Beyond the Cusp

July 15, 2019

Land Theft in Area C and European Myopia


The primary reasoning behind the Oslo Accords was to set in place a framework from which a final settlement could be reached. The agreement spelled out which lands belonged to whom, who could and could not build in areas, civil responsibilities and security responsibilities. The arrangement could not have been spelled out any more obviously and the ignoring of the agreement is just as obvious and very egregious. Gaza was set aside as part of the Palestinian Authority governed lands, which remained as such until soon after Israel left Gaza under the disengagement arranged by President George W. Bush under pressures from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The areas of Judea and Samaria which are contested were divided into three sectors, Area A, Area B and Area C. Area A was placed under full Palestinian control, both civil and security responsibility. Area C was placed under full Israeli control, both civil and security responsibility. Area B was placed under Palestinian Authority civil control and shared security control by both the Palestinian Authority and Israel. That is as simple as things get, but apparently this has been too much for the world to understand. One would be led to believe that Israel was closed out of these lands, Areas A, B and C, completely with no opportunity to ever set foot within these regions. This has become even more egregious as the European Union has undertaken a program to build structures, towns, cities and whatever else they are able, label them with their European Union circle of stars emblem and place plaques claiming that these are the property of the Palestinian Authority. This is a get around of the Oslo Accords preventing the Palestinian Arabs from building in Area C, but it never said that outside agencies could not build entire communities for the Palestinian Arabs who could then claim the lands.


These structures are being built without any inspections to enforce building codes and with no regard for whether or not they are habitable. These “communities” have no roads, no electricity, no water, no sewage treatment, no connections of any variety which might make them marginally habitable. Already, there are those urging that Israel be forced to provide everything which these communities lack after which they would be opened to Palestinian Arab occupancy and then claimed for the Palestinian Arabs. These are sprouting up across Area C most often placed strategically so as to cut off the Jewish communities from Israel and isolating them such that they will also be claimed by the world to belong to the Arabs. After all, if there are no roads through which the Jews could ever travel to Israel without having to pass through one of these communities being built along major thoroughfares, then obviously these do not belong to the Jews or Israel. This is the latest European attempt to force Israel back to her pre-Six Day War borders where Israel was from nine to fifteen miles wide along her center. These are known as the Auschwitz Borders as Israel would be incapable of retaining Tel Aviv once pressed back into these borders as the Palestinians would hold the high grounds of the Judean Hills overlooking the Tel Aviv metropolitan region where three-quarters of the Israeli population, manufacturing, power transmission and other infrastructure is located. Should Israel be forced back to these borders, it would be a travesty and completely annul the hard work by Lord Caradon, the British United Nations Ambassador, who worked with great determination and dedication to perfect the wording of United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 such that Israel was not to be forced back to the Green Line but instead to retain lands which would provide for defensible borders. At the time, these borders were interpreted to mean that the Jordan River would become the eastern border for Israel just as had been the intentions under the League of Nations and the Mandate System which is presumably being enforced by the United Nations as per Article 80 of the UN Charter. If you are claiming that you have seen no sign of such, welcome to the world of those elites who have decided that Israel must be sacrificed as by sacrificing Israel, they will mollify the Muslim World from any further aggressions and peace will rule the land (it must be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius). If this is their logic and how they believe the world will be once they have whetted the Islamic hunger for conquest by giving them a present called Israel, well, then we would like to know what they are smoking.


