanctions,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secretary of State,Secular Interests,Shiite,Smiling Cheshire Man,Sunni,Supreme Leader,Susan Rice,Syria,Taqiyya,Terror,The Twelfth Imam,Threat of War,Threat of War,Tribe,Troop Withdrawal,Turkey,Twelvers,United Nations,United Nations Ambassador,United Nations Presures,United States,Uranium Enrichment,Valerie Jarrett,Weapons of Mass Destruction,WMD,World Opinion,World Pressures,World Without Zionism or America,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:08 AM
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The one-hundred-fifty-billion dollars of unfrozen funds which will near instantly over-fill the coffers beyond their capacity and even beyond Iran’s wildest imaginations. Oil and pistachio sales will assist in keeping those coffers healthy with a steady influx of monies. Proof of the extents to which this sudden wealth has provided Iran becomes obvious with the sales of arms made viable to Iran even before the ink dried on the papers. The set of sales, when taken at their entirety, reveals that Iran has just purchased the equivalence of an entire Air Force minus pilots. This set of deals comes replete with one-hundred tanker aerial refueling aircraft, one-hundred-fifty sophisticated air-combat jet fighters with Israeli avionics and finally the two-hundred-fifty highly-advanced heavy-fighter-bombers already set for delivery to Iran by Russia and China. Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Iran herself will suffer from the results of this deal. All the predictions of gloom and doom are purported to be in this deal come from the publically released deal. As horrific as the realities of the publically declared sections of this deal have proven to be as their ramifications are flushed out and deciphered may be, these predicted disasters are simply the results of the publically released Iran Nuclear Agreement 7/14/2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, yet there exists another wholly secreted away part of the Iranian deal made without Secretary of State Kerry’s knowledge or participation and has been secreted from review yet will be put into enforcement simply as a result of the signatures placed on the publically revealed deal. How many more disastrous consequences will come into review as our focus becomes fixated on the inferences, implications and machinations resultant on the secreted deal which for all we know will include as yet undetermined and yet to be decided terms left to be fulfilled as the needs arise and simply left to Iran or the IAEA to make future decisions independent of review. If we are to be honest, the reality is that we have absolutely no idea of exactly the deal made with Iran defines and what restrictions on inspections or implications which make even developing nuclear weapons immediately and while remaining a member of the NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) as the secret deal might even permit Iran to have their determination altered and defined as a Recognized Nuclear Weapon State Acceders, with equal or potentially superior rights to China or France, within the framework of the NPT definitions pertaining to nuclear powers.


The reality is that the revealed and awful deal we and even the members of Congress, the Ambassadors of the nations in the Security Council of the United Nations, the other sitting members of the P5+1, and even the negotiating team from the United States including the Secretary of State, very likely the State Department and everybody other than the selected leadership of Iran and whoever was the negotiator of the secret treaty and a remote possibility President Obama actually know what is included in the super-secret deal made with Iran. Now for our little bit of conjecture; this editorialist, if forced to make a guess, suspects that United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, Presidential Security Advisor Susan Rice and Special Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett whose assistance in such matters is unmeasurable as she was Iran born and speaks Farsi and thus may be the only people from the United States Administration of President Obama and only person outside of Iran and the top members of the IAEA, if even them, who knows what was included in what we suspect is a massive giveaway super-secret agreement with Iran which will remain concealed with portions becoming known as their results are felt. Beyond altering the standings of Iran pertaining to the NPT there is likely little which could have further reaching ramifications, but that prediction too is made while in complete ignorance of the actual terms which are hidden within this ancillary section of the treaty which the world is discussing despite the unknowns of the hidden agendas and stipulations. It is entirely possible that the secretive parts of the agreement actually nullify the publically released portions and that the only knowledge Secretary of State Kerry has about the treaty equals yours or mine. The briefing that Secretary Kerry received may have been simply telling him he would be better off not knowing and that he had no determined need and that for security reasons he was not to be trusted with such knowledge and Secretary Kerry would interpret that as being an in depth discussion of the secret treaty of which he knows little to nothing.



