Beyond the Cusp

August 25, 2019

Palestinian-EU War on Israel


How long the European Union (EU) will continue financing the Arab Palestinian projects remains to be seen. One can only assume that they are in this to the very end. We have spoken about the illegal Arab settlements before and the EU-Arab ventures, which are nothing short of land theft of Israeli land and informal declarations of war, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. The European Union in concert with numerous NGO’s, largely supported by European countries, and with direct monies from several European nations and often the United Nations, the Arab Palestinians have invaded Area C and thus destroyed the last vestige remaining of the Oslo Accords. The Oslo Accords divided the formerly illegally held lands by Jordan and liberated by Israel in the Six Day War into three partitions, Area A, Area B and Area C. These were defined as follows, Area A was under Arab Palestinian political and security control, Area B was under Arab Palestinian political control and mutual Arab Palestinian and Israeli security control and Area C under Israeli political and security control. Israeli forces and people were forbidden entry into Area A without first receiving Arab Palestinian permission while Arab Palestinians and efforts on their behalf were forbidden from Area C without first receiving Israeli permission. Mahmoud Abbas invited Israeli security forces, specifically their intelligence operations, into Area A in order for them to identify and neutralize Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist forces who were a threat to the future continued rule by Mahmoud Abbas. This arrangement allowed for Mahmoud Abbas to be rid of those pesky little things such as another Hamas coup except in his neighborhood and not Gaza. But just because Mahmoud Abbas permits Israeli intelligence to operate in conjunction with the Palestinian Protective Force within Area A, that does not keep Mahmoud Abbas and especially the European Union from encroaching upon Area C which is legal Israeli lands and thus institutes, technically, an act of war, an invasion of Israel.


Illegal European Union Structures in Area C Encroaching Upon Israeli Sovereign Lands

Illegal European Union Structures in Area C
Encroaching Upon Israeli Sovereign Lands


There are a pair of other problems, one internal to Israel and the other international in its nature where large roles are played by the Europeans, both its Union and numerous of her independent nations, as well as the rest of the world centered often in the United Nations General Assembly where any and every condemnation of Israel is guaranteed overwhelming passage. We will get past the internal Israeli problem and then proceed to the more problematic and threatening problem posed by the Arab Palestinian intentions going forward with apparent complete and total backing the entire way by the European Union. The Israeli problem is caused by the severe and crippling timidity displayed by her political leaders who have reason to display such an overly cautious approach. The reasons behind their inactions start with a Supreme Court which acts as if it were enforcing the international efforts to destroy Israel than it does as the Supreme Court of the nation of Israel. The Supreme Court in Israel has consisted of not just left-leaning justices, but justices whose politics are so far left as to become an absolute threat to the existence of the State of Israel. The Israeli Supreme Court has often demanded the destruction of entire Jewish neighborhoods on the claim presented by a leftist NGO which had no deed, no Arab owner in court, no proof whatsoever beyond the word of the representatives of an anti-Israel NGO. The same Supreme Court would pressure the politicians forcing the ordered destruction of Jewish homes sometimes before the residents have time to remove their belongings which are destroyed with the house. The Israeli Supreme Court all but refuses to order the destruction of illegal Arab structures, both those built by Arabs, Bedouins and others and those built under the auspices of the European Union. Even when they finally do order the destruction of an illegal Arab house or groups of homes, the politicians show their true timidity and order the case reconsidered or simply hem and haw while not complying with the orders of the Supreme Court and when one adds in the General Staff of the IDF who are equal culprits in this dancing around but never touching any Arab Palestinian structures all in fear of being cast as the horrible meanie who committed an act of such offence against the world’s darlings. The perfect example of the paralysis rampant in the entire Israeli government is perfectly on display when it comes to the illegal Arab and Bedouin outpost Khan al-Ahmar. The Supreme Court ruled it to be destroyed over twenty years ago and between postponements by the Prime Minister or other Ministers or the reluctance of the IDF to actually act if even a puppy-dog would stand in defiance, has left this illegal and abandoned, except when the IDF comes to actually destroy it, outpost which is unsupported by any and all utilities and unlivable in our modern world, standing continued to the time of this writing. All too often, Israel stands as the greatest threat against Israel, and this almost always is the result of being irresolute and insecure always worrying what the rest of the world will think and say.


