Beyond the Cusp

August 3, 2021

It Is All Socialism by Another Name

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 2:11 AM
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There will be numerous terms used to teach, inculcate, indoctrinate and radicalize our children and grandchildren (plus for the very fortunate-great=grandchildren) all used to disguise, hide and simply lie about the actual agenda. Some of the new terms sound very similar to terms we believe are good ideas but the new terms twist the concept beyond recognition. Many of us remember being taught about equality and judging everybody by their abilities and character. Equality has been replaced with equity which sounds so close it must be similar, but it is anything but that. Equality grants everyone the same starting point and everyone succeeds to the best as they are able. Yes, we are aware that some people have an advantageous start coming from wealth yet ability will often outperform those with what socialists claim is an unfair advantage. Equity requires that everyone cross the finish line together with all with any ‘advantage’ being impaired as for equity the entire class is required to learn at the pace of the least talented person. Equity requires that anyone with the brilliance of an Einstein, Tesla or Riemann, a great mathematician whose special remaking of Euclidean geometry such that his formulae are usable on any defined surface thus enabling Einstein to redefine Newtonian physics) be inhibited from outperforming even the least capable in their classes.

Bernhard Riemann surface

Another innocuous friendly-sounding term is ‘intersectionality’ which is actually a list of which groups are acceptable and those which must be shunned and shamed. We have already noted in a previous article how virtually any group which uses a six-pointed-star, even if it has the rainbow flag colors (shown below), will be banned as the Palestinian groups demanded that anything remotely linked to Israel, intending to also apply to most Jewish groups, must be discriminated against and disallowed from all left-liberal protests and parades, such as gay pride parade in Chicago. Other terminology used in this socialist planned society mostly revolve around ‘critical theories’ used in various areas in order to break society apart forcing exclusionary individual groups. Such policies include but are not limited to critical race theory, critical gender theory which pushes almost uncountable genders and critical theory can be applied to any subject with which the population can be divided causing an us against the them. All this aside, it must be noted that historically almost every socialist government has persecuted the Jews and we expect no less from the future should the Democrat left get their policies enacted.

Multi-Colored Flags with a Star of David

Multi-Colored Flags with a Star of David

Rainbow Flag with Star of David

People need to realize that the system which the Democrats hope to establish is not based on Marxism, Soviet style Communism or any other type of international socialist system. Their desired end result is best recognized by simply looking to President Xi and China. What many have failed to realize is that China has left traditional socialism and has melded limited free-market with centralized planning. The problems will begin once their economy takes a downturn leading to their restricting the freedoms permitted the limited free-market, blaming their mistaken decisions which permitted such freedoms. This will only worsen the problems as centralized planning has never outperformed the invisible hand of true capitalism. When this inevitability strikes, we believe that such a downturn is already well on its way, President Xi will look to Taiwan as the next great Chinese crackdown and bank robbery on what they consider a breakaway province. Xi has already given hints and threats concerning Taiwan which sound ominously similar to their run-up to the subjugation of any freedom movement, its leaders and numerous followers known to the CCCP in Hong Kong. Additionally, Chinese leadership has been pressing harder as time passes threatening Taiwan while including threats of using a first strike nuclear attack on Japan and the United States should they interfere in Chinese internal matters such as Taiwan.

The far-left leadership of the Democrats are hoping to find a balanced socialist nation. The United States will have single party rule should the Democrats get their wish list through Congress completely federalizing all election law. Their intent is to apply the leniency from the 2020 elections due to COVID, or that was the excuse, to every state using the power of the federal government. They do not intend to completely destroy capitalism as that is necessary to pay for the socialist programs. There will be a guaranteed minimum wage of around twelve to fifteen dollars an hour for forty hours even should one choose not to bother with working. Even the least productive still has needs and requirements in order to survive. As such, they intend to retain the United States and use heavy taxes combined with European style supplements granted citizens for food, shelter, transportation, clothing and even entertainment. This is a mutated form of state socialism which has traditionally been labelled fascism where government, media, social media elites and major corporations cooperate in making policies and projecting the needs of the society in order to meet the demands of the populace, which never quite works well if at all. What it ends up being labelled does not matter as it is still socialist-induced-equity imposed on society which punishes exceptionalism, as that is a form lacking equity and reeking of capitalist-exceptionalism.

