Beyond the Cusp

March 4, 2017

Mahmoud Abbas Makes Peace Impossible


The world loves to claim that Mahmoud Abbas is Israel’s best prospect for peace. The shocker is that we agree with that statement and claim that this makes peace impossible. What people do not realize is that Mahmoud Abbas is Israel’s savior from its own mistakes. More than once Prime Minister Netanyahu has agreed to make sacrifices for peace which would have very possibly mortally wounded Israel. Had these offers been accepted the Arabs would have been able to fire rockets directly into Tel Aviv using line of sight aiming which would have crippled all economic life and life in general for the majority of Israelis. But Israel has a strange savior because Hashem works in strange and mysterious ways and often with a sense of irony thrown in just for amusement sake. That savior is the man who cannot afford to accept any peace because doing so would cost him everything. That man is Mahmoud Abbas and he knows the minute that he makes peace with Israel and the IDF and Israeli security personnel withdraw from Judea and Samaria that his life would not be insurable with Lloyd’s of London at any price, and they have an odds price on virtually anything. Once Abbas makes a peace with Israel he would be wise to leave before Hamas makes their move as the result will be identical to the fight over Gaza except this time those Hamas does not like will have nowhere to run. Abbas knows his name tops that list and that only the IDF and Israeli security forces stand between Hamas and his neck, thus he will never make peace. Still, he is Israel’s best chance for peace as there is no other and that is the sole reason, and the world knows this as well.


Then why does the world, especially the European Union and the United Nations insist that Israel make sacrifices to bring Mahmoud Abbas to the negotiating table? They do this for two reasons; first because they want to compromise Israel, and second because they know Abbas will never make peace thus they can make Israel destroy itself safely and without getting their hands dirty. Their plan is to shrink Israel piece by piece which is funny as that is also the Arab plan for the destruction of Israel, by stages peace by peace. Prime Minister Netanyahu also knows the truth about Abbas and his delicate predicament and that Abbas is happy with things just the way they are. You need to understand that Mahmoud Abbas has another interest in keeping everything just as they are because the European Union and the United Nations plus certain European nations along with the United States continue sending millions of dollars atop millions of dollars annually from which Abbas and select groups amongst the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership and PLO hierarchy, of which Mahmoud Abbas is the top person in each, are taking their generous share off the top making themselves unbelievably wealthy. Abbas is not about to kill the geese which continue laying golden eggs for him and with whose gold he uses to retain loyalty and stays alive. These are the realities and everybody involved is quite content with the status quo, well, except for Netanyahu and the majority of Israelis, and that brings us to other realities we all know are real and true.


This is where International Law enters the picture and the realities of treaties, conventions, mandates, charters and hard facts come in. What all of these do is paint a picture of another reality which Abbas knows as does everybody else who is playing the music that they are all dancing to. The truth is that all the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea belongs to Israel and will remain Israeli unless Israel signs treaties giving the land away. That is how they stole Gaza and Israel learned a hard lesson there. Israel also knows that should they ever again be forced to fight and gain territory, not to return it but to exercise the law of nations that allows that lands gained in a defensive war may be retained by the aggrieved nation. This lesson was the lesson of southern Lebanon where once Israel returned the lands taken in the war with Hezballah they returned in force and now that area has approximately one-hundred-fifty-thousand rockets and missiles aimed at every target imaginable throughout all of Israel all the way down to Eilat at the southernmost tip of the country. Israel has learned that every inch of land which she allows to be given to her enemies, be it Israeli lands or those gained in defensive struggles, are immediately taken by the terrorist enemies and become a launching pad for future wars and terrorist raids and continuous threat for more death and destruction. Yet this is exactly what the world demands that Israel concedes to, giving lands to those who will immediately utilize it as a staging ground for the eventual destruction of the Jewish State. But fortunately Mahmoud Abbas must refuse any offer no matter how generous as he proved when offered over ninety percent of Judea and Samaria, half of Jerusalem including the Old City and Temple Mount, and lands from within the Green Line equal to the lands retained from Judea and Samaria. This offer was refused twice, one when offered by Ehud Barak in 2000 and again in 2008 offered by Ehud Olmert. Perhaps Israel should be wary of any leader named Ehud in the future, especially Barak and Olmert.


