Beyond the Cusp

March 4, 2017

Mahmoud Abbas Makes Peace Impossible


The world loves to claim that Mahmoud Abbas is Israel’s best prospect for peace. The shocker is that we agree with that statement and claim that this makes peace impossible. What people do not realize is that Mahmoud Abbas is Israel’s savior from its own mistakes. More than once Prime Minister Netanyahu has agreed to make sacrifices for peace which would have very possibly mortally wounded Israel. Had these offers been accepted the Arabs would have been able to fire rockets directly into Tel Aviv using line of sight aiming which would have crippled all economic life and life in general for the majority of Israelis. But Israel has a strange savior because Hashem works in strange and mysterious ways and often with a sense of irony thrown in just for amusement sake. That savior is the man who cannot afford to accept any peace because doing so would cost him everything. That man is Mahmoud Abbas and he knows the minute that he makes peace with Israel and the IDF and Israeli security personnel withdraw from Judea and Samaria that his life would not be insurable with Lloyd’s of London at any price, and they have an odds price on virtually anything. Once Abbas makes a peace with Israel he would be wise to leave before Hamas makes their move as the result will be identical to the fight over Gaza except this time those Hamas does not like will have nowhere to run. Abbas knows his name tops that list and that only the IDF and Israeli security forces stand between Hamas and his neck, thus he will never make peace. Still, he is Israel’s best chance for peace as there is no other and that is the sole reason, and the world knows this as well.


Then why does the world, especially the European Union and the United Nations insist that Israel make sacrifices to bring Mahmoud Abbas to the negotiating table? They do this for two reasons; first because they want to compromise Israel, and second because they know Abbas will never make peace thus they can make Israel destroy itself safely and without getting their hands dirty. Their plan is to shrink Israel piece by piece which is funny as that is also the Arab plan for the destruction of Israel, by stages peace by peace. Prime Minister Netanyahu also knows the truth about Abbas and his delicate predicament and that Abbas is happy with things just the way they are. You need to understand that Mahmoud Abbas has another interest in keeping everything just as they are because the European Union and the United Nations plus certain European nations along with the United States continue sending millions of dollars atop millions of dollars annually from which Abbas and select groups amongst the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership and PLO hierarchy, of which Mahmoud Abbas is the top person in each, are taking their generous share off the top making themselves unbelievably wealthy. Abbas is not about to kill the geese which continue laying golden eggs for him and with whose gold he uses to retain loyalty and stays alive. These are the realities and everybody involved is quite content with the status quo, well, except for Netanyahu and the majority of Israelis, and that brings us to other realities we all know are real and true.


This is where International Law enters the picture and the realities of treaties, conventions, mandates, charters and hard facts come in. What all of these do is paint a picture of another reality which Abbas knows as does everybody else who is playing the music that they are all dancing to. The truth is that all the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea belongs to Israel and will remain Israeli unless Israel signs treaties giving the land away. That is how they stole Gaza and Israel learned a hard lesson there. Israel also knows that should they ever again be forced to fight and gain territory, not to return it but to exercise the law of nations that allows that lands gained in a defensive war may be retained by the aggrieved nation. This lesson was the lesson of southern Lebanon where once Israel returned the lands taken in the war with Hezballah they returned in force and now that area has approximately one-hundred-fifty-thousand rockets and missiles aimed at every target imaginable throughout all of Israel all the way down to Eilat at the southernmost tip of the country. Israel has learned that every inch of land which she allows to be given to her enemies, be it Israeli lands or those gained in defensive struggles, are immediately taken by the terrorist enemies and become a launching pad for future wars and terrorist raids and continuous threat for more death and destruction. Yet this is exactly what the world demands that Israel concedes to, giving lands to those who will immediately utilize it as a staging ground for the eventual destruction of the Jewish State. But fortunately Mahmoud Abbas must refuse any offer no matter how generous as he proved when offered over ninety percent of Judea and Samaria, half of Jerusalem including the Old City and Temple Mount, and lands from within the Green Line equal to the lands retained from Judea and Samaria. This offer was refused twice, one when offered by Ehud Barak in 2000 and again in 2008 offered by Ehud Olmert. Perhaps Israel should be wary of any leader named Ehud in the future, especially Barak and Olmert.


