Beyond the Cusp

August 8, 2019

Our Problems with the BDS Movement


The BDS Movement, its longer name is the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction of Israel and only Israel, is now being taught as a proper response to the Jewish perfidy occurring in the Middle East where Israel is presumably attempting to conquer all of the Arab lands. The claims made by the BDS Movement are that Israel is an Apartheid State, using ethnic cleansing, seeking to claim lands to form Greater Israel, racial profiling against all non-European ethnicities and various other blatant lies concerning the Jewish State. But the BDS Movement has a secret it uses in order to prevent their adherents from seeing anything which would challenge their propaganda. Should any of those they intend to indoctrinate with their anti-Semitic poison decide they wish to visit Israel to verify the validity or lack thereof of what they have instructed, they tell such a curious individual that part of BDS includes never-ever visit Israel as doing so would incur their spending monies in Israel thus breaking the BDS Movement’s basic attempts to starve Israel economically. But their real fear is that their lies would not hold up to anyone with eyes and an open mind who visits Israel, and even more so should they simply travel as their own guide and watching the interactions of Israelis. Add to this is the completely ludicrous claims that Israel has been attempting to form a greater Israel by conquering lands which belong to the Arabs and are a threat to all of the Arab World. Simply looking at the map below where the Arab (Islamic) World is in green and Israel and all of the lands it covers are in light blue with the lands occupied by the Arab Palestinians are in red.


The Truth Arab League Wants You to Know

The Truth the Arab League does not Want You to Know


There once existed Greater Israel back around one-thousand years before the Common Era under Kings David and Solomon. Israel in these ancient times reached from the Euphrates River to the Wadi of Egypt, known then as the River of Egypt as it marked the Egyptian border with the Jewish State. The current claims that Israel seeks in modern times to reform this Greater Israel claim that the River of Egypt must mean the Nile River as the Wadi of Egypt is usually a dry river bed except when rains fall and it floods. The maps below show the two concepts of what formed or will form a future Greater Israel, the one on the left is the conspiracy theorists claims Israel intends to conquer and the one on the right shows the historic Greater Israel that actually did exist. Does Israel, or at least some Israelis, desire making additional lands part of Israel? The answer is yes, many ardent Zionists not only desire, but demand of the world that the United Nations enforce Article 80 of their Charter to continue to enforce and establish the Mandate Lands which include the British Mandate. The British Mandate included the region which today is made up by Jordan, Israel and the disputed occupied lands. The British Mandate was divided between the Jewish Zionists and refugees and the Arab Palestinians in what the world, and especially the British, in a manner which represented some form of equality or lack thereof. This fair and even divide used the Jordan River as the basis for forming the border between Israel, the Jewish State, and Transjordan, later named Jordan and the Arab State. This gifted the Arabs with 78% of the British Mandate and Israel was to be formed by the remaining 22%.


Conspiracy Greater Israel and Kings David and Solomon Historic Greater Israel

Conspiracy Greater Israel and Kings David and Solomon Historic Greater Israel


Within a decade of the formation of Israel on May 15, 1948, the Arab and Islamic Worlds exiled and forced out the majority of their Jewish populations totaling over 800,000 Jews after stripping them of their wealth and valued possessions. These Jews largely were taken in by Israel as the European nations refused to accept any of the Jews unless they possessed a passport for that nation. The Arabs, on the other hand, had less than 700,000 refugees who mostly were the result not of the fighting, but were Arabs who obeyed the command by Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini who called for all Arabs living amongst the Jews to take refuge behind the Arab armies of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq and Yemen such that these armies could simply murder every person they found and then these Arabs would share in the spoils of the Jews after the Arabs reached the Mediterranean Sea. When the Arab armies were stopped from any further advance and were starting to be pushed out of the lands intended for the State of Israel, the United Nations, United States, Russia and most of the world demanded that the fighting be halted immediately. Nobody thought that waiting for the newly formed IDF to clear the lands back to the borders set under the British Mandate was wise, better that Arabs be left occupying lands promised the Zionists and the Jewish People. This was the origin of the Arab Palestinian refugees and later, in September of 1964, the formation of the PLO which initially insisted on liberating all of Palestine which was defined as the lands west of the Jordan River with the exceptions of Gaza which was occupied by Arabs of Egypt and what Jordan called the West Bank occupied by Arabs of Jordan. These lands were liberated from Jordanian and Egyptian rule during the 1967 Six Day War and defended during the Yom Kippur War. Israel also took control of the Sinai Peninsula during these conflicts which was returned to Egypt when they signed a peace treaty with Israel but the Egyptians refused to resume their control over Gaza. When peace was reached subsequently with Jordan, they refused to return to their areas called the West Bank, the Shomron according to Israel, returning them to Israel. This should have allowed for Israel to finally realize the borders promised after World War I (see map below) in a number of treaties, conferences and other legal events and documents all enforceable under International Law.


