Beyond the Cusp

March 5, 2017

Republican Distress Self-Inflicted


The Republicans appear to be in disarray and acting as if they are completely unaware of the fact that they control both houses of Congress and the White House and are in the catbird seat exactly as the Democrats were the first two years of President Obama’s two terms. They are capable of setting the rules in the Senate such that they would have sufficient votes to ensure cloture by requiring a mere fifty-two votes ending any filibuster. The Democrat use of the so-called nuclear option set the precedent for adjusting cloture to fit your needs when you have the majority in the Senate. Yes, doing so would allow for the Democrats to do similarly when they gain fifty-one seats in the Senate and who does not believe they would do exactly as such anyway. The Republicans instead are fighting with the White House declaring the President’s budget dead on arrival. This is a party in need of better leadership as currently they are wasting their first and possibly only opportunity to prove they are the better option by acting as a whole to enact their vision for the United States.


I hear people demanding what we would propose if we think we have the answer. Well, perhaps they could actually get everybody on the same page instead of having a different set of priorities for every twenty or thirty Republicans. They need to have the Senate choose ten Senators and the House of Representatives choose twenty-five or thirty Representatives and have these people meet with the President and each Cabinet member in a series of meetings taking a week out of their schedules. Initially the President on the first day along with his preferred advisors should meet with the delegations and set a general structure for the ensuing week or even two and have the President and everyone else at the meeting express their preferences and ideas and have them discussed in a general sense setting up a framework. Then they should have meetings with cabinet members and the President each morning and then return and meet with the Republicans in the House of Representatives and Senate each with their own chosen delegates such that everybody has some input and in the end they reach a consensus which is acceptable to the President and his Cabinet and advisors. Once this framework has been set, then the House of Representatives and the Senate can begin to work on the enactment of these ideas putting them into action. These agreed upon initiatives should be enacted through the House of Representatives and the Senate in quick order and signed by the President getting a basic set of accomplishments enacted and presented to the public as actual accomplishments in the next election cycle. If their ideas actually capture the minds and match the ideas of the population in the majority of the nation, then the Republicans can reap the rewards and press forward with even more action and accomplish what they promised in the first place.


President Trump National Security Advisor McMaster Speaker of the House of Representatives Ryan President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate Hatch

President Trump National Security Advisor McMaster
Speaker of the House of Representatives Ryan
President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate Hatch


The first thing they need do is revamp healthcare. An idea we would like to suggest is to keep the choice parts of the current system adjusted to make them include competition between the many insurance companies. Much of healthcare need be taken from the employers and returned to the people such that their demand for the most and best options and the insurance companies need meet their hopes at an acceptable price, this will bring healthcare costs back down within reason. Further, the government need remove most of the regulations, reporting requirements and other unnecessary paperwork which has completely destroyed the concept of a single doctor working from their home in the neighborhood where their patients reside as had been the case before the government needlessly intervened and destroyed affordable healthcare. The government should only require that insurance policies cover major medical allowing people to decide to pay for any minor care out of their own pockets. The one idea which the government should make illegal would be controversial but in the long run would produce lower medical costs, and that is to make group policies illegal such that companies, unions, and other groups such as retirement groups or social groups from offering insurance to their workers or members. Make individual policies the sole type of health insurance allowed and only require minimal coverages. We suggest only what used to be considered major medical which would include emergency rooms treatment with a deductible, surgical procedures, any hospital or clinical procedures again with a deductible, and hospital stays with a deductible. The deductibles would depend on the cost of the coverage with the less expensive coverage having a higher deductible while there could be specialty additional coverages which would cover these deductibles but this should be banned from health insurers offering. Such a system would produce insurance affordable at any level such that younger and healthier people could take the risk of higher deductibles and with people paying for most of their own healthcare we would see prices become lower for most standard healthcare needs. The main way to cut healthcare costs would be to put a cap on rewards for malpractice suits and make one vital change, the lawyers losing any malpractice suit would be responsible for both sides’ court costs and lawyers’ fees within set limits. This would lead to fewer malpractice suits as lawyers would be very careful to only take such cases which they felt quite sure of their case and winning the case, period.