Tel Aviv Now Before Green Line Peace and Tel Aviv the Day After Green Line Peace

Tel Aviv Now Before Green Line Peace
Tel Aviv the Day After Green Line Peace


The number of articles, documents, conferences, treaties and various other legalities which have defined the eastern border of Israel as the Jordan River are legion. We have from time to time provided abridged lists in our articles from San Remo Conference through the Mandate of the League of Nations on through Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. The fact that the United Nations became basically a signatory to all of these when they agreed in Article 80 to enforce the Mandate System has consequences. Anything the United Nations attempts to do that compromises the Mandate System, which implies the Jordan River as the eastern boundary of the country of Israel, is void as it is an attempt to contravene the United Nations Charter. This includes President Obama’s parting shot at Israel where in United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 under Chapter Six, which means it is more advisory and not backed by military force, which stated that any and all Israeli buildings beyond the Green Line were illegal and a breach of International Law is itself in breach of International Law and must be considered as void by any tribunal as it breaks with the United Nations Charter which takes precedence. When Lord Caradon fought to make the wording that Israel was expected to “return land,” not “the land,” “the lands,” “all lands” or any other reference which could be interpreted as forcing Israel back to her previous borders, he had inferred that this was a step by which Britain could correct some of the mischief which they had committed against the Zionists when they took 78% of the Mandate for the Jewish State and transferred it to the Arabs in the form of Transjordan (Jordan today) granting the Hashemites this region as their kingdom and to return Israel at the very least to their truncated lands with the Jordan River as their eastern border. His effort was stated to provide Israel with defensible borders, which a quick view at the cutaway below one can readily see an obvious defensible border and only one defensible border, and that is the Jordan River Valley and as the Jordan River is in the center, it makes for a perfect and easily recognized defensible border. Sometimes a single picture is worth a thousand words, and this one is just that as that is how long it would take to write out an article explaining the tactical advantage the Jordan River provides for preventing attack across its expanse, and that includes Arab aggressions westward and Israel aggressions eastward were either to ever become a reality.


Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea

Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity
of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending
Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea


There is another misconception which we have mentioned in the past but which bears mention at least this one additional time, and that is reference to Mahmoud Abbas and his incessant claim that he just desires the 22% of the Mandate which is rightfully his. The current misinterpretation which is often represented throughout the Western media is that this 22% is in regards to Gaza and the regions of Judea and Samaria which previously were illegally occupied by Jordan from 1948 until the Six Day War of 1967 when Israel liberated, that is liberated and not conquered, by Israel. The truth is he is referring to all of Israel as he is referring to the 22% of the British Mandate which was not gifted to the Arabs by the British. This should have been obvious to anybody with even a modicum of knowledge of history thus knowing that 78% of the Mandate was turned into modern day Jordan and Abbas is demanding the remaining 22% as rightfully his as all of these lands are belonging to the Arab Muslims according to their thinking. He realizes that as long as the Western media and leaders are willing to misinterpret Abbas claiming 22% as simply the contested lands, that he can continue to make this demand such that should the Palestinian Arabs be gifted the formerly occupied Israeli lands by Jordan, he can continue with that same claim demanding the remainder of that 22% he demands. The Western leaders need to start to be honest and fulfill their promises made after World War I in numerous agreements and treaties which denoted the Jordan River as the border between the Jewish state and the Arab state, the two-state solution engaged in these treaties, then the solution becomes obvious. Further, the claim that there were six-hundred-fifty-thousand Arab refugees who lost their homes in 1948 when they obeyed the Mufti of Jerusalem and fled to behind the Arab lines at the start of the 1948 war to annihilate the Jewish State, which the Arabs failed to complete but still occupied lands promised the Jewish state, namely Gaza and the renamed “West Bank,” Judea and Samaria were just too Jewish sounding for Jordan, and when the fighting was over, their Arab brothers rounded these Arabs into camps and have kept them there ever since, is a ruse being used to destroy Israel by flooding it with the now five-million descendants. The Arab claim continues that these Arabs are the only refugees left from the Arab-Israeli Conflict. They are correct in that these are the only left, but they are not telling the entire truth. The Arab world disenfranchised their Jews taking their wealth and then forcing them by means of laws or violence to become refugees. These Jews numbered over eight-hundred-thousand in the decade after Israel was formed and as unless they held passports for any Western nation, these Jews were refused entry by the rest of the world and came to the only nation willing, and anxious, to allow them entry, Israel. These refugees were not corralled into camps and left to wallow without decent job opportunities and minimal support as were the Arab refugees. These Jews were welcomed and became active and positive additions to Israel. Initially, this was difficult, but with time everything reached a more normal state. Today, approximately half of the Israeli Jewish population, there are also Arab, Bedouin, Druze and other Israelis who are not Jews, consists of these Jews formerly of Arab nationality and are a vital and vibrant community who contribute greatly to the Israeli economy. What is even more of an indication of their being integrated into the Israeli population is manifest for all to witness simply by visiting Israel. When one does so, they will notice many couples where one is apparently from European origins and the other from the Middle East or Northern Africa. This is the proper means of treating refugees who are your kin and not imprisoning them in camps for political gain.