Israel has a world seemingly hungry for her to sacrifice pieces of her ancient homelands and half her Capital City of Jerusalem and much of the historic lands of the Bible. Places that Christian and Jews hold sacred, Biblical Places, such as Bethlehem, Jericho, Hevron, Bethel and numerous others. They would demand that the Temple Mount be made Islamic only grounds where they would picnic and play soccer while Jews and Christians would be denied to come to their precious lands. These are the demands the world makes and then relies on Mahmoud Abbas to refuse any offerings so they can claim they are the ones standing for peace if only Israel would satisfy the Arab demands. We are back to the fact that everybody on all sides are familiar with the Arab demands and that they will only accept the Jews living under Arab rule begging for each day and praying that it not be their last. The Arabs cannot allow Israel to exist because their pride is challenged as the area once was theirs. They have the same problem with the lands of Andalusia, what we recognize today as Spain and Portugal. They also believe that the lands all the way to the gates of Vienna should be returned to them as the Ottomans twice extended their reach to the gates of that city. The Europeans also know that Israel is like the plug in the bottle and without Israel they stand even more vulnerable than they presently find themselves, and that brings us to the final story.


Biblical Israel

Biblical Israel a Historic and Accurate View


Europe and the remainder of the free world and developed world are facing the same threat as Israel, Islamic terrorism. The United States has taken a partial step in preventing further infiltration, though it is currently being debated in the courts, briefly, as the restraints on immigration will stand the test. Europe has been open to infiltration and has reaped their just rewards and the people have begun to stir in a number of nations. The terrorism threat has reared its ugliness throughout much of Europe but media and the current leaders are doing all they can to downplay these incidents. Many Europeans feel betrayed by their leadership which has these leaders worried as facing their public come next elections. Some are proposing an administration which would control the media acting as a Ministry of Truth. Their quoted intention was to prevent “fake news” and to act as fact checkers, but the facts they check could be to further their power or at least try to protect them until after the next elections. The left realizes that they have backed themselves into a corner and the troubles the people have realized is being placed at their doorstep. BREXIT and the election in the United States of Donald Trump as President and a Republican Congress have sent shivers through the entire left-wing political hierarchy which has completely controlled Europe for over a decade. Now they feel threatened and still have not realized why the people are displeased. The next set of elections in Europe might bring about a seismic shift in the political alignment of the continent. The real question is to how long the populations will remain engaged and retain a more measured and conservative leadership in power. The balance is precariously balanced and unless the people remain vigilant then one more round where the left gains control of the Western nations there may be no road back. Should that become the reality then the Tytler Cycle of Power will advance and history teaches us that the cycle will not return to freedom for generations. The next decade or two will be determinative in the future we hand our children and their children for too many generations to be contemplated.