There are probably many other means for lowering court costs which we have not included which the Congress could enact. Removing regulations and paperwork would be one of the greatest means to relieve the burden on physicians who have had to form groups to defray the clerical costs imposed by both government and insurance companies who often are demanding additional paperwork simply because the government demands they file paperwork. Government is once again the greatest contributor to the costs of a commodity which they also demand everybody purchase. This is simply something the people’s need should have to accommodate and not employers or government as that is the current system which the people declared broken and becoming overly expensive with far too many forms. The government should never have the power to add costs beyond reason to an industry and then require the people purchase said product. As happened with car insurance, whenever the government demands people to purchase a commodity the price of such commodity will naturally skyrocket reaching the limit of what the people are capable to pay, not the actual required cost of the commodity. Simply ask yourself what would you charge for widgets if the government required every person to purchase one widget every month? You would price them set the highest price the market would bear rather than a competitive price because every other widget salesperson would be doing the same. The highest probability is all widget salespersons would agree to set an inflated price where all would become wealthy beyond what any normal competition would prevail had the government not required people to purchase your product. That is simple reality of life and not rocket science, or advanced economics. The proof of this theory has been the cost of health insurance since Obamacare hit the market. This is why competition must be returned to the health insurance markets and as much government involvement must be removed back to bare bones or less. No government involvement would be the most preferred state of healthcare. But first the Republicans need to unify and find some leadership which can work well with President Trump, both by leading when necessary and following when Trump is leading constructively. We can only hope.


Beyond the Cusp


January 21, 2017

Hating From the Word Go!


Right from the start let us set the record straight, the Republicans who refused publically to attend the Inauguration of Barack Obama were wrong to make it public, especially if they made a big show of such in the mainstream media, social media, alternative media and elsewhere. The current identical actions by those boycotting the Inauguration of Donald Trump are equally wrong. The big difference is the mainstream media and their joyous celebration of the boycotts being performed as a grand show now and the critical coverage they gave such in 2008. I will grant everybody a miniscule but infinitely important morsel of credit; at least nobody tried to make a mockery of the President elect and Vice President elect laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, well, except the most petty. Such mockery would have been so below the belt and uncouth beyond measure and as unacceptable as anything possible. Do not get me wrong, I respect these people’s right to do exactly what they are committing to do. My admonition goes to those from his party, the Republicans, the “Never Trump” Republicans, the Republicans who used every piece of rumor, dirt, suspicion of evil deeds and anything found against Trump even to repeating charges made by the Democrats amplifying their voices, the Republicans who used everything in the Republican National Committee computers such that the Russians found nothing new there to throw at Trump as they found with Hillary Clinton. News to everybody, News Flash, important news; Donald Trump is President and the United States is really in crisis with a government far too huge and cumbersome which is the exact swamp which needs draining. The problem which Trump will run up against first is that he cannot under the law just tell people in government, “You’re Fired,” and make it stick because the rules forbid exactly that. That is the reality, the swamp is protected by law and Trump and his administration will need to find some way of removing the dead wood sitting smug and comfortable pretending nothing can touch them. Well, there are other means of forcing one to depart the government such as making their working conditions too demanding and uncomforting. Force them to perform acts under their definition of office which are against their very principles and finally simply transfer them somewhere that does not permit family to also be allowed and repeat transfers until they decide it really is not worth the aggravation just to oppose the President. Should the President require somebody with experience and knowledge on how to make a workplace support only that which is the President’s promises, we are available.


One ideal example is Columbia Professor of Modern Arab Studies Rashid Khalidi who fears that these people supporting Israel, “And unfortunately, these people infest the Trump transition team, these people are going to infest our government as of January 20.” Professor Khalidi is an Islamic Arab who believes that all of Israel is occupied and that Jews are not entitled to any “Arab lands” and the Zionists are colonizers. Needless to understand is that Professor Khalidi is an atypical Arab spokesperson, American born, pro-Palestinian, reputed but denied being a PLO spokesperson in Beirut in the 1970’s and 1980’s, when Israel and the US considered the group a terrorist organization (see photo below). Obviously Professor Khalidi is among those who are less than exuberant about the new day with President Trump in the White House. Professor Khalidi was welcome at the White House during President Obama’s administration. He was hopeful that President Obama would hinder and possibly lead to the destruction of the Jewish State. The end of Israel and the imposition of Islam on the world making the world safe for the Arab people throughout all the continents, well, possibly except Antarctica as it might be just slightly too chilly during the winter that close to the South Pole. If one has surveyed the lands which were conquered by the Arabs between 620 and 750 and the indigenous peoples in these areas which remain under Arab rule, they would notice they have become an almost unnoticeable minority. The area of Egypt had a large population of Coptic Christians and a very active Jewish society before 625 and by the year 1700 the Jewish population was disappearing and the Christians were relegated to small enclaves and today there is no Jewish community and the Coptic Christians are a threatened group who, if we had lists of endangered human societies, the Coptic Christians would be amongst those on the list.


