Beyond the Cusp

January 29, 2017

Trump Clinton, the Aftermath


Well, it actually is all over except the shouting, and there sure seems to be a whole lot of shouting. If you do not believe us, go visit Facebook and if your page is not filled with screaming heebie jeebies, well, then your friends either do not speak English or other major languages or your friends have never heard of this place called the United States of America. Just for your edification, right now they do not appear all that united. The winner of the election rightfully depends on how you figure the winner. By the rules set forth in the United States Constitution, Donald Trump won receiving the majority of the Electoral College Delegates and it was not even close. If, on the other hand, you play by whatever rules best support your argument, in this case the popular vote, then Hillary Clinton should be the President. But if you really want to be picky, then the Democrat candidate should have been the disenfranchised Bernie Sanders and everybody knows that he would have won, just ask his supporters, they’ll tell you all about how he was cheated and how he would have creamed Trump in the General election. Just in case you have not caught on, it’s complicated. To make matters even more bizarre, Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for President, did not win a single Electoral College Delegate but still demanded recounts in the three states which Hillary Clinton was closest to beating Donald Trump and would have, any two of the three, given Hillary Clinton the victory making her President. Just for clarity, Jill Stein had nothing to gain in any recount even if done by a blind supporter of her candidacy. For reasons that escaped those on the left, that includes most Hillary Clinton supporters and all of Jill Stein supporters, the courts refused the recount efforts and decreed that the recount request by Jill Stein was ridiculous because it could never have gained her any advantage. They were very polite not to dress her down for acting for Hillary Clinton and at the Clinton Campaign’s request that she be her agent so that Hillary could remain above the dirty down under shenanigans. So, the end result is Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, which is like saying she received over 60% of California and New York plus, for the record, over 90% of Washington D.C., which way outnumbered anything Texas could produce as it was almost close in Texas, 55% Trump, but Donald Trump received the most Electoral College Delegates, that is more states which were close such as Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and you get the idea, thus winning the Presidential race. For those having difficulty, if one were to be running for school president and each of the twelve levels of classes received one delegate and candidate A won three of the classes by fifty votes each but Candidate B won the remaining nine classes by three votes on average then Candidate B wins the election nine to three but loses the vote count by one-hundred-twenty-three votes.


Now let us give you the particulars. You will hear the claim that each person’s vote in Wyoming, the least populous state, was equal to a thousand votes in California, the most populous state, which explains why Hillary Clinton killing Donald Trump in California but losing Wyoming was important, that actually is how it is supposed to work. If the vote were straight popular vote would anybody ever campaign in Wyoming or Alaska or anywhere other than California, New York, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and Texas? Winning California, New York, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida would easily win you the popular vote but what about the remaining forty-three states, what are they, chopped liver? That was exactly what the Founding Fathers wished to avoid except in their day it was Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. The Electoral College is made up of five-hundred-thirty-five delegates. Each state receives two delegates to equal their number of Senators and then they get a delegate for each member of the House of Representatives. Every state is guaranteed a minimum of one Representative thus in the Electoral College Wyoming gets three delegates and California gets fifty-five delegates. The population of California is many times greater than the population of Wyoming, sufficient that seventy-five delegates might be a closer representation of the difference, but that is not the rule and the rules for the election were clear, crystal clear, at the beginning of the campaign. Despite knowing that she would win in California and New York, Hillary Clinton still campaigned in both states as if they were in question and crucial to her winning yet she spent little if any time in Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Michigan believing they too were guaranteed. They were not. Still, the screaming will continue as if a great miscarriage of justice has been committed because Hillary Clinton was owed the Presidency and Donald Trump is a poser.