Beyond the Cusp 


January 25, 2017

Anti-Semitism’s Israeli Amplifier of Inaction and Timidity

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 War,Act of War,AIPAC,Amalekites,American Israel Public Affairs Committ,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab World,Benyamin Netanyahu,British Mandate,Cabinet,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,EMP Attack,Eretz Yisroel,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Fatah,Federica Mogherini,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Galilee,Hamas,Hezballah,History,International Politics,Intifada,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jenin,Jerusalem,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Judea,Judean Hills,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Likud,Mahmoud Abbas,Muslim World,Muslims,Nationalist Pressures,Netanyahu,Old Testament,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Legislative Committee,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,Peace Treaty,Pentagon,Politicized Findings,President Obama Pessing Freeze,Promised Land,Resolution,Samaria,Secular Interests,Security,Separation Barrier,Shimon Peres,Shin Bet,Shoah,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Torah,Two State Solution,United States State Department,West Bank,World Opinion,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:09 AM
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The existence of anti-Semitism across Europe, Canada, the United States and the rest of the developed world, particularly on college campuses, is growing and will soon be beyond control and spread throughout society. The first waves will soon break out as today’s college students being steeped in anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic programs and virtual pogroms graduate and bring their toxic views into the political world and then the workplace and society as a whole. These indoctrinations are presented as presumed pro-Palestinian protests such as Israel Apartheid Week, mock checkpoints, demonstrations blocking campus access portraying the Israeli security barrier as the modern version of the Berlin Wall or the Warsaw Ghetto Walls as well as faux eviction notices placed on Jewish and pro-Israel students’ dorm rooms claiming their rooms are to be demolished as protest of terror home demolitions and simple, straight out physical intimidation of Jewish and pro-Israel students. For further observations and documentations one can start with these two articles; Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain and Hotbeds of Anti-Semitism in British Academia or use the results from a simple search engine results for anti-Semitism on college campus we performed as a free service to make life easier.


This article is not out to bang the drum which already has been accomplished to the point that a complete percussion section has been added to the anti-Semitism orchestrated noises around the world just covering college campuses and in some cases it spreading to public high schools. This is following a normal progression for many politicized items as has been tracked with other subjects such as global climate change, equal opportunity, affirmative actions, LGBTQ rights and other highly charged political subjects from our modern societies. We will be taking a different tact driving to perceive what is probably the one major change which if taken would help rid the entire developed world from this pernicious evil. We will leave the proof to the links above and what will probably be more than sufficient numbers of articles which are sure to continue to surface. That could change and do so with a rapidity that would astonish the world and could be right around the corner if only some specific events and particular actions taken by some crucially critical people would materialize, but such things are unfortunately not looking ready to occur. So, let’s dive in and see what needs to be shaking.


Anti-Israel Protests

Anti-Israel Protests


One of the first items which everybody a week ago thought was fair accompli and about to happen as soon as all the arrangements were done and ground was broken was the repeated statement once more by a candidate for President of the United States that the American Embassy in Israel would be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Candidate Donald Trump promised, and we quote, “We will move the American Embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” speaking to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in March. Further he stated this important add-on stating, “The Palestinians must come to the table knowing that the bond between the United States and Israel is absolutely, totally unbreakable.” Well, here we are in week one and already the moving of the American Embassy to Jerusalem has gone from we will to a process where ramifications and complications must be weighed and a cost/benefit analysis performed and all the other irrelevant items being spit out all in an effort to say we are going to do the same old same old. We have already heard of Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and other Arab allies having warned the White House of severe repercussions should it proceed with the move. The threats included a threatened review of bilateral relations with both the US and Israel plus warnings of an upsurge in violence should the embassy be relocated. Please do not tell us that the Trump campaign were not aware of these ramifications when they followed the well-worn path of lying to AIPAC knowing full well that they would turn everything over to the State department and Pentagon and either or both would come back with a report warning against such rash actions as they would inflame the world and the ramifications far outweighed any benefit if there could even be an argument that there exists a benefit. Further, they would question the expense and warn that such simply was politically risky should any of the threats of violence be traced to having moved the Embassy, which the State department would warn they would most likely find as the cause of any terrorism targeting American facilities overseas.


So, Trump is not going to be as pro-Israel as advertised, and why should he? Expecting President Trump to be more pro-Israel than Israel is ridiculous, as it should be. We learned this centuries ago and it was most succinctly stated by Rabbi Hillel who wisely asked, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?” When, as we mentioned yesterday, the Israeli Security Cabinet voted unanimously to delay discussion on any law annexing Maaleh Adumim, can we expect for President Trump to stick his neck out and move the American Embassy to Israel to Jerusalem when the Israelis main decision makers unanimously refused to even consider annexing just a suburb of East Jerusalem? Of course that would be ridiculous. For proof just read Hillel above and it plainly states that step one will always be us being for what we hold dear before we can expect others to act similarly in our interests. Perhaps it would be a good idea to inundate the members of the Knesset’s e-mails with copies of Hillel’s quote followed by a simply Yiddish question, “Nu?” implying to ask what have you done recently which changes anything. Israel acting weak and timid reflects on everything worldwide simply because Israel is the exemplary representation of Jewish pride and strength and of late Israel has shown neither for quite some time.


