Beyond the Cusp

August 25, 2019

Palestinian-EU War on Israel


How long the European Union (EU) will continue financing the Arab Palestinian projects remains to be seen. One can only assume that they are in this to the very end. We have spoken about the illegal Arab settlements before and the EU-Arab ventures, which are nothing short of land theft of Israeli land and informal declarations of war, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. The European Union in concert with numerous NGO’s, largely supported by European countries, and with direct monies from several European nations and often the United Nations, the Arab Palestinians have invaded Area C and thus destroyed the last vestige remaining of the Oslo Accords. The Oslo Accords divided the formerly illegally held lands by Jordan and liberated by Israel in the Six Day War into three partitions, Area A, Area B and Area C. These were defined as follows, Area A was under Arab Palestinian political and security control, Area B was under Arab Palestinian political control and mutual Arab Palestinian and Israeli security control and Area C under Israeli political and security control. Israeli forces and people were forbidden entry into Area A without first receiving Arab Palestinian permission while Arab Palestinians and efforts on their behalf were forbidden from Area C without first receiving Israeli permission. Mahmoud Abbas invited Israeli security forces, specifically their intelligence operations, into Area A in order for them to identify and neutralize Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist forces who were a threat to the future continued rule by Mahmoud Abbas. This arrangement allowed for Mahmoud Abbas to be rid of those pesky little things such as another Hamas coup except in his neighborhood and not Gaza. But just because Mahmoud Abbas permits Israeli intelligence to operate in conjunction with the Palestinian Protective Force within Area A, that does not keep Mahmoud Abbas and especially the European Union from encroaching upon Area C which is legal Israeli lands and thus institutes, technically, an act of war, an invasion of Israel.


Illegal European Union Structures in Area C Encroaching Upon Israeli Sovereign Lands

Illegal European Union Structures in Area C
Encroaching Upon Israeli Sovereign Lands


There are a pair of other problems, one internal to Israel and the other international in its nature where large roles are played by the Europeans, both its Union and numerous of her independent nations, as well as the rest of the world centered often in the United Nations General Assembly where any and every condemnation of Israel is guaranteed overwhelming passage. We will get past the internal Israeli problem and then proceed to the more problematic and threatening problem posed by the Arab Palestinian intentions going forward with apparent complete and total backing the entire way by the European Union. The Israeli problem is caused by the severe and crippling timidity displayed by her political leaders who have reason to display such an overly cautious approach. The reasons behind their inactions start with a Supreme Court which acts as if it were enforcing the international efforts to destroy Israel than it does as the Supreme Court of the nation of Israel. The Supreme Court in Israel has consisted of not just left-leaning justices, but justices whose politics are so far left as to become an absolute threat to the existence of the State of Israel. The Israeli Supreme Court has often demanded the destruction of entire Jewish neighborhoods on the claim presented by a leftist NGO which had no deed, no Arab owner in court, no proof whatsoever beyond the word of the representatives of an anti-Israel NGO. The same Supreme Court would pressure the politicians forcing the ordered destruction of Jewish homes sometimes before the residents have time to remove their belongings which are destroyed with the house. The Israeli Supreme Court all but refuses to order the destruction of illegal Arab structures, both those built by Arabs, Bedouins and others and those built under the auspices of the European Union. Even when they finally do order the destruction of an illegal Arab house or groups of homes, the politicians show their true timidity and order the case reconsidered or simply hem and haw while not complying with the orders of the Supreme Court and when one adds in the General Staff of the IDF who are equal culprits in this dancing around but never touching any Arab Palestinian structures all in fear of being cast as the horrible meanie who committed an act of such offence against the world’s darlings. The perfect example of the paralysis rampant in the entire Israeli government is perfectly on display when it comes to the illegal Arab and Bedouin outpost Khan al-Ahmar. The Supreme Court ruled it to be destroyed over twenty years ago and between postponements by the Prime Minister or other Ministers or the reluctance of the IDF to actually act if even a puppy-dog would stand in defiance, has left this illegal and abandoned, except when the IDF comes to actually destroy it, outpost which is unsupported by any and all utilities and unlivable in our modern world, standing continued to the time of this writing. All too often, Israel stands as the greatest threat against Israel, and this almost always is the result of being irresolute and insecure always worrying what the rest of the world will think and say.


The interesting thing is the coming and inevitable result of the current European Union building of Arab Palestinian structures, and they have signs printed by the European Union replete with their little circle of stars emblem stating these structures are the property of the European Union and the Palestinian Authority and Arab Palestinians, will lead to a critical point where war will become the sole means to resolve the predicament. We can predict the exact scenario under which such a conflict will be instigated. The world will lay almost the entirety of the blame on the far-right-wing government and specifically the Israeli Prime Minister, referred to as being of the right-wing politically, but also he will be described as a Zionist who, even worse, is a religious man who believes the Bible and is in charge of a religious Zionist right-wing fascist obsessive government which some will go the additional step claiming the Prime Minister envisions establishing a Greater Israel by the Jews carrying this war to its ultimate intended resolution. Any time Israel is forced to defend herself, the reaction is as if Israel massed troops on her borders with her neighbors, broadcast speeches by the Prime Minister threatening to drive the Arabs into Arabia, and united with other nations in the region which share that view, oh, wait, there are no such nations though these same nations uniting to destroy Israel had already occurred three times in history, May of 1948, June of 1967 and October of 1973, all of which failed fortunately. In each of these wars, Israel was either physically attacked by her neighbors or a casus belli for war was committed such as blocking of international seaways to Israeli shipping, more specifically the Straight of Tiran in the Red Sea. Still, the world labels all of these conflicts with names which appear to make the belligerent part Israel and not her Arab neighbors who are sworn to her destruction. But how can building a few structures in Area C lead to a wider war?