The interesting thing is the coming and inevitable result of the current European Union building of Arab Palestinian structures, and they have signs printed by the European Union replete with their little circle of stars emblem stating these structures are the property of the European Union and the Palestinian Authority and Arab Palestinians, will lead to a critical point where war will become the sole means to resolve the predicament. We can predict the exact scenario under which such a conflict will be instigated. The world will lay almost the entirety of the blame on the far-right-wing government and specifically the Israeli Prime Minister, referred to as being of the right-wing politically, but also he will be described as a Zionist who, even worse, is a religious man who believes the Bible and is in charge of a religious Zionist right-wing fascist obsessive government which some will go the additional step claiming the Prime Minister envisions establishing a Greater Israel by the Jews carrying this war to its ultimate intended resolution. Any time Israel is forced to defend herself, the reaction is as if Israel massed troops on her borders with her neighbors, broadcast speeches by the Prime Minister threatening to drive the Arabs into Arabia, and united with other nations in the region which share that view, oh, wait, there are no such nations though these same nations uniting to destroy Israel had already occurred three times in history, May of 1948, June of 1967 and October of 1973, all of which failed fortunately. In each of these wars, Israel was either physically attacked by her neighbors or a casus belli for war was committed such as blocking of international seaways to Israeli shipping, more specifically the Straight of Tiran in the Red Sea. Still, the world labels all of these conflicts with names which appear to make the belligerent part Israel and not her Arab neighbors who are sworn to her destruction. But how can building a few structures in Area C lead to a wider war?


The European Union, in concert with European governances, began the building of ‘facts on the ground’ building in Area B which, as mentioned above, was partially controlled by the Palestinian Authority with security being the responsibility of them with Israel providing security and law enforcement. These structures were built without the agreement of Israeli authorities. Most of Area B is now all but completely controlled by the Palestinian Authority with Israel only permitted legal control as it serves to protect the Palestinian Authority from being overthrown as they were in Gaza, much the same as Area A is ruled unofficially. With the predominance of the Arab Palestinians well established now in Area B, the European Union and its facilitators have turned their efforts to Area C, the region belonging to Israel according to the Oslo Accords. These are the same Oslo Accords which these entities use to berate Israel for building Israeli communities in Area C despite their condoning Israeli efforts solely in the region defined as Area C. Much of the efforts by the European Union and friends has been designed to surround Eastern Jerusalem with Arab structures as well as cutting off the roadways upon which the Jewish communities require to have access to the remainder of Israel. The tactics being employed have but one goal in mind, driving the Jews and other Israelis from Eastern Jerusalem and the entirety of the contested lands. We really hate the term contested lands because according to all international law, which has little if anything in common with the views of much of the world towards these regions, all belong completely and totally to Israel. International Law, which is dependent upon such treaties and compacts as the San Remo Conference, the Mandate System, Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, the agreements under the auspices of the League of Nations, the Treaty of Sèvres and other post World War I compacts of international law, all define the easternmost border for Israel with Jordan as the Jordan River (see map below). The Golan Heights also belong to Israel as United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 passed in response to the Six Day War stated two conditions placed upon Israel and her neighbors. The first was that Israel had to return land, not the land, all the land or any other reference demanding Israel return to the pre-June 1967 borders. This document also listed that Israel is entitled to defendable borders. Israel returning the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt fulfilled the land return and did so in spades. The remaining lands actually being debated are the exact lands which provide Israel with defendable borders, the Golan Heights with Syria (what remains of Syria) and the Jordan River with the Jordan River Valley providing one of the most formidable and defendable pieces of land on the planet. This valley could be referred to as the Israel Grand Canyon between her and the Arab world to her east. But the world, except for Donald Trump as far as we know, is hard pressed to permit Israel the retention of lands defined by international law as belonging to Israel and instead is insisting that Israel be forced back to the starting-point for the Six Day War, a prescription for another war if ever there existed such.


A map of Israel should any of the nations of the world actually be honest and truly be seeking peace which can only be attained should Israel have the most defensive borders imaginable.

A map of Israel should any of the nations of the world actually be honest
and truly be seeking peace which can only be attained should Israel
have the most defensive borders imaginable.


So, why are so many of the European nations in concert with the European Union and United Nations General Assembly along with numerous NGOs and United Nations Agencies so insistent that Israel be forced back to what Abba Eban referred to as the Auschwitz Borders and in denying Israel her proper and agreed upon borders according to many numerous agreements reached after World War I, and that is the truth, World War I and not having anything to do with World War II and the Holocaust? Much of the impetus behind these efforts is to push Israel back to where her middle would be a mere nine to fifteen miles wide making it all but impossible for Israel to prevent a thrust at this vulnerable midsection cutting Israel in half and dividing her forces making their coordination nearly impossible. The other reason is geography and preventing Israel from having her given border where the Jordan River Valley would be her natural border preventing invasion. The Jordan River boundary and Golan Heights provide exactly such protection against invasions from the east as is made obvious by the two images below. The strange fact is that these efforts are far from the first efforts to deny Israel her promised lands. Much of the effort to prevent Israel from her rightful borders began almost at the outset of the establishment of Israel after World War I. The main thrust preventing the Jewish State was initially committed by the British in cooperation with the Arab League whereby they continuously denied Jews entry to the lands and encouraged and even forced Arabs to relocate into what would become Israel preventing the Jews from ever attaining a majority. This would have worked if the Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini had not called for the Arabs to leave Israel such that the invading seven Arab armies on May 15, 1948, could simply wash across the region murdering every person they found as none would be Arab or Muslim. This led to the initial six to seven hundred thousand Arab refugees as when the Arabs failed to destroy Israel, they trapped the Arabs, who obeyed the Mufti’s call, into refugee camps where they and their children on to the fourth generation and counting have been confined ever since breading them on their eventual return to their homes and the slaughter of the Jews upon whose wealth they would be allowed to feed. UNRWA reinforces this and numerous anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist and anti-Israel propaganda in their schools, across their media and further instilled by propaganda posters and murals placed around the camps. We wish to interject one point virtually forgotten by the world, namely, there were over eight-hundred-thousand Jews forced from their homes across the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) world which is controlled by Arab and Muslim leadership.