When Israel acts decisively and boldly projects strength and confidence taking whatever steps necessary to protect their people and the future of the Jewish State, it becomes reflected in the actions by Jews in the world and affects the way Jews are treated. When Israel demands respect as she did during the first half of her brief history, the world respected the Jews and allowed for Jews to be proud and live holding their heads high. As Israel has mired herself and given concession after concession with nothing to show for any of it as the land for peace more represented land for terrorism and Israel appeared weak and Jews started to wear long faces and are soon, if not already, hang their heads and shuffle along giving once again the image of the Jew ready to be kicked and ill-regarded. The ghetto Jews, as it had been called throughout much of modern history, was again the view. The Jews were those people who are to be blamed for all the ills in the world, all the wars, all the hatreds, all the destitution, all of any and every evil imaginable and the Jew could be kicked and spat upon and they would shuffle off accepting any scorn. This persona has become accepted on all too many college and university campuses in the developed world. As Israel is demeaned and seen as threatened and not really taking actions to protect themselves, this places the Jews across the world in jeopardy of attack and other forms of anti-Semitism. These acts have already made numerous cities across Europe actually dangerous to Jews to even so threatening that, as in Malmo, most of the Jews are packing up and departing. The numbers of Jews making Aliyah from France this past year was the highest since the end of World War II and many times the average for any year in the past half century. Further, the Arab world is using their oil wealth to finance those NGOs who coordinate numerous campus groups in anti-Israel and anti-Zionist programs with very obvious and well-coordinated demonstrations and events demeaning Israel and Zionism and by an extension anti-Semitism as many times these actions also lead to direct targeting of the Jews on the campus sometimes placing their lives and health in danger.


As noted in the articles linked above, there are campuses in Britain where Jews do not even apply as the atmosphere is that toxic. This is a direct result of Israeli passive resistance to terrorism and apparent trepidation to acting boldly to suppress those acting against her. This has to end but for that to come to pass Israel will need to elect a far more active and bold leadership. This can be done but first an election is necessary and the Israeli Zionists and related activists will need find and promote someone to lead one of the existing parties and then support that party with sufficient votes that they either are the party making the coalition or be the main partner in a coalition with sufficient influence to force definitive action. The United States election set in place an opportunity of a lifetime. The election of Donald Trump as President and the fact that for the first time in memory the House of Representatives, the Senate, the White House and soon even the United States Supreme Court will be Republican or conservative making support for Israel, especially as a fair percentage of Democrats in Congress also support Israel, a given, freeing Israel to act without any ramifications from Washington. This is a situation which has not been seen since the founding of the modern state of Israel and may never return again should it disappear in the next election, a certain possibility as the opponents to President Trump will throw everything they have to at least take back the House of Representatives if not also the Senate. There are no guarantees in American politics but the stars and planets have aligned along with the Congress and White House to favor a bold and take-action Israel, now all that is necessary is leadership willing to take action which will define the state of Israel and the state of Israeli politics for the foreseeable future.


