Beyond the Cusp

December 29, 2017

Yair Lapid and Avi Gabbay Show True Colors


Yair Lapid and Avi Gabbay each revealed their real positions and declared war on all religious, nationalist, Zionist and Conservative or right-leaning voters and the work done by the Knesset to legally pass legislation. They claim they will use the courts and all other means at their disposal in thwarting the will of the people. Their actions are simply an extension of their mutual belief that only they possess true sight and that makes their opinions more correct and necessary than that of the voters. Their inability to accept the will of the majority simple reveals their own self-derived greater-than-life image of themselves as the true prophets of our times who have been chosen by Heaven to intervene and make the government upright again. If only they actually had such insight, but alas, they only possess self-righteous pride and the belief that they know better and we must accept their wisdom or else they will go to any length to defeat our triumphs and overturn our accomplishments. Let us recount each of these gentlemen’s latest announced crusades and the revelations they provide.


Let us take the more reasonable Avi Gabbay who at least claims he will use legislative means to accomplish his quest. Mr. Gabbay was kind enough to spell everything out for us when he stated, “December 27 is a dark day in the history of the fight against crime and corruption. I reiterate my commitment: The government which I will head will abolish the Recommendations Law, the Supermarket Law and the Job Law.” Well, there it is. If the people of Israel would simply realize the opportunity facing them and place their trust in the Zionist Union, then they would do their best to undo everything accomplished in the past year’s efforts. You like being a Jew and think that the religion should be the basis for attitudes of the government, then Avi Gabbay is not your man. If you believe that laws need to be made by the Legislature, interpreted by Judges and merely enforced by the police, then Avi Gabbay is not your man. The simple truth from Mr. Gabbay is that he desires an Israel which is democratic and multicultural with perhaps a touch of Judaism permitted in certain neighborhoods. His vision is known as a Secular Israel where Israel is the Middle East version of the United States and he is the Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer and friends modern Democrat Party where the Zionist Union are the Democrats working for that brave new world where the government is supreme. They also have a problem fulfilling their party’s name, Zionist Union. They have the Union part down pat if they are referring to Union as in Soviet Union as they love all things leftist but they are not all that much Zionist. They believe that the Arabs have just as much right as the Jews to the land and the Arab claim is just as historically valid as the Jewish claim. We have to wonder if Avi Gabbay was at all impressed and pleased with President Trump’s announced recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital City of the nation of Israel or would he prefer Israel moving the capital to Tel Aviv where the embassies still sit. What is the difference and why are those religious types making such a fuss, we can almost hear them asking. It has to do with the history of the Israelites and all of the generations of the Jewish people for the past three-thousand years plus. But what is the big deal, Avi just does not get it.


Now for Yair Lapid and his cry that every last one of the hundreds of reservations brought forward against the bill, many by his party, were being voted down one after the other, that should the Knesset pass the Recommendations Law, his party will challenge the law hoping to get it annulled by the Israel Supreme Court. This law, according to Arutz Sheva states, “According to the coalition’s conclusions, the law will only relate to the non-publication of police recommendations in the media, and will determine that in investigations in which there is an accompanying attorney, there will be no recommendation but only a summary of the hearing.” Yair Lapid recently stated that he should be considered to be the next in line for the Prime Minister position as he is the logical extension of Benyamin Netanyahu as he, Yair Lapid, is just as conservative, just as religious, just as strong a Zionist and simply more Bibi than Bibi. Apparently, the more Bibi than Bibi opposes the actual Bibi who supported the passing of the Recommendations Law and Yair ‘I’m more Bibi than Bibi’ Lapid will go to the Supreme Court demanding that they overturn the legislation immediately once it has passed, or at least some time convenient after he wakes and gets a good breakfast under his belt, then Supreme Court must act as Yair Lapid has spoken.


Both of these politicians suffer from a severe misreading of the Israeli public as they believe in their post-Zionist views and their anti-religious pro-governance by autocrats and the Black Robed Dictatorial Courts. We discussed this concept and its birth and continued applications and the ramifications in greater depth in Democracy’s Greatest Threat Wrapped in Black and how the current Israeli Coalition, led by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, has worked to change the self-replicating appointment methods of judges, particularly Supreme Court Judges, and lessen the power and range of adjudicable subjects to coral the runaway power extension and liberties taken by the Supreme Court. Their days of overturning laws passed by the Knesset, reversing decisions made by the Prime Minister, authoring laws they believe are necessary to advance society in the “correct” direction, and even countermand orders given by command level officers of the IDF during a conflict. The Israeli Supreme Court has long worked under the concept put forth by Israeli Supreme Court former Chief Justice Israeli Aharon Barak in his statement that “everything is justiciable” granting the Supreme Court and all courts unlimited power. Yair Lapid hopes to use their power to once again impose the leftist views of the court, and Yair Lapid, upon the nation overturning legislation passed by the Legislature. Yair Lapid, a former editorial newscaster who was famous for reporting the news as he saw the news. He used his name identification and popularity gained from reading the teleprompter and having good writers with whom he likely had a working relationship.


Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked

Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked


One thing we will give Yair Lapid credit, he can read a teleprompter with the best of them, sounds smooth, and presents well. He can tell you exactly what you should want and then convince you to vote for him to get it. Unfortunately, Mr. Lapid is most often simply reading a script constructed to make him sound exactly what the audience to whom he is speaking wants to hear and are willing to but unchallenged. To Zionists, he sounds as nationalist and pro building in the Shomron sounding like Naftali Bennett with just sufficient Bibi and a small amount of safe centrist pabulum making him too good to be true. To the secular post-Zionists, he does not even need speechwriters, as this is what he actually believes. The secular Israel is a Democracy first, second, last and everything inbetween with Judaism simply one of the plethora of religions observed here. Yair Lapid was once a proud two-state solution water carrier who believed that if Israel just found the perfect combination of land and other incentivizes then peace would be reached and the terrorism would end and everything will be perfect. One can only wonder how far from his roots he has managed to move. He claims he can out Bibi, Bibi, and can almost match Bennett but his idea is to be more logical and able to compromise where required to get the most, yet he spoke as a supporter of the Gaza pull-out. Not all that long ago, right before the last elections, Mr. Lapid stated, in clear English, “The details may be complex, but the basic idea is simple – Israel doesn’t want to absorb 3.5 million Palestinians. It is time to separate and guarantee our future as a Jewish and democratic state.” One must believe now that he is a Zionist’s Zionist? Really now, why are we having problems believing this. Of course, he can also out Gabbay, Gabbay, when speaking to the left wing demonstrators in Tel Aviv. He is the perfect politician capable of being whatever the crowd wants to hear and he counts on his true friends in the media to cover his chameleon-like presentations molding his speeches to each crowd.


Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely


The next Israeli election is going to be so much fun for us as politicians attempt to assure their leftist base that they really do not mean most of what they are having said in the media as everyone attempts to out Bibi, Bibi except for Bibi who will be attempting to out Bennett, Bennett. Unless something changes within Beit Yehudi (Jewish Home), then Naftali Bennett will run believing his time has come. The one big problem standing between Bennett from a fair chance at making it to the top spot is Bibi. Should Bibi step aside, then Likud, with a large assist from Netanyahu, needs to groom the next seemingly permanent Prime Minister and do so fast. Netanyahu has so efficiently prevented anyone challenging his position at the top of the party that there has not developed a successor. Without Netanyahu or a strong Likud candidate, then the field will be open and then who knows what will come next. The one person who would make a formidable candidate for Likud might not desire the top spot, Tzipi Hotovely. Some day Israel might face two women running for Prime Minister with Tzipi Hotovely for Likud and Ayelet Shaked for Jewish Home, now that would be a real choice of two of the most competent and complete candidates who would, either of them, make for a strong and well represented Israeli Prime Minister. That would be the political race the world would watch. For now, we are going to have to settle for the biggest question of the moment, will or will not Bibi Netanyahu run at the head of Likud, and if not, then who? Then there is another less tempting question, who will be the candidate to lead Zionist Union? Will it be Avi Gabbay or will it be Ehud Barak? Beyond these questions, there are some other side items such as who will be running under what name and in what grouping as the new election laws has had the making for strange bedfellows. Who will combine with whom and how they divide up their lists is the kind of minutia which makes this boring to all but the most invested and the people who live politics. We will try not to bore you with these items unless they are surprising or particularly amusing. You’re welcome.


Beyond the Cusp


March 15, 2017

Save Me Your Holier than Thou, We Paid Our Dues; so You Cannot Demand Our Obedience


First we would like to thank those American Jews and Christians who donated to Israeli funds and other interests. We appreciate your visiting and spending your tourist dollars here. We do appreciate the fact that your advice is well-intended and that you only mean for Israel to be the best that is possible. We understand that your desires are for Israel to be the moral example for the world and for us to act in such a manner that everybody will love us. We also understand when you complain that our actions reflect upon you and often appear to make your lives difficult. We understand that sometimes you cannot find any way of defending some of the actions Israel uses and the methods by which we seek to preserve Israel’s existence. We are aware of why you are so furious over Israel’s new travel ban on those who view Israel as an “apartheid” state; oppose the Israeli “settlement” of the Jewish homeland; and fight to isolate and de-legitimize Israel by boycotting Israeli academics, speakers, leaders, and products. We understand that you view this in the same light as Trump’s temporary immigration ban on merely seven Arab states where vetting those arriving from these places is next to impossible.


