Beyond the Cusp

January 14, 2017

Paris Conference in Paris and Inevitable Challenges


Tomorrow, Sunday January 15, 2017, will be a date that will start the cause of infamy when seventy nations convene in Paris, France to craft the future war in the Middle East. The organizers of this confab have already met with Mahmoud Abbas and his terrorist supporters and carefully created the closest they dare go in granting the Arab Palestinian Authority their wildest desires, the end of Israel. They will give the Arab world the one item they have hoped for ever since they fought the June 5 – 10, 1967, Six Day War; a redo from the original borders. The seventy nations will include the United States which will be represented by President Short Term Barack Obama’s puppet and lackey, Secretary of State Kerry who was instrumental in meeting with Abbas in Nablus to craft the finalization of the formation of a new Arab nation named Palestine cut from the legal borders of Israel as per more treaties than we care to list again, the League of Nations, the Mandate System and Article 80 of the UN Charter which binds the world to that very Mandate System which set the eastern Israeli border as the Jordan River. Also included among the nations and others joining the United States and France will be European Union Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, a representative of the United Nations, many Foreign Ministers from European nations, a number of the Sunni Arab nations high representatives, advisors from numerous anti-Israeli NGO’s for a reasoned flavor of authenticity and fairness and various other national representatives to round out the merry band of vigilante diplomacy. The truth be told, this is an internationally prearranged lynching where under the direction of France, the United States President and his State Department, the European Union, selected leftist pro-Palestinian Arab nations and the usual anti-Israel third world nations being brought together to give the feel of an authentic and reasoned conference which has the backing of the world and thus is really dispensing justice. Israel has denounced this conference knowing that the final decision has already been set in cement and left to dry.


Protesters in support of Palestinians in Gaza last weekend displayed a swastika at a Paris rally. The demonstration had been banned by the government and prompted deployment of police.

Protesters in support of Palestinians in Gaza
last weekend displayed a swastika at a Paris rally.
The demonstration had been banned by the
government and prompted deployment of police.


There is little left to chance and the only item which will be decided at the conference is how long they will appear to debate and deliberate before all but unanimously approving the pre-prepared proposition for an “equitable” resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the misnamed Palestinian-Israeli conflict as the Palestinian Arabs are simply the bludgeon with which the Arab world had attempted for years to beat Israel into submission and return them to the pre-June 1967 borders, press Israel back within the 1949 Armistice Line also referred to as the Green Line. After the ill-fated October 6–25, 1973, Yom Kippur War where the Arab allies of Egypt and Syria believed they would be able to defeat Israel if they caught them completely unprepared for an attack. Their plan worked as they caught Israel literally deep in prayers and unaware and unable to recall their military as the soldiers were in Synagogue and all transportation and communications were all either closed or in holiday mode. Eventually the Israelis cobbled together their units and survived. What was learned that month was had Israel not still held the Sinai Peninsula and Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and should there have been additional forces attacking from Judea and Samaria backed by other Arab nations with Israel within the pre-June 1967 borders, the Arabs would have had a very good chance of being in Tel Aviv under similar conditions of surprise. The first and most vital need for an Arab victory and the erasure of Israel is to force Israel back behind the Green Line. The next requirement is for a heavily armed and ready force within Judea and Samaria. With such in place the Arab assault to eradicate Israel would be assured. Such an assault would be initiated with rockets fired from the Judean Hills overlooking central Israel. These rockets would initially be a few the first week and a slow ramping with accuracy guaranteed by having direct visual ranging from the Judean cliffs and the world cautioning Israel to remember the peace agreement and not to react harshly. Israel would be condemned as foolish for any concerns and would be told that the government of “Palestine” was not behind the attacks and was doing everything possible to apprehend those responsible and were very concerned that Israel might react foolishly and hold them responsible for these horrific attacks. The United Nations would call emergency meetings which would issue warning after warning to Israel not to take matters into its own hands as doing so would break the Israeli obligation from the Paris accords which were confirmed and formed the core of the UNSC Chapter Seven Resolution establishing the independent state of Palestine. The shrillness of the warnings coming from the UN, the EU and even from the United States should somebody of a similar viewpoint as President Obama be elected, an eventuality which will come to pass, and various NGO’s, Human Rights Organizations and possibly through decisions from the World Courts all condemning Israel even before she has taken any defensive actions. The one item that must be recalled is that Israel is not permitted to defend herself, Israel if defending herself may not prove victorious, at the first signs of an Israeli victory the fighting must be terminated and the original borders reestablished no matter how long it takes (as is becoming all too evident currently) and finally when Israel is proving victorious then it becomes the vital mission of much of the world to threaten Israel with annihilation if they do not cease winning and return to their borders immediately.