The unfortunate unanimous vote by the Prime Minister’s Security Cabinet to delay considerations on annexing Maaleh Adumim must be laid in the lap of Prime Minister Netanyahu as well as any leaders of the presumed Zionist and Religious Zionist parties who are represented in the Security Cabinet such as Naftali Bennet. There can be no excuse other than fear of retributions from European nations who are acting with ill will already towards Israel and also allowing similar disregards for their Jewish citizens throughout their college and university communities and even in many cities and towns. The BDS movement is making strides thanks to the recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334 which was facilitated by President Obama who had been rumored was personally involved along with his Secretary of State John Kerry as a means of tying incoming President Trump’s hands in dealing with Israel and in the Middle East. The best way to counter the disastrous implications of that UNSC Resolution is strong and defined actions performed as an in your face Israeli response. The UNSC will not be following up and passing any similar or other damaging resolution against Israel as President Trump will reinstate the American veto of such damaging resolution in the UNSC. The message must be delivered to the Knesset that the irons are hot and it is time to put the hammer to anvil and beat out a favorable fait accompli. The time to annex not only Maaleh Adumim, but Bet El, Ariel, Betar Illit, Modi’in Illit, Har Gilo, Gush Etzion at the least and all of Judea and Samaria returning the PLO, Fatah, and all other terrorist affiliated persons to Tunis or wherever in Europe they would be welcome and give the Arab Palestinians their first hopes for a bright and unencumbered future free of the kleptocracy which has stolen all hope from them for the past near quarter of a century. Will the world, particularly Europe, explode in indignation? Probably, but ride out their initial explosion and with time they will tire of complaining and when things here in Israel settle and the Arabs are slowly but surely incorporated into Israeli society and their lives improve immeasurably, there will be less and less reason to protest eventually leaving no reasons to protest. The future with a secure Israel, and this should be the sole consideration of the Knesset, is with Israel with all the lands promised us between the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and not sharing it with any terrorist nest guaranteed to feed the world’s need to hate Israel, and by equal measure hate Jews. Israel could do more to guarantee her future and destroy anti-Semitism by simply annexing all of Judea and Samaria, removing those who would continue being a menace and reward those Arabs who desire living in peace with equality and security for all. By acting to assure Israel’s future and boldly protecting Israel, Israel would herself be combatting anti-Semitism in the world with better efficiency than any other actions could dream of accomplishing. The first question is can Netanyahu act or is he so damaged by the strains of leadership that he is no longer capable of acting definitively and securing the Israeli future? The last question is are the Zionist Israelis organized enough to start and continue programs and demonstrations demanding that the Knesset and the Prime Minister with his Security Cabinet act definitively with a minimum of delay as time is precious, and if we might repeat Rabbi Hillel, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?”


Beyond the Cusp 


January 24, 2017

Are There Any Zionists in the Prime Minister’s Cabinet?


The shock after Naftali Bennett boldly proclaimed that the Jewish Home Party he heads was going to go forward with the proposed annexation of Maaleh Adumim, a city of 40,000 residents just east of Jerusalem, unless Prime Minister gave him personal assurances and a detailed plan for the annexation of Judea and Samaria and security progress going forward; was that he once again fell for merely making a plea to Bibi to stroke him with kind words and warm promises which will freeze to death in the hard realities of world politics and expediency. If Minister of the Knesset Bennett received such a plan, could he at least inform the members of his party of such a plan or is the plan so secret that the Prime Minister made him promise not to say a word or even hint at the grand and wondrous plan which he must have had laid out for him as the Security Cabinet voted unanimously to delay discussion on any law annexing Maaleh Adumim. Not a single dissenting vote was cast and the agreement was to push any further discussion until some point after Prime Minister meets with President Trump some time in February. That is February allowing a month of opportunity to pass by and these opportunities will never be regained. I actually know people in the Jewish Home Party and when I asked them what they knew it turned out they knew exactly what I know or less. None had heard of any grand plan to annex any part of Judea and Samaria. Everyone from any political party and my fellow Zionists and the members of the two Synagogues I attend daily all have not heard of any grand plan and many had heard that Bibi was still stuck with pushing the Two State Solution.


