Beyond the Cusp

January 29, 2017

Trump Clinton, the Aftermath


Well, it actually is all over except the shouting, and there sure seems to be a whole lot of shouting. If you do not believe us, go visit Facebook and if your page is not filled with screaming heebie jeebies, well, then your friends either do not speak English or other major languages or your friends have never heard of this place called the United States of America. Just for your edification, right now they do not appear all that united. The winner of the election rightfully depends on how you figure the winner. By the rules set forth in the United States Constitution, Donald Trump won receiving the majority of the Electoral College Delegates and it was not even close. If, on the other hand, you play by whatever rules best support your argument, in this case the popular vote, then Hillary Clinton should be the President. But if you really want to be picky, then the Democrat candidate should have been the disenfranchised Bernie Sanders and everybody knows that he would have won, just ask his supporters, they’ll tell you all about how he was cheated and how he would have creamed Trump in the General election. Just in case you have not caught on, it’s complicated. To make matters even more bizarre, Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate for President, did not win a single Electoral College Delegate but still demanded recounts in the three states which Hillary Clinton was closest to beating Donald Trump and would have, any two of the three, given Hillary Clinton the victory making her President. Just for clarity, Jill Stein had nothing to gain in any recount even if done by a blind supporter of her candidacy. For reasons that escaped those on the left, that includes most Hillary Clinton supporters and all of Jill Stein supporters, the courts refused the recount efforts and decreed that the recount request by Jill Stein was ridiculous because it could never have gained her any advantage. They were very polite not to dress her down for acting for Hillary Clinton and at the Clinton Campaign’s request that she be her agent so that Hillary could remain above the dirty down under shenanigans. So, the end result is Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, which is like saying she received over 60% of California and New York plus, for the record, over 90% of Washington D.C., which way outnumbered anything Texas could produce as it was almost close in Texas, 55% Trump, but Donald Trump received the most Electoral College Delegates, that is more states which were close such as Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and you get the idea, thus winning the Presidential race. For those having difficulty, if one were to be running for school president and each of the twelve levels of classes received one delegate and candidate A won three of the classes by fifty votes each but Candidate B won the remaining nine classes by three votes on average then Candidate B wins the election nine to three but loses the vote count by one-hundred-twenty-three votes.


Now let us give you the particulars. You will hear the claim that each person’s vote in Wyoming, the least populous state, was equal to a thousand votes in California, the most populous state, which explains why Hillary Clinton killing Donald Trump in California but losing Wyoming was important, that actually is how it is supposed to work. If the vote were straight popular vote would anybody ever campaign in Wyoming or Alaska or anywhere other than California, New York, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and Texas? Winning California, New York, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida would easily win you the popular vote but what about the remaining forty-three states, what are they, chopped liver? That was exactly what the Founding Fathers wished to avoid except in their day it was Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. The Electoral College is made up of five-hundred-thirty-five delegates. Each state receives two delegates to equal their number of Senators and then they get a delegate for each member of the House of Representatives. Every state is guaranteed a minimum of one Representative thus in the Electoral College Wyoming gets three delegates and California gets fifty-five delegates. The population of California is many times greater than the population of Wyoming, sufficient that seventy-five delegates might be a closer representation of the difference, but that is not the rule and the rules for the election were clear, crystal clear, at the beginning of the campaign. Despite knowing that she would win in California and New York, Hillary Clinton still campaigned in both states as if they were in question and crucial to her winning yet she spent little if any time in Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Michigan believing they too were guaranteed. They were not. Still, the screaming will continue as if a great miscarriage of justice has been committed because Hillary Clinton was owed the Presidency and Donald Trump is a poser.