Beyond the Cusp

September 17, 2019

The Unbelievable is Upon the United States

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 12:53 AM
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To the Jews of Europe, the United States was the glowing promise of financial opportunity, equality, religious freedom and personal safety. America was their future and many Jews gave up everything they knew, sold the vast majority of their belongings and did whatever else was required in order to reach this land which appeared to them to be their promised land. This is what the United States was in their minds, the promise of everything that Europe was not. America was largely a land which offered a lack of anti-Semitism. That was their vision for which they made their way across the Atlantic Ocean to seek out this land of promise. For close to a century the Jews lived with little fear of persecution as they had faced periodically in the Old Country. The American Jews believed they had found the land where their future would continue filled of acceptance and complete freedom from the threats of anti-Semitism within their communities and the regions in which they settled in larger numbers. These were largely the major cities where the Jews began by starting family businesses with some becoming bedrocks of economic viability. Jewish communities flourished and they envisioned this would continue on into the future without any end in sight. This view is one which many American Jews refuse to admit may be coming to an end. They simply ignore the rising anti-Semitism which has begun to rise beyond its normal home of the extreme right and left of the political spectrum and into the mainstream. This trending is represented by the graph covering anti-Semitic acts from 2008 through 2017 below.


Anti-Semitic Acts from 2008 through 2017


The rise of the ugly hatred of anti-Semitism has outstripped that of every and any other minority in the United States including the overly-hyped Islamophobia. We believe that the term anti-Semitism has been rejected to such an extent that despite its rapid rise, the political community has decided that some anti-Semitism needs to be understood as sometimes coming from a righteous indignation for which the Jews are largely to blame themselves. This has been the stance by the media whenever such acts are committed by other minorities and only hold those they can trace their imaginary line to President Trump’s actions and speeches. This has been made most evident by the refusal of the Democrat leadership in the House of Representatives to denounce the anti-Semitic antics of a number of their newly elected members. Still, these same Democrat leaders are amongst the first to jump and blame any anti-Semitic act committed by the “alt-right” to President Trump. This is an erroneous blaming of a man who observes Shabbat when visiting his daughter and her husband and his grandchildren, whose Palm Beach Mar-a-Lago Country Club was the first to allow minorities including Blacks and Jews to become members despite protests of the other clubs in the area, has recognized Israeli rightful possession of the Golan Heights and taken numerous other pro-Israel decisions and actions and has never uttered an anti-Semitic slur. These accusations are solely political as all forms and acts of anti-Semitism have become as the media attempts to blame every anti-Semitic act possible on the President while ignoring any which are not attributable to President Trump.


Anti-Semitic Acts by State for 2018


As reported here, even in the Jewish centers in and around New York City, anti-Semitism has become rampant. They recount the simple truth of acts committed over the last week in August as noted below.

In the last week of August alone we witnessed three vicious attacks on Jews.
On August 27th, 63-year old Abraham Gopin was brutally attacked with a paving stone while exercising in Lincoln Terrace Park in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. The suspect yelled an anti-Semitic slur before blindsiding his victim.
On August 29th, an assailant threw rocks at a Jewish man while the victim was in his truck.
On August 31st, an assailant hit a Jewish man with a belt outside a synagogue.

The acts of anti-Semitism committed in the Crown Heights neighborhood and other nearby Jewish communities have been attacked largely by other minorities in hit and flee type scenarios. These attacks have been attributed to the fact that the Orthodox Jews in these areas wear clothes making their religious affiliations obvious when the media mentions these at all. There has been no additional effort to end these attacks as compared to the excuses and dismissals of these acts as a minor nuisance. Yet, in the same area should a single member of the Islamic faith report that some passerby looked at them sideways, the decrying the horrific problem of Islamophobia must be taken seriously and actions taken to eradicate this menace. Anti-Semitism simply draws excuses and yawns taking minimal if any notice making every attempt to ignore or at least diminish such acts as of no real concern.


