Beyond the Cusp

February 2, 2018

Must Israel Be Permitted to Deport Migrants?


The Israeli government has announced its intentions to deport thirty-thousand migrants, as they entered Israel serendipitously. The Israeli government claims the migrants are illegally in the country and are not refugees and that it is perfectly safe to return them to their native country or to nations willing to take them if they prefer. These migrants never applied for anything other than employment. They never contacted the Israeli government seeking asylum nor did they ever file any complaint against their home country. Their only reason for choosing Israel was due to the standard of living. We can grant that they did not decide to stay in Egypt for a good reason, Egypt has a habit of executing migrants upon capture, well, unless they are heading for Israel. One can only wonder why the exceptions if not to flood Israel with migrants who do not share the culture or the Jewish faith in order to destroy the Jewish homeland. For all Israel knows, that may also be behind some, or even many, of the Migrants themselves. Virtually all of the migrants come from nations in Africa. The migrants come from Eritrea, Sudan, Kenya and other sub-Saharan African nations. They are to be deported to Uganda and possibly Rwanda or African nation of their choice or anywhere on the globe. Israel has reached deals with certain African nations approved by the United Nations as being safe places for these migrants. The migrants in Israel have already been classified as not being true refugees or refugees who can safely be returned to their homelands, in the case of the Sudan, that includes South Sudan, and Eritrea has been removed from the list of dangerous nations. None of the migrants are facing any charges in the nations of origin but Israel still has offered to repatriate them to a different nation of their choice. The Israeli government has announced they will pay each migrant $3,500 (£2,600) as well as purchase their plane ticket back to Africa providing they voluntarily relocate within the next ninety days. Currently, Israel has 38,000 male African migrants who came to Israel looking for better jobs. In addition, there are close to 20,000 more male African migrants who, although they came for the same reason, are married and raising families, as such, are not being asked to leave.


We understand why most of the European NGO’s, nations, the European Union, United Nations and numerous leftists including a number of rabbinical human rights groups all are demanding that Israel give all of these migrants asylum. Despite none having applied for asylum, the world is doing so for them without even asking if these people actually fled for any reason other than financial considerations. Migrant workers are not a new phenomenon and have existed the world over and throughout time. People have drifted from one nation to the next nation seeking better employment and a better life for their families. Throughout history, the migrants often would follow the jobs and when one area dried up they would move on to the next. In more current times, such migrations mostly occurred within national boundaries. In the United States, workers moved from state to state following the jobs. As airconditioning made areas of the United States which had been intolerable in the summer more hospitable, there was a large migration from the north to the new industries in the south where businesses exploded. In many areas within the United States, there is what is known as migrant workers who cross into the United States over the Mexican border during harvest time and are known as agricultural workers. Entire industries have been built around migrant workers. This works very well across the United States, the European Union and other large areas where the populations have enough in common, such that the migrations would not alter the nations demographics. Where migrants cross international borders, they are often granted a work visa for a limited amount of time after which they are required to leave and return to their home nation. This is what is normal but not what many from the left or from those who wish to destroy the Jewish State are demanding here. These forces are demanding that Israel be forced to take in as many foreigners as can find the means to cross their borders, period. Their hope is to destroy the Jewish character of Israel; they want to end Israel once and for all. What the regular, normal and caring people of the world need to understand in order to assist Israel in her life and death struggle against these people and their efforts to destroy the only Jewish nations in Earth is Israel, especially due to being the home for one of the smaller minorities on the planet, must be permitted the same rights as every other nation to deport unwanted illegal entrants.


What many need realize is Israel is very much like Japan and other nations with historic peoples who remained separate from others. Japan has laws preventing non-Japanese from attaining citizenship, Mexico forbids people of foreign birth from owning land, Saudi Arabia refuses to permit non-Muslims from residing within their borders and numerous other nations have similar rules and all nations have rules as to who is permitted and by what means and procedures others may join their club, become new citizens. Israel also has such laws but the world is demanding that Israel ignore her own laws and instead adopt the rules they want them to use which if followed will destroy Israel as the homeland of the Jewish People. The people who support forcing Israel to adopt self-destructive policies and committing national suicide are the most pernicious form of anti-Semitism. The most disheartening of those amongst these groups are the ones claiming their efforts are a response to their Jewishness. These are most often far leftist secular Jews who believe they are performing tikkun olam, repairing the world. What is even more distressing are those calling themselves rabbi who take such views believing that if only Israel shows these migrants how wonderful and generous they are as Jews that the migrants will show gratitude and allow Israel to remain the Jewish homeland. The natives in the New World showed the newly arriving Europeans graciousness and welcomed them onto their continent and shared their food and taught them how to raise the new crops which were strange to the Europeans and we have seen how well that worked for the native populations of the Native American Nations of North, Central and South America. The native people of Australia, best known as the Aboriginal people, also believed that there was plenty of land and that they could share their large Island with the British and we all know how wonderful that turned out. At least some took the side of the Aboriginal people before they were completely exterminated, but much of their culture has been eradicated.


Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah

Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and the Jewish civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah


The Jewish People have had a history of persecution and challenges seemingly beyond that of any other peoples on the planet yet are still a distinct and unique peoples. They are the only people to return to their native homelands from two distinct exiles (three if one counts Egypt) and they speak the only language to be brought back from being considered a dead language used only for prayer as is Latin is, but Hebrew is the only language to come back from near two thousand years as an extinct language. The dispersion from which the return to Eretz Yisroel is from the Roman times and was the Roman means of eradicating a peoples from the planet. The only other peoples to have received this treatment were the Carthaginians, a Greek tribe from the Mediterranean rim who are today lost somewhere in history. The Jews and their religion of Judaism were given the same treatment from Rome in 135 A.D. after the second successful revolt against Rome. The Carthaginians received this treatment for having fought Rome in the three Punic Wars. Apparently the two revolting where the Jews successfully expelled Rome all but cutting their land connection to Northern Africa angered Rome greatly and they did not need a third war before casting the Jews to the far corners of the empire and basically for the winds to drive from history. The Jews are a stubborn lot and since we had a secret by which we remained a people, the world is a very different place. The secret which permitted the Jews to survive the Roman dispersion is also their greatest gift to humankind, Torah. The Jews do not own the Holy Lands; they are its keepers and tenders who care for the land which belongs to Hashem. All lands belong to Hashem ultimately but the Promised Lands Hashem keeps unto himself and permits the Jews permission to tend it for Hashem. This is why the lands of Israel apparently only receive steady rainfall and the other necessities for growing crops and supporting life when the Jewish People are the ones residing and tending the lands. This is part of why no other peoples ever claimed the lands or placed their capital city within these lands. Often the area was considered cursed and having been forgotten by the gods of the pagans and even the Crusaders and Caliphate found that the lands did not produce. The lands could be used for trade purposes such as the port city of Akko or the city of Petra but the climate was still considered harsh. At one point an Islamist ruler from Damascus decided to try and use Jerusalem for the Hajj as another sect of Islam blocked their using Mecca, but before the summer had even ended he retreated back to Damascus and declared Damascus as the destination for their Hajj. There has been research which many discount, because accurate, year by year data was never collected, which has claimed that mineral deposits has proven that from the First Century through to the mid to late 1800’s the lands of Israel suffered severe desertification as the once bountiful rains stopped. Then, upon the returning of the Jews through the Zionist movement, the rains began to return until today Israel has become an agricultural miracle and rainfall had reached record levels since 1900 with especially heavy rainfall in 1948 and in 1967 which correlates with the establishment of the nation of Israel and the unification of Jerusalem. There is an old farmer’s tale of a Gaza farmer telling his grandson that when the Jews returned, so did the rainfall. The data appears to back such up. We can tell of times when we joined groups and prayed for rain and within an hour, the rains fell and continued for two, three or more days. Israel is the land of miracles and they appear to be related to the Jews, the Chosen of Hashem.


Beyond the Cusp


August 6, 2017

The Reason this War is Being Lost


It is very difficult to fight a war against a determined foe when much of the population simply could not care less and do not believe that there is any war being waged and that everything can be set right if we just express our regrets for perceived offences and spread sufficient love mixed with heart-felt apologies. There will be a small difficulty getting the governments involved in defending a people who hold protests claiming that we need to accept the enemy as our friends because they are simply misunderstood and that is why they lash out and commit terrorism. When a large portion of the people think that terrorism is caused by our own policies and that if we could just explain that we have changed and are no longer oppressing them, then things could be worked out and all would be roses and daisies. The reality was expressed well by Sir Salman Rushdie who said in an interview with the magazine L’Obs last June, “I am in fundamental disagreement with these left-wing people who do everything to dissociate fundamentalism from Islam. Islam has been radicalized for fifty years. When the people of the Islamic State attack, they do it by saying ‘Allahu Akbar.’ So how can we then say that this has nothing to do with Islam? It must be stopped.”