So, what is the truth behind this election? Well, first off is Donald Trump is not worthy of the office of President, but then again neither was Hillary Clinton. Probably there might have been a third party or independent candidate worthy but the actual reality is the only ones with any hope of winning were the two major party candidates. So, what are the American people to do when both parties put up such candidates? They chose, it is that simple. Truth of the matter is that there are likely a fair number of people who voted for Donald Trump who now wish they had not but had Hillary Clinton won there would have likely been a near equal number of people upset with having voted for her. When the vast majority of the people are voting against one candidate rather than supporting the candidate receiving their vote, there can be no validated winner. That aside, the fact is Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton by three-hundred-six delegates to two-hundred-thirty-two delegates. That is an electoral landslide despite losing the popular vote. That leaves a vast number of disgruntled Americans facing a President who feels he has an electoral mandate. The media will do what it is able to deprive Donald Trump of any feelings of great victory be constantly questioning his victory and claiming he stole the Presidential election. Even the more conservative and Republican friendly media will not be all that favorable to Donald Trump thus he is unlikely to have many friends anywhere along the political landscape. But there are those who claim, us included, that if you are making everybody angry then you are probably being extremely fair as nobody likes a fair decision, they want their side to obviously win.


Still, the question is what choice was there when both candidates were so obviously flawed? The honest truth was the election was more about which candidate was going to lose, not who would win. Hillary lost the election far more than Trump won the election. Each candidate received more of their votes from people scared to death of the other candidate in the White House. As it turned out, more voters in more states were terrified of the Clinton Foundation and the pay to play politics than they were of a complete clown and poser playing at President for the next four years. More people over a wider geographic area felt that Trump could and would do less damage to the nation than Clinton. There were no great expectations or value voters but had there been such, they voted Trump over Clinton. The reality was once Hillary Clinton campaigned in a single speech that she would be President Obama’s third term she lost. Her repeating that mantra cost her the election as the states between the great mountain ranges, the Appalachians and the Rockies, voted all but unanimously for Trump. Hillary won the megalopolises and Trump the smaller cities, towns and countryside. This election was very much similar to the Truman defeat of Dewey by taking rural America over the cities. That election was initially called for Dewey famously by the Chicago Daily Tribune leading to the famous picture of Truman holding up that paper with the headline of “Dewey Defeats Truman” at his victory party. There was one news magazine which had reported a Clinton victory in the election thus history repeated itself except we had to fake the picture. This election will be exciting demonstrations and questions about what will be and might have been. No matter which side of the argument you sit, you cannot win on Facebook. To be honest, Facebook has gotten borderline toxic no matter who you supported as the extremes are ruling the posting wars. If you can survive more than fifteen minutes either you are ignoring the vast majority of posts or you have apolitical friends. All we can request is please bring back the kitten and puppy pictures and funny videos, please.


Dewey Defeats Truman and Clinton Defeats Trump Headlines Then and Now

Dewey Defeats Truman and
Clinton Defeats Trump
Headlines Then and Now


The future will debate on into infinity what would have been and what was. There will be predictions of how different things would be and debates over if Trump or Clinton really is the anti-Christ. Trump is the President and the best thing we all can do is pray that he makes at least mostly good choices. We also need remember that many of the things Trump will do, that can be reversed in the future just as things President Obama did are now being altered or nixed all together. That is how the American system functions, or malfunctions, all depending on whether your side is in power or not. After four years the American people will be given the opportunity to decide if Donald Trump was a worthy President or not. First the Republicans will get to decide whether to run Trump again or not and then the people will get a chance if the Republicans have not replaced him. Then there is the chance that Trump will decide four years of the bearing the responsibilities is a bit much for him and not run for reelection. It is possible as it has probably happened before like when Lyndon Baines Johnson decided not to run for another term seeing he would definitely have lost and did not want that on his resume. Whatever the case will be, in two years the entire House of Representatives is up for election and one third of the Senate, which leaves a large amount of potential change if people decide that the nation is going in the wrong direction still. This election was somewhat about the direction of the nation with Hillary Clinton claiming to retain the status quo and Donald Trump being the agent for change, radical change. What was interesting is that radical change won as that is uncharacteristic of the American voters and has seldom been the case. The last time such was chosen was Ronald Reagan, not to draw even the slightest of comparisons though if Donald Trump does half as much good he will have been a success. That will likely get some reactions claiming we are insane if we believe Reagan was a good President and that it was Carter’s policies of freedom that broke the Soviet empire down. That is the belief in some circles; fortunately we travel largely in equilateral triangles so as not to get dizzy. All that can be said in honesty now is may Donald Trump be guided by the better angels and produce good for the largest numbers of peoples as he is able with the limited amount of power he legally wields and may he only wield those defined powers.