The European Union, in concert with European governances, began the building of ‘facts on the ground’ building in Area B which, as mentioned above, was partially controlled by the Palestinian Authority with security being the responsibility of them with Israel providing security and law enforcement. These structures were built without the agreement of Israeli authorities. Most of Area B is now all but completely controlled by the Palestinian Authority with Israel only permitted legal control as it serves to protect the Palestinian Authority from being overthrown as they were in Gaza, much the same as Area A is ruled unofficially. With the predominance of the Arab Palestinians well established now in Area B, the European Union and its facilitators have turned their efforts to Area C, the region belonging to Israel according to the Oslo Accords. These are the same Oslo Accords which these entities use to berate Israel for building Israeli communities in Area C despite their condoning Israeli efforts solely in the region defined as Area C. Much of the efforts by the European Union and friends has been designed to surround Eastern Jerusalem with Arab structures as well as cutting off the roadways upon which the Jewish communities require to have access to the remainder of Israel. The tactics being employed have but one goal in mind, driving the Jews and other Israelis from Eastern Jerusalem and the entirety of the contested lands. We really hate the term contested lands because according to all international law, which has little if anything in common with the views of much of the world towards these regions, all belong completely and totally to Israel. International Law, which is dependent upon such treaties and compacts as the San Remo Conference, the Mandate System, Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, the agreements under the auspices of the League of Nations, the Treaty of Sèvres and other post World War I compacts of international law, all define the easternmost border for Israel with Jordan as the Jordan River (see map below). The Golan Heights also belong to Israel as United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 passed in response to the Six Day War stated two conditions placed upon Israel and her neighbors. The first was that Israel had to return land, not the land, all the land or any other reference demanding Israel return to the pre-June 1967 borders. This document also listed that Israel is entitled to defendable borders. Israel returning the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt fulfilled the land return and did so in spades. The remaining lands actually being debated are the exact lands which provide Israel with defendable borders, the Golan Heights with Syria (what remains of Syria) and the Jordan River with the Jordan River Valley providing one of the most formidable and defendable pieces of land on the planet. This valley could be referred to as the Israel Grand Canyon between her and the Arab world to her east. But the world, except for Donald Trump as far as we know, is hard pressed to permit Israel the retention of lands defined by international law as belonging to Israel and instead is insisting that Israel be forced back to the starting-point for the Six Day War, a prescription for another war if ever there existed such.


A map of Israel should any of the nations of the world actually be honest and truly be seeking peace which can only be attained should Israel have the most defensive borders imaginable.

A map of Israel should any of the nations of the world actually be honest
and truly be seeking peace which can only be attained should Israel
have the most defensive borders imaginable.


So, why are so many of the European nations in concert with the European Union and United Nations General Assembly along with numerous NGOs and United Nations Agencies so insistent that Israel be forced back to what Abba Eban referred to as the Auschwitz Borders and in denying Israel her proper and agreed upon borders according to many numerous agreements reached after World War I, and that is the truth, World War I and not having anything to do with World War II and the Holocaust? Much of the impetus behind these efforts is to push Israel back to where her middle would be a mere nine to fifteen miles wide making it all but impossible for Israel to prevent a thrust at this vulnerable midsection cutting Israel in half and dividing her forces making their coordination nearly impossible. The other reason is geography and preventing Israel from having her given border where the Jordan River Valley would be her natural border preventing invasion. The Jordan River boundary and Golan Heights provide exactly such protection against invasions from the east as is made obvious by the two images below. The strange fact is that these efforts are far from the first efforts to deny Israel her promised lands. Much of the effort to prevent Israel from her rightful borders began almost at the outset of the establishment of Israel after World War I. The main thrust preventing the Jewish State was initially committed by the British in cooperation with the Arab League whereby they continuously denied Jews entry to the lands and encouraged and even forced Arabs to relocate into what would become Israel preventing the Jews from ever attaining a majority. This would have worked if the Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini had not called for the Arabs to leave Israel such that the invading seven Arab armies on May 15, 1948, could simply wash across the region murdering every person they found as none would be Arab or Muslim. This led to the initial six to seven hundred thousand Arab refugees as when the Arabs failed to destroy Israel, they trapped the Arabs, who obeyed the Mufti’s call, into refugee camps where they and their children on to the fourth generation and counting have been confined ever since breading them on their eventual return to their homes and the slaughter of the Jews upon whose wealth they would be allowed to feed. UNRWA reinforces this and numerous anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist and anti-Israel propaganda in their schools, across their media and further instilled by propaganda posters and murals placed around the camps. We wish to interject one point virtually forgotten by the world, namely, there were over eight-hundred-thousand Jews forced from their homes across the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) world which is controlled by Arab and Muslim leadership.


