Beyond the Cusp

October 4, 2018

Anti-Western Hatred Doubles Down


There are movements across Europe and starting to fester within the United States which cast the Caucasian Race as the ultimate evil and a plague upon the Earth. This is often disguised as anti-colonialism despite the fact that colonialism dies a permanent death between the two World Wars. In France there have been reports of a great part of France has actually stood up to shout “Death to Whites,” and far worse including classes such as the one last July at the prestigious School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Ehess) there was a workshop dedicated to the “white condition,” seen as intrinsically oppressive. There are also classes reserved for people other than whites offered in European Universities. Often these anti-white protests blame slavery as if it were a modern day problem in the Western World. It was the 1833 Slavery Abolition Act passed by Britain which brought slavery in the Western World to an end. The British navy, which ruled the seas, declared war upon the slave trade sinking every slave-ship they came across in the Atlantic Ocean and into the Mediterranean Sea. The United States ended the practice at the end of the Civil War in 1865 with the surrender by General Lee to General Grant in the Appomattox Courthouse. But why allow reality, history and the truth to get in the way of hyperbole.


Anti-White Protest Referring Slavery Which Ended in Europe Over a Century Ago

Anti-White Protest Referring Slavery Which Ended in Europe Over a Century Ago


Does slave trade actually exist in any form today? The unfortunate truth is yes. The most accurate data we were able to compile are represented in the map below. The reality is very quickly grasped that the Western World, the Caucasian world, where slavery has been all but eradicated. This, in and of itself, is solid refutation of the claims made by these protesters across Europe and North America. They are preaching to the one peoples on the Earth who ended the grotesque practice of slavery. These protesters would have faced a greater risk of being enslaved in their homelands than they do in Europe or North America. But, as we have been prone to pointing out, why allow reality get in the way of a great sounding slogan which fits so readily on poster-boards and chanted at a protest. There is a problem in Europe when it comes to unemployment as there are fewer and fewer jobs for all youth and that difficulty is even more prevalent amongst the immigrant population. Records for 2016 for Europe depict that foreign-born unemployment is almost fifteen percent while native-born unemployment sits at eight percent, just slightly over half as much. Many believe that the unemployment for foreign born is actually considerably higher as it is based upon known foreign population and omits those who entered illegally or never registered and thus are not included in the statistics. But unemployment is not slavery and further, being unemployed does not equate with starvation, as benefits are sufficient for a modest life. Slavery is a brutal and demeaning blight against humanity, especially in our modern world. The areas where this practice still exists should be the target of efforts to end such subjugation, but Europe and North America are not the correct target having rid themselves of this practice over a century and a half ago.


Map Showing Risk of Falling Victim of the Slave Trade Indexed for 2014


There has been one special nation which has been chosen as being doubly white despite having a wide mix of racial groups. That nation is Israel and it became deserving of this label because the Jews are considered to be whiter white people, a double white if you take the denotation by many protesters. The claim is that Israel is not the home of the Jews and that there never was a Jewish kingdom in the Holy Lands, let alone at least three, the original Twelve Tribes, the kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah, the Empire built by King David and King Solomon and Modern Israel with the borders as defined by the San Remo Conference, the Mandate System, the League of Nations, the United Nations and International Law (see map below). Israel is a multicultural nation with a desperate mixture of Jews from around the globe. The two largest groups of Jews are the Ashkenazi, the Sephardim, Ethiopian, Bnei Menashe (India), Moroccan, Mizrahi and Jews from every continent and virtually every nation where Jews were permitted to live (See Table Below). Further, there is DNA proof that despite the dispersion of Jews throughout the globe, for the most part, excluding modern converts, the Jews have remained a distinct people with their origins being the Middle East and specifically the region of the Holy Lands. The preponderance of evidence is that the Jewish People are in fact a unique group whose origins are the Holy Land and their claim to being the indigenous people is valid and thus completely rules out the colonial myth. Further, the immigration of Jews from every corner of the globe proves that Israel is a multicultural nation and with her Arab, Bedouin, Baha’I, Druze, Syriac Christians, Armenians, Kurds, and numerous other groups outside of her Jewish majority that Israel has amongst the most diverse ethnicity of any nation on Earth. That is the reality, yet Israel is cast by the protests across Europe and breaking into North America as a purely white colonial invasion of the purely Islamic Middle East when it is the Muslims who are the invaders arriving in the Seventh Century replacing a long line of previous invaders which included but is not limited to the Assyrians, Egyptians, Hittites, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Islamic Caliphate, Crusaders, Muslims led by Kurds under Salah ad-Din or Saladin, the Ottomans and the British. Finally, Israel has been returned to her first permanent civilization whose peoples remain to this day as an identifiable people.