Their impressions were that Bibi was so invested and so many of his advisors are afraid that if they attempt to annex any part of Judea and Samaria that Mahmoud Abbas might pack up and drop the entire mess into our hands while Hamas and Islamic Jihad, aided by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), attempt to also take control of Judea and Samaria. The best of their knowledge was that despite the massive shift and change in Washington D.C., the political elite in Israel still are fearful that they will be barred from visiting European nations or traveling places for vacation should they take definitive steps to annex any part of Judea and Samaria. They fear that they will no longer be able to shop in Paris, party along the French and Italian Riviera, attend conferences of inter-religious relations in Rome, ride the world’s tallest ferris wheel in London while visiting with the Queen, be able to ski the Swiss Alps, attend those elite cocktail and wine parties along rive gauche, those penthouse shindigs in Hollywood and Los Angeles and San Fran as well as the all-important New York, be able to talk before the General Assembly each fall at the opening ceremonies, be thrown out of the United Nations along with all the other organizations or simply no longer be amongst the beautiful people of our elitist world full of snobbish, secretive anti-Semites who deny Israel the rights granted under International Law because the Jews should not have their own nations as they are supposed to serve their betters around the globe and be thrown from the nation blamed for any ills absolving the leadership or any responsibility. The fact that Jews defend their own lands allowing them to act as if they are the equals of other nations thus making their own laws and running their own society actually offends these elites. They are the pretty people who have friends who are Jewish thus cannot be anti-Semites. They do not mention that their Jewish friends are polite Jews who know their place and act as they are expected and would never support Israel annexing Judea and Samaria. These good Jews do not support the Netanyahu government as he is so reactionary, right wing, conservative and possibly Zionist. They will lower themselves to allow some of these Israeli politicians and the elite of Israel society to visit and attend their parties as long as Israel behaves as they believe it should. Are these the people who are now influencing Israeli political decisions along with those loving Europeans who are joining BDS Movement one after the other but still will allow those certain Israelis to enter their country to visit as long as they behave properly and not do anything too offensive such as annex any parts of Judea, Samaria or Jerusalem. Somebody forgot to tell them that Israel already annexed East Jerusalem, so that bridge was crossed and will not be uncrossed despite European and other efforts to undo the annexation and award East Jerusalem to the Arab Palestinian terrorists despite knowing what will result. One can only believe that it is their desire to remove the Jews from their holy sites and make large areas of Jerusalem back into war zones. This reasoning also explains the UNESCO ruling that the Temple Mount and Kotel are Islamic with no history or relevance to Judaism or Christianity. It is the entirety of Judeo-Christian ethos and history which is under assault by the Western secular socialist elites who are embarrassed with their roots and historic past and are willing to tear down Western civilization and side with the barbarians promoting the most base cruelties which pervade Islamo-Facist Extremism.


Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases

Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases


What is disheartening about this Security Cabinet vote is it once again has proven the this “most right wing government in Israeli history,” as John Kerry and President Obama often referred to the Netanyahu headed coalitions as was a favorite description used by the mainstream media, has once again proven that it is the most craven government with the backbone of a jellyfish and just as toxic with its stinging rebuke of the very Zionism they claim to uphold. Rather than actually represent the religious Zionists which they are often accused of doing, this government led by Netanyahu has again stabbed the religious Zionists in their heart and their back by claiming the time is not right for any definitive actions such as annexing even the smallest of areas as it will inflame the world. Look around at the cities and areas across Europe rushing to boycott Israeli goods and perhaps you will realize the world is already inflamed with Israel even existing, they cannot be made any more inflamed and there is actually nothing to lose. As long as we are to be hated and the world will attempt to destroy us when we show weakness and fear, why not try boldness and firm reliance on our rights to the lands Hashem promised us, the Promised Lands, remember them? If we are going to go down in flames while being accused of being imperialist colonizers, can we at least act like one? These are our lands by every agreement made since we conquered these lands before London and Paris were more than small towns with dirt streets.


