Beyond the Cusp

September 15, 2019

European Union and United Nations Rear their Ugliest Side


It was as predictable as the cycles of the moon. An Israeli politician comments of their intent to expand the regions under Israeli sovereignty and the European Union and United Nations spent the next few days denouncing Israel complaining that such a move would end any hope of establishing the two-state solution. When Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas extend their perverse sovereignty over areas of land and claim their rights to further lands, it never appears to be any form of a problem for the European Union and United Nations or posing any threat to the two-state solution. Only Israeli applying sovereignty is troublesome. One might wonder why the completely opposite reactions to Israeli and Arab application of sovereignty by the European Union and United Nations. The reality is very easy to discern their reasoning and problems only with any act of applying sovereignty even when it is to lands placed under strict and total Israeli control by the Oslo Accords. The European Union and United Nations only have problems when Israel acts is due to their continuing desire to bring down the Jewish State by any means necessary. These actions were initially performed by the individual European powers. They never desire being so obvious as to place their disdain for the Jewish State in actual treaty, but they will decry their every former actions which allowed for the formation of Israel.


The British opened up after the San Remo Conference and Mandate System were put in place tasking Britain to use their Mandate for the formation of a Jewish homeland. Despite this basic and simple task became impossible for the British to establish. Nope. First, they had to keep their promise to the Arab King Faisal to provide each of his sons a nation to rule. They gave one Iraq and now faced how to provide the second son a nation. Their solution was to gift him 78% of their Mandate lands presumably reserved for the Jewish homelands. But this did not bother anyone in the world and the Jews, with little actual power, had little choice but to agree to permit the theft. The Jordan River was the chosen divide with the Arabs taking the vast majority of the lands east of the river while the Jews were relegated to the 22% of the lands which lie west of the Jordan River. When Israel was founded they were invaded by six Arab armies along with compliments of militias and other forces. The invading countries were Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Iraq with the end of the fighting finding Egypt illegally occupying the Gaza Strip and Jordan illegally occupying the regions of Judea and Samaria which was too Jewish sounding so they referred to the region as the West Bank. Jordan annexed this region and provided citizenship to the Arabs residing within. This annexation was even refused recognition by the rest of the Arab world with merely two nations recognizing their move, Pakistan and, unsurprisingly, Britain. The remaining truth by which reality will eventually be decided, despite the machinations of the European Union and United Nations along with all too many of their member states, is that the Jordan River is the eastern border of Israel and there was never any reality by which an Arab nation could be forced into the same area. For this truth, even the PLO can be used to prove the lack of reality to the Palestinian claims.


Mandate of San Remo for French and British including actual treaty demarcations for each nation

Mandate of San Remo for French and British including actual treaty demarcations for each nation


The original PLO charter from 1964, from their founding, laid claim to all of Israel and made no claims for either Judea and Samaria or Gaza as they were controlled by Arab countries at that time. After the Six Day War in 1967, the PLO changed their charter now claiming Gaza along with Judea and Samaria while never iterating any refutation of their claim to all of Israel. When one listens carefully to Mahmoud Abbas, his claims is most often demanding that the Arabs be granted their rightful control to 22% of the British Mandate. This is their means of camouflaging their claiming all of Israel as this is most often believed by Western powers to mean Judea, Samaria and Gaza when the reality is, they are claiming everything, the 22% west of the Jordan River. Nobody ever corrects this claim stating that it would be harmful to the two-state solution as it fulfills their desire to be rid of Israel. Only when Israel rightfully extends her sovereignty to lands which even by the illegal claims of the Arabs are presumably not permitted claim to the lands, the Jordan Valley being one such example, does the usual suspects, the European Union and United Nations and numerous related nations, decry such a move. Always taking the side of those who would destroy the Jewish State of Israel is an international version of anti-Semitism. This is proven when one realizes that there was far less protest when Russia extended their claims in the Georgia region and again when they stole the Crimea from the Ukraine. These same forces are silent over much of the civil wars in Syria and Yemen nor are their complaints about the lawlessness in Somalia, only Israel is denounced for the slightest legal move or any action which can be sullied by recriminations which often hold little if any water. Israel would be completely within their right to annex all of what is Judea and Samaria and provide the Arabs residing their the right to self determination in their areas and be denied political rights such as voting in national elections. Israel, under the Mandate System, was obliged to do nothing which harmed social, religious, economic and other rights but could reserve political rights on the national level to only Jews if such were decided. The Arabs residing under the Palestinian Authority are not Israeli citizens and the best they can hope for is to be granted resident alien status under which they could be granted Jordanian citizenship or any other nation willing to grant them such privilege. This is the reality under International Law as asserted by an Egyptian Judge, Justice El Araby, from the ICJ and who sat in judgement as part of the panel which heard the case from the United Nations General Assembly in 2003 on the legality of the security barrier erected by Israel. The Honorable Justice El Araby warned the UNGA and others that filing further challenges of the legal claims to these lands ran some risks, as he stated,