So let us get back to Paris and the conference of the damning. The prearranged findings will call for the establishment of the Arab state of Palestine with the borders that the world realizes is the only proper and inevitable borders, the Green Line and the Jordan River. The call will be for an unarmed Palestine with only a security force having weapons necessary for dealing with crime and for preventing any encroachment or invasions by Israel. As time passes the amount of weaponry required for the security of Palestine will include armor, artillery, rockets and an air force. They would also call for their having a navy with aircraft carriers except the Dead Sea and Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) are just too small to require any naval forces, but a small coast guard might be authorized to patrol the Jordan River as well as these other waterways. Simply stated, within a decade, two at the most, the Arab state of Palestine will be better armed than Jordan, something which will rightfully make the King of Jordan very nervous as he recalls the Black September revolt where the PLO attempted to overthrow the Jordanian government. Meanwhile, Israel will be in mortal danger and likely once again without a friend in the world. Much like the position Israel finds herself in until January 20, 2017 at noon Eastern Standard Time when President Obama gives way to President Trump.


The one saving hope from a world gone mad is that the Paris ambushing of Israel takes longer than five days and the protection of a United States veto returns to the Security Council. Should the protagonists in France complete their dirty work before the morning of January 20, 2017, then there is a possibility of the UNSC officially recognizing Arab Palestine with the Green Line as its western border and forcing close to a million Israelis to become refugees instantly and needing to be rescued by the IDF and escorted to safety. The one item that would be considered fighting words is if the Paris ensemble tries to take any part of Jerusalem from Israeli control. Israel has officially annexed all of Jerusalem and granted its Arab citizens Israeli identification papers, medical coverage and permitted them voting rights in local elections with the possibility for full voting rights once they complete certain requirements to qualify as full citizens. Israelis have accepted that Jerusalem is an integral part of Israel and our reclaiming of our eternal Capital City and that is the one thing which will never change. This is something which must be made clear as well as making the Israeli position on the main cities and residential blocks which must remain part of Israel as even under the Oslo Accords Area C was to remain with Israel.


Despite it becoming clear that the entirety of the Oslo Accords was a ruse, a grand deception designed to allow for the slow and eventual erosion of the right of Israel to even exist within any borders. That eventuality has yet to materialize but not for lack of efforts. The BDS, boycott, divestment and sanction, movement developing from the Arab boycott of Israel and their Khartoum Resolution with the three No’s; no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel, and spreading throughout the world and gaining traction numerous college campuses in the Western World, the isolation of Israel was looking to make inroads. Within the past year the BDS has seen setbacks as governments in numerous cities and states in the United States and elsewhere, it required a boost which came almost as if scripted by some unseen director with the recent UNSC Chapter Six Advisory Resolution 2334 which declared that Israel had no legal claims to Area C thus voiding UNSC Res. 242 and the Oslo Accords setting an entirely new perception to the eventual resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. President Obama through the backdoor arrangement of UNSC Res. 2334 wording and particular specification delineating the abrogation of all Israeli rights presumably on the international stage, the world has set up a situation where another war is all but guaranteed in the Middle East unsettling any semblance of balance and leeway for actual negotiations to take place. The next step, should this procedural intention play out fully, would be to demand that Israel surrender every inch of lands they gained during their defensive efforts in the Six Day War. The world is treading on thin ice and teetering on the edge of falling through and unless in Paris a miracle occurs and the world decides to step away from the insanity and frantic attempts by President Obama to force a resolution which will only set up a situation with no good solution just to pretend he deserved that Nobel Peace Prize. It is borderline insanity to potentially force a predicament which could result in a dangerous faceoff between the United Nations Security Council, Israel and the viability and enforcement of President Obama taking a final shot in his vendetta against the Jewish State which it appears his aim had been its destruction from day one. That is the only way his frantic end of term insanity forcing solutions where none exist as well as his guaranteeing that Iran will become a nuclear armed nations with as many if not more nuclear weapons than all but the big three, United States, Russia and China, and possibly Iran will make that the big four and the world will live on borrowed time thereafter. Oh what has the world wrought and how can that tension be released peaceably? Perhaps it cannot and the result will become the real legacy for President Obama. Too bad so few might survive that legacy should it really turn for the worst. But then again, transforming the United States, specifically its relationship with the Jewish State, with Israel, has been the aim all along and was likely the most prominent piece of America Barack Hussein Obama had intended to mortally wound from the very start. He sure went after this first, last and consistently the hardest.