We understand that you feel you would be a hypocrite should you so oppose Trumps actions and simply allow with a wink and a nod Israel to act similarly. We even understand those who have threatened to stop contributing to Israeli funds unless we act properly. Well, allow us to reply, thanks, but no thanks. Keep your monies if that is your desire and please end your endless preaching and demanding that Israel act such that you are comfortable with our actions. Contrary to your opinion, Israel is not around for you to wear on your bracelet as if it were a charm which you can display to your friends and say see how nicely they act always forgiving every slight and never ever taking a hard line against those who would kill every Israeli if only they had the weapons with which to do so. See how they try so hard to diplomatically resolve their problems with those who are launching rockets at their children’s kindergarten and fire rockets timed with the start and end of the school day. Aren’t the Israelis just the most liberal and caring people always taking in whatever refugees appear on their border even when many of them only come to commit heinous acts of terror and act belligerently, especially to the Israeli women and the elderly.


This is not going to happen and you are going to have to just settle for the fact that Israel is a nation like every other nation in that sometimes it will need to act in ways which possibly the majority of the world, especially when it is Israel acting so, will go into an uproar denouncing Israel and those doing so might include you or those you know. Sometimes you are not going to be able to defend Israeli actions to your leftist friends who love to point out how Israel is just as bad as every other nation. We know that such is a lie and those making those claims would demand Israel commit suicide and still would complain we were not giving enough. That is just too bad because Israel does act and plan to remain a viable nation able to defend her borders. This requires that these borders are defendable in the first place. That means that we are not going to surrender everything the world would demand of us. We gave away Gaza and that resulted in a disaster yet the world immediately pocketed that generous act of faith and immediately demanded we surrender Judea and Samaria to the same people whose last gift resulted in Hamastan on our southern border and a menace for Egypt in the Sinai Peninsula. Were we to repeat that mistake and the same happen in Judea and Samaria these very same people from the United Nations, European Union and nations around the world would demand we give away the Negev next as proof we wish to get along with the rest of the world. Well, if suicide is what is required to get along with the rest of the world, guess we will not be getting along and you will have to live with these facts such that we can live period.


There appears to be a growing existence particularly in the United States believing that Israel must run every decision past a select group of important people who are far more knowledgeable when it comes to policies and what would best serve their desires which Israel should be required to commit to such that they will feel proud to be considered supporters. Should Israel disappoint them, then the Israeli government should be replaced and these same self-serving people should be the final arbiters as to who should run the nation. Those with whom they disagree should be relegated into the minority and only those who are amongst the approved group of left leaning, two-state supporting, anti-settlement, secular, anti-orthodox politicians who would feel comfortable and are acceptable to the leftist wing of the Democrat Party should be permitted to run Israel. Well, that is not about to happen. Israel is rapidly becoming more religious and more Zionist than any of the average Democrat Party leadership could ever be if their recent convention and choices for leadership are any indication of their leanings. Any political groups which find leadership such as Democrat Party National Committee Chair Tom Perez and Deputy Chair Keith Ellison, both of whom have a record of anti-Israel activity and advocacy, are not possible allies of Israel and should not have any influence over Israeli political or military decisions. Those who would support allowing a Women’s March to be coordinated by pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli Linda Sarsour and convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh are not capable of also claiming to be supportive of Israel. Support of Rasmea Odeh and believing her story that she was innocent of the terror attack bombing of a supermarket which murdered two young Israelis, twenty-one year old Leon Kanner and twenty-two year old Eddie Joffe, and injured nine others because her confession was given while in the custody of the Israeli authorities disqualifies them as being a supporter of Israel. Those who believe her claims of innocence and that she was sexually tortured as was her father for forty-five days before she confessed to her part in the terror attack has beliefs about Israelis which belie their claims of support for Israel. Yet these are often the people who scream the loudest accusing Israel of improper activities and then plead that Israel should be required to seek their approval before taking any actions political, military or other security actions. They are also the most shocked and astounded that Israel would take precautions without conferring first with their betters in the United States, particularly their betters in the leftist organizations such as Jews for Peace, Rabbis for Peace, B’Tselem, J Street and numerous other leftist, post-Zionist radical groups.


Much to the horror of these leftist detractors of Israel, the majority of the Israeli population does not agree with their demands that Israel sacrifice even further because peace is just one more sacrifice away, just as they claimed before Israel made the last sacrifice which they claimed that this time it would be the last sacrifice, not like the sacrifice before that which was also to be the last sacrifice as was the one before and the one before and that has been the story for the past twenty-plus years of Israeli final sacrifices for peace. After the Gaza debacle, the Israeli public completely has decided that they see real willingness and a different attitude from those with whom Israel is presumably supposed to be making peace. Mahmoud Abbas has refused to even meet with the Israelis; yet the world demands that Israel continue making sacrifices though the last two sacrifices, if not more, have not been returned and instead have been rebuked and met with claims that whatever sacrifice Israel made was insufficient and until and unless Israel is ready to fall on their sword, then nothing less than suicidal retreats will suffice. Those who claim that such sacrifices are not out of the reasonable sphere are not friends of Israel and are simply seeking to make points as being the greater leftist making the greater demands for Israeli sacrifice than the next leftist. Israel cannot meet the demands from every corner as doing so would be the end of the Jewish State. Israel is not going to commit to being suicidal and will act in the way best suited for continued health and existence of the Jewish State and will refuse those ridiculous demands of the United Nations, European Union, and others whose demands are of a similar nature.