Many simply claim that anti-Semitism is an old problem which has been addressed and is not something which requires attention in this modern age. There are so many new forms of perceived hatred which require all of our attentions first before we worry about the boogieman of anti-Semitism as it is an old grievance which has already been eradicated except for a few outlier cases. This is only true if one ignores the majority of such instances which is easily done if the problem is blamed on those Jews who dress in a peculiar manner. Perhaps the time has come to bring forth a new terminology for anti-Semitism, a name which has apparently outlived its usefulness and has become an annoyance to be ignored. We are about to steal an idea which has circulated and we feel it need go mainstream. The concept is instead of anti-Semitism, we should bring attention to this scourge as “Judeophobia” and see if with this moniker hatred of Jews can be brought into the central focus it deserves. This is when Jews are largely being singled out for attack to such proportions that they outnumber all other forms of religious hatred combined as told by the graph below. What is more troubling is that the number of Judeophobic events since 2015 have risen with a troubling rate while other forms of religious centric crimes have remained level or decreased making the problem becoming far worse.


Religious Hate Crimes from 1992 through 2015


The thought that the United States would remain forever the perfect land was an attitude very prevalent since the later parts of the last century but are now beginning to fray at the edges. The problems which were considered next to impossible are coming true as the American society becomes more fractured. As had been the fear for Jews across much of the world, excepting America, are now coming to America. But this hatred of the Jews will soon spread to include Christians and who knows who else along the way. Will the United States remain a promised land for Jews? Should things continue as the present trends indicate, then the Jews welcome will soon be worn out and be faced with three choices, find a more hospitable place including their relocating to Israel, remain in their communities taking a fortress attitude which these communities become Jewish ghettos, or disbelieve it could happen here much as the German Jews had their disbelief that Germany, the leading nation in so many educational and cultural measures and the Nazis could never take over the country. It is becoming a believable proposition that the Jews time in the United States being accepted and seen as a group which added to the culture and other interests of the society to becoming the reason for blame for every downturn or catastrophe. With time they will be blamed universally for their own condition as violence and other acts of discrimination will become commonplace and acceptable in America. Soon behind such a series of events will be the persecution of Christians. These are the signs that the America many of us have known is rapidly self-destructing. Has the time come for America to fall as has every nation throughout history? That remains to be seen, but the signs are not promising. America will remain as a nation but it will not resemble anything we remember or have ever actually expected. It will be a sad series of events as America held such promise, and it always hurts the most when the things you had hung your hat upon no longer continue and begin to deconstruct. Perhaps the United States will recover from their current threat of decline, but that will be told over time. One thing we know from history is, as go a nation’s Jews, so goes that nation. This is a choice Americans will be required to make, either address and be rid of Judeophobia or face the promise of their coming decline.


Beyond the Cusp


August 27, 2019

Initial Terror Reports Were Frightening


Residing in the north of Israel places one thus far outside the ranges of the rockets from Hamas. Living close to the coast makes us less prone to attacks by the Arabs under the Palestinian Authority. So, we should feel safe and outside any real threat. That feeling was shattered this last few days. The initial reports were not all that informative beyond that Iranian forces, the IRGC, had launched a terror attack against northern Israel. There was no specification stating where along the north this attack was launched. The good news was that it had been intercepted by the IDF and the launching point of the drones eradicated. Still, hearing that Iron Dome units had been placed in the north as preparation for this anticipated assault is fine, but were we the target or somewhere else? Well, as with all things, time will tell. Still, hearing about such a threat which had some unthinkable result as several drones laden with explosives was the one clear item we heard the morning after the Sabbath. It was not until several hours later, as everything was slowly coming back into full operation after the Sabbath that we heard that the attack came well east of our town. There is nothing like reports of terror attacks potentially being in one’s area to bring home that everywhere in Israel is within any number of Arab forces sworn to our destruction and the death of as many Israelis as possible. Sobering would be a definitive understatement.


