Beyond the Cusp

January 23, 2018

Abbas Going on Anti-Trump Tour


Mahmoud Abbas has a whole new reason that every world leader needs to recognize Palestine, preferably with Jerusalem as its capital city, because doing that is just so in your face Trump. He will be heading to the European Union (EU) Foreign Policy Ministers’ monthly meeting and starting with the top Foreign Policy Minister, Federica Mogherini, following up with the other twenty-eight Foreign Ministers on Monday. Riad al-Malki, the PA official in charge of foreign affairs, said Abbas will tell the EU, “Since Trump’s decision has altered the rules of the game, he expects the European foreign ministers to come forward and collectively recognize the state of Palestine as a way to respond back to Trump’s decision.” Wow, now that takes chutzpah! Now Mahmoud Abbas is not only declaring that the United States is disqualified from moderating anything of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, but is now inviting the EU and member states to replace the United States as the moderator and to do so they will qualify for this honor if, and only if, they recognize the new Arab State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. It is still unclear whether he means Eastern Jerusalem or all of Jerusalem which he has claimed before. Abbas elaborated on his theme from last week’s Islamic Conference Organization emergency meeting in Istanbul stating, “We have to take legal, political and diplomatic measures. The US has chosen not to be a mediator for the peace process. We reject it as mediator. The US is with Israel and supports and backs it.” Abbas added that, “Every Monday we will join another twenty-two or thirty organizations. There are five-hundred-twenty-two organizations, and we have the right to be members of them. Injustice has been committed against us, and the peak of the injustice is the US declaration that united Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.” What our benighted ruler of the Palestinian Authority (PA), PLO and Fatah very intentionally left out was the fact that President Trump’s declaration refers only to Jerusalem and specifies that its borders are to be determined in negotiations. Technically speaking, President Trump’s declaration was no different than the Russian recognition by Putin of West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.


Israeli Channel 10 News reported on Sunday that Slovenia is expected to recognize the State of Palestine as a response to President Trump declaration of Jerusalem, plus there were reports that three other European nations, Luxembourg, Ireland and Belgium. The Foreign Minister of Luxembourg several days ago called for the recognition of Palestine, in an effort to persuade France to take the lead of a group of European countries. A number of European nations have recognized the State of Palestine in largely symbolic moves. This anti-Trump tour by Abbas actually may have found the one chord which will reverberate in Europe, especially those with leftist governances which hate President Trump more than they desire to accept reason. We have seen many examples of such overreaching hatred of Donald Trump daily in social media posts, a hatred which apparently does not weaken with time. Mahmoud Abbas is working this angle as his former argument that the Jews, Israel, is the central cause of the wars, chaos, terrorism and everything else going wrong in the world thus if only the world would recognize that Israel must be replaced with Palestine such that the world will be corrected. If only these lands, which are an Islamic Waqf, meaning that it had once been conquered by Islamic forces and thus must never be ruled by any other, were returned to Arab Islamic rule with Mahmoud Abbas as its caring and compassionate ruler, then all would be right with the world. Well, almost everything as there is also the matter of that other Islamic Waqf of Lands known to most of us as Spain. Islamic leadership has never forgiven the Christians of Spain for their expulsion in 1492 and claim that Andalusia must be reinstated and Sharia, Islamic Law, must be restored. But now Mahmoud Abbas can use both arguments and play of the many Europeans who, largely secretly, hold anti-Semitic beliefs and feelings and now add to their anti-Trump dispositions to the pot and stir it well. Abbas has come to tell them he has a new idea where he intends to “See no Evil, Hear no Evil and Unleash His Evil.”


Abbas’s Promise to “See no Evil, Hear no Evil And Unleash His Evil.”

Abbas’s Promise to “See no Evil, Hear no Evil
And Unleash His Evil.”


