Beyond the Cusp

November 21, 2015

Let Anti-Israel Bullies Scream and Answer Soft, Stern and Solemnly Serious


You’re scheduled to give a presentation about sixteenth century romantic French poetry but you are a professor at Tel Aviv University and the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) have decided you are not to be permitted to speak on their campus in the United States. They are taking turns chanting “Free, free Palestine; Occupation is a crime; free, free Palestine!” at the top of their lungs and started a full five minutes before the presentation was to begin. Don’t fret as the actual facts and International Law defines the Israeli border as the Jordan River on the east and that is not contestable. Volume does not make one correct or convincing or even the one heard, as facts and calm presentations win the day over time. Start off by calmly walking to the podium and stand there motioning to anybody who appears preparing to depart giving up on your ability to give your presentation. Simply place your hands facing down and wave them signaling for them to remain and be patient and calmly mouth if needed, “Give me a moment more, please.” Let them chant for another five minutes and then tap the microphone as if checking to see if it is on and functioning. Then calmly ask, “Are any of our boisterous friends care to take the stage and debate as reasonable human being or should I call for the (City, County, State) police which I have on speed-dial.” If they do not choose the debate then simply make the call about a small disturbance preventing a scheduled presentation which students were to receive credit and the Campus Security are too timid to remove (5, 8, 12 place approximate number here) demonstrators preventing (your) my freedom of speech.” It may have been wise to work with the police beforehand as pre-warned is the first step to prepared.


Your debate with them may prove to be one of the shortest in history as they are very likely not to have ever suffered reading BTC so they will not realize the traps they are about to walk into. First thing you ask is whether Nablus is part of the Palestine. Continue with Bethlehem, Jenin, Nazareth and do not change your intonation just because you have crossed back over the Green Line and continue on the west side of the Green Line with, Tiberius, Beersheba, Akko, Eilat, Netanya, and now smoothly go for the last two, the obvious two which you offer together, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem? They will likely claim all as they have not been bothered with the use of Taqiyya and thus are not as polished as Mahmoud Abbas, not to imply he is smooth, just a mediocre liar as compared to the average city Alderman in the United States, or Saab Erekat, Yasser Abed Rabbo or the other two-faced connivers Abbas surrounds himself with. The next question is the one anybody who has realized what you are doing is waiting for as they realize that the trap has been sprung and now we are just attempting to see how far this one will go with the routine they have been trained to say as they were never intended to discuss, just to yell and disrupt so this one is out of their element. Ask them, what are the borders to the state of Palestine they appear to want formed? Here they may need a little shove, after a momentary pause, interject, from the river to the sea? After they have gone through claiming all that is Israel ask them a simple question, “Then where do you plan for Israel to exist?” They will probably start yelling slogans again, but then you can simply ask those waiting to see where your game was going to simply force them from the room with the same tactic of yelling slogans and suggest that their slogan should be a simple one, “Never Again!” That should force the disrupters from the hall as those who came to hear your presentation are probably a larger group and just too polite and reserved to do such an obvious fight back as to actually scream at the intimidators as that will scare these bullies more than anything else. Their entire act is one of pure threat and once they lose the initiative, which they will as they reel in shock that their intimidation has failed and instead has only steeled the targets to fight back, because that is the secret, to fight back.


These instigators only know one thing as they have been taught nothing else in any of their preparations before being mindlessly sent out to rampage and intimidate. They have been schooled that simply by their united presence all acting as one that those they are attempting to intimidate are easily cowed and frightened and thus are too afraid of the truth to fight back because they know they are on the wrong side and have no argument which is why when you yell your slogans they retreat. They are schooled that the rest of those who are on the side of Israel and the Zionists, the Jews and their fellow travelers who are blindly following their Jewish master and programmers will wilt before any challenge as they have no ammunition with which to argue. Filling these automatons heads with this faulty programming that their victims’ silence is due to knowing they are on the wrong side of history, their latest buzzword straight from President Obama, that they shy from confrontation. They are not told that those they are shouting down simply have manners and are ill equipped to oppose such rude behavior mainly because they do not understand how any thinking human being could act so boorishly and are shrinking from the tactic and not the argument. They become shrinking violets when opposed either with reason or with brutishness every bit as antagonizing as they are employing to shut down the argument. And there lies the secret.