Now to get down to the reality and truth of the matter which may be painful for some but, for the most honest, these revelations will come as no surprise as they have known that their views have drifted further and further left and with that drift so have their demands of Israel in the face of the Islamic escalating animosity and belligerence towards the Western World in general and Israel in particular, even more so than the United States. Israel sacrificed in making the Oslo Accords after Yasser Arafat duped the world into believing he had reformed from his terrorist days which included the attempted overthrow of the government in Jordan, the eventual weakening and Islamification of Lebanon and the start of the Lebanon Civil War and formation of Hezballah through his actions. Even after the Second Intifada about which came proof that it had been planned even before Arafat went to hold talks with Israel with President Clinton at Camp David and then in Paris where he already planned the violence such that he could blame it on Israel for not surrendering completely at the negotiations. What Arafat had not planned on was that after he gave President Clinton his word that he would accept a set of terms he deemed beyond Israeli comfort levels that Prime Minister Ehud Barak would agree to his demands for close to ninety-five percent of the West Bank, land swaps, and half of Jerusalem in order to make peace. The next morning when President Clinton planned on finalizing the deal and collecting signatures, Yasser Arafat stormed from the meeting with Secretary of State Madeline Albright chasing him down the hall to no avail.


Camp David Talks on a Break as President Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Ehud Barak Stroll the Grounds of the Complex Located Ten Miles North of Frederick, Maryland

Camp David Talks on a Break as President Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Ehud Barak Stroll the Grounds of the Complex Located Ten Miles North of Frederick, Maryland


Israel has made concession and sacrifice one after another with nothing to show for it other than the world expecting more from Israel to the point of demanding Israel make sacrifices simply for the sake of having Israel sacrifice with nothing offered in return. This led to the Gaza giveaway where all of Gaza was surrendered by Israel, over eight-thousand Jewish lives turned upside-down being ripped from their homes, their livelihoods often destroyed, their greenhouses turned over to the Arabs who tore them apart to make rockets and launchers, and then soon thereafter the Palestinian Authority surrendered the Gaza Strip over to Hamas, Islamic Jihad and giving a beachhead potentially to Iran on the Israeli southern border. Since signing onto the Oslo Accords where Israel was promised to retain Area C and all of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Authority was granted semi-autonomy over Area A which would lead to their being given Area A as the central lands for their state while Area B would be mutually governed and deliberations would decide where the eventual border would stand to the current situation where the world is demanding that the Arabs be given all of Judea and Samaria, half of Jerusalem and that Israel accept many hundreds of thousand Arab refugees and there are those who demand Israel accept millions of Arab refugees and that all of Jerusalem resulting in not just a single new Arab state but two new Arab states and the death of Israel and likely the extermination of another six-million Jews as the world would again refuse to permit them to emigrate to their shores and to relative safety. This is why Israel can no longer simply bow to every demand and whim which passes for the newest idea which will bring peace and instead decide what will allow Israel to keep peace through sufficient strength and control of strategically significant positions. These vital points include potentially all of Judea and Samaria as the Palestinian Arab population becomes virulently anti-Semitic and more militarized to the point they are becoming a threat to Israel’s continued existence.


This is the reality and as things worsen it will become even more of a necessity that Israel reestablish complete control over all of Judea and Samaria; and if that should also require the removal of the Arabs which are known to be militantly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic, then that is what will have to be. The current government would never likely permit such an eventuality, but that does not mean that such would not become necessary and that a future government would remain so intimidated by the world’s leftist largely in Europe and the United States. The threat that Israel will be hated if it does not comply with the next round of demands no longer frightens the Israeli population as they have learned that being hated is not necessarily the worst of all things, ceasing to have a defendable border and a safe place in which to live is far worse and if being hated becomes the price for survival, we will take survival, thank you so very much. We understand and have learned how easy it is for others, even Jews who claim to be our fiercest supporters, to demand that Israel surrender to her enemies and how doing so can make these people feel so superior and good about themselves and how it allows them to claim they are such great supporters of a peaceful solution to the Palestinian situation and how they are the most compassionate. We also are learning how to simply say, “No!” And when “No!” does not suffice, then how about we say, well, let us say we say, “No!” even louder and possibly with a few superlatives added to the mix. And when that fails, as our saying “No” always has, then we will just have to let our actions be our statement, and that we are sure will suffice when that hard day arrives. The problem is the more the world demands the indefensible of Israel the more they make peace impossible because the Arab world stands assured that the rest of the world will hand them the Jews and not even blink when they slaughter the Jews by the millions. They observed the world’s lack of concern during World War II and learned that the world does not care if there are those who wish to murder Jews. They also learned that the world does not much care who is being murdered as long as the murdered are a minority who is not one of them and that includes Yazidi, Kurds, Roma and close to any other group which is too small to defend themselves or cause the rest of the world to care.