“The international legal status of the Palestinian Territory (paras. 70-71 of the Advisory Opinion), in my view, merits more comprehensive treatment. A historical survey is relevant to the question posed by the General Assembly, for it serves as the background to understanding the legal status of the Palestinian Territory on the one hand and underlines the special and continuing responsibility of the General Assembly on the other. This may appear as academic, without relevance to the present events. The present is however determined by the accumulation of past events and no reasonable and fair concern for the future can possibly disregard a firm grasp of past events. In particular, when on more than one occasion, the rule of law was consistently side-stepped. The point of departure, or one can say in legal jargon, the critical date, is the League of Nations Mandate which was entrusted to Great Britain.”


The world, on the other hand, has no problem ignoring the laws, treaties and agreements they are sworn to uphold when it comes to Israel. The only place that the opponents of Israel know they have no footing is in the International Court Systems where the rule of law, and not the rule of public and political opinion, rises to rule supreme over all other considerations. This is the reason that one will never see any of the enemies of Israel running to these courts in order to bring their machinations for the destruction of Israel to fruition. What escapes us is why Israel does not avail herself of settling this warfare against her to these very same courts and claim what is rightfully hers. Yes, that might be taking a risk, but one mitigated by the actual agreements and laws including Article 60 of the United Nations Charter which makes them responsible for enforcement of the League of Nations Mandate System and the bringing it into reality as presented. This would mean that the eastern border of Israel is the Jordan River and the Arabs could continue to live where they are as long as they followed Israeli law. They could be granted the right of self-determination in their communities but would not need be granted voting rights in national Israeli elections. This solution, which is completely backed by the legal requirements for Israel according to all international agreements, conventions, treaties and the Mandate itself, would satisfy the legal requirements and also address the presumed population problem of incorporating these Arabs into Israel and meeting the requirements addressing their rights. But please do not just take my word, you can also find these facts here. The reality is completely in the favor of Israel and the Arab claims resemble a bottomless bucket when the rule of law is applied. That is the entire reality and it really is that simple which will be proven someday, may it not be far in the future. In the meantime, just sit back and enjoy the fully expected caterwauling from the European Union, United Nations and the accompanying chorus of the usual suspects.


