Beyond the Cusp

February 14, 2017

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely calls for Gradual Sovereignty


Tzipi Hotovely, from the ruling Likud Party, for all intents and purposes is the Israeli Foreign Minister though she insisted she be the Deputy Foreign Minister for religious reasons which are not a consideration except to note her actual position has all the power of any Israeli Foreign Minister. This makes her comments and any policy statements carry the weight of the leader of the Foreign Ministry. That makes her recent statements on the “settlements,” the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and the reality that the Jewish communities are the ones under occupation and threat, not the Arab communities. We agree as the area is under military rule but much of the land is actually ruled under either Jordanian law left over from the Jordanian nineteen year occupation or British law left over from the twenty-five plus years of oppressive and pro-Arab British rule. So, let us first quote exactly the words from Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely:

“In the years when we did not dare to ask sovereignty we lost. We lost justice, truth, the Israeli story. In the years when we told the world that we can resolve the matter in a compromise because we are a peace loving nation, we did not engage in a struggle for justice in Israel. Anyone who does not believe in the right to settle in Shilo, Beit El and Eli has no business in Tel Aviv, Herzliya and Rishon Lezion.
“We learned the hard way that you cannot divide the country. We uprooted Gush Katif and we received the terrible Gaza which is bad for both Israelis and Palestinians,” she added during a meeting with Netanyahu last week where she urged him to apply sovereignty. “It can be done in a gradual manner, starting with the greater Jerusalem area and from there applying Israeli law on the entire settlement enterprise and later to sovereignty from the sea to the Jordan, but doing so requires unity, no contest who is more right-wing.
“We represent half a million people who want the law which applies to them to be the Israeli law and not the Civil Administration and the military regime. It is the settlers who are really under occupation, and it’s time to end the occupation.” Her concluding thought expressed included that, “it is more important to tell the world why we are here, because when we tell our truth, we’ll have stability all around us.”


We fully agree with her desire to apply Israeli laws over the entirety of Judea and Samaria and remove the horrifically horrendous anti-Zionist applications of foreign laws and allowing NGO’s and the Supreme Court to uproot Jewish communities on the flimsiest of evidence which often proves to have been false or an extreme stretch using hundreds of years old Ottoman deeds and claims simply to destroy Zionist and religious communities because they are considered an anathema to some Jews backed by European monies. The current situation allows the poisons of European systemic, historic, lingering anti-Semitism couched as anti-Zionism and pro-Palestinianism and pan-Arabism to destroy Jewish lives as well as destroying Jewish employers who employ hundreds of Palestinian Arabs as well as Jews giving these Arabs equal pay and advancement and paying salaries four times that of what they might expect from similar positions in the areas under the Palestinian Authority (PA). These attacks are meant to destroy Jewish claims and make Judea and Samaria into an Arab enclave which will fall most likely to Hamas or possibly to the Islamic State because they believe the falsehood that giving away Judea and Samaria will work better than what occurred when we surrendered Gaza and got hundreds of thousands of rockets, mortars and terrorism in return costing Israeli lives and forcing a generation of Israelis residing near the Gaza border to live under hellish attacks and threats constantly hanging over their heads, literally. Children show signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) except that their Traumatic Stress is current and constant which would make their condition Current-Constant-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CCTSD).