Beyond the Cusp 


October 2, 2016

A Prayer Need be on Every Trump Supporter’s Lips


If one were to take a poll of answers of what prayer and number one concern should preoccupy every Donald Trump supporter’s lips and minds, they would get a wide and varied plethora of answers. Many would say their concern and prayer would focus on his being able to focus on the game plan and path laid out by his handlers and advisors. Others would pray for him to develop discipline as that is the most apparent trait of which Donald Trump has a deficiency. Then there is the general wish for him to stay on message of exclaiming Hillary Clinton’s numerous short-comings. There are those who want the e-mails in slot one with others wanting Benghazi to lead the list while others want the financial shenanigans and the Clinton Foundation misadventures. Some want that she sold State Department and other favors for donations to the Clinton Foundation or to her campaign funds and related 501C NGO’s, to be broadcast at every turn. Others simply want her to be pressed by Donald Trump in the remaining debates forcing her to exhibit the nasty temperament she tries so hard to conceal to be forced out on the stage of those world broadcasts. Almost all of these prayers and concerns focus on Donald Trump proving that Hillary is not fit for the office while exhibiting his qualities to be President. Believe it or not, all of these concerns or prayers miss what probably could be the single most important item, Hillary’s health and other problems remaining contained long enough for her to reach Election Day still on the ballot.


The problem comes for Donald Trump is that he and Hillary Clinton both have monstrous negatives with groups of the population that would never have voted for any Democrat or Republican. These people are not the problem for either candidate because diehard Democrats disgusted over Donald Trump on the ballot and similarly dedicated Republicans reviled by Hillary Clinton are all equally of no concern to either candidate. Now Democrats who are fighting their conscience in order to vote for Hillary Clinton and Republicans fighting their revulsion to vote for Donald Trump are very important as are those who are choosing third party or even voting across their party line and supporting the other major candidate are of paramount importance to both candidates. These are the voters who will be deciding this election and may even bring some surprises in any purple state and potentially even solid blue and red states. This means that both candidates are fortunate that their opponent also has a similar difficulty in retaining their party’s support. With both candidates facing a challenge in getting out their party vote, as many in each party are less than enthused over their party’s candidate, it will come down to which candidate gets their supporters to the polls and possibly gets sufficient disgusted members of their opponent’s party to the polls to vote for the opposing party. There is one more item which will have an effect one way or potentially the other; and that is Hillary Clinton’s health. So, what are the signs?


First Debate with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

First Debate with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump


Well, Hillary Clinton completely collapsed at a 911 memorial ceremony. The claims that she had been suffering from pneumonia leaves other suspicions. Her smiling and almost chatty disposition and apparent robotic-like movements have left rumors that Hillary had been filled with questionable medications or stimulants to allow her to make it through the ninety-minute debate last Monday. That smile which gave the appearance of the smile worn by The Joker in the Batman movies simply fed suspicions as to what ailment of afflictions Hillary Clinton suffers. Those who continue to believe that Hillary Clinton is the next best thing to the coming of a Messiah, she has no problems and her recovery from pneumonia was nothing less than more proof of her monumental and near godlike recuperative powers. The collapse, coughing and lack of appearances including refusing media access in any unscripted scenario such as answering questions after any appearance simply added fuel to the rumors of the problems causing Hillary to avoid public appearances. Hillary has even held to a sparse number of campaign appearances presumably because she was in debate preparations, apparently for well over a month. Who knew Donald Trump might pose such a challenge for the presumably overly qualified and superior candidate Hillary who is immeasurably more qualified by any comparison reported by the mainstream media. Apparently preparation was that thorough and lengthy and who are we mortals to question Hillary Clinton, the inevitable one.