We would like to now reference an excellent article by Giulio Meotti . In this article, he references an Islamic and Arab mantra which he expands upon which goes, “First the Saturday, then the Sunday people,” and he adds “third the secularized West.” His first two sentences read, “On Saturday we kill the Jews, on Sunday we kill the Christians”, or with greater tact, “first the people of Saturday, then the Sunday people”, is not just a slogan. It deals with a precise program of religious cleansing, pronounced by Islamist leaders and promulgated by Jihadists.” He explains how in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries virtually all, if not all, their Jews are long gone. He emphasizes this point by referencing the remains of the former Jewish communities stating, “In Africa and Middle in the East there are hundreds of abandoned Jewish sites in Morocco (460), Iraq (352), Algeria (320), Yemen (301), Tunisia (231) and Syria (63).” He then continues and points out that the Christians are facing violence and other forms of rejection all in an attempt to force them to convert to Islam. These Christians are amongst the most victimized people on the planet and also one of the most ignored. The sole group to actually get any attention are the Coptic Christians of Egypt mainly because of their numbers. The Coptic community makes up between ten and fifteen percent of the total Egyptian population and have been facing a virtual state of war being waged against them. This is an unofficial war which the Egyptian government claims to be their protectors when all too often, those targeting the Coptic Christians are police and even military units, unofficially, of course. The Coptic Christians who were wealthy enough to depart Egypt have mostly gone leaving those unable to flee from the persecution they face and with nobody willing to grant them asylum. That is the sad state they are in which they find themselves caught.


The reality is that the Christian and any other non-Muslim population living in the Islamic Arab world are facing eradication either by leaving, converting or death. These nations have all but extinguished their Jewish population to the point that they are all facing an end as their populations are aging. The next groups to be targeted and facing a similar fate are the Christians and in Iran particularly, it is the Zoroastrian religion facing this threat. Zoroastrianism is, along with Judaism, one of the oldest religions still in practice in the world today. This is a reality and it has definitive implications for the future. Islam, as stated clearly in the Quran, specifically in the parts written in Medina and considered to be primary with the Meccan verses overturned by the new verses, Islam is promised to be the conquerors of the world and fated to be the sole religion practiced on Earth. Make no mistake, they believe this in their bones and is passed on with the mothers’ milk. The next target in their sights is Europe followed by the United States. They have plans which instruct them on the exact methods to use to take over democratic nations without having to invade them. Their plan is to simply vote themselves into position where they can then substitute Sharia for each national constitution or other founding documents. This will lead to these nations no longer being democracies and turn them into theocratic Islamic states. They will use the open borders policies enacted by some overly foolish and Pollyannaish leftists who accept Islam believing that no one culture is superior to any other culture. Many of these leftists actually have an absolute disdain for their own national history believing their actions in the past to make them guilty of horrific criminal acts against the undeveloped world and thus believe that they need provide the undeveloped world with rights in their own nation even at the cost of their national credos. The eventuality of these policies is only now dawning on many of these leaders as they face the anger of the voters and realize that they took a wrong turn and many are simply not running for office and slinking off to a comfortable retirement for as long as it lasts.


The Western democracies are seemingly unaware of the threat they face. It is due to this blindness that we encourage Ilhan Omar and her ilk to continue to speak up loudly and proudly about how they plan to subjugate the world. Perhaps if the people hear such claims and demands from the sources’ own mouths, then they just might sit up and pay attention. Of course, it has been apathy which has always been the challenge and greatest threat to the Western democracies. Many of the people no longer or never have voted, some claiming they do not desire to be called for jury duty as if that is an excuse, and they blissfully ignore politics comfortable in what they perceive as fact that their country could never be overtaken through the ballot box. They are blissfully wrong. The Islamic invasion is being disguised as ordinary immigration which was completely redefined in the United States way back with the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act, which altered the preferences such that it penalized European immigration, specifically it was claimed to removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans, the Irish, Asians, and other non-Northwestern European ethnic groups from American immigration policy. The Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The State Department have utilized this, working with immigrations officials, to bring increasing numbers of Muslims into the United States. Of course, this was a drop in the ocean compared to the influx of Muslims into Germany after Angela Merkel made her promise to take in many thousands of Syria refugees and she got far more than she bargained. After four years of German Chancellor Angela Merkel choosing to leave the country’s borders open amid a vast influx of asylum seekers to Europe, it has resulted in a significant majority of the approximately one and a half million people who have arrived since remaining out of the labor force. This has become a heavy burden for Germany and the story is similar in numerous developed countries across Europe. This was the first wave and one can only wonder how long after these nations restrict this influx before they elect another bleeding heart with little ability to conceive of consequences to their actions opening the floodgates once more. Muslim population in Europe has increased from 2% in 1950 with expectations that it will rise to 6% by 2020. One need take into consideration that the total population in Europe has increased from five-hundred-fifty-million in 1950 to an expected seven-hundred-fifty-million by 2020. This means that the actual number of Muslims has increased from eleven-million to an expected forty-five-million in 2020, a four-fold increase. With the Christian and secular populations of the majority of European nations in decline, the percentage of Muslims will only climb faster as the Muslim population is reproducing at rates which will show increases in their numbers, unlike the non-Muslim populations. In the United States the picture is less bleak but still has its challenges and threats which need to be addressed. For both Europe and the United States, the problem will grow worse, far worse, before it will gain much attention and this is due to the slant of the mainstream media which refuses to even breach the subject. Further, If the European elites honestly believe that by forsaking Israel, they will gain themselves a reprieve, they are solely mistaken and by the time they figure that out, well, if they have destroyed Israel it will be way too late.