Israel Through the Ages

Israel Through the Ages


Table Depicting Countries of Origin of Israeli Jews

Table Depicting Countries of Origin of Israeli Jews


Still, the truth can never get in the way of a wave of protesters who have a slogan which is catchy and can be chanted. It is of little help that many in Europe agree that Israel is an imposition, but not on Islam or the Arab Middle East, but on their new religion of Secular Humanity. Secular Humanists have an aberrant phobia against anything which supports Judeo-Christian ethics, and nothing says Judeo of Judeo-Christian than the reemergence of Israel, the originators of Judeo ethic and where Christian ethics got their birth. As the Islamic immigrants in Europe share this disdain for anything Judeo-Christian, the European elites have attached themselves to their movement. Their idea is they can take over and adjust Islam to fit the Secular Humanist agenda. We believe that these European elites are in for one very big surprise, and they probably will not like this surprise, as it is the will of Islam that it must supersede all others and do so through purity of its Quran as interpreted by their Imams. But when it comes to reality and truth, the Europeans and the rest of the Western World have had their way with the world and apparently are not completely done playing with other peoples’ affairs. This does partly explain the reason for the animus against Western civilization. What the world need prepare to face and find how to deal with is the coming resurgence of the third wave of Islamic conquest. The initial target is to finally, once and for all, take control of Europe. Many European elites are actually facilitating this making even more likely to become an inevitability. One of the main driving forces behind this is the fact that the Europeans have negative reproductive growth rates with almost every European nation and the United States having negative growth for their Caucasian population. This has also led to an aging Caucasian population across much of the Western World. What is even of greater interest is that the birth rate world-wide is dropping and getting close to dropping below replacement rate of 2.3 births per woman. Fortunately, here in Israel the birth rate per woman has begun to rise, especially amongst the Jewish population while it is dropping amongst the Arab population. Among Israeli Jewish women, the TFR reached 3.16, surpassing for the first time in Israel’s history the Arab fertility rate, which fell to 3.11 as from data reported by Arutz Sheva. The world is changing, some places for the better, others, not so much. Fortunately, here in Israel, despite the threats and intermittent crises, the future is actually looking to be a surprisingly optimistic outlook. This will continue despite what the protesters say around the world simply because we tend to disregard them. Now if only the European busybodies would go home and tend to their own problems and stop creating more for us here in Israel.


Beyond the Cusp


November 13, 2017

Rape, Sexual Harassment and Feminist Hypocrisy


Let us all admit this right up front, Harvey Weinstein was and probably still is a pig and a disgusting one at that. He deserves much of the scorn for his practices and using other human beings as sex objects, toys even. We should also accept that he operated in this fashion in a time when such was more of a common practice than today and was almost alive during times when slaves existed in many places around the globe openly. If we were to be complete honest about this practice, then we should expect to have much, if not most, of Hollywood, producers, major stars and starlets and to be sure, male and female sexual predators alike. But that is simply Hollywood and the sexual harassment and worse produced as matter of fact coin of the realm.


What about one who preached modesty for women, proper behavior and restraint for women, unbecoming clothing to hide the female form all so men would not act like the sexual predatory animals they presumably are and then acted exactly as one of those predatory animals men presumably are? Should the feminist lobby and membership be outraged or understanding as this presumably honorable man has been accused of acting boorishly, committing rape and taking advantage of his position of power and influence in order to take advantage of women who trusted him. The man holds and has held prestigious positions such as a former Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford, and also teaches at the Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford, is a visiting professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar, and the Université Mundiapolis in Morocco plus is also a senior research fellow at Doshisha University in Japan and is a Swiss academic, philosopher and writer. Since the accusations of sexual misconduct have piled up with some of the women unknowns, a few women of stature have also brought accusations that in their youth when they were not accomplished, they had been victims of this illustrious man of religion.