Here is why Donald Trump supporters had best pray that Hillary remains healthy because Donald Trump is not prepared to face any other Democrat candidate. Should Hillary Clinton fall so ill as to withdraw from the campaign and resign as the Democrat candidate then the Democrats could choose virtually anyone to take her place. This would mean that Donald Trump would need to destroy this new handpicked candidate in the remaining two debates or face a humiliating loss. Imagine the excitement that would be resultant from Hillary Clinton leaving the ticket and Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden be placed as her replacement. Each would bring a decisive alteration and the Hillary supporters would likely be beseeched by Bill Clinton to support the new candidate as this would be the best tribute they could provide and this would please Hillary and Bill Clinton and who could resist such a supplication. Additionally, there would be the additional supporters which would start coming out of the woodwork and the Democrats would soon have their entire party excited to support their candidate and Donald Trump would be facing an invigorated Democrat Party while the Republican Party would remain in its current dismal state with entire wings of the party contemptuous of their Party’s candidate. Remove Hillary and place any normal candidate with anything even approaching normal negatives and baggage, even if false identifying as a Native American or not being an actual Democrat but instead a dedicated card carrying socialist independent, would not work to the detriment that Hillary Clinton provides for the candidacy of Donald Trump to allow the necessary hope for him to win the Presidency. No, the only Democrat candidate which would allow any hope for Donald Trump to win the Presidential elections would be a Hillary Clinton and none other so her health is of paramount importance to the Trump Camp if he is to have any hope of being elected President. So, Trump supporters would be advised to add Queen Hillary having good health to their nightly prayers or whatever supplications of which they partake if they hope for Donald to have any hope of a chance to win come November 8, Election Day.


Beyond the Cusp 


September 19, 2016

Hillary and the Hajj, Really


What do you do if something is failing to provide the viable result desired and there appears to be no way forward? You invent an alternative and go your own way and find a new path to your goal. This year the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei was facing a great insult and embarrassment as the Saudi Royal Family had dealt him a great insult. There were arguments as to whether the Hajj would permit the Shiite practices to be performed within the most definitely Sunni nation of Saudi Arabia at the Hajj they are sponsoring in Mecca. The answer came fast and hard, no way on the blessed earth of Allah would such practices be permitted. The Iranians and the Saudis resorted to bringing up conflicts, especially those where Iranians died or were injured, particularly by Saudi security police at the Hajj and the end result the Saudi Royal Family took the hardest road possible and declared the Supreme Leader to be a false Muslim and an Amgushi, that is, not a Muslim, a heretic, a follower of the pre-Islamic Persian religion disguised as a Muslim. This was the greatest insult and the last straw. The Iranians answered insult with insult declaring that they suspected Saudi Royal Family of being a remnant of the Jews who once resided in the times of Muhammad at the Khyber Oasis and were slaughtered by Muhammad and his fighters. They further their insult with a cartoon of an accursed tree pictured and described below. The Iranian and Shiite response to the Saudi “Amgushi” was expressed by insulting and derogatory drawings that appeared on social media, such as the one below:


The Tree Cursed in the Quran Used as a Shiite anti-Saudi drawing Sourced from Shiite Websites

The Tree Cursed in the Quran
Used as a Shiite anti-Saudi drawing
Sourced from Shiite Websites


This is the description of this Iranian use of the “cursed tree” provided by Dr. Mordechai Kedar in his article “A joyous holiday and a sad world” published in Arutz Sheva.