He knows that his time is short and that once he has accomplished his state that if he establishes this state without making it demilitarized and allowing the Israeli Defense Forces and other security groups to guard his domain for them, then without the Israeli overview, Hamas will remove him and take his life in a mere matter of weeks if not days. Abbas had best remember the lessons of Gaza and how merciless Hamas was against their own brothers simply for the sake of power. The real problem is the reality should any form of Arab nationhood beyond being granted a semi-autonomous region under Israeli domain much as they actually have currently. What the world appears to be missing is the reality that the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria already are apart from Israel outside of security agreements and live under the laws and rules made by their elected legislative governance. The world has always simply blindly accepted Mahmoud Abbas description that the Palestinian Arabs have been denied the right to vote since 2005 and that this is the result of Israeli perfidy. The problem is that the reason there has been no election since is because Mahmoud Abbas has refused to allow elections. The last election came when Israel turned all of Gaza over to the PA. In this election, Hamas won with by a healthy margin. Mahmoud Abbas having Fatah lose the election for the Parliament made his rule difficult. The conflict for control went on until Hamas took complete control over Gaza leaving the fortunate Fatah and Abbas supporters fleeing to Judea and Samaria. Then Abbas expelled as many Hamas followers that the PA knew about leaving the Hamas part of the legislature ruling Gaza making it a no-Fatah-zone and the PA ruled in Judea and Samaria evicting all Hamas and Islamic Jihad members and Abbas’s Fatah Party ruling there. Israel does not rule over any of the Palestinian Arab populations. So, the Palestinian Arabs have two separate governments with one, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, ruling Gaza and the PA under the Fatah Party ruling in Judea and Samaria. The PA rules Area A and selected areas of Area B and Israel rules Area C all according to the Oslo Accords. As both governances, Gaza and the PA, have devolved into dictatorships both on occasion actually having their parts of the Legislature hold a meeting, usually as part of a photo opportunity and a way of pretending that they have any normative governance. These shows are used to blame Israel for preventing their actual rule or to make believe they have kept a promise such as altering their Charter from stating their intention to completely destroy Israel and kill every single Jew in the process. This coming show is no different from any farce put on by the PA. Unfortunately, this new ploy may just work better than their previous attempts to destroy Israel. There is one saving grace; Mahmoud Abbas has guaranteed the Arabs he rules that he will only accept the complete destruction of the Zionist Entity, or Israel. As even with all the European recognition in the world is not going to destroy Israel thus Abbas will reject any agreement offered no matter how generous, as he has already proven. It is so odd that the person who is often the saving grace for Israel ends up being Mahmoud Abbas. How ridiculous does that sound? We agree.


Beyond the Cusp


March 29, 2017

When Normalcy Takes a Holiday


Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Monday called on Israel not to waste new opportunities for a peace agreement based on the “two-state solution”. Abbas’s comments came at a press conference in Brussels with European Union (EU) Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini. “Our meeting today was important to discuss the latest developments in international efforts to find the best way to reach a just and comprehensive peace between us and the Israelis in light of the intention of the U.S. administration under President Trump to work for peace. There were many contacts and meetings, and we are continuing discussions for the success of the American and international efforts, and I have assured President Trump that we are ready for a peace deal,” said Abbas, according to the PA-based WAFA news agency.


Mahmoud Abbas does a few things and he does them very well. He can dress in a suit where every part is properly positioned and every tie knot tied perfectly, the tie clasp is perfectly positioned as are the buttons fastened properly for the two or three button suit. The creases in his pants are crisp and the coat and shirt perfectly aligned and centered as if positioned by an engineer. The man can dress for success. Another thing he can do extremely well is smile, even when a smile is completely out of place, he smiles perfectly as a good smile means you are in control, happy and nothing in your world is out of place and most of all, you can trust a man with a smile, well, unless the smile is completely out of place as when at the ceremony to mourn and honor those lost in the Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher memorial march in Paris, France in January 2015. Everybody has an expected somber look as they honor and mourn those murdered in two horrific terror attacks and following shootout capturing two of the terrorists all of which stole twenty lives and wounded, many seriously, another nineteen individuals. Somber appearances were the norm of the day, well, except for the man who does not understand that Islamists murdering innocents and wounding a near equal number all in cold blood with them either at their job or shopping for food for the weekend is an evil event and not something the world is supposed to simply accept and expect as the price of being infidel.


