Beyond the Cusp

May 28, 2019

France Topples Over and Beyond the Cusp into Parallel Universe

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:58 AM
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France apparently is afraid to even place an Islamist murderer of Jews on trial. This has become their modus operandi when any Muslim murders a Jew. The most recent case one can read here plus another look at this here is about the murder of Sarah Halimi. One can only wonder how long before the French judicial system finds these two murderers to also be unfit to stand trial for their murder of Mireille Knoll. This was the only way the trend in France could have ended as carefully reported in this article. What makes this all the more troubling is that it was the result of a general slide to viewing any Jew murdered, threatened, attacked or verbally harangued by any Muslim as some form of justifiable action simply as a result of their culture. This is where the leftist ideology that no culture is superior to any other leads a nation. This is the road much of the Western World is merrily traveling down and those traditionalists who call out the danger are mocked as Islamophobe or some other equally damning epithet as even being a nationalist is considered criminal behavior requiring reeducation.


Sarah Halimi and Mireille Knoll

Sarah Halimi and Mireille Knoll

Quoting from an article, “How the murders of two elderly Jewish women shook France,” we read in the Guardian International Edition, we found this to be quite interesting.

No fewer than 12 Jews have been killed in France in six separate incidents since 2003: Sébastien Selam, Ilan Halimi, Jonathan Sandler, Gabriel Sandler, Aryeh Sandler, Myriam Monsonégo, Yohan Cohen, Philippe Braham, François-Michel Saada, Yoav Hattab, Lucie Attal and Mireille Knoll. In each of these cases, at least one of the perpetrators was from what the French call minorités visibles, or “visible minorities”, which typically refers to those of north African or west African descent; in most cases, the perpetrators have been linked with some form of extremist Islam. In nearly every case, the victims have been either identifiably Jewish or personal acquaintances of the perpetrator.

Reading the names, one stood out for two reasons, first is that the young man’s name, Ilan Halimi, shares the last name of Sarah Halimi from the story above. Ilan’s story is about as horrific as one might ever read as reported in the New York Times. That is another reason his name was so noticeable. Almost all of the murders and attacks made upon Jews, not only in France but throughout Europe, in the United States, Canada, here in Israel and around the world share one singular fact, the victim is almost always somebody completely unable to fight back or offer any form of resistance unless armed and holding the weapon before the attack, an unlikely event. In New York City, in some of the most Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, there have been numerous attacks registered with the police where young men and teens attacking religiously dressed Jews from behind with a one-off and then run often striking them with sufficient force to knock them to the ground. Again, these are attacks from behind without warning against either Jewish youth or middle aged or older men. This report in Haaretz tells the grim tale along with links to further information.


This rise in anti-Semitism is virtually worldwide and has crept into culture which even showed its ugly head in Israel during the Eurovision 2019 Song Contest in Tel Aviv where the group from Iceland, Hatari, as they unfurled their ‘Palestine’ banners at the televised Final and sang “Hate will prevail,” as commented on by Barry Shaw in his article Hate prevails in Iceland. Barry Shaw expounds on the historic prevalence of anti-Semitism across Icelandic history. But historic anti-Semitism is not a prerequisite for modern anti-Semitism, though it does appear to make it more apparent. Recent reports have indicated that the trend is a universal problem around the world as reported here and here. There actually is one place where Jews can find relative peace of mind that they are unlikely to be attacked, and that is Israel. As odd as it might seem, but inside Israel, especially Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Netanya, Peta Tikvah and Nahariya. Most of Jerusalem is safe but we did not list it due to the problems which reoccur almost on schedule coinciding with Jewish Holy Days. It is true that the High Holy Days the rioting on the Temple Mount starts a couple of weeks before and continues for up to three weeks or so after simply to deny Jews the right to ascend to the Temple Mount. The Palestinian Arabs know that when they riot, the Jews are barred from visiting the Temple Mount as the Waqf will blame the Jews for the rioting always claiming that the Jews defiled the al-Aqsa Mosque or some other invention and insist that the Jews not be permitted to visit the Temple Mount until the Arab rioting is over. Yea, we thought that made a whole lot of nonsense as well, but those are the rules.