Israel has a world seemingly hungry for her to sacrifice pieces of her ancient homelands and half her Capital City of Jerusalem and much of the historic lands of the Bible. Places that Christian and Jews hold sacred, Biblical Places, such as Bethlehem, Jericho, Hevron, Bethel and numerous others. They would demand that the Temple Mount be made Islamic only grounds where they would picnic and play soccer while Jews and Christians would be denied to come to their precious lands. These are the demands the world makes and then relies on Mahmoud Abbas to refuse any offerings so they can claim they are the ones standing for peace if only Israel would satisfy the Arab demands. We are back to the fact that everybody on all sides are familiar with the Arab demands and that they will only accept the Jews living under Arab rule begging for each day and praying that it not be their last. The Arabs cannot allow Israel to exist because their pride is challenged as the area once was theirs. They have the same problem with the lands of Andalusia, what we recognize today as Spain and Portugal. They also believe that the lands all the way to the gates of Vienna should be returned to them as the Ottomans twice extended their reach to the gates of that city. The Europeans also know that Israel is like the plug in the bottle and without Israel they stand even more vulnerable than they presently find themselves, and that brings us to the final story.


Biblical Israel

Biblical Israel a Historic and Accurate View


Europe and the remainder of the free world and developed world are facing the same threat as Israel, Islamic terrorism. The United States has taken a partial step in preventing further infiltration, though it is currently being debated in the courts, briefly, as the restraints on immigration will stand the test. Europe has been open to infiltration and has reaped their just rewards and the people have begun to stir in a number of nations. The terrorism threat has reared its ugliness throughout much of Europe but media and the current leaders are doing all they can to downplay these incidents. Many Europeans feel betrayed by their leadership which has these leaders worried as facing their public come next elections. Some are proposing an administration which would control the media acting as a Ministry of Truth. Their quoted intention was to prevent “fake news” and to act as fact checkers, but the facts they check could be to further their power or at least try to protect them until after the next elections. The left realizes that they have backed themselves into a corner and the troubles the people have realized is being placed at their doorstep. BREXIT and the election in the United States of Donald Trump as President and a Republican Congress have sent shivers through the entire left-wing political hierarchy which has completely controlled Europe for over a decade. Now they feel threatened and still have not realized why the people are displeased. The next set of elections in Europe might bring about a seismic shift in the political alignment of the continent. The real question is to how long the populations will remain engaged and retain a more measured and conservative leadership in power. The balance is precariously balanced and unless the people remain vigilant then one more round where the left gains control of the Western nations there may be no road back. Should that become the reality then the Tytler Cycle of Power will advance and history teaches us that the cycle will not return to freedom for generations. The next decade or two will be determinative in the future we hand our children and their children for too many generations to be contemplated.


Beyond the Cusp 


February 18, 2017

Jews Stirring Anti-Semitism Protesting Trump


You open the newspaper, you turn on the evening news, you watch the Sunday talking heads and the story is the same, Jews on the front lines protesting against the elections of President Trump. They are there carrying the “Not My President” and the “Not Our President” signs, the front lines against the seven nation hold on refugees and immigrants until a proper vetting program can be initiated, and the lead in every protest on every campus and in every city. These are Open Orthodox, Conservatives, Reform and Reconstructionist Jews as well as the few Hassidic Jews who firmly believe that Israel should not have been founded until the Messiah has come and established it for the Jews. All of these Jews have one thing in common, they are in stark contrast to the vast majority of Israeli Jews and their fellow Jews in Israel stand confused and somewhat shocked. How do I know this? Because that is the number one question I hear every morning at services. My fellow congregants ask me to explain what these Jews are so upset over and why are they fighting against everything which Israelis believe has been the greatest thing to come along for Israel since Truman recognized Israel in 1948 and the military cooperation between our two nations over the past sixty plus years now, since the Six Day War woke Lyndon Banes Johnson to the fact that Israel just might serve as a good ally for the United States. Their confusion is palpable and can only leave me sad when I finally tell them the truths.