Beyond the Cusp


April 24, 2019

Arab Refusal not Israeli Settlements Prevents Peace

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:57 AM
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The Arab Israeli conflict could have been avoided had the Arabs dealt honorably with the situation. The greatest part of the problem is the Arab refusal to assist and eventually absorb the refugees they made. While there are actually two distinct and separate groups of refugees, they both originate from the same side, the Arab nations. There are the almost one-million refugees the Arab world created largely during the 1950’s as they expelled, deported, threatened and otherwise demeaned their Jewish populations forcing almost all to depart often with merely a suitcase or just the clothes on their backs. These refugees had their property stolen and gifted to Arabs the ruler favored, had their businesses destroyed, their bank accounts seized and anything of value taken from their baggage as it was inspected before allowing them to board the boat or plane which would take them to Israel. Then there were the six-hundred-thousand Arabs who heeded the call by the Mufti of Jerusalem to vacate their homes and wait behind the Arab lines while their armies decimated Israel killing everyone they encountered. They were promised a share in the Jewish wealth which would be the great bounty the conquering Arabs would find once they had defeated these Jewish upstarts trying to make a nation for Jews. Something went terribly wrong for the Arabs as they never quite succeeded in the realization of the Mufti’s dreams. These Arab nations, primarily Lebanon, Syria and Jordan; had the hundreds of thousands of homeless Arabs who had left their homes in Israel believing the Arabs would easily win the war of annihilation they planned for Israel and her Jews. When the war ended with the Arabs having gained control of Gaza and parts of Judea and Samaria, the Arabs had to figure out what to do with these refugees. They could have allowed them to return to Israel which the Israelis would have permitted early in the 1950’s or they could have absorbed them back into their countries which was where many of them had lived before moving to Israel due to economic factors providing better opportunities for employment. But the Arabs chose a third alternative, they locked their brothers and sisters into camps making the Arab refugee problem. Every other similar situation resulted in a population exchange, except this one. Allowing this refugee situation, it is not a problem as it was a direct result of intentional actions in order to make a bludgeon with which to pound Israel into submission, was the world’s means of backing the Arab desires to destroy Israel as most of Europe wished to be rid of a Jewish State forcing the Jews back to living completely vulnerable to the shifting moods of the surrounding populations. Allowing a Jewish state with a Jewish military was just too unsettling for many Europeans as they prefer their Jews defenseless.


This has been the situation for over seventy years, but the argument has changed and names have been adopted in order to steal, bend, fold, spindle and mutilate actual history presenting a bastardized form which was self-serving the Arabist claims that Israel was an illegal entity deserving of destruction. The first alteration came in 1964 with the formation of the PLO by the Arab League in conjunction with the KGB which had trained Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas during the times each spent in Moscow. Yasser Arafat, was born and raised as an Egyptian in, of all places, Egypt, imagine that. He became the face of the Palestinian Arabs who were assuming the title as being Palestinians as previous to the formation of Israel, and even up to this point, anyone referred to as a Palestinian was a Jew and the Arabs were simply the Arabs. Now that they were calling themselves Palestinians, the next thing was to give the world a few years to become comfortable with the denotation of the Arabs as Palestinian and then they claimed that they were the Palestinians who were supposed to have the lands from the River to the Sea. Now they were claiming that they were the people under Roman rule when the region was renamed after the 135 AD Jewish revolt. But why stop there, which they did not. Over the years they have claimed that they were the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Phoenicians, that they have resided in the Holy Lands for over five thousand years thus were there before the Jews ever arrived, claimed that they invented the first Palestinian-Canaanite language and written alphabet five thousand years ago (a full two thousand years before cuneiform came to be which was credited with being the first written language). They have made other equally ludicrous claims such as Jesus was the first Palestinian murdered by the Jews, Moses was a Palestinian, Noah was a Muslim and even Adam and Eve were Muslims. The Jews do not claim Adam, Eve or Noah as being Jews as they predate Avram who was the first Jew at the point that Hashem changed his name to Avraham. But these people who just barely predate Muhammad, only if you use the formation of the universe as your timeclock, they claim were Muslims because they knew the Quran before Muhammad presumably transcribed it from his visions, dreams, meeting the angel Gabriel. So, Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian citizen raised in Cairo was the first Palestinian Arab who was trained for the position in Moscow. Can it get any more convoluted? Oh, it can, as the first act was to co-opt the name Palestinian in order to appropriate the history of the Jewish people who had lived in what was now Israel, and some resided in areas which came under Jordanian rule and were evicted from their homes and most of their possession stolen making a few thousand additional refugees for Israel to absorb from the Arab world, for over two millennia and a few for over three millennia.