Mandate of San Remo for French and British including actual treaty demarcations for each nation

Mandate of San Remo for French and British including actual treaty demarcations for each nation


But the BDS Movement has arranged to have their own versions of history and reality. Their claim is that everything which led to the formation of Israel was as a direct result of the Holocaust and a means of alleviating European guilt over the murder of one-third of world Jewry. They deny the existence of the San Remo Conference, the Mandate System and the League of Nations, among other treaties and agreements, has designed the terms and the borders which would define the Arab lands and those of the Jewish State. The borders of Israel were supposed to be defined by what is the current border with Lebanon, the Sinai-Negev border, the Golan Heights and the remainder along the Jordan River. The BDS Movement, or at least their leadership, do not recognize these borders nor the existence of the treaties, conferences, mandates and the League of Nations implementations for restructuring of the borders of much of eastern Europe of the German Empire and Austria-Hungarian Empire as well as most of the Middle East and North Africa borders of the Ottoman Empire. These were the three empires which were on the losing side of World War I. The BDS Movement ignore all of this as well as discarding the entirety of the Mandate System such that they claim that Israel is a European colonial invasion of the purely Arab Muslim Middle East. Israel spent decades fighting to be released from the British Empire as she was a British colony. How Israel could be a colony of anyone other than the British before May 15, 1948, when Israel was finally released by the British and declaring her independence. Further, half of the Israeli citizenship are from the Middle East, North Africa, Ethiopia, India, South America as well as virtually anywhere on the Earth one might choose.


But let us look into the history of the BDS Movement. The origin of the BDS Movement comes from the Arab boycott of Israel which was born at the Khartoum Conference and the “three no’s” resulting from that conference. The “three no’s” are, “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” This was nurtured spreading the boycott to numerous entities around the world eventually morphing into the BDS Movement. The purpose of the BDS Movement is simply to isolate the Jewish State forming a virtual blockade around Israel preventing anything from leaving Israel going to anywhere else and preventing anything from entering Israel from anywhere. Further, they demand that all cooperation with Israel on any level including academic, scientific, economic, political, social, tourist or any other interaction making Israel a pariah amongst the world’s nations. The problem that the BDS Movement proponents run smack into is that Israel is not at all similar to what they cast her. As mentioned above, the Jewish population of Israel is diverse with a large segment of the population originating from the Middle East and North Africa as well as from Europe and the rest of the developed world. Israel even has organized two separate operations to save Ethiopian Jews who were threatened and called for a savior, and that savior was the same as the one which gave the Jews thrust out of the Arab and Islamic worlds, Israel. The Jews of India have also come to Israel in a fair number of people. Israel is most definitely one of the most diverse populations found anywhere in the world. This puts to lie the BDS Movement’s claims that Israel is an Apartheid country. With Jews returning to their ancient homelands from literally around the world coming from virtually every country. They are all citizens with equal rights including voting in elections, freedom of speech, thought and in virtually every other area. Furthermore, all Israeli citizens have equal rights whether they be Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Druze, Bedouin, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or any other people or religion even including atheists and secular humanists.


But the BDS Movement have decided to blame Israel for the woes and deprivations forced upon the Arabs in Gaza and in Areas A and B of the Shomron as defined under the Oslo Accords. They blame Israel for the two communities of Arabs not having elections in well over a decade. The claim that they have been denied the right to vote, but not by Israel. The reason for their not having had elections is simply, neither Hamas in Gaza or the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Areas A and B of the Shomron have permitted elections. Hamas chooses their leaders often in concert with Islamic Jihad and potentially influence of Iran imposing a Hamas dictatorship over Gaza. The PA is headed by Mahmoud Abbas who knows that he would not win reelection should elections be permitted to be held; thus, he has cancelled every election since 2005 meaning that Mahmoud Abbas has been their leader for now fourteen years of his four-year term. That is merely a decade more than his term was in theory, while in actuality Mahmoud Abbas heads a dictatorial regime. Israel has no influence over elections or who rules in these Arab regions which have self-rule and are semi-autonomous making them independent of Israeli rule but they remain within Israeli official borders. BDS Movement leadership minimizes the amount of independence the Arab Palestinians truly have and completely ignoring Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PA, allowing them to claim that Israel is preventing allowing them to hold elections. They also make the absurd claim that Israel has denied them their right to vote in Israeli elections. These Arabs are not Israeli citizens with most in Gaza formerly either having Egyptian citizenship or that of another Arab nation or are simply Gazans but not Israeli as Israel has disengaged from Gaza allowing that region complete independence. The PA Arabs mostly hold Jordanian citizenship with a lesser number having Iraqi, Syrian or other Arab national citizenship with some having only PA citizenship, but again, not Israeli citizenship. When Israel formally annexed the Golan Heights at the end of 1981, Israel granted the Arabs residing within the region full citizenship. When Eastern Jerusalem was annexed by Israel, the Arabs residing within the region were approved for a form of limited citizenship allowing their voting in Jerusalem and other local elections but are still restricted from voting in national elections until final determinations of their fate will be finalized.