What every Israeli, Jewish or known supporter of Israel need to learn are some of the tactics the left and the fascists use to end any opposing argument, boorishness. Trained by the modern day Alinskyites, these almost useful idiots, if they were actually useful idiots they could form sentences and potentially argue a few points and remember things that did not necessarily rhyme, they are ill equipped to debate the finer points of the argument and if well prepared have been instructed not to fall for the trap of anybody offering to debate the topic, as they are being told that their opposing side is based on all lies which one cannot argue with because lies are so difficult to refute. Of course they are fully aware that lies are difficult to argue against as that is about all their side offers in defense of the terror ridden Arabs who call themselves Palestinians often with no knowledge where the word originated nor what its supposed reference actually was, a sect of Greeks who settled in the area we today call Gaza and parts of the northernmost Sinai Peninsula whose main claims to fame other than fishing was attempting to wipe out Israel and murder every last Israelite, every last Jew, the Philistines. Of course to know that they would have to actually know some history, something even the best educated are often completely lacking of any understanding as they are completely ignorant of history because one cannot know what they were never taught or even exposed to in their studies or elsewhere in life.


Even the leaders of these screamers, I liken them to the pod people from “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” realize that debate will only work if their points are made with a large jeering sector who are there to interrupt and drown-out those they oppose should they start to talk, thus making their side the only argument anybody can hear. Silencing the brute force is necessary if any debate, real, actual honest debate is to be allowed to happen. Unfortunately the other side does not believe in debate but only believe in shouting down all opposition as brute force and blunt force trauma are the only tactics they know. On rare occasions one will run into the rare talented one who knows sarcasm and ridicule but is often either filled with falsities they are told are facts or are simply deploying what they believe passes for intelligent debate. Once somebody has been sold a bill of goods the last thing their own self-worth can allow is for this basis upon which their entire belief structure has been built and is what they have been convinced is the only real worthwhile and necessary argument in this universe to be yanked from beneath their feet. Their psyche has been predicated on this knowledge and having it refuted leaves them without any base of support and thus can be devastating to find they were lied to and mislead. If you ever get through to one of these people, other than Israeli post-Zionists whose fanaticism is beyond all reason, who appear to be caring and intelligent people; take the time to buy them a cup of coffee and try to educate them so that they might look into the matter further and afterwards be there to answer any questions they may have. Their programming may be so intensive and thoroughly invasive that they cannot release themselves from the ideas they have been weaned upon their entire adult life; but even those, as long as they show any curiosity, can learn new facts. But if after a short while they appear to be doubling down or not being responsive, then perhaps they are too far gone for saving and only time might water something you told them and somehow resonated and eventually will force them to seek further knowledge and to research things on their own. There is always hope.



The Lord's Stare which cleanses ones soul and directs the footsteps of man and beast.

The Lord’s Stare which
cleanses ones soul and
directs the footsteps
of man and beast.