Tzipi Hotovely

Tzipi Hotovely


Giving all of Judea and Samaria, which includes the Judean Heights which overlook the heart of Central Israel and the vast majority of Israeli industry, production, power generation and three quarters of the population’s residences, would place all of this under direct line of sight for launching rockets, mortars, anti-tank weapons and other weapons which could be used by snipers or casual terrorist who woke-up and desired some excitement defined as shooting Israelis in a barrel with the barrel being Petah Tikva, Rehovot, Giv’atayim, Netanya, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Herzliya, Yafo and, of course the gem and biggest target, Tel Aviv (see map below). Additionally, these heights give a direct shot at more than buildings as it includes direct targeting of all flights in and out of Ben Gurion International Airport as well as easy shooting at vehicles on some of Israel’s most used highways (see images below map). Opening up such vulnerabilities would be beyond insane into suicidal. The building behind the runways is Tel Aviv on up to Netanya and as one can see the Mediterranean Sea beyond one gets an idea at how close and easy it would be to target these communities and the heart of the largest collection of center city structures in Israel. And if all of this were not enough, surrendering Judea and Samaria would leave Jerusalem at the end of a thin vine containing two highways and railway tracks which would be easily cut off leaving Western Jerusalem hanging to die on the cut vine connecting it to the rest of Israel. Surrendering Judea and Samaria would mean surrendering all of Jerusalem as it would simply be a matter of time with modern weaponry to lay siege to Jerusalem by simply making the roadways and rail lines unusable. Lastly, this would also result in the surrender of the Jordan Valley which the Jordan River flows through. This valley is a natural barrier to any land assault and provides Israel with a natural defensive position. Surrendering all of Judea and Samaria would result in allowing the three passes which allow the passing from the Jordan Valley onto the Judean Heights to any Arab force that would be determined to launch a land assault against Israel (see bottom figure below). This was something Israel learned very early in its modern life as Arab armies flowed through these passes on May 15, 1948 when more than a half dozen Arab Armies attacked Israel on the first morning of her existence in an attempt to genocidally destroy all of Israel. This was the declared Arab League’s commentary on the purpose of the attack. This was the attack where Jordan took Judea and Samaria and Egypt took Gaza and these nations occupied what was supposed to be Israeli land and broke the rules of the Geneva Convention by transferring populations into these lands, especially Jordan who forced thousands of Arabs to be relocated from Jordan to Judea and Samaria plus making the Arabs who wished to reside there be rewarded with Jordanian citizenship while annexing the entirety of Judea and Samaria. Their annexation was only recognized by Britain and Pakistan with even the Arab League denouncing the Jordanian actions. Jordan reneged on their offer of citizenship after losing the lands of Judea and Samaria when Israel liberated the areas in the Six Day War in a defensive war in early June of 1967. Jordan subsequently claimed to have gifted Judea and Samaria to the Palestinian Arabs as their own nation and denied having annexed the area after Israel recaptured their lands. The final reason why Israel needs to retain Judea and Samaria is that it alters the tactical depth of Israel from a mere nine miles along the midsection to forty-five miles from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea allowing time to react to any land assault instead of immediately being cut in half as would be the case without the lands of Judea and Samaria.


Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan Depicting the Near Complete Coverage of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah Are Capable of Producing in Bulk

Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan
Depicting the Near Complete Coverage
of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest
Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah
Are Capable of Producing in Bulk


Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Trans-Israel Highway Route 6 (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Trans-Israel Highway Route 6
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea

Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity
of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending
Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea


Obviously we see the necessity for retaining control over all the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea which was guaranteed the Zionist Congress and every Jewish organization and governance right up to November 29, 1947 when the United Nations broke their own Charter rules from Article 80 and offered the Arab League to divide Israel in half and give the most productive areas to the Arab nation and leave the Israeli Jewish State holding two-thirds desert lands in the Negev. The Jews accepted this deal reluctantly but accepted this perfidy by the General Assembly but the Arab League declined this compromise instead relying on what they figured would be an easy victory destroying Israel and genocidally cleansing the land of the Jews. They had the armies of Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and the Sudan plus militias and the Palestinian army under Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al Husseini. There were rumors that operating behind the scenes and possibly closer to the front lines there were former British and Nazi officers assisting the Arab forces most often with the Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian and Iraqi forces. When the Arab League rejected the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 dividing the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea the entire resolution became null and void. By null and void we and the rules mean into the circular file, burned in the furnace, gone, disappeared, vaporized, and most important, completely irretrievable. United Nations General Assembly Resolutions, not just 181, become inapplicable as soon as any side rejects any part, let alone all of the resolution as the Arab League did Resolution 181 immediately upon its passage. That particular rejection just might have set a world record which will be impossible to beat as the Arab League had decided to reject the action by the United Nations before it even was finished being written, let alone the ink to dry. This is also why there has not been a peace reached with the Palestinian Arabs as they are simply the mallet with which the Arab League and the Arab World has been beating Israel senseless for the past seventy plus years. The PA obeys much of the Khartoum Resolution and the Three No’s; no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel. The PA may appear to negotiate with Israel but if you look at the results you will find that the PA have never kept a single agreement and have never compromised on their demand that all of Israel be placed under Arab rule, period. This has been the demand from day one with the sole possible change to be allowed is that the Jews will be permitted to reside as Dhimmis under their Arab masters. Such is supposed to be better than what Jordan did to the Jews who owned land, homes, farms, businesses and other properties in Judea and Samaria as they were ejected from their properties which were then given to Arabs that were forced by Jordan to move to these properties in order to permanently change the ownership making a record which refused Jewish ownership.