General Amano, IAEA Secretariat, Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, President Rouhani aka Smiling Cheshire Man, Lead Negotiator Zarif and Da Bomb from Dr Strangelove

General Amano, IAEA Secretariat, Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, President Rouhani aka Smiling Cheshire Man, Lead Negotiator Zarif and Da Bomb from Dr Strangelove



In all honesty, the unknown and concealed dealings between some Administration official or team who have President Obama’s complete trust, some official or officials from the IAEA and the Iranian leadership reached and somehow is tied to and included in its entirety to the P5+1, Iran deal thus receiving ratification alongside the P5+1, Iran nuclear agreement. All of this is performed despite being without any discussion except for those discussions before the United States Senate where its secrecy and existence were stated, and nothing more, with Presidential Security Advisor Susan Rice, who testified to have read, if not assisted in shaping, and Secretary Kerry, who claims he has been told of its existence and has been briefed but is either unable or unwilling to share his extent of knowledge on the secret agreement. The concept of secretive agreements in which most of either government and next to none of the nations’ peoples have any knowledge or are thought to even have the need to know or right to know is anything but an original concept. This situation was the norm in all the history of nations where the people even having rights without title was also unknown until quite recent times. Most of the world today lives under governments which operate in just this manner and it is appearing that none exist where such is not the case.


What sets the United States apart is that the people have the right to insist to be included and be knowledgeable of all the workings which take place within the government with the exception of those limited items deemed so sensitive that the people may be kept in the dark for the time being but even those items come into the light eventually. What may be found distressing is that the United States, the supposed bastion of freedom and citizens’ rights has slowly but inexorably been sliding down that slippery slope to the bottom where all the dealings of the government beyond the dictates of laws imposed on the people are kept in secret as the people are deemed of such limited capabilities that they are better off allowing their bettors, those in the government and working as enforcement officers for the government to run things and take care of the weighty issues that the government and only the government is permitted to be privileged. Should this be continued to progress and the United States fall into the darkness of tyrannical governance, then what hope does the rest of the world have where tyrannical governance has been the norm for as long as history had been written and before? There is one simple reason such a state of affairs takes hold of governance, and that is size of government. Apparently when any government reaches a certain size it then expands its scope and domain, often at the expense of lower decentralized governances such as the individual states of the United States. As the central government grows and assumes more and more powers the state, municipal, and local governments suffer and eventually become enforcers for the central government and nothing more. This is where the every size fits all governance becomes the norm and anybody who has resided in one of the major metropolises such as Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas or the others and also lived in a small, and I do mean small town such as Paw Paw, Mich; Emmetsburg, MD; Loveland, Colo; or any of the hundreds of thousands spread blanketing the United States knows, one size never works well in the smallest of places where some of the best and nicest people live and where most people actually know their neighbors. We can only hope that the flame which when it shines brightest allows the individual person to have rights and the government to be at their beck-and-call and never looming over the ‘little people’ as in a true and good governance there are no little people, only little government, as little as proves to be absolutely necessary. Nowhere has such existed successfully where there are sufficient people spread over an area such that they know not those who run their governance and many have become so dejected and separated from their governance and believe it to be beyond any real and actual control that they do not participate or care who their representatives may be. There were stipulations in the original government set up by the constitution of the United States which need being returned as with this modern age such is actually and finally doable and perhaps such could be an article coming to you soon right here at Beyond the Cusp. Until them, hang in there friends.


Beyond the Cusp


August 1, 2015

Is the Choice Between the “Deal” or War, Period?

Filed under: Administration,Advanced Weapions Systems,Amalekites,Anti Missile System,Appease Islamic Interests,Appointment,Ayatollah,Ayatollah Khamenei,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Breakout Point,Cabinet,Calaphate,Chief Justice Roberts,China,Civilization,Command,Conflict Avoidnce,Covert Actions,Coverup,Dhimmi,EMP Device,Europe,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Framework,France,Hate,History,ICBM,Inteligence Report,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Military,Iranian Pressure,Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps,Iraq,Iraqi Military,IRGC,IRGC,Islam,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Interests,Jihad,John Kerry,Lebanon,Leftist Pressures,Meaning of Peace,Military Intervention,Military Option,Mohammad Javad Zarif,Muslim World,No Fly Zone,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,P5+1,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Russian Pressure,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Saudi Military,Secretary of State,Secular Interests,State Department,Supreme Leader,Syria,Syrian Military,Threat of War,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,US Navy,Victims,Weapons of Mass Destruction,WMD,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yemen,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:31 AM
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The working agreement between the P5+1, and primarily President Obama, with the Iranians will in this discussion be referred to as the “Deal” for simplicity’s sake. This Deal has been panned by conservatives and anti-terror specialists as being dangerous and potentially deadly accords. It has been predicted that Iran will easily become a major economic power the equivalent of Saudi Arabia with the infusion of one-hundred-fifty-billion dollars and its resurgence into the oil market even at todays lowered prices, a situation caused by Saudi Arabia pumping oil at near peak levels intending to damage the economies of the Iranians and hurting Russia as well in the interim. The pain caused the Iranians will be offset by the cash infusion. The one thing we can be thankful for the warning but feel accursed by the aimed for results was the announcement after the signing of the Deal by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that his intentions are to utilize the cash infusion to resupply and rearm his terror proxies to levels believed impossible until a few days ago with the announcement of the Deal crafter by the Iranian demands and the quickness with which Secretary of State Kerry (to be referred to as ‘SKerry’ through the remainder of the article) revealed to be at the orders of President Obama, folded his hand and capitulated to every command and refusal to accept any limitations or requirements upon Iran thus in the final weeks of negotiations surrendering virtually every gain pressed forth through great efforts by the rest of the P5+1 from Iran. There was a glimmer of hope against hope that the Deal might crumble at the last minute due to the honor and integrity shown earlier in the negotiations when the initial framework was decided before the initial six-month pushback of the deadline for producing an agreement when the French Foreign Minister vetoed the framework only to be pressed by President Obama and his minions with a small cosmetic change in the phrasing of a minor item was made as the reason for the French veto though most believed the problems were more systemic than that one minor, insignificant item which was altered.