The original claim made by the PLO was that the parts of Judea and Samaria under Jordanian control and Gaza under Egyptian control, both from 1948 until June of 1967 and the Six Day War, were legal Jordanian and Egyptian lands and the PLO was going to liberate the rest of the lands between the River and the Sea, all of Israel, and then divide it between Jordan and Egypt. The PLO, the terror group revamped into a political entity called the Palestinian Authority (PA), originally was targeting Israel to make all of it ruled by Muslims, preferably Arab, and free the land of the Jewish contamination. The Six Day War of early June 1967 resulted with Israel in possession of all of Judea and Samaria having liberated them from Jordan, Gaza liberated from the Egyptians, the Sinai Peninsula which Egypt lost in the war and the Golan Heights which Syria had lost in the war. As Egypt initiated the war and Syria massed troops also threatening Israel with destruction, Israel could have retained all the lands gained against these nations. Jordan joined the war soon after its inception believing the Syrian and Egyptian media reporting the two nations closing on Tel Aviv from both sides and the King of Jordan was not going to be left out of claiming the lands after the Jews were defeated. The Israelis attempted to dissuade the King of Jordan which he mistook for their begging for Jordan not enter the war as begging Jordan not to add to the apparent humiliation of the Israelis as only one who is weak dissuades their enemies from attacking, as the strong invite conflicts they know they will win. This meant that Israel has a double claim to the parts of Judea and Samaria held by Jordan, the fact that they are part of the lands intended for the Jewish state and they were retaken in a defensive war. Israel reached peace agreements from Egypt who relented any claims to Gaza and Jordan who relented any claims to lands west of the Jordan River. Syria and Israel have an armistice agreement while technically remaining at war and Syria is currently too busy fighting Syria to worry about Israel.


Israel annexed the Golan Heights under the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 which was carefully argued over the wording of the resolution making sure certain allowances were available to Israel as the aggrieved party in the Six Day War. The two main guarantees, promises, were that Israel should have defensible borders and was obliged to return land, not the land, all the land or any reference which might imply that Israel had to return all the lands. The Golan Heights was one of the regions that Israel was assumed to annex as it is a defensible area giving whichever side holds them a great advantage by overlooking the lands below, be they in Israel or Syria. Some of those who argued for terms which would be more liberal and favoring Israel expected that Israel would retain the regions on their side of the central mountains including at least half of the passes and the surrounding mountains. Israel actually returned the entirety of the Sinai in stages (see maps below). The final border Israel was expected to retain was along the Jordan River, the region which the PA is attempting to force Israel to surrender for the formation of Palestine. The longer the so-called peace process continues and terrorist attacks continue to increase, the more likely it is that Israel will annex all the lands west of the Jordan River and allow the Arabs residing under the PA the choice of living under Israeli rule or taking a one-time offer to relocate outside of Israel and promise never to return. There will be those who take the former except they will have no intention of living under Israeli rule or Israeli laws and will continue their terror war against Israel. These individuals will be deported and told if they return, they will face either execution or life in prison. We know the world will howl and wail lamenting the pain and suffering of the poor, wretched Palestinian Arabs deprived of their dignity. That is what they are doing now, so that will not have changed one iota.


Shrinking Israel

Shrinking Israel


How did we get to this state of affairs? Well, all of the problems stem from one central theme, the Arab refusal to recognize or allow a Jewish state at all. This was why they attacked at dawn of May 15, 1948, mere hours after Israel declared her independence. They had been offered half the lands west of the Jordan River but preferred to destroy the Zionist Entity and kill every accursed Jew they found. They did not succeed but did take some valuable lands, especially those parts of Judea and Samaria which Jordan occupied. Then again, they believed that they were ready and able to destroy Israel in June of 1967. They lost this time and now Israel held the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights and had liberated those lands of Gaza, Judea and Samaria. Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula, and area several times the size of Israel and containing oil. Israel left their oil platforms and refinery in the Sinai for the Egyptians benefit. Israel, as we stated, annexed the Golan Heights and has stated intention of bringing regions of Area C, all of which under Oslo is solely Israeli land, under Israeli civil law as preparation for annexation. The Golan Heights are a military necessity which becomes obvious when looking at the relief map below. Israel has annexed eastern Jerusalem making the city whole once more and granted voting rights in Jerusalem elections though not in Israeli national elections. According to all the relevant applicable treaties, Israel is to provide religious, civil, economic, social and other rights but is not required to give political rights to any Arabs and other non-Jews living within Israel. Before you start screaming Apartheid, listen for one sentence; Israel granted voting rights and gave full citizenship to all who were residing within her boundaries upon the end of the 1948-9 wars with her neighboring nations of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. That included the Arabs, the Druze, the Bedouins and numerous other minorities. When Israel took in approximately three-hundred Vietnamese Boat People, she offered them full citizenship if they desired such.