So, what is the truth behind this election? Well, first off is Donald Trump is not worthy of the office of President, but then again neither was Hillary Clinton. Probably there might have been a third party or independent candidate worthy but the actual reality is the only ones with any hope of winning were the two major party candidates. So, what are the American people to do when both parties put up such candidates? They chose, it is that simple. Truth of the matter is that there are likely a fair number of people who voted for Donald Trump who now wish they had not but had Hillary Clinton won there would have likely been a near equal number of people upset with having voted for her. When the vast majority of the people are voting against one candidate rather than supporting the candidate receiving their vote, there can be no validated winner. That aside, the fact is Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton by three-hundred-six delegates to two-hundred-thirty-two delegates. That is an electoral landslide despite losing the popular vote. That leaves a vast number of disgruntled Americans facing a President who feels he has an electoral mandate. The media will do what it is able to deprive Donald Trump of any feelings of great victory be constantly questioning his victory and claiming he stole the Presidential election. Even the more conservative and Republican friendly media will not be all that favorable to Donald Trump thus he is unlikely to have many friends anywhere along the political landscape. But there are those who claim, us included, that if you are making everybody angry then you are probably being extremely fair as nobody likes a fair decision, they want their side to obviously win.


Still, the question is what choice was there when both candidates were so obviously flawed? The honest truth was the election was more about which candidate was going to lose, not who would win. Hillary lost the election far more than Trump won the election. Each candidate received more of their votes from people scared to death of the other candidate in the White House. As it turned out, more voters in more states were terrified of the Clinton Foundation and the pay to play politics than they were of a complete clown and poser playing at President for the next four years. More people over a wider geographic area felt that Trump could and would do less damage to the nation than Clinton. There were no great expectations or value voters but had there been such, they voted Trump over Clinton. The reality was once Hillary Clinton campaigned in a single speech that she would be President Obama’s third term she lost. Her repeating that mantra cost her the election as the states between the great mountain ranges, the Appalachians and the Rockies, voted all but unanimously for Trump. Hillary won the megalopolises and Trump the smaller cities, towns and countryside. This election was very much similar to the Truman defeat of Dewey by taking rural America over the cities. That election was initially called for Dewey famously by the Chicago Daily Tribune leading to the famous picture of Truman holding up that paper with the headline of “Dewey Defeats Truman” at his victory party. There was one news magazine which had reported a Clinton victory in the election thus history repeated itself except we had to fake the picture. This election will be exciting demonstrations and questions about what will be and might have been. No matter which side of the argument you sit, you cannot win on Facebook. To be honest, Facebook has gotten borderline toxic no matter who you supported as the extremes are ruling the posting wars. If you can survive more than fifteen minutes either you are ignoring the vast majority of posts or you have apolitical friends. All we can request is please bring back the kitten and puppy pictures and funny videos, please.


Dewey Defeats Truman and Clinton Defeats Trump Headlines Then and Now

Dewey Defeats Truman and
Clinton Defeats Trump
Headlines Then and Now


The future will debate on into infinity what would have been and what was. There will be predictions of how different things would be and debates over if Trump or Clinton really is the anti-Christ. Trump is the President and the best thing we all can do is pray that he makes at least mostly good choices. We also need remember that many of the things Trump will do, that can be reversed in the future just as things President Obama did are now being altered or nixed all together. That is how the American system functions, or malfunctions, all depending on whether your side is in power or not. After four years the American people will be given the opportunity to decide if Donald Trump was a worthy President or not. First the Republicans will get to decide whether to run Trump again or not and then the people will get a chance if the Republicans have not replaced him. Then there is the chance that Trump will decide four years of the bearing the responsibilities is a bit much for him and not run for reelection. It is possible as it has probably happened before like when Lyndon Baines Johnson decided not to run for another term seeing he would definitely have lost and did not want that on his resume. Whatever the case will be, in two years the entire House of Representatives is up for election and one third of the Senate, which leaves a large amount of potential change if people decide that the nation is going in the wrong direction still. This election was somewhat about the direction of the nation with Hillary Clinton claiming to retain the status quo and Donald Trump being the agent for change, radical change. What was interesting is that radical change won as that is uncharacteristic of the American voters and has seldom been the case. The last time such was chosen was Ronald Reagan, not to draw even the slightest of comparisons though if Donald Trump does half as much good he will have been a success. That will likely get some reactions claiming we are insane if we believe Reagan was a good President and that it was Carter’s policies of freedom that broke the Soviet empire down. That is the belief in some circles; fortunately we travel largely in equilateral triangles so as not to get dizzy. All that can be said in honesty now is may Donald Trump be guided by the better angels and produce good for the largest numbers of peoples as he is able with the limited amount of power he legally wields and may he only wield those defined powers.


