Beyond the Cusp

July 23, 2021

What a World We Wrought

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 12:59 AM
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President Biden and his administration have taken the entire world on a wild and soon to be destructive jaunt basing far too many decisions on simply to do the opposite of most Trump positions. We will list those which threaten the world from our Middle East view.

Russia appears to favor using malware attacks upon American companies, civic entities, utilities and public offices and services in order to extract sufficient cash inflow sustaining Russia. Thus far President Biden has entertained the ruse of brushing aside these attacks as minor ripples not worthy of response.

Communist ruled China has brutally beaten almost all freedom in Hong Kong while the world, including Trump to some extent, did barely an action and not too much more in denunciations which carried the weight of sanctions. But this has not been sufficient for mainland China to have absorbed Tibet in 1950 displacing thousands of Tibetans and importing twice that number of Chinese into Tibet. This was called ‘Normalization.’ Hong Kong is being aggressively Normalized in a planned efficient, and brutal, if necessary, and rapid manner.

But wait, there’s more. China has announced their intent to reabsorb their temporarily lost province of Taiwan. Escorting this pledge was a Chinese message that any interference would face the entire wrath of the CCCP. The Chinese specified that this includes their intent to use thermo-nuclear weapons in a first strike against Japan and the United States within their sphere of control. Theirs is not an empty threat. China long ago claimed they would gladly lose as many as five-to-eight-fold casualties in a war with the United States and Chinese numbers alone would prove the victor.

What me worry?

The Biden administration repeatedly states they are at war with an internal evil infecting the United States. This evil has a name, White Supremacy. Purges are already ongoing with an enormous emphasis on the military and enforcement institutions such as the FBI, CIA, NSA, Secret Service, BATFE and more… Should the violence in the cities begin again in earnest next summer, expect that towards the fall the violence to begin their inexorable expansion into the suburbs until the calls for protection at any cost begins. That usually comes immediately after a truly shocking event such as the Reichstag Fire from February 27, 1933 Berlin, Germany. The current obsession with January 6, 2021, will dwindle into nothing and will be completely eclipsed by whatever event the government is able to stage. We admit that events are becoming more than simply a little spooky moving quickly to imminent catastrophic disasters; yes, plural!

Finally, and closer to home, Russia and China are arming and funding, with an assist from the Biden administration, Iran. This will present further violence in Yemen, and spilling ever more often into Saudi Arabia, as well as into Syria. Iran also arms Hamas in Gaza and Hezballah in Lebanon which makes up much of the Iranian sponsored distress, death and war in the Middle East. Iran also had assisted Osama ben Laden and other al-Qaeda fighters and leaders; as well as the Taliban which will soon rule Afghanistan plus far more including a training base in the Tri-border region in South America. There is one other little matter, Iran is enriching uranium as quickly as they are able with, what we would observe, full intent towards making and threatening and even using thermo-nuclear warheads within three years, before the Biden-Harris administration is defeated in 2024.

Iran, followed immediately by China, are the nations we fear are the greatest threats at this time. Fortunately for Israel, we are not even target one for Iran and are probably not even appearing on the Chinese tactical maps. Iran has strong determination to rule over the Two Great Mosques, the cities of Mecca and Medina, which places Saudi Arabia sharing highest priority with the United States on their list of targets. Yes, Israel comes third on that list which is why so much has been invested in defensive missiles with rather good track records.

While more threats such as population-replacement, inflation, spiraling-crime and governments which no longer believe they are answerable to the population; we have an answer first given us by one of the last century’s greatest and most overlooked philosopher who relayed the message, “What, me worry?”

Beyond the Cusp

July 18, 2019

Are Iranian Threats for Real?

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:54 AM
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If the Iranian threats are real, then what should or even can the rest of the world do to prepare? Iran regularly threatens Israel both from Tehran and out of Lebanon using Hezballah and Islamic Jihad and Hamas out of Gaza. Iran also is almost as consistent in threatening the United States from rallies in Tehran. We realize that part of the reason for these rallies where “Death to Israel, death to America” is because it is chanted most often on Friday afternoon after services. The problem is that the Western World measures the Iranian actions according to Western Judeo-Christian ethics expecting that they would be reasonable and negotiations would serve to mitigate any differences. The real problem is that the Western World has given up completely on any single nation conquering the Earth. What the West is missing out on is that the rest of the world has not given up on world conquest. Iran definitely believes that they will conquer the world and force Shia Islam onto the entire population using threats of convert or death. This is an intricate part of the philosophy encased in the Quran where Allah has promised that Islam will rule the entire planet and force the world to convert to Islam. What it does not tell is whether Shia Islam or Sunni Islam will be the version which will conquer the world. But the one thing which matters is that both Sunni and Shia Muslims believe that they are to be the eventual conquerors of Earth.