Topographic Map of Golan Heights and Jordan River Valley

Topographic Map of Golan Heights and Jordan River Valley


Now for the main argument for Israel retaining all the lands west of the Jordan River, something sort-of made obvious by the above picture as well, but there is another picture which tells the story even better below. The Jordan River is not the most difficult river to cross even if there were no bridges. It is not the river, per sé, but the deep valley and the surrounding cliffs which make both sides great defensive positions and any attempt at crossing places one’s forces in peril. Were Israel to allow a twenty-second Arab state to be formed, as envisioned by far too much of the world, on all the lands illegally occupied by Jordan up to 1967, then there would be no reasonable expectation that such would lead to peace. The Europeans love to claim that such a state would not be permitted a military and would only have police. These are the same Europeans who guaranteed that they would prevent any arms from crossing into Gaza from the Sinai and within the first week abandoned their posts returning to their Tel Aviv hotel rooms only leaving them to head to Ben Gurion International Airport to fly home. After that and while Egypt was ruled by President Morsi, arms poured across that border. Please do not hold us to relying on European promises any time in the near future. Such a state would be armed with whatever the Arab world and/or Iran desired to gift to them. This would include heavy weapons and possibly tanks and aircraft. Within a year that nation we assume would be named Palestine would be bristling with weapons just egging for a fight.


Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea

Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity
of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending
Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea


We will make an even easier to understand argument against forcing Israel back to the Green Line, the 1949 Armistice Line which the Arab League insisted was never ever to become a border. Now they are the cheerleaders for the Green Line as the border for their new Arab nation. They will still insist that it is not a border for Israel as that would give Israel borders all the way around making it a state, and the Arab claim is that there can be no Jewish state because Allah never allowed for such an entity. Allah cursed the Jews to live as people without a country, strangers in every land, to be cursed and degraded as one’s whims dictate and every other form of disgrace was to be heaped upon the Jews wherever they were to be found. But Jews ruling themselves was a complete impossibility as the Arabs did not believe the Jews had such higher functions of intelligence necessary to rule. Jews were supposed to rely on the good graces of others and accept whatever treatment was dished out as they deserved whatever they got. So, the Green Line is not the end of the conflict, just another stage in destroying Israel in stages. Taking back the Sinai was a stage. Wresting Gaza was another stage which did not go according to plan as Hamas took over in a coup and thus separated Gaza from PA rule. But Arabs rule Gaza and that will have to do for their side for now. Their next aim is to get as close as possible in regaining the lands Jordan lost, the lands Jordan illegally occupied but now that illegal occupation is their argument that the land must belong to Arabs as Israel did not rule over these lands ever. That is not entirely true as Israel ruled over the lands west of the Jordan River for at least twelve hours before the Arab invasion. But they want the Green Line as that includes all of the Judean Hills, the high ground in the above cutaway view. The reality of the situation such an agreement would bring is explained by simply stating that one can see central Tel Aviv, the Mediterranean coastline, Netanya, Herzliya and over three-quarters of Israeli infrastructure, population as well as Dimona, the Haifa nuclear electric plants and so much more. This allows for the terrorists being able to use rockets with no guidance systems as they can adjust their targeting by line-of-sight. When you can watch your first rocket fly, you adjust and fire again and watch and adjust until either you hit your target or the Israelis target you. An idea of what it would look like before such an agreement and after the world forces Israel to give the land to the PA and the terrorists would see the bottom picture. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well, this one is probably proof.