Columbia Professor of Modern Arab Studies Rashid Khalidi

Columbia Professor of Modern Arab Studies Rashid Khalidi


Let us return back to the new American President, Donald Trump. If one were to simply search here at BTC entering with quotes “Trump” “failure” one would find this has been a repeated subject as it is rampant and amplified by the mainstream media making it appear to be a pandemic when actually it is only three to four times the size from the people equally infuriated with President Obama being elected and being also equally boisterous. One of our favorites and we think almost amusing was It’s In, Trump’s Failed Presidency. Now that the inauguration is history and we are officially in the start of what will be those fateful first one-hundred days of the Trump Presidency, it is going to be interesting to see what the mainstream media makes of his successes and failures. It can be bet that what they term as a disaster or really terrible for the nation and the world will be the exact items where President Trump delivers upon his campaign promises. One item which will be interesting to read will be how as President Trump, providing the Republican congress actually work with him and not join those opposing everything he does, actually delivers on lowering taxes for the majority of people, deregulates businesses following through on what small businesses and others have noted are worthless busywork regulations and other things which would be approved by many people providing they were presented with these actions as theoretical and not attached to any political party or special interests. What many people do not understand and something I found out about as my Mother ended up working at home filling in forms and checking everything at least twice as errors on these forms were criminally punishable by long prison terms. Imagine having dozens of regulations each month with each averaging two pages of forms all requiring a grasp of basic math, some accounting, understanding poorly and distressfully worded instructions with vague meanings (yes, potentially double meanings) and deadlines for filing and this was way back in ancient history, the 1960’s to the 1980’s just to keep my Father’s tailor shop which employed himself, assistance from my mother and more often than not one tailor as an employee. Now imagine a plumber who has a small one city plumbing service and contracting company with twenty or thirty plumbers and fifteen trucks. Such a small company would require at least one person if not more to handle the required paperwork spawned by regulations. Ever wonder what happened to the neighborhood doctor’s office? When I was a kid, yes, I know I still act like one, we had a lady doctor who we could get treatment and she would assist in cover stories on how we injured ourselves, even when she saw you break your arm car surfing. She closed up the office in her house and joined three other doctors in a clinic which had a receptionist and two people who handled billing and regulation forms and they were considering hiring another. Take a look at the local school and remember back to your school days and there is little comparison if you are over thirty. There are three times the councilors, more than one principal, numerous vice principles (my high school of almost 4500 students had two), and an EEOC advisor (at least one), and a near uncountable number of secretaries spread around the various offices, and positions we never even heard of back in the day all because there are numerous requirements that the schools must fulfill, many having to do with sex education, equal opportunity for students, special education programs, physical education requirements and more and more federally imposed programs which the schools must document that every last one of these additional educational requirements are provided for the students or covered by teachers even to the point of students having to document receiving some required courses. None of these courses have anything to do with reading, writing, arithmetic, math, history, civics or any other educational subject but are usually more along the line of indoctrination.