This drawing is based on a quote from the Koran that talks about a cursed tree and shows the tree with the words “The Family of Saud” on its trunk while towards the bottom of the tree the following words appear: “Let the entire world know that the Family of Saud are the reason for the Arab and Islamic catastrophe (“Naqba”). The root of destruction and ruin in this world.”

To the right of the tree are the words: “The Family of Saud – the tails of the Jews,” expressing the Shiite rumor that claims that the Saud family are actually descendants of the Jews who lived in the Khyber Oasis until the 7th century and who pretend to be Muslims to this day but are really Jews in secret despite the Hadith that declares that “there are no two religions in the Arab Peninsula.”

The leaves on the “cursed tree” are Wahhabism, explosive-filled vehicles, crime, slaughter, destruction, incitement, ethnicity, terror, explosions, “takhfir” (declaring Muslims to be heretics), Jabhat al Nusra, division, ISIS, al Qaeda, Boko Haram. On the left of the tree there is a green Saudi flag with a sword, but instead of the Shahada (the testimony – the Islamic creed that declares that there is no G-d but Allah and that Mohammed is his prophet) that is on the flag, it says “May Allah curse the House of Saud.”


Back to the Hajj and the resulting rift and separate but presumably equal Hajj’s as the imperfect solution to the perfect problem. The similarities will become evident with the final descriptions. Let it remain for now that the Iranians are holding their own Hajj, a solution used in previous centuries to solve such impasses, in the Iraqi city closest to Mecca, Karbala. There is another reason for this site as it was there that in the year 680 C.E. a military unit of the Sunni Umayyad Caliph Yazid ibn Muawiyah carried out an attack where Hussein Ibn Ali, the leader of the Shiite rebels, was murdered and ritually executed by being beheaded. This is the ultimate Naqba, catastrophe, in the Shiite form of Islam and is the point where the two forms of Islam became forever enemies. This is the response to the insult of referring to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei as being an Amgushi.


But first a little explanation of how this may also be a similar situation as may be faced soon with Hillary Rodham Clinton. We have all heard how Hillary Clinton has unbelievably high negatives and the sole reason she is even competitive is due to Donald Trump having even higher negatives before the American peoples. Were the Republics Party to be running virtually any other candidate, they would be leagues ahead of Hillary in the polling data. This is not to insinuate that they would actually have such a lead, but they would poll as having such a lead. History has taught that nothing is done until the last report of vote counts in each state are finalized, until then the Devil is in the details. Equally reported is that were Trump facing virtually any Democrat, including or especially a complete unknown, Trump would be being trounced in the polls and the election would be declared over by the mainstream media. So, what if the October surprise is the Democrats replacing, or at least appearing to replace, Hillary Clinton with a far more electable candidate? The Democrat Party could let it be known in the second or third week in October that Hillary Rodham Clinton had fallen so ill that she has been rushed to a private and undisclosed hospital and is unable to continue the race or even to serve as President. Then in a similar manner as the Democrats once before had pulled off in Minnesota with Senator Paul David Wellstone who died right before the elections in a plane crash. He was replaced immediately on the ballot by former Vice President Walter Mondale who then proceeded to lose the election. So, what if it is decided that Hillary is too ill to continue the campaign or serve as President?


In most states the Democrat Party would appoint her replacement and in other states her name would remain on the ballot but the Party would claim any vote for Hillary is a vote for their chosen candidate. Come Election Day it is found that the Democrat Party had been remiss or unable to replace Hillary on the ballots such was expected due to her still being amongst the living. Again a huge campaign would go forth that by voting Hillary you were actually voting for her replacement. We have to face that almost any Democrat other than Hillary and a select few, any other Democrat would destroy Trump, or at least that has been the polling and the Democrats are well aware of this. So Hillary is declared out for the count and in theory replaced by an electable Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden or Senator Elizabeth Ann Warren. Of the three it is probably Joe Biden who would be the weakest and even he would stir up support and enthusiasm which Hillary has not even been able to buy at her rallies.