Tel Aviv Now Before Green Line Peace and Tel Aviv the Day After Green Line Peace

Tel Aviv Now Before Green Line Peace
Tel Aviv the Day After Green Line Peace


The picture was taken from the Judean Hills overlooking the Central Plains of Israel. It was taken from land which would be gifted to the Arabs were the Europeans and United Nations, amongst others, to get their way. There has already started claims that the entirety of the Negev belongs to the Bedouins. Only in Israel do Bedouins, who elsewhere are considered landless nomads, become claimants to lands. But that would be the next stage of chopping up Israel until it is completely unable to defend herself. Mahmoud Abbas has regularly claimed Tel Aviv, Haifa, Akko, Ashkelon, Ashdod and Tiberius which are all within the Green Line and recognized by the United Nations and even the European Union as properly parts of Israel. Abbas has made clear that any size Jewish State is completely unacceptable. Iran has also stated their intent to destroy Israel and eradicate the Jews worldwide. Most Arab leaders have, when referencing who they are currently fighting or about to invade, always included Israel when making threats to places which have nothing to do with Israel. Whenever Iran or Arab nations threaten the United States, they just have to add a chant of death to Israel just for good measure. We also know that Jerusalem is on their list as the number one city they desire to conquer simply because that is exactly what making a city the third holiest site in Islam means. Before Jerusalem, that position was held by Damascus, Constantinople, Rome, Paris, London, Vienna and many other cities which have come within Islamic sights. The main problem is that the Western World has almost no understanding of the Islamic religion, rigors, aims, restrictions, demands and especially its eventual claims of how they will perfect the world. Just give all a starting point, the eventual end all of Islam is their ruling the world, Islam being the only religion on earth and those who are not yet converted given a simple choice of conversion or death, often by beheading. Islam is not the religion of peace as their definition of peace is their ruling and only Muslims having rights. Find a copy of the Quran with the Hadiths in chronological order and each time you find one entry which contradicts a former entry, the later entry supersedes the former.


Beyond the Cusp


April 19, 2019

How to Recognize Arab-Israeli Acceptable Peace Plan

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:58 AM
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There exist certain exacting criteria which have become the watchwords demanded of any peace plan if its presenters expect general support. Without these particulars incorporated into your plan, then you are doomed to fail finding yourself left out in the cold space of rejection. The Arabs will laugh in your face, then when you pivot, you will receive a full and proper scolding, all as openers for putting their stamp of approval upon your plan, but not until they are permitted to amend your plan bringing it in line with their experts. Who, you might ask, are the experts and how did they become such experts? Well, that is not as difficult an answer as you may think. An expert is anyone who has published works which insist on a solution where the lands gained (liberated from illegal Jordanian rule) in the Six Day War are returned to their rightful owners, the Palestinians. As an expert, you are completely convinced and aware that the invented convention that the Palestinians have this country called Palestine and the Jews made an amphibious assault taking the beaches in May of 1948 and from that established beachfront, the Jews expanded threatening to conquer the entirety of the Arab World. Fortunately, the Arab armies managed to stop the Jews at what is called the Green Line, thus at least this should be the border. Jerusalem must also be split in half as that was the way it was supposed to be. As long as your scholarly opinion is in agreement with the Arab and European talking points, then praises will be heaped upon you, you will receive invitations to address scholarly conventions with others who believe as do you. Your plan is safe as long as it meets with “the requirements” which everyone who is anyone should be familiar with the points. Vary from the well-worn path which all previous failed plans traveled before yours, then you must be a racist, a radical, you are an instigator who is not serious about reaching a solution. These are the rules for all proposed plans for settling the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Oh, and one last word to the wise, we who decide all do not use the dated terminology of Arab-Israeli Conflict, the newly discovered term which we insist has always been how the problem has been framed, it is now called the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Get with the program if you ever expect to address the Human Rights Council or even the big time and address the General Assembly.


This is the atmosphere into which President Trump will be placing his “Deal of the Century” aiming to settle the problem upon which, according to those experts we referenced earlier, any solution must meet with their approval. Further, according to these experts, there must be another nation for the Arabs, oh, sorry, we stand corrected, the Palestinians must receive their rightful state no matter how much the Jews whine about their needs for a secure and defensible set of borders. We experts realize that is just code wording for establishing a “Greater Israel” over half of the Middle East. All of we experts are aware of the deep hidden desire the Jews have to rule over the world and control all the governments. That is why it will be so important that those who have been gifted with recognizable enlightened knowledge be permitted to dictate a proper solution to this conflict respecting the dignity and historical perspectives. We have the credentials given us by our governments who rely upon us to set the height of the bar and the parameters any plan must meet if anything is expected to result from its presentation. We are aware that this set of parameters has been tried repeatedly with the same results, no peace and further increases of terrorism. But trust us, this time it will work if only Israel would allow additional lands to be turned over to the needed Arab entity.