Maps of Israel and Israel Replaced with New Jersey

Maps of Israel and Israel Replaced with New Jersey


That brings us to our final point. It concerns the Palestinian Arab-Israeli conflict. There can be only one nation between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea as the region is about the size of New Jersey and almost the same shape (see map above). New Jersey has a population of just over nine-million while Israel has a population currently of just over eight and a half million. When one considers the rising anti-Semitism, it is not out of line to foresee a time in the not too distant future when Jews will either be fleeing or be dispossessed and deported from any number of nations something similar as to what happened to most Jews from the Arab World between the founding of Israel and over the following decade or two. This has a potential to flood Israel with refugees from around the world. Looking around the world by continent, North America has approximately six million plus a fraction of Jews with Central and South America adding another half million Jews. Moving along Asia has about thirty-five thousand Jews with Oceana with one-hundred-twenty-one thousand plus Africa with seventy-four thousand and finally Europe (including Russia) which has the bulk outside North America with almost one and a half million. Outside of North America there are just over two million Jews. Assuming that only ten percent of North American Jews make Aliyah and the majority of Jews from the rest of the world also move to Israel, this would add another three to four million Jews to the population not even counting the number of Israelis expected from population growth, as unlike much of the rest of the developed world, Israel has a positive population growth while virtually if not every nation in Europe has a negative population growth which is part of the reason Europe has basically opened their borders to make up for the loss of population causing economic havoc. If the world goes completely mad and all Jews are deported with only Israel as a destination, this would make Israel one of the more densely populated nations, something which is going to occur with or without immigrants, immigration simply would cause this sooner rather than later. Israel currently has a population growth rate of just under two percent and has 3.11 births per woman compared to the average in Europe of around 1.65 births per woman where 2.13 births per woman is considered replacement rate meaning no change in the population. We will show one last map comparing the Arab World in green with Israel in red and you figure out where the displaced Arabs might find plenty of elbow room, Israel or amongst the Arabs world with pockets flushed with money provided by Israel as a relocation bonus to make their resettlement less painful.


Israel and the Arab World

Israel and the Arab World


If you figured the Arab world, then we are of the same mind. Remember that Israel would be providing the Palestinian Arabs and anybody else including Jews Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or any of the plethora of other religions who desired to leave Israel permanently with a relocation bonus and full market price for their properties. These would be welcome immigrants in any nation which desired inviting a freshly minted halfway to a millionaire family to assist with their economic fortunes. There would probably be a number of European nations who might consider extending an invite. Perhaps this is an idea worth some effort, especially if made now with a three-month time limit to decide before President Trump releases his Deal of the Century. This just might make President Trump and his deal unnecessary.


Beyond the Cusp


March 24, 2019

Temple Mount War Between Israel and Jordan


If there is one thing that can be said for Israel, they often do the wrong thing for the right reason and then face a myriad of consequences. At the close to the June 1967 Six Day War, after Israel had liberated the entirety of the Shomron, Judea and Samaria, and all of Jerusalem, then Defense Minister Moshe Dayan convinced the center-left government of Golda Meir to allow the Jordanian Waqf to control the Islamic buildings constructed on the Temple Mount. This has proven to be yet another instance of the Israelis attempting to do the compassionate thing and receiving nothing but spite and hatred in return. By now most everyone has heard of the term referring to the Temple Mount of the “status quo” and how not permitting anything to change so as not to disturb the balance between the major religions and their interest in the Temple Mount. Here is some advice for understanding the concept of the “status quo” in reference to the Temple Mount. Whenever the term “status quo” is trotted out, you can bet that the Waqf and its Jordanian masters have just made an explicit change to the current rules through which they are denying Jewish and Christian, mostly Jewish, claims and attachments to the Temple Mount attempting to make the Temple Mount a purely Islamic holy site. The latest change to the “status quo” was initiated by the King of Jordan. It came about as the Waqf attempted to establish yet another Mosque on the Temple Mount which would have taken possession of a Jewish holy site and removed another entrance to the Temple Mount. The Islamic creep on the Temple Mount is reminiscent of the Arab tale of the Camel and the Tent.