Beyond the Cusp


July 9, 2019

Hamas, Abbas and the Lack of Peace


Hamas and Abbas have more in common than the fact they rhyme. Hamas insists that any peace which they will accept will have no Jews living in Palestine and that Palestine replace all of Israel. The average person, were they to actually analyze things, would realize that Palestine replacing all of Israel and their insistence that there be no Jews leaves a problem, what will happen to the over six-million Jews currently residing in Israel. The average protester will provide an easy answer which should, according to the average uninformed protester thoughts, solve everything. Their response is so simple that it actually makes sense to much of the uninformed public. This solution is for the Jews to return to the country from which they, or their parents or grandparents arrived. This is not anything even close to a viable solution and would only be put forth by those who have no idea of the history of Israel. To those behind such a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict by sending Jews back to the source of their roots; so, are Germany and Poland actually ready to accept much of the Israeli populations of Jews? Add to this the need for numerous Islamic societies to take back the Jews and their progeny from the over eight-hundred-thousand Jews they expelled. Even the United States would seek a means for refusing to permit Jews who made Aliyah from the United States from returning just as they not only refused to permit any of the Jews from the Motorschiff St. Louis to reach the otherwise open borders of the United States. The State Department assured that these Jews, who once refused were to be taken back to Nazi Germany, were not to make it to the American shores and the MS St. Louis was provided Coast Guard escorts to prevent anyone attempting to swim to the American shores. So, there should be a precondition as a caveat that if these nations, organizations and other elements desire replacing Israel with an Arab country, they need first arrange for a new location which will accept the Israeli Jews. If this location chosen to take the Jewish refugees, it should also be prepared to take twice the number of Israeli Jews as the developed world prepares to expel their Jews or find some other variation of a means to be rid of the Jews.


One can check these protests against Israel, which is actually a protest against Jews, and the one item completely lacking their solutions is anywhere that the Jews can rule themselves. Many of the protesters will actually claim that whatever happens to the Jews is something they deserve. Does this sound at all familiar? Probably not to most of us but we can tell you that this was the attitude of the United States, British and all the remainder of the allies during World War II. Very few nations were willing to take in Jewish refugees during World War II. The British and United States governments both were completely aware of the Concentration Camps and the reality that the Jews were being exterminated with the intent of murdering every single Jews on the Earth. They refused to take any action to protect the Jews even going to the extremes to prevent disturbing the Nazi extermination processing of the Jews. There existed a junction of railway tracks which could have been bombed in either of two locations less that ten miles apart. Both the United States and Britain refused to strike the closer of the two junctions concentrating on bombing to further location. What could be the difference and why was it important that they only bombed the further junction of train tracks. The answer is uncertain as it is impossible to prove, but the circumstantial evidence is damning. The second junction mostly prevented trains from heading eastward, the closer junction also would have blocked train traffic resupplying the eastern front. The junction which the allies ignored carried the trains to Auschwitz Birkenau carrying the Jews to their deaths. That set of tracks were not to be bombed, only the junctions which, though preventing the same train traffic, had nothing to do with the transport of the Jews to the camps was bombed and the one used to transport Jews were left intact. What is the most surprising thing is that Japan provided safe-haven for Jews refusing Nazi demands that they turn over their Jews which Japan refused to comply protecting their Jews. The Japanese protected the Jews residing on the Japanese Islands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, the Philippines and to a lesser extent in other regions under Japanese control. Yes, we know the Japanese were the enemy to the United States and the forces fighting the Nazis. True as that may be, the Japanese refused to allow the Nazis to touch their Jews, and that is something potentially more admirable than the acts of the allies when it came to rescue of the fated Jews.