Let us look at the Israeli demands which are largely directly attributable to her security and ability to defend her people. The main pieces to any settlement have changed since the Oslo Accords, both I and II, are dead and buried. Mahmoud Abbas has declared this repeatedly, and for a change he is correct. Israel insists on retaining the Golan Heights and the Jordan River Valley (it more resembles a steep sided gorge) and the western cliffs overlooking the river. These are the strategically necessary positions in order to both stop a land assault from the east as well as serving to prevent any Arab entity from importing heavy weaponry. The reasons for the strategic land positions become very evident on the map below which shows the Golan Heights and the Jordan River Valley in topographic relief. Another reason for retaining the overlooking cliffs is for eastward facing radar for early warning of any approaching aircraft. There was a period immediately after the Oslo Accords when Israel offered over ninety percent of the former West Bank (the Shomron or Judea and Samaria) and proffered land swaps in exchange for the main settlement blocks and was also offering the return of eastern Jerusalem. These offers were put forward by both of the left-wing governments, one headed by Ehud Barak and the other by Ehud Olmert. These offers were co-authored by President Clinton assisting Ehud Barak and by George W. Bush with Ehud Olmert. President Clinton had even twisted Barak’s arm until he agreed to every demand by Yasser Arafat. Arafat then refused his own terms and returned via Jordan and finished implementing his plans for the Second Intifada. Even the most minimal demands, actually more like requests, by Israel are unacceptable to the Arab side.


Topographic Map of Golan Heights and Jordan River Valley

Topographic Map of Golan Heights and Jordan River Valley


So, what exactly is the Arab side of the argument. What exactly will they accept in order to make peace? Unfortunately, their demands are spoken of only in Arabic, but thanks to MEMRI, Palestinian Media Watch, Honest Reporting, CAMERA, Stand With Us as well as blogs such as ourselves and Chaim Report, Elder of Ziyon and many other worthy efforts, these speeches have been translated and, except for the United States State Department, anyone can go to these locations and find what Abbas and the rest of the terrorist entities both in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria have been saying to their own people. The first realization one reaches is that what they say in Arabic contradicts almost everything said in English. Odd as this concept may seem, but this form of lying to the infidel in order to advance the conquests, interests, positions or simply to obscure the truth of Islam is a religious obligation known as Taqiyya. There is a saying that the way to know when an Arab leader is using Taqiyya is very simple, if it is in English, it is Taqiyya and if it is in Arabic, then the odds drop to around fifty percent depending largely if the speaker will gain from what they are communicating. But when they are using English and placing it for Western consumption, when stating such things as Islam is the religion of peace, terrorism is against Islamic principles and other such statements, it is most definitely Taqiyya so you would be closer to reality by negating everything presented which one finds pleasing to hear. These are stories told to lull the West, the enemy, into a false sense of calm and security all the while undermining everything they are able, and infiltrating the rest. There are exceptions such as when emotions get the better of them and the truth tumbles out. The most obvious recent example has been Mahmoud Abbas consistently stating that President Trump and his Deal of the Century are going to be refused because President Trump has proven by moving the American Embassy to the Capital city of Israel, Jerusalem, that he is biased and serves only Israel. This was simply telling the truth that any peace deal, it does not matter whose it is, as they refused President Obama’s overtures, is dead on arrival if anywhere within the peace plan the Jews are permitted self-rule. There is one point which the Arab Palestinians insist upon in any peace agreement, that they rule all the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and that the Jews are removed completely from these Islamic Waqf or they will remove them in their fashion. Abbas has repeatedly stated, nay, insisted that every millimeter of lands under Palestinian Arab rule must be free of Jews. He has stated that he does not care where they go, just that they go. So, if Abbas and his Hamas, Islamic Jihad and whatever other terror groups currently are nested in Gaza or Judea and Samaria are ever granted their state of Palestine from the river to the sea (Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea), there will be no room for the Jews and Israel will have been destroyed. These are the demands of the Arabs, that the Jews be returned to their proper place of a people without a country chased from one nation to the next cursed by Allah. Anything short of a complete victory and the utter decimation of Israel leaving the Jews at the tender mercies of the world is unacceptable to the Arabs and they will simply walk away from any negotiations which grant them less and claim Israel is not serious about making peace.