Jordan Valley and Golan Heights Provide Obviously Defensible Borders of Israel

Jordan Valley and Golan Heights Provide Obviously Defensible Borders of Israel


These efforts in Area C by the European Union and European nations often gains support from the United Nations and its various agencies. UNESCO has declared that all of Jerusalem is an Arab holy site and has no religious or other connection to the Jews. Such a statement predicates on history starting in any region immediately after Arab and Muslim forces conquer that region. This is a very handy way the Arab and much of the Muslim world define history. The only history which accounts for a region is that written by the Arab or Muslim forces and historians. Such a view discounts the history contained in the Bible, negates all of Christianity in the MENA region and not just Judaism. This version of history is the result of the Supersessionism practiced initially by Christians to permit their replacing Judaism as the chosen people’s religion and then practiced by the Islamic conquerors of the MENA region and into Spain, Portugal and on into Southeastern Europe with one added point, that Muhammad would be the final prophet of Allah. Jewish prophesy lasted during the earliest periods through Kings Saul, David and Solomon before coming to a close. Those were the prophets of Hashem according to the Old Testament. The Quran decided that tens of centuries later there would be another prophet, this time from Allah. The videos below are of two sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council featuring the address by the representative of United Nations Watch, Hillel Neuer, one year apart concerning the targeting of Israel and only Israel by the commission.





Perhaps it is time to reach the inevitable conclusion of where the European Union building program will end. It did not end where they might have had legal rights to aid in Arab construction of Area B and instead continued right on into Area C impinging on Israeli lands as defined in the Oslo Accords. This is the same Oslo Accords which are constantly used to define as the sole solution to the Arab-Israeli (Jewish) problem as being the ‘Two State Solution’ ignoring that this has already been enacted, Jordan was the Arab State and Israel the Jewish State. The problem with that solution, as far as these efforts prove, is that it included the Jewish State, the one nation in the world which has its borders ignored and existence continuously threatened. When the same documents define the prevention against Arab building reserving areas for Israeli use, which would include Jews, Arab, Bedouins, Druze and all Israelis without regard to any restrictions, suddenly the Oslo Accords do not prevent expanding constructions as long as they are Arab. When a Jew would add a simple patio to their backyard, some NGO would go to the Israeli Supreme Court to get such an expansion of Jewish construction destroyed and even attempt to have the house destroyed as additional punishment for crossing the edicts in the Oslo Accords. Meanwhile, the European Union is establishing these Arab structures which until recently were not provided with utilities or roads, but the European Union has wizened up and now paves roads and attempts to provide at least some basic utilities. The Palestinian Authority has forced some of their citizens to relocate into the homes being built by the European Union even when they lack some or even all utilities. This is done so they can prevent the destruction of these facilities as they know their enemy, Israel, is actually compassionate and would try not to destroy homes of innocents with no ties to terrorism. The question becomes, what will happen once they have established complete hegemony of Area C?


If the past is any reference to future actions, then it is obvious what will ensue. The European Union and its supporting states will recognize Palestine with its capital in Eastern Jerusalem but without denoting its border with Israel. This is because the European Union and far too many others recognize the Palestinian Arab claim to all of Israel and only begrudgingly recognize Israel if at all. Slowly but inexorably, the European Union would begin to build outside the Green Line but within the Security Barrier. With time, the European Union building would require the dismantling of the Security Barrier anywhere it is beyond the Green Line. This would lead to the continued demolition of the Security Barrier section by section. In its place would be further construction which would slowly encroach upon what is presumably universally recognized Israel proper. This building process would continue reaching further and further into Israel likely headed in two directions, one across the Negev towards Gaza and the other into the Galilee taking the rich farmlands which lie there. This would start slowly taking baby steps so as not to alarm the majority of Israelis living in the larger cities and thus unaffected. With time the lack of protest beyond that of formal complaints by the Israeli government and Prime Minister, two items one is free to ignore as far as the United Nations is concerned and supported by dozens if not hundreds of NGOs, the rate of illegal land acquisition would start to increase to the point where it would become a main point of the religious-Zionist political wing. This would be an issue which once it became obvious that the object was the end of Israel which would gain traction in the Israeli populous. The problem is that even should the Supreme Court, even International Courts, decide to address the European Union and Palestinian Authority land theft, the destruction of a single building would result in such a tumult on the world stage that it would be slowed to the point of ineffectiveness against what would by then be rampant European Union and Palestinian Authority construction.