Back to the question at hand; is the Choice Between the “Deal” or War? One item which has to be brought into the consideration is some of the terms as far as items to be provided to Iran by the United States or other members of the P5+1 or any other entities. We have heard that the United States will be providing additional cyber protection with a mentioned direction of protecting the entirety of the Iranian nuclear research, development and particularly their enrichment program from interference, especially from Israeli cyber capabilities above and beyond other cyber assaults. There has been mention that President Obama through his lackey SKerry promised the Iranians that they could expect United States to provide air security both from the ground in Iraq as well as from the naval taskforce including, if necessary, from the aircraft deployed from the carrier in the Arabian Gulf. This guarantee appears to include, as some reports have stated, shooting down Israeli fighters should the situation demand such, and the expressed targeting of Israeli forces was exactly as heard. How much further to the other side the Administration will stray from the normative distance it has shown former allies making them into potentially targets of United States military assets is far beyond anything expected by any number of Americans who voted for President Obama, particularly my Jewish friends.


What does this paint for the future for Israel? Israel can feel a little less alone in her neighborhood as Egypt and Saudi Arabia along with their allies along the gulf coast are all in the same sinking boat right now. Unfortunately this situation will not aid Israel immensely. Where Saudi Arabia and Egypt might be cooperating, Israel should not expect any overt or announced cooperation from her new friends or even any thanks should Israel take actions which prevent Iranian production of nuclear weapons. Should the United States have actually sent orders to their military to intercept any attack on Iran, that could make any attack on Iran extremely problematic. By now Israel will hopefully have figured out that informing the United States of their intents is not tactically the brightest move available. This causes more problems than many might realize as there are numerous Israelis both within the IDF and within the government who believe it is their specific responsibility to announce every move to the corresponding department within the American government. This would require that care be taken on who might be trusted with any information and orders which were given to implement actions against the Iranian nuclear sites. Any such attempt to neutralize the Iranian nuclear sites had best be discussed with trustworthy advisors alone and should be tested as one of a number of potential interventions when being discussed with people having knowledge of the Iranian government and their expected and especially unexpected reactions and in plane plans made to address any resultant actions by Iran and her many allies and proxies. Further, Israeli intelligence should be on alert to find out the plans by any other actors as Iran has promised a reign of terror upon Israel should any attack be taken on their nuclear programs or any other resources within Iran.


The brilliance displayed by President Obama and his advisors which has been displayed through such exercises and actual events as Benghazi which was determined to be a response to a YouTube Video with about five thousand views before it was referenced by the Administration. There was the success of President Obama’s brilliant collapsing of al-Qaeda and how “stable governments” were taking form and President Obama gave as the prime example Yemen which burst into civil war overthrowing the “stable government” and forced to flee the Capital and head to the next largest city where two or three days later they were forced to flee again and have barely been heard from since. But we have heard from Iran and their arming of the Houthis and we have heard from Saudi Arabia which is supporting any entity which stands against the Iranian proxies, the Houthis. It is almost as if the Iranians are seeking anywhere and everywhere to make President Obama look the fool, but he and Secretary SKerry are too busy strutting their stuff purporting the great Deal they made and how it will prevent any need for a war to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons. The Deal puts that the probability for setting the date for an Iranian nuclear weapon to be about a decade from now, give or take two, three or four years assuming that Iran gets caught in the web of intrigue and becomes entangled in all the minutia placed there to prevent an Iran desperate to please the West and the United States and Israel in particular but is absolutely useless against an Iran that intends to bull rush straight through any supposed restrictions in the Deal.