The reality for Mahmoud Abbas is that he deals with Israel where the world has accepted the murder of Israelis daily by Muslim terrorists because they are merely Jews who should expect that they be murdered by anyone desiring to do so. That has been the truth throughout both Europe and the MENA states (Middle East and North Africa) because, after all, they are Jews whose definition is they are interlopers in other people’s lands and have been the target of every civilization for as long as anybody can remember and just because they were given their own nation, imagine that, a Jew nation, they still should expect that their situation could not have changed, they should continue to understand that nobody cares when they are murdered. But Abbas believes that what applied to the Jews in Israel or elsewhere should apply just as equally to French citizens who mocked Muhammad and those shopping in a Jew supermarket because they too are infidel making them justified targets. Abbas is so used to his terrorists being accepted in their actions when they murder Israelis, or as he sees all Israelis, Jews, because the world has decided that Jews, even in Israel, are simply Jews and thus can be murdered by whomever feels the urge and why should anybody care now just because this is in Israel instead of outside Champagne or Toledo or Stuttgart by Crusaders or Inquisitors or by the local Caliph in order to settle disruptions in his district as these were common practices for centuries, for as long as anybody was able to remember, why should now be different. He thinks Jew, Christian, whatever, all infidel and thus their lives are equal to the Jews he has always murdered with the world’s approval, or at least their looking away. Why should these twenty infidel be different and this is a parade and there are news cameras from the world over, this is the reason for Abbas for the gathering, to parade before the world’s media and cameras and this is the reason for one to smile as if all is well and happy. That is why Mahmoud Abbas looks like a harpy amongst normal people in the picture from that gathering to mourn the losses from the terror attack targeting Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher shown below.


Mahmoud Abbas smirking while at remembrance rally for Charlie Hebdo in Paris after terror slaughter of a dozen writers and cartoonists for the satirical magazine.

Mahmoud Abbas smirking while at remembrance rally for Charlie Hebdo in Paris after terror slaughter of a dozen writers and cartoonists for the satirical magazine.


When it comes to Israel and terrorism where Israel is the target, the truth is that normalcy takes a holiday. The world takes their historic position that it is only Jewish lives and thus completely understandable. This is true across the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and surprisingly also Asia, Africa, South America, Central America, Oceana and even more and more of North America where the United States and Canada had been the exceptions to this rule, but that is changing and not for the better. The initial changes are appearing as is usually the case, in academia and on the college and university campuses. This is made evident with the Israel Apartheid Week demonstrations, anti-Israel demonstrations, anti-Zionist speakers, and all kinds of attacks which start against Israel and then slowly have started to include Jews who are not sufficiently hostile against Israel, the Jewish State. If you find yourself saying the normative, “So what? They should oppose those crazy Zionists just like all good-thinking, progressive, liberal leftists,” then you have joined the silent anti-Semites, most of whom do not believe hating Israel and expecting Jews to join in that hate makes them anti-Semites. Well, here is the truth which you may not have stopped to reason through. Denying that the Jewish State should exist and only the Jewish State must meet overt demands and place itself in mortal danger and nowhere else, then you are an anti-Semite. Would you challenge an Indian student from Mumbai to protest against India’s war with Pakistan over who gets to control Kashmir? How about a Spanish student from Colorado, do they have to protest against Spain over the oppression of the Basque? Would you demand a Chinese student to protest China’s illegal conquest and occupation of Tibet? How about a Russian student because Russia occupies parts of Georgia; a Canadian for Canada’s oppression of the Inuit; a Turk for Turkey’s oppression of the Kurds; an Iranian for their oppression of the Kurds; an Iraqi for their oppression of the Kurds; a British subject for the British for their broken promises to the Jews, Kurds, Irish and countless others throughout their history of conquest and colonialism as well as the French, Spanish, Zulu, Mongols, Chinese, and Arabs for their conquests and colonialisms. If the initial concerns over Israeli evils seemed normative and all of these others simply brought forth more of a giggle than serious self-criticism, then you may be an irretrievable anti-Semite. Meanwhile, how about we take another look at Abbas when a camera occupies a near proximity, in the picture below.