And then, with Christmas fast approaching and Hillary Clinton in name only won the election with the understanding that the alternate candidate would be the one to become President there comes a miracle, Hillary has had a full recovery coming from the sole place such would be possible, a recovery deemed in Heaven above. Suddenly the voters find themselves hoodwinked as Hillary Rodham Clinton rises as a Phoenix from the ashes blazing in her full flamed glory taking the oath of office. Election Impossible accomplished in fine bait and switch fashion. President Hillary Rodham Clinton will have been elected and takes her victory lap from the steps of the Capital Building down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House before the cameras of all networks and her coronation proceeds as if nothing strange was committed. Those hoping for Trump to win or desire anybody but Hillary in the White House; even the dog catcher from Podunk, Idaho, had better pray for Hillary to suddenly become obviously healthy and thus not so infirm that this ploy would be believable.


Phoenix Rising from the Ashes Blazing in her Full Flamed Glory

Phoenix Rising from the Ashes Blazing in her Full Flamed Glory


How many out there living in the real world believe that such a pirouette bait and switch to fool more of the gullible American left public and too many others could happen; especially if the substitute is a woman, first woman President, hard to pass that one up, then reveal the reality of their sick and demented desires to crown Hillary Rodham Clinton with the historical moniker of being the first woman as President. This was promised to her when she lost to President Obama, then a Senator like her, soulless and also offering an even more tempting first; Hillary was promised not just to be the Democrat Party candidate but to be the all-American candidate who would be swept into the White House riding a wave of popularity and support. Well, yes, something went wrong along the way, the person they have to work with is Hillary. Even with such a handicap, the Democrat Party made a promise and they will keep that promise no matter what lies and deceits they will have to commit. Come Hell or high water, Hillary Clinton will be coronated, if not now, then at some time later. Hillary cannot be permitted to die and not have been President of the United States. People opposed to Hillary Clinton should be prepared and expect the most unexpected and seemingly ludicrous steps to be taken and anything legal or not to be committed in order to have Hillary Clinton be the next President as it has already been written and thus must be done. As Yul Brenner said in the 1956 movie “The Ten Commandments,” as Pharaoh Ramses II, “Let it be written. Let it be done.” That was the royal decree of the ancient Egyptian ruler and is now the code for the Democrat Party, and they have writ large that the next President will be Hillary Rodham Clinton; now they just have to get it done by any and all means necessary, expect no less.


Yul Brenner from 1956 movie “The Ten Commandments,” as Pharaoh Ramses II “Let it be written. Let it be done.”

Yul Brenner from 1956 movie “The Ten Commandments,”
as Pharaoh Ramses II “Let it be written. Let it be done.”


So, just like may come with Hillary, the Hajj is being declared to be made to a different place which will be established by the Shiite leadership in Iran as being just as holy and just as righteous and just as commanded by some reference from the Quran through certain precedents. This Shiite Hajj may become a permanent fixture for as long as the Iranians control their puppet state in the southern half of Iraq and their hatred of the Sunni and especially the Saudi Royal Family who the Iranians consider heretics and pretenders. Should this rift be settled as a matter of contention simply by directing the Shiites to make the Hajj to Karbala the world can heave a sigh of relief and continue on with no more and no fewer problems than before. The real problem is this war of words between the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and the leaders of Saudi Arabia, the Family Saud, has just elevated significantly. The decree to have an independent Hajj for Shiite Islam from Sunni Islam has formalized the rift and the ancient disagreement between the two largest forms of Islam. This is simply the latest of flare-ups between the Sunni and the Shiites since they had different opinions on the correct succession after Muhammad died. This argument dates back to before 680 soon after Muhammad died when Hussein Ibn Ali was murdered.