This leads us to the most unsettling area about why such entities as SJP are so quick at picking up new adherents to their cause when so few ever seem to question anything they are told despite how defamatory the accusations may be. Part of the reasoning is plain and simple anti-Semitism. That’s right, pure hatred of any and everything Jewish exists today in as near a number as it did in any time in history with the possible excepting of the Pharaoh’s court after the first four of five plagues. Then there is latent anti-Semitism which is far more insidious as often a person suffering from latent anti-Semitism actually is unaware of their anti-Semitic prejudices as they harbor such feelings subconsciously and is usually quite oblivious to their condition. People in this category are far more difficult to address their hatreds and misgivings about the Jews as they themselves are not aware of these very real feelings. These are often victims to some of the most underhanded dealings in the anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic world and the feelings they hold that there is a different and more sublime distortion of events. People holding such prejudices were affected by a parent, a teacher, another family member, or a friend; somewhere they were exposed to anti-Semitism in one of its many forms, some might say without number. Such an individual may not even realize their bigotry and even have numerous friends who are Jews and they not have any troubles until one day somebody will say something and voilà, out comes a phrase, a position or a supposition revealing the ease at which all too many people harbor biases and stereotypes of people because of their religion. Some phrases which do not, in and of themselves, sound all that obnoxious, yet are very humiliating when said to some, should be met without expression and your points continue to be made as any interruption is usually intended to lead to an ‘end of discussion keyed phrase’ which elicits boisterous response as their debater walks away feigning actual accomplishment. It is these slights which are the most demeaning should they come from a friend, as one can but should not fire back with both barrels and risk losing a friend forever. But friend, acquaintance or stranger, when one is faced by anti-Israel, anti-Zionism, or especially anti-Semitism one is obliged to be affronted by such boorishness, such unsociability, such ignorance that one is forced to take some form of rebuttal if only to distance oneself from such ignorant behavior, such incomprehensible ignorance and by refuting such gird oneself from being perceived of being of similar mind. History has taught those of us who have studied it beyond dates and chronologies that whatever form anti-Semitism takes as it roars to the fore is exactly the form the ignorance and hatreds which drive the next war which threatens to engulf the known world. The other trait one finds is that the forces which oppose Israel are the same forces wishing to tear ordered and lawful society with morality at its core asunder replacing morality with hedonistic anarchy and lawful society with the whims and degradations of the animalistic man leaving reason, love and caring aside as such are the burdens of the reasoned soul of man. These are also the standards that humanity wishes to cast aside once again such that they can forsake Hashem and return to their former primitive ways which leads very soon to the worship of mankind as the ultimate intelligence in this universe and such folly beats a path to the return of Sodom and Gomorrah and the ways of pure animalistic barbarity. Where mankind sinks from there we have seen as it was when mankind sunk to the depth that the assassination of a single man, no matter their importance, led to a world at war and that drove mankind to remember the need for Eretz Yisroel to shine her light and show mankind the righteous course. But then man stymied the formation of Eretz Yisroel and was given yet another world war which drove the need home and Eretz Yisroel was formed. Now mankind will soon unite as a world with very few exceptions against Eretz Yisroel which will be the final undoing of mankind where the wicked will be judged unworthy, the righteous as righteous, and the wayward but true and honestly lost will find their path illuminated; but not by Eretz Yisroel, as she will be the reflection that she has always been, the moon reflecting to illuminate the night and provide hope, but now the source of that reflected light will once again sit in the Temple in Jerusalem and all shall desire to bask in the light of Hashem and be purged by its intensity of all sinfulness.


Beyond the Cusp


October 31, 2015

The Situation and a Possible Cure

Filed under: Act of War,Administration,al-Aqsa Mosque,Amalekites,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Israeli Citizen,Arab World,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,General Assembly,Hamas,International Politics,Intifada,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Knife Attack,Leftist Pressures,Machpelah,Mainstream Media,Media,Molotov Cocktail,Murder Israelis,Omission,Palestinian Authority,Peace Process,PLO,Politicized Findings,Politics,Response to Terrorism,Rioters Pressure,Rock Throwing,Security Council,Suicide Bomber,Third Intifada,Threat of War,UN Human Rights Council,UNESCO,United Nations,United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181,United Nations Presures,United States Pressure,Vehicle Attack,Veto Power,World Media,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:14 AM
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On Thursday a group of representatives of Abbas’s Fatah Party met in Beirut with Khaled Mashaal along with other representatives from Hamas in both Gaza and Judea and Samaria and discussed ways to expand the Stabbing Intifada against Israel. Mahmoud Abbas, whether he was present at this meeting or not, has been stoking the Stabbing Intifada from day one with his demands that Arab Palestinians do whatever might be necessary including rioting, excessive violence even against law enforcement, screaming and assaulting any Jews who decide to brave the stinging insults and screaming shrillness of outrageous women of the Ribat swarming and swearing with accompanied ululating intending to intimidate and at the least breaking any hope of a pleasurable experience and have in the past two months even assaulted with their assaults classes of elementary school children on class trips and families who were attempting on making their annual Jewish New Year’s visit to the most holy site for all Jerusalem with their children with some very young children who may have nightmares due to the treatment thrown at their family with the viciousness of intent filled with hatreds. Then there have been the stabbings, vehicular ramming attacks, stone attacks, shootings, muggings, firebombings and full on mass attacks against security forces on the Temple Mount often for days on end using various weapons including steel rods, bats, Molotov cocktails, rocks, cinder blocks, and usage of their holy al-Aqsa Mosque as a base of operations, weapons armory, planning area, fortress and turning the insides into a corrupted and dishonored place which had been subjected to insults and disregard beyond imagination if the pictures below had not been made to witness the desecrations at the hands of the Arabs themselves.