So as Trump gets rid of regulations we will hear how Trump is releasing the polluters to destroy the air and water, killing endangered animals, allowing for price gouging, releasing restraints on bad things, vague bad things which will be left undefined other than they were bad things being loosed on the people. Imagine the productivity that could be increased if the numbers of regulations and required documentations by businesses. What could be wrong with that? Well, it will allow the people who own these businesses to enjoy larger profits, you know, allowing the rich to get richer. Further, the screams of his making certain jobs no longer necessary are simply outlandish. I doubt Donald Trump could ever get rid of so many regulations and other demands from government to cause widespread unemployment. Honestly, if President Trump can force the revocation of sufficient regulations and required documentation which would require also reducing state regulatory agencies which were initially brought into being by the Federal Government and many even financed initially by the Federal Government and later were just unloaded onto the states. Such a present to the American people would be unprecedented and unbelievably liberating freeing businesses and beyond but the media and special interests would howl and declare foul because they depend on these regulations to enforce their will on the hapless public. So what might result in the most voluminous in quantity and levels of sound could also be the greatest favor President Trump could give the people, regulation depletion allowing people to act with less tethers and restrictions or unnecessary paperwork all because the simple presumed fact that if Trump does something, then it must necessarily be an evil thing and must be denounced. I can hardly wait to hear the squealing from the mainstream media at every turn as President Trump and his administration move forward. The first circus we are already witnessing, the Senate hearings and approval of his Cabinet and other appointments requiring Senate affirmation. Allow us to give you a simple and different way of viewing Trump’s appointments, the Cabinet appointees are not supposed to necessarily be experts in whatever field of their administration, they are to be managers who know how to listen to experts, have an ability to understand even complicated explanations, manage people and use their skills, know how to balance those who work with them and setting up the administrative structure to best advantage to produce the most efficient results. Imagine an efficient government department, any one of them, just imagine. The problem is it would be difficult because doing so would make so many government employees superfluous and imagine how the media would howl if, by fiat, the government let one third of their employees go and have to find real jobs. The screaming would be that President Trump was causing massive unemployment because where would these government employees find work with their skills? We would be led to believe that government employees are unacceptable as employees in the real world, imagine that. Could that be true or is that simply fear mongering, but then again, we are talking about people screaming whose deepest skill is warning of catastrophic disasters should their warnings not be heeded. Oh, by the way, they are, more often than not, simply wrong. So, let the games begin.


Beyond the Cusp 


December 30, 2016

The Emergence of Departments of Official Government Truths


The globalist agenda to strike down international borders, erasing independent nation states forming a borderless map making them an entity from the dark past as if remnants of the Dark Ages, took some big hits this past year. BREXIT was the British striking back at the precarious position of the European Union, and especially the policies born of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open invitation to Arab and Muslim world refugees to swamp Europe in a sea of potential terror and breakdown of order and civility. Across the pond, the Atlantic Ocean to the less astute, the United States elected Donald Trump and an entire slate of close the border anti-amnesty for illegal immigrant Congressional representatives to both houses. Time is not waiting to have the internationalists strike back at the heart of the, retain the borders and man the barricades, forces. The internationalists have taken direct aim at the heart of this movement, truth and reality. Welcome to the age of government Ministry of Information straight out of George Orwell’s 1984, a little late to make his prediction of 1984, but arrive it has.


The reasoning behind the “fake news” epidemic which culminated this past week where, according to the Jerusalem Post, amongst others, “Pakistani Defense Minister Khawaja M. Asif threatened Israel late Friday night, following a fake news report from the website AWD, stating that Israel’s defense minister was threatening to destroy Pakistan.” This will be the specific reason that such news stories are presumably considered to be such a threat to national security and the continued safety of the public. Once again actions are being taken to keep you safe from a threat created by governments in the first place. Instead of forcing those who willingly disclose false news stories without so labeling them, and also prosecuting those who knowingly repeat these fake news stories, the governments of the world will instead become the sole sources for true and real news stories. Unless the government has vetted any story, the public will never actually know whether the news they are reading is real or something from the furtive imagination of some lunatic somewhere.


The two government departments of truth we have read that are coming into our daily lives at some point; if not curtailed early and with definitive public furor being raised and true ire shown such that the members of the United States Congress are made to realize that the people are adult enough to discern real from fake news stories, then we will receive no unfiltered news. The government is not required to hold out hands throughout life treating us as their wayward children in constant need of protection from the horrific threats which abound in the public arena. In Germany they are establishing the “Center of Defense Against Disinformation” while the United States has buried this gem deep within the 2017 defense spending authorization bill, an omnibus piece of legislation where most members of Congress receive a summary of contents rather than read such a long and mostly individual expenditures and their cost and descriptions are contained, calling it the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act” which will establish and have funded a “Center for Information Analysis and Response” at a cost of millions of American taxpayers’ dollars. As well as being a direct threat to protections provided specifically in the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment in particular compromising free speech and the independent press, this legislation is a direct insult to each and every American as it is treating them as if they are incapable of differentiating the real news from trusted sources from questionable sources known for their falsifying the news often for satirical editorial content all done to prove a point through use of absurdity. The First Amendment reads as follows”