Jordan Valley and Golan Heights Provide Obviously Defensible Borders of Israel

Jordan Valley and Golan Heights Provide Obviously Defensible Borders of Israel


These efforts in Area C by the European Union and European nations often gains support from the United Nations and its various agencies. UNESCO has declared that all of Jerusalem is an Arab holy site and has no religious or other connection to the Jews. Such a statement predicates on history starting in any region immediately after Arab and Muslim forces conquer that region. This is a very handy way the Arab and much of the Muslim world define history. The only history which accounts for a region is that written by the Arab or Muslim forces and historians. Such a view discounts the history contained in the Bible, negates all of Christianity in the MENA region and not just Judaism. This version of history is the result of the Supersessionism practiced initially by Christians to permit their replacing Judaism as the chosen people’s religion and then practiced by the Islamic conquerors of the MENA region and into Spain, Portugal and on into Southeastern Europe with one added point, that Muhammad would be the final prophet of Allah. Jewish prophesy lasted during the earliest periods through Kings Saul, David and Solomon before coming to a close. Those were the prophets of Hashem according to the Old Testament. The Quran decided that tens of centuries later there would be another prophet, this time from Allah. The videos below are of two sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council featuring the address by the representative of United Nations Watch, Hillel Neuer, one year apart concerning the targeting of Israel and only Israel by the commission.





Perhaps it is time to reach the inevitable conclusion of where the European Union building program will end. It did not end where they might have had legal rights to aid in Arab construction of Area B and instead continued right on into Area C impinging on Israeli lands as defined in the Oslo Accords. This is the same Oslo Accords which are constantly used to define as the sole solution to the Arab-Israeli (Jewish) problem as being the ‘Two State Solution’ ignoring that this has already been enacted, Jordan was the Arab State and Israel the Jewish State. The problem with that solution, as far as these efforts prove, is that it included the Jewish State, the one nation in the world which has its borders ignored and existence continuously threatened. When the same documents define the prevention against Arab building reserving areas for Israeli use, which would include Jews, Arab, Bedouins, Druze and all Israelis without regard to any restrictions, suddenly the Oslo Accords do not prevent expanding constructions as long as they are Arab. When a Jew would add a simple patio to their backyard, some NGO would go to the Israeli Supreme Court to get such an expansion of Jewish construction destroyed and even attempt to have the house destroyed as additional punishment for crossing the edicts in the Oslo Accords. Meanwhile, the European Union is establishing these Arab structures which until recently were not provided with utilities or roads, but the European Union has wizened up and now paves roads and attempts to provide at least some basic utilities. The Palestinian Authority has forced some of their citizens to relocate into the homes being built by the European Union even when they lack some or even all utilities. This is done so they can prevent the destruction of these facilities as they know their enemy, Israel, is actually compassionate and would try not to destroy homes of innocents with no ties to terrorism. The question becomes, what will happen once they have established complete hegemony of Area C?


If the past is any reference to future actions, then it is obvious what will ensue. The European Union and its supporting states will recognize Palestine with its capital in Eastern Jerusalem but without denoting its border with Israel. This is because the European Union and far too many others recognize the Palestinian Arab claim to all of Israel and only begrudgingly recognize Israel if at all. Slowly but inexorably, the European Union would begin to build outside the Green Line but within the Security Barrier. With time, the European Union building would require the dismantling of the Security Barrier anywhere it is beyond the Green Line. This would lead to the continued demolition of the Security Barrier section by section. In its place would be further construction which would slowly encroach upon what is presumably universally recognized Israel proper. This building process would continue reaching further and further into Israel likely headed in two directions, one across the Negev towards Gaza and the other into the Galilee taking the rich farmlands which lie there. This would start slowly taking baby steps so as not to alarm the majority of Israelis living in the larger cities and thus unaffected. With time the lack of protest beyond that of formal complaints by the Israeli government and Prime Minister, two items one is free to ignore as far as the United Nations is concerned and supported by dozens if not hundreds of NGOs, the rate of illegal land acquisition would start to increase to the point where it would become a main point of the religious-Zionist political wing. This would be an issue which once it became obvious that the object was the end of Israel which would gain traction in the Israeli populous. The problem is that even should the Supreme Court, even International Courts, decide to address the European Union and Palestinian Authority land theft, the destruction of a single building would result in such a tumult on the world stage that it would be slowed to the point of ineffectiveness against what would by then be rampant European Union and Palestinian Authority construction.