IDF Rabbi with Celebratory Cigar and Torah Scroll Entering Old City

IDF Rabbi with Celebratory Cigar and Torah Scroll Entering Old City


Initially, immediately after the Six Day War, the Temple Mount was open for people to visit and to enter the Church of the Holy Sepulchre while the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock remained limited access. The Waqf initially was cautious about making changes but with time, they restricted which entrances were available for non-Muslims to use until they restricted such to a single entrance accessed by a pedestrian bridge in need of replacement. When Israel attempted to rebuild this entryway the Waqf claimed that the Israelis were undermining the Dome of the Rock and riots ensued. These riots were used by the Palestinian Authority to claim that they were responsible for all the Muslim sites, the Dome of the Rock, the al Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. These claims coincided with the concept that Jesus was the first Muslim Palestinian who was persecuted by the Jews. The Palestinian Authority also claimed that the churches within Bethlehem were Islamic holy sites and they began to de-Christianize Bethlehem through intimidation, confiscation and outright violence against the Christian population of Bethlehem and the rest of the territories under the Palestinian Authority. Soon thereafter, the Christian population of Bethlehem had dropped precipitously. Quoting an article by Giulio Meotti from Christmas of 2018, “Under the control of Israel (1967-1995), the Christian population of Bethlehem grew by 57 percent. When Israel delivered the city of Jesus to the Palestinian Authority in 1995, Bethlehem had an 80 percent Christian population. Now it is just 20 percent.” Since the 1960’s and the end of the Arab world across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) expulsion of over 95% of their Jews, this has been the plight of the Coptic Christians in Egypt, the Maronite Christians of Lebanon and Syria and other Christian minorities across the region as they attempt to attain 100% pure Islamic populations by the destruction of all else. This has also been the tale of the Temple Mount and the Jordanian Waqf. The most audacious move by the Waqf was their claim that the entirety of the Temple Mount and the Western Wall and plaza were part of the al-Aqsa Mosque complex. There have also been numerous cases of weeks of rioting when Mahmoud Abbas, Waqf officials and others have claimed that the Jews were defiling the al-Aqsa Mosque (see video below) or attempting to tunnel under the Dome of the Rock in order to collapse the structure. Such provocations are nothing more than a call to arms for rioting in, on and around the Temple Mount Jews and other non-Muslims. These riots often use the al-Aqsa Mosque as their command station and the place they store rocks, bottles for Molotov cocktails and other items for use in the violence.



Another reality which Israel in general and Jews proud of their history in particular have had to put up with has been the intentional destruction by the Waqf using heavy construction equipment such as bulldozers to destroy any trace of the First or Second Temples by excavating large areas atop the Temple Mount claiming to lay new water lines. Just for the record, there have been no improvements or upgrades performed to the plumbing on the Temple Mount, no surprise there. Further complaints have been made by the Waqf and echoed by the Palestinian Authority have claimed that the Jews were attempting to destroy the Islamic centers on the Temple Mount, preparing to build the Third Temple on the ruins of the al-Aqsa Mosque and various other insanities which immediately spurred days of rioting. These claims and others almost always come the week before major Jewish holidays in order to close the Temple Mount to the Jews when there is an increased desire to walk upon the Temple Mount. What has always amazed us when the Muslims riot on the Temple Mount; they close the area to Jews who are not rioting. That is simply rewarding offensive behavior, thus it should be no surprise that this tactic is still being used. There is another falsehood perpetrated by media portraying the Dome of the Rock as being the less impressive al-Aqsa Mosque. For clarity, we have included a small guide to the difference below. Further down, we will include some pictures of the al-Aqsa Mosque being used to store rocks and weaponry as an armory for the rioting on the Temple Mount. After watching news shots and other reporting which has depicted the Muslims desecration of their own Mosque for use as a weapons platform and station from which to launch attacks knowing that when they retreat inside the Mosque they are more often than not safe from any law enforcement or other forces used to quell the rioting, it is hard to take their claims seriously any more.


