Beyond the Cusp

November 4, 2015

The Endless Arab Offensive Continues


Yes, there were more attacks today. One would be hard pressed to know this even following Israeli news but watching social media provides the insight and particulars for those few who may catch the story from a witness or the victim providing they were fortunate enough to be capable of telling their friends, family and those close to them. This might be the start of an ever growing news web as one shares the information with another and the web slowly expands until it hits the breakout point which sends things into the strange world of going viral. The sad thing about the news has been the phrasing used by all too many news services which have used terminology to turn everything on its head. The BBC reported on an attack where two Israelis were murdered and one assailant who committed the stabbing was killed by police as he charged them with the knife in hand but the BBC found a more interestingly slanted way to title their article which read, “Palestinian Shot Dead After Jerusalem Attack Kills Two.” The BBC is unfortunately far from alone and anybody relying on the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, CNBC, AFP or much of the mainstream media will receive slanted news but they are not totally to blame; it is their choice of reporters and front line photographers. Often those first with the “news” are straight from the Arab media making propaganda arm replete with photos which appear to make their stories all the more plausible. These are the stringers hired by the actual reporters who have an advantage over actual real news reporters; they work for the Islamists who are the originators of every Islamist groups which followed. These stringers work for what has been described best as Pallywood and are invited or even assisted in the planning of the attacks and instigations most often against IDF troops or even staging a battle against no enemy (see video below).





Instigations against the IDF, Border Police or other rock throwing, firebombing, stabbing or simple spitting and striking IDF troops coordinated too often with professional instigators trained in the finest techniques in the most progressive universities in Europe and financed by the European Union or other European governments who often work with one of their preferred filming specialists, the Bilal Tamini family who specialize in such coordinated instigations and assaults on vehicles with Israeli license plates, though their true specialty is edited conflict videos of violence by the IDF though the initial violence by the European instigating pros or the Arabs assisting being edited out. It was just one such video which ended an honored and well-decorated officer’s career when after having his fingers broken and further insults and assaults finally returned violence which became the video of the week and sufficed for the commanders who rarely get out in the field to see and drum him from his command (see pictures and video below),



Bilal Tamini credit person behind many similar such videos exalting Palestinians at the expense of Jew, especially IDF soldiers

Bilal Tamini credit person behind many similar such videos exalting Palestinians at the expense of Jew, especially IDF soldiers



Leftist infiltrator with large backpack on back enters picture at top before coming down to attempt to prolong confrontation by forcing IDF soldier back to the ground but was prevented by second soldier in video

Leftist infiltrator with large backpack on back enters picture at top before coming down to attempt to prolong confrontation by forcing IDF soldier back to the ground but was prevented by second soldier in video



Instigator Clipping Off a Few Camera Shots for Media Use Depicting Horrific IDF Attempt to Arrest Poor Arab Boy Who Was Throwing Rocks at Passing Vehicles on Road Below Earlier at the Behest of the Instigator Circled

Instigator Clipping Off a Few Camera Shots
for Media Use Depicting Horrific IDF Attempt
to Arrest Poor Arab Boy Who Was Throwing
Rocks at Passing Vehicles on Road Below
Earlier at the Behest of the Instigator Circled



Instigator about to Join Tamini Family and ‘Friends’ now attacking the Neutered IDF Soldier Who Attempted to Arrest Rock Thrower but Has Lost Control of Leftist Instigated Clash

Instigator about to Join Tamini Family and ‘Friends’
now attacking the Neutered IDF Soldier Who
Attempted to Arrest Rock Thrower but Has
Lost Control of Leftist Instigated Clash



Instigator entering scene wearing backpack ready to interfere with soldier to prolong confrontation

Instigator entering scene wearing backpack ready to interfere with soldier to prolong confrontation





These have been a few of the sets of videos from which certain pictures of vital snapshots or piecemealed and edited videos have been manufactured to be used either to provide the media the news of the evil Israelis using excessive force as well as video shots for propaganda within their own ranks to depict the brave Arab soldiers to show and inspire their youths rousing within them the desire to give their all by attacking Israeli civilians or enforcement forces or best a combination of civilians and when the end their assault rushing the enforcement personnel upon being prevented more civilian targets thus going out in a blaze of glory. Should the Islamist terrorist not be fatally injured they will receive the same quality care from medical personnel as does their victims, something we have vacillated between being disgusted and being proud that our people have not sunk to the same barbarous level as our adversaries. That brings us to the head Islamic terrorist, Mahmoud Abbas who claimed and was echoed throughout the world media that the Israelis had murdered in cold blood a thirteen year old Arab child. The world media picked up this story and ran with it without checking if Abbas was telling anything even resembling the truth. Had any of these eager beavers (our apology to beavers who are hard-working and would probably have checked the claim for validity) checked their story factual reference and actually called anybody in the Israeli government or the Magen David Adom personnel and followed up with the hospital they would have found this very same thirteen year old boy resting in his hospital bed recovering from his extensive and free surgery and all other necessary healthcare, while cursing the hospital personnel and the surgeons who had just saved his life claiming that their efforts destroyed his experiencing the greatest moment of his life of becoming a martyr. There’s a thanks but no thanks for you. That’s also gratitude as well.