The man in question, as you have all probably recognized already, is Tariq Ramadan, the Islamic Imam extraordinaire of Europe and as much loved and respected by the seculars of Europe as he is by Muslims the world over. The allegations against Tariq Ramadan must be addressed seriously just as they would be inspected with all seriousness were this a cleric of another religion. Imagine how seriously women would be taken if they were to come forward with similar charges against one of the Catholic Bishops or Cardinals claiming that as a priest they had molested and raped these women in their youth or if high clergy of a protestant church or respected Rabbi were accused of these same charges. In any of these cases, the women would be canonized by the Feminist Movement and these Christian or Judaic clergy, religious men would not be permitted an ounce of sympathy and would be held accountable and their accusers believed just as have the charges against Harvey Weinstein. It has taken Oxford University a number of weeks before deciding to influence Tariq Ramadan to take a leave of absence until these matters have been cleared. The basic response in Europe has been to treat him with kid gloves and accuse the women of slander and protest their absurd and contemptible accusations against such a man who stands above reproach.


Islamic Imam Extraordinaire of Europe Tariq Ramadan

Islamic Imam Extraordinaire of Europe Tariq Ramadan


Did we miss the demand that we return to the 1950s or earlier where a woman accusing a man of rape was ridiculed and charged with asking for it or is this a unique case where the person accused is absolved due to their religious orientation granting automatic immunity against such charges. To claim that Tariq Ramadan cannot be held to the same standards as other men is to support the Islamic claim that if a woman was raped, then she deserved it unless she can produce four men to support her claims and were witness to such an act. There would never be four men who would claim to have witnessed such an act as rape and not intervened to prevent such an abhorrent act, thus the women could never produce sufficient witness to uphold her wild accusations. Tariq Ramadan would be dismissed as innocent and his accusers stoned in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and much of the Islamic world. In reality, no woman would dare bring such charges in a Muslim nation, as they would know they were risking their own lives with such an accusation. To bring a charge such as these against a man of the stature and position of Tariq Ramadan would be certain death. Fortunately, these women are in the Western World and thus are not risking their lives, only their reputations.


But will being in the Western World make their accusations any more productive or will they be discarded as foolish women who should have known and expected such treatment from Tariq Ramadan meeting him in a private location without witnesses. They must have known that being alone with a Muslim man would drive his sexual desires beyond his abilities to control his actions. What were they thinking, one meeting him alone in a hotel room, she had to realize that he was inviting her to his own little den of iniquity. Meeting him alone anywhere, his office at Oxford, a meeting room at an Islamic Center, any location unsupervised would simply be an invitation to do with them as he pleased and he pleased to please them, or himself. These were Muslim women and one admitted to meeting him unveiled and wearing close fitting Western clothing which was in fashion, she had to be temporarily insane to agree to meet dressed thusly. These other students, they were likely improperly dressed to be meeting a Muslim man alone in an unobserved and remote location. The Quran warns women not to place themselves around Islamic men in any place or situation where the men might act animalistic as this is a temptation which no man can resist. Tariq Ramadan is being charged with being a man, a normal man under Islamic belief and as such, he could not be expected to withhold his desires and lusts in the presence of such temptresses. Obviously, the officials and public throughout Europe are well versed in all things Islamic and have already reached their verdict, Tariq Ramadan was acting as a man and these women are to blame for his actions against them as they were asking for it. They placed candy before an infantile mind and the child-man simply took the candy, what did they expect. If these women honestly believe that Tariq Ramadan did something untoward to them, maybe they should go back and consider the stress and irresistible temptations they placed before him and the terrible situation they imposed tempting him in such an unholy manner. To have expected anything different than what they received was simply ignorance and after all, would not any women accepting such a meeting with Tariq Ramadan be doing so knowing the result and secretly desiring such an end? We must understand that these women had glanced the beatific aura and rugged handsomeness that was Tariq Ramadan (see image below) and were taken by his radiance as well as the powerful positions he held and importance in the Islamic World, it is no wonder they sought to tempt him so shamelessly.