Iran is not the only nation which believes they should conquer the world and place all humankind under their rule. These nations are not democratic nations and instead choose dictatorial leaders who rule absolutely. Hamas’s original charter specified that once they destroyed Israel, they would then take their Islamic revolution to the rest of the world and genocidally murder every Jew everywhere on Earth before forcing all to convert to Islam. The Islamic State at their most powerful also insisted that they were chosen to conquer the world for Islam. The same can be stated about al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and numerous other Islamic leaders. Then there is the Communist threat which China poses as they intend to spread their form of governance. These are just scratching the surface as who knows where the next threat might arise just as we likely never anticipated ISIS before they exploded on the scene and conquered an area the size of many nations and far larger than Israel. The Western World will be required to wake to the threat which is most ascendant at the current time, and that threat is Iran. Much of the Sunni Islamic world currently appear to be satisfied to currently wait for a future period to rise to take the world. What it would require would be a charismatic leader who could unite the entirety of the Sunni Islam into a single power. Shia Islam has already been set to be unified under Iran as they control Iraqi Shia, Yemenis Shia, Syrian Shia and Lebanese Shia in what many refer to as the Shiite Crescent (see map below). This is the spread of IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) and even Iranian regular army. Iran is also utilizing Hezballah in Syria and Yemen as well as threatening Israel from Lebanon.


Shiite Crescent including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran

Shiite Crescent including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran


Their control of Yemen, which has not been completed, places Iranian aligned forces surrounding Saudi Arabia. Additionally, Iran is in control of the Strait of Hurmuz and with Yemen they control the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. This provides them with the ability to threaten the oil shipments from the Middle East and shut the Suez Canal by closing off the mouth of the Red Sea. Iran has taken strategic points to control which could easily lead to an isolated Europe cut off from Asia, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Islands. If one were planning to conquer the world using Iran as the central force, this would be the exact tactics which could set up such a threat becoming reality. Iran appears to be waiting for Europe to become overrun by Islamic “refugees” who will refuse to assimilate and instead insist that their religion be granted absolute rule. Then, Iran hopes that if they are able to destroy or conquer Israel or Saudi Arabia that this will influence the majority of Muslims to change from Sunni to Shia Islam. Iran has already laid out their plan for the conquest of Saudi Arabia and the removal of the Saudi Royal Family which the Iranian leaders claim are apostates. Their intent would be to attack the northeastern oil fields which has a majority Shia population while attacking from Yemen taking Mecca and Medina, the Two Holy Cities. This would remove the mystic which the Saudi Royal Family use to remain in power, namely their oil money to bribe the Wahabi clerics and they would lose their title as protectors of the holy cities which would, according to Iran, steal from the Saudi Royals their main pillars of support which could lead to serious opposition from the Saudi population.


Strait of Hormuz and Bab-el-Mandeb Strait

Strait of Hormuz and Bab-el-Mandeb Strait


The Iranian leadership will not remain patient forever and eventually they will launch attacks either at Saudi Arabia, Israel or the United States and any combination thereof. But there is one item which the Iranian Mullahs ignore at their own peril, or so we can all pray. The average Persian citizen largely go through the motions of following Shia Islam while many also follow the Persian religion of Zoroastrianism, at least according to Amil Imani in a recent article. This provides an opportunity for the Western World to assist the Iranians who attempted to challenge the Mullahs but were basically sold down the river by President Obama as he desired making an agreement through which he could guarantee that Iran becomes a nuclear armed nation but not until he will have left office. This was the Green Revolution of 2009. Should the Iranian people rise up against their theocratic dictatorial governance where the actual leadership decide who are permitted to run for office making sure that the government will always behave properly and fully support everything the Mullahs, and specifically the Supreme Leader and Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. For those who hold out hope that when a new Supreme Leader is chosen when Ali Khamenei passes will be more moderate, allow us to point out that every politician the West believed were moderates would fall in line behind the Supreme Leaders and enforce his every whim. Ali Khamenei is simply following the exact political plans which originated with the former Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini who initiated the Iranian revolution of 1979 with the blessings of President Jimmy Carter who claimed that as a cleric, Ruhollah Khomeini would be a man of peace and was the first American politician to claim that Islam was the religion of peace.


