Beyond the Cusp

January 7, 2022

Meanwhile, Here in Israel

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 2:08 AM
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We realize that the United States is currently turning inwards towards their own particular challenges. We have watched the news about horrifically high crime rates with numerous cities setting records of homicides and other violent crimes. Smash and grab assaults on retail outlets in places across the country, not just in California, without facing prosecution are reaching unacceptable levels. We understand those expressing fear over calls for national police, with powers beyond those limiting the FBI, will be heeded, much to freedom’s demise. Then there are the confrontations between parents and teacher’s unions closing schools favoring remote learning (a true oxymoron) or over the choice of curriculum. Fears over potential rule changes concerning the Senate filibuster, the Electoral College, nationalizing elections, adding Justices to the Supreme Court, statehood for Washington DC, open borders, overheated Covid scare coverage and other potential political battles cannot be simply dismissed as inconsequential.

Fancy Star of David
Fancy Star of David

Currently, there exists one area causing Israel some degree of concern, Iran and their drive for thermonuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them. The United States will gain nothing and very likely give Iran lenient terms in a desperate effort to reach any agreement. Israel may as well assume that unless we prevent the unimaginable, Iran with thermonuclear warheads and ballistic missiles with which to deliver them anywhere on Earth, then Iran will present an existential threat to more than just Israel, but the United States, Saudi Arabia and any other Sunni Islamic nation refusing to convert to Shiite Islam and the entire world in general. Such an assumption means should Iran fire any number of ballistic missiles targeting Israel, we will have to assume the weapon is nuclear armed and our response must be in kind. This would present the world with problems none of us wish, especially we Israelis. On a more personal level, inflation in the United States can lead to problems for retirees residing here in Israel and anywhere outside the United States. Furthermore, we expect the midterm elections will fail in being a solution beyond the promise of gridlock with nothing damaging being accomplished. Perhaps we are placing too much faith in the presumed conservatives to hold the line.

Beyond the Cusp

September 24, 2021

America Refusing to Resupply Israel

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:03 AM
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The recent Congressional omnibus bill meant to establish the national budget going forward had budgeting for resupply of the Israeli Iron Dome System intercepting missiles maliciously removed. Israel exchanged the targeting software and other engineering developments used by Iron Dome Systems for America manufacturing and supplying of Iron Dome System intercepting missiles for Israel. The weapon systems, communication-control equipment, associated military equipment and thousands of rounds of ammunition left in Afghanistan by retreating American military to provide the governing body, the Taliban, an effective military, supersedes what Congress provides for sale to Israel annually, or even a decade’s worth, including the above referenced Iron Dome System missiles. We stress these missiles for the Iron Dome System is precisely because this defensive system intercepts approximately ninety percent of incoming rockets and missiles determined to strike in or near developed regions while allowing those striking open country to strike these predominantly empty regions. Israel requires assistance in manufacture of these missiles and has worked with Raytheon for the manufacture at a level difficult to produce in Israel. Each missile costs approximately fifty to one-hundred thousand shekels each but are worth every shekel as they save something far more precious, people’s lives. Further, we figure it is simply a matter of time before President Biden and the Congress refuse all aid to Israel in order to fully arm and provide for their new Taliban government in Afghanistan.

Iron Dome Launch to Intercept Rockets Originating from Gaza which is Under Hamas Governance and Held Responsible for all Rockets by Israel Regardless of Who Actually Launches Rockets
Iron Dome Launch

Iron Dome Launch

Israel is considering recalling our ambassador from the United States in protest much as France, the longest standing American ally since the Revolution against the British Crown, has already done. We will most likely settle for a tersely worded note to someone, who will ignore it, at the State Department, enough done. From our experience, many Israelis believe that Israel needs not just the backing and protection provided by the United States, especially in the Security Counsel with one glaring exception, but is also dependent on United States military aid. The fortunate news is Israel thrives and is better served by providing completely for all production of our military needs. Our auricle, replete with graphs, provides a strong argument for Israel pursuing such a policy of all military equipment being homemade with intended alacrity. This would have an adverse effect on the American arms industries, both through the competition for sales and the loss of revenue as Israel must spend her aid on American made arms. Iron Dome missile resupply is not allowed as part of those sales should Congressional Democrats get their way. Israel manufacture of her own weapons in a measured procession is preferable to the United States cutting the aid forcing Israel to go cold turkey.