The reality is best made for them to visualize when I explain that the Conservative Synagogue my wife and I attended, for lack of an Orthodox one available where we resided in Oklahoma, was all but exactly identical in atmosphere and service style to the Reform Synagogue I had attended at times during my teen years. Even more troubling for them and my telling is that the number one question we received when congregants learned we were making Aliyah and moving to Israel was, “Why would you want to go there?” and “What is wrong with you?” and lastly a simple, “Why?” as if we would fully understand that last single word expression of disbelief. This was the standard set of queries with the exception of the few real friends we had made who were fellow conservatives politically. These friends had already requested we keep their political aligning with the Republicans to ourselves as everybody knew my wife and I were Republicans and very conservative politically as we broadcast it not being worried about making friends. What did turn out to be interesting was that after a while the very liberal Rabbi had to reconcile that he and I have some similar ideas on Torah and human rights, something he found astonishing. At least the Rabbi was happy about our moving to Israel hopefully because he at least also loved Israel and not because we were leaving, we believe it to be the former.


I explain to my Israeli friends that the vast majority of Jews have little if any affinity for Israel and simply wish Israel would give the Palestinians whatever it is that will make them happy, a state, whatever, just satisfy them at any cost so that Israel stops being an embarrassment for them. Their liberal, actually leftist in all too many cases, was far more important to them than was the survival of Israel or the lives of Israelis. They lost their affections for Israel decades ago once Israel pulled out their victory in the October 1973 Yom Kippur War after being caught completely off guard and flat-footed. The fact that Israel was able to repulse the attacks in that war gave the American Jewish community the feeling that Israel had become a superpower all but equal to the United States and impervious to Arab aggressions. Many younger American Jews even believe that Israel is probably four, five, six or even ten times its actual size as they believe it remains the size it had when it still held the Sinai Peninsula. These younger Jews are really geography-challenged and have little if any actual clue of reality and if they were to be told that Israel is barely the size of New Jersey they would be more likely to believe New Jersey had grown to the size of Texas than change their unfounded views about Israel. As far as many American Jews are concerned their leftist values are far more important than any Jewish homeland as for them America is the new Promised Land.


This article may receive a number of denunciations because these Jews are also very sensitive when called out as they are the good people and are always beyond reproach. Their beliefs are always above question and of the highest morality. Their belief is Judaism is all about what they call Tikkun Olam. This they define as repair the world through converting the world to their socialist perfect world where the government solves every problem. They do not see Tikkun Olam as the perfecting and improvement of the self in order to make the world better. They see themselves as already as near to perfect as is humanly possible and the real problem is making everybody else to be like them. If everybody would simply believe as they do, the world would become a perfect world. To them when they see Israel in the news it distresses them not because they feel for Israel but because the problems Israel has reflects on them making their lives difficult as they feel they are identified with guilt rubbing off from Israeli misdeeds. They perceive Israeli actions defending herself from terrorism to be unnecessary as if Israel would just bend to the Arab demands then there would be peace. Their desire is for all problems to go away the fastest and easiest means possible, and that to them most often is Israel compromising because their leftist newspapers and newscasts all blame Israel so it must be true.


They also see the government headed by Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to be exactly as their news media portray it, an extreme right wing settler crazies who refuse to give the Palestinians their rightful homeland. They believe that Israel conquered Palestine in 1967 and some even believe that Israel was a European colonialist enterprise from before 1948 and that there are no non-European Jews in Israel. There is no way to convince them of the reality that approximately half of Israeli Jews are from Arab nations of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) as well as India, Ethiopia and other places where lost tribes of Jews have been rescued. They believe that Israel is an Apartheid nation which denies Arabs the right to vote, work in certain fields, and refuse to allow Arabs free access without facing checkpoints at every intersection, well, not every intersection but too many. They look at you like you are trying to tell them Martians live in Israel when you tell them the Arab Israelis have every right that the Jewish Israelis have and that Israel has one of the largest Baha’I populations in the world as well as Druze and Bedouins who also have full rights and vote in Israeli elections are doctors, nurses, teachers, and in the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament. Speaking the truth to these Jews and expecting them to accept a single word is like speaking to a brick wall and expecting it to move out of your way. These Jews are more likely to believe the lies peddled by CAIR than they are to believe us when we visit from Israel with wonderful stories about how warm and wonderful life in Israel actually is and how we love living here, but they believed we were a bit odd to begin with.