When asked what would happen if Iran simply took the one-hundred-fifty-billion dollars which are being released and used the improved centrifuge plans provided and open some undeclared enrichment laboratories in order to build nuclear weapons, warheads to be exact, with intent to make their warheads clandestinely and quickly; the administration replied with stunned disbelief stuttered slowly, but the Deal does not permit such actions and how dare you cast doubts about the Deal as it is a good deal fashioned for a good people to obey its restrictions and Iran had promised to abide by its restrictions. There appears to be a mental disconnect between President Obama and Secretary SKerry making them incapable of addressing any potential shortcomings of their deal and how it may prove completely impossible at restraining any government which practices subterfuge and dishonesty as stark principles reminiscent of the Germans after the Munich Agreement of 1938 which inevitably led to war within two years as Germany had since then annexed Austria, absorbed the rest of Czechoslovakia, and proceeded to make the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact agreement with Russia by which the two powers invaded hapless Poland from opposite ends and met in the middle thus starting World War II.


Iran will not need to make any additional agreements as they have sufficient agreements in place to provide them with control of a large crescent starting at the Indian Ocean and cutting a swath of land passing through the Middle East passing through Iran, southern Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and ending in the Mediterranean Sea. Currently Syria is in remission but the cash spigot is about to come wide open and as promised by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, his friends will be rearmed and strengthened and will soon have all the necessary weapons and assistance to take the offensive. Add to this the promises from President Obama to provide a wall of protection both in the virtual domain and in the realm of the real where he promises have been made to prevent any and all assaults mounted, in particular, by Israel or any of her new-found allies. Of course by now the farthest reaching terms of the Deal have reached all those who have been waiting anxious to begin to understand what threats may be coming their way and if so, how long do they have to prepare. For Saudi Arabia, they know already that they have zero time as the fighting is on their southern and northern borders with the Yemeni Houthis fighting the Sunnis on their southern border and Iraqi Shia forces tangling with the Islamic State and Iranian backed and augmented Iraqi units facing off. Where most of the fighting has been between Shia and Sunni forces Iran has been known to finance Sunni groups as long as they did not bring any shame upon Iran, something amazingly enough accomplished by Hamas as Iran has cut their relations with Hamas, a blessing we would rather just accept and be thankful for small favors. Many of the groups and states supported by Iran is done simply to further the spread of the ideology and dogma of Shiite Islam and to bring as many misguided Islamic Sunni souls into the embracing arms of Shiite Islam and there is the we have the struggle of the ages. But in addition to this struggle there are the other tactical struggles. Iran desires to amass to themselves the rich oil fields of southern and central Iraq, the Saudi oil fields as well as the oil fields of the Gulf States including any offshore drilling. Additionally Iran believed that the time has arrived that the Shiite form of Islam becomes the dominant form supplanting Sunni through conversion by way of persuasion initially and by force if that becomes necessary. The Iranians also know the importance in geography and in particular of choke points. In that desire Iran definitely has desires to take control of both sides of the Straits of Hormuz, they seek ownership of Oman and the United Arab Emirates and for control of Bab el Mandeb Straits which is fueling much of their desire to have the Houthis control Yemen and be holding to Iran for their victories.


Meanwhile, the problem facing Israel as well as much of the Sunni Islamic world, though few would be capable of doing much about Iranian hegemony, is the prevention of permitting Iran to attain nuclear weapons and in particular what is referred to as weaponized delivery systems, a long way of saying miniaturized warheads. The reason for this is two-fold; the first being the obvious in that a rocket is limited in range by three factors, the first is the amount of fuel it can hold which is pretty much set by its initial design, second is the efficiency of the rocket motor, which consists of the combustion chamber, the valves, the atomizer, and some complex combinations in sizes and diameters which is called rocket science for a reason, and finally the weight of the warhead. This is where miniaturizing brings home the benefits as the weight of the warhead is by far the easiest part of a rocket or missile that the user can address. If we have a warhead that weights one-kilogram and a rocket which can hold one-kilogram then that is the limit you can arm said rocket with. But if you can miniaturize the warhead with a superior design which brings its weight down to three-hundred grams then you can place three warheads on that rocket and because that still allows for one-hundred additional grams that are not going to be used then the range of the rocket or missile just increased by almost ten percent, not that would be something as your miniaturization had tripled the capacity of the device’s damage capacity but also increased the range of the weapons package. This is where Iran will need to develop its technology as, just because you can produce a nuclear device does not necessarily mean one can deliver the weapon efficiently and here size and weight are the twin kings, especially if the intent is to place warheads atop missiles or within aircraft.