Beyond the Cusp 


January 11, 2017

Things We Need Know for After Inauguration


The mainstream media does have some useful information if one can stand reading long enough to glean something useful. What one need remember is the mainstream media is also the playbook, play caller, coach, quarterback, message board, megaphone and the best comical future picture painter imaginable for the extreme left and Democrat Party, though we repeat ourselves. Despite great agony and struggling through as many typos and misspelled words, we would like to think even more than we miss here at BTC; these are a few of the items we found.


The most important item which has been made clear in so many ways is that the Presidency of Donald Trump will have been the greatest disaster in American history. Once in office, President Donald Trump will have wasted the talent, what little there may be, of his Cabinet and anybody who is worth a plug nickel will have quit within the first six months, if not weeks or days, because they will find they cannot work with such a megalomaniacal dunce whose brightest ideas will be which club to use when playing miniature golf as he will not even be capable of playing real golf as well a President Barack Obama had. The American people will find that they miss having President Obama in the White House with his steady hand guiding the nation through peril after peril while a President Trump will be have been causing peril after peril. The predictions of disasters continued with the statement that President Trump will have started a war with China, Mexico, most of Europe, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, much of South America, possibly Canada and will be in bed with the Russians serving the demands and at the beck and call of Putin and being led around through Russian hackers feeding him information through Twitter posts. These were some of the highlights but there was far more.


The Congress will revolt against President Trump as the legislation he sends them will appear to have been written by one of the beauty queens from his pageant days or one of the fired apprentices. Congress will be forced to be the adult in the government and the Democrats are prepared to prevent President Trump from causing any real or serious damage to the standing of the United States in the world. The Democrats will follow through magnificently in their promise to protect the high standards set by President Obama in his dealing in foreign policy. The Democrats will have found many the Republican allies who also understand the need to protect the United States from President Trump and are prepared to block everything sent to Congress by President Trump (this one almost has a ring of validity even we must admit). There will prove to be many Republican lawmakers who will be adult enough to admit their party sent a man-child to do the grown-up job of president and will work to message this childish egomaniac’s feelings of self-worth by stroking his self-image while rewriting any legislation making it work for the people and help those who require government to assist them in managing their lives rather than giving the rich more wealth taken from the backs of the most needy. The idea that the wealthy can be enriched by taking wealth from the most needy has always baffled us as the most needy do not have sufficient wealth to even make the average American wealthier by any actual measure, let alone the wealthy. Of course we realize they really mean giving largess from the government coffers to the wealthiest rather than giving it to the most needy, though the government does appear to do a great amount of both. This can be seen in the fact that many on welfare have a decent apartment with air-conditioning, at least one television, more often than not at least one computer or game console, a microwave, cable television feed, Internet access and most have at least one vehicle. This is about average for a middle class family back in the 1970’s had with obvious changes due to technological advancements. Let us return to what we found in the media, mostly online versions of print media.