The reality that Israelis need to learn to accept is that outside the true Orthodox Jewish communities, the Jews in America place the Democrat Party ahead of Israel in all things. The American Jews will accept that Keith Ellison is a perfect choice for the leadership of the Democrat Party and will see him as posing no threat to their existence. Should somebody point out that Keith Ellison supports Louis Farrakhan and his views that Jews are evil people who are barely human and deserve to be refused rights and that many of those who follow Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam actually desire to murder every Jew in America and some even the world they would call them a liar and demand their ostracization from membership in any social or political group potentially even the Synagogue except that would make them appear hateful. The fact that their beliefs about Israel easily make them appear to be hateful though they could not possibly be such as they are the perfect and beautiful people who are so full of love and compassion without a hateful bone in their bodies, ask them, they will gladly inform you and each will attest for the others. Theirs is a wonderfully close-knit community which supports all the correct causes and is by far the most acceptive people who support gay marriage, the entire LGBQT set of causes, the acceptance of refugees from Syria, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Sudan and everywhere else across the Islamic World as it is in turmoil and believe that people should have the right to use whichever bathroom suits their mood each day and that gender-free bathrooms are a necessity and President Obama was the most Constitutional and perfect President greater than Lincoln, Washington and Jefferson combined, especially those detestable slave owners Washington and Jefferson.


Inform them that Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Iran, Egypt and the remainder of the Arab world have not appropriated a single refugee while the few nations which have had their borders crossed by refugees have corralled these refugees into camps surrounded by razor wire and armed guards with the expectations that these refugees will either be returned to their nation of origin or allowed to emigrate to Europe or elsewhere in the developed world but never a single one allowed to be taken in by another Arab nation, this they would be aghast and in complete disbelief. They would essentially murder the messenger rather than check to authenticate the message because it transgresses their firm belief that the Islamic world is above reproach and the people who might support President Trump’s temporary, that is temporary, holding of refugees and immigrants from seven unstable and terror hotbed nations with failed governments until a method for proper vetting can be put in place are uneducated simpletons. Such news would upset their world and as such it must be false because they have such a great grasp of everything which is passing along the world each day that such news which goes so completely against their world view thus impossible. Still, why is it that none of the Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia have taken in even a single refugee from Syria and the other six nations which are on President Trump’s travel restrictions and the United States should simply open the doors wide with no restrictions? These are not the tired, the poor, the huddled masses but the victims of dysfunctional states which have been all but destroyed who may be infiltrated by unknown numbers of Islamic State terrorists, al-Qaeda terrorists, Muslim Brotherhood operatives, and unknown other terror suspects which vetting could detect. Perhaps Trump should make a deal that once the one hundred thousand airconditioned tents Saudi Arabia had set up in the dessert for the Haj and used them for Arab refugees then the United States will start taking the overflow afterwards (see image below). The American Jews probably find the news about all those tents with air conditioning which Saudi Arabia could use for refugees something they have been unaware existed, but that would not be any reason nor would the rejection of these same refugees by Saudi Arabia should not affect the United States policies on these same refugees. One must wonder why the Saudi Arabia Royal Family is so against taking in these refugees, so strange.


one hundred thousand airconditioned tents Saudi Arabia to accommodate pilgrims on Hajj each has kitchen bathroom fireproof and never intended for refugees

There exists one hundred thousand really large tents Saudi Arabia uses to accommodate pilgrims on Hajj and each has a kitchen, bathroom, fire wood stove, as well as an air-conditioner and they never were intended for refugees as they are far too nice, or at least that is the Saudi Royal Family’s view.