Even nations do not always get a response when they are gobbled up; just ask Czechoslovakia, currently Slovakia and the Czech Republic which probably means there are two nations which can be swallowed without the world getting even the slightest indigestion as they have not learned from history. One last warning should go out to all the Balkan nations, the smaller nations at the eastern end of Europe closest to the Russian border and the countries of Southeast Asia near China (which is all except India); the world will not care when larger entities swallow you whole or even wholesale because their only concern is are they still feeling safe. It is only when the major nations, which the world has fewer of these every year as now nations such as Spain, Romania, Syria, Yemen and by now even Kuwait are no longer worth going to war over. Should Iran be the nation taking one or more of these nations, not to include Saudi Arabia, and already have tested large nuclear weapons proven to be deliverable by their displayed ICBM capability, then many might complain and call on the United Nations, but none would do much if anything. Thus, any idea that one could expect others to come to the aid of Israel is ludicrous and thus Israel would be left hanging to fend for herself? The world is not getting safer by the hour but far more volatile and dangerous, so please do not fault us for noticing and acting accordingly. You want to hate us, and we would rather you have us to hate than you to have once loved us and now hate our having passed and fallen.


Beyond the Cusp 


July 11, 2015

Time for a Proudly Ardent Zionist Teachers’ Union

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,Administration,al-Aqsa Mosque,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab Israeli Citizen,Arab League,Arab World,Arabist,Arabs,Article 80,B'tselem,Babylon,Blood Libel,Borders,Boycott,Caliphate,Catholic Church,Catholics,Christians,Church,Civilization,Colonial Possession,Condemning Israel,Crusades,Czarist Russia,Defend Israel,Dhimmi,Disengagement,Divestment,Divided Jerusalem,Druze,Druze,East Jerusalem,Egypt,Ehud Barak,Enlightenment,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,Eugenics,Europe,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Union,Executive Order,Fascism,Fatah,Fatah Charter,Fogel Family Massacre,Forced Solution,Gaza,General Assembly,Golan Heights,Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hussani,Green Line,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Har Nof Synagogue Four Rabbis Butchered,Hate,Hevron,Hezballah,History,Holocaust,Holy Roman Army,Holy Sites,Hudna,Infiltration Tunnels,Inquisition,International Politics,Intifada,Iran,Islam,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,J Street,Jehrico,Jenin,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jordan,Jordan River,Jordanian Pressure,Judaism,Judea,Judean Hills,Kotel,Land for Peace,League of Nations,Lebanon,Leftist Pressures,Maccabees,Mahmoud Abbas,Meaning of Peace,Mediterranean Sea,Menachem Begin,Middle East,Missile Attacks,Murder Israelis,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim World,Muslims,Nationalist Pressures,Nebuchadnezzar II,Negev Desert,New Israel Fund,NGO,Non Binding Resolution,Old City,One State Solution,Open Society Institute,Oppression,Oslo Accords,Ottoman Empire,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Now,Peace Process,Persians,Pogroms,Political Identity,Politicized Findings,Politics,Pre-Conditions,Pressure by Egyptian People,Ramallah,Recognize Israel,Refugee Camp,Refugees,Religion,Religious Institutions,Right of Return,Rioters Pressure,Roman Empire,Russia,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Shoah,Sinai Peninsula,Six Day War,Snipers,Society,Soviet Union,Spain,Statehood,Support Israel,Syria,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Third Intifada,Tribe,Troop Withdrawal,Union Interests,United Nations,United Nations Charter,United Nations Presures,Western Wall,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:10 AM
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What is written here could apply to any organization, it is just that the “Israel Teachers’ Union,” for the reason of continued acceptance, or so was the excuse given to those who objected, that accepted and signed the World Teachers’ Association (WTA) what can only be described as another BDS supporting document which was presented supporting the statement, “the continued Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the existence of illegal Israeli settlements there and their impact on the lives of Palestinians, including access to water along with the blockade of Gaza, has imposed severe restrictions on economic and social development in Palestine.” Unsurprisingly enough this has caused a split in the membership of the teachers’ union in Israel. What has developed is surprising in that the teachers who have been most outspoken against the signing of this odious document being threatened by the post-Zionist members of their union with legal actions to shut them out of the debate. Perhaps the time has come for a real Zionist Teachers’ Union which supports their nation in its life or death struggle over the acceptance of the pro-BDS document such as the one their leadership found so important and likely not all that odious a document, if not a document with which they were in total agreement, just so they would not have been barred from the WTA. One needs to wonder if these same representatives were to attend a META (Middle East Teachers Association) if such an organization were to exist, and a document was drafted demanded the “Right of Return” for over five-million so-called Arab Palestinian refugees’ would this document also be acceptable to remain as accepted by Israel’s enemies? One might be led to believe they would as such would not be in contradiction to their personal beliefs as they have no feelings or belief in Israel as the home nation of the Jewish People but rather as the democratic multicultural conglomeration of people bordering the Mediterranean Sea with no particular special character.