That leads to the final question, how could Israel prevent the complete erasure of her as a nation facing such a formidable threat? The unfortunate answer is not very appetizing nor a solution one could easily order. Still, eventually, the Israeli Prime Minister and his Security Cabinet would have their hand forced and the European Union would be informed that should their activities continue, they would be prevented and pealed back by active interventions conducted by the IDF and other enforcement agencies of the Israeli government. There might even be sufficient indignation throughout much of the population that a complete claiming of the rightful borders might be demanded by the voting populace at the next election. This would include either forcing all the Arabs across the Jordan River or over the Golan Heights, their choice between Jordan or Syria, and all the lands up to the Jordan River and half way across being returned to its rightful owner, Israel. The Jordan River was the eastern border for the State of Israel at dawn of May 15, 1948 until more than six Arab armies (Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen) captured regions which belonged rightfully to the Jewish State. These were Gaza illegally occupied by Egypt, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) occupied by Jordan and the western face of the Golan Heights illegally occupied by Syria. Israel liberated these lands while also gaining the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula during the Six Day War. Should the European Union building continue apace and extend, as it appears they will actually plan to do, into Israel proper and begin to uproot Israelis from their lands and residences, the only solution would be to threaten the European Union and Palestinian Authority that they are placing themselves in danger of facing an active front which could easily turn into warfare. We expect that neither the European Union nor Palestinian Authority will take the cautionary message and will continue to press their illegal land acquisition until forcibly prevented from continuing. Pressing things too far until they become tantamount to an invasion and require being treated as such. Where it might be considered insane for Israel to threaten taking on the entirety of the European Union, one need remember that the European Union is largely a trade union which also sets currency rates and not a military outfit completely dependent upon voluntary provisional troops from its member states. The European Union has never declared war, never fought a war and never had war declared against it. The European Union is completely dependent upon NATO and the decisions made by NATO for their protection and NATO is largely the United States. This might not be in the favor of Israel in the not too distant future as half the American populace are supportive of a party which does not favor Israel. Such a conflict, should the European Union attempt to garner allies to assist their erasure of Israel, would most surely escalate and, at what point it might be halted by the relatively sane individuals left in the world being unknown, very well lead to another devastating world at war where all the weapons of mankind would assuredly be launched. This would be a war of truly beyond Biblical proportions and the end results are described in both the New Testament and Old Testament and even in the Quran, Viking legends, Indian Hindu texts and possibly in Buddhist texts and beyond. Even the Native American tribes included such scenarios in their records as have virtually all races, religions and other groups universally. One might wisely take such texts as describing a series of recently passed events or resulting from the writings and traditions handed down through the ages referring to these events where an advanced society tore itself asunder with weapons and needless acrimony resulting in a reset of humankind. Some believe such has happened repeatedly in human history and we would hope we might skip the destroy the world period in our future, but that is dependent upon everyone realizing what could result from another world at war eating its technology and infrastructure apart to the point that merely a few hundred thousand humans survive the final battle worldwide. Maybe, but no one can be completely sure what will come, but why tempt fate directly when simply living up to your word as recorded in historic documents adequately define, like the Jordan River being the eastern border of Israel. Would that be so difficult? We know the answer for the European Union and so many who back them is a resounding, of course it is difficult, as doing so provides the Jews with a nation, and as we all know, the Jews are the world’s conscience and must be destroyed. Then we all can live unbothered by them.


Beyond the Cusp


June 20, 2019

Ugly Reality Mostly Ignored Shames Media

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:55 AM
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We felt that perhaps a small introduction to the article is necessary. We found sticking strictly to the subject to be terribly difficult, emotionally draining and psychologically vexing. We found writing about related facts and other connected subjects to be required for our own emotional needs. The rape of a seven-year old girl was to be so horrific that our emotions and anger resulting from even thinking about such a barbaric act to be too much, so please bear with us, thank you.