Left side images Right side images al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock Top Pictures Outsides of the Two Islamic Holy Sites Center Picture their placement on the Temple Mount Bottom Pictures are an Inside of Each Structure

Left side images Right side images
al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock
Top Pictures Outsides of the Two Islamic Holy Sites
Center Picture their placement on the Temple Mount
Bottom Pictures are an Inside of Each Structure



al-Aqsa Mosque Set for Use as Armory for Rioting

al-Aqsa Mosque Set for Use as Armory for Rioting


Now comes the latest outrage, which is hard to top the past where Jews are not permitted to pray on the Temple Mount, no Jewish, Christian or other religious material or jewelry including religious clothing is permitted on the Temple Mount or whatever can in any means be perceived as a challenge to the supremacy of Islam can be permitted on the Temple Mount. That is the current “Status Quo” which is a far cry from the original status quo when Israel was largely responsible, where all were permitted through any entrance and prayers and religious clothing and materials were freely permitted, and the Waqf only took care of the Islamic structures. Slowly but inexorably the Waqf has taken control of the Temple Mount and made it a completely Islamic place where all others are treated as the Dhimmi the Quran claims they are. What has always amazed us is how whatever the Waqf, the King of Jordan or the Palestinian Authority claim concerning the Temple Mount is repeated around the world to be the “Status Quo” despite the researchable fact that the “Status Quo” has been quite liquid and always becoming more restrictive of Jews and Christians. It is as if the world is frozen and afraid to even counter anything which comes from Islam, as they must be treated with kid gloves, as they are so easily offended. Guess what, as long as they get their way by acting offended, they will be the terminally offended. Despite the attempts of the Waqf, the Jordanian King, the Palestinian Authority and whatever other Islamic body, especially including the government of Iran, to remove the Temple Mount from Judaism, Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount has gone from 2,000 visitors a short seven years ago in 2004 to 30,000 in 2018. This number is a mere shimmering shadow when compared to Jews visiting the Western Wall where they ceased attempting to record the actual numbers. These two sites are the holiest in Judaism while Jerusalem has largely been an ignored backwater for Islam until the Jews returned and began to rebuild their precious Jerusalem. For the record, former third holiest sites in Islam include but are not limited to Damascus, Constantinople, Rome, Paris, Vienna and whatever city was the next one to be targeted by Islamic forces. What do you know, Jerusalem fits that role perfectly as the Islamic forces wish to destroy Israel and know were they able to deny the Jews Jerusalem, of simply the Temple Mount, then they would have a far easier fight. This is why the Palestinian Authority demands that east Jerusalem including the entirety of the Temple Mount and Western Wall plaza be ceded as their capital city.


King Abdullah II of Jordan said on Wednesday that his position on Jerusalem is “unwavering” and all the Jordanian people are with him. He was quoted by the Xinhua news agency stating, “To me, Jerusalem is a red line, and all my people are with me.” King Abdullah added, “No one can pressure Jordan on this matter, and the answer will be no. All Jordanians stand with me on Jerusalem. At the end of the day, Arabs and Muslims will stand with us as well.” Well, he sure knows how to draw a line, but one must wonder where he draws his line. These comments came following an Israeli court ordered the closure of the Golden Gate, also known as the Gate of Mercy, where the Waqf recently erected a mosque illegally. Even the Waqf requires building permits and approval of the designs for any new structure, but they believe they are above such petty things as laws. Additionally, Jordanian lawmakers are insisting that the Israeli ambassador be expelled from Jordan in protest to the Jewish presence preventing their complete mastery over the Temple Mount and by inference, Jerusalem. Should this latest temper tantrum be acquiesced to by Israeli authorities, then whatever comes next will be that much more difficult to stand against. The Islamic attempts at encroachment and territorial expansion go beyond the Temple Mount to include illegal building in Area C in the Shomron, illegal outposts and settlements in the Negev and illegal structures erected in the Galilee. We know that the only illegal structures and settlements which have been reported in your news are the Jews who are residing in Area C which is completely legal under the Oslo Accords as Area C was placed under Israeli control, not Palestinian Arab control, and legal under International Law which recognized the treaties from post World War I which assign all lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea to be used for the Jewish State and they remain Israeli lands until Israel formally signs a new treaty forfeiting the Israeli claims and ownership over such lands. All we will add to this is research the San Remo Conference and related material and all will become clear and you will realize that you have been spoon fed lies by the media, surprise, surprise.