There can be no middle ground between teachers who are Zionist and believe in Israel as a separate and special nation unique among the nations as the reestablishment of the ancient state of the Jewish People after near two-millennia and the establishment of the G0d given opportunity for the Jewish people to once again be the People of the Book and a light unto the nations established to give hope to those in the world who desire a better world that was established by Hashem, formed by Hashem, styled by Hashem and commanded by Hashem to carry His message to the rest of the people on the planet He created, formed and established to celebrate the glory, magnanimity, supremacy and transcendence of Hashem. Even if one only desires that Israel be the nation for the Jewish People and the only place on all of Earth that the Jewish People would be able to flee should the world once again become overcome with Jew hatred ready to end the existence of the Jews once again, the aim of powers and empires almost too numerous to list over the last thirty-five-hundred years of history to genocidally murder the Jewish People starting with the Ancient Egyptians and further attempted by the following empires and forces with such intents but not limited to: the Amalekites, Chaldean Empire, Philistine Empire (not in any way related to ‘Palestinians’ as the Philistine people were of Greek extraction and were absorbed into other peoples and ceased existence over two-thousand years ago), Babylonian Empire, Assyrian Empire, Persian Empire (Haman and his sons against Mordechai and Queen Esther and the Megillah of Esther and the celebration of Purim), Greek Empire, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Crusaders, Spanish Empire, Ottoman Turkish Empire, British Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, German Empire (part of the cleansing of German tribal lands of the accursed Catholics and Jews based on writings of Martin Luther), French Empire (during the purification of France under the troops controlled by the Catholic Church and the French Cardinal and the one pursuit the Royalty joined with the Catholics despite their struggles for outright control of France), Russia Empire Under the Czars (the driving force behind the Czar’s orders for a book be written which could be utilized to prove Jewish conspiracies to control governments and as being a danger to the rule of the Czars which became “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion which is used in numerous Arab and Muslim countries to explain their suspicions and hatreds of the Jews even today), Nazi Empire, Soviet Empire (under Stalin who claimed the Jews were the ultimate Capitalists and thus enemies of the State and an unacceptable threat despite many Jews, including Leon Trotsky, being instrumental supporters of the revolution), and who next, the Arab forces such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, ISIS and other Arab Islamist supremacists or potentially Iran where chants of “Death to Israel” are even more common than those of “Death to America” both of which are regular staples of the Friday after prayer services but before nightfall.


The fact that an Israeli Teachers’ union representatives value sitting amongst those who would have them murdered if given the opportunity to do so without having any direct involvement more than they value the Zionist principles that values the survival of the Jewish People over being politically correct or fitting in and everything else involved with going along in order to get along is enough to make one feel ill and to demand that those teachers who understand and value the continued love of and dedicated to the preservation of Israel as the Jewish State and sole refuge for all the Jewish People reestablished as the historic right of the original indigenous peoples in our lands to depart the company of traitors and start a second teachers’ union with a Zionist agenda and that fully supports both Israel and the Jewish People. The fact that members of the Israeli Teachers’ union would threaten and even consider bringing legal suits against those teachers who would even broach the subject and suggest that signing such an odious document in the first place and then defend it with such threats is further proof that there can be no compromise nor is there any room for dissent from the views of the self-appointed moralists who would condemn their fellow countrymen in such a despicable manner. There is little need to attempt to alter the convictions of these post-Zionist teachers who apparently have co-opted the existing teachers’ union and as is the case in all too many Israeli institutions from the Supreme Court to leadership of the vast majority of political parties to the Israeli Teachers’ union, amongst all too many unions which populate Histadrut and taking similar stands due to their history of extremist leftist and communist control which are almost invulnerable to the forces of change.