The claim by the BDS Movement that Israel is performing genocide or ethnic cleansing is so absolutely ridiculous as to border comical except that it has become accepted as fact in far too many places including the halls of power around the world even in the United States Congress. The refuting of their claim is so simple that it is surprising that these two claims have any credibility. Since 1967, when Israel liberated Gaza and the Shomron, the Arab Palestinian population has grown from just over one million in 1967 to just short of five-million currently. How anybody can extrapolate from an approaching five-fold increase in a population with their suffering from a genocidal ethnic cleansing is utterly ridiculous. The only reasoning that might permit such thoughts is the belief that the IDF is so incompetent that they are unable to perform such a task. The only logical reasoning is that there is no genocidal ethnic cleansing and that the Arab Palestinians are free to survive as best they can under their own leadership independent of Israel. Virtually everything claimed by the BDS Movement are lies, extreme exaggerations and falsehoods fabricated out of whole cloth. The easiest means of proving what Israel truly is, a fully functioning democratic parliamentary nation with all of the rights and privileges which any citizen of most developed nations enjoy would be to come and spend two or three weeks sightseeing and traveling around visiting cities and towns of all sizes as well as the kibbutzim. Israel is a diverse nation whose strengths are largely due to this diversity and the interactions between the many Jews of differing origins. But that is the very reason that at the heart of the BDS Movement is the rule that none of its members ever visit Israel as that would put at risk every iota of propaganda, they have fed their followers. But since many of those purporting agreement with the BDS Movement are professors and teachers, students have no prior knowledge upon which to base judgment of the veracity of what they are taught or the putting to lie these scurrilous accusations made of Israel. The entirety of the BDS Movement is built like a house of cards where, when one lie is unraveled, the entire structure of falsehoods crashes down revealing that the entirety of the BDS Movement has no relevance or reflection of the actualities which are Israel.


Beyond the Cusp


August 6, 2019

Inside the Head of Mahmoud Abbas, His Mind and His Concept of Peace


Mahmoud Abbas has two items in his mind, his definition of a just peace and keeping the cash flowing into his and his family’s pockets. He has a great gig going as he simply refuses to accept any peace which permits the Jewish State to continue while knowing that as long as he holds out, there will be an enormous cash flow from which he diverts his unfair share. Israel has nobody to blame but their own errors in expecting that the PLO could be reformed and reach a lasting peace with Israel. These conclusions were in straight defiance of the things claimed by Mahmoud Abbas and Yasser Arafat before him. They spoke of conquering all of Palestine in stages making a peace and then breaking it demanding more land after each time. But peace is the last thing on Mahmoud Abbas’s mind as he is making off great raking in the slimmed funds right off the top of the monies from the EU, the UN and until recently, the United States and numerous other nations in Europe and the Middle East. Abbas can travel anywhere in the world freely and be received as an honored guest often shown far more respect that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu would receive visiting the same places and people. Mahmoud Abbas sits in the catbird seat almost invulnerable to any accusation for he has been crowned by the EU, UN, numerous NGO’s, several UN Agencies, politicians near and far as the peacemaker and the sole promise for the Middle East. No title has ever been less appropriate.


There has been one central pillar to Mahmoud Abbas and his vision of peace, namely that President Trump and his Deal of the Century and anything else President Trump cares to present will be dead on arrival. Abbas has sworn to refuse any and everything proposed by President Trump. After all, is not refusing to consider any peace proposal how one becomes the peacemaker? But still Mahmoud Abbas has declared that he is open to any just peace which he defines as receiving his 22% of the British Mandate lands. Check the map below which depicts the British Mandate and the intended division as per treaties and conventions including being enforceable by the UN according to Article 80 of their Charter. This division gave 78% of the British Mandate lands to the Arabs as the country of Transjordan, subsequently changed to simply Jordan, and 22% for the Jewish State of Israel with the Jordan River as their border. This is the 22% Abbas is referencing when he claims he is ready for a just peace where he receives his rightful 22% of the British Mandate lands. He is referencing all of Israel as denoted in the 1964 original PLO Charter where they laid no claims to the West Bank under Jordanian rule or Gaza under Egyptian occupation but their claim was the rest of Palestine, simply all of Israel. Their claim has not changed, they just increased the size of what they demand to include what is today all of Israel. This is the demand of the man they title peacemaker and laud him wherever he goes in Europe, the United Nations and much of the developing world where he is viewed as some form of hero.