Beyond the Cusp

July 23, 2021

What a World We Wrought

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 12:59 AM
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President Biden and his administration have taken the entire world on a wild and soon to be destructive jaunt basing far too many decisions on simply to do the opposite of most Trump positions. We will list those which threaten the world from our Middle East view.

Russia appears to favor using malware attacks upon American companies, civic entities, utilities and public offices and services in order to extract sufficient cash inflow sustaining Russia. Thus far President Biden has entertained the ruse of brushing aside these attacks as minor ripples not worthy of response.

Communist ruled China has brutally beaten almost all freedom in Hong Kong while the world, including Trump to some extent, did barely an action and not too much more in denunciations which carried the weight of sanctions. But this has not been sufficient for mainland China to have absorbed Tibet in 1950 displacing thousands of Tibetans and importing twice that number of Chinese into Tibet. This was called ‘Normalization.’ Hong Kong is being aggressively Normalized in a planned efficient, and brutal, if necessary, and rapid manner.

But wait, there’s more. China has announced their intent to reabsorb their temporarily lost province of Taiwan. Escorting this pledge was a Chinese message that any interference would face the entire wrath of the CCCP. The Chinese specified that this includes their intent to use thermo-nuclear weapons in a first strike against Japan and the United States within their sphere of control. Theirs is not an empty threat. China long ago claimed they would gladly lose as many as five-to-eight-fold casualties in a war with the United States and Chinese numbers alone would prove the victor.

What me worry?

The Biden administration repeatedly states they are at war with an internal evil infecting the United States. This evil has a name, White Supremacy. Purges are already ongoing with an enormous emphasis on the military and enforcement institutions such as the FBI, CIA, NSA, Secret Service, BATFE and more… Should the violence in the cities begin again in earnest next summer, expect that towards the fall the violence to begin their inexorable expansion into the suburbs until the calls for protection at any cost begins. That usually comes immediately after a truly shocking event such as the Reichstag Fire from February 27, 1933 Berlin, Germany. The current obsession with January 6, 2021, will dwindle into nothing and will be completely eclipsed by whatever event the government is able to stage. We admit that events are becoming more than simply a little spooky moving quickly to imminent catastrophic disasters; yes, plural!

Finally, and closer to home, Russia and China are arming and funding, with an assist from the Biden administration, Iran. This will present further violence in Yemen, and spilling ever more often into Saudi Arabia, as well as into Syria. Iran also arms Hamas in Gaza and Hezballah in Lebanon which makes up much of the Iranian sponsored distress, death and war in the Middle East. Iran also had assisted Osama ben Laden and other al-Qaeda fighters and leaders; as well as the Taliban which will soon rule Afghanistan plus far more including a training base in the Tri-border region in South America. There is one other little matter, Iran is enriching uranium as quickly as they are able with, what we would observe, full intent towards making and threatening and even using thermo-nuclear warheads within three years, before the Biden-Harris administration is defeated in 2024.

Iran, followed immediately by China, are the nations we fear are the greatest threats at this time. Fortunately for Israel, we are not even target one for Iran and are probably not even appearing on the Chinese tactical maps. Iran has strong determination to rule over the Two Great Mosques, the cities of Mecca and Medina, which places Saudi Arabia sharing highest priority with the United States on their list of targets. Yes, Israel comes third on that list which is why so much has been invested in defensive missiles with rather good track records.

While more threats such as population-replacement, inflation, spiraling-crime and governments which no longer believe they are answerable to the population; we have an answer first given us by one of the last century’s greatest and most overlooked philosopher who relayed the message, “What, me worry?”

Beyond the Cusp

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