That brings us back to the comments and ideas of the Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely. The problem with her idea is that it opens up Israel to constant denial of ownership of any of Judea and Samaria. With her idea of first annexing all of Jerusalem, a useless idea as Jerusalem has already been annexed and the Arab citizens granted Israeli citizenship with partial political rights. As we discussed in our article Why Does Israel Continue to Exist Today?, Israel was only required to grant the people residing in their homelands before they were declared a state civil rights, property rights, religious rights but not necessarily political rights. That is why and how Israel is permitted to allow the Arabs of East Jerusalem the right to vote in any Jerusalem election, though that was not required and done out of fairness as that is the one set of elections which most affects their lives, but not permit them to vote in national elections as of now. Then she wants to annex the suburbs around Jerusalem. Her idea continues to then annex the “settlement blocks” which are only in parts of Area C. Then she would eventually annex more and at some point the rest of the entirety of Judea and Samaria. Really? Such a plan is guaranteed to fail as the world comes unglued at each step. And knowing how the Likud lead-headed politically-defective step by step gradual way of accomplishing anything they feel might be controversial. Nothing could be any more wrong-headed and reality-challenged. They have learned nothing from their means of building housing in Judea and Samaria. Each time they take a single step they invite condemnations, denunciations, criminal charges to be filed, and international uproar. They announce the plan to debate allowing the building of twenty apartments in one block of a single building. The world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then Israel announces they will take tenders (bids) for the building of the twenty apartments in a single building and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then they announce they are reviewing the tenders and deciding which contractors will be in the final considerations and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. The announcement then comes on which contractor won the bid and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then they announce the intended date they will break ground and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then they announce the date again with two weeks to go and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks and then with one week to go and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. Then comes the big announcement that the building has been cancelled because of the world outcry and, believe it or not, the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks over the fact that Israel even had considered such an affront to the world order. Did you catch a consistency in this process? Yep, every time Israel announced anything with the word build in any form the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks. What does this mean for annexing Judea and Samaria? Well, probably that Israel would be best served by simply annexing all of Judea and Samaria in one fell swoop, rather than in small steps as she presented, and the world screams endlessly for a couple of weeks and then life continues.


The reason that so many Israelis are so touchy and seemingly timid about anything concerning Judea and Samaria is they have become gun shy. The constant screaming by a small minority of the world but a very loud and active group has scared them into believing that much of the world is against Israel. The problem is the more Israel acts like a scared two year old the more people jump on the bandwagon as it becomes less of a cost if Israelis run timid. The way to prevent this situation would be to take the entire problem on straight ahead and grab the bull by the horns. Simply take exactly what the world granted Israel from the beginning, well, almost the beginning. The very beginning Israel was supposed to be all the lands of the British Mandate, all of what today is Jordan as well as the lands west of the Jordan River. Responding to Arab pressures in the form of pogroms and rioting killing Jews and attacking British soldiers, the British reneged giving the 78% of the lands, all the lands east of the Jordan River to the Iraqi border to the Arabs placing it under the Hashemite King Hussein. That left the 22% of the lands west of the Jordan River for the Jewish State. The arguments are over the lands occupied by Jordan illegally and liberated by Israel. All Israel need do to end the tortuous Arab-Israeli conflict is formally annex the remainder of their lands, Judea and Samaria. Simply extend Israeli law over the entirety of the lands west of the Jordan River and simply permit the Arabs to vote in local election but not in national elections. In some cities the elections will require being split with the Arabs ruling part of the city and the Jews ruling their part of the city. This would be necessary in Hevron and some other split cities. The schools would need to come under Israeli education system and not continue to be indoctrination institution teaching the Arabs students to hate Jews and portray martyrdom as an honorable act respected and which will grant great pride and honor to be given to your family along with a permanent paycheck for their having a martyr in their family. Ending the atmosphere of hatred and violence and allowing the people to have rights while removing the kleptocrats currently ruling over the Arabs in Judea and Samaria would give the Arabs of Judea and Samaria greater opportunity to succeed and make a better future for themselves. With time, the Arab society would prosper and there is a movement in Jordan to extend citizenship in Jordan and install democratic governance replacing King Hussein. We discussed this in our article Israel’s Worst Enemy is Israel. This option is a real possible and fair solution if only the world will give the Palestinian Arab majority in Jordan the opportunity to have self-rule. Granted, there will need to be some deal for a generous reward for the Jordanian King and his family as they will need to abdicate their power and likely accept a ceremonial position similar to the royalty in England and other European nations which are governed by a democratic form such as a parliament or whatever and their royalty are ceremonial with a comfortable life style and allowance from the government. This with allowing that the minority in Jordan have their rights protected can lead to a new dawn in Jordan and as the JOC desires peace and cooperation with Israel there could be a situation where the Arab Palestinians residing in Judea and Samaria who are currently under PA jurisdiction can become Jordanian citizens while remaining in Israel as legal resident aliens. This would have them voting in Jordanian elections and taxing would need to be decided by the two governments such that these Jordanians are not a burdensome demand on Israeli support. All of these difficulties can be overcome and Israel can claim all of her promised lands and peace will be the logical result. Let the world scream for the entire three to six months before they get tired of screaming at the hand and getting nowhere. Should anybody be so determined to take the annexing to any international court they will find out very quickly why the Arabs never took that route, Israel has the rights to all the land and the treaties and agreements to show for it starting with the San Remo Conference and on all the way to Article 80 of the United Nations Charter which overrules and voids the recent angry resolution that President Obama fostered through the United Nations Security Council as a Chapter Six Resolution which is not binding.