Mahmoud Abbas as Almost Always Pictured

Mahmoud Abbas as Almost Always Pictured


There was more that Mahmoud Abbas had to say before his meetings with European Union Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini and United States President Trump with Administration Officials and Abbas also will bring along his entourage of fellow advocates. His further encouraging comments to the media included, “There were many contacts and meetings, and we are continuing discussions for the success of the American and international efforts, and I have assured President Trump that we are ready for a peace deal. We are committed to a just, comprehensive and permanent peace with our Israeli neighbors based on international and United Nations resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative that would end the Israeli occupation of the territory of the State of Palestine occupied since 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, which we want to keep as an open city for the followers of the three monotheistic religions (Jordan made the same promise in exactly the same words right before closing the entirety of the Old City of Jerusalem to all religions other than Islam and proceeded to destroy every synagogue and every Jewish cemetery within the areas of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria they controlled).” Abbas continued speaking out against Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria with the warning that “continuation of settlement activities and expropriation of Palestinian land will lead to the one-state situation with an apartheid system.” But what does all this oft repeated gobbled-goop really mean in plain, easy to understand language, the kind of language that advocates of such terms deny because once the truth of their positions are known, they lose supporters because the truth comes out and their real intended end results become evident.


As we pointed out above, Jordan also made the promise that they would, we quote, “East Jerusalem as its capital, which we want to keep as an open city for the followers of the three monotheistic religions.” This is a bald faced deceit as they have no intention of doing so. Just as Jordan stated this claiming, honestly, that the Quran demands that they treat the other two Abrahamic religions with respect and would honor their traditional relation and requirements to their holy sites in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. What the Palestinians mean, just as the Jordanians before them, is that every last religious holy site of the other two Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity, are actually Islamic holy sites and will be named as such. Just as Mahmoud Abbas has sworn to protect their holy sites on the Temple Mount (known to Muslims as the Haram esh-Sharif or in Arabic it is الحرم الشريف‎‎) from the Jews listing the Dome of the Rock, the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as all as being Islamic holy sites. The video below depicts exactly how Mahmoud Abbas plans on permitting Jews to ever visit the Temple Mount and with his claim of the reason for the Christians to visit as being claimed by Islam, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which should whisper loudly exactly the view and lack of respect that Abbas and his fellow Palestinians have for other religions and people.



Another video from this timeframe depicts the story of what was actually occurring and was behind the violence and led to these claims by Abbas which were actually a bravo and carry on as we love you and you will be rewarded by Allah, the Islamic deity. The following video also gives further evidence of the wonderful Israeli peace partner which the world claims would not have snow melt in his mouth. Of course they deny that he ever speaks with flames stoking violence using that same mouth as that would make a mockery of the “peace process” and the blame Israel and always Israel meme. Another thing you might want to notice, Mahmoud Abbas does not smile anywhere near as he does when meeting with Western leaders or standing before their cameras, but talking to his people he is expressive and in a completely different manner than most are used to seeing when there are news reports in America, Canada, Europe or virtually anywhere outside his own people. This is a sign to the Palestinian people, when he is smiling he is speaking lies while when he is speaking truthfully, his emotions show through. It is very easy to understand, smiling equals with telling lies while changing expressions usually means speaking the truth. Here is the news report from what many will tell you is a biased news service, the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN). Perhaps that is considered to be biased because they speak truths nobody wants to admit, you decide.



Let’s take a look at another person who you might initially not believe would support Israel. The following is about a Canadian human rights activist born in Samaria and raised in Saudi Arabia. Sandra Solomon has received death threats for her work against the spread of radical Islam in Canada and her pro-Israel message. “I am Palestinian, but I stand with Israel,” Solomon said at the counter-demonstration. “We are the Arabs. We occupy the land of the Jews. This (is) Jewish land. It’s going to be there for ever and ever. I used to be a Muslim. They taught me to hate Israel and the Jewish people. There is no Palestine. It’s a lie. They are using Palestine just to kill the Jewish people. Just to hate the Jews. They teach me to ‘purify al-Aqsa mosque from the filthy Jews’. Palestinians are liars.”