Beyond the Cusp 


January 24, 2017

Are There Any Zionists in the Prime Minister’s Cabinet?


The shock after Naftali Bennett boldly proclaimed that the Jewish Home Party he heads was going to go forward with the proposed annexation of Maaleh Adumim, a city of 40,000 residents just east of Jerusalem, unless Prime Minister gave him personal assurances and a detailed plan for the annexation of Judea and Samaria and security progress going forward; was that he once again fell for merely making a plea to Bibi to stroke him with kind words and warm promises which will freeze to death in the hard realities of world politics and expediency. If Minister of the Knesset Bennett received such a plan, could he at least inform the members of his party of such a plan or is the plan so secret that the Prime Minister made him promise not to say a word or even hint at the grand and wondrous plan which he must have had laid out for him as the Security Cabinet voted unanimously to delay discussion on any law annexing Maaleh Adumim. Not a single dissenting vote was cast and the agreement was to push any further discussion until some point after Prime Minister meets with President Trump some time in February. That is February allowing a month of opportunity to pass by and these opportunities will never be regained. I actually know people in the Jewish Home Party and when I asked them what they knew it turned out they knew exactly what I know or less. None had heard of any grand plan to annex any part of Judea and Samaria. Everyone from any political party and my fellow Zionists and the members of the two Synagogues I attend daily all have not heard of any grand plan and many had heard that Bibi was still stuck with pushing the Two State Solution.


Their impressions were that Bibi was so invested and so many of his advisors are afraid that if they attempt to annex any part of Judea and Samaria that Mahmoud Abbas might pack up and drop the entire mess into our hands while Hamas and Islamic Jihad, aided by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), attempt to also take control of Judea and Samaria. The best of their knowledge was that despite the massive shift and change in Washington D.C., the political elite in Israel still are fearful that they will be barred from visiting European nations or traveling places for vacation should they take definitive steps to annex any part of Judea and Samaria. They fear that they will no longer be able to shop in Paris, party along the French and Italian Riviera, attend conferences of inter-religious relations in Rome, ride the world’s tallest ferris wheel in London while visiting with the Queen, be able to ski the Swiss Alps, attend those elite cocktail and wine parties along rive gauche, those penthouse shindigs in Hollywood and Los Angeles and San Fran as well as the all-important New York, be able to talk before the General Assembly each fall at the opening ceremonies, be thrown out of the United Nations along with all the other organizations or simply no longer be amongst the beautiful people of our elitist world full of snobbish, secretive anti-Semites who deny Israel the rights granted under International Law because the Jews should not have their own nations as they are supposed to serve their betters around the globe and be thrown from the nation blamed for any ills absolving the leadership or any responsibility. The fact that Jews defend their own lands allowing them to act as if they are the equals of other nations thus making their own laws and running their own society actually offends these elites. They are the pretty people who have friends who are Jewish thus cannot be anti-Semites. They do not mention that their Jewish friends are polite Jews who know their place and act as they are expected and would never support Israel annexing Judea and Samaria. These good Jews do not support the Netanyahu government as he is so reactionary, right wing, conservative and possibly Zionist. They will lower themselves to allow some of these Israeli politicians and the elite of Israel society to visit and attend their parties as long as Israel behaves as they believe it should. Are these the people who are now influencing Israeli political decisions along with those loving Europeans who are joining BDS Movement one after the other but still will allow those certain Israelis to enter their country to visit as long as they behave properly and not do anything too offensive such as annex any parts of Judea, Samaria or Jerusalem. Somebody forgot to tell them that Israel already annexed East Jerusalem, so that bridge was crossed and will not be uncrossed despite European and other efforts to undo the annexation and award East Jerusalem to the Arab Palestinian terrorists despite knowing what will result. One can only believe that it is their desire to remove the Jews from their holy sites and make large areas of Jerusalem back into war zones. This reasoning also explains the UNESCO ruling that the Temple Mount and Kotel are Islamic with no history or relevance to Judaism or Christianity. It is the entirety of Judeo-Christian ethos and history which is under assault by the Western secular socialist elites who are embarrassed with their roots and historic past and are willing to tear down Western civilization and side with the barbarians promoting the most base cruelties which pervade Islamo-Facist Extremism.


Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases

Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases


What is disheartening about this Security Cabinet vote is it once again has proven the this “most right wing government in Israeli history,” as John Kerry and President Obama often referred to the Netanyahu headed coalitions as was a favorite description used by the mainstream media, has once again proven that it is the most craven government with the backbone of a jellyfish and just as toxic with its stinging rebuke of the very Zionism they claim to uphold. Rather than actually represent the religious Zionists which they are often accused of doing, this government led by Netanyahu has again stabbed the religious Zionists in their heart and their back by claiming the time is not right for any definitive actions such as annexing even the smallest of areas as it will inflame the world. Look around at the cities and areas across Europe rushing to boycott Israeli goods and perhaps you will realize the world is already inflamed with Israel even existing, they cannot be made any more inflamed and there is actually nothing to lose. As long as we are to be hated and the world will attempt to destroy us when we show weakness and fear, why not try boldness and firm reliance on our rights to the lands Hashem promised us, the Promised Lands, remember them? If we are going to go down in flames while being accused of being imperialist colonizers, can we at least act like one? These are our lands by every agreement made since we conquered these lands before London and Paris were more than small towns with dirt streets.


If we are to be hated, let it be for the right reason, let it be for religious by following Torah and inhabiting the lands, let it be for being Zionists and developing the lands, let it be that we stand proud and claim we are home to stay and are not the sniveling cowards hiding from every mean-spirited word or accusation. As trying to acquiesce to every demand and making every sacrifice demanded of us has led us to this juncture where we face looming isolation with our industries boycotted and demands for our extinction following one after the other, how about throwing out the playbook that we have been using for the past twenty or thirty years and try a different playbook. Here is an idea, let us use Torah as our guide on how to make friends and influence people. It tells us to walk boldly and confident in our lands and to guard the gifts that Hashem gave us with all our might. We are told to be proud and lead the world by example and not to hunker down until the time is right, the time will never be more right than it is right now. This is the right time. The new United States Administration, their new President, Donald Trump, and everything that they have done and shown has been a green light for Israel to end the sabotage which was laid upon our necks with the intended result to be the death of our state and the subjugation or murder of every Jews living in the world. What does our esteemed leadership think would happen to every Jew in Europe if there were no Israel today? If your picture is of a wonderful blooming of Jewish society accepted throughout Europe and the world if only we had never demanded and taken back our ancestral homeland, then you are sorely mistaken. If not for Israel the Europeans would be torn between forcing us from one town to the next always in a panic with a packed suitcase always by the door or simply herding us again to finish what was started by the Inquisitions, the Purifications and the Reformations all of which cast the Jew as the bane of society and a contaminant to be exterminated as vermin. That option no longer exists because at the first hint of such the Jews would flee to Israel and simply make Israel stronger. That is why their target is Israel; they cannot exterminate the Jews as long as they have a place of safe refuge. Do not perform this evil for those who would cast us into pits and bury us alive just to hear the muffled screams fade into silence and then rejoice. Annex all of Judea and Samaria now, cast the Palestinian Authority, Fatah, and every last terror related individual from within our shores and begin to give the Arabs who have been victims of the terror masters we allow to curse their daily lives a chance to experience life and not death. Let our being a light unto the nations start by being the beacon we must be for our own people. Act now and we are willing to bet that the nations of the world will sit up and take notice and will condemn us and make every threat available to them because they will be filled with fear and will attempt to push us back into that shrinking border they have envisioned for our eventual elimination. Once they realize they have lost that fight, then they will start to find some way of existing with the eventuality that Israel, her people and their leadership mean to remain a full member and equal amongst states in this world and that we are no longer those Jews who flee when a car backfired or a truck hits a large pothole because we are fearful of any loud noise. We must make the loud noise if we are to remain a viable and respected member amongst the nations. Read Torah and the rest of our Bible and it becomes obvious, the only times we were allowed to reside here in peace was when we were strong and the nations feared to anger us. When we were weak of will they conquered and enslaved and even attempted to exterminate us. Choose life. Choose strength. Choose to be the true saviors of Eretz Yisroel and make the full map of Israel that pictured above, anything less is a capitulation to anti-Semitism and agreement with the argument that Israel is a false state with no rights to exist. Either we have the rights to every millimeter of land west of the Jordan River or we have no right to any of the lands west of the Jordan River, there is no compromise. Acquiescing to allow another division of our lands is tantamount to agreeing that any claim to any lands are subject to the acceptance by our enemies and we are so afraid of our enemies who are so many and so strong that we will cower and take whatever morsel we are permitted by those enemies. Believe us when we inform you that our enemies do not plan on allowing us any land whatsoever. If we are to have any lands here in our ancestral homelands, then we will have to stand up for ourselves and proudly proclaim, “Am Yisroel Chai,” and with that ringing in our ears as well as those of our enemies, we must then proceed to claim what is rightfully ours. Weakness is how Jordanian-occupied Jewish lands became Arab lands for a new Arab State simply because when we offered to return the occupied lands to Jordan we signaled we were not interested in reclaiming our own land and that by inference we would not stand and defend any of our land, make us and the world realize that was then and this is now and now we are claiming every inch of our holy and precious lands and the world can go spit in the ocean if this unsettles them.