That leads to the final question, how could Israel prevent the complete erasure of her as a nation facing such a formidable threat? The unfortunate answer is not very appetizing nor a solution one could easily order. Still, eventually, the Israeli Prime Minister and his Security Cabinet would have their hand forced and the European Union would be informed that should their activities continue, they would be prevented and pealed back by active interventions conducted by the IDF and other enforcement agencies of the Israeli government. There might even be sufficient indignation throughout much of the population that a complete claiming of the rightful borders might be demanded by the voting populace at the next election. This would include either forcing all the Arabs across the Jordan River or over the Golan Heights, their choice between Jordan or Syria, and all the lands up to the Jordan River and half way across being returned to its rightful owner, Israel. The Jordan River was the eastern border for the State of Israel at dawn of May 15, 1948 until more than six Arab armies (Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen) captured regions which belonged rightfully to the Jewish State. These were Gaza illegally occupied by Egypt, Judea and Samaria (West Bank) occupied by Jordan and the western face of the Golan Heights illegally occupied by Syria. Israel liberated these lands while also gaining the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula during the Six Day War. Should the European Union building continue apace and extend, as it appears they will actually plan to do, into Israel proper and begin to uproot Israelis from their lands and residences, the only solution would be to threaten the European Union and Palestinian Authority that they are placing themselves in danger of facing an active front which could easily turn into warfare. We expect that neither the European Union nor Palestinian Authority will take the cautionary message and will continue to press their illegal land acquisition until forcibly prevented from continuing. Pressing things too far until they become tantamount to an invasion and require being treated as such. Where it might be considered insane for Israel to threaten taking on the entirety of the European Union, one need remember that the European Union is largely a trade union which also sets currency rates and not a military outfit completely dependent upon voluntary provisional troops from its member states. The European Union has never declared war, never fought a war and never had war declared against it. The European Union is completely dependent upon NATO and the decisions made by NATO for their protection and NATO is largely the United States. This might not be in the favor of Israel in the not too distant future as half the American populace are supportive of a party which does not favor Israel. Such a conflict, should the European Union attempt to garner allies to assist their erasure of Israel, would most surely escalate and, at what point it might be halted by the relatively sane individuals left in the world being unknown, very well lead to another devastating world at war where all the weapons of mankind would assuredly be launched. This would be a war of truly beyond Biblical proportions and the end results are described in both the New Testament and Old Testament and even in the Quran, Viking legends, Indian Hindu texts and possibly in Buddhist texts and beyond. Even the Native American tribes included such scenarios in their records as have virtually all races, religions and other groups universally. One might wisely take such texts as describing a series of recently passed events or resulting from the writings and traditions handed down through the ages referring to these events where an advanced society tore itself asunder with weapons and needless acrimony resulting in a reset of humankind. Some believe such has happened repeatedly in human history and we would hope we might skip the destroy the world period in our future, but that is dependent upon everyone realizing what could result from another world at war eating its technology and infrastructure apart to the point that merely a few hundred thousand humans survive the final battle worldwide. Maybe, but no one can be completely sure what will come, but why tempt fate directly when simply living up to your word as recorded in historic documents adequately define, like the Jordan River being the eastern border of Israel. Would that be so difficult? We know the answer for the European Union and so many who back them is a resounding, of course it is difficult, as doing so provides the Jews with a nation, and as we all know, the Jews are the world’s conscience and must be destroyed. Then we all can live unbothered by them.


Beyond the Cusp


July 9, 2019

Hamas, Abbas and the Lack of Peace


Hamas and Abbas have more in common than the fact they rhyme. Hamas insists that any peace which they will accept will have no Jews living in Palestine and that Palestine replace all of Israel. The average person, were they to actually analyze things, would realize that Palestine replacing all of Israel and their insistence that there be no Jews leaves a problem, what will happen to the over six-million Jews currently residing in Israel. The average protester will provide an easy answer which should, according to the average uninformed protester thoughts, solve everything. Their response is so simple that it actually makes sense to much of the uninformed public. This solution is for the Jews to return to the country from which they, or their parents or grandparents arrived. This is not anything even close to a viable solution and would only be put forth by those who have no idea of the history of Israel. To those behind such a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict by sending Jews back to the source of their roots; so, are Germany and Poland actually ready to accept much of the Israeli populations of Jews? Add to this the need for numerous Islamic societies to take back the Jews and their progeny from the over eight-hundred-thousand Jews they expelled. Even the United States would seek a means for refusing to permit Jews who made Aliyah from the United States from returning just as they not only refused to permit any of the Jews from the Motorschiff St. Louis to reach the otherwise open borders of the United States. The State Department assured that these Jews, who once refused were to be taken back to Nazi Germany, were not to make it to the American shores and the MS St. Louis was provided Coast Guard escorts to prevent anyone attempting to swim to the American shores. So, there should be a precondition as a caveat that if these nations, organizations and other elements desire replacing Israel with an Arab country, they need first arrange for a new location which will accept the Israeli Jews. If this location chosen to take the Jewish refugees, it should also be prepared to take twice the number of Israeli Jews as the developed world prepares to expel their Jews or find some other variation of a means to be rid of the Jews.


One can check these protests against Israel, which is actually a protest against Jews, and the one item completely lacking their solutions is anywhere that the Jews can rule themselves. Many of the protesters will actually claim that whatever happens to the Jews is something they deserve. Does this sound at all familiar? Probably not to most of us but we can tell you that this was the attitude of the United States, British and all the remainder of the allies during World War II. Very few nations were willing to take in Jewish refugees during World War II. The British and United States governments both were completely aware of the Concentration Camps and the reality that the Jews were being exterminated with the intent of murdering every single Jews on the Earth. They refused to take any action to protect the Jews even going to the extremes to prevent disturbing the Nazi extermination processing of the Jews. There existed a junction of railway tracks which could have been bombed in either of two locations less that ten miles apart. Both the United States and Britain refused to strike the closer of the two junctions concentrating on bombing to further location. What could be the difference and why was it important that they only bombed the further junction of train tracks. The answer is uncertain as it is impossible to prove, but the circumstantial evidence is damning. The second junction mostly prevented trains from heading eastward, the closer junction also would have blocked train traffic resupplying the eastern front. The junction which the allies ignored carried the trains to Auschwitz Birkenau carrying the Jews to their deaths. That set of tracks were not to be bombed, only the junctions which, though preventing the same train traffic, had nothing to do with the transport of the Jews to the camps was bombed and the one used to transport Jews were left intact. What is the most surprising thing is that Japan provided safe-haven for Jews refusing Nazi demands that they turn over their Jews which Japan refused to comply protecting their Jews. The Japanese protected the Jews residing on the Japanese Islands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, the Philippines and to a lesser extent in other regions under Japanese control. Yes, we know the Japanese were the enemy to the United States and the forces fighting the Nazis. True as that may be, the Japanese refused to allow the Nazis to touch their Jews, and that is something potentially more admirable than the acts of the allies when it came to rescue of the fated Jews.