The difference between the two groups is exemplified in the story behind the “Twelvers,” a sect of Shiites who are awaiting the return from his hiding place of the Mahdi, the Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi. Muhammad al-Mahdi was appointed as the next replacement of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, but went into hiding as the majority form of Islam, the Sunni, was annihilating the rebellious Shiites at every opportunity and particularly executing their leaders. This Twelfth Imam presumably has been hiding for quite some time without having lost any of his strength and mental acuity and will arise from his hiding place and lead the Shiites to a glorious victory over the Sunni and then conquer the world. For the Twelfth Imam to return, the entire known world would be in chaos with devastation of the highest order. The Twelfth Imam would appear from his place of hiding, many believe that hiding place is a well in Qom where they have established a Mosque so he can pray upon coming out from hiding. They have also built a beautiful roadway for the Twelfth Imam to utilize to take him to the Capital City, Tehran, where he is to meet the Supreme Leader and together plan the conquest of the Sunni Muslims, unbelievers of Shia Islam amongst Muslims as they are heretics. This would include almost all of the cities of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States as these are predominately Sunni nations. Then they would proceed to those they considered idolatrous such as Buddhists, then the Jews, finally Christians and then would come the purging and purification of the Shiite Islamic family. The process would continue until the world had been perfected and every person was a full believer supporting the Five Pillars of Islam, Shahada or Faith, Salat or Prayer, Zakāt or Charity, Sawm or Fasting (during Ramadan), and Hajj or Pilgrimage to Mecca, which for Shiites has become Pilgrimage to Karbala.


Depictions of the Return of the Twelfth Imam

Depictions of the Return of the Twelfth Imam


What is more worrisome is that Iran has made known their displeasure with the Saudi Arabian Ruling Family considering them to be apostates who blaspheme Islam, especially Shia Islam, and are deserving of death or something worse, life as a disgraced Muslim walking the Earth in continuous shame. The Iranians have also stated their desire to liberate the northeastern provinces of Saudi Arabia where the vast majority of their Shiite minority reside. The fact that this area also contains ninety plus percent of the oil wells has nothing to do with this conquest but they must keep this property and not just liberate the Shiites but instead of having them come home the Iranians plan to incorporate these lands as a part of their Shiite home making them and the oil wealth all Iranian. When one adds that Iran very likely is a nuclear armed nation despite, or some say because, of the great efforts of President Obama and his Secretary of State John (Scary) Kerry as well as a large effort by former Secretary of State and potentially next President Hillary Clinton before Kerry, that makes any confrontation between these two Muslim power states in the Middle East even more of a danger. One need remember that the Saudi Royal Family invested in the Pakistani nuclear research and bomb development. They did not do that from the goodness of their heart but instead made an agreement that the Saudis would pay for the Pakistani efforts and actual production of a nuclear weapons stores providing these stores be made available to the Saudi Royal Family should the need arise.


One overtly aggressive move too far by Iran and you can bet some cargo aircraft will leave Saudi Arabia, fly to Pakistan, stay a few hours, and return to Saudi Arabia some few tons heavier. These planes will either be taking actual routes established as passenger or even freight lanes which are active or will fly with their transponders deactivated, by accident, of course. These flights if they have not already found some nuclear devices coming in the hold of normal flights between the two nations, will even the playing field and make the chance of a nuclear exchange in the Middle East a definitive probability. Should open war be started between Saudi Arabia and Iran, one can bet that it will spread bringing Yemen, Iraq, Hezballah and any other Shiite forces which can be brought to bear facing the nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) which includes the Gulf oil states and Saudi Arabia plus Egypt and Jordan and one might expect to see some Turkish forces making this a more general Middle East War and one such without Israel, imagine that. These declarations of intent to join the fight as necessary will be the actual initial declaration of war even if fighting has been engaged for months. The pooling of available resources will initiate a war on a different level.