How about some of what a Bedouin raised in the village of Kabiya, named after his family. His name is Muhammad Kabiya, the last name not much of a surprise, but he is a recently demobilized IDF soldier and has decided to join the fight on behalf of Israel and to do so outside of Israel starting in the United States and Canada. With any fortune, he will have sufficient success and feel a sense of accomplishment and continue on to the more difficult challenge of Europe, we would love to find that Europe is not a lost cause. He had the following to say to Israel Channel 10, “People don’t know anything about what goes on here. I’m defending the image of the state that they are trying to destroy. When I arrived for an address, ‘Israel Apartheid Week’ had just started. I confronted Jewish students who claimed that Zionism is racism. I told them that they should be embarrassed. I, Muhammad, an Israeli-Arab, was the one who needed to go out and confront anti-Israel Jews. It drove them nuts.”
“On the first day (of the speaking tour) a Jewish student gave me a flyer for an address which claimed ‘Zionism is racism’,” said Kabiya. “I told him ‘you should be ashamed of yourself’, you don’t need to be working with groups whose goal is to spread hatred and lies against the State of Israel, against your state, the state of the Jews – and I’m telling you that as an Israeli Arab.”


Bedouin soldier turned Israel advocate Muhammad Kabiya (Courtesy of Muhammad Kabiya and Arutz Sheva)

Bedouin soldier turned Israel advocate Muhammad Kabiya
(Courtesy of Muhammad Kabiya and Arutz Sheva)


There is more Muhammad Kabiya had to say which can be read here, along with the entirety from Sandra Solomon, our Canadian human rights activist born in Samaria and raised in Saudi Arabia. More information on Sandra Solomon and her efforts can be read here. This tells of her efforts during the recent AIPAC Convention in Washington D.C. recently.


Probably the most important things one need remember from this article are the people who defend Israel will sometimes amaze you. In this article alone we have an Arab Bedouin who resides in Israel in his family’s hometown, a hometown named after his family itself and a community which fought with the Israelis during the 1948 war where the surrounding six Arab nations, including a division of Bedouins as part of the Jordanian Army, invaded with the intent of slaughtering every single Jew, and his family history includes a dedication to the State of Israel which would be extremely admirable of any family in Israel. We also had a former Muslim who was born in Samaria and raised in Saudi Arabia who as a Palestinian admits that there is no such entity as a Palestinian and that the claimed existence that there once was a Palestinian nation is a lie and is used in order to murder Jews and deny Israeli existence. The one other item to remember is that Mahmoud Abbas smiles when he lies and actually shows a variety of emotions when speaking truthfully to his people. Abbas adds to the incitement and advocates violence against Israelis, Jews in particular. Further, try and remember that picture of Abbas from the beginning of the memorial procession for Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher in Paris, France and how he muscled himself to the front despite not being granted such a place such that he would be right in front of the cameras. He targeted and attained a relatively central location and despite being amongst a sea of somber faces on people seriously considering the reason they had gathered while Mahmoud Abbas had a completely separate reason for his attendance which had absolutely nothing to do with honoring the deceased people from two heinous terror attacks, he was there to show he is an upbeat and amiable person who one can trust and like and that he should be accepted as an honest and decent person. This is what a smile would normally mean; here is an honest and friendly person. In this instance, that harpy-like smirk, that leering grin is completely wrong and insulting to the people whose lives were snuffed-out by Islamist terror violence and another nineteen seriously injured stating that my image and need to be seen smiling no matter the reality around me is the most important thing in the world. I must be seen smiling in front of Western cameras trumps the memory of those murdered violently and is more important that the recovery of the near twenty people hospitalized, some bordering on death and one who did succumb in the next couple of days, but Abbas smiles on as there are cameras recording him, Western cameras.