Now let us look at the present. Mahmoud Abbas has already decided that the “Deal of the Century” being proposed by President Trump is to be refused in its entirety. Hamas, well, they simply refuse any peace because they simply refuse to recognize that Israel exists because the Jews are presumably incapable of performing the necessary tasks to actually rule. They know this as it is written in the Quran, or at least that is their theory as they believe that only Muslims are permitted the luxury of assuming positions of rule and power. The Quran states this as a reality by which the followers of Islam are to believe and live and imprint upon their world, the entirety of their world, which just happens to include all of planet Earth. The Quran tells that the followers of Islam are destined to rule over mankind and be the sole religion followed on Earth. This is something which has become believable as the most likely result of the current world situation, at least to many who follow the Quran. This is the basis under which the Grand Ayatollah and Supreme Leader of Iran Khamenei and the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State and other Islamic groups fighting around the globe such that they will prove victorious and rule the planet. This is an inevitability which many Muslims believe must be the future as the Quran is infallible in their beliefs. The only question is which form of Islam will rule the Earth.


Sunni representing ninety percent of Muslims or Shiite which represents much of the remainder of believers in Islam. Many think that Shiite Islam, representing merely ten percent of Muslims, could never become the main player amongst the players of the Islamic world. This would mean that Iran should not be considered a threat as they are Shiites and thus far too insignificant to rule Islam. Iran knows a little secret, that in Islam the followers are told to follow the strong horse. Iran believes that they will be that strong horse and that if they can wipe out the Jewish State, then they would become that strong horse. Add to this their conquest of the Saudi oil fields and take the strip along the Red Sea which would include Mecca and Medina and then after taking the Gulf States and their oil fields, then Iran would become the strong horse of Islam and the ruler of the two holy cities. Iran already is establishing their Shiite Crescent across the Middle East and surrounding Saudi Arabia from the north and south (see map below). Even the green star is part of the hunger of Iran as they cover the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina. They also will control the Straits of Hormuz and the Bab-el-Mandeb which controls the southern exit from the Red Sea and controlling the southern exit of the Red Sea and the Suez Canal as well as blocking the only Israeli maritime route to the rest of Asia and the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Iranian plans for conquest are currently likely going along perfectly as they had hoped. The question is what is the next desire by Iran, once they finish reestablishing Bashir al-Assad as ruler of all of Syria, take control of Yemen through their Houthis and complete their control of Lebanon and Iraq, the next question is which way will their appetite turn.


Shiite Crescent including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran

Shiite Crescent including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran


So, how does Iran fit in on the questions over Israel and the Palestinian Arabs? Iran currently is doing what they are able to arm Islamic Jihad and Hamas who together rule Gaza. Iran is seeking inroads to the Palestinian Authority but have thus far been rebuked by Abbas as he refuses to share his power with anybody, even Iran. Further, Hezballah is about as close as any terrorist army could come to being an offshoot of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) which is tasked with running the Iranian worldwide terror forces. Iran takes in any terror outfit which it is able to bribe or otherwise cajole into allowing Iran to arm them. There is a future price which will be required when the crucial time arrives, that they follow and join in the Shiite push to rule the world. Hezballah are assisting Iranian forces in Syria and Yemen while still working on expanding their threats upon Israel from Lebanon and Syria where they border Israel along the north and the Golan Heights. Add in the Iranian influence over Hamas and Islamic Jihad and it should be realized that Iran can order violence on either the northern or southern borders of Israel and if they manage to gain control over the Palestinian Authority, they will also have another front along the eastern regions of Israel. Iran has already boldly stated that should a war break out between the United States or other Western nation, then Israel will face destruction within a matter of hours if even as long as a single hour. Their threat implies that upon any violence breaking out between Iran and the United States, Iran would immediately call for Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezballah, and the IRGC forces assisting in Syria to all attack Israel with barrages of rockets. Hezballah has at a minimum one-hundred-fifty-thousand rockets and missiles with numerous, if not the majority, being guided and sufficient range to strike anywhere within Israel and numerous are able to strike Saudi air fields and even Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt and all of Jordan. Iran and their developing Shiite Crescent are becoming a hegemonic military force in the Middle East with designs on much far beyond just the Middle East, they view the world as eventually becoming their own personal apple in their eyes. The Iranian leading Ayatollahs also have almost no care about the use of nuclear weapons or of Iran being destroyed in an Armageddon style conflagration as such would simply be a step upon the way to the return of the Twelfth Imam who is destined to lead Shiite Muslims to ruling the world at the end of such a world at war. They believe this will start with the destruction of Israel.