Outside of Israel and a few Jewish communities, the recent bestial rape by a Palestinian Arab worker at an elementary school, of a seven-year young girl near the school where two fellow Palestinian Arabs assisted holding the child down while berating her for being an Israeli and a Jew, has been ignored. Had such a crime been committed with the roles reversed, the world would have seen two-inch banner headlines. Such is something which will never be seen, bizrat Hashem. There are numerous items which were perpetrated and underlying this horrific act. It was not, as rapes often aren’t, a crime of passion. This was not fully a crime to impress superiority on the victim. This was a nationalistically driven act of terrorism meant to imply superiority over a Jew and “an occupier” which was helpless and did not even know how to fight. This was an act done to impel a right to take anything for their pleasure from the lands of their enemy. This was an act done to proclaim a victory over the Zionist Entity by defiling one of their women, even if the woman was a seven-year young child. This was a despoiling with intent to ruin a young mind, body and soul filling her with a dread which will haunt her the rest of her life. This was done in order to make her unfit for any other man and to claim to have destroyed a Jew. This was an act worthy of an idolatrous barbarian.


There is far more which should be understood by the rest of the world, specifically those who hate Israel without ever coming here to see what it is that they are supposed to hate and verify whether what they have been told is valid or false. The Arab view of Israel is that they will eventually destroy it even if they are forced to wait perhaps a few centuries. To many of the Arab Palestinians every Jew is a legitimate target for committing any atrocity against. The same would apply to an Israeli Christian or any Israel who is not a Muslim, or potentially not sufficiently Muslim. Theirs is an intent for domination, then humiliation and finally eradication. Their intent has not altered one iota since best described so succinctly by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League who stated, before six Arab armies invaded the nascent state of Israel in May of 1948, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” This is their definition of their final victory. They claim to have patience able to wait centuries. Jews had the patience to wait two millennia to return to their ancestral homelands which were defined in Torah from three millennia ago. Sure, let it be a test of patience, we still have plenty in reserve. But more acts like this and the Israeli public will be demanding action to punish all these transgressors and to end their occupation of Israel.


But this act was intended to horrify Israelis. It should horrify anybody who has even a modicum of civility. People need to step back a moment and look at which side is building a nation which will benefit all of mankind and the other is out simply to destroy everything in their goal of fulfilling their hatred for the other. Israel offered to allow any Arab willing to live in peace from those who had fled to behind the Arab lines at the onset of their invasion. The Arabs who had fled believed the Mufti’s promise of sharing in the riches of the Jews after their glorious victory. Exactly what the Secretary General had described was the outcome most of the world expected, especially many Europeans from both sides of the just ended World War. When that was not the result and after Israel offered to allow the Arab return, their Arab brothers locked them up to use to crush Israel and to use as a pawn in the media and at the United Nations. They have suffered needlessly and for that the nations in which they have been imprisoned should be made to absorb them. Many Arabs in these camps have relatives who live in the city neighboring the camp. There are such camps within Gaza and the Palestinian Authority. Palestinian Arabs are kept in refugee camps by Palestinian Arabs. One of them just brutalized a seven-year young child. His was an act of domination just as had occurred just like during the massacres of the Mongols. This was an act harboring the origins of the horrors of past wars. Echoing the past as the Rape of Nanking, Viking raids, the conquests by barbarians throughout human history. This was an aberration peculiar to periods and mindsets of periods we had hoped mankind had evolved beyond. This was an act of primitive barbarism.


The question comes down to whose lands these are and under Islam everywhere is supposed to be ruled by them, though each group believes their Imam or ruler should rule everyone. The Palestinian Arabs had all the opportunities and choices open before them. They could have joined in building the lands for the benefit of both people. They could have chosen a relatively wealthy society with opportunities available to those with the drive to take them. Instead they chose to destroy, defile and putrefy everything they touched. Theirs is a society based upon hatred and destruction. You can leave Israel out of the equation and simply look at the actions of the PLO in Jordan and the PLO in Lebanon. The essence of their intents no matter their location or whose nation they are attempting to topple and destroy, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon or wherever they are found. During the Syrian civil war, which is still raging, the Palestinian Arab refugee camps was one of the initial flash-points in the early fighting. Theirs is the outlook of the world reflected with equal barbarity by the Islamic State, specifically when they were dehumanizing the Yazidis raping every female of almost any age. This is the world they want to spread as far and wide as they are able. This is what has occurred in much of Europe in the cities where Islamic gangs prey on Christian girls. One need look to England, in Manchester where they had Islamic grooming gangs which industrialized rape. Some will claim that what happened in this case was just one case and not anything which can be seen as troubling. Would the ‘it should not trouble anyone that women are being groped, raped and often grievously injured with some requiring hospitalization across Europe’ change their thinking. When such attacks are occurring in Sweden, Germany, France, Italy and Netherlands for further examples and we could continue. But right now, we are concerned with one specific example of what is obviously not just an Israel problem.