Perhaps some of the State Department leadership need to read the Quran, realize that the Medina Quran has overruled the peaceful beliefs of the Meccan Quran. Islam divides the world into two worlds, Dar al Islam, where Islam had established rule and is thus to be considered a world at peace, and Dar al-Harb, the world of war which has yet to be conquered by Islam. That is the reality which the world is simply standing around twiddling their thumbs waiting for Iran to obtain a sizable nuclear armaments with missiles capable of delivering them anywhere on the planet, and even then, the West will wait for Iran to pick and choose when and where they wish to initiate their world conquest. What is really sad is that should Iran decide to begin with Israel, the world will stand by with their hands in their pockets claiming what a great loss it was to lose Israel. This will be the statements coming from Europe and probably the United States after President Trump before Iran even actually attacks as Iran will study the reactions of the rest of the Western leadership as they increasingly threaten to destroy Israel. Israel will very likely be the Czechoslovakia of the coming World War. Fortunately, we in Israel are aware, at least those of us who are pragmatic enough to realize that the world is not exactly going to come running to aid Israel, and Iran is simply waiting for the United States to join Europe in being critical of Israel willing to blame Israel for their being threatened and attacked by Iran. This war is coming, potentially in stages which very readily start with attacks upon Israel. After Israel, expect Jordan to be the next and then Saudi Arabia and as long as the United States remains hands off, Iran will expand and expand taking one nation after another, slowly so as to allow the world to return to a state of calm before advancing to the next victim. For those who claim this is nonsense, Iran has already absorbed Iraq, Yemen, Syria and long-ago Lebanon without even much of a peep from the world, specifically the United Nations who regularly blames Israel for the aggressions from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezballah, all in the name and at the direction of Iran. Does anybody really believe things will get any better?


Beyond the Cusp


April 29, 2019

Poway California Synagogue Shooting and Other Hot Topics


Here we are once more with a Synagogue being attacked with the shooting taking at least one life. The media will play this horrific episodic hate the full coverage as the perpetrator is apparently an alt-right White Supremacist. The condemnations will come from all corners with much of the media attempting to link this shooting with Trump. The logic is that those on the right are all exactly identical in their beliefs, politics and thoughts. To the leftist media, President Trump is conservative and nationalist and these alt-right hatemongers are presumed to be conservative and are nationalist, thus they are identical. This breaks down exceedingly quickly once people take the time to think. Many on the alt-right favor a fascist dictatorial government while President Trump supports a Constitutional Democratic Republic. These are definitive and separate ends that these groups seek and there can be no overlap between them. The White Supremacists desire doing away with the Constitution and its guarantees and giving out selective citizenship excluding most, if not all, minorities, this would definitely include Jews, and allowing only those who agreed with them completely any real rights under the law. Should the government ever be taken over by these groups, the United States would be over. If these White Supremacists are such a great problem, why are most of the public comfortable in that they hold no power. Perhaps this is due to their percentages of the population are in the single digits and in some states near to nonexistent. The alt-right have no political power throughout most of the United States and the majority are already known to law enforcement officials at multiple levels. But, so very unfortunately, one or two of these crazies perpetrate horrific crimes such as the Squirrel Hill Synagogue shooting of October 27, 2018, and now, a mere six months later, the Poway California Synagogue shooting. The only fortunate thing from this latest criminal attack upon Jews at worship was that the congregation reacted to prevent further casualties. Their threat of force against the shooter sent him cowering and fleeing as soon as he realized there was going to be resistance. According to officials, the suspect is a nineteen-year-old adult white male from San Diego. Initially, he fled the scene, but later surrendered to police.


Chabad of Poway Synagogue

Chabad of Poway Synagogue


But if it is as the facts point out, that the numbers of white supremacists, Nazis in particular along with other anti-Semites on the alt-right, have been steadily decreasing, how can it be the anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic acts have been steadily rising? The most obvious answer is that there must be another source of anti-Semitism which is rising precipitously. One of the first hints as to the source of this growing anti-Semitism is that it is found to be quite prevalent on the nation’s college campuses. Some have even struck into the mainstream media. Our first example was from before the armed assault on the Poway synagogue, the international edition of the New York Times ran a cartoon depicting a blind Trump wearing a yarmulke being taken for a walk by a dog sporting a Star of David. If this cartoon does not reek of the anti-Semitic trope that the Jews or Israel controls the United States, in this case the American President. But what about biases from other angles which refuse to report news which would favor Israel as it would depict a Palestinian as wanting to commit terrorism within the United States.