Tariq Ramadan

Tariq Ramadan


The end of this series of events, or fiasco depending on one’s predisposition, is still something we will need patience to wait and then ascertain. The initial reading of the tea leaves would indicate that Tariq Ramadan will lose some of his sheen but still be considered a radiant and brilliant person above reproach in the finer societies of Europe and for the leftists in the United States. He might lose his position at Oxford but is more likely to be granted a sabbatical to return to somewhere in the Middle East to further his studies only to make a triumphant return in a year to eighteen months. The women will be insisted to be more reserved and to reconsider their charges. Most will be glad to escape this circus intact and not permanently labeled as a woman without morals, as an easy woman. Hopefully, some will stick to their guns and perhaps receive support from some more prominent women, possibly Muslim women of prominence with a similar story from their past and Tariq Ramadan. There must be some Muslim woman who he demanded favors for a recommendation early in their career. Such a woman making an accusation would be risking becoming a pariah in the Islamic World and be without any support from the Islamic World. They would be signing their own death act should they return to the wrong country in the Middle East, North Africa or anywhere where Sharia is enforced. They would be best advised to avoid many of the Muslim neighborhoods where they enforce their own laws in Europe, the United States or elsewhere in the world. They would no longer be acceptable should they bring down a Muslim man for sexual misconduct as such so rarely exists in the Islamic World as to be considered an impossibility, something one would probably never witness in their lives. These women would become ostracized and face the wrath of Allah according to most Imams. This is the risk each of these women who have made accusations is already facing and that alone adds credence to their claims. The result of these claims and possible future claims will be interesting to watch, not so much the actions in Europe and the United States but throughout the Islamic World, that is where change is necessary and the reaction to this fiasco, as it is currently playing out, will tell us much about the future of the Muslim World, and thus the rest of the world as well.


Beyond the Cusp


September 15, 2017

How to Kill Two with One Stone


If your aim is to cripple the United States and destroy its healthcare system with one idea, the left-wing of the Democrat Party is your place to be. If a Single-Payer Government Healthcare System is your desire, then the government will become almost exclusively a health care organization and abrogate all its other responsibilities. We are going to hear one lie repeated over and over during this debate quite often with a different nation place at the closure of the statement. Backers of the plan will claim, “Government run healthcare is used in every major Western nations and it works so well; just look at how well it works in (place your European nation of choice here). The problem is it has not worked in any nation without consequences, and the world cannot afford for the United States to fall for this trap and become just another collapsing European country. Inspecting each nation which has adopted Government Healthcare and some specifics become apparent to those wishing to see the truth.


The first and probably most important item of note is none of these nations has a decent military which could respond to any external threat. This has worked for Europe simply because they have NATO and NATO means the United States. Should the United States become just like Europe, then the entirety of the Western World becomes defenseless. That would leave Europe completely open to invasion by any of a number of enemies who do not care about their citizens but do care about their military forces. This brings to mind Russia, China and Iran right off the top of our heads. And as Iran has stated their desire to bring Europe to its knees bowing before Shia Islam, why not just invite them in and start the mass conversions and beheadings now. Why wait for the inevitable should there be no United States Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines? Allow the United States to fall for the Succubus of National Healthcare and she will become as weak as (place your European nation of choice here).


The main reason within the United States is the amount that taxes will need to be raised in order to have what will amount to Medicare for all. The first hurdle will be to get all the individual hospitals, physicians, clinics, HMO’s, PPO’s, EPO’s, POS’s and other various health plans to take Medicare style lowest cost for procedure payments. There will need at some point to pass a law which will make providing, receiving or paying for any form of healthcare outside the system to be heavily taxed. This will prevent the Middle Class from opting out of making the necessary payment into Medicare to belong and in its stead buying private healthcare at a private, government independent health providing system. This will never be made completely illegal, as the wealthiest five percent will still require their own competent best possible healthcare without traveling to Israel, India, Brazil or Mexico to receive their healthcare.