British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel

British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel


As recently noted, but worth another stating, the PLO has decided that no Arab has the right to leave their region seeking to make a new start anywhere else. They are holding their population as hostages just as they did to the Arabs who obeyed the Mufti’s order for them to come behind the Arab lines such that the soon to be conquering Arab armies could simply shoot everyone they found. When the conquering Arab armies failed to conquer quite as well as planned, they took the occupied regions of Gaza and the Shomron (West Bank) and locked the Arabs who trusted them to win annihilating the Jews into camps to be used as bartering chips claiming all of the land of Israel. This is the true origins of the vast majority of the Arab refugees who they claim were cleansed when they were called out by the Mufti of Jerusalem and they obeyed and such is their reward. Theirs is to await the final redemption of the lands from the Jewish usurpers. When the Arab world delivers on the promise of the Mufti, the total destruction of the Jewish State and the cleansing the region of everything Jewish, then these refugees in the camps are presumed to be permitted to return and enjoy the spoils, that was the original promise. As far as the world is concerned, these Arabs are the sole refugees from this conflict completely ignoring the over 800,000 Jews forced to flee the Middle East and North Africa who largely made Aliyah and came home to Israel. These Jews as well as those from Ethiopia and India amongst other remote locations, put to a lie the claim that all of Israel is made up of European Jews. Granted, European and North American Jews make up almost 18%, while Russian Jews make up another 16%, plus African and Asian Jews are just over 25%, while lastly the native-born Jews in Israel make up 39% of the Jewish population (see table below). With the rising anti-Semitism seemingly being world-wide, one can expect even more Jews making Aliyah and coming home if for no other reason, Israel will take them while the rest of the world would rather not touch them.


Table Depicting Countries of Origin of Israeli Jews

Table Depicting Countries of Origin of Israeli Jews


But as far as Mahmoud Abbas is concerned, there was no Jewish history anywhere in the Middle East, all Jews come from New York, Los Angeles, London and the other major cities in Europe and North America. Judaism, to Abbas, is a religion and not a people or any group with a rightful claim to have lands anywhere like Islam which is the only form of rule suitable for planet Earth. You see, Mahmoud Abbas is a Muslim and thus believes that the world is broken into two regions, Dar al-Islam, the world under Sharia and thus peaceful and good, and Dar al-Harb, the world to be conquered by Islam and thus the world of war where evils are to be conquered and purified by Islam. This is behind his inability to allow or accept to grasp the idea of the Jews having their own state. Jews are to be hounded and chased from place to place never feeling safe or secure and without normative rights and definitely no privileges. The Medina Quranic verses are not very favorable towards Jews. The Medina Quran was written after the Meccan Quran and thus its verses overrule the earlier ones under the concept of Abrogation. A brief description of the two Quranic writings can be viewed here. There is no concept of any Jewish state despite all of the evidence, something the PLO and the Waqf have both attempted to destroy by digging presumably new water pipes on the Temple Mount leaving tons of dumped and broken pieces of Jewish history which is sifted through by a team of dedicated workers. They deny any and everything found linking the Jews to the land such as this recent find in Shiloh. And as far as the Jews returning to the lands from whence, they came, does this include the return of the properties of the Jews exiled from the Islamic world?