Beyond the Cusp


January 21, 2017

Hating From the Word Go!


Right from the start let us set the record straight, the Republicans who refused publically to attend the Inauguration of Barack Obama were wrong to make it public, especially if they made a big show of such in the mainstream media, social media, alternative media and elsewhere. The current identical actions by those boycotting the Inauguration of Donald Trump are equally wrong. The big difference is the mainstream media and their joyous celebration of the boycotts being performed as a grand show now and the critical coverage they gave such in 2008. I will grant everybody a miniscule but infinitely important morsel of credit; at least nobody tried to make a mockery of the President elect and Vice President elect laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, well, except the most petty. Such mockery would have been so below the belt and uncouth beyond measure and as unacceptable as anything possible. Do not get me wrong, I respect these people’s right to do exactly what they are committing to do. My admonition goes to those from his party, the Republicans, the “Never Trump” Republicans, the Republicans who used every piece of rumor, dirt, suspicion of evil deeds and anything found against Trump even to repeating charges made by the Democrats amplifying their voices, the Republicans who used everything in the Republican National Committee computers such that the Russians found nothing new there to throw at Trump as they found with Hillary Clinton. News to everybody, News Flash, important news; Donald Trump is President and the United States is really in crisis with a government far too huge and cumbersome which is the exact swamp which needs draining. The problem which Trump will run up against first is that he cannot under the law just tell people in government, “You’re Fired,” and make it stick because the rules forbid exactly that. That is the reality, the swamp is protected by law and Trump and his administration will need to find some way of removing the dead wood sitting smug and comfortable pretending nothing can touch them. Well, there are other means of forcing one to depart the government such as making their working conditions too demanding and uncomforting. Force them to perform acts under their definition of office which are against their very principles and finally simply transfer them somewhere that does not permit family to also be allowed and repeat transfers until they decide it really is not worth the aggravation just to oppose the President. Should the President require somebody with experience and knowledge on how to make a workplace support only that which is the President’s promises, we are available.


One ideal example is Columbia Professor of Modern Arab Studies Rashid Khalidi who fears that these people supporting Israel, “And unfortunately, these people infest the Trump transition team, these people are going to infest our government as of January 20.” Professor Khalidi is an Islamic Arab who believes that all of Israel is occupied and that Jews are not entitled to any “Arab lands” and the Zionists are colonizers. Needless to understand is that Professor Khalidi is an atypical Arab spokesperson, American born, pro-Palestinian, reputed but denied being a PLO spokesperson in Beirut in the 1970’s and 1980’s, when Israel and the US considered the group a terrorist organization (see photo below). Obviously Professor Khalidi is among those who are less than exuberant about the new day with President Trump in the White House. Professor Khalidi was welcome at the White House during President Obama’s administration. He was hopeful that President Obama would hinder and possibly lead to the destruction of the Jewish State. The end of Israel and the imposition of Islam on the world making the world safe for the Arab people throughout all the continents, well, possibly except Antarctica as it might be just slightly too chilly during the winter that close to the South Pole. If one has surveyed the lands which were conquered by the Arabs between 620 and 750 and the indigenous peoples in these areas which remain under Arab rule, they would notice they have become an almost unnoticeable minority. The area of Egypt had a large population of Coptic Christians and a very active Jewish society before 625 and by the year 1700 the Jewish population was disappearing and the Christians were relegated to small enclaves and today there is no Jewish community and the Coptic Christians are a threatened group who, if we had lists of endangered human societies, the Coptic Christians would be amongst those on the list.