Now let us look at the present. Mahmoud Abbas has already decided that the “Deal of the Century” being proposed by President Trump is to be refused in its entirety. Hamas, well, they simply refuse any peace because they simply refuse to recognize that Israel exists because the Jews are presumably incapable of performing the necessary tasks to actually rule. They know this as it is written in the Quran, or at least that is their theory as they believe that only Muslims are permitted the luxury of assuming positions of rule and power. The Quran states this as a reality by which the followers of Islam are to believe and live and imprint upon their world, the entirety of their world, which just happens to include all of planet Earth. The Quran tells that the followers of Islam are destined to rule over mankind and be the sole religion followed on Earth. This is something which has become believable as the most likely result of the current world situation, at least to many who follow the Quran. This is the basis under which the Grand Ayatollah and Supreme Leader of Iran Khamenei and the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State and other Islamic groups fighting around the globe such that they will prove victorious and rule the planet. This is an inevitability which many Muslims believe must be the future as the Quran is infallible in their beliefs. The only question is which form of Islam will rule the Earth.


Sunni representing ninety percent of Muslims or Shiite which represents much of the remainder of believers in Islam. Many think that Shiite Islam, representing merely ten percent of Muslims, could never become the main player amongst the players of the Islamic world. This would mean that Iran should not be considered a threat as they are Shiites and thus far too insignificant to rule Islam. Iran knows a little secret, that in Islam the followers are told to follow the strong horse. Iran believes that they will be that strong horse and that if they can wipe out the Jewish State, then they would become that strong horse. Add to this their conquest of the Saudi oil fields and take the strip along the Red Sea which would include Mecca and Medina and then after taking the Gulf States and their oil fields, then Iran would become the strong horse of Islam and the ruler of the two holy cities. Iran already is establishing their Shiite Crescent across the Middle East and surrounding Saudi Arabia from the north and south (see map below). Even the green star is part of the hunger of Iran as they cover the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina. They also will control the Straits of Hormuz and the Bab-el-Mandeb which controls the southern exit from the Red Sea and controlling the southern exit of the Red Sea and the Suez Canal as well as blocking the only Israeli maritime route to the rest of Asia and the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Iranian plans for conquest are currently likely going along perfectly as they had hoped. The question is what is the next desire by Iran, once they finish reestablishing Bashir al-Assad as ruler of all of Syria, take control of Yemen through their Houthis and complete their control of Lebanon and Iraq, the next question is which way will their appetite turn.


Shiite Crescent including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran

Shiite Crescent including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran


So, how does Iran fit in on the questions over Israel and the Palestinian Arabs? Iran currently is doing what they are able to arm Islamic Jihad and Hamas who together rule Gaza. Iran is seeking inroads to the Palestinian Authority but have thus far been rebuked by Abbas as he refuses to share his power with anybody, even Iran. Further, Hezballah is about as close as any terrorist army could come to being an offshoot of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) which is tasked with running the Iranian worldwide terror forces. Iran takes in any terror outfit which it is able to bribe or otherwise cajole into allowing Iran to arm them. There is a future price which will be required when the crucial time arrives, that they follow and join in the Shiite push to rule the world. Hezballah are assisting Iranian forces in Syria and Yemen while still working on expanding their threats upon Israel from Lebanon and Syria where they border Israel along the north and the Golan Heights. Add in the Iranian influence over Hamas and Islamic Jihad and it should be realized that Iran can order violence on either the northern or southern borders of Israel and if they manage to gain control over the Palestinian Authority, they will also have another front along the eastern regions of Israel. Iran has already boldly stated that should a war break out between the United States or other Western nation, then Israel will face destruction within a matter of hours if even as long as a single hour. Their threat implies that upon any violence breaking out between Iran and the United States, Iran would immediately call for Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezballah, and the IRGC forces assisting in Syria to all attack Israel with barrages of rockets. Hezballah has at a minimum one-hundred-fifty-thousand rockets and missiles with numerous, if not the majority, being guided and sufficient range to strike anywhere within Israel and numerous are able to strike Saudi air fields and even Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt and all of Jordan. Iran and their developing Shiite Crescent are becoming a hegemonic military force in the Middle East with designs on much far beyond just the Middle East, they view the world as eventually becoming their own personal apple in their eyes. The Iranian leading Ayatollahs also have almost no care about the use of nuclear weapons or of Iran being destroyed in an Armageddon style conflagration as such would simply be a step upon the way to the return of the Twelfth Imam who is destined to lead Shiite Muslims to ruling the world at the end of such a world at war. They believe this will start with the destruction of Israel.