Beyond the Cusp


January 22, 2017

The Clocks Are Ticking Bibi


We understand that for a brief period you might slowly back away from your pushing the Two State Solution and replace it with a final ultimatum to Mahmoud Abbas, negotiate in good faith or all agreements are now null and void. Set a deadline like, oh, say the first of July, or perhaps June. Then, when Mahmoud Abbas instead makes demands at the United Nations General Assembly claiming that Israel refuses to negotiate honestly, remind him that technically the Oslo Accords had an end by date which was passed long ago and any allowance Israel has made by not deporting him and his merry band of cutthroats has been good faith times ten. Then remind him of the deadline and that this is as far as Israel is willing to extend the moribund Oslo Accords. Remind him that once the Oslo Accords are made defunct, that he no longer has any authority and his Security Force of enforcer thugs will be disarmed and disbanded as Israel will be reclaiming her weapons and enforcing all Israeli laws about firearm ownership. Further, point out that abiding by International Law that once the Oslo Accords are considered abrogated, that there is no Palestinian Authority and the PLO returns to being a terrorist organization and Fatah has no standing as it only existed to serve as the terrorist party which ran the Palestinian Authority as a dictatorship. Remind Abbas that his term of office ended years ago and that Israel will be holding new election across the areas of Judea and Samaria for local offices in every town and city. These elections will be monitored by Israel and Fatah will not be on any ballots because he and his merry band of thieves are going to be back in Tunis or wherever they can find someplace which will accept them. You might want to mention that Syria is the default location for his banishment so he had best find someplace a little less terrifying unless Syria suits his ideas for the future. That is what should happen and what many Israelis are hoping will happen.