One thing many people around the world are often unaware is exactly how small Israel actually is. People we have met believe that Israel is around the size of the average European country while some actually believe that Israel is close to half the size of the United States. The look of disbelief on these people’s faces when they are informed that Israel is approximately the size of New Jersey with a much narrower midsection is priceless. This means that much of Israel is within strike distances from outside her entire perimeter. Hamas can reach over two-thirds of Israel from their Gaza location which is beyond the reach of the IDF without necessitating a full invasion by soldiers as Israel refuses to utilize the tactics used by the United States, Russia and most of the rest of the world where air-power is used to eviscerate any target as well as much of the surrounding region. Israel uses ground forces when it becomes necessary to destroy the Hamas forces, rockets, mortars and other offensive operations and operators. The Palestinian Authority has taken a completely different route to increase their terrorist capabilities. Rather than expend the effort, time and their security forces, they instead pay any terrorist and their family a hefty salary for life for every Israeli they murder. This investment has led to knifing attacks, shootings, car rammings and other forms of attacks which are launched in shopping centers, at bus stops or any other location where a group of people make for ample targets. Even the sole individual is vulnerable as even a single Israeli murdered means that your family will live well into the future. But the real threats come from, you guessed it, the north. That threat is traceable directly back to Iran and takes the form of Hezballah and the IRGC which are spread across southern Lebanon and all across Syria.


Four Maps of Great Britain, the United States, Australia, and India with to scale map of Israel super-imposed for comparison on each map depicting her actual rather than perceived size.

Exactly How Small is Israel
A Comparison Against Four
Well Known Countries


Hezballah and the IRGC pose such a special threat that they deserve additional comment. Where Hamas is limited to Israel south of Haifa, Hezballah and the IRGC have missiles and rockets which are capable of reaching all of Israel and beyond (see map below). Additionally, these two militaries, and they are both legitimate military terror armies, are backed by Iran and everything they have is stationed from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. This includes ballistic missiles and weapons loaded with anything from nerve agents, biological agents, chemical agents and, once they produce them, assuming they have not already, nuclear warheads. Further, Iran could use any exchange, such as the events over the past weekend, as an excuse for declaring any strike they launch against Israel was in response to any Israeli response to terror assault whether they be rockets launched from neighboring countries, ambushes along their borders, drone attacks such as the recent ones or any interception of terror forces across these borders. Iran has often rattled her sabers after Israeli forces have intercepted across border attacks or struck rocket and artillery platforms used to strike into Israel often launching air to surface missiles from within Israeli airspace across into Syria and Lebanon as necessary. These two armies, IRGC and Hezballah, directly take their orders from Iran and the majority of their attacks are ordered from Tehran. These are just some of the threats which Israel faces, but things will become worse in the not too distant future unless the world awakens to the threats being faced by Western civilization.


Hezballah Rocket & Missile Threat

Hezballah Rocket & Missile Threat


The main step away from Israel which has infected too much of Europe will take root and infect the United States. Anti-Semitism has been increasing at rates formerly believed impossible over the last decade and it promises to accelerate and soon becoming beyond political will to resist the growing hatred. One need simply look at the candidates seeking the Democrat Party candidacy for President in the 2020 elections. Even Joseph Biden was forced to alter his expressing support for Israel making that a minor backside issue in his campaign. The remainder sound more like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib than they do the Democrat Party of our youth. Bernie Sanders holds Israel in the deepest of contempt while defending himself from claims of anti-Semitism claiming he is Jewish and thus cannot be an anti-Semite while his history is replete with statements forsaking anything to do with his birth religion. This is far from unusual for far-left Jews of Western civilization as they defend their anti-Israel positions with the claim that they are Jews while declaring their atheist beliefs forsaking the tenets of Judaism. Their Judaism is nothing other than a shield they wield to deflect criticism of their positions against Israel and Zionism while ignoring every other nationalist movement and government on the globe. Should the Democrat Party continue their slide into anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israeli political positions, when they inevitably resume the handles of power, Israel will find herself cut loose of United States support. That should stand as a double warning, one to Americans and the other to those in power in Israel who will be required to address such an eventuality.