Armory al-Aqsa Mosque Desecrated by making it a fortified base from which to launch rioting



Basket of Bricks used as ammunition for throwing at security police during riots

Basket of Bricks used as ammunition for throwing at security police during riots



Scene inside Muslim revered holy site the al Aqsa Mosque which has been desecrated as having been reduce to an ammunition and safe attack rally point for riots and assaults on Police and Jews visiting Temple Mount

Scene inside Muslim revered holy site the al Aqsa Mosque which has been desecrated as having been reduce to an ammunition and safe attack rally point for riots and assaults on Police and Jews visiting Temple Mount





terrorists and rioters taking a rest break before rejoining the fracas


These images above reflect the disregard shown the al-Aqsa Mosque by Arab Palestinians, members of Fatah, the Arab Palestinian Authority (PA), the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and lastly the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades who take their name from the very place they treat without any sense of reverence or respect. With such treatment by Muslims to their own holy site it is little wonder how they can be equally cavalier and uncaring when it comes to holy sites, institutions and structures of other religions for which they have always shown nothing short of scorn, defamations, desecrations, and transmogrification into an Islamic shrine replacing the religious structures of other faiths within the lands they conquer or simply destroying the religious buildings, shrines and holy sites all as part of their intention of replacing all religions and forcing all to convert or die, some claim except for Jews who will be given no choice and no quarter, just a path resulting in death. Their absorbing other faiths’ religious sites was just made evident at the special session of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) where they granted the PA request that the Cave of the Patriarchs and Kever Rachel (Rachel’s Tomb) be made World Heritage Sites assigned to the PA and registered as Mosques. The Cave of the Patriarchs has the bodies entombed there of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Leah of which only Abraham had any historic place in Islam while all of these are patriarchal forefathers of Judaism and as such also Christianity and Ruth has only a Jewish, thus Christian, history and was in no manner related in any way to Islam but they are now as far as the United nations are concerned Islamic sites entrusted to the PA for their repairs and for Islamic prayer solely if the PA should decide to such order using this decision as their authorization. This recent decision reveals the complete insensitivity and lack of integrity of the United Nations (UN) and the complete lack of a moral compass of both the PA and the UN when it comes to recognizing other religious rights and histories and determining such to be secondary to the usurpation of all religious sites and institutions by Islam as if the UN has decided that the desires, claims and rights of Islam supercede all other religions and especially Judaism. This should come as no surprise as the UN General Assembly has denounced Israel even going so far as to declare that Zionism, the desire of Jews to return to live in their ancestral homelands, was actually a form of racism and there have been consideration in the past which were only tabled as they would never have passed without the use of veto powers in the Security Council, though they have received passage as motions of intent and demanding the Security Council debate the motion and, as noted, only withdrawn when the United States and at times others to veto or when unable to gather sufficient votes for passage, the move to withdraw and revoke General Assembly 181 in as far as it recognized the right for a Jewish State to be formed within the remaining lands of the British Mandate which lay between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea which represented a mere twenty-two percent of the original British Mandate after the lands west of the river were stripped away from the lands for the Jewish State to form an Arab Palestinian State of what is now known as Jordan. When the British and the Zionist Congress came to an agreement to allow for the formation of Jordan (Transjordan at that time in 1922) the British swore that the remaining lands west of the river were to be sacrosanct and reserved solely for the formation of a Jewish State, something they appear to have decided was no longer in their interest as they supported partitioning the lands and abrogating their sworn agreements with the Zionist Congress and the Jewish People. The actual planned divide which the two parties came to an agreement over is pictured below.