Should King Abdullah II of Jordan actually stand behind every implication of his threats, then perhaps he should be warned that Israelis are losing their patience with the entirety of the offensive and disrespectful attitudes and treatment they have put up with for the past seventy-plus years. We and our governing representatives have bent over backwards in attempts to find some middle ground where the two sides could come to an agreement. All which has come from these attempts have been land grabs, demands, threats, rioting and an all out offensive through propaganda and use of international bodies all in attempts to chop Israel into little pieces which Islamic forces could then gobble up one after the other until all Israel and her Jews are gone. That is a dream of yours which will become a nightmare of Biblical proportions for the Islamic interests and may result in Israel cleansing the foreign entities from her legal lands. This would push the Palestinian Authority and all that entails across the Jordan River and into Jordan where Abdullah II can be their king which he apparently is so fixated on becoming. As for Gaza, as it is obvious that Egypt would resist allowing them to be pushed into the Sinai Peninsula, we could arrange for transport by ship to their benefactors lands in Iran as Israel turned the area into one of the world’s best vacation regions.


We are aware that the recent election madness going on in Israel gives the Arabs hope that the Jews will fight one another and make their task for erasing them all the easier, do not count on this as we may argue amongst ourselves, but when the time comes, we will be as one. We also advise that the forces which believe that Israel is weakening and about to elect a governance which will fall before their Islamic overlords and simply fold giving them everything they desire, wait until the results come in before believing what you read about polling in Israel. Polling has become more and more suspect throughout the Western world and this is another area in which Israel took the lead. Simon Peres won virtually every poll when running for Prime Minister yet he was only elected to the position once plus held it for a short period after the death of the sitting Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. Israeli polling is almost universally slanted leftward, which may be due to methodology or the questions asked and their phrasing. Israelis almost always go through several phases of trauma while vacillating between which person and party they plan to support before finally, and more often than not, voting for the same party they did last elections. Still, there has been a noticeable shift towards nationalism, Zionism and an increase in the percentage of religious Israelis in the electorate. This will be depicted in full spectral color once the results of the election are known and the post election second guessing as to who President Rivlin will choose to try to form a coalition first as well as who, in the final measure, will actually succeed in forming a coalition and as to how strong and unshakeable that coalition will prove in being. The one thing we can guarantee is that the coalition after the elections cannot be any weaker than the last coalition which consisted of the smallest any coalition can be under Israeli law, sixty-one Ministers out of the one-hundred-twenty possible.


The end result of the challenges of the Temple Mount will eventually result in the Waqf being deported back to Amman where they can explain to King Abdullah II exactly what happened and why they are appearing before him. We would not wish to be in their shoes and have to find some excuse. The same will eventually be the result with the Palestinian Arabs. The ones under the Palestinian Authority will probably be the more fortunate as they will be offered payment for their properties and receive an additional relocation allotment, likely a generous one, and be required to sign a pledge that neither they nor their families will return to the regions within the Israeli border and that they had received suitable recompense for their relocation. As for those in Gaza, should they remain tied to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, then they will be considered terrorists and as such simply be deported when the rockets and other destructive efforts originating from Gaza exceed Israeli tolerances. Name another nation which would have tolerated the threats, terrorism, murders and destruction caused by the Islamic war against Israel being waged by the Arab Palestinians (and some allies from within Israel) for anywhere near as long as Israel has already, and we have yet to remove them. With far less provocation, the Chinese sent tanks to Tiananmen Square. With just the liberalizing of laws and reducing communist restrictions by a new government in Czechoslovakia brought on the Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 by Leonid Brezhnev and the USSR. All it took from Tibet was a few monks were chanting too loudly and far too freely, which brought on a massive conquest throughout 1949 and 1950 by China. We could continue with other relatively recent historical and numerous ancient historical military conquests and other forms of suppression which were in response to far less of a provocation than what Israel has faced, yet Israel has always attempted to find a settlement and peace, which will be denied as Islam does not share the Israeli love of peace, they love conquest and subjugation of all that stands as part of Dar al-Harb, which simply denotes that which is outside of Dar al-Islam. It would serve the Arab Palestinians, the Waqf and Jordanian King Abdullah II far better to find an agreeable compromise with Israel before Israel figures out that they do not desire an agreeable compromise, merely complete surrender and acceptance of Islamic subjugation eventually followed by convert or die options. When a sufficient and sizable number of Israelis accept this reality and realize the implication of the only solution which will permit their safety and continued ability to worship as they please, that will begin the end of this entire farce and the establishing of Israel on all of her land with a finality that ends any idea of continued conflict. Such a day may not be as far into the future as most people believe. The one thing we can guarantee is that the United Nations, European Union and very likely the United States will all stand demanding that Israel return to her previous state of constant threat and apologize for choosing life and rejecting threats of their death which currently are common fare from the Palestinian Arabs and many in the Muslim world with Iran as a perfect example.