Columbia Professor of Modern Arab Studies Rashid Khalidi

Columbia Professor of Modern Arab Studies Rashid Khalidi


Let us return back to the new American President, Donald Trump. If one were to simply search here at BTC entering with quotes “Trump” “failure” one would find this has been a repeated subject as it is rampant and amplified by the mainstream media making it appear to be a pandemic when actually it is only three to four times the size from the people equally infuriated with President Obama being elected and being also equally boisterous. One of our favorites and we think almost amusing was It’s In, Trump’s Failed Presidency. Now that the inauguration is history and we are officially in the start of what will be those fateful first one-hundred days of the Trump Presidency, it is going to be interesting to see what the mainstream media makes of his successes and failures. It can be bet that what they term as a disaster or really terrible for the nation and the world will be the exact items where President Trump delivers upon his campaign promises. One item which will be interesting to read will be how as President Trump, providing the Republican congress actually work with him and not join those opposing everything he does, actually delivers on lowering taxes for the majority of people, deregulates businesses following through on what small businesses and others have noted are worthless busywork regulations and other things which would be approved by many people providing they were presented with these actions as theoretical and not attached to any political party or special interests. What many people do not understand and something I found out about as my Mother ended up working at home filling in forms and checking everything at least twice as errors on these forms were criminally punishable by long prison terms. Imagine having dozens of regulations each month with each averaging two pages of forms all requiring a grasp of basic math, some accounting, understanding poorly and distressfully worded instructions with vague meanings (yes, potentially double meanings) and deadlines for filing and this was way back in ancient history, the 1960’s to the 1980’s just to keep my Father’s tailor shop which employed himself, assistance from my mother and more often than not one tailor as an employee. Now imagine a plumber who has a small one city plumbing service and contracting company with twenty or thirty plumbers and fifteen trucks. Such a small company would require at least one person if not more to handle the required paperwork spawned by regulations. Ever wonder what happened to the neighborhood doctor’s office? When I was a kid, yes, I know I still act like one, we had a lady doctor who we could get treatment and she would assist in cover stories on how we injured ourselves, even when she saw you break your arm car surfing. She closed up the office in her house and joined three other doctors in a clinic which had a receptionist and two people who handled billing and regulation forms and they were considering hiring another. Take a look at the local school and remember back to your school days and there is little comparison if you are over thirty. There are three times the councilors, more than one principal, numerous vice principles (my high school of almost 4500 students had two), and an EEOC advisor (at least one), and a near uncountable number of secretaries spread around the various offices, and positions we never even heard of back in the day all because there are numerous requirements that the schools must fulfill, many having to do with sex education, equal opportunity for students, special education programs, physical education requirements and more and more federally imposed programs which the schools must document that every last one of these additional educational requirements are provided for the students or covered by teachers even to the point of students having to document receiving some required courses. None of these courses have anything to do with reading, writing, arithmetic, math, history, civics or any other educational subject but are usually more along the line of indoctrination.