By the end of President Trump’s first year even the most stalwart Republicans will have fallen in line with bringing impeachment against the President simply out of abject fear he is on track to force the next world war, had proven dangerously reckless with threats of using nuclear weapons and the Joint Chiefs of Staff will have reportedly had to step into the breach and invalidate Presidential orders to launch nuclear missiles. The similarities of the accusation for President Trump once in office to start wars, infuriate adversaries and allies alike and threaten the future existence of the world through madly wild and careless use of nuclear weapons as a threat and actually attempting to launch nuclear missiles to be similar but even more over the top than the predictions made about Ronald Reagan after he won the election and both before and while he was in office. The madness the mainstream media is predicting can only be found in rare old movie plots where somebody goes off their rocker and orders nuclear weapons use such as in the movies “Failsafe” and “Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.” The ever more hyped predictions of doom are only exceeded by the forlorn lamentations over the fact that President Obama is not permitted to continue in office and remold the United States as had the nearly four terms of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. These discussions almost universally then diverge into discussions of how had President Obama run against Donald Trump how Barack Obama would have won in the largest and most humiliating landslide even beyond President Reagan. Some even add how had Bernie Sanders won the primaries, then he too would have cleaned Donald Trump’s clock easily gliding to victory. And then we get the Russians stole the election for Donald Trump and from there we find ourselves back in the Donald Trump will simply be the puppet of Vladimir Putin and he will be the Manchurian Candidate preprogrammed by Russian hackers to do Putin’s bidding. Those Russian hackers are good if they can reprogram people wirelessly, or is it Donald Trump is a Russian built android sent to run the United States for their needs? That is about the only stories not found in the mainstream media, yet.


Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


With all this, there will be wild speculation on how the world and the nation of the United States will be dependent upon Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and just about every proper-thinking American working tirelessly to protect the nation from the inevitable debacles which will be coming from the White House and raining ruin everywhere if not checked. This presumed future is then compared with the glory which was President Obama who for eight long and challenging years arduously and tirelessly worked to prevent the economic collapse of the world (or was it universe) and prevent ever more wars and so gloriously earned that Nobel Peace Prize and was worthy of so many more honors. We are forewarned how we will be shell-shocked by the bald faced incompetence of the incoming President and how his Cabinet will resemble a three ring circus after the initial appointees realize that President Trump is merely using them as window dressing and targets on which to place the blame when President Trump’s harebrained ideas explode on contact with reality. I guess that hope that things would return to normal with the United States playing a steadying role in the world are simply pipe-dreams as the media has explained in gruesome details. The United States presumably is about to crash and burn under President Trump as compared to the glorious years under President Obama’s tutelage.


All this pessimism demands we give our idea as to what is coming after January 20, 2017. Unfortunately, the initial actions of a Trump Presidency are dependent upon what outgoing President Obama does in the next days leading up to noon of Inauguration Day. We really do mean up until noon on that day and perhaps past if the ceremony takes place minutes late as is usually the case. Should President Obama take a Paris conference accord proposal for the establishment and invention of an Arab state called Palestine carved from the lands legally belonging to Israel and without Israeli consent and signature on a treaty, then President Trump will have a difficult task facing him immediately after taking office. Should President Obama have his co-conspirators bring a Chapter Seven Resolution declaring Palestine a reality with full Statehood recognized by the UNSC with the Green Line (the 1949 Armistice Line between Jordan and Israel demarking the front lines and the Israeli lands illegally occupied by Jordan) then President Trump will need coordinate with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a response and course of action to overturn the decision. This will be possible and an eventuality as such a resolution, Chapter Seven or any other manner of resolution, is illegal as it breaks the United Nations Charter Article 80 which recognized all the demarcations and wordings of the Mandate System and all other resolutions in effect from the League of Nations. This makes the Jordan River the eastern border of the Jewish State of Israel. That is the international law recognizing the Israeli eastern border and there is no mention whatsoever of any Arab entity or Nation west of the Jordan River. This was also the reason behind an Egyptian Justice who sat on the International Court of Justice when the UNGA requested a ruling on the Security Barrier Israel had erected to prevent further suicide bombers and other terrorism. The barrier accomplished much of what it was intended to accomplish and the ICJ did not demand it be removed. As noted yesterday, the Honorable Justice El Araby warned the UNGA and others that filing further ran some risks, as he stated,