British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel

British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel



Meanwhile, Abbas has also visited the UN requesting that international troops be sent to protect the Arabs when they are assaulting Jews and other Israeli citizens with homicidal rage and intents from being arrested or when they attack police when demanded to drop their weapons or when they initially attack IDF or law enforcement personnel and especially once they have murdered or injured victims be they soldiers, police or innocent civilians and when they refuse to halt and continue their assaults and they are shot, Abbas is demanding international forces to interfere with Israeli law enforcement preventing them from performing their responsibilities to the Israeli public. Perhaps a picture will save everyone reading a thousand words and might give a better idea of the rocks being hurled at IDF soldiers, vehicles on the highways and byways, or thrown at any target which presents itself as a target of opportunity.



Rocks and boulders and hurled at and into vehicles with Israeli plates injuring a fair number and causing fatalities as well



Rock which Came Through Windows into Passenger Compartment was Just One of Many See Next Picture for Rock Almost Striking Child Landing in Child Seat

Rock which Came Through Windows
into Passenger Compartment was Just
One of Many See Next Picture for Rock
Almost Striking Child Landing in Child Seat



Rock Almost Striking Child Landing in Child Seat after crashing through Side Window and Barely Missing Mother in Front Seat

Rock Almost Striking Child Landing
in Child Seat after crashing through
Side Window and Barely Missing
Mother in Front Seat



The attacks will continue though much of the media coverage will slowly wane as the stabbings take on the seeming normalness as reporting on the numerous stabbing day in and day out will never clear the editors’ desks unless taking a greater number of lives in a single day or short number of days. The stabbings are already becoming the new normal which is why the meeting between Fatah members and members including one of the top officials from Hamas in Beirut. Hamas had been demanding that the attacks take on a more deadly venue calling for homicidal suicide bombers and for the knife wielders to poison their blades so as to make them more lethal and to not allow for victims to reach the hospitals in time. The truth is that the meeting in the Lebanese Capital could have also included Hezballah who hopefully have more than they can handle on their plates already with the war in Syria, units of their members in Yemen assisting the Houthis along with the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) and additional units in Iraq assisting with the war on the Islamic State and any other Sunnis they may encounter. The one potential result of the meeting between Fatah representing the PA and Hamas whose influence includes Islamic Jihad might prove to be rockets fired from out of Gaza though Hamas did claim that such would be counterproductive as it might take away from the emphasis on the stabbing, rock throwing, firebombing, vehicular assaulting, shooting, rioting and other attacks all being part of the Third or Stabbing Intifada. After all, Hamas would never desire to overshadow Fatah and prove to be the true representatives who are fighting against the Zionist entity after all, would they? Well, actually we all know that any agreement between Fatah and the PA with Hamas and Islamic Jihad would be lucky if the ink from any signatures, as if they would ever be so formal, would have the time to dry before one side or the other broke with whatever was agreed upon. These groups are not exactly known for their ability to keep their word whether it be with the Israelis or each other. Time will tell and as long as Israel is suffering at least a half dozen or more, often over a dozen knife wielding attacks a day, then we will likely include references and reports on the worst of the assaults.