If anyone is ever planning on reaching some form of peace, currently the best method would be to grant every Arab the choice to emigrate to another country after receiving a generous payment for all properties and a relocation bonus which could be quite a handsome amount. This was the plan presented numerous times throughout the history of Israel and somehow it always gets ignored. It would be ideal if somebody were to overrule Hamas and the PLO and provide protection for those who desired to take the offer for relocation such that they could leave in safety and in an orderly manner. Such an offer cannot be enforced by Israel simply because the world would rise up with great indignation claiming this was just another form of ethnic cleansing when it is actually the second half of relocating those on the wrong side of the agreed upon borders. There were over 800,000 Jews exiled from the Arab and Islamic world and this would be the second half where the Arab refugees are accepted into the Arab world just as Israel took in the exiled and instant refugee Jews. But then we run into the same problem, Israel is not treated like any other nation. For Israel, her decisions must be approved by the rest of the world simply because the world has claimed the right to instruct Israel in what she may and may not perform. This is simply refusing to solve a problem which will only end in one means, a war where the casualties are unimaginable as should the PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezballah and Iran continue on their present course, they will educate their populations steeped in hatred of Jews and Israel specifically and then have a general attack by the populations rising up. This would consist of the Arab population of the PLO area, Gaza and southern Lebanon aided by IRGC and Iranian units in Syria all attacking Israel with rockets and literal waves of civilians surging across the borders in an effort to displace the Jews. When these waves are intercepted, then the EU, UN and the rest of the chorus will raise their voices decrying the offense to humanity. But they are the ones forcing this inevitability upon Israel, and just as bad, upon the Arab population and largely its youth as this human wave attack will be populated. Allow the Arabs to freely decide whether they wish to live under Israeli rule west of the Jordan River or wish to be bought out and given a substantial investment in their relocation aiding them and making them desirable to other nations. This or the final fight will one day come and the world will wonder how such a thing could happen, and they will be shocked and feign innocence. And that claim of innocence is the last straw which will forever break their credibility, as if they have all that much now.


Beyond the Cusp


August 1, 2019

Election Update, Can Bibi be Stopped?


We are not foolish enough or so blind as to believe that Bibi will not be forming the next government. This is almost an inevitability. But what can be prevented is his forming a “Unity Government” with Blue White while leaving the New Right-United Right coalition he all but forged himself out in the cold. It is entirely possible, probable even, that between Likud and Blue White parties they will have over sixty mandates likely achieving as high as sixty-seven mandates between the two parties. Such an outcome precludes any other parties being required to form a government. We understand that everyone who proposed such an outcome thus far have had their prediction ridiculed and their acumen questioned. We would rather simply explain our reasoning and allow it to stand or be crushed by the eventual events surrounding the coming September elections.


BTC Israeli Election Banner


First, we will admit we feared this when Bibi was unable to cobble together a right-leaning coalition after the elections just passed and failed in forming a coalition. We even see the European Union (EU) having a small hand in these coming disasters. They are the reason that Bibi needs a coalition which he has sufficient control such that it cannot crumble as the plans move ahead. Bibi is facing the Sharon moment when his entire reputation into the future will be affected. Ariel Sharon faced a similar threat to his plan but managed to form a new coalition under a new party without holding elections. He took a fair number of Likud members as the core to his new Kadima Party and formed a unity government around them using the Labor Party as the main partner. This led to the Gaza Withdrawal. One particular factoid which bears remembering is that until immediately before the Gaza Withdrawal was executed, Bibi Netanyahu remained allied with Ariel Sharon only pulling his support when it became obvious that Bibi would have lost his credibility within Likud, something which would have made his run as Prime Minister impossible. Bibi pulling away from Sharon was something necessary for its political expediency and to hold together the power base which Bibi had formed and who would be his springboard back into the Prime Minister position. But Bibi also was impressed by the media attention and the praises lavished upon Ariel Sharon simply for his having permitted Israeli policies to be dictated by the United States, specifically the State Department, and the approving light shined on the Gaza Withdrawal by the EU and its member states.


We have always suspected that Bibi Netanyahu plays to two audiences, the core Likudnics who keep him at the fore of his party and the European leaders from their respective capitals and the EU as the voice of Europe. These are also the main controlling forces behind much of the world media, or the result of what the media praises and condemns. Bibi is not solely to blame for far too many of the positions and decisions he makes as we fear that Sarah, his wife, has far too much sway and influence over his actions and even sometimes what he is permitted to think. This may have been the source rumors after the last elections that Bibi had signed an agreement with the EU allowing them to build anywhere in Area C from the Oslo Accords which had designated Areas A and B for the Palestinians to build and Area C was to be reserved for Israel. Of course it did not take the EU and numerous European nations along with the United States State Department, from now on this grouping shall be referred to as “the Beasts,” from decrying that the entirety of the disputed territory was supposed to be given to the Arabs and Israel should just be glad they were permitted to win the Six Day War and Yom Kippur War. Any other nation on planet Earth who had been attacked by around half a dozen neighboring countries would be granted the right to annex whatever lands were considered necessary to provide more secure and defensible borders. The aggrieved nation would also have the right to force the inhabitants of any lands they deemed necessary for their achieving good and decent borders to relocate into the nation from which said lands were acquired without any remuneration. These were the rules by which the entirety of the map of Europe was drawn, actually redrawn, after World War I when the Austria-Hungarian Empire and German Empire were broken up by the victorious allies (see maps below). This redrawing of the map even went so far as to create several nations such as Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. These nations were formed under the auspices that indigenous peoples required their own nation, the exact reason why at the same time as Europe was redrawn, so was the Ottoman Empire and Israel was to be established as the homeland of the Jewish People. The British Mandate declared that the borders of the state of Israel were the Negev border with the Sinai Peninsula, the Blue Line with Lebanon, the Golan Heights with Syria and the Jordan River with Transjordan (later renamed Jordan). What is most definitely notable by its absence is the imaginary nation of Palestine where Palestinian Arabs presumably are the indigenous peoples.


German Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire Before WWI and After WWI

German Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire Before WWI and After WWI


Even the wars Israel was forced to fight simply to be born in 1948, again in 1967 and once more in 1973, after this loss the new tactic of terrorism and destroying Israel in stages became the order of the day. So, let us list the combatants in each of the wars Israel has survived and it just may be educational for us. The war of 1948 has euphemistically called the Israeli War of Independence simply because the war was launched mere hours after Israel was formed and had declared their independence from the British Mandate and British rule. A more accurate description of the war was given by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League at that time, who stated, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” The proper name for the 1948 war is it was a War of Annihilation where the Jews would be wiped from the map of the Middle East and the world. Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen who were further aided by irregulars such as the Holy War Army, Arab Liberation Army and other militias plus what were called foreign volunteers consisting of the Muslim Brotherhood, Pakistan and the Sudan. Then in 1967 came the Six Day War, so named because it took six days. The combatants on the Arab side were Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon along with aid from numerous other Arab nations and several militias. The war in 1973 was launched in a surprise attack by the Arab forces on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur when virtually everybody was either in Synagogue or at the beach if they were less religious. For the history challenged, this was before cellphones and the IDF commanders sent trucks with loudspeakers atop announcing the universal call up as Israel was at war. IDF soldiers were seen running through the streets to their homes to grab their military gear and then they met up and formed impromptu units with whomever they had and set off to turn back the invading Arab armies. These included Egypt and Syria with expeditionary forces, a nice way of saying they did not send everybody, from Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Cuba with the entire effort supported and armed by the USSR. This was the time when the Russian leader Leonid Brezhnev called Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir demanding that Israel cease fighting their poor innocent Arab allies by noon Thursday or face the wrath of the Soviet Union. The call was made on Tuesday and Golda Meir simply replied to Leonid Brezhnev asking, “Why wait?” or so it was reported. The Soviet Union did not join the war. But reviewing the names of those who fought against Israel and one notices the absence of anything remotely Palestine related. The claim that Israel was founded over top of what was Palestine hold no validity either as before the lands became Israel, they were a part of the British Mandate and before that the Ottoman Empire. There has never been a nation called Palestine in all of history. But the world is dead set on inventing it and working with the Arabs to replace Israel with Palestine.


This is the reason that the EU pressed Israel to provide them permission to build in Area C where their intent is to place Palestinian towns such that all the Jewish communities are completely cut off from Israel and can be suffocated when the next round of violence starts. The EU has already been building a number of these communities without permits or any arrangements for making them habitable. They do serve well as a propaganda and political message as the Arabs will place themselves in these towns and guides bring EU officials, heads of state and UN officials through these communities pointing out their dearth of utilities or anything which might make them habitable. Since these communities have thus far been simply thrown up anywhere the EU can find open areas, preferable at hill tops or other critical places all without permits or making arrangements, these communities lack roads, electricity, gas, water, sewage or any other niceties. They even lack cable television. When the tours are given, the lack of utilities is blamed on Israel and these officials gobble that up without checking the validity, after all, the Jews are denying these poor people utilities, why look up the facts when it is so obvious to these anti-Semites. But this is apparently about to change, and why, because the EU and the UN and far too many leaders around the world to even try to list have all claimed that all of the disputed area must not be returned to Israel. But now the EU desires having these communities and all future EU constructions to be provided with utilities, roads and everything to make them habitable and thus new facts on the ground supporting the claims by leftists and anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist and anti-Semites that none of the disputed territories have any relation which could imply Israeli ownership of these lands. These are all parts of the efforts which began almost immediately after the San Remo Conference set the lands between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River as set aside for the Jewish State. Even Egypt and Jordan recognized that they had held Gaza and the Shomron (West Bank) actually belong to Israel as they relented all claims to these areas which they had illegally occupied from 1949 until Israel liberated them in the 1967 Six Day War. The only remaining action under international law which remained to be executed was the relocating of the peoples back into the redrawn borders placing them under their proper national control. But why allow a little thing such as international law be applied to Israel which, according to so many in this world of ours, has no right to exist on any land no matter how small an area. The main country which has made any moves towards recognition of the Israeli right to these lands has been the United States and largely due to the support given Israel by Congress since the early 1970’s when United States aid and allying with Israel initially began.