Meanwhile, Hamas, which rules in Gaza, is threatening Israel with increased violence along her southern border should Israel annex even an inch of the disputed territories. By disputed territories, in this case Iran means the region liberated from Jordanian occupation during the Six Day War of 1967 where Israel also liberated Gaza from Egyptian occupation, the Golan Heights from Syria and took the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. Israel has returned the Sinai Peninsula when making a peace with Egypt and later reached peace with Jordan but both Egypt and Jordan released any claim to the lands they formerly occupied. This should have signaled the end of the conflict except that Jordan and Egypt refused to allow their Arab brethren from moving with the changed borders forcing them to remain on the lands surrendered to Israel. That is what has perpetuated the conflict and has been invigorated by the Arab League, Muslim Brotherhood and Iran because these and other followers of Islam refuse to allow the Jews self-rule. The Quran explains that the Jews and Christians require the guidance and rule from their betters, the followers of Islam. Other religious people are considered to be either idolaters, polytheists or other various forms of heathens all of which must be brought into the fold believing in Islam or death. The Jews and Christians are permitted to live providing they adjust their belief from their erroneous and contaminated beliefs caused by their following their mistaken and mistranslated bibles which are different than the only valid word given as the Quran. They believe that the Jews and Christians were originally given the word as in the Quran but strayed from the proper path changing and polluting the original word. They believed that the Quran is the final word from heaven given through Mohammad. The means that this works is actually simply. The Quran was originally given to Adam, the first Muslim according to Islam. Abraham received the Quran as it was provided again but Abraham and his progeny made changes which invalidated their bibles. Then Moses again misrepresented the true Quran at Mount Sinai. The Jews continued to change the word until it was unrecognizable. The Christians added to the Jewish text with a New Testament which replaced the Jewish Bible. Christianity also claimed to have replaced Judaism and the Protestants replaced the Catholic Church as well as leaving the Jews further separated. When Islam came into being in the Seventh Century, they claimed not only to be the replacement for both Judaism and Christianity, they did not leave any chance for another word from heaven by claiming that theirs was the final word. The Quran is what both the Jews and the Christians had an opportunity, according to Islam, to follow and if Jews and Christians would simply return to their original word, which is presumably the Quran, then they will be considered to be good Jews and Christians when in reality a good Jew or Christian, by their definition, is actually a Muslim. Should Jews and Christians refuse to become followers of Islam and take the Quran as their holy book, then they are considered to affirmed that they are apostates from the only true faith, which they presumably originally were to supposed to have believed, and as apostates they would be sentenced to death.


Hamas has made a number of recent threats against Israel with the most recent coming less than a week after Hamas reached an agreement through Egypt with Israel presumably ending their violence including launching rockets and incendiary balloons and kites along with the border riots. The morning after the agreement was reached, Hamas permitted thousands of Gazans to riot along the border thus ending any sign that they might actually curtail the violence. These riots included launching incendiaries into Israel sparking twenty or so fires across southern Israel. Hamas also almost immediately demanded that Israel provide them with five-million dollars which would presumably be provided by Qatar. Since 2012, Qatar has provided Hamas with over one-billion dollars, all of which has been used to pay for terrorism. They have used this money and the provisions provided for rebuilding their infrastructure for the building of tunnels and bunkers within Gaza which includes hidden rocket firing positions as well as infiltration tunnels under the border into Israel in order to use them to kidnap and murder Israeli civilians. These are the investments which Hamas and Islamic Jihad believe are the most important areas for their budgeting for actions beyond lining the pockets of their leadership. The same is true for the Palestinian Authority, which is actually a domesticated PLO in theory, where they actually pay their citizens, and Israelis if they can be bribed (see image below), to murder Israeli civilians or enforcement and IDF personnel (see table below) with bonuses for multiple murders and other specifics. This has made terrorism and the murder of Israelis by far the highest paying employment the Palestinian Arabs under their rule can find. Murdering Israelis pays even higher than the Palestinian Authority Security Forces salaries except for the top officers and the group, Force 17, that protects Mahmoud Abbas.