Beyond the Cusp


February 9, 2017

The Façade is Failing


The Arab Islamic supremacist offensive using the Palestinian Arab population ruled out of Gaza City and Ramallah is faltering and sputtering towards its ending. There is spiraling violence which is whipped up periodically often using the Temple Mount and Jerusalem and the apparent Judaizing it might face should Israel decides to actually carry through with the Zionist demands for building the Third Temple. The Third Temple need not transplant or replace anything already sitting upon the Temple Mount as room exists for quite a large and expansive building to be added. There need not be any destructive efforts and instead a sharing of the holy expanse which is holy to three religions without any one religion attempting dominance over the other two (see images below). The pretense that the Jews have no claim or history to the Temple Mount and that the structures found there were all built by Islamic rulers since the seventh or eighth century because history began with the onset of Islam and anything which preceded has no relative justification is just that, a pretense. This is one of the reasons that Islamic holy structures are often built upon the sights of other religious buildings or even are former religious structures which were transformed into Islamic holy sites such as the Hagia Sophia which was originally built in Constantinople and when the city was renamed Istanbul the Hagia Sophia became a Mosque (see image below). The Hagia Sophia had extensive mosaics which were either torn out or, fortunately, most were simply plastered over. The Hagia Sophia had some of the mosaics restored as it has served recently as a museum for both its Christian as well as its Islamic history. How long the Turkish rulers and the Islamic world decide to allow the current use to continue is open to debate as President Erdoğan appears to be attempting to return to Turkeys Ottoman past. This trending in Turkey and across the Islamic world may be coming to a critical point where the world could turn on a single incident or a brief series of events. It is this apparent coming focal point which may have determining ramifications into the future similar to the fall of the Ottoman and the Austria-Hungarian Empires during World War I which came on the heels of the fall of the Tzars in Russia making for an entirely new face to the world or the turn after the fall of Rome and Carthage which had ruled the Mediterranean Sea between them for a thousand years followed by the rise of the Islamic forces streaming across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and into the fringes of the eastern and western edges of Europe. What the world will look at in another decade or two may be entirely different than it does today. The entire world is hanging in wait for the other shoe to fall and one can choose whatever terror attack they please as the first shoe that fell. Where will that shoe strike the Earth?


Temple Mount with Proposed Options to include Third Temple Without Destroying or Interfering Other Religious Structures

Temple Mount with Proposed
Options to include Third Temple
Without Destroying or Interfering
Other Religious Structures


Hagia Sophia Mosque as transformed by Islamic Conquerors was once the Greatest of Cathedrals in the World Until Constantinople fell to Islamic forces

Hagia Sophia Mosque as transformed
by Islamic Conquerors was once the
Greatest of Cathedrals in the World
Until Constantinople fell to Islamic forces


For a hint at where that shoe will target our lovely little rock floating in orbit around an average yellow star between two arms of the Milky Way was hinted at by the reaction to new United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres little miscue of acceptable protocols in our overly sensitive world where some believe they own all the rights to history and only their history is permitted to be used. Palestinian Authority (PA) Jerusalem Affairs Minister Adnan al-Husseini demanded an apology last month from United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres because of his statement that it was “completely clear that the Temple that the Romans destroyed in Jerusalem was a Jewish temple.” The statement according to Adnan al-Husseini had “violated all legal, diplomatic and humanitarian customs and overstepped his role as secretary general.” Apparently stating that there was history before the Arabs and Islam arrived in Jerusalem and that the Romans had ever been in Jerusalem or destroyed a temple there, let alone The Temple, and especially the Second Temple of the Jews was unacceptable. Inferring that the Jews have any history in Jerusalem, especially that the Jews had constructed two Temples in Jerusalem and that the Temple Mount was not built by the great Islamic conquerors of Jerusalem offends Islamic sensitivities. Such commentary must be nipped in the bud as if the truth were to be heard then perhaps the Europeans might realize that the Jews really did have a history in Jerusalem and stop supporting the Palestinian Arabs and their criminal terrorism committed against the Jews and intended to destroy Israel in steps using both terror and politics. Islam is terrified that Israel might actually be permitted to realize their rightful and promised homelands and gain full dominion over Judea and Samaria, the historic Jewish heartlands where the Prophets strode, the Judges ruled and Kings David and Solomon Ruled and where Solomon built his Temple to Hashem in the center of Jerusalem. Having the Jews be recognized and permitted their promised homeland is treated as if it would be a dagger into the heart of Islam, a mortal wound to their Muslim sensitivities from which they might never recover.