Nowhere is this more evident than in the community organizations and NGOs such as B’Tselem, New Israel Fund, Breaking the Silence, Gisha, Combatants for Peace, Adalah, Coalition of Women for Peace, Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Alternative Information Center, Bimkom, Ir Amim, Machsom Watch, Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Physicians for Human Rights- Israel, Women Against Violence and other similarly named NGOs which like the Israel Teachers’ Union are made up of Israelis and usually largely Jewish Israelis who are sold on the same old, tired, tried but failed and failed miserably mantra of land for peace. This is despite the fact that there is not a single evidentiary backing for the concept of Israelis, and especially Jewish Israelis, ever trading a piece of land and receiving even prolonged calm, let alone peace for the efforts. As has been documented repeatedly, every single time there has been the surrendering of lands, not only did that sacrifice not bring peace but has been universally followed by additional violence and often a prolonged and steadily increasing theater of horrific violence. Inevitably it has become known that the violence had been planned ahead of such exchanges specifically to be used as proof that each sacrifice was insufficient to appease the unappeasable appetite for dispossessing Jews of their lands in this their dear, ancient and, for many, holy lands. The first attempt at such a series of events was during the early 1920s when the British struck a deal between the Zionist Congress and the Arab leadership within the area of the British Mandate lands as well as the Arab League and the Mufti of Southern Syria. This deal entailed that in exchange for all the British Mandate Lands east of the Jordan River, constituting approximately 78% of that said Mandate lands, being surrendered of claim for inclusion of the establishment by the Jewish nation and being surrendered for the establishment of an Arab State for the Arabs residing in the areas of Southern Syria, thus the remaining 22% of the lands which constitute the lands west of the Jordan River will be made inviolate and reserved for the Jewish People and their State. This was what was agreed upon and signed by the parties including the British as the Mandated Power to implement the promise of a Jewish State making everything legal and a settled matter well almost settled. This deal was followed by a slowly increasing intensity of violence against the Jews living in areas west for the Jordan River which peaked with rioting and mass assaults on the Jews in 1929 and this calm followed by ramping violence repeated itself peaking again in 1933, in 1936 and again in 1939 and then settled down during the era of World Wat II largely due to the presence of British troops in numbers plus the existence of a Jewish Brigade made up of Jews who volunteered to fight with the British in the Middle East and mostly in northern Africa which was called the Palestine Brigade. The reason was at the time of World War II and before as well as until the name of Palestinian had been co-opted by Yasser Arafat in order to claim the periods when the Jews were always referred to as the Palestinians and those who took the name under Arafat had been called the, wait for it, the Arabs.


After World War II the lead-up to the founding of the State of Israel in May of 1948 came and surprisingly enough, the next offer to share the exact lands which the British and the world had claimed was inviolate and reserved solely for the Jewish State. Such is the worth of promises made unto the Jews. Under the United Nations Charter in Article 80 the world body unanimously supported honoring the Mandate system and all agreements made within that framework. This obviously included the agreement made by the by Britain, the power of the Mandate in question, with the World Zionist Congress that the lands west of the Jordan had been set aside solely and inviolate for the Jewish State in exchange for the surrender of the lands east of the Jordan River, which constituted over three-fourths of the Mandated lands. Despite this agreement being in place and obliged to be honored by the United Nations, the General Assembly passed on November 29, 1947, Resolution 181 which suggested the lands west of the Jordan River, the exact lands the British had guaranteed would be inviolate and the United Nations has adopted as its sole policy when ratifying Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, be divided evenly into an Arab and a Jewish States respectively. This generous offer went so far as to divide Israel as in the map below where the orange area of the map would have constituted Israel while the yellow area of the map would have constituted the proposed Arab state. This meant that approximately half of what would have become Israel would have been constituted of the Negev Desert while the yellow areas included largely good farm lands and would have had the short-lived international city of Jerusalem surrounded which would likely have meant that all of Jerusalem as it was at that time would have defaulted to Arab control and being placed beyond the reach of any Jew. The violence ramped up considerably with the rioting and physical attacks on Jews became daily occurrences until May15, 1948, when Israel came officially into being and had war declared on her by at least a half dozen nations who had troops present to force the Jews into the sea or worse.



1947 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 Partition Plan accepted by the Jewish Zionist Congress, precursor to an Israeli government, but refused by Arab League thus making the entirety of the Resolution 181 voided and relegated to the trash bin of history.

1947 United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 Partition Plan accepted by the Jewish Zionist Congress, precursor to an Israeli government, but refused by Arab League thus making the entirety of the Resolution 181 voided and relegated to the trash bin of history.



The threats by Egyptian President Nasser in May and early June and the massing of troops by Egypt and Syria, joined as the United Arab Republic for the duration of this war as an act of unity, on the northern and southern borders of Israel which resulted in the Six Day War was a massive increase culmination since the founding of Israel nineteen years earlier. This threatened attack was the culmination of the continued slow ramping up of violence since the armistice which resulted in an end, though without an actual peace agreement but merely a cessation of hostilities at that time, I believe called a Hudna by Muslims, and resulted in the ultimate violence, as mentioned, the Six Day War. The ceasefire from that conflict remained in place until Yom Kippur morning on October 6, 1973, which could have been claimed to have resulted after Israel had claimed one too many times her willingness to return the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for a real and lasting peace. When we reach the eventual peace with Egypt one might desire to call that the return of the Sinai as not having any lands and received peace, which as far as Egypt is concerned but one need remember that as a part of the peace with Egypt they surrendered any and all claims to the Gaza Strip which has proven to be a continual source of violence and several armed conflicts. Further, the entirety of the peace talks has been about Israel surrendering lands for peace, yet receiving nothing but violence, attacks, terrorism and death. As we have been pointing out, whenever the Jews or Israel as a nation has offered to make peace they have been greeted with more and more violence. When Israel retreated from Southern Lebanon due to ever increasing terrorism it was not even a full year before things had escalated to the point where the withdrawal had become recognized as a complete and utter failure gifting half of Lebanon to Islamist extremists of Hezballah who have driven the violence to a fevered pitch twice resulting in two wars and the ramping of the threats and rhetoric has already started once again, building up to what is difficult to envision with the entirety of Syria in flames and Hezballah having suffered serious losses may be seeking another conflict with Israel to regain some of their sorely lacking respect from the Lebanese or perhaps instill some fear into them. Meanwhile, when Israel made its peace with Jordan, Israel offered to return to Jordan the lands the Jordanians had been illegally possessing from 1948 through the start of the Six Day War in 1967, a full nineteen years. There has been almost nothing but violence and terrorist attacks ever since. When in 1999 with the aid of United States President Clinton Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered Yasser Arafat the entirety of what Arafat had told President Clinton he would require in order to make a lasting peace with Israel. When after a late night of arm-twisting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak made his offer which was met by Arafat storming from the conference and jetting back to Ramallah and almost immediately starting the second intifada, an unprecedented assault with homicide bombers blowing themselves up in pizza parlors, restaurants, hotels, bus depots, malls, discotheques and wherever a crowd of innocent Israelis could be found. This eventually led to Israel constructing the separation barrier which succeeded in preventing much of the violence.