“The international legal status of the Palestinian Territory (paras. 70-71 of the Advisory Opinion), in my view, merits more comprehensive treatment. A historical survey is relevant to the question posed by the General Assembly, for it serves as the background to understanding the legal status of the Palestinian Territory on the one hand and underlines the special and continuing responsibility of the General Assembly on the other. This may appear as academic, without relevance to the present events. The present is however determined by the accumulation of past events and no reasonable and fair concern for the future can possibly disregard a firm grasp of past events. In particular, when on more than one occasion, the rule of law was consistently side-stepped. The point of departure, or one can say in legal jargon, the critical date, is the League of Nations Mandate which was entrusted to Great Britain.”


Beyond this, President Trump has already indicated he will work towards repeal of UNSC Resolution 2334 recently passed under Chapter Six due to the United States efforts behind the scenes and their blatant determination to injure Israel punishing her because she refused to roll over and die when demanded to do so by President Obama and his team during the Iran farce of negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program and their drive for nuclear weapons parity with the United States or, at the least, Israel as well as only complying with most but not every demand for concessions to the Palestinian Authority (PA) while the PA simply sent more requests for concessions for the President and State Department to draw out of Israel. This was payback for the lack of subservient compliance with edicts from upon high, or at least the second floor of the White House.


Then there are the promises made by candidate Trump which a President Trump will need to deliver. The first and biggest is tax reform. Trump made some bold statements for initiatives for tax reform. His plans realize that all taxes are actually paid by the people and that such taxes as sales tax and taxes on businesses and industry are simply folded into the price of products which serves two counterproductive results, first the increased price makes United States products priced from the world market where if the prices were more competitive with the other nations, especially those which subsidize their industries generously making United States products unaffordable by comparison and second the higher price hurts the middle and low income people the most as they are paying the taxes and fees. Removing taxes on industry and businesses will make for lower prices on products and slower rate of inflation as sales beyond the border will increase simply due to this one tax being eliminated thus allowing for increased production to meet the new demand which will provide more jobs and eventually rising wages as employment reaches higher percentages as there will be increasing demands for workers. Second the simplification of the income tax levels making them generally lower across all salary ranges and the reduction of claimable deductions will make taxes more fair as with fewer deductions the wealthy will have fewer shelters from income taxes and thus will be paying tax on greater percentages of their income though the lower rate will make this reality less painful for most. Finally, lowering Capital Gains taxes will result in more fluidity in the investment business which will allow the movement of investments to more promising industries and will subsidize innovations. The resetting of Capital Gains such that it does not penalize investors moving funds from one investment to another facilitates start-up companies as there will be more funds available from which to get seed monies invested. Hopefully the congress will resist any urges for recalcitrance and the Republican majorities can show spine and certitude of their convictions and enact the changes to the tax codes and systems.


Repeal of Obamacare will be another big challenge as there are some vested interests and too many of those sit in congress. Obamacare grants power over healthcare and its being provided to the people and despite the refusal of Democrats to admit there are established committees which will decide when a person is no longer a viable contribution to society and thus will receive only the most marginal of healthcare and will not receive any life prolonging treatments which are expensive as such high priced care is out of the question. These health panels are not referred to as death panels but that is one of the functions they provide. Still, there are some provisions of the Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act (ACPPA) such as the provision which makes denial of insurance due to preexisting conditions is liked by most as the provision for retaining children under their parents’ insurance through age twenty-six appeals to young adults as well as parent with children in college or graduate school seeking advanced degrees. On the other hand, insurance companies are finding the ACPPA to be a disaster and many are pulling from providing insurance under the law. What need be is return much of the pricing of insurance and the setting of levels of coverage by different plans instead of a one size out of three or four is all you get. The ACPPA also demands certain items be provided coverage and everyone must include such items in their plans. Prenatal care is no more universally necessary as people over sixty have little use for prenatal care just as people who will be having children usually do not need assisted living coverage. Allowing for the tailoring of insurance plans to fit the individual would allow for greater coverage at reasonable prices. All that is actually required for near universal coverage would be a few simple requirements. First and of great importance is all plans covering hospital care past two or three days of being hospitalized with full coverage costing additionally, what used to be called major medical care while leaving routine care payments the responsibility of the patient, prescription drug minimal plan which would cover the price of medications after a minimum is cleared or a set percentage and priced accordingly, and there have to be other such items which would represent minimal coverage or the base plan. Then insurance companies can offer different plans or even a cafeteria style insuring where you choose exactly the parts you desire with price breaks for say every five items granting a percentage in savings. The final item is portability, the ability to take your health insurance across state lines, from one job to the next and other similar challenges. By having employers provide a healthcare bonus if they desire rather than their providing their idea of a great plan for their employees, this too would bring down the general cost of health insurance and could also slow the increases in healthcare costs.