Palestinian Authority Remunerations for Terrorists

Palestinian Authority Remunerations for Terrorists


There is one final reason why the leadership of all the various groups who rule the Palestinian Arabs, be they in Gaza or under the Palestinian Authority or even as Hezballah in Lebanon, that provides them with such a reward that making peace would deny them the millions upon millions of dollars and Euros they skim from the investments made by the United States, United Nations, European Union and numerous European governments in addition to the monies coming from Qatar or even other Arab governments and Iran. Mahmoud Abbas and his sons have all made hundreds of millions over the years with much of their wealth well hidden in Swiss numbered accounts or in other secure, hidden and untraceable places to stash excess personal money. Some of the former leaders of Hamas have retired with billions of dollars at their disposal and are living the good life in some of the Gulf States. The old adage that terror does not pay apparently never took into account the terrorism conducted against Israel, as this appears to be very profitable for those in the highest positions. Add in the Iranians providing the necessities for producing rockets and the other tools for terror, there is almost immeasurable amounts provisions and funds providing the target of your terrorism is Israel. Apparently killing Jews is one thing which apparently will never go out of fashion and might be one of the eternals which will only be terminated by the arrival of the Messiach. The world will be so far better off once the Messiach arrives and sets straight exactly what the words from Hashem are and then we can all possibly agree on the truth, whatever truth the Messiach brings us. We realize that the Messiach can arrive either as a reward for mankind living in peace and harmony or as the avenging angel sent to settle all the differences and reasons we have used to remain apart and fighting each other and finally bringing a permanent peace for those who survive. We really hope the Messiach comes peaceably, but that will require ending the continuing war again Israel and the Jewish People. That does not leave us with much faith for peaceable and really emphasizes our fears that the Messiach will come as an avenging angel and will bring the legions at their sides overpowering any and all forces of mere humans and settling every conflict. There is still time for the world to find a means for reaching understandings of acceptance of each other before a force arrives to do this for us and not be polite about their corrective efforts. That should be sufficient to cause all to pause, but then we remember the Iranian leadership who would welcome an Armageddon sized conflagration as they desire inviting the Messiach as the avenging angel as that is the form of their savior. Well, that might make peaceable an impossibility as it only takes one to spoil this cake.


Beyond the Cusp


June 27, 2019

The Islamic Hatred for Israel and the Jewish People

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:58 AM
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The hatred for Israel and the Jewish People extends beyond the Arab world to include many of the Islamic world. Iran provides much of that hate which is precisely expressed along with the rationale for the anti-Semitism by Iraqi cleric Abd Al-Salam Zain Al-Abidin said in a broadcast on Al-Naeem TV in the video below. Then there are the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, a virtual spitting spring of anti-Semitism using some of the oldest and most offensive commentary when referencing either Israel or the Jewish People. Then there are the near constant rants every Friday in Tehran where some official leads the protest in their chants against Israel. Sometimes Israel is so blessed as to be cursed by the Iranian Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini. We need to give Ruhollah Khomeini credit as he does not use all his energies against Israel, Ruhollah Khomeini also criticizes the United States. We all realize we could go down a list of Islamic world leaders who have made disparaging remarks about Israel, the Jews or both in numerous speeches, but people would not go to any further links, would they?



The above video makes the claim that the reason for the Islamic overriding hatred of the Jews which makes it obvious that Israel as the Jewish homeland is included as a target for their scorn and hate. Unfortunately, that claim is largely a valid claim and the reason why Israel must be destroyed. Israel allowing Jews to have self-rule is beyond the pale and must be terminated as Jews are presumed to be inferior, actually the most inferior peoples and because of this, they must not be permitted to rule even other Jews. According to what many Quranic scholars have interpreted is that Jews require being brought into the fold of Islam and if they refuse to convert, well, then they require eradication. This has been their desire concerning Israel since before Israel declared its independence. Such was best described so succinctly by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League at that time, who stated, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” The Egyptians immediately before the outbreak of the Six Day War referred to the coming battle as their opportunity to drive the Jews into the Sea. Their claims were stated as driving the Jews, not the Israelis. Often those who rant and defame Israel more often refer to Israel as the Zionist Entity or the Jews requiring corrective acts to repair all the problems they have caused as their rule had to cause such failures because the Jews, according to their claims presumably backed by the Quran, are incapable of such higher level thoughts and abilities and require being guided by their Islamic betters.