There should be no surprise in any of this as the leadership of the Islamists which are the forebearers of the Islamic State, were formed by the Muslim Brotherhood in conjunction with the Soviet Union KGB back in 1964 with a charter which called for the elimination of the entirety of the State of Yisroel a full three years before the 1967 Six Day War, a war declared was being fought to drive the Jews and other Zionist supporters into the (Mediterranean) Sea. The PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) was founded and invented the hijacking of planes, murdering of civilians, taking hostages, vehicular bombing, assassination, (Robert Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan who admitted in his confessions that as a Palestinian he was forced to assassinate Robert Kennedy before he could be elected because he was too favorable of Israel), murderous rage which could go so far as to tear two soldiers apart limb by limb and through disembowelment and then lean out the window and proudly display your blood soaked hands watching, nay, enjoying and soaking in every cheer from the crowd gathered outside (see picture below).



Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands

Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd
Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists
Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands



When one traces the paths of the many Islamist entities back from their present state of affairs, one will eventually reach an interesting truth, they are all derived from the same Islamic awakening which began with Hassan al-Banna who founded the Muslim Brotherhood ((Arabic: جماعة الإخوان المسلمين) in March 1928, in the city of Ismailia, Egypt. All modern Islamic supremacist movements, whether nationalist or pan-Arab universalist, whether secular socialist or fanatically religious, they all began back there when the initial spark of an awakened Islamist movement began which strove to shake to awaken the Islamist spirit to take back the initiative which had lied dormant as the Ottoman Caliphate slowly rotted from the inside until finally falling in World War I. The Muslim Brotherhood came into existence partially as a reaction to the fact that the Islamic States had lost their independence and were currently under European colonization. This is what the Muslim Brotherhood found intolerable, the fact that Islam had lost its supremacy and was instead subjected to the insult of foreign rule.


From the Muslim Brotherhood the path takes a few faltering steps and the first group to come from the inspirations of the Muslim Brotherhood was largely secular but was supportive of Islam as its core belief alongside socialist nationalist but not only survived but thrived as it tapped into something which the rest of the world had no problem identifying with, hatred of the Jews. This was, of course, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Before the founding of the PLO the Muslim Brotherhood had been at the forefront committing acts of sabotage and threatening governments it found which opposed them which was largely done because governments have always feared and suppressed movements which attempt to establish organizations beyond their control. This has always been the problem facing the Muslim Brotherhood so it began to form groups through which it could manipulate things and ideas to install friendly governments which it could control. This was the initial spawning of that ideal of making the world ready and content with the rule as deigned sufficiently Islamic and accepting of steerage by the radical Muslim Brotherhood. Since much of their initial pressures were against the British in Egypt and then in attempts to take control of the Egyptian government, the Muslim Brotherhood has always faced stiff and determined resistance in Egypt though it has since moved well beyond that but is still running into problems on many fronts. After the PLO began to show promise the Muslim Brotherhood began trying to form other groups to tap into the seeming power motivating the PLO but the Muslim Brotherhood ran into barriers and settings where a socialist group was not all that necessary as such already existed and was governing as a nationalist state which did not leave room for a second such movement so the Muslim Brotherhood sought a different path.


The Muslim Brotherhood decided that it should strengthen its Islamic core and found religious revolutionary groups which would spread the Islamic message of supremacy, Jihad and Caliphate. And where else to set up shop than against Israel, the sole place that they had seen success. Welcome to Hamas, the next great step in the spread of Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood together. This struck upon a familiar theme from the original teachings of Israel to conquer from within and without and Hamas fulfilled this perfectly and thus the new Muslim Brotherhood had its model for success so it took off. From the success of Hamas came numerous other offshoots used to spread the Islamist ideal from its root in the secondary Muslim Brotherhood offspring against the Jews, Hamas which was really PLO 2.0 which took the largely secular PLO and transformed this principle from Socialist to a religious based Hamas which more exemplified the universalist conquest of the world far more clearly than had the PLO. So now there were competing Muslim Brotherhood entities, Hamas and the PLO, one run along with the KGB and one purely Jihadist and purely Muslim Brotherhood. From these two came the latest mutations from the Muslim Brotherhood spawned children which had produced or supported in concept such groups as Black September, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and the latest being the Islamic State. Each version was a step farther in the evolution of the first two projects which had their roots in the Muslim Brotherhood, the PLO and Hamas, both continue today with the PLO being closest to the Justice and Development Party, or A.K.P. in Turkey which has slowly moved across from somewhat secular to being more religious changing as did the Muslim Brotherhood with time. The other side has culminated in the establishment of groups which were spawned from al-Qaeda and thus a follower of the Muslim Brotherhood, thus Hamas terrorist group in Gaza becomes the Islamic State. The Islamic State is the last in a progression and refinement of the initial outcroppings formed by the Muslim Brotherhood and has a strong path back to Hamas and has also incorporated the governing structure of the PLO making the Islamic State the long sought after balance of running the state functioning with inspiration from the secular PLO merged with the purely religious form of Hamas.