This should be sufficient start of ideas to chew upon. Our final item is about how the atmosphere and entire mood of the media has changed since the election. First we have the panicking over the rise in “fake news stories” which have appeared of late. What is most amazing about the “fake news stories” is that many are carried by the mainstream media and not alternative media as much. Another anomaly is that much of the “fake news stories” come from leftist sources and are amplified as they spread across platforms and blogs take these “fake news stories” as being real news and thus making themselves less credible for using what they thought was actual vetted news as they found it in the New York Times, Salon or other such news sources. The uproar over “fake news stories” coming from the media was confusing until we found that there have been a number of nations, the United States and Germany, which have set in place a Department of Information which is designated the ultimate source for real news and for debunking “fake news stories” printed and placed before the public. We gave this deeper coverage in a recent article titled, “The Emergence of Departments of Official Government Truths”. There has also been a resurgence, a rediscovery even, in the fact that there are homeless people and greater care for our mentally challenged citizens who all too many are left out on the streets. Crime rates have become an issue as has any even hint of hate crimes. The greatest fake news and hate crime combination has been the Great Hijab Crime Wave we discussed where a series of Trump supporters attacking, taunting or otherwise belittling and intimidating young college women on university campuses who were wearing a hijab which apparently caused these white males to turn into vicious and demanding monsters. All of the stories proved to be unsubstantiated and were retracted by the very women who brought them forward. Then there are all manner of societal ills which we have not seen coverage of for the past eight years which are creeping back into the new and we can expect the floodgates to fly open on January 20, 2017 in such ferocity that these reports will seem to be as manufactured as the “fake news stories” have struck. Hold on, it is going to be a wild ride going forward, but let us hope we actually do go forward and not flying off into some dark hidden side track which leads to someplace nobody knows for sure.


Beyond the Cusp 


January 4, 2017

The Obama Hollande Israel Conspiracy and the United Nations


President Obama and President Hollande have two major things in common at the junction; they are both lame ducks leaving office and both have a visceral hatred for Israel. The first jab at Israel belonged to Hollande with the first Paris so-called peace conference to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict back in June of last year which ended in complete and dishonorable failure. Amongst the attendees were President Hollande, US Secretary of State John Kerry, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini and over twenty other Foreign Secretaries from European States and some Arab States (see picture below). Now they are going to go for round two with the same attendees and once again leaving any meeting with Israeli leadership until after the conference. There is also the claim, a valid fact, that they will also be meeting with Palestinian Authority President Abbas after the conference while nobody is to mention the December meetings in Paris with Abbas, Kerry and Ayrault drawing up the basics and demands of the Arabs to destroy or mortally wound Israel as the conclusion to the conference. With the same attendees, how are they planning on making things different; and that has a singular answer, President Obama. We are willing to bet that even if President Obama is not there for the start of the conference, if necessary he will attend at some point and remind the various attendees of the bold step of allowing Israel to be made vulnerable through his bold actions at the United Nations right before Christmas. President Obama will be there to challenge these leaders to take the bold move to really make peace by recognizing Palestine and all members nations to the conference doing so in accord with having the conference findings formalized and President Obama will take it to the Security Council and have them pass the same resolution formally recognizing Palestine and setting its borders with half of Jerusalem as their capital city all using the Green Line. Why not place a gun to every Israelis head and telling them leave or die in a hail of a million rockets raining down from the Judean hills, the heights overlooking almost all of Israel including its heavily populated central heartlands around Tel Aviv and five other major cities. Such a forced peace resolution would make Jerusalem undefendable as well as Tel Aviv, Dimona, Haifa, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Netanya and all the suburbs and industrial centers throughout Israel.