For those who believe that the United States has always had Israel’s back, here are a few facts which belie such thoughts. Yes, the United States voted for the UN patrician plan which would have taken the lands west of the Jordan river and divided it between Israel and a new Arab state (see map below). They then proceeded to place an arms embargo on the entire Middle East which allowed the Soviet Union to back their Arab allies and left Israel basically alone. Israel was originally provided aircraft by France who sold Israel some Mirage jets. The United States took an interest in Israel after the Six Day War as Israel appeared to be worthy of American support against the Soviet backed Arab states. It was when Israel was about to put the Lavi fighter, an indigenous production by Israeli industries, that the United States had second thoughts. The Lavi would have been in direct competition with the F-16 on the international arms market that caused the United States to propose a deal with Israel if she would stop their production of the Lavi even before they had started to produce this indigenous fighter jet. America offered F-16’s plus F-15’s and they promised that Israel would always have air superiority supported by the United States. This promise has recently fallen by the wayside as the United States is providing Saudi Arabia and Egypt with F-35 JSF’s, the same aircraft they have provided Israel thus making the Arab air forces having more F-35 JSF’s than Israel possesses. For this reason, economic reasons and simply dependence on nobody else are reasons that Israel must immediately make plans to produce their own aircraft once more. This would provide for thousands of high paying jobs for everything from production line personnel to the engineers required to design the next generation of jet fighters and other support aircraft. This would make Israel more independent and no longer having to rely on the United States aircraft meeting the Israeli requirements for their own air superiority.


Israel Through the Ages United Nations Proposed and Arab Rejected Partition and Israel as Promised by International Treaty Israel on Morning of May 15 Before War of Annihilation

Israel Through the Ages
United Nations Proposed and Arab Rejected
Partition and Israel as Promised by International Treaty
Israel on Morning of May 15 Before War of Annihilation


Meanwhile, Bibi Netanyahu has already begun working on the means for permitting the EU to build facts on the ground in Area C. In a recent Cabinet meeting, Ministers set guidelines for approval of construction of housing units for Arabs in Area C. This is the necessary step required to make these EU communities legal and becoming fact on the ground. Once there have been guidelines set, they can be twisted, spindled, folded, torn and manipulated in order to provide cover for any and everything the EU desire to build and the eventual cutting off of the Jewish communities in Area C such that they will become unsupportable and have to be relinquished upon which the Arabs will take them over as well. The end result of this is to allow for the creation of an Arab Palestinian state covering the entirety of the disputed lands. The only area which would remain disputed would be East Jerusalem. This is where the PLO and PA demand that their state have its capital city. Should the Arabs succeed in making East Jerusalem part of their state, it would mean the Western Wall, Temple Mount and numerous other historic and biblical places being placed beyond the reach of the Jews just as it was when Jordan occupied these lands. Gaza has already been surrendered and Hamas with Islamic Jihad hold this region from which they launch attacks upon Israel often at the behest of Iran. Should the EU, UN, world busybodies and whomever else is pressing for the establishing of a new Arab state cut from the midsection of Israel succeed, which with Bibi’s assistance is inevitable, then Israel will have been forced back to the initial borders she faced at the onset of the Six Day War. This would make Israel nine miles in width at her narrowest point centered on Tel Aviv. This would place Tel Aviv in direct fire from rockets shot off the Judean Hills overlooking the center of Israel. Once Hamas backed by Iran took control of these areas, Israel could expect rockets to be launched whenever Iran felt it necessary into the heart of Tel Aviv where should they manage to destroy a single skyscraper Israel would be counting the dead in the thousands. Whenever such an attack takes place, we can assure you that the EU, UN and much the rest of the world would be demanding that Israel not be disproportional in their response. We discussed the irrationality of not using disproportional military response in this article. We know from experience that whatever the response by Israel to such an attack would be denounced by most of the world with the EU and UN leading the way. This is where Bibi’s arrangements with the EU will become a dire situation where Israel will have little response which the world will not condemn. How can we say this? Well, it has been the response even from those Israel considers to be friends every previous time Israel has found it necessary to respond to aggressive attacks by Arab forces. There is little if any reason to believe it would be otherwise.