The French government tried a program which was doomed for failure even before the ink dried on the printout. The program, as described by Giulio Meotti, where Islamists desiring to enter this program could be assisted in what was stated as deprogramming as if they had been brainwashed by some cult. The problem is that a Salafist Muslim does not desire to be deprogrammed because they are doing exactly what Allah has commanded of them. They believe everything which was taught them by their Imams who, as the majority of Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) believe, told them that they were to follow the Medina teachings of the Quran and those teachings which contradicted the softer words of the Mecca Quran were considered abrogated. Abrogated, for the unwashed, means they may as well never have been written, but they do have a purpose which is why they have never been removed, they are there to fool the fools who rely on Muslims to teach them what is written in the Quran. The soft, peaceful words of coexistence are there so they can be quoted by CAIR and other presumably respected Islamic organizations in the Western World. The kind worlds are used to put aside suspicions and to enable Islamic organizations to claim that Islam refutes terrorism and is no different than Christianity and only want to live in peace and tranquility with their neighbors. When somebody does quote something from their holy Quran which purports violence against non-Muslims, they quote a calming Quranic verse and in a soft and reassuring tone lecture how the other person is Islamophobic and that is why they are telling such lies that Muslims commit terror attacks, after all, there have been Christians who committed terrorism against abortion providers and other such attacks. That claim is supposed to make one believe that there are just as many Christians committing terrorism as Muslims. This is propaganda which is defined in the Quran as Taqiyya.


Taqiyya defined in plain and simple easy to understand terms

Taqiyya defined in plain and simple easy to understand terms


Here is something the citizens of the Western World need to understand, there is a war of civilizations which has been waged in stages for the last fourteen-hundred-years. It began when Muhammad finally decided that his Islamic army could do far more than just robbing caravans and sharing the bounty. The idea likely came to him after his Islamic Army decimated two Jewish tribes living in the vicinity of Medina. He then returned with his army to Mecca where he took out his revenge against the very people who had rejected his religion when he preached there in his youth. After he took Mecca, he then spread across the entirety of the inhabited areas of the Arabian Peninsula and broke out into the Middle East. Then his Islamic army spread taking over Persia and pushed the weakened and failing Byzantine Empire from the Holy Lands continuing until they hit Constantinople whose walls refused their assaults. The larger part of the Islamic army took the path of least resistance across northern Africa. Soon his Islamic Army had conquered the majority of the MENA areas and had crossed the Straight of Gibraltar into Spain, which the Muslims renamed Al-Andalus (see map below).


Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule

Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule


Eventually the Islamic army reached points where the resistance prevented their further conquest. From Spain that was at Tours where Charles “the Hammer” Martel won the war and sent the Islamic army retreating back into Spain. In Eastern Europe they were stopped twice at the gates of Vienna, the more noted time in history came when the siege of Vienna was relieved by King John III Sobieski of Poland who led his entire army after receiving assurances from his neighboring countries that his Poland would be safe and not invaded. Constantinople did fall once the invention of the siege cannon (see image below) which was utilized by Sultan Mehmed II to finally breach the formerly impenetrable and massive walls of Constantinople. The Muslims renamed Constantinople Istanbul and turned the great cathedral, the Hagia Sophia, into a mosque. This was a practice used often by Islamic conquerors when they took control of religiously significant places, they either changed the structures in question into mosques or built mosques upon these locations as in Jerusalem where they placed the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque atop the Temple Mount, which they renamed the Noble Sanctuary, as they were unsure of the exact location of the two Jewish Temples and so covered as much area as they could. They have since in the recent past used heavy equipment to dig down and destroy any and all evidence they are able in order to destroy evidence of the previous Jewish presence.