Beyond the Cusp


January 14, 2017

Paris Conference in Paris and Inevitable Challenges


Tomorrow, Sunday January 15, 2017, will be a date that will start the cause of infamy when seventy nations convene in Paris, France to craft the future war in the Middle East. The organizers of this confab have already met with Mahmoud Abbas and his terrorist supporters and carefully created the closest they dare go in granting the Arab Palestinian Authority their wildest desires, the end of Israel. They will give the Arab world the one item they have hoped for ever since they fought the June 5 – 10, 1967, Six Day War; a redo from the original borders. The seventy nations will include the United States which will be represented by President Short Term Barack Obama’s puppet and lackey, Secretary of State Kerry who was instrumental in meeting with Abbas in Nablus to craft the finalization of the formation of a new Arab nation named Palestine cut from the legal borders of Israel as per more treaties than we care to list again, the League of Nations, the Mandate System and Article 80 of the UN Charter which binds the world to that very Mandate System which set the eastern Israeli border as the Jordan River. Also included among the nations and others joining the United States and France will be European Union Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, a representative of the United Nations, many Foreign Ministers from European nations, a number of the Sunni Arab nations high representatives, advisors from numerous anti-Israeli NGO’s for a reasoned flavor of authenticity and fairness and various other national representatives to round out the merry band of vigilante diplomacy. The truth be told, this is an internationally prearranged lynching where under the direction of France, the United States President and his State Department, the European Union, selected leftist pro-Palestinian Arab nations and the usual anti-Israel third world nations being brought together to give the feel of an authentic and reasoned conference which has the backing of the world and thus is really dispensing justice. Israel has denounced this conference knowing that the final decision has already been set in cement and left to dry.


Protesters in support of Palestinians in Gaza last weekend displayed a swastika at a Paris rally. The demonstration had been banned by the government and prompted deployment of police.

Protesters in support of Palestinians in Gaza
last weekend displayed a swastika at a Paris rally.
The demonstration had been banned by the
government and prompted deployment of police.


There is little left to chance and the only item which will be decided at the conference is how long they will appear to debate and deliberate before all but unanimously approving the pre-prepared proposition for an “equitable” resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the misnamed Palestinian-Israeli conflict as the Palestinian Arabs are simply the bludgeon with which the Arab world had attempted for years to beat Israel into submission and return them to the pre-June 1967 borders, press Israel back within the 1949 Armistice Line also referred to as the Green Line. After the ill-fated October 6–25, 1973, Yom Kippur War where the Arab allies of Egypt and Syria believed they would be able to defeat Israel if they caught them completely unprepared for an attack. Their plan worked as they caught Israel literally deep in prayers and unaware and unable to recall their military as the soldiers were in Synagogue and all transportation and communications were all either closed or in holiday mode. Eventually the Israelis cobbled together their units and survived. What was learned that month was had Israel not still held the Sinai Peninsula and Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and should there have been additional forces attacking from Judea and Samaria backed by other Arab nations with Israel within the pre-June 1967 borders, the Arabs would have had a very good chance of being in Tel Aviv under similar conditions of surprise. The first and most vital need for an Arab victory and the erasure of Israel is to force Israel back behind the Green Line. The next requirement is for a heavily armed and ready force within Judea and Samaria. With such in place the Arab assault to eradicate Israel would be assured. Such an assault would be initiated with rockets fired from the Judean Hills overlooking central Israel. These rockets would initially be a few the first week and a slow ramping with accuracy guaranteed by having direct visual ranging from the Judean cliffs and the world cautioning Israel to remember the peace agreement and not to react harshly. Israel would be condemned as foolish for any concerns and would be told that the government of “Palestine” was not behind the attacks and was doing everything possible to apprehend those responsible and were very concerned that Israel might react foolishly and hold them responsible for these horrific attacks. The United Nations would call emergency meetings which would issue warning after warning to Israel not to take matters into its own hands as doing so would break the Israeli obligation from the Paris accords which were confirmed and formed the core of the UNSC Chapter Seven Resolution establishing the independent state of Palestine. The shrillness of the warnings coming from the UN, the EU and even from the United States should somebody of a similar viewpoint as President Obama be elected, an eventuality which will come to pass, and various NGO’s, Human Rights Organizations and possibly through decisions from the World Courts all condemning Israel even before she has taken any defensive actions. The one item that must be recalled is that Israel is not permitted to defend herself, Israel if defending herself may not prove victorious, at the first signs of an Israeli victory the fighting must be terminated and the original borders reestablished no matter how long it takes (as is becoming all too evident currently) and finally when Israel is proving victorious then it becomes the vital mission of much of the world to threaten Israel with annihilation if they do not cease winning and return to their borders immediately.