When the day arrives that the Israeli leadership performs their duty and takes the required steps to assure the safety of the people, that will be a banner day which will allow great joys here at BTC but until then we will suggest they wake-up and smell the horrific state of affairs all because they thought that by giving away lands which according to all International Laws and all that is holy is rightfully assigned to the Jewish People into their care and stewardship as the lands belong to Hashem and we are but his servants who will be granted wellbeing for as long as we adhere to Torah and keep our covenant which we agreed to do at Mount Sinai when after Hashem brought us, including myself and every Jew alive today, out from bondage in Egypt and before Hashem even gave us a single law while we trembled at the foot of that holy mountain we said as if in one great and loud voice, “All that the Lord spoke we will do and we will hear” (יֹּאמְרוּ כֹּל אֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר יְהֹוָה נַעֲשֶׂה וְנִשְׁמָע). Perhaps the time has come to listen for what has in times past been a booming voice which made the mountains tremble, the seas roil and the sky split in two is not more often a quiet voice which can only be heard by quietly listening and concentrating very hard, perhaps Israeli leaders need some quiet time to pray and listen, especially listen and as our forefathers swore, listen and obey and then wait for the worlds which will follow from Hashem as He answers those who honestly call upon Him and honestly desire His guidance, Baruch Hashem.


Beyond the Cusp


October 30, 2015

Israel Must Answer Threats and Enforce the Law


Israel is being challenged by what has been termed as the Third Intifada by Israelis and likely a fair to large percentage of Arabs and the Stabbing Intifada by the ever more descriptive and often more morbid Islamists Arabs who are supportive of the violence and actively support the drive to remove the Jews and replace Israel with their mythical state of Palestine. The Arab Palestinian Islamists take great pride and even a morbid fascination in how the world reacts to their violence and extremist demands along with their interactional unapologetic violence and instead of decrying their uncivilized threats to civilized societal behavior by threatening the lives of innocent civilians they decry any attempts to enforce the law or any other steps deemed necessary to protect the public such as adding checkpoints at all places where the public mass such as malls, theaters, bus stops, light rail spots, public functions and other place deemed as potential targets for the extreme terror assaults using knives, firearms, vehicles or potentially homicidal suicide bombers should Hamas suggestions for such attacks and additionally any following of the other Hamas suggestion of placing poison on their knife blades adding to their potential for lethality. Anywhere else on planet Earth which would face such a challenge to the public safety would be met with sympathy and understanding from the rest of the world and there would be unquestioned support for any and all steps used to restore civility and safety for all members of the society. The Israeli public, not just Jews, but the entirety of those living, working, studying or visiting Israel are in risk of being targeted by these horrific terror attacks. One hopes that there exists a silent plurality if not majority who are just as appalled and horrified by the assault on society which has been slowly escalating since immediately before the Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with much of the violence centered on the Temple Mount with the aim of denying the ability for Jews to ascend to visit the holiest place on Earth in the Jewish religion. From there the violence spread out beyond the central place in Jerusalem out across the remainder of Jerusalem and also out into the areas both within and outside the Green Line, thus so much for it being the “occupation” as some of the attacks occurred within the Tel Aviv metropolitan area and in the central northern Galilee. What has also been omitted from most of the media reporting we have seen from outside of Israel has been the nearly endless rock throwing at vehicles on the roads and highways in Judea and Samaria with many reaching back over numerous years numbering over a dozen but mostly not reported upon because the rock attacks became the definition for normal and thus were ignored by and large. Now the knifing attacks are attempting to follow the same path of becoming a commonplace part of life in Israel and thus not worthy of being reported as such things becoming normative.