Immigrant prison statistical graph


We keep meandering away from the rape of a seven-year young, and we keep emphasizing young because that is part of why this crime was so beyond all decency. This was a crime for which there is no suitable punishment. This rape cries out for equal pain, suffering, agony and torture of the spirit to be imposed on the rapist and his accomplices. The rapist had been arrested, but for reasons which escape us, the accomplices are still free. That needs to be rectified. What will be the end result of this unconscionable act? The state prosecutor’s office will take their time and allow as much time to pass as possible in order to have a trial with as little outside protest as they are able. They will sentence the perpetrator according to cold statistical measures and believe it is all over. That is not what required addressing. This miscreant is but one piece of a much larger problem which extends well beyond Israel, we have just been on the front line, the tip of iceberg and the only part which is visible and obvious before the world. Israel is the crux where this creeping, engulfing, divisive, supremacist, exclusionary infiltration permeating much of the Western Developed world and is subjected to scorn as others blame the victim for the criminal act of self-defense. One can bet that if a not too dissimilar crime were to be happened upon by an armed Israeli who shot the rapist, the headlines across Europe would be ‘Israeli shoots Palestinian in the Back’ and it would be the fourth or fifth paragraph when the activity of raping a young woman by the Palestinian Arab would enter into the articles. This is what Israel has faced and is the reason why this unthinkable criminal act is being ignored by most of the world, it was in Israel and they deserve what they get, not like the Europeans who are simply being left in the dark about their own difficulties. Yes, there exist articles about the criminal wave which has struck Europe with sex crimes at the top of the list of things the European public has been told they need to accept, it is simply a cultural thing. Just a cultural thing, allow that to sink in and then start to get upset. Why upset? Because it is your culture that the government is not enforcing and instead foisting a foreign culture upon the indigenous Europeans.


What to do about these problems? The first step is to have the media start reporting the truth. Next is the police need to enforce laws and apply them to the incoming immigrants. But that would lead to a war in the streets, that is not worth it as it would make things more difficult. Where does anybody honestly believe that allowing another culture to come in and exist, according to the governments, side-by-side in peace and happiness. Well my friends, it will not remain or ever actually match that description. This is a culture war and if you do not fight it now, then you will lose later, those are the choices. You can surrender and become nice little Dhimmis or your can decide that the culture which your society has lived and developed for two millennia is worthy of saving. Of course, that will require the people getting engaged and actually doing something. The government, authorities, law enforcement and everybody else, possibly even the military, are telling the people that everything will be fine, it is just an acclimation process. What they are not telling you is that it will be you doing the acclimating and the Muslims dictating how your culture will become. This is why the European elite hate Israel, we decided to fight for our culture and they are incensed that Israel is making them look in a poor way, the Jews are showing them up and they have no answer. This is the result of the Secular Humanist outlook where no culture is worth more than any other thus your culture is unworthy and not in need of defending because it has no value. This is the mindset of your leaders and they are going to allow all of Europe to go down without even a murmur, and they will come down on you should you make too much fuss. Just accept your fate as it was the lack of the current generation having children which brought on the necessity of importing immigrants to work, but the ones they have brought are not working, they are lying in wait until they reach the tipping point where they can take over and rule Europe. You continue to be silent and that will be your future, meanwhile, here in Israel we will keep right on screaming and making a fuss. We want to live and to do so as our own people with our own culture building our future. The Palestinians have no interest in their future, they simply seek our destruction, and Europe wishes we would allow this silently. We will not, what about you?


Beyond the Cusp


April 29, 2019

Poway California Synagogue Shooting and Other Hot Topics


Here we are once more with a Synagogue being attacked with the shooting taking at least one life. The media will play this horrific episodic hate the full coverage as the perpetrator is apparently an alt-right White Supremacist. The condemnations will come from all corners with much of the media attempting to link this shooting with Trump. The logic is that those on the right are all exactly identical in their beliefs, politics and thoughts. To the leftist media, President Trump is conservative and nationalist and these alt-right hatemongers are presumed to be conservative and are nationalist, thus they are identical. This breaks down exceedingly quickly once people take the time to think. Many on the alt-right favor a fascist dictatorial government while President Trump supports a Constitutional Democratic Republic. These are definitive and separate ends that these groups seek and there can be no overlap between them. The White Supremacists desire doing away with the Constitution and its guarantees and giving out selective citizenship excluding most, if not all, minorities, this would definitely include Jews, and allowing only those who agreed with them completely any real rights under the law. Should the government ever be taken over by these groups, the United States would be over. If these White Supremacists are such a great problem, why are most of the public comfortable in that they hold no power. Perhaps this is due to their percentages of the population are in the single digits and in some states near to nonexistent. The alt-right have no political power throughout most of the United States and the majority are already known to law enforcement officials at multiple levels. But, so very unfortunately, one or two of these crazies perpetrate horrific crimes such as the Squirrel Hill Synagogue shooting of October 27, 2018, and now, a mere six months later, the Poway California Synagogue shooting. The only fortunate thing from this latest criminal attack upon Jews at worship was that the congregation reacted to prevent further casualties. Their threat of force against the shooter sent him cowering and fleeing as soon as he realized there was going to be resistance. According to officials, the suspect is a nineteen-year-old adult white male from San Diego. Initially, he fled the scene, but later surrendered to police.