The reaction to the United Nations Secretary General’s accurate recognition of historical fact has identified the exact center of the coming maelstrom, the location of the eye of the coming storm. The coming storm will be triggered in Jerusalem but will sweep across the world soon thereafter never returning full force to Jerusalem as that battle will have been lost. The incitement to terror over the Temple Mount is but one small faction on which the violence is centered. There is also the fuming anger over the promise by President Trump during the campaign that he will move the American Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and, as if that was not sufficient, also stated he planned to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli Capital City. President Trump did walk that recognition comment back to meaning only West Jerusalem but that was not sufficient of a mea-culpa for the PA leadership who continued using the comments as fuel for violence. Many Imams in Mosques across Jerusalem and the PA ruled areas incited violence as a reaction to the horrific assault on Islamic superiority and ascension over Jerusalem and directed it be targeted on Israelis. One individual took these sermons to heart and used his truck to murder four Israelis while running the vehicle through a crowd of Israeli cadets disembarking a bus in Jerusalem. Mahmoud Abbas welcomed the actions of this Palestinian Arab hero and promised his widow 2,900 shekels per month for life, in accordance with Palestinian Authority Law. But just ask Mahmoud Abbas and in English he will gladly inform you that he is taking every opportunity and possible avenue to end all incitement and terrorism in the areas under his control. His statements proving this insistence that all terrorism and attacks must stop and were not of his or the PA leadership’s making can be seen below. Of course this was not the fault of the PA leadership, it was the Imams in the Mosques following through on their marching orders which came from the PA leadership, but they just discussed theoretical ideas with the Imams, no actually requesting they go through with such instigations with their sermons using the intent of President Trump to move the embassy or the fact that Jews were presumably going to flatten the entire top of the Temple Mount and build their Temple or that the Jews were seen making plans to hold Satanic Rituals in the al-Aqsa Mosque. Nothing of this kind has currently or previously been used to instigate violence against the Jews specifically and Israelis in general. That is what the video below will inform you as will these records of statements translated by Palestinian Media Watch.



Israel will be the center and the reason given for the coming storm. Europe and North America as well as potentially India and Central Africa will bear the brunt of the storm which will slowly escalate. The United States has already been set as a target for terror due to the insults and threats which allegedly came from President Trump as he is seen to be fully backing Israel in all items and his call for moving the embassy is being taken far more seriously than the same promise made by Presidents since Reagan. This time they are sure it is for real, may that be true. What will further hasten these events is the fact that the majority of Israelis have reached the end of their patience and their government has begun to realize the impatience which has grown. The Israeli Zionist core has had it with destroying Jewish homes while allowing all other illegal construction to be largely ignored. Even Jewish homes and communities built with government approval and having all the necessary paperwork have been assaulted by the Supreme Court on the flimsiest of evidence and even without any evidence as they appear to believe if it was filed, then the Jews must be at fault. This is the result of a leftist court working with a leftist minority flying completely out of control. This will lead to a confrontation in Israel and the makings have presented themselves with the recent law passed to place Israeli rule over Area C and the settlements, all the settlements giving them legality and certify them against further leftist actions. The Attorney General and Supreme Court will undoubtedly be petitioned by a selection of leftist groups over this law and should they attempt to claim the law unconstitutional it may well ignite a final conflict between the Zionists and the Post-Zionist left. The first point is that Israel has no Constitution thus nothing can be unconstitutional and the current law is not in violation of any of the basic laws. Should the Supreme Court and Attorney General take actions against the law, the next logical step would be to pass a new version which is even more strident by granting recognition to all future homes, communities, business districts and any other Israeli building throughout Area C which is under full Israeli civil and security governance under the Oslo Accords and make this new law part of the Basic Laws thus securing it from leftist assaults. Once Israel has completed the coming debate and all building in Areas C is made legal and permanent, the debate with the Arab Palestinians will take on a whole new tact.