French President Francois Hollande (C), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (C-L), French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (C-R), US Secretary of State John Kerry (4th R), European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini (3rd R) and officials pose for a group photo at an international meeting in a bid to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in Paris, on June 3, 2016. (AFP Photo/Pool/Kamil Zihnioglu)

French President Francois Hollande (C), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (C-L), French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (C-R), US Secretary of State John Kerry (4th R), European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini (3rd R) and officials pose for a group photo at an international meeting in a bid to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in Paris, on June 3, 2016. (AFP Photo/Pool/Kamil Zihnioglu)


This conference is a set up for the imposition of a suicide peace upon Israel and guarantees war will start within days of Trump being sworn in as President as it is likely that Abbas promised to wait a short period, probably very short, after President Obama has left office and the Democrats and media can place all the blame on President Trump simply because he is the one in the White House when the fighting commenced and will be charged with doing too little to prevent any Israeli response. That is all the world cares about any longer, Israel and their making any efforts to survive and protect their citizens which the world sees as simply millions of Jews. Whatever one does, do not even try to tell these intelligentsia that Israel has almost as many non-Jewish citizens including Arab Christians, Arab Muslims, Druze, Bedouin, Baha’I and many others which make up a full quarter of the population. These unfortunates will be the ones mourned should they be harmed and Israel will be blamed for their deaths as well as receiving demands they stand down and not overreact to the attacks and that negotiations are being held again across the capitals of the world in emergency sessions and Israel must give them the opportunity to forge peace. The only peace they will be attempting to forge is what the Arab world demands, no more Israel and all the Jews gone. None of these noble nations for peace would allow a single Jew to enter their nation should Israel face the necessity to evacuate her population leaving just the military to try and defend the nation. The response of the world would mimic their responses from World War II when they knew about the Concentration Camps and did nothing, not even bomb the railroad tracks five miles to the east and destroy the junction to Auschwitz Buchenwald when striking the train depot just down the tracks. Then there was the Voyage of the Damned, the fated MS St. Louis and its slow trip back to Germany from Cuba and the refusal by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to allow a single Jew to enter as a refugee of an endangered peoples as they are now taking Syrians, Afghans and other Arab refugees under President Obama. Actually, the fact is President Obama would likely insist the Palestinians delay any attack until some amount of time after he retires and can claim to have washed his hands of Israel and the Middle East and leave blame heaped upon the new President Trump with the mainstream media valued assist.


MS St. Louis

MS St. Louis


The perfidy of all involved, which remarkably pretty much leaves Israel out of the picture except for a possible photo op for French President Francois Hollande, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, US Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama immediately after the conference and immediately before informing him of the agreement and concurrently with it being presented for consideration at the United Nations Security Council. This is the opportunity which these leftist have been drooling over. With President Obama showing a glimmer of light, a crack in the armor which the United States had provided Israel defending them in the Security Council but now the United States has taken a bow and retired to the sidelines allowing mischief to run wild. This just might result in the second phase, the recognition which formalizes President Obama’s initial assault with their abstaining allowing condemnation of any Israeli or Jewish presence beyond the Green Line and demanding any peace be based on the Green Line erasing UNSC Res 242 allowing for recognition to follow by any nation of Palestine Arab State using the Green Line for the new border. This would be President Obama’s legacy and one he would proudly hold as his most outstanding accomplishment while secretly knowing he had simply instigated yet another war. Why should his ability to destroy nations and start wars not continue to the last day of this Nobel Peace Prize Laureate?