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


First Amendment

First Amendment


That appears to be concise but amply understandable and more than applies to this idea. The particular part of interest would read, “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,” which does not state freedom to only release news which was first vetted by the government, which is the logical end result as this department gains in scope, strength, power and legitimacy which will come simply due to any amount of time where they have carefully performed their assigned duties only to fight the most egregious instances of fake news and then claiming they are a public service, not a potential menace to be watched like a hawk. Eventually this department will grow, as do virtually every government agency which start with noble purposes and eventually morph into rights stealing monstrosities, and begin to offer licenses and verifications of news stories and anything found not to contain their approval will be regarded with suspicion. This will mark the end of the assisting and begin the dictating of truth and once the government controls the verification of the truth, then the government defines the truth. This was the result of numerous “fake news” stories highlighted to have been carried by reputable newspapers and other media which became the cause celeb leading down a scripted dance trail right into the waiting arms of Congress and arrived as a need desperately requiring the heavy hand of government. We need remember the worlds of the first President of the United States, George Washington, who stated, “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence,—it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” There are also the words of the fortieth President Ronald Reagan who stated, “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” Both had a similar ring, namely that the government is not to be trusted as our keeper any more than a fire-bearer should be trusted in a fireworks factory, some things are simply bad ideas. Having the government deciding that which is worthy of being considered news and that which is simply the fancy words of some sarcastic editorialist, then the government has the power of determining the knowledge allowed the people and such censorship should be considered intolerable. The people are to be given reporting of events in the whole cloth, the wheat with the chaff and be trusted to separate the two taking to heart only that which stands deep scrutiny and has earned their trust; government, actually, not so much.


Commenting on these new revelation, it was noted how convenient it will be for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to be reelected to a fourth term with her government appointees being placed in the position of censoring news content such that all suspect news which counters her positions, particularly on the admission of untold numbers of unvetted “refugees” from an area of the world which does not respect or even know of the rights and the self-control and observance of the laws and customs of the lands which make our freedoms possible. The reality in the United States, the place where these rights were first instituted and where the society had been cultivated with deep religious and moralist education based on the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and where the second President of the United States, John Adams, had serious and vital input and understanding of the system of laws and limitations on government and empowering the people were included within those written pages. It was he, John Adams, who stated eloquently but with simplicity that, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” He was referring directly to a religious people steeped in Judeo-Christian ethos and though not directly ruling out all others, was placing an individual market which was to warn of a time when the people would no longer present the restrained and courteous nature and instead would run roughshod over these rights perverting their very meanings and abusing these very liberties and that at such a time the governance itself would be filled with such people after which freedom would perish and tyranny would be entrenched.


There is a deeply funded and extraordinarily tangled and broad alliance which appears willing to redefine Western life and curtail the power and freedom of the people. These Ministries of Information are simply the latest attempt at destroying alternative news sources and initially earning the people’s praise and trust before slowly bringing everything to a boil in the hopes we the people never notice we are being boiled in order to strip us of our freedoms one by one at first and towards the end it will become two by two and ten by ten and then simply the floodgates will open. The damages already established but not fully implemented rules, regulations, actual laws and other ministerial empowerments are waiting for the words which will send forth from Washington D.C. the paralyzing enforcements of every last iota of the plan establishing their authority to control all that we do, all that we are permitted, and reeducation for those who hold fast to the old ways of freedom and people power. Europe has already turned the bend and may be beyond saving as the European Union (EU) has taken over from the individual governments, hate crime laws have silenced the truth, all economies are centrally planned in Brussels, the borders have been all but completely erased, the outer borders left completely unguarded, the military strength of each member has been drained into a central EU run and controlled army, police powers are virtually all centralized with control not far behind, everything not nailed down has become taxable, and lastly freedom exists as a shell of its former self and will be completely wiped from the continent within a year or two if not measured in months or days or even seconds. The United States used to stand a solid decade behind the Europeans but now is standing amongst them strolling down this primrose path, the flowered path which leads to perdition and where shortly the flowered trough on either side grows barren with the smell of brimstone soon to follow. Some claim the flames are licking at our toes, others claim we are up to our necks in the fiery furnace all while the government tells us to trust them as they will get things right this time. The only thing those who lead the majority of political parties, the elites in both Parties of the United States and of a fairly large percentage of the wonderful political entities’ elites as these people are all desirous that we arrive at the same station passing all the same stops and refusing to disembark because we have been told there is a great reward waiting at the end of the tracks. The problem is that there is nothing beyond the end of the tracks except slavery to the chosen ones. From George Orwell’s 1984 we read, “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.” For those demanding something a little more contemporary, we have Captain Apollo explaining about his world, one much like Earth itself, stating emphatically, “I came from a world where the people believed that the opposite of war was peace. We found out the hard way that the opposite of war is more often slavery.” (Found in video below, a short period after the 6:22 minute mark)