If we are to be hated, let it be for the right reason, let it be for religious by following Torah and inhabiting the lands, let it be for being Zionists and developing the lands, let it be that we stand proud and claim we are home to stay and are not the sniveling cowards hiding from every mean-spirited word or accusation. As trying to acquiesce to every demand and making every sacrifice demanded of us has led us to this juncture where we face looming isolation with our industries boycotted and demands for our extinction following one after the other, how about throwing out the playbook that we have been using for the past twenty or thirty years and try a different playbook. Here is an idea, let us use Torah as our guide on how to make friends and influence people. It tells us to walk boldly and confident in our lands and to guard the gifts that Hashem gave us with all our might. We are told to be proud and lead the world by example and not to hunker down until the time is right, the time will never be more right than it is right now. This is the right time. The new United States Administration, their new President, Donald Trump, and everything that they have done and shown has been a green light for Israel to end the sabotage which was laid upon our necks with the intended result to be the death of our state and the subjugation or murder of every Jews living in the world. What does our esteemed leadership think would happen to every Jew in Europe if there were no Israel today? If your picture is of a wonderful blooming of Jewish society accepted throughout Europe and the world if only we had never demanded and taken back our ancestral homeland, then you are sorely mistaken. If not for Israel the Europeans would be torn between forcing us from one town to the next always in a panic with a packed suitcase always by the door or simply herding us again to finish what was started by the Inquisitions, the Purifications and the Reformations all of which cast the Jew as the bane of society and a contaminant to be exterminated as vermin. That option no longer exists because at the first hint of such the Jews would flee to Israel and simply make Israel stronger. That is why their target is Israel; they cannot exterminate the Jews as long as they have a place of safe refuge. Do not perform this evil for those who would cast us into pits and bury us alive just to hear the muffled screams fade into silence and then rejoice. Annex all of Judea and Samaria now, cast the Palestinian Authority, Fatah, and every last terror related individual from within our shores and begin to give the Arabs who have been victims of the terror masters we allow to curse their daily lives a chance to experience life and not death. Let our being a light unto the nations start by being the beacon we must be for our own people. Act now and we are willing to bet that the nations of the world will sit up and take notice and will condemn us and make every threat available to them because they will be filled with fear and will attempt to push us back into that shrinking border they have envisioned for our eventual elimination. Once they realize they have lost that fight, then they will start to find some way of existing with the eventuality that Israel, her people and their leadership mean to remain a full member and equal amongst states in this world and that we are no longer those Jews who flee when a car backfired or a truck hits a large pothole because we are fearful of any loud noise. We must make the loud noise if we are to remain a viable and respected member amongst the nations. Read Torah and the rest of our Bible and it becomes obvious, the only times we were allowed to reside here in peace was when we were strong and the nations feared to anger us. When we were weak of will they conquered and enslaved and even attempted to exterminate us. Choose life. Choose strength. Choose to be the true saviors of Eretz Yisroel and make the full map of Israel that pictured above, anything less is a capitulation to anti-Semitism and agreement with the argument that Israel is a false state with no rights to exist. Either we have the rights to every millimeter of land west of the Jordan River or we have no right to any of the lands west of the Jordan River, there is no compromise. Acquiescing to allow another division of our lands is tantamount to agreeing that any claim to any lands are subject to the acceptance by our enemies and we are so afraid of our enemies who are so many and so strong that we will cower and take whatever morsel we are permitted by those enemies. Believe us when we inform you that our enemies do not plan on allowing us any land whatsoever. If we are to have any lands here in our ancestral homelands, then we will have to stand up for ourselves and proudly proclaim, “Am Yisroel Chai,” and with that ringing in our ears as well as those of our enemies, we must then proceed to claim what is rightfully ours. Weakness is how Jordanian-occupied Jewish lands became Arab lands for a new Arab State simply because when we offered to return the occupied lands to Jordan we signaled we were not interested in reclaiming our own land and that by inference we would not stand and defend any of our land, make us and the world realize that was then and this is now and now we are claiming every inch of our holy and precious lands and the world can go spit in the ocean if this unsettles them.


Beyond the Cusp


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