Meanwhile, Hamas, which rules in Gaza, is threatening Israel with increased violence along her southern border should Israel annex even an inch of the disputed territories. By disputed territories, in this case Iran means the region liberated from Jordanian occupation during the Six Day War of 1967 where Israel also liberated Gaza from Egyptian occupation, the Golan Heights from Syria and took the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. Israel has returned the Sinai Peninsula when making a peace with Egypt and later reached peace with Jordan but both Egypt and Jordan released any claim to the lands they formerly occupied. This should have signaled the end of the conflict except that Jordan and Egypt refused to allow their Arab brethren from moving with the changed borders forcing them to remain on the lands surrendered to Israel. That is what has perpetuated the conflict and has been invigorated by the Arab League, Muslim Brotherhood and Iran because these and other followers of Islam refuse to allow the Jews self-rule. The Quran explains that the Jews and Christians require the guidance and rule from their betters, the followers of Islam. Other religious people are considered to be either idolaters, polytheists or other various forms of heathens all of which must be brought into the fold believing in Islam or death. The Jews and Christians are permitted to live providing they adjust their belief from their erroneous and contaminated beliefs caused by their following their mistaken and mistranslated bibles which are different than the only valid word given as the Quran. They believe that the Jews and Christians were originally given the word as in the Quran but strayed from the proper path changing and polluting the original word. They believed that the Quran is the final word from heaven given through Mohammad. The means that this works is actually simply. The Quran was originally given to Adam, the first Muslim according to Islam. Abraham received the Quran as it was provided again but Abraham and his progeny made changes which invalidated their bibles. Then Moses again misrepresented the true Quran at Mount Sinai. The Jews continued to change the word until it was unrecognizable. The Christians added to the Jewish text with a New Testament which replaced the Jewish Bible. Christianity also claimed to have replaced Judaism and the Protestants replaced the Catholic Church as well as leaving the Jews further separated. When Islam came into being in the Seventh Century, they claimed not only to be the replacement for both Judaism and Christianity, they did not leave any chance for another word from heaven by claiming that theirs was the final word. The Quran is what both the Jews and the Christians had an opportunity, according to Islam, to follow and if Jews and Christians would simply return to their original word, which is presumably the Quran, then they will be considered to be good Jews and Christians when in reality a good Jew or Christian, by their definition, is actually a Muslim. Should Jews and Christians refuse to become followers of Islam and take the Quran as their holy book, then they are considered to affirmed that they are apostates from the only true faith, which they presumably originally were to supposed to have believed, and as apostates they would be sentenced to death.


Hamas has made a number of recent threats against Israel with the most recent coming less than a week after Hamas reached an agreement through Egypt with Israel presumably ending their violence including launching rockets and incendiary balloons and kites along with the border riots. The morning after the agreement was reached, Hamas permitted thousands of Gazans to riot along the border thus ending any sign that they might actually curtail the violence. These riots included launching incendiaries into Israel sparking twenty or so fires across southern Israel. Hamas also almost immediately demanded that Israel provide them with five-million dollars which would presumably be provided by Qatar. Since 2012, Qatar has provided Hamas with over one-billion dollars, all of which has been used to pay for terrorism. They have used this money and the provisions provided for rebuilding their infrastructure for the building of tunnels and bunkers within Gaza which includes hidden rocket firing positions as well as infiltration tunnels under the border into Israel in order to use them to kidnap and murder Israeli civilians. These are the investments which Hamas and Islamic Jihad believe are the most important areas for their budgeting for actions beyond lining the pockets of their leadership. The same is true for the Palestinian Authority, which is actually a domesticated PLO in theory, where they actually pay their citizens, and Israelis if they can be bribed (see image below), to murder Israeli civilians or enforcement and IDF personnel (see table below) with bonuses for multiple murders and other specifics. This has made terrorism and the murder of Israelis by far the highest paying employment the Palestinian Arabs under their rule can find. Murdering Israelis pays even higher than the Palestinian Authority Security Forces salaries except for the top officers and the group, Force 17, that protects Mahmoud Abbas.


Palestinian Authority Remunerations for Terrorists

Palestinian Authority Remunerations for Terrorists


There is one final reason why the leadership of all the various groups who rule the Palestinian Arabs, be they in Gaza or under the Palestinian Authority or even as Hezballah in Lebanon, that provides them with such a reward that making peace would deny them the millions upon millions of dollars and Euros they skim from the investments made by the United States, United Nations, European Union and numerous European governments in addition to the monies coming from Qatar or even other Arab governments and Iran. Mahmoud Abbas and his sons have all made hundreds of millions over the years with much of their wealth well hidden in Swiss numbered accounts or in other secure, hidden and untraceable places to stash excess personal money. Some of the former leaders of Hamas have retired with billions of dollars at their disposal and are living the good life in some of the Gulf States. The old adage that terror does not pay apparently never took into account the terrorism conducted against Israel, as this appears to be very profitable for those in the highest positions. Add in the Iranians providing the necessities for producing rockets and the other tools for terror, there is almost immeasurable amounts provisions and funds providing the target of your terrorism is Israel. Apparently killing Jews is one thing which apparently will never go out of fashion and might be one of the eternals which will only be terminated by the arrival of the Messiach. The world will be so far better off once the Messiach arrives and sets straight exactly what the words from Hashem are and then we can all possibly agree on the truth, whatever truth the Messiach brings us. We realize that the Messiach can arrive either as a reward for mankind living in peace and harmony or as the avenging angel sent to settle all the differences and reasons we have used to remain apart and fighting each other and finally bringing a permanent peace for those who survive. We really hope the Messiach comes peaceably, but that will require ending the continuing war again Israel and the Jewish People. That does not leave us with much faith for peaceable and really emphasizes our fears that the Messiach will come as an avenging angel and will bring the legions at their sides overpowering any and all forces of mere humans and settling every conflict. There is still time for the world to find a means for reaching understandings of acceptance of each other before a force arrives to do this for us and not be polite about their corrective efforts. That should be sufficient to cause all to pause, but then we remember the Iranian leadership who would welcome an Armageddon sized conflagration as they desire inviting the Messiach as the avenging angel as that is the form of their savior. Well, that might make peaceable an impossibility as it only takes one to spoil this cake.