Such a development will signal that both sides feel they are not in an advantageous position so they will announce a list of allies in the region and prepare special weapons squads for deployment. One side, probably Iran, will introduce the use of chemical weapons and biological agents as well. This will spark a similar if not stronger response from the Saudi Royal Family. This might be the point where the initial use of nuclear weapons will be used, but not as expected. They will be used to cleanse their own lands where any biologic weapons have become ultimately effective and the sick are infecting the healthcare workers and all they meet before they turn too sick to even stand. This transmission will necessitate drastic action to contain the spread as such an agent cannot be permitted to reach any heavily inhabited regions. Nuclear cleansing of an infected region is a likely means of destroying the pathogen and in its own way curing those on the ground. This use of a nuclear weapon to cleanse the area can also give that nation the reason to use nuclear weapons then on the enemy claiming that the nuclear weapons dropped to destroy the pathogen was actually a nuclear attack by the other side. It matters little which country introduced nuclear weapons to the conflict nor how they were deployed nor the reasons; all that matters is the first one using them will not be the last one using these ultimate weapons. Once the nuclear weapons atop missiles and tucked within fighter-bombers fly, the game changes forever as this will prove one can use nuclear weapons as long as they are limited to a range of tactical nuclear weapons. Needless to point out that even these in and of themselves may not be the final weapons used and there may come a point where a nation with thermo-nuclear weapons uses these weapons of last resort, the modern city-killers with selectable power settings. Then it may be worse and the first thermo-nuclear weapons without the selectable yield technology, and it has but one setting, destroy all within your range or likely area.


The real fuel for this conflagration may start originally as Iran’s desire to impress their own hegemonic rule over the entire Middle East. Many have interpreted that to mean Iran would strike at Israel first and hardest, but this fight is not about the differences between Iran and Israel, this is a fight over who represents Allah. This fight between Sunni and Shiite will be limited initially but has the potential to spread far and wide. Would such start the next World War? That is the sixty-four billion dollar (adjusted for inflation) question. The one reality is as being the fight over who is the real representative of Allah, we can expect there will be no means for ending the war until one side has been completely and utterly destroyed, and therein lays the problem as it is next to impossible. Such a war will be a war to end all wars as it may decide the future for everyone once Islam achieves its real goal, world conquest and the subjugation of all people within. Then they can begin perfecting the world by ridding it of improper thought and possibly of the impure animals starting with hogs and dogs. With Allah presumed to be in support of both sides and Allah being unconquerable, there can be no situation so dire that prayers cannot move mountains, or can they? Split the sea, easy, the Ten Plagues, part of a year’s work; lead the Israelites to the Promised Land, well, all in its proper and good time; and As far as Hashem choosing which side should win, that will be left to Allah as Hashem probably has no desire and will allow others to decide this fate. Should the violence start to spread, then Hashem might be forced to choose a nation to assist or at least allow to stand outside the growing hostilities.


The Hajj and Hillary Rodham Clinton are flashpoints signifying evil bodings potentially for our world and the societies within. The splitting of Hajj destinations can only further divide two groups alienating the already alienated. Both sides are waiting for the other to blink such that they can possibly gain some advantage. Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and the conservative Never Trump’ers are dividing the nation into smaller and more hostile divisions Balkanizing the United States. Should the United States also become so divided that the different political factions all go their own way, there will be no more United States and instead there will be the federated entities that were America. No more super power under the Stars and Stripes, just a loosely held group of arguing children, man-child’s all looking like adults but acting like spoiled brats refusing to reside or abide by anybody holding a different opinion. That is what the political correctness of Hillary et al will bring to the United States with micro-aggressions and perceived slights where none exist and children raised never knowing what it means to lose because there are no trophies for losing efforts once you leave your safe zones at your chosen university. What will these young adults, the future leaders, do when they run into people who have different thoughts and can use them to actually think, not just feel good about oneself. Hajj being split and America being split, neither is a good or welcomed sign.


Beyond the Cusp


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