History has proven that statement to be far too valid. We can also see from history that losing a war also begets slavery if not worse. But probably the most difficult lesson which mankind has apparently not learned is that delaying facing evil and attempting to coddle and coerce evil to forget its ways in exchange for forgiveness results in the deaths of many thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even tens of millions of lives in a far more difficult war once evil has armed themselves, often clandestinely, and readied for the war those so invested in peace as to not believe anybody would war against them believing in their superiority of arms. Such stupidity brought on World War II and the most horrific fighting the world had ever witnessed. The next time stopping a rising evil will not be anywhere as limited as World War II, it will be fought in trenches by the survivors of the initial exchanges of rockets tipped with weapons of unimaginable destruction being leveled not against military targets but against the civilian and industrial infrastructure targets in order to prevent even the ability to feed the people, let alone defend them. Editing for accuracy and validity and removing “fake news” will result in only one thing, censoring news such that things the government deems too troubling or reflecting too harshly on the governance amongst other reasons for limiting information. That is what these new agencies are about, limiting information. Then the next conflagration will come upon a world completely ill-prepared for facing the truth any longer as the truth will have become too far separated from their lives and the base of their knowledge, that knowledge which was sculpted through omissions and censorings along with massaging the few challenging truths which do finally break through. We need understand that the next step is to place a United Nations Universal Mission for Truth and Verification of Reporting and Validation of Editorial Content (UNUMTVRVEC) or Umteveravec. All newspapers will need to have the Umteveravec seal, kind of like a Classification Marks (Underwriters Laboratories). These approval marks will be granted each year providing the media has met the fairness doctrines which will not be fair, the balanced reporting requirement which will not be balanced, the factual reflection guidelines which will not be fact based, and the represents faith in government requisite which will not be permitted any amount of harshness and only limited truth. News will be neat, clean and leaving no loose ends, doubts or questions by the nature of reporting always becomes when the government approval is required to do business. When evil approaches under such predatory vetting of the news, the people will be as unprepared as was the allied powers when World War I and again when World War II broke out, does anybody think we will be ready when the world is teetering on the brink and government is doing all they can to appear in control and without a care in the world? Of course the people will not be ready as required, though the people will know at the least that they are not being properly informed and that the government is hiding things simply because what they read and what they see every day do not match.


UL Label Design and Proposed UNUMTVRVEC Label Design

UL Label Design and Proposed


The big difference between Underwriters Laboratories and Umteveravec is that Underwriters Laboratories is a privately owned company which has made a name for themselves for thoroughness and have the people’s trust and know that should they lose the people’s trust or the respect of the manufacturers that they are out of business, so accuracy and care are requirements of their workforce’s jobs. Umteveravec would be a United Nations agency which would owe its budget to the United Nations and its credibility to the individual nations who would then require or exempt their news services from meeting any of the Umteveravec regulations and turning over their news vetting to the United Nations. Umteveravec, as a United Nations Agency would be invested heavily in making the world appear perfect with few problems thus allowing the United Nations to skate through even on thin ice and not fear any danger of falling through. The world itself would become a very dangerous place and in many ways because of these dangerous and perilous times approaching, the powers that be from all parties will be conspiring to paint over any real problems and very probably simply blame all the world’s problems upon the Israelis or whichever nations they felt deserved scorn. Currently another target would be Britain due to their dastardly deed of leaving the EU. Imagine the horror stories about any nation which had the audacity to resign from the United Nations or not pay their rightful dues (in the case of the United States that would include an extra amount to pay for Russia and other nations who claim that the United States is responsible for keeping them paid in full). We will see how these monitoring sites do in preventing “bad” and “evil” reporting from ruining our day while endangering our lives.


Beyond the Cusp


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