President Obama is gone and United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334 is an advisory resolution with no enforcement or even advisory status and the nations who are now committing to boycotts are using UNSC Res 2334 as their cover and would use anything they might ever find, even a call from Mahmoud Abbas or any of his henchmen as reason for boycotting Israel. You will notice their boycotts are selective in that they are only boycotting items which they are able to buy elsewhere and not Israeli technology, medical breakthroughs, agricultural developments, communication devices and all other wonders from Israel and aiming for retail items. Perhaps Israel should start a boycott of the nations who are boycotting Israel by refusing to allow them anything Israeli, except that is not how Israel or the Jewish People work as we try to be a better people by not stooping to the low levels others may take against us. Israel refuses to give up on peace despite everything that has worked to make that overly costly and cheated us of the lands we were promised by the world for over fifty years. We gave peace and the Arab Palestinians every opportunity including the Gaza Strip to show their true colors and their idea of what peace should be. They showed they defined peace as dead Jews, an Israel bombed and rocketed back to the Stone Age and in ruins, a desolate ruin with six-million Jews murdered, preferably in their sleep as that makes them unable to fight back. Whenever they attempted to destroy Israel by force they failed because we fought back, period. Every time Israel made a concession, surrendered control of land to the Arabs or anything else to forge peace we were answered with violence and terrorism. No more as we have had enough and we demand our government give our ultimatum and make peace now or end the farce.


When we elected your party we did so because we desired an end to the roundabout of demands followed by terror attacks followed by further demands then terrorism over and over endlessly and we were told that this would end. Then came President Obama and a threat over our heads held by the United States President who had nothing but spite and hate for Israel and religious Jews. He favored Iran controlling the Middle East and Israel a secondary power and soon to be a relic talked of fondly as they always do once the Jews have been defeated. After the Shoah we heard the sorrow and apologies and the claims of “We didn’t know.” The lies and the regrets over the dead Jews when the real sorrow was there were live Jews who were now demanding their nation which had been promised already for twenty years and counting. The British did everything they were able to arm the Arabs who were dedicated to murdering the Jewish State at her birth and who rose up with the Mufti of Jerusalem, the Mufti just returned from spending the war in Berlin and attending the Wannsee Conference where he was considered an advisor and expert on how to address the Jewish Problem. There exist reports which give the Mufti credit with suggesting that the Jews be liquidated completely and requested that when the Nazis conquered the Middle East and allowed him to rule it that they assist him with what would be his Jewish Problem. He definitely organized militias and rear attacks by numerous Arab villages during the war of elimination waged against Israel in 1948. The Mufti of Jerusalem commanded a division called the Arab Brigade which was made up of Arabs who had been living alongside the Jews in the lands of the British Mandate west of the Jordan River. These forces already held most of Jerusalem and much of Judean Hills and Samaria as well as parts of the Galilee and Negev as well as what is today called the Arab Triangle in the southeastern Galilee bordering Judea and were well armed allowing the Arab armies from six nations plus volunteers to gain large swaths of what the world had promised Israel including all of Jerusalem. It took the Israelis most of a year to slowly regain land and open a road to Jerusalem and manage to take the western end of Jerusalem but were unable to take the Old City, Temple Mount and much of the historic Jewish Capital City. When that war was ended we heard again how sorry the world was that they had to allow the Arabs to retain lands which were promised Israel. They then armed the Arabs and by 1967 they were ready to try and extinguish Israel once again. The world was quick to stop that war after one week as it became obvious after Israel surrounded the Egyptian Third Army in the Sinai Peninsula, had taken the Golan Heights and were a threat to Damascus and pushed Jordan from the areas of Judea and Samaria and liberated all of Jerusalem. The world was again sorry that they did not allow Israel to force their enemies to surrender but instead allowed them a noble end to the fighting. Then they regretted but started demanding Israel return land, just land and later the land and now all the land. The world is sorry so they demand to set up a rematch this time with Hamas and Hezballah along with Iran and who knows who else. Bibi, the world is always sorry and we always accept their apology. Let us give them a reason to be sorry again except this time because we asserted to take that which is ours.


Mufti of Jerusalem During Nazi World War II Where He Met the Highest Officers And Attended the Wannsee Conference

Mufti of Jerusalem During Nazi World War II
Where He Met the Highest Officers
And Attended the Wannsee Conference