The Quran also tells the followers of Muhammad that the Jews are their worst enemy and must be fought and defeated in order for their messianic figure to arrive and lead them to ruling the entirety of the world. It is so nice that we Jews are part of their messianic references but it might have been nicer if we would be permitted to live in the post messianic world. Well, actually, other than the Islamic and Christian holy books, Jews would be permitted in any perfected world of the future. This may have something to do with the fact that both Christianity and then Islam hold to replacement theology. The Christians were the replacement of the Jews and then came Islam which was to replace the Jews and the Christians. The Jews returning to their ancient homelands was never supposed to be permitted to return from their exile to reestablish the nation of Israel, the Jewish State. The founding of Israel was initially taken as a direct threat to many Christian and Islamic clerics and leaders around the world. But Islamic leaders are far from the only people of some level of import that express hatred of Israel and Jews generally.


Probably the most well known of these is poised to be the next Prime Minister of Britain after the next election as his Labour Party is considered the likely winner of the coming elections in Britain. We are speaking of Jeremy Corbyn, of course. But he has numerous fellow anti-Semites within his Labour Party which their supposed investigation turned up next to nothing and was a complete whitewashing of their blatant anti-Semitism. Then there are the three little darlings from the United States Congress, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (pictured below), who have almost performed tag-team anti-Semitism. Congresswoman McCollum’s legislation presumed to be promoting Human Rights with the Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act which was introduced in November 2017 has now received backing by Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Israel does not detain terrorists or other law breakers who are below age fourteen and only temporarily hold those under sixteen. This act includes people up to age twenty-six as qualifying as child military detention. Israeli soldiers will escort the young back to their home seeking an adult with which to leave them with supervision. Israel expends much effort to obey international laws regarding who is considered a minor and too young to be detained and those who are considered under international law as being responsible for their actions and thus capable of being detained over criminal or terror activities. But why allow Israel being legally within international law when one can redefine the law such that every nation is violating these laws by their definition but their gaze never leaves Israel, all else is inconsequential. That is an obvious setup for producing anti-Semitism when the rules are altered but only for Israel and then used to condemn Israel while ignoring what their alterations to the law makes every nation performing the identical criminal act according to their new definition.


Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


Currently, the deepest and most serious anti-Semitic hatred is just as much political as it is religious and a social societal embedding into a large region and is spreading with Islam across Europe. One has to wonder where those people and politicians who make anti-Semitic commentary and statements think the Jews will go when they feel threatened by the way their society is changing. They are going to head for Israel sooner or later as anti-Semitism growing specifically in northern and western Europe, what some have referred to as old Europe. Threatened Jews are very likely to head directly to Israel, though there will be those who head elsewhere such as the United States or South America or some place they believe they will feel safe. The Jewish Community of Malmo, Sweden, may need to dissolve itself by 2029 following a similar path as the Jewish Community of Umea in northern Sweden which dissolved itself primarily over threats recently. These communities will inevitably end up in Israel even if their paths will be different. Once the vast majority of world Jewry resides in Israel, will this permit the world to finally recognize the necessity of Israel as a home for the Jews or will they attempt to organize the entire rest of the world to assist these hate-filled people in destroying Israel because it holds the majority of world Jewry. What are the odds that once Jews are almost entirely living in Israel will lead to the world finally learning how to live with the Jewish State and finally leave the Jews to take care of themselves? Think it through and recognize that many anti-Semites demand that the Jews go live in Israel and leave the rest of the world to live free of the Jews while others express their anti-Semitism insisting that the Jews not be permitted self-rule and demands that the Jews return to being scattered throughout the nations of the world. Those who have strong dislike for the Jews should get together and decide which is preferable, all the Jews living in their own little country or the Jews spread all over the world in almost every country. Give us a hint so we can end our obvious upsetting of your otherwise copacetic lives. We would be quite pleased if the world would simply accept Israel and tell the Jewish People that if they wish to be allowed to live in peace, all they need do is make Aliyah and move to Israel where they belong. This would make the majority of Jews quite pleased and those who decide they really do not desire living in Israel with the other Jews, well, they probably were not practicing Jews to begin with. The vast majority of Jews would be glad to move to Israel if doing so would be the end of anti-Semitism, but who are we fooling as nobody could leave our little nation alone two millennia plus ago, why should we expect this to have changed. If the world could assure the Jewish People a peaceful existence in Israel, then the world would witness a massive transfer of the majority of the World’s Jews relocating to Israel just as has happened in France and may soon be the case in Britain. Eventually, the Jew hatred of anti-Semitism will spread to the United States as a rise in such problems has already raised its head. Is it too much to ask exactly what the world desires from the Jewish People such that we will no longer be such a difficulty for all too many people?


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