Beyond the Cusp


June 16, 2019

The Crux of the Arab-Israel Conflict, Part I

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:56 AM
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Most of the protests over the Arab Israel Conflict, now reestablished by the Arabs after numerous failures to destroy Israel, starting around the turn of the Twentieth Century in 1901, even before Israel had been founded and as the first Jews began returning even before the Balfour Declaration, have claimed that Israeli intransigence is the cause of the continuing conflict. As we will see, that has things quite backwards but does keep closely to the Arab propaganda which has been a multi-billion-dollar effort and counting. The actual history of this conflict often surprises people until they reach out and attempt to verify the truth and validate or disqualify what they have read. We invite people to make an honest effort to verify or vilify what we claim. We try and give links often enough but much of the information is easily researched and should not require links to be verified.


When the San Remo Conference decided to put the Balfour Declaration into treaty form, the Arabs initially agreed, or at least King Faisal had no problem as his main concern was to free the Arab lands from Turkish Ottoman rule and saw allowing the Jews their homelands as a fair and decent price for the Arabs to gain their independence from the defeated Ottomans. This was surprising and unacceptable to many in the British aristocracy and ruling elites, though there was a core element which supported the Jews returning to their ancestral lands. Some in Europe saw this as a means of ridding themselves of their Jewish problems. The actual result was that only a few Jews who were the original Zionists were interested in returning to Eretz Yisroel. These Jews returned to a land largely uninhabited, strewn with boulders, mostly rocky soil, swamps where there was decent lands and no real water systems and general arid conditions with a rainy season followed by a longer arid season. These Jews drained swamps, cleared land and began on a building project to distribute and store water for irrigation and general needs. As the Jews cleared land it made for an economic opportunities which Arabs then began to relocate to what would become Israel. Amongst these Arabs were groups who decided that it would be far easier to simply steal lands already cleared and irrigated than to try and prepare lands for their own usage. This led to the Jews having to defend their farms and projects which they often did by placing their wives with rifles atop the trucks as they prepared the water systems.


The original plan under the San Remo Conference was that the British Mandate would be to establish the Jewish State. The British took their Mandate as requiring that they allow a Jewish State in some area but not all of their Mandate. Their decision was to use the Jordan River, a natural boundary, as the border between their Arab State and their Jewish State. This gave the Arabs 78% of the land which would become Jordan, and the Jews 22% of the land which is still being fought over and debated. This was the initial two state solution. Any subsequent deal would be the second two state solution and as the Palestinian Authority and Hamas cannot play well with one another, there would be necessitated a three state solution if any peace were to be imposed which gave each interest their own region. But in order to be fair, it is worth noting that there were a series of Arab revolts where they attacked Jewish areas with all too often the British forces which were supposed to keep the peace simply standing by observing until they became threatened. In one of the Hevron riots, the British soldiers simply watched and when the Arab rioters then turned their attentions to the British, the British officer pulled his sidearm and fired one shot and the riot ended. This officer knew he could have ended the entire affair at any point simply with such an action but refused to stop the riot while the Arabs were attacking only the Jews. This was an indicator of the attitude of all too many of the British when it came to the Jews.


The British throughout Jordan and Iraq and in coordination with the French in Syria encouraged Arabs to relocate, even paying some and forcing others into the region which was slated to be the Jewish State such that the Jews would always be in the minority and thus unable to declare their independence. This was further implemented through a series of White Papers and other edicts which restricted the numbers of Jews permitted to move into the future Jewish State. This became particularly alarming as they all but closed entry for the Jews in the late 1930’s and through the end of World War II and until after they surrendered the Mandate. The British even set up camps and, in some rare cases used former concentrations camp locations, corralled the Jewish refugees from the Nazi concentration camps who had no homeland to return to, as it was quickly learned that all too many towns and villages were simply murdering any Jews attempting to return as they had already moved others into the Jewish homes and businesses and their return would have caused distress. This led many, many Jews to simply decide they were going to return to their ancestral lands as they were no longer welcomed in Europe. Most of these Jews ended up in the refugee camps where the British kept the numbers permitted to emigrate to the Holy Lands limited. The Movie “Exodus” gave a very optimistic but unrealistic end to the attempt of the ship SS Exodus to take Jewish refugees to Israel. The actual ship was boarded by the British in international waters, killing three of those on board and injuring some ten. In the end, after a stop in France where the French did all they could to be rid of the ship, the SS Exodus was sailed to Hamburg, Germany, a British occupied zone, where the Jews were placed in a camp for the duration. As is well known, as soon as the British were officially no longer responsible and had surrendered their Mandate occupation, Israel declared her independence.