There is no more threat coming from out of Washington D.C. and we have a friend in the White House. We need act because any friend in the White House will face pressures from the enemies of Israel and her Jews in the American government. They exist in the State Department through and through and they are at the United Nations and a swarm of hundreds of antagonistic NGO’s plus enemies in the Congress and who knows where else. All of these will begin pestering President Donald Trump making his life difficult and being such a bother that eventually he will simply grant them a morsel just for a moment’s peace. That will be a brief respite before the spite returns and demands another morsel. We must act before he is forced to grant that first morsel because once that has happened, we will have lost our golden opportunity. Opportunities for Israel and for Jews are a rare and seldom held jewel. Often when these rare jewels do arrive we find that many amongst us become timid and worry that perhaps we need consider the ramifications of acting too fast. They demand we stop and debate the best course. They want a plan laid out with every step planned and the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed before even taking that first step. Our enemies do not plan; they simply attack and attack never giving a moments rest to those who try to assist us. They cannot help us more than we help ourselves. When we falter, they falter as they are not going to stand someplace we refuse to stand ourselves. We must stand forth now and make our position known and strongly stated. We must make the alternative to Abbas negotiating honestly and immediately with our relegating the Oslo accords to the trash bin of history where it should have been tossed years ago. Time ran out on Oslo long ago during the last century and Oslo II has also passed its use by date and belongs next to Oslo in that trash bin of history. The lands of Judea and Samaria belong to Israel by International Law and we all know this. Time has come to annex them and unite them with the rest of Israel. The first thing after that will be to extend Israeli law to all of Judea and Samaria and allow for the sale of land by its owner to whomever they please for whatever price they are able to get without any threat of death from their government. We must bring the rule of law equally to the Arabs who have been deprived their true freedom to grow and gain wealth. Within the first six months there should be elections in every town, city, community and hamlet and the disbanding of the Palestinian authority. Mahmoud Abbas and the rest of the officers and Security Forces need be fully vetted and if any link to terrorism is found, then they need to be deported. There is an alternative and that is to hold an open and free election in Judea and Samaria and allow the Arabs to choose leadership. All the candidates must be vetted by Israel and be free from any terrorist ties. Regular Israeli laws must be extended to all of Judea and Samaria should Abbas refuse again to negotiate in good faith. Breaking off negotiations or demanding unacceptable conditions will not be tolerated and there should be a deadline for reaching an agreement or Israel annexes everything. No more the Arabs demand, break negotiations and then pick up demanding additional concessions before breaking off negotiations again and repeating this in efforts to gain everything without giving in on anything. This has to end now.


The end must come within this first six months as to expect President Trump to tolerate endless fake negotiations is ridiculous. Making the Israelis put up with terrorists governing Judea and Samaria teaching hatreds raising generation after generation of new terrorists is unacceptable. All of this ridiculous allowing endless terrorism with wave after wave must not be tolerated any further. The time has come and the opportunity with it for Israel to demand an end. We, the Israeli people, your people, we have endured intifadas, rocket attacks in the thousands, terrorists tunneling under our towns and coming up near our schools and kindergartens threatening our children. No more terror and safety for our children and ourselves. We demand life and our government should provide us with everything for the safety of our towns, cities, kibbutzim and every last farmhouse. No more terror, no more rockets, no more intifadas and no more incitement which will grant us life because our enemies are correct, we choose life and we value life. The Arabs likely also would choose life providing their lives were made worth living. Under the terrorist government they suffer, their lives are made worthless and their opportunities are stolen before they can be realized. Israel must change that for them because doing this and giving them freedom and opportunity will change their views and many will choose life for themselves and their children. We must choose life and give the Arabs the opportunity to choose life and make life worth choosing. The real thing that is debated and negotiated is and always has been life, our lives and the chance for the Arabs to live free as well. Now is the time that we can make this be a real opportunity for the Arabs and giving them the opportunity to thrive and be really alive, will make a real difference and that opportunity cannot be squandered. Too many times we have squandered real opportunities and we the Israelis demand this one not be lost. If you are unable to commit to progress and life for all within our lands then please resign and hold an election so we can find somebody willing to act and do that which is required to make good on this opportunity we have been presented. We want to choose life and freedom without the fear of terror which had plagued us since Oslo and shortly before committed to push us to the false Oslo promise which was actually a promise of a slow death. We choose life, end this tracking of death and let us choose life.


Beyond the Cusp


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