Chabad of Poway Synagogue

Chabad of Poway Synagogue


But if it is as the facts point out, that the numbers of white supremacists, Nazis in particular along with other anti-Semites on the alt-right, have been steadily decreasing, how can it be the anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic acts have been steadily rising? The most obvious answer is that there must be another source of anti-Semitism which is rising precipitously. One of the first hints as to the source of this growing anti-Semitism is that it is found to be quite prevalent on the nation’s college campuses. Some have even struck into the mainstream media. Our first example was from before the armed assault on the Poway synagogue, the international edition of the New York Times ran a cartoon depicting a blind Trump wearing a yarmulke being taken for a walk by a dog sporting a Star of David. If this cartoon does not reek of the anti-Semitic trope that the Jews or Israel controls the United States, in this case the American President. But what about biases from other angles which refuse to report news which would favor Israel as it would depict a Palestinian as wanting to commit terrorism within the United States.


There was a report in American newspapers this week, where you saw headlines such as, “Wisconsin Mom Accused of Spreading Support for ISIS” to “Wisconsin Mother of Seven Charged with Trying to Recruit for ISIS” and “Wisconsin Woman Pleads Guilty to Terrorism Charges.” We found these reports and more which we will allude to from an Israeli editorial titled, “Just don’t call her a Palestinian Arab! US media plays a game” by Stephen M. Flatow. There was a secret the media did not see fit to share with the American public and the world about this energetic mother, Waheba Issa Dai. For example, NBC didn’t even mention that she was born in Jerusalem while the New York Times and the British Daily Mail went so far as to transpose this Palestinian Arab born in Jerusalem into being born in Israel. Could this mean that the media has realized that Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel and not contested lands? Not a chance as they will be declaring that eastern Jerusalem must be made Jew free and become the capital of historic Palestine which is a KGB invention by which the Arabs would be better able to victimize the Jews. Why would the media go so far around the truth when an Arab Palestinian was recruiting for the Islamic State while planning for a high casualty attack in the United States for which she was reportedly manufacturing biological weapons in her home. Perhaps they figured that the average American or citizen of the world would automatically know from her name, Waheba Issa Dai, everything about her origins, nationality (claimed and actual), along with virtually every other particular which they decided was not necessary to report. Imagine if it was someone who actually was an Israeli and not a Palestinian Arab who was doing such activities. You would know everything including interviews with neighbors from the old community down to whether they served in the IDF and every other extraneous fact they could glean.


The new anti-Semitism has nothing similar with the historic, classic anti-Semitism of generations ago; today anti-Semitism is most often expressed as anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism and these slurs are used to incorporate all Jews who are unwilling to expressly denigrate and condemn everything about Israel and to become their Jew vanguard behind which they crouch ready to devour any Israel supporter, Jewish or otherwise. For a Jew to be innocent of being part of the Israel conspiracy, which is defined as the Jews of the world having their dual-loyalty and working undercover to control the world and every nation where they reside, they must accept the BDS Movement and support SJP. Jews are providing organizations which Jews are able to join with other Jews for the expressed purpose of supporting every anti-Israel protest, sign every anti-Israel petition, produce their own versions of anti-Israel literature, editorials, letters to the editor and comments on social media. These Jews have lavished praise showered upon them by most of the media, the Arab driven anti-Israel often terror-tied groups, anti-Semites everywhere pointing to them as the good Jews and even the alt-right use them for cover for their hatred of Israel because of its Jewish nature. All of these are very active on the American college scene and are influencing the future leaders of America and Europe. You do not have to scour the news for examples as three were recently elected to the House of Representatives and two of them have been quite vocal and quotable, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.


All of this hatred against Israel and its infection of the colleges and universities where the future leadership arises is troubling to say the least. Many claim that the main place which will face a troubling future due to these changes is Israel. Unfortunately for many nations of the world, Israel will be affected largely by having the vast majority of world Jewry coming home to a warm and gratifying welcome. Israel, people claim, is too small to accommodate a doubling of the population from a mass emigration of the world’s Jews making Aliyah. There are two problems with their claims, one is that we are probably at best talking half or possibly as high as three-fifths of the world’s Jews coming home as the remainder will remain blind to what is happening and believe that they are amongst the good Jews who are safe. In the end, there are no good Jews and their safety will dissipate in an instant and they will be shocked by the ensuing events; and two, Israel has one third of the country sparsely populated just waiting for Jews to come and transform the southern regions of the Negev Dessert into something unimaginable until it has been completed. Some see a new high-tech center where every form of advanced research and production will take place and lead Israel into the brightest of futures along with those nations who are not taken over by an anti-Semitic rage. It will be the nations where these anti-Semitic haters of Israel and Jews become the ruling elite as once they have the power to execute a transformation to a new system of governance and laws by enacting Sharia instead of the Constitution, Magna Carta, the latest French Republic (currently on number five but who knows when six will be required) and the governing laws and jurisprudence and laws of the land of others as well.