As Israel declared her independence in May of 1948, which was soon after the Holocaust, many people claim that Israel was founded as an apology by the Europeans for allowing the Holocaust. This would have been a neat trick as the San Remo Conference was held from April 19, 1920 through April 26, 1920, quite a few years and almost two decades before the start of World War II, and thus the Holocaust. Did the Holocaust have something to do with the United Nations vote to approve their plan, Resolution 181, which was released on November 29, 1947, and partitioned the lands west of the Jordan river into two states, one Arab and one Jewish? This was an attempt at making a second two-state solution and is the grandfather of the modern idea that there is this pressing need for a two-state solution west of the Jordan River. That, of course, completely ignored the original two-state solution in which the Jews received a mere 22% of the Mandate lands. The Arab League refused this proposition and as it was a General Assembly Resolution, as soon as one side refuses to accept the compromise, the entire plan becomes defunct and void and is basically tossed aside and forgotten. Well, except for this one which we will get back to in a while. The reason the Arab League refused to accept Resolution 181 was because they had already aligned seven nations which were going to attack Israel as soon as it was founded. Thus, on the morning of May 15, 1948, the armies of Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Lebanon along with the fighters under the Mufti of Jerusalem and numerous other militias attacked Israel which had not had time to even consider putting together her military. Fairly soon the several groups of militias, the Hagenah and other groups within Israel, even including several Arab villages, cobbled together a military force and soon turned the tide and began pushing the Arab armies out of Israel. This was when the world powers stepped in and called for a cease to the fighting and eventually armistices were arranged. Due to the early end to the war, the Jewish forces with their Arab friends were not provided the time to repulse the invaders completely from what was supposed to be the Jewish State. This left Gaza under Egyptian control and the Shomron (West Bank) in Jordanian hands.


Had the fighting been permitted to reach a more timely conclusion, the Israeli forces would have stopped and advances and simply defended the lands which were promised them. That would have meant that Israel would have retained Gaza while the Egyptian military would have continued forcing all Arabs to retreat ahead of their forces clearing the population as they retreated into the Sinai and the Jordanians along with the Saudis and Iraqis would have been pressed back across the Jordan River, a natural barrier against any assault in either direction and as natural a border as any in the world (see cutaway image below). But things are seldom permitted to continue until Israel had a complete victory and ends the conflict as most of the world would prefer to be rid of Israel and with her the world’s Jews. This leaving the entire question without a complete and final solution has only led to the problems still festering today and remaining unsolved largely because the world refuses to recognize and keep the promises they made the Jewish People.


Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea

Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity
of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending
Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea


There would be a war in 1956 over Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser closing the Suez Canal to European shipping and the Strait of Tiran to Israeli shipping. This caused an alliance between France, Britain and Israel who gave the Egyptian President a deadline for reopening these waterways or face a military solution. When the deadline passed, the British and French continued talking while Israel attacked the Sinai Peninsula. Israel quickly took the Sinai and was sitting along the eastern shores of the Suez Canal. Needless to point out, international hew and cry was for those mean Israelis to return the Sinai with United States President Eisenhower leading the charge. Israel withdrew after the waterways were reopened. The next war was the Six Day War in early June of 1967, where Egypt and Syria had massed troops along the Israeli border threatening to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean Sea. Egypt once again closed the strait of Tiran which was recognized as an act of war. Israel decided to believe the threats from Egypt and Syria and as Egypt had already committed an act of war closing the waterways to Israel shipping, Israel launched an air attack against Egypt. The war had already entered its third or fourth day after the closing of the strait which placed Egypt in a state of war with Israel. This initiated hostilities as the Syrian forces came off of the Golan Heights before being halted by the IDF. Believing the reports on Egyptian and Syrian radio and other media that they were defeating the Jews and closing on Tel Aviv and refusing to believe Israeli reports of the opposite, Jordan quickly joined the fight. In the end, Israel again conquered the Sinai Peninsula, liberated Gaza and the Shomron and took the Golan Heights. The original lands which were to be Israel had included the Golan Heights, but the British gifted it to the French to give to Syria rather than allow it to be part of Israel due to its military importance (see image below). This is where things remained until October of 1973 and the Yom Kippur War where Egypt and Syria attacked Israel almost defeating her before the IDF could fully respond. By the end of hostilities, the Israeli forces were closing on Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt and Damascus in Syria. The United Nations backed by Russia and the United States insisted that Israel return to the final position from the Six Day War with which Israel complied.


Topographic Map of Golan Heights and Jordan River Valley

Topographic Map of Golan Heights and Jordan River Valley


The United Nations had passed a resolution after the Six Day War in which Israel was to “return land,” this is important wording as it does not say the lands, all lands, but simply land. Israel was also to retain lands which would provide Israel with security and defensible borders. Nobody wants to admit that this actually meant Israel retaining the Golan Heights and reestablishing her eastern border as being the Jordan River, but that was the feeling and implications back in September of 1967. When Israel and Egypt reached their peace agreement, Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula while Egypt refused to accept Gaza leaving that problem with Israel, quite intentionally. Subsequently, Israel and Jordan reached a peace agreement and Jordan refused the Israeli offer to permit them to take back the Shomron though they did insist on control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by their Waqf. Their Waqf has slowly altered the rules on the Temple Mount and used rioting as a method for demanding that the rioters be calmed by banning Jews permission to visit the area. The rioters often use the al-Aqsa Mosque as their armory where they store rocks and planks along with other items which they use against the police and other officials who are attempting to restore order (see picture below). The return of the Sinai Peninsula, a region approximately three times the size of Israel, fully satisfied the demands initially from the United Nations and should have been the end with Israel able to define her borders as the Jordan River, the Golan Heights, and her recognized borders with Lebanon and Egypt. But the world does not always play by their own rules.


al-Aqsa Mosque Set for Use as Armory for Rioting

al-Aqsa Mosque Set for Use as Armory for Rioting


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