The expected result will likely be open incitement and full on assault against all Israel. This will not last very long and the solution of returning the Arab Palestinians into Jordan and the backing of a group in Jordan known as the Jordan Opposition Coalition (JOC) (الائتلاف الاردني للمعارضة). For this and other information please read our recent article with more links titled Israel’s Worst Enemy is Israel which entreats the idea which is supported by the JOC that Jordan was the Arab State and west of the Jordan was Israel as the Jewish State and the two were to be separate yet allied working for mutual advantages. Should Israel manage to also bring President Donald Trump on board with the idea and with his assistance along with Egypt and Saudi Arabia to manage to pressure King Hussein of Jordan to become a titular head and no longer have the power he currently wields but maintaining his privilege, this would allow the Arab Palestinians to finally rule the nation in which they carry a near 80% majority. The British placed the Hashemites over the Arab Palestinian majority and that has remained the system with the King using the Bedouins as his enforcers against the Arab Palestinians. Bringing this to an end and granting the Arab Palestinians the rule in what was to be their actual country, then they can be relocated from Israel just as almost one million Jews were relocated from the Arab world into Israel between 1948 through 1959. There will be screams that this is unprecedented which is a bald faced lie. There was a far larger migration between India and Pakistan with much greater violence. There was a similar migration of Germans from Polish lands taken after World War I as well as Germans from areas taken by France at the end of World War I. The migration of populations in the making of nations after conflicts has a long history of forced migrations. This would not be setting any precedence at all. The leadership of the PA would need to be granted asylum somewhere allowing them to live out their lives in comfort with their billions in stolen funds collected over the years.


After such an agreement despite it likely being accepted by the Arab Palestinians who would receive ample financial incentives or could remain as legal alien Jordanian citizens residing within Israel as long as they remain law abiding, the rest of the Islamic world, primarily Iran, could react using increased violence through largely terrorism. The world will find a means of adjusting and eventually find a means of preventing much of the intended violence. The problems could begin once Iran has a sizeable nuclear arsenal and the means for delivering these weapons. This will unfortunately become reality within the next decade to decade and a half. Then the Iranians will be capable of fomenting as much terrorism as they desire using Syria, Lebanon and Iraq as bases in addition to their own training camps run by the IRGC specialists. Iran also has allies they have cultivated in South America including the Tri-Border Region in an area where Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina meet but none of the nations bother to enforce much law. Hezballah along with the IRGC run training and are prepared to marshal terror operations through Mexico and into the United States (see map below). The region is replete with two airfields and a series of towns around which the terror infrastructure is based. In addition there is ample dense jungle in the area into which any hunted groups could melt and appear across one of the borders with ease. Perhaps it is the difficulty of organizing a combined strike which prevents any real enforcement.


Tri_Border Region of South America Terror training haven and Iranian proxy state in the Americas and Base of operations for the 17 March 1992 Israeli Embassy Bombing murdering 29 injuring 242 and the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) 18 July 1994bombing murdered 85 injured over 800 and now we must add the murdered Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman to AMIA fatalities

Tri_Border Region of South America Terror training haven and Iranian proxy state in the Americas and Base of operations for the 17 March 1992 Israeli Embassy Bombing murdering 29 injuring 242 and the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) 18 July 1994 bombing murdered 85 injured over 800 and now we must add the murdered Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman to AMIA fatalities


Whatever becomes the spark, the world is spiraling towards chaos. The problems in the Middle East have already started to spread to Europe, especially to France, Britain and Germany. These problems will become exacerbated by the interconnectedness of the European Union. Once the Islamic forces have gained citizenship there will be no preventing their free travel throughout Europe and the spread of their Islamist agenda. The escalation is evident and will only continue to grow. The Europeans will join the leftists in the United States in laying all the blame on the Administration of United States President Donald Trump. This will simply be a false way of bringing additional pressure as the left attempts by any means to drive the Republicans from power. Should they succeed at this endeavor then the last best hope for Western Civilization will probably die. The left’s only answer to the pressures of Islam is to surrender and blame their enemies and Islamophobia. All one need do is witness how after every terror attack the first step is deny it was terror and when that fails then press the Islamophobia button and demand that everybody not over-react, which means blaming the terrorist. We are to love the terrorist but hate our own history. This is going to work out so well. At least Israel is awake, will the United States remain conscious or will they fall back to sleep. There is quite a lot riding on the answer to that question.


Beyond the Cusp


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