There was a report in American newspapers this week, where you saw headlines such as, “Wisconsin Mom Accused of Spreading Support for ISIS” to “Wisconsin Mother of Seven Charged with Trying to Recruit for ISIS” and “Wisconsin Woman Pleads Guilty to Terrorism Charges.” We found these reports and more which we will allude to from an Israeli editorial titled, “Just don’t call her a Palestinian Arab! US media plays a game” by Stephen M. Flatow. There was a secret the media did not see fit to share with the American public and the world about this energetic mother, Waheba Issa Dai. For example, NBC didn’t even mention that she was born in Jerusalem while the New York Times and the British Daily Mail went so far as to transpose this Palestinian Arab born in Jerusalem into being born in Israel. Could this mean that the media has realized that Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel and not contested lands? Not a chance as they will be declaring that eastern Jerusalem must be made Jew free and become the capital of historic Palestine which is a KGB invention by which the Arabs would be better able to victimize the Jews. Why would the media go so far around the truth when an Arab Palestinian was recruiting for the Islamic State while planning for a high casualty attack in the United States for which she was reportedly manufacturing biological weapons in her home. Perhaps they figured that the average American or citizen of the world would automatically know from her name, Waheba Issa Dai, everything about her origins, nationality (claimed and actual), along with virtually every other particular which they decided was not necessary to report. Imagine if it was someone who actually was an Israeli and not a Palestinian Arab who was doing such activities. You would know everything including interviews with neighbors from the old community down to whether they served in the IDF and every other extraneous fact they could glean.


The new anti-Semitism has nothing similar with the historic, classic anti-Semitism of generations ago; today anti-Semitism is most often expressed as anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism and these slurs are used to incorporate all Jews who are unwilling to expressly denigrate and condemn everything about Israel and to become their Jew vanguard behind which they crouch ready to devour any Israel supporter, Jewish or otherwise. For a Jew to be innocent of being part of the Israel conspiracy, which is defined as the Jews of the world having their dual-loyalty and working undercover to control the world and every nation where they reside, they must accept the BDS Movement and support SJP. Jews are providing organizations which Jews are able to join with other Jews for the expressed purpose of supporting every anti-Israel protest, sign every anti-Israel petition, produce their own versions of anti-Israel literature, editorials, letters to the editor and comments on social media. These Jews have lavished praise showered upon them by most of the media, the Arab driven anti-Israel often terror-tied groups, anti-Semites everywhere pointing to them as the good Jews and even the alt-right use them for cover for their hatred of Israel because of its Jewish nature. All of these are very active on the American college scene and are influencing the future leaders of America and Europe. You do not have to scour the news for examples as three were recently elected to the House of Representatives and two of them have been quite vocal and quotable, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.


All of this hatred against Israel and its infection of the colleges and universities where the future leadership arises is troubling to say the least. Many claim that the main place which will face a troubling future due to these changes is Israel. Unfortunately for many nations of the world, Israel will be affected largely by having the vast majority of world Jewry coming home to a warm and gratifying welcome. Israel, people claim, is too small to accommodate a doubling of the population from a mass emigration of the world’s Jews making Aliyah. There are two problems with their claims, one is that we are probably at best talking half or possibly as high as three-fifths of the world’s Jews coming home as the remainder will remain blind to what is happening and believe that they are amongst the good Jews who are safe. In the end, there are no good Jews and their safety will dissipate in an instant and they will be shocked by the ensuing events; and two, Israel has one third of the country sparsely populated just waiting for Jews to come and transform the southern regions of the Negev Dessert into something unimaginable until it has been completed. Some see a new high-tech center where every form of advanced research and production will take place and lead Israel into the brightest of futures along with those nations who are not taken over by an anti-Semitic rage. It will be the nations where these anti-Semitic haters of Israel and Jews become the ruling elite as once they have the power to execute a transformation to a new system of governance and laws by enacting Sharia instead of the Constitution, Magna Carta, the latest French Republic (currently on number five but who knows when six will be required) and the governing laws and jurisprudence and laws of the land of others as well.