Bernie Sanders anti-Israel Support

Bernie Sanders anti-Israel Support


Between the terror scare the other morning and watching as the world continues to drift away from Israel, we are concerned as to whether Israeli leadership will make the necessary adaptions to military and political stances and dependencies such that Israel does not end up blindsided when the inevitable comes to pass. The recent Rashid Tlaib and Ilhan Omar fiasco where Israel exercised the right of any nation to prevent those who work for their destruction from entering their borders, as the United States did with an Israeli Knesset Minister Michael Ben-Ari, laid a spotlight upon exactly which politicians from both parties upon which they can trust. It also was eye-opening, and not exactly a pleasant one. Israel will be required to be the sole source for whatever may be her military weaponry and other systems as well as facing the potential that she will become the outcast of the entire world with perhaps a dozen exceptions at best. This might go so far as to include agricultural requirements for feeding all Israelis, Arab, European, Asian, from the Americas as well as Jews, Christians, Muslims and every other person residing within her borders not to mention virtually every other need or requirement for a healthy and content society. Between Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, Hezballah and the IRGC in Syria and Lebanon all taking orders from Tehran and Iran also making threats against Israel (as well as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and others), the possibilities for a multi-front war with Israel facing rocket and missile attacks from the north and south, terrorist tunnels on both fronts if they have not all been detected, across border infiltrations, drone attacks at both fronts and possible military attacks complete with armor and air support from out of Lebanon and Syria plus potential assault and launchings out of the Sinai Peninsula, a hot bed of terrorist groups, Israel could face what will amount to an existential threat to her existence.


There is another item we used to hear when back living in the United States coming from people who otherwise supported Israel was that they never would stand for American forces to be used in defending Israel. Some who did not like Israel were somewhat more direct claiming that they would not stomach American boys and girls having their lives placed in jeopardy over a nation of Jews. Well, allow us to place these fears to rest, Israelis refuse outright and definitively do not desire for any troops from another nation to come and fight and possibly die fighting for Israel. We are totally aware that there is no faster means of losing what support Israel has with any nation than to have their young people returning in caskets because they were helping Israel defend herself. Should there be those, like Colonel Mickey Marcus who fought with the Israelis defeating largely the Arab attempt to destroy the nascent state of Israel in the 1848 War, who choose to put on an IDF uniform and fight under their own choice and not as a foreign soldier, that is an entirely different situation. Would we expect to hear pushback should any of these volunteers die, most certainly as we expect pushback over virtually any and every act taken by our government (should we ever elect a new one), military and even our relief efforts in natural disaster regions. Hey, we’re Israel, the Jew amongst the nation, we never expected anything different. Still, Israel will hopefully do whatever she is required to do to protect her people and defend her lands. Our wish is for the world to finally make good on the promises made after World War I and allow us our full borders as laid out in the Mandate System and presumably protected under Article 80 of the United Nations Charter and enforceable by the United States under the Anglo-American Treaty and by Britain, Italy, France, Russia and Japan as signatories of the San Remo Conference, the Treaty of Sèvres and numerous other agreement, treaties, accords and conferences all which referred to promises made under the auspices of the League of Nations and the Allied Powers from World War I. We do not require the world to love us, like us, approve of us or do much which would show us favor and acceptance, but we will eventually, preferably sooner rather than later, insist that promises made by the unanimous vote at the League of Nations be finally honored and once our borders have met these guidelines set out now approaching a century past, leave us in peace and we will share with the world our discoveries, new technologies, computing advances, medical cures and treatments, agricultural methods, clean water technology, communications technology, security and other software, advances in physics and virtually everything else all without attempting to be moralistic. Friendship with other nations will always be preferred, but respect has to be the minimum, and that minimum is one thing which Israel can demand as she is entitled to at least that modicum of respect, just as is every other nation.


Beyond the Cusp


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