So let us get back to Paris and the conference of the damning. The prearranged findings will call for the establishment of the Arab state of Palestine with the borders that the world realizes is the only proper and inevitable borders, the Green Line and the Jordan River. The call will be for an unarmed Palestine with only a security force having weapons necessary for dealing with crime and for preventing any encroachment or invasions by Israel. As time passes the amount of weaponry required for the security of Palestine will include armor, artillery, rockets and an air force. They would also call for their having a navy with aircraft carriers except the Dead Sea and Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) are just too small to require any naval forces, but a small coast guard might be authorized to patrol the Jordan River as well as these other waterways. Simply stated, within a decade, two at the most, the Arab state of Palestine will be better armed than Jordan, something which will rightfully make the King of Jordan very nervous as he recalls the Black September revolt where the PLO attempted to overthrow the Jordanian government. Meanwhile, Israel will be in mortal danger and likely once again without a friend in the world. Much like the position Israel finds herself in until January 20, 2017 at noon Eastern Standard Time when President Obama gives way to President Trump.


The one saving hope from a world gone mad is that the Paris ambushing of Israel takes longer than five days and the protection of a United States veto returns to the Security Council. Should the protagonists in France complete their dirty work before the morning of January 20, 2017, then there is a possibility of the UNSC officially recognizing Arab Palestine with the Green Line as its western border and forcing close to a million Israelis to become refugees instantly and needing to be rescued by the IDF and escorted to safety. The one item that would be considered fighting words is if the Paris ensemble tries to take any part of Jerusalem from Israeli control. Israel has officially annexed all of Jerusalem and granted its Arab citizens Israeli identification papers, medical coverage and permitted them voting rights in local elections with the possibility for full voting rights once they complete certain requirements to qualify as full citizens. Israelis have accepted that Jerusalem is an integral part of Israel and our reclaiming of our eternal Capital City and that is the one thing which will never change. This is something which must be made clear as well as making the Israeli position on the main cities and residential blocks which must remain part of Israel as even under the Oslo Accords Area C was to remain with Israel.


Despite it becoming clear that the entirety of the Oslo Accords was a ruse, a grand deception designed to allow for the slow and eventual erosion of the right of Israel to even exist within any borders. That eventuality has yet to materialize but not for lack of efforts. The BDS, boycott, divestment and sanction, movement developing from the Arab boycott of Israel and their Khartoum Resolution with the three No’s; no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel, and spreading throughout the world and gaining traction numerous college campuses in the Western World, the isolation of Israel was looking to make inroads. Within the past year the BDS has seen setbacks as governments in numerous cities and states in the United States and elsewhere, it required a boost which came almost as if scripted by some unseen director with the recent UNSC Chapter Six Advisory Resolution 2334 which declared that Israel had no legal claims to Area C thus voiding UNSC Res. 242 and the Oslo Accords setting an entirely new perception to the eventual resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. President Obama through the backdoor arrangement of UNSC Res. 2334 wording and particular specification delineating the abrogation of all Israeli rights presumably on the international stage, the world has set up a situation where another war is all but guaranteed in the Middle East unsettling any semblance of balance and leeway for actual negotiations to take place. The next step, should this procedural intention play out fully, would be to demand that Israel surrender every inch of lands they gained during their defensive efforts in the Six Day War. The world is treading on thin ice and teetering on the edge of falling through and unless in Paris a miracle occurs and the world decides to step away from the insanity and frantic attempts by President Obama to force a resolution which will only set up a situation with no good solution just to pretend he deserved that Nobel Peace Prize. It is borderline insanity to potentially force a predicament which could result in a dangerous faceoff between the United Nations Security Council, Israel and the viability and enforcement of President Obama taking a final shot in his vendetta against the Jewish State which it appears his aim had been its destruction from day one. That is the only way his frantic end of term insanity forcing solutions where none exist as well as his guaranteeing that Iran will become a nuclear armed nations with as many if not more nuclear weapons than all but the big three, United States, Russia and China, and possibly Iran will make that the big four and the world will live on borrowed time thereafter. Oh what has the world wrought and how can that tension be released peaceably? Perhaps it cannot and the result will become the real legacy for President Obama. Too bad so few might survive that legacy should it really turn for the worst. But then again, transforming the United States, specifically its relationship with the Jewish State, with Israel, has been the aim all along and was likely the most prominent piece of America Barack Hussein Obama had intended to mortally wound from the very start. He sure went after this first, last and consistently the hardest.


Beyond the Cusp 


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