So as Trump gets rid of regulations we will hear how Trump is releasing the polluters to destroy the air and water, killing endangered animals, allowing for price gouging, releasing restraints on bad things, vague bad things which will be left undefined other than they were bad things being loosed on the people. Imagine the productivity that could be increased if the numbers of regulations and required documentations by businesses. What could be wrong with that? Well, it will allow the people who own these businesses to enjoy larger profits, you know, allowing the rich to get richer. Further, the screams of his making certain jobs no longer necessary are simply outlandish. I doubt Donald Trump could ever get rid of so many regulations and other demands from government to cause widespread unemployment. Honestly, if President Trump can force the revocation of sufficient regulations and required documentation which would require also reducing state regulatory agencies which were initially brought into being by the Federal Government and many even financed initially by the Federal Government and later were just unloaded onto the states. Such a present to the American people would be unprecedented and unbelievably liberating freeing businesses and beyond but the media and special interests would howl and declare foul because they depend on these regulations to enforce their will on the hapless public. So what might result in the most voluminous in quantity and levels of sound could also be the greatest favor President Trump could give the people, regulation depletion allowing people to act with less tethers and restrictions or unnecessary paperwork all because the simple presumed fact that if Trump does something, then it must necessarily be an evil thing and must be denounced. I can hardly wait to hear the squealing from the mainstream media at every turn as President Trump and his administration move forward. The first circus we are already witnessing, the Senate hearings and approval of his Cabinet and other appointments requiring Senate affirmation. Allow us to give you a simple and different way of viewing Trump’s appointments, the Cabinet appointees are not supposed to necessarily be experts in whatever field of their administration, they are to be managers who know how to listen to experts, have an ability to understand even complicated explanations, manage people and use their skills, know how to balance those who work with them and setting up the administrative structure to best advantage to produce the most efficient results. Imagine an efficient government department, any one of them, just imagine. The problem is it would be difficult because doing so would make so many government employees superfluous and imagine how the media would howl if, by fiat, the government let one third of their employees go and have to find real jobs. The screaming would be that President Trump was causing massive unemployment because where would these government employees find work with their skills? We would be led to believe that government employees are unacceptable as employees in the real world, imagine that. Could that be true or is that simply fear mongering, but then again, we are talking about people screaming whose deepest skill is warning of catastrophic disasters should their warnings not be heeded. Oh, by the way, they are, more often than not, simply wrong. So, let the games begin.


Beyond the Cusp 


January 20, 2017

The Criminalization of the Jewish State


Thank you President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Power as well as members of the United Nations Security Council, China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Angola, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, Uruguay and Venezuela for your thoughtful nonbinding UNSC Res. 2334 and especially your special efforts expressing in uncertain references that the world was now free to economically and politically attack Israel with the world’s blessings. Thank you the many areas in the world, especially in Europe as depicted more politely than we would be able by Giulio Meotti in his editorial in Arutz Sheva titled Welcome to Europe’s “Israel Free” Cities and it listing a sampling of these open-minded, progressive, free-thinking and anxious cities vying to be amongst the first to boycott all things Israel. We find ourselves fortunate that you are not sending representatives to Israel to paint “Jude” on the storefronts of Israeli retail outlets and manufacturers to further enlighten the world that they should be shunned and boycotted. We would like to say that we were surprised, shocked even, but we knew you were just waiting for President Obama to make hating and boycotting Israel popular and made “kosher” as well, if such a reference does not upset you as being too Jewish. It is our best of hopes that every Israeli and many Jews decide that visiting your hospitable climes or Jews simply find residing in your loving, warm and caring cities an affront and move somewhere they will be accepted and loved. We have plenty of room here in Israel and will hopefully soon have a whole lot more.


The good news is many European Jews are finding the spiteful atmosphere just a tad too hateful and have moved up their decision for making Aliyah and returned to their true home, Israel. Perhaps these cities, towns, municipalities and even entire swaths of the countryside, as in Spain, deciding that a boycott of Israel is in their best interests will place the hint to the Jews residing within areas where the Jewish State is considered something to be spited and blacklisted might not be the most advantageous or even the place where their future may not prove healthy and get the itch which will be given to many by Hashem in the near future and come home before their friendly neighbors decide that a Jew is too Israeli for them. The world is slowly deciding for the Jews that they need to return home to Israel where they will find a happiness unlike any they have ever experienced. All of a sudden being a Jew becomes something easy and so comfortable as you are no longer the other, the outsider, the Jew which will be tolerated as long as it does not act too Jewish. The world may not want things made in Israel, but they actually depend daily on things Israeli and they will not give up those items which make their lives not only easier and richer but in some cases make their lives possible. Their cell phones depend on Israel. If they have stents in the heart they likely were made by Israel. Their instant messenger coding was initially written in Israel. Many agricultural technologies such as drip irrigation which saves water while increasing crop health was invented in Israel. But in order to assist these haters across the world who decide that all things Israel and those things tainted by Israel must be boycotted, allow us to help with this list of ten products you will need to avoid or simply remember all the items from Made in Israel for a more complete list. The thing you won’t need to give up is Stock 84 brandy as it is so good we do not export this gem so you will need to actually visit Israel to enjoy this delicious cordial.