As we reported yesterday, there may be an inevitable clash brewing in the Middle East which will be largely about, you guessed it, oil. The United States, more accurately President Trump, is poised to end the waivers granted to numerous Asian states which imported a fair amount of their oil from Iran. The United States and the Gulf Nations are stepping up production to meet these nations’ needs but Iran receives forty-percent of their annual revenue from their oil sales. Preventing the sale of Iranian oil has always been a red line with Iran though President Trump will likely point out he is not banning their selling their oil, just warning that doing so comes at a cost. If the world prefers doing business with the United States over buying Iranian oil, then that is their choice. Such will not sit well with the Mullahs of Iran, many of which have been itching for a fight with both the United States and Israel. Yes, should a shooting war erupt over the Strait of Hormuz and potentially the Bab-el-Mandeb where the Red Sea exits past Yemen at this choke-point, perhaps that is the reason for having one aircraft carrier stationed on the Mediterranean side of that waterway. Such an outbreak will be sold by many on the left as President Trump fighting this war for Israel claiming that Iran has never done anything to America. Well, perhaps the validity of that claim needs some inspection.


We will start this review looking at the 1983 Beirut barracks bombings in which caused the deaths of three-hundred-five victims constituting two-hundred-forty-one United States military personnel, fifty-eight French military personnel and six civilians while destroying United States Marine Corps barracks at the Beirut Airport along with the Ramlet al Baida in Beirut where the French troops were billeted. The 1998 United States Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania have also been linked and attributed to sources within the Iranian government. Both Iran and Sudan have been found to be complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole docked in Yemen for refueling at the time of the attack. Iran has been supporting the revolution by the Houthis in Yemen as part of their efforts to surround Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States with the intent of eventual conquest. It has been brought to light that the 2003 United States Riyadh Compound bombings were planned and trained in Iran and received Iranian assistance as well as protection. Iran is thought to have provided aid for the Taliban against American forces. Please allow us one last mention, the 2011–12 Strait of Hormuz dispute which included at least one American vessel being struck by a mine and the ensuing naval battle between American naval forces and Iranian naval forces. This one-day battle was dubbed Operation Praying Mantis by the United States launched in retaliation for the mining of the USS Samuel B. Roberts resulted in American units sinking one Islamic Republic of Iran Naval frigate, one gunboat, and as many as six armed speedboats and seriously damaging a second frigate. These are just some of the altercations between the two nations since the 1979 takeover of Iran by the Grand Ayatollah and new Supreme Leader of Iran Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini.


The only reason that Israel could become involved in such an altercation simply rides on the fact that the Iranian leadership has stated emphatically that any attack by any forces from the Western world will result in Iran immediately loosing attacks upon Israel. Their logic is that the only reason any nation would take up arms against Iran would be due to the Israeli and Jewish ability to have other nations fight her wars. Israel has never threatened to enter into armed conflict with Iran. The reason Iran makes this threat is because they believe it would make a difference in the plans by the United States or other Western nation as they would be concerned for Israel. That is not of any real importance to the United States or others as they would leave any attacks upon Israel up to Israel to defend against and take whatever required steps may be deemed necessary. If the past is any way of measuring the future, Israel was specifically ordered to stand down during the two Iraq wars as a means of not forcing the Arab allies from removing their support. Israel was attacked by Saddam Hussein’s forces as they launched a series of Scud missiles in the direction of Israel. Israeli sources reported that eight Scud missiles had landed within Israeli territory, three in Tel Aviv, one in Haifa, three in largely unpopulated areas in remote regions and one in an unknown location. What any future Middle East conflict will take is anybody’s guess but one thing will probably be true in such a conflict, the Americans and any European allies will insist Israel do their best to intercept incoming missiles but to leave all military actions to the allies, especially if they have Arab allies. The one Arab ally which America can depend upon other than Israel is Saudi Arabia. The problem with any altercations breaking out between Iran and the United States is that Iran currently commands the areas not only of Iran but of Iraq, Lebanon, most of Syria as well as good relations with the rebel forces in Yemen who control much of that nation and with the Sudan. This is an area almost equal in size to the United States and does not include the Hezballah camps such as the one in the South American three borders region. These truths in the world and the media will continue to stress the story-line that all anti-Semitism comes from the alt-right which they link to President Trump despite all evidence to the contrary even to include the alt-right denouncing virtually everything President Trump has done which benefits Israel.


Beyond the Cusp


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