Great Turkish Bombard Siege Cannon Utilized by Mehmed II in his Siege and Breaking of the Impenetrable Great Walls of Constantinople

Great Turkish Bombard Siege Cannon
Utilized by Mehmed II in his Siege
and Breaking of the Impenetrable
Great Walls of Constantinople


So, why give this information about history as it is all behind us and nobody lives with such dreams of world conquest any longer. Well, that applies to the industrial and advanced Western World but not so much in the rest of the world. One example is North Korea’s Kim Jong-un who desires to take over South Korea and Japan, as a starter, and take down the United States so there will be nothing to prevent him and those he sees as friends, Russia and China, from conquering the world. The Muslims are of a different sort as the Quran tells them that Allah has commanded them to fight the unbelievers until none worship except those who worship Allah.


Qur’an (3:83) – “Are they seeking a religion other than Allah’s, when every soul in the heavens and the earth has submitted to Him, willingly or by compulsion?”
Quran (8:38-39) – “Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven… And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.”
Quran (9:29) – “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”


There is even a special abrogation which speaks specifically about the need for the warriors of Islam to fight and kill Jews otherwise the end times would never come. This is particularly troubling because the majority of Muslims desire the coming of the end times and the perfection of earth as these times are when the armies of Islam will be led to their final conquest of all the peoples of the Earth. But they will not be permitted this time where all they see becomes theirs for the taking in conquest but as this time can only come while they fight the Jews, guess what many Muslims desire to do in order to facilitate the coming of the Mahdi, the coming of the end times, they desire fighting and killing Jews and listening hoping the rocks and trees call out to them, that would be the finest of events they could ever experience. The verse is below.


The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The Hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. The Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah! There is a Jews behind me, come and kill him!’ (All the trees will say this except for the Gharqad (box-thorn), for it is one of the trees of the Jews.’” (Reported by Imam Ahmad; it is a Sahih Hadith)


But all too many of the political class will continue to speak of Islam as the “religion of peace” because to allow the truth to be known generally would then mean the populace would demand protection and that something be done to force Islam to go through a reformation such as the one Christianity experienced with the coming of the modern world and the obvious conclusion that they could never conquer the world, no single Christian sect could conquer the world and were finally tired of murdering one another. The Jews had that realization when the Judeans were conquered by the Babylonians who were conquered by the Persians who permitted the Jews to return to their lands and rebuild the Holy Temple but only as a Persian province paying their taxes. The Persians were conquered by Alexander and the Greeks who were conquered by the Romans who dispersed the Jews in two separate waves, the second including the renaming of their lands as the Romans were intent on erasing the Jews as they had the Carthaginians before them. The Jews crime was simply, revolts which cost Rome dearly, one of which actually cast the Romans from the lands of Judea for a brief period until the Romans arrived with sufficient legion to decimate any resistance. It is unknown how many tribes of peoples the Romans dispersed in such manner, as the history of the Roman period is incomplete. We know of the Carthaginians because of the Three Punic Wars which are well documented in history and we know about the Judeans because the Jews remain a distinct people to this day and actually managed to return to their ancient homelands under their own rule after more than two-thousand-years.


The Islamic armies, as noted in the first map spread over time reaching a maximum sometime between 1000 and 1250 depending on whether you are looking at the eastern or the western end of their empire, their Caliphates. Then came an uprising of a tribe in northeastern Turkey, the Ottomans who spread over the Islamic Caliphate making the new Islamic empire called the Ottoman Empire, which is the empire that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan desires reestablishing. For the record, President Erdoğan is another of those who dreams of empire and eventual world domination for him and his nation which would likely rename itself the Second Ottoman Empire. Below are the maps of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire. Their empire ascended from 1300 through almost 1700.


Ottoman Empire Ascending includes Golden Age of Islam

Ottoman Empire Ascending includes Golden Age of Islam


The Ottoman Empire stood while slowly shrinking until it met its final run when they allied with Germany and the Austria-Hungarian Empire in World War I. They were among the defeated and their remaining areas carved up via an agreement between France and Britain known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement. The slow shrinking of the Ottoman Empire up to World War I is shown in the map below.


Ottoman Empire in Decline 1800 through 1914 and Start of World War I

Ottoman Empire in Decline 1800 through 1914 and Start of World War I


After World War I and through World War II and for years beyond until around 1962 the Europeans released their colonies leaving us with the current boundaries existing today. That map can be seen below with dates and whose colonies were whose. The two exceptions are Iran which had a revolution in 1979 and Syria which is in the process of dissolution presently. Another change is the dividing of the Sudan with South Sudan, the non-Muslim areas, breaking off in an attempt to end a civil war which had claimed numerous slaughters. Morocco is currently in conflict with Western Sahara and Iraq and Yemen are currently unstable.


Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier

Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier


There are numerous other conflicts which can be traced around the MENA nations on virtually every from where Islam exists and in the majority of world conflicts from the Philippines to Europe and Western Sahara and as far south as Nigeria, Mali, Sudan, Somalia and even into northwestern China, Afghanistan, Chechnya, the Caucuses and the Balkans. But your leaders will claim that Islam is the religion of peace and it is their neighbors who must be responsible for these conflicts. The evidence is currently burgeoning throughout Europe where the same terrorist tactics which have plagued Israel since the 1920’s when the idea of a Jewish State was first mentioned in the Balfour Declarations and codified in the San Remo Conference and then the Treaty of Sèvres and finalized with the British Mandate with Israel finally receiving her independence in 1948. Look around the world, read the international news, search Boko Haram and Nigeria or the Philippines and Mindanao or just Islam and wars and allow your own mind figure things for yourself rather than believe the same politicians who lie and break promises like most of us change our socks. Trust yourself and not what you are spoon fed by a media which has been shown to promote an idea of their own making for what you need to know. Ronald Reagan said it best when he stated, “Trust but verify.” Why alter perfection.


Beyond the Cusp


April 13, 2017

Frightening Challenges Facing All in the World


Syria is a problem from which there may be no good solution as there is much confusion and has as many facets as a rare gem, each reflecting hostilities on all the others. Every side of this entanglement fights for their own glorification seeking supremacy. Bashir al-Assad is attempting to prove that he is as worthy to carry the torch of leadership as was his father and to the grand level his deceased brother was expected to bestow on the nation as its President. He is attempting to overcome having been always the lesser son whose superior brother died tragically leaving him as the nation’s second choice. His attempts at overachievement could be diagnosed as some twisted form of Napoleonic Syndrome despite his height but due to his being measured by his father as always coming up short of what a leader should be. Add to the mix there is the Islamic State whose leadership fully believe that they are serving a greater purpose and are the proper leadership of all Islam and that they are defining the religion for every Muslim in the world. Their initial military successes have come to a crashing halt and are starting to find their opposition making valid and strong challenges and taking back territories which the Islamic State had initially conquered. Then there are al-Qaeda and other terror groups fighting representing the Sunni opposition to Alawite rule as it is a form of Shia Islam which they oppose and believe are apostates. There are also the Kurdish militias which are mostly concerned with defending their people and are having the greatest challenge coming from Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Turkey, who has claimed to be fighting the Islamic State and other terrorist groups but has used the majority of his troops to attack the Kurdish populations. Additionally there are the Iranian forces which mostly consist of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) who Iran is backing further with Hezballah terror militias from Lebanon. From time to time these two groups attempt to draw Israel into the war by launching artillery or rockets into the Golan Heights. Israel will return fire when they have a solid set of coordinates on which to return fire and which also do not endanger civilians but, other than these, Israel refuses to be drawn into the fighting. Finally there is Russia who is most interested in retaining their two naval ports which are within the Alawite region of Syria which places them in the position of supporting Bashir al-Assad. The recent presumed bombing of targets with chemical weapons such as Sarin Gas which murdered civilians received a strong attack from the United States on the originating airfield with over fifty Tomahawk Cruise Missiles. This drew a strong rebuke by both al-Assad and Russian President Putin.