Sometimes one need make fun of what is happening, even make jokes about it as the reality is so disgusting and unacceptable that being completely honest and serious all the time becomes tedious and disgust builds. There is little difference between the Nazis painting “Jude” on shop windows and then one fateful night the anti is raised and windows are smashed and stores ransacked with their inventory either stolen or destroyed and even entire blocks in Jewish neighborhoods are set to the torch and blaze throughout the night. From there we know what came next. Defenseless Jews whose weapons had been confiscated using the lists of gun ownership from the Weimar Republic who required gun licensing which they promised would never be used for confiscation. Well, that went completely wrong as the Nazis broke that promise taking the guns from German citizens to keep order and remove any possibility of public threat to their complete domination of the society. This left the Jews, the Roma, and others who the Nazis labeled as undesirables or submerses completely defenseless allowing for the rounding up, mass transfer of entire communities and entire populations leading eventually to the extermination camps. That is where this path leads whether anybody has the nerve to admit this is where the world is heading. There is a difference this time; the Jews you are targeting cannot be disarmed as long as they have Israel. Wait, that makes things all the clearer, doesn’t it.


Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases

Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases


First weaken Israel with a subversive group claiming lands which the world through the League of Nations and so many treaties and even the promise of the United Nations within Article 80 of the Charter guaranteed all the British Mandate lands west of the Jordan River. The world is attempting to force Israel to give away these promised lands because unless Israel agrees to part with the lands, then they belong to Israel, period, and the world knows this. They refuse to say what they know is the truth because once again they believe they can force the Jews to be disarmed, this time through the destruction of Israel under the barrage of rockets from an Arab terror state carved from Judea and Samaria taking the high ground overlooking all of Israel. That was what UNSC Res 2334 and the follow-on Paris conference were presumed to allow, nay, force. President Obama could singlehandedly push through the UNSC Res 2334 which defined all the lands beyond the Green Line as reserved for that Arab State which now Israel is presumed to be bound to granting. There is one problem, that resolution is no more than a UNGA Resolution like so many that have passed there or the condemnations from the menagerie of Human Rights groups and the presumptuous gifting of the Temple Mount to Islam denying the Jewish and Christian historic and previous claims and ties by UNESCO. The United Nations can pass whatever they decide they think will disposes Israel of her claims and lands but none will stand before any honest court of law, including the International Criminal Court. We have discussed this quite a bit lately and shown even an Egyptian judge sitting on the court stated as an addendum to a decision which the UNGA had requested as stated towards the end of this article. The land belongs to Israel as long as Israel demands so and that is where this must remain.


The latest events have had a striking effect which was the opposite of their intention. Right now it matters little what Prime Minister Netanyahu may think or what the government currently sitting in the Knesset might claim, the Israeli people will have the final say and that will be exclaimed with pride that Judea and Samaria along with East Jerusalem are the Jewish ancestral heartland and we will never surrender that land. Any government attempting to give away these lands will crumble and fail with new elections being demanded by the Israeli Zionist majority. The best that the Arabs can hope to gain is the right to behave as semiautonomous governance where they care for their people and rule their cities but under Israeli oversight and protection without anything beyond a police security force, not an actual military. They will never steal the ancient heart of Israel and never ever again tear out eternal capital city of Jerusalem in half and steal the Temple Mount or Old City from Israeli rule. Our annexation of Jerusalem is as final as is our annexation of the Golan Heights. There actually need not be any formal annexation of Judea and Samaria as they are already Israeli and will remain Israeli. There will be no debate and the world can yell, stamp their feet, shake their fists, boycott our goods and in the end they will willingly accept the miracles we discover and the advances in computers, telecommunications, agriculture, medicine, drugs, treatments and other advances across all fields because they will want these items and their people will want these items. Just as the boycotters are not surrendering their cell phones, having their stents replaced, avoiding instant messaging, endoscopy in a capsule, clean geothermal power already built in more than twenty countries, the solar window providing power generation and transparency, cherry tomatoes, BabySense’s device which monitors a baby’s breathing and movements through the mattress during sleep, EpiLady which made the first electric hair remover, Rav Bariach introduced steel security door or any of these other forty-five items. The Israeli people are starting to reach the end of their patience and will soon be demanding action that the government will need heed or else a new government will soon be elected which will listen as the Zionists in Israel and will make their voices heard and their presence felt. Their patience has about run out on the empty promises and knows that the time has come as of a few hours from this posting and probably by the time you are reading this. The time has come and the world can react and do whatever they think is required. We have seen how attempting to work with the world gets us; hate, boycotts and threats from every corner. We have reached the point where we are willing to state, “What is the world going to do, hate us? Been there and received that and really do not care as the world will get over it, or not.”


Beyond the Cusp 


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