There will be those who will claim that if Israel would simply give the Arabs their own state then everything would be just fine and the terrorist attacks would end. That worked so well when Israel pulled every last Jew and every troop, police and other presence from Gaza turning it over to Mahmoud Abbas and the Arab Palestinian Authority (PA) who almost immediately lost it in a coup to Hamas who has launched rocket offensives at a rate averaging of at least every other summer with the numbers of rockets per day in the hundreds and exceeding one thousand each week and once Israel responded by using the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) was immediately met with a drastic increase of rockets fired per day. This past summer if not for the miraculous precision of the Israeli developed anti-missile Iron Dome systems and at least one case of divine intervention (the story of how central Tel Aviv was rescued when the anti-missile system failed is worth a read) there would easily have been thousands if not tens of thousands of Israeli dead from the rocket barrages. Of course the one matter during Operation Protective Edge was all about the lack of dead Israelis, or as one media reporter asked allowing a slip of the tongue, lack of dead Jews, compared to the numbers of Arabs that Hamas managed to place in harm’s way by firing rockets from next to or even on top of shelters, schools, hospitals, clinics, residences and anywhere else which would cause damage to infrastructure and homes or place civilians in danger resulting in casualties not to mention the number of rockets Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired which never cleared the border striking instead within Gaza with one striking one of the Gaza Hospitals. If these actions by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the other terror factions in Gaza act when the Jews and all other Israeli interests have been removed, why would anybody believe for a second that should Israel turn Judea and Samaria over to Abbas that he would not simply hand it over to Hamas or Islamic State as soon as either challenged his forces or that Abbas and friends would be any different. The real problem is Abbas has already promised to continue with the armed conflict, translates to murdering Jews, until all of his pretend Arab state of Palestine has been liberated, and by that he means all of Israel as depicted in the pictures below.



Mahmoud Abbas holding up his treasured gift depicting his state of Palestine replacing all of Israel and the lands from the River to the Sea



Palestinian Textbook Maps depicting Palestine as replacing Israel, not sharing the land in peace and security as the Europeans and the rest of the West insist to misrepresent




Arab Palestinian Depiction of History as They View Events as Having Destroyed that Nation We All Know Never Existed


The violence has been driven by incitement which has come from the very top of Fatah Party, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as well as from the PA itself including Mahmoud Abbas as in the video below where he refers to the “Jews Have No Right to Defile the Al Aqsa Mosque with Their Filthy Feet” despite knowing full well that no Jew has even approached the al-Aqsa Mosque with the possible exception of Israeli security forces though the majority of these police are Druze and other non-Jewish members of the force in order to avoid such confrontations. Abbas also praised the “men and women in rabat. We salute every drop of blood spilled for the sake of Jerusalem. This blood is clean, pure blood, shed for the sake of Allah.” Abbas continues saluting the martyrs and those a who were merely wounded and thus not achieving martyrdom before getting around to denouncing the Jews, but you can read and see it all for yourselves as we again give you the most quoted video of the past few weeks which relates to the instigation which is above and beyond the near constant incitement which permeates the entirety of Arab society in the PA through camps, schools, videos, music and virtually everywhere the youth can be reached and brainwashed. But first Chairman Abbas who heads virtually every organization from the PLO to Fatah to the PA and thus his words carry additional weight, or if not why is he then a partner worth negotiating with.





The PA had not been resting on their achievements as Abbas has been active speaking before a special session of UNESCO where he made great efforts to attempt to have the boundaries of the al-Aqsa Mosque increased from covering the entirety of the Temple Mount to have it cover all of the Old City of Jerusalem and specifically the Western Wall and Kotel Plaza where Jews gather to pray as close as they are able to be and still permitted prayer as any Jews ascending the Temple Mount is denied the right to pray and are always under constant observations to assure they do not even squint, close their eyes for more than a second or two or especially move their lips without making obvious conversation and should any Jew dare to pray they are arrested and barred from the Temple Mount for often a minimum of six months. UNESCO refuted the claim for al-Aqsa to include the Western Wall but did grant the coverage for much of the Old City though the definition will need to be granted before any definitive decisions can be stated as fact. Abbas then traveled for a special meeting of the Human Rights Council where he presented charges against Israel seeking their denunciation of Israel, an actual waste of time as they already perform this function regularly as if it was a tradition to be observed. He then pleaded with the United Nations to provide security forces to protect the PA Arabs from the Israeli persecution as it should be enforced that the Israeli security and law enforcement forces are not permitted to interfere with the attacks and murderous intents of Arab terrorists who should be free to do as they desire and murder more Jews without interference, after all, terrorists have feelings too and they deserve to be permitted to realize their aspirations. One wonders how they could ever become martyrs if the Israelis are barred from defending themselves or their enforcement personnel from applying the law throughout the land and protecting all the peoples from threats and attacks from those who are seeking martyrdom to serve Allah. Should the United Nations in their infinite mediocrity decide to actually send international troops to presumably defend the Arabs from some presumably racist squad of murderers who have been shooting innocent Arab men for no reason simply on the circumstantial evidence that they are holding a knife chasing after a bleeding person and blood dripping from their raised knife; what else could be more demanding than for the United Nations to provide troops to protect that person carrying and running with a bloodied blade, after all they might trip and stab themselves as well as any Israeli they can catch. Perhaps Abbas should go straight to the Arab and Muslim world and request they send such troops to protect the right of Arabs to murder freely and bring pride to their family who might have received more money and greater pride had they tripped and fatally wounded themselves making themselves martyrs.