The best example of the difference is that the initial bombs the United States dropped on Japan to end World War II were huge in size by today’s standards. Their names were Little Boy (a uranium gun-type atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945) and Fat Man (a plutonium implosion-type bomb on the city of Nagasaki on August 9) both of which took a Silverplate Boeing B-29 Superfortress aircraft. The Enola Gay, named after its Pilot Colonel Paul W. Tibbets’ mother carried Little Boy to its target of Hiroshima while, like William Dawes who was the other rider with Paul Revere and who actually made the warnings as Revere was captured by the British but Dawes proved too difficult to rhyme so it became “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” and not William Dawes, while the B-29 named Bockscar piloted by Major Charles W. Sweeney whose plane was not named after either of his parents, carried Fat Man over Nagasaki. Each of these atomic bombs had yields under twenty-thousand-kilograms of TNT (Trinitrotoluene C6H2(NO2)3CH3) which is considered quite low compared with modern thermonuclear devices which carry yields measured in Mega-tons of TNT yet are so much smaller than the original devices that if a B-29 were to carry modern weapons they could carry numerous bombs each with multiple warheads though the plane would likely not be capable of flying high enough and fast enough to clear the area before detonation though with a lighter load it might have a prayer’s chance.


Silverplate B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay, named after its Pilot Colonel Paul W. Tibbets' mother, carried Little Boy to its target of Hiroshima

Silverplate B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay, named after its Pilot Colonel Paul W. Tibbets’ mother, carried Little Boy to its target of Hiroshima


Silverplate B-29 Superfortress Bockscar of the 509th Composite Group which dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki piloted by Major Charles W. Sweeney

Silverplate B-29 Superfortress Bockscar of the 509th Composite Group which dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki piloted by Major Charles W. Sweeney


Silverplate B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay with Pilot Col Paul Tibbets, named after its Pilot Colonel Paul W. Tibbets' mother carried Little Boy to its target of Hiroshima historic picture og man and his aircraft

Silverplate B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay with Pilot Col Paul Tibbets, named after its Pilot Colonel Paul W. Tibbets’ mother carried Little Boy to its target of Hiroshima historic picture og man and his aircraft



So, even should Iran detonate a trial nuclear bomb, depending on its yield, it could be determined what variety of device was detonated and what the intended use might be. A really low yield but leaving a high gamma radiation signature would signal they had developed an EMP bomb used to knock out electronic grids and sensitive electronics rendering entire weapons systems useless, especially those dependent on radar from ground based systems such as any aircraft batteries and other targeting systems as well as most command and control as they are dependent on computers and communications networks, both systems very vulnerable to an EMP attack. Such a device could spell a real disaster for most nations but mostly the United States or Europe as both societies are heavily dependent on communications for their economy, computers for their investment and banking systems, their electrical grids for refrigeration and for hospital equipment, and for supplying virtually everything as the majority of vehicles currently depend on computers to run and both Television and radio would be knocked out which in itself and without computers the United States would go completely bonkers within hours.


The real problem is that with the United States presumably defending the nuclear sites from military attacks and from cyber-attacks as well as providing advanced radar systems from aboard naval vessels matched to anti-missile interceptors of various types including jamming and interception, and have aircraft capable of taking out any aircraft identified as foreign and entering Iranian air-space with unclear intent or bombs hanging under the wings defiantly stating its mission, all of which means that for the foreseeable future the United States has joined the other side even against the people of the United States who knowingly continue to reside in the Great Satan and have yet to mend their ways and become good Dhimmis living the life in burka-land. The real question is how Iran can be derailed from attaining nuclear weapons, and not just any nuclear weapons, but miniaturized, weaponized, multiple-warhead, thermonuclear devices and the stealth cruise missiles capable of three-thousand-five-hundred mile routing at under fifty meters altitude and what would be the consequences to the nation which so took one for the team, and not necessarily an appreciative team? Because of the United States provided protection, should this continue to be the United States policy by the next President elected in November 2016 and taking office in mid-January 2017 no matter what their reasoning, such would mean that Iran might have such capabilities before they become easily targeted. This situation would present the parts of the world under threat, oddly enough including the United States, in so desperate a position that they might see tempting a shootout with the United States over Iran as giving them better hopes of survival than waiting for another President as by then protecting Iran would have become cemented policy that only the most assured and confident of Presidents would go against meaning there would be no end in sight. Boy, that sure is a SKerry Deal President Obama has there.


Beyond the Cusp



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