The Paris conference had originally been aimed to be scheduled for somewhere right before Christmas when the June confab failed. This was postponed and was set for after New Year’s but with some of the Foreign Secretaries requesting a later date it was then set for March 15 thus making “Beware of the Ides of March” an enticing title. For reasons not made public, the scheduled meeting was moved back to January and set for the fifteenth once again. One can only wonder what forces in the universe converged on all the attending nations to return the conference to five days before President Obama is scheduled to be retired from the Presidency. President Obama might be putting some real mileage onto Air Force One in the final week of his Presidency with a possible pressure trip to Paris to insist that the rest of the world do their part of the power squeeze against Israel and formally recognize Palestine. He will claim how he is depending on their taking the bull by the horns and wrestling with reality as this may be the last time that the world has the correct people in the White House and in governments across Europe such that peace can be forged if they steel themselves to the task. There will be arm twisting, back slapping, and compliments galore, but if that fails then the threats get lined up, but a forced peace will be the only result President Obama will settle for, anything less he will take as a personal rebuke. The reasoning before was that they could not set any borders as UNSC 242 and the careful language would not allow such to be forced on Israel. That was the reasoning behind the latest UNSC 2334 setting the new border negotiations to be set around the Green Line making using the Green Line and blaming Israel for not acting faster and sacrificing for peace as the reason the rest of the world had to step in and set a border while such was a possibility. This has been planned in the White House as their contingency plan should the impossible happen, Hillary Clinton losing the election. Never underestimate Hillary Clinton when it comes to messing up even a given thing and managing to lose an election, even to a confirmed clown. With President Trump now looming on the horizon with a complete Cabinet filled with pro-Israel group of candidates, President Obama is making this appear as a threat to peace and not the return of the United States support for her ally. President Obama does not see Israel as an ally but as the bane behind all that is wrong in the world and the basis of all wars, especially those in the Middle East and North Africa. President Obama has painted the lack of a settled peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs as the most pressing and necessary emergency the nations of Europe and the Middle East to work with him in this tight schedule before the inauguration and this opportunity being eclipsed by the end of President Obama’s term on January 20 about noon. Imagine President Obama at the United Nations Security Council on January 20 at about 9:45 crying to the other members to hurry and get the Paris conference adopted by the United Nations Security Council and make it under, please, please Chapter Seven to make it a binding resolution and not merely a Chapter Six which is a nonbinding resolution which is unenforceable and depends on both sides accepting the resolution. Chapter Six Resolution would leave doubt as to whether Israel could be made to accept the Green Line meaning that almost a million Israelis would need be relocated, a monumental imposition and something near impossible to do without severe destruction to the Israeli economy and making an instant housing crisis. What everyone is ignoring is that the Palestinian Authority would reject such an offer even if it were a Chapter Seven as they are sworn to only accept all the land and the destruction of Israel, everything else is too little to end their continued demands and terror war.


The coming Paris peace conference is the setting of the final trap by the Obama administration should they manage to persuade the European Foreign Secretaries to accept making a resolution recognizing a Palestinian State and setting the borders recognized by the international community to be the Green Line. Their agreement is the necessary introduction which is required by President Obama as the means for requesting similar action by the United Nations Security Council and if the Paris agreement can be done with a unanimous agreement with no dissenting votes, then perhaps such pressure of universal agreement in Paris would suffice to force even that Chapter Seven resolution and provide President Obama his vitally needed legacy as thus far no such success exists and his legacy is simply lacking. This is urgent legacy building and President Obama will refuse to be denied. What is the terrible truth is that should President Obama get his legacy, the world will be that much closer to a great confrontation between two cultures, one where preserving life is the greatest gift while the other finds glory though death and honors the fallen over the living. The world will have to choose sides and it appears that at Paris, Europe might decide to side with death over prizing life and set the wheels of destiny into motion. President Obama will be getting the greatest legacy possible, the legacy of destroying much of society having it all but surrender to the purveyors of death over the guardian of life.


Beyond the Cusp


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