Beyond the Cusp

December 29, 2017

Yair Lapid and Avi Gabbay Show True Colors


Yair Lapid and Avi Gabbay each revealed their real positions and declared war on all religious, nationalist, Zionist and Conservative or right-leaning voters and the work done by the Knesset to legally pass legislation. They claim they will use the courts and all other means at their disposal in thwarting the will of the people. Their actions are simply an extension of their mutual belief that only they possess true sight and that makes their opinions more correct and necessary than that of the voters. Their inability to accept the will of the majority simple reveals their own self-derived greater-than-life image of themselves as the true prophets of our times who have been chosen by Heaven to intervene and make the government upright again. If only they actually had such insight, but alas, they only possess self-righteous pride and the belief that they know better and we must accept their wisdom or else they will go to any length to defeat our triumphs and overturn our accomplishments. Let us recount each of these gentlemen’s latest announced crusades and the revelations they provide.


Let us take the more reasonable Avi Gabbay who at least claims he will use legislative means to accomplish his quest. Mr. Gabbay was kind enough to spell everything out for us when he stated, “December 27 is a dark day in the history of the fight against crime and corruption. I reiterate my commitment: The government which I will head will abolish the Recommendations Law, the Supermarket Law and the Job Law.” Well, there it is. If the people of Israel would simply realize the opportunity facing them and place their trust in the Zionist Union, then they would do their best to undo everything accomplished in the past year’s efforts. You like being a Jew and think that the religion should be the basis for attitudes of the government, then Avi Gabbay is not your man. If you believe that laws need to be made by the Legislature, interpreted by Judges and merely enforced by the police, then Avi Gabbay is not your man. The simple truth from Mr. Gabbay is that he desires an Israel which is democratic and multicultural with perhaps a touch of Judaism permitted in certain neighborhoods. His vision is known as a Secular Israel where Israel is the Middle East version of the United States and he is the Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer and friends modern Democrat Party where the Zionist Union are the Democrats working for that brave new world where the government is supreme. They also have a problem fulfilling their party’s name, Zionist Union. They have the Union part down pat if they are referring to Union as in Soviet Union as they love all things leftist but they are not all that much Zionist. They believe that the Arabs have just as much right as the Jews to the land and the Arab claim is just as historically valid as the Jewish claim. We have to wonder if Avi Gabbay was at all impressed and pleased with President Trump’s announced recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital City of the nation of Israel or would he prefer Israel moving the capital to Tel Aviv where the embassies still sit. What is the difference and why are those religious types making such a fuss, we can almost hear them asking. It has to do with the history of the Israelites and all of the generations of the Jewish people for the past three-thousand years plus. But what is the big deal, Avi just does not get it.


Now for Yair Lapid and his cry that every last one of the hundreds of reservations brought forward against the bill, many by his party, were being voted down one after the other, that should the Knesset pass the Recommendations Law, his party will challenge the law hoping to get it annulled by the Israel Supreme Court. This law, according to Arutz Sheva states, “According to the coalition’s conclusions, the law will only relate to the non-publication of police recommendations in the media, and will determine that in investigations in which there is an accompanying attorney, there will be no recommendation but only a summary of the hearing.” Yair Lapid recently stated that he should be considered to be the next in line for the Prime Minister position as he is the logical extension of Benyamin Netanyahu as he, Yair Lapid, is just as conservative, just as religious, just as strong a Zionist and simply more Bibi than Bibi. Apparently, the more Bibi than Bibi opposes the actual Bibi who supported the passing of the Recommendations Law and Yair ‘I’m more Bibi than Bibi’ Lapid will go to the Supreme Court demanding that they overturn the legislation immediately once it has passed, or at least some time convenient after he wakes and gets a good breakfast under his belt, then Supreme Court must act as Yair Lapid has spoken.


Both of these politicians suffer from a severe misreading of the Israeli public as they believe in their post-Zionist views and their anti-religious pro-governance by autocrats and the Black Robed Dictatorial Courts. We discussed this concept and its birth and continued applications and the ramifications in greater depth in Democracy’s Greatest Threat Wrapped in Black and how the current Israeli Coalition, led by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, has worked to change the self-replicating appointment methods of judges, particularly Supreme Court Judges, and lessen the power and range of adjudicable subjects to coral the runaway power extension and liberties taken by the Supreme Court. Their days of overturning laws passed by the Knesset, reversing decisions made by the Prime Minister, authoring laws they believe are necessary to advance society in the “correct” direction, and even countermand orders given by command level officers of the IDF during a conflict. The Israeli Supreme Court has long worked under the concept put forth by Israeli Supreme Court former Chief Justice Israeli Aharon Barak in his statement that “everything is justiciable” granting the Supreme Court and all courts unlimited power. Yair Lapid hopes to use their power to once again impose the leftist views of the court, and Yair Lapid, upon the nation overturning legislation passed by the Legislature. Yair Lapid, a former editorial newscaster who was famous for reporting the news as he saw the news. He used his name identification and popularity gained from reading the teleprompter and having good writers with whom he likely had a working relationship.


Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked

Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked


One thing we will give Yair Lapid credit, he can read a teleprompter with the best of them, sounds smooth, and presents well. He can tell you exactly what you should want and then convince you to vote for him to get it. Unfortunately, Mr. Lapid is most often simply reading a script constructed to make him sound exactly what the audience to whom he is speaking wants to hear and are willing to but unchallenged. To Zionists, he sounds as nationalist and pro building in the Shomron sounding like Naftali Bennett with just sufficient Bibi and a small amount of safe centrist pabulum making him too good to be true. To the secular post-Zionists, he does not even need speechwriters, as this is what he actually believes. The secular Israel is a Democracy first, second, last and everything inbetween with Judaism simply one of the plethora of religions observed here. Yair Lapid was once a proud two-state solution water carrier who believed that if Israel just found the perfect combination of land and other incentivizes then peace would be reached and the terrorism would end and everything will be perfect. One can only wonder how far from his roots he has managed to move. He claims he can out Bibi, Bibi, and can almost match Bennett but his idea is to be more logical and able to compromise where required to get the most, yet he spoke as a supporter of the Gaza pull-out. Not all that long ago, right before the last elections, Mr. Lapid stated, in clear English, “The details may be complex, but the basic idea is simple – Israel doesn’t want to absorb 3.5 million Palestinians. It is time to separate and guarantee our future as a Jewish and democratic state.” One must believe now that he is a Zionist’s Zionist? Really now, why are we having problems believing this. Of course, he can also out Gabbay, Gabbay, when speaking to the left wing demonstrators in Tel Aviv. He is the perfect politician capable of being whatever the crowd wants to hear and he counts on his true friends in the media to cover his chameleon-like presentations molding his speeches to each crowd.


Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely


The next Israeli election is going to be so much fun for us as politicians attempt to assure their leftist base that they really do not mean most of what they are having said in the media as everyone attempts to out Bibi, Bibi except for Bibi who will be attempting to out Bennett, Bennett. Unless something changes within Beit Yehudi (Jewish Home), then Naftali Bennett will run believing his time has come. The one big problem standing between Bennett from a fair chance at making it to the top spot is Bibi. Should Bibi step aside, then Likud, with a large assist from Netanyahu, needs to groom the next seemingly permanent Prime Minister and do so fast. Netanyahu has so efficiently prevented anyone challenging his position at the top of the party that there has not developed a successor. Without Netanyahu or a strong Likud candidate, then the field will be open and then who knows what will come next. The one person who would make a formidable candidate for Likud might not desire the top spot, Tzipi Hotovely. Some day Israel might face two women running for Prime Minister with Tzipi Hotovely for Likud and Ayelet Shaked for Jewish Home, now that would be a real choice of two of the most competent and complete candidates who would, either of them, make for a strong and well represented Israeli Prime Minister. That would be the political race the world would watch. For now, we are going to have to settle for the biggest question of the moment, will or will not Bibi Netanyahu run at the head of Likud, and if not, then who? Then there is another less tempting question, who will be the candidate to lead Zionist Union? Will it be Avi Gabbay or will it be Ehud Barak? Beyond these questions, there are some other side items such as who will be running under what name and in what grouping as the new election laws has had the making for strange bedfellows. Who will combine with whom and how they divide up their lists is the kind of minutia which makes this boring to all but the most invested and the people who live politics. We will try not to bore you with these items unless they are surprising or particularly amusing. You’re welcome.


Beyond the Cusp



  1. I beg to differ on this issue Brian. I do not approve of anyone forcing their stand on me, especially in lieu of the ongoing investigations which smell of a cover up. I also believe in live and let live and do not think that I should not be free to live as a secular Jew in Israel. This has nothing to do with right or left, just common decency.


    Comment by Roberta Jerushalmy — December 30, 2017 @ 3:01 AM | Reply

  2. Brian, I think you are confusing political expediency with the will of the people. I doubt the majority of Israel want to prohibit minimarkets from opening on Shabbat. I doubt the majority of Israelis want a law passed that prevents the police from doing the job they have done for 70 years just to protect Benjamin Netanyahu. I doubt the majority of the country want to pass laws prohibiting the supreme court from ruling on the legality of laws passed by the current gang who are in control of the Knesset.


    Comment by Jonatan Zahav — December 30, 2017 @ 3:02 AM | Reply

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