This is the same separation barrier which the world has only understood to be the tall cement walls through urban areas which were necessitated to prevent the prevalent sniper fire which was slaughtering innocent civilians. For over three-fourths of the length of the separation barrier it consists of a tall chain-link fence. The perception of the barrier as a wall is simply another case of successful casting of the Israelis as being harsh oppressors which has become the adopted trope from the leftist socialist media, not at all surprising when one realizes the realities that the two greatest murderers of Jews have been the National Socialists and the International Socialists, or the Nazis and Communists. As the media in Europe and lagging almost a decade behind but making up the ground on the outside is the United States have both turned sharply leftist their reporting has simply become a form to bludgeon Israel and depict her government as a tyranny despoiling the virgin lands and victimizing the most innocent of babes in the pristine woodlands, never mind these babes carry axes to slaughter Israelis at every opportunity and then cry that the Israelis are invading and despoiling their neighborhoods when law enforcement and investigatory agencies seek to find and arrest the perpetrators of often the most heinous of crimes. Such was the uproar after two cousins murdered the Fogels, the mother, father and two brothers, Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and their tiny little sister and newest member to the family, three-month-old Hadas as they slept one Shabbat Night. Or the slaughter of four rabbis in morning prayers in a synagogue in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in West Jerusalem of Har Nof murdered by cousins, Odai Abed Abu Jamal, 22, and Ghassan Muhammad Abu Jamal, 32, who claimed they were avenging what they saw as a threat to the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem a good four or five miles from where these monsters slaughtered and then butchered with 9mm handguns, knives and axes included in prayer at the time of their slaughters almost as if making a pagan sacrifice of the four holy men still wearing their Prayer Shawls and Phylacteries with Prayer Books still in hand, not that such would have been necessary as each probably knew the prayer better than most but also know that it is an even more special mitzvah to read each day’s prayers as if you are seeing the words for the first time and feel their wonderment and immerse oneself in the wonder, sincerity, passion and adoration that comes only on the first time reading such words of power and divine beauty, Rabbi Moshe Twersky, Rabbi Cary Levine, Rabbi Avraham Goldberg and Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky and then added the first police officer, a traffic policeman who was unarmed, Zidan Saif, a noble and brave Druze who was simply attempting to pull others out of harm’s way when these savages murdered once more as if their blood lust had yet to be satisfied.


In memory of these and all the other victims of the return to our ancient lands and to those for whom these lands will be their final refuge from the spreading hatreds, our teachers need leave the fold of their union and build one of their own fashioned by their hands with the eternal guidance from Hashem who will honor such as it honors his people and his lands. There are those amongst us who realize and know that despite the fragile nature of the existence of Israel, an existence so frail that without the aiding hands of Hashem it could not be, that this existence is still the safest of all places upon this earth for a Jew at these times. Make a teachers’ union that chooses Hashem, which chooses Israel, which recognized the special task we Jews have entered in our covenant with Hashem. Make a union that teachers can safely say as our forefathers said when receiving the Law at Mount Sinai, “We will obey and we will hear.” They can risk such faith as the teachers’ union you will form will be of such dedication to Hashem, to our land of Israel and to imparting that love in every lesson you teach. Make a new teachers’ union as the established union no longer serves as the ideal example that you wish to follow and honor. Make a union that teachers will proudly exclaim that they chose honor over acceptance. Form a union for real teachers who take moral stands and who form in their students and morale of the spirit which endows them with a moral and fulfilling education. Make a union to remember those we have lost, learn from all who remain and take the lessons from history to arm themselves for tomorrow. And lastly form a teachers’ union for your own self-worth and that will fill you with pride and thus make of you better teachers.


Beyond the Cusp


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