Meanwhile, the fee for receiving Medicare will start creeping upward leaving many elderly it was supposed to care for out in the cold without even basic care outside of Emergency Rooms. Taxes will also increase lowering the standard of living with every increase. The final stages will require the government to cut other programs in order to pay for healthcare costs which will continue to rise. The first cuts will endanger the military of the United States until the Navy becomes a shore patrol venture, the Air Force will fly only coverage of the United States skies, the Army and Marines an internal security force, the National Guard and Coast Guard will be absorbed into the Marines and Navy respectively and the Border Patrol absorbed into the Army. With time, even these will be drawn down to the point that the United States will barely be capable of guarding her borders.



After eviscerating the military and public Federal Protective Services, the government will begin to look elsewhere for funds. The Park Service, other social programs, anywhere and everywhere will become vulnerable and all the while, the quality of healthcare will fall. The physician pay will slowly be eaten away until nobody desires to become a physician, especially a surgeon or other specialist while nursing schools will become empty of students and healthcare will bleed and the number of places providing care will be eroded. Hospitals will be the first to close their emergency services and then their doors entirely. That will be the slow death of even the lowest denominator of decent care and the price will continue to skyrocket. Eventually the government will be forced to restrict service allowing only the most life threatening surgeries and other special services. Diagnostics will revert to the least expensive procedures and many actual diseases such as cancers will go undetected until far too late. Mortality figures will steadily climb and life expectancy steadily decline.


All of this will come at an ever-increasing cost with rising deductibles used as a way to discourage the use of the services which remain. When something is presumably provided for free, then it will be used to the point of abuse and beyond. This has been proven beyond debate using many government programs as the proof. Once the Federal Government ruled that all hospitals that receive government funds, that included Medicare and Medicaid and Veterans programs, were required to provide health services, particularly emergency room services, regardless of ability to pay for services, emergency rooms were swamped and hospitals who provided clinical services to the public found these clinics were used to replace normal physician visits costing hospitals from tens of thousands to tens of millions annually. Much of these care billings were passed by the Federal Government to the individual states who often were well behind or simply defaulted. What became basically free health care is what drove the hospital crisis threatening many hospital closings. This is one example of government health care and the inability to cover such costs. Another pair of prime examples are Veterans Hospitals and health care as well as Native American health care systems. Does anybody honestly believe that within a decade the same problems will not permeate any single payer government health care system?


Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren

Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren


Former Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (Democrat from Montana) told NBC News “I just think the time has come. Back in ’09, we were not ready to address it. It would never have passed. Here we are nine years later; I think it’s time to hopefully have a very serious good faith look at it.” He subsequently added, “I started out by saying everything is on the table. But I did make an exception and that was single-payer. I said, nope, we’re not going to put single-payer on the table. Why? In my judgement, America was just not there … It’s branded as socialistic by too many people.” Baucus was the main centrist Democrat around which the Democrat opposition to Single Payer Government Health Care had been anchored. With his new position, these few remaining centrist Democrats no longer have anyone to take their position and hold the line. This would likely mean that the entirety of the Democrats in both houses of Congress will support the plan which Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren plan on submitting in the Senate this fall as the way of saving the nation from Obamacare. This is just one more prime example of the Congress creating a problem just to take more power and completely ruin what they first damaged beyond repair. How turning all of health care over to the same people who destroyed the best system for coming up with new drugs, treatments and cures the world has known for the past two centuries will improve it rather than bring its destruction is beyond us. The Democrats by voting as if they were a single block represented by their most-extreme leadership probably in history will only need approximately twenty-five Republicans in the House of Representatives and three in the Senate. With John McCain and his cohorts of “Never Trump” Senators consisting of about a half dozen, the Senate passing such a measure is assured, the House might be a little closer but as it appears that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan seeming to be colluding with the Democrats, the House would also likely pass such and that is the story if the people of America do not wake up fast and scream until the mountains crash. Without a popular uprising, single payer government health care, just like in Europe, will destroy the United States and leave the Western World all but defenseless.


Beyond the Cusp


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