By comparison, the remainder of the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) is only slightly less violent and confused. Yemen is also in the midst of a civil war with the Houthis being backed by Iran while Saudi Arabia is supporting the government forces of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi. Egypt had supported the Saudi Arabian side providing mostly air support but lost faith in the situation and no longer supports anyone in the Yemen civil war. Libya is a complete disaster with tribal forces warring for preeminence while terrorist forces use some contested areas for training recruits readying them for fighting usually elsewhere. At one point al-Qaeda and Islamic State had cleared out territories they used for training but when they came under attack by tribal forces decided to simply leave as they had no reason to take part in the wars in Libya. The Sudan and South Sudan, which declared independence on July 9, 2011, have remained in a state of conflict with the Sudan sending militias forces raiding their southern neighbor as the Sudan has not fully recognized their independence and still believe that most of the people of South Sudan to be infidel or inferiors and see their military actions as a cleansing the territory of enemies of Islam. Somalia continues to be basically without true governance and has become a destabilizing force for its neighboring nations most notably Eretria as well as Kenya and Ethiopia. There are further threats centered on Nigeria with Boko Haram attacking Christian villages and other sites as well as Islamic villages where they kidnap “volunteers” to fight in their Islamic Army. Boko Haram had pledged their allegiance to Islamic State but whether that remains intact is questionable. All of these Islamic disruptions are largely traceable to what was often referred to as the Arab Spring which largely destabilized the entire area of MENA with the exception of places where there existed strong dictatorial governance such as Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States and Egypt which survived due to the military taking back the control they had lost to the Muslim Brotherhood after President Mubarak was forced from office under direct pressure from United States President Barack Hussein Obama. Iraq is still in a state of unrest with the Sunni and Shia segments of the population still facing difficulties resulting from a premature removal of United States forces by President Obama who was fulfilling a campaign promise sparking a low level of conflict. Meanwhile the Kurds are continuing to provide their own defense and act as if under semi-autonomous rule. Then there is a problem where the developed world has been inundated by refugees from these many conflicts plus increasing unrest and instability in Afghanistan leading to the new United States President, Donald Trump, to impose a temporary ban on immigration from seven nations where vetting to identify terrorist entities has proven difficult. This ban has fallen into court challenge and is still to be resolved but odds are the ban will stay in place for the ninety days while new vetting procedures are finalized.


Allied loosely with Syria and Iran is another problematic location, North Korea. The erratic leadership by Kim Jong Un who has ordered executions of senior officials including his uncle and also ordered the assassination of his half-brother all in the name of national security but actually to secure his position from any challenges. Kim Jong Un has also been petulant and often challenges the United States claiming that he is prepared to reply to any and every provocation by the erratic leadership of who he calls the nation’s greatest enemy. With the recent attack on the Syrian airfield both Kim Jong Un and Bashir al-Assad have denounced the United States as being imperialistic, colonial and using false excuses to try and extend the autocratic rule of the United States over more of the world through many varied and devious means. Both leaders have recently threatened to attack the United States or its forces and allies wherever and whenever possible and as necessitated by the warlike actions of the United States. The most violent of threats have come from North Korea and have been taken seriously as by many measures, Kim Jong Un is considered to be irrational and possibly not entirely rational and sane. The latest episode is currently playing out as the United States has diverted an aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) and her strike group from harboring in Australia and is having them head towards the Korean Peninsula passing through the western Pacific. Kim Jong Un has raised the specter of a nuclear strike against the aggressor United States if a posture of war should continue and claims to be watching closely any aggressive behavior by the United States and its allies.


A World All Upside Down

A World All Upside Down


Add to this the threats by Syria and the displeasure shown by Russian President Putin and there are quite a number of signals which could be interpreted seriously wrong and any one could have devastating consequences. Needless to say, such unrest around the world, nerves frayed and on edge and troops moving and shots being taken on two separate fronts, one in the western Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan, East China Sea, Yellow Sea and possibly the Bay of Korea while the other is in the Mediterranean Sea, the world is balanced on a razor’s edge unlike anything since the end of the Cold War. We are a far cry from Cuban Missile Crisis stage but the world need take a deep breath and calm itself before somebody somewhere misreads intents and starts something which could quickly fly out of control and lead to serious sets of actions, reactions and counter reactions ending who knows where. Add in the increased amount of terrorism and rising crime rate in much of Europe and that simply adds another tinderbox to the sparks and electrical arcing from friction and frayed wires on too many fronts. You know things are tense when Israel is seemingly a singular place where the level of unrest could be considered calm, at least this far into the year. Being nervous is seemingly in fashion for world leaders currently and that is never a good sign. We need to remember that it was the assassination of a little known Austrian Archduke named Fred, well, you’re right, Ferdinand, but I bet his friends called him not Fred but Archduke Fred, which started the War to End All Wars. That War later was renamed World War I as it led kind of directly to World War II and if there ever should be a World War III and the human race survives, it will be traced in some means to World War II and thus World War I. If we were honest, we would realize that one could trace all warfare back to Cain’s Murder of Abel if we really tried, so don’t be too complacent, the world leadership sure has not been of late. We have too many people thinking they should rule the world or they already rule the world and all of them are mistaken, or at least we had best hope they all realize such. They won’t and we will all be the worse off for it.


Beyond the Cusp


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