Tel Aviv Now Before Green Line Peace and Tel Aviv the Day After Green Line Peace

Tel Aviv Now Before Green Line Peace
Tel Aviv the Day After Green Line Peace


Finally, after the coming September election, the situation will be that Likud will be unable to form a right centered coalition. This will be the result of the attacks which have already begun to come targeting the right-wing coalition of the Unified Right and the New Right with Ayelet Shaked at the top of their list. We will be witness to one Likud person after another denigrating this coalition of parties as not including every party. This is due to three right wing parties who have refused to join the larger coalition. These include Otzma Yehudit, Zehut and Noam, likely the furthest right party, all of which have thus far simply refused any reasonable offer in stead choosing to run independently despite all polls showing their not clearing threshold. The Likud attackers will continue to press the idea that the union which has been formed is not up to the expectations of Likud to consider them a rightful partner in any future government coalition. Why would the Likud be denigrating what many see as their natural allies? Because Bibi knows that these parties would never permit the programs and future which Bibi is hoping to form as his legacy. Yes, we are speaking of Bibi and his legacy building. The past history of Israeli politics has been centered on those who worked hardest to recognize the Arab claims to the lands which make up Israel. The Oslo Accords became the legacy for Simone Perez while the Gaza Withdrawal is the legacy for Ariel Sharon. Bibi Netanyahu has a legacy as being the longest serving Prime Minister, but he desires something far more difficult to be surpassed by a future Prime Minister. Establishing an Arab state, be it along the Green Line or the Security Barrier, would make for a legacy, whether evil or for good we would see, which could not be surpassed by any future Prime Minister. The attacks on the right-wing coalition will continue as should Bibi and the Likud Party succeed in diminishing the votes received by this right-wing coalition as well as destroying any hope that Otzma Yehudit, Zehut and Noam have of clearing threshold and gaining Likud a mere three or maybe four mandates will make forming a right-wing coalition impossible without gaining the support of a leftist party such as Yisroel Beiteinu. This will set up the situation where Bibi will simply claim that forming a right-wing coalition has become impossible, impossible because the Likud continues to attack their own seeking to wring every last vote possible for Likud. Bibi’s actual desire would be to form a coalition where the Likud was the sole party. Lacking such freedom, Bibi will likely form a Unity Government with Blue White. When General Gantz announced the founding of his party, a central part of Blue White, he stated that he had learned much during the Gaza withdrawal and believes he now knows how to better enact such withdrawals and can see areas where similar actions would work to bring about the two-state solution. Never mind that Mahmoud Abbas and the entirety of the PLO and PA leadership do not desire and never have desired making their own state, they simply want only one thing, the destruction of Israel and the removal of the Jews. This has been their desire since day one and it is not about to change. They desire the destruction of Israel after which they will leave the land for Egypt and Jordan to decide who gets which parts while the PLO continues on their path of murdering every Jew who currently resides in Israel. This is the explosive package which Bibi appears to desire to pin his legacy upon, that he was able to make the Arab state from within lands belonging to Israel under international law. The reason for the pressure under which Bibi is about to fold is due to the fact that unless Israel formally surrenders claim to any of the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, these lands are legally belonging to Israel and the Arabs residing in the Shomron should be legally relocated within Jordan.


One final note about the attempts to form this Arab state. The PLO and PA recently announced that leaving the region will no longer be permitted. Any Arab who attempts to leave the regions controlled by the PLO and PA will be charged with the crime of desertion and prevented from leaving and face jail or potentially execution to make an example of anyone who attempts to seek a better life elsewhere. This was in reaction to rumors that President Trump intends to allow Arab Palestinian to relocate and find a better life in a new location with a monetary bonus to assist their relocation. This is part and parcel of the PLO and PA efforts since the onset of the Oslo Accords, namely to put in place impediments which are meant to make any settlement of the Arab Israeli conflict impossible for as long as any solution permits the continued existence of the Jewish State. When the PLO was formed in September of 1964, it made no claim to Gaza, which was occupied by Egypt, or of the Shomron, occupied by Jordan and renamed West Bank, and only claiming the remainder of the lands between the river and the sea, or simply put, all of Israel. The PLO and PA continue to have this as their aim, the complete replacement of Israel with some Arab rule followed by the eradication of all the Jews residing within. Bibi is about to grant them their first in what they see as the eradication of the Jewish State in stages. Once they have gained the Shomron and East Jerusalem, their next claim will be the Galilee and then the Negev. This would make Israel the Tel Aviv metropolitan area completely surrounded by Arabs ready to use terrorism to drive the Jews from the lands by any means necessary. This is the reality that Israel faces and should Bibi form a unity government with the Blue White Party, then Israelis would be best served in forcing new elections by whatever means are necessary.


Beyond the Cusp


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