As we reported yesterday, there may be an inevitable clash brewing in the Middle East which will be largely about, you guessed it, oil. The United States, more accurately President Trump, is poised to end the waivers granted to numerous Asian states which imported a fair amount of their oil from Iran. The United States and the Gulf Nations are stepping up production to meet these nations’ needs but Iran receives forty-percent of their annual revenue from their oil sales. Preventing the sale of Iranian oil has always been a red line with Iran though President Trump will likely point out he is not banning their selling their oil, just warning that doing so comes at a cost. If the world prefers doing business with the United States over buying Iranian oil, then that is their choice. Such will not sit well with the Mullahs of Iran, many of which have been itching for a fight with both the United States and Israel. Yes, should a shooting war erupt over the Strait of Hormuz and potentially the Bab-el-Mandeb where the Red Sea exits past Yemen at this choke-point, perhaps that is the reason for having one aircraft carrier stationed on the Mediterranean side of that waterway. Such an outbreak will be sold by many on the left as President Trump fighting this war for Israel claiming that Iran has never done anything to America. Well, perhaps the validity of that claim needs some inspection.


We will start this review looking at the 1983 Beirut barracks bombings in which caused the deaths of three-hundred-five victims constituting two-hundred-forty-one United States military personnel, fifty-eight French military personnel and six civilians while destroying United States Marine Corps barracks at the Beirut Airport along with the Ramlet al Baida in Beirut where the French troops were billeted. The 1998 United States Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania have also been linked and attributed to sources within the Iranian government. Both Iran and Sudan have been found to be complicit in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole docked in Yemen for refueling at the time of the attack. Iran has been supporting the revolution by the Houthis in Yemen as part of their efforts to surround Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States with the intent of eventual conquest. It has been brought to light that the 2003 United States Riyadh Compound bombings were planned and trained in Iran and received Iranian assistance as well as protection. Iran is thought to have provided aid for the Taliban against American forces. Please allow us one last mention, the 2011–12 Strait of Hormuz dispute which included at least one American vessel being struck by a mine and the ensuing naval battle between American naval forces and Iranian naval forces. This one-day battle was dubbed Operation Praying Mantis by the United States launched in retaliation for the mining of the USS Samuel B. Roberts resulted in American units sinking one Islamic Republic of Iran Naval frigate, one gunboat, and as many as six armed speedboats and seriously damaging a second frigate. These are just some of the altercations between the two nations since the 1979 takeover of Iran by the Grand Ayatollah and new Supreme Leader of Iran Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini.


The only reason that Israel could become involved in such an altercation simply rides on the fact that the Iranian leadership has stated emphatically that any attack by any forces from the Western world will result in Iran immediately loosing attacks upon Israel. Their logic is that the only reason any nation would take up arms against Iran would be due to the Israeli and Jewish ability to have other nations fight her wars. Israel has never threatened to enter into armed conflict with Iran. The reason Iran makes this threat is because they believe it would make a difference in the plans by the United States or other Western nation as they would be concerned for Israel. That is not of any real importance to the United States or others as they would leave any attacks upon Israel up to Israel to defend against and take whatever required steps may be deemed necessary. If the past is any way of measuring the future, Israel was specifically ordered to stand down during the two Iraq wars as a means of not forcing the Arab allies from removing their support. Israel was attacked by Saddam Hussein’s forces as they launched a series of Scud missiles in the direction of Israel. Israeli sources reported that eight Scud missiles had landed within Israeli territory, three in Tel Aviv, one in Haifa, three in largely unpopulated areas in remote regions and one in an unknown location. What any future Middle East conflict will take is anybody’s guess but one thing will probably be true in such a conflict, the Americans and any European allies will insist Israel do their best to intercept incoming missiles but to leave all military actions to the allies, especially if they have Arab allies. The one Arab ally which America can depend upon other than Israel is Saudi Arabia. The problem with any altercations breaking out between Iran and the United States is that Iran currently commands the areas not only of Iran but of Iraq, Lebanon, most of Syria as well as good relations with the rebel forces in Yemen who control much of that nation and with the Sudan. This is an area almost equal in size to the United States and does not include the Hezballah camps such as the one in the South American three borders region. These truths in the world and the media will continue to stress the story-line that all anti-Semitism comes from the alt-right which they link to President Trump despite all evidence to the contrary even to include the alt-right denouncing virtually everything President Trump has done which benefits Israel.


Beyond the Cusp


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