Har Nof Synagogue Terror Attack which Murdered Four Rabbis and injured half a dozen worshipers and murdered a Druze policeman who attempted to save the other worshipers. This was the cartoon which festooned the Facebook pages and homepage of the Palestinian Authority as well as the Fatah Party homepage, both organizations headed by Mahmoud Abbas who has editorial approval for all posts presumably.

Har Nof Synagogue Terror Attack which Murdered Four Rabbis and injured half a dozen worshipers and murdered a Druze policeman who attempted to save the other worshipers. This was the cartoon which festooned the Facebook pages and homepage of the Palestinian Authority as well as the Fatah Party homepage, both organizations headed by Mahmoud Abbas who has editorial approval for all posts presumably.



Run over the Jews

Run over the Jews



Picture uploaded within two hours after knifing terror attack in Tel Aviv was reported by the media celebrating the stabbing of a dozen Israelis

Picture uploaded within two hours after knifing terror attack in Tel Aviv was reported by the media celebrating the stabbing of a dozen Israelis



The fear is that the United Nations might take a vote in the General Assembly which would readily pass a resolution approving for any United Nations countries wishing to assist with the keeping of order that protects and defends the Arab rights to pursue their privilege of special recognition within the society and secure their families receive the generous rewards given the most valued family members of those who attain status as shahids. What could be any more obvious that the Arabs must be permitted to become shahids if they so choose as it is the right of every Arab both in the PA controlled territories, Jerusalem, Gaza, Judea, Samaria and even within Green Line Israel to reach for the greatest privilege and respect which a family and individual receive when one achieves the status as a shahids, a martyr in the plain and course languages such as English. What happens when some of these potential shahids find out that the only path open to achieve this respected place of privilege is to attack the protection force placing them in a position where they must defend themselves against such attacks and resort to shooting these attackers granting them their wish to become shahids? We can tell you what will happen. The United Nations approved troops will become the new enforcers of the peace. Maybe it is for the best that the Israelis would never allow these troops entry and the General Assembly does not have the power of binding resolution such that as soon as any member nation declines the resolution from the General Assembly the resolution loses all power and is made null and void, very much like when the Arab League refused to accept United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 from November 29, 1947 which called for the partition of the lands from the British Mandate west of the Jordan River to form an Arab and Jewish States but the Arabs preferred to attack the nascent Jewish State in an attempt at genocidally removing it from the map on its first day of life. After that idea failed, as did two more attempts to push the Jews into the sea, the Arabs have put forth that they should be permitted to reverse their decision to refuse Resolution 181 and have it enacted today over a half a century later after their decision to reject it actually permanently nullified the resolution making it null and void. Live and learn and watch as the idea of imposing United Nations troops anywhere within the lands under Israeli protection, which is all of the land west of Jordan, and they are not even permitted to exit their plane or cross the Allenby Bridge, whichever route they use to attempt entry, and that should about close the deal right there. Chalk up another failure of either Abbas, the United Nations, or conceivably both.


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