The one item which is in Israel’s favor is that according to international law derived from the San Remo Conference, the League of Nations unanimous decision for the establishing of the Jewish State and the Mandate System set up for that expressed purpose, all of which is further backed by the United Nations Charter Article 80 which placed the full enforcement of the United Nations towards realizing the results spelled out in the Mandate System, mean that unless Israel signs a treaty forgoing her ownership of any of the lands west of the Jordan River, the lands are legally all belonging to Israel. Currently, Gaza is a semi-autonomous region ruled by Hamas and parts of Judea and Samaria are a semi-autonomous region ruled by the Palestinian Authority. Neither of these governing entities has held elections for over a decade and Mahmoud Abbas is in his fourteenth year of a four-year term. Whenever it appears that there will be an agreement between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, some technicality or misunderstanding always prevents their union and the holding of elections. Every time elections have been scheduled by the Palestinian Authority, some problem or emergency has caused Abbas to cancel the elections. These are the real reasons that the Palestinian Arabs have not voted for a long time and it has nothing to do with Israel. At least Hamas has declared themselves to be a dictatorial ruling power, Abbas claims to be a democracy where elections just never materialize. Mahmoud Abbas knows he would lose any election and that Hamas would be the victor and unless he escapes in time, he would be tried and hanged. But the media refuses to report the reality as they have taken a position critical of the Jewish State and forgiving of all sins towards the Arab entities. The Europeans have worked with great diligence in their attempts to rid the world of the Jewish State starting even before Israel had declared her independence.


This is where the Arab refusal to accept Israel ruled by the Jews in any size or configuration has saved Israel almost despite herself. When the United Nations on November 29, 1947, in the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 which would have divided the lands west of the Jordan into equal sized states, one Arab and one Jewish; the Jews accepted this terrible idea and were saved because the Arabs refused to permit any Jewish state and had already planned to invade Israel immediately after she declared her independence. This was the war which began on May 15, 1948, and is misnamed the Israeli War of Independence, but we like to give it its real name as described by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League at that time who stated, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” That is what the Arabs expected, a war of annihilation where every Jew and probably others even including some of the Muslims who did not hate the Jews with sufficient fervor. Six Arab armies invaded Israel as described on the map below and somehow, without an actual organized military, Israel survived. Israel lost Gaza to Egypt and parts of Judea and Samaria to Jordan. When the PLO was founded in 1964, three years before the Six Day War, their claim was to destroy the Jewish State and turn the lands where Israel had existed over to Jordan and Egypt. They expressly laid no claim to Gaza or the parts of Judea and Samaria under Jordanian control as they were in Islamic hands and did not require cleansing. After the Six Day War, their claims immediately changed to specify the regions lost by Egypt and Jordan claiming in English that this was all they desired.


Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948

Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948


Still, they have turned down numerous offers which would have given them almost exactly what they claimed to demand and they refused every time. There have been times that a near majority if not a definitive majority of Israelis feared the offer being made to the Palestinian Arabs as they foresaw what would follow. Each time their fears were allayed as Yasser Arafat and then Mahmoud Abbas after him refused every offer. The world knows their only acceptable peace is one where the Jews are destroyed, preferably the world over, but it is easier to blame Israel than officially recognize the truth and work from there. When will the Arab Israeli conflict end? There are two answers. One is after Israel delivers such a blow to the Arab world that they fear for their existence. The other is upon the coming of the Messiah. Until then, every president will try and fail because until a President offers to destroy Israel for the Arab Palestinians so they can have a larger failed state, there will be no solution.


Beyond the Cusp



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