What Israel must do to find their way forward is to address these roots and trace the path from the PLO and Hamas beginnings through the branches of al-Qaeda and the Taliban and other offshoots spawned largely due to the work performed by the Muslim Brotherhood to establish their bases. Further, by establishing both models in the furtive grounds of the war against Israel and the Jews, the original institutions which were approved and given much of their initial success due to their founding principles and outside influence and supplier of concepts and basic structures the Muslim Brotherhood and its two perfect constructs of PLO and Hamas which have defined every successful group since. So when leaders and politicians attempt to claim that their fight is totally separate from the struggles Israel is facing, they are simply misinformed for none of the Sunni and many of the copies in the Shia world are directly modeled on Israel which they claim will eventually cause the formation of an entity which will owe its existence which al-Qaeda and Hamas and in turn the PLO who wrote the book on terrorism and has been producing newer copies of what can be achieved ever since. This brings us to our starting point that the Muslim Brotherhood has served as the initial model from which all later Islamist actors were formed using the model of Hamas as their role model and inspiration and this admiration and debt has been passed down the line and may be that these subsequent groups will forever owe their origins and inspiration to the PLO and Hamas for being the pioneers setting the path upon which these other stand. Israel is indeed fighting a separate foe but they are not removed from these other groups but instead are the basis upon which these others stand and once Israel is permitted by a foolish world to utterly destroy these twin ideas and personnel into the future while also reaching far back to the initial founding of Islam and the expansion seeking a way back to go forward. One need look no further than the Hamas Charter which demands that once Hamas has destroyed the Zionist entity as they refer to Israel, they are then tasked to eradicating all Jews across all worlds, an endeavor which would also require the conquest of much if not all of the known world, a reoccurring theme one finds steeped entirely through all of Islamic groups, especially those founded on the PLO/Hamas model and whose actions are nearly identical. This is what Israel has been fighting, Muslim Brotherhood 1.0 through Muslim Brotherhood 4.0 still have at their hearts the beating of a man who had an idea back in Egypt 1928 and may have drawn strength from those who eventually would take his dream to the world along with the chant of, “Khaybar Khaybar ya-Yahud, jaysh il-Mohammed saufa yaud!” which translated as “Remember (the battle of) Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Mohammed is coming!” Thus those fighting the Islamic State are simply fighting Hamas and the PLO and those fighting the PLO and Hamas are fighting Islamic State. These two fights are actually inseparable and this is a truth the world needs to learn, Israeli victories are their victories and vice-versa. That is the basic truth as even the Shiite groups are modeled on the PLO which means Iran is also an offshoot of the PLO which is pointed out in the pictures of Yasser Arafat and the Ayatollah Khomeini.



Yasser Arafat and the Ayatollah Khomeini meeting in support of one another as kindred spirits as Arafat assisted having the Ayatollah returned to power using President Carter

Yasser Arafat and the Ayatollah Khomeini
meeting in support of one another as kindred
spirits as Arafat assisted having the Ayatollah
returned to power using President Carter



This is the reality of the past right up to this very day with the main threats to the stability of the world are Iran under the Ayatollahs and the Islamic State as the latest rendition of Hamas and the PLO, a blend the Muslim Brotherhood has had a hand in forming from the outset in 1928 Europe with a membership initially of under a dozen workers on the Suez Canal workforce. From such humble beginnings we now face the dawn to World War III which each day appears less likely avoidable especially with the downing of a Russian civilian airliner and Russia under Putin, Vlad the Invader, bringing his nuclear missiles into the ready to respond to this attack on Mother Russia which will receive complete and total backing of the Russian people if it is presented that Russia can target those responsible and end this threat they face. The question may end up what will the rest of the world do? This is what the world on the brink looks like, nothing more and nothing less, nukes at the ready is always a tense situation no matter whose nukes are being prepared.


Beyond the Cusp


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