Beyond the Cusp


October 21, 2018

The Destruction of Israeli Ancient History

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:56 AM
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You have probably read about the lengths that the Jordanian WAQF allows digging on the Temple Mount to depths as deep and thus far back as the First Temple, the Temple which King Solomon, King David’s son, built. The claim is they are digging in order to lay pipes or lay cables. They never lay any pipes or cables; they just smash everything and take it to a rubble pile alongside the Temple Mount (see montage below). There is an entire excavation team which goes through the destroyed rubble just in case something survives. The miracle is that they have found some small remnants including the pomegranate shaped bells from biblical Priestly Robes (see examples in lower picture). Sometimes using a backhoe or bulldozer, you miss the small stuff, thankfully. Then there have been the repeated destruction of Joseph’s tomb in Hebron. The articles cover the destruction of the tomb and other confrontational fronts concerning Israel and a few other places as well. But the Temple Mount and Joseph’s tomb are not the only places threatened with such damage.


Temple Mount Destructive Arab Waqf Excavation Dumping Site and Reclamation Sifting Inspecting Seeking Remains of Artifacts not Completely Destroyed as Intended

Temple Mount Destructive Arab Waqf
Excavation Dumping Site and Reclamation
Sifting Inspecting Seeking Remains of Artifacts
not Completely Destroyed as Intended


Collection of Pomegranate Shaped Bells from Biblical Priestly Robes

Collection of Pomegranate Shaped Bells from Biblical Priestly Robes


We figured that perhaps we might talk about damage being performed by Israeli Arabs who have citizenship and full rights within Israel who live in a village near a site being developed and studied by the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA) actively at the current time. This apparently was just a little more than two brothers could take, that proof of the ancient Jews residing so close to their village, how could such be permitted as the Palestinian Arab claim is that there were never Jews residing in these locations. This is just the most recent example and for some reason it just upset me sufficiently as this was also only a few miles from where I live and where I work. An article which alerted us can be read here or just the video of the damage can be viewed here. They apparently had destroyed numerous precious objects and worse they had collapsed underground cavities and uprooted masonry stones. Antiquity thieves are a problem but at least they take care not to destroy precious items as they are seeking exactly such items to sell. There is an active black market for antiquities and it is especially active in the Middle East and specifically in Israel and Egypt as these are where some of the oldest cities and civilizations were located and are the most in demand by collectors. Here in Israel, we are particularly sensitive about these sites as they are our actual and very real history of our families as Judaism is a religion, a people and specifically a family who see Abraham, Isaak and Jacob as our patriarchs and from whom we are all, with a small exception for converts, family. We also treat all the converts and their families as part of our family and accept them just as we would any other Jew.


Buddhas of Bamiyan before pictured on the left and being destroyed with explosives by Taliban forces on the right

Buddhas of Bamiyan before pictured on the left and
being destroyed with explosives by Taliban forces on the right


The above destruction occurred at an antiquity site known as Horvat Devorah is identified in research with the biblical Dovrat, and with Dvora, described as a Jewish village in the Zippori region in the Roman period. But Israel is not the only location where these destructions have taken place. The above picture shows a before and after where magnificent Buddhas of Bamiyan were dynamited by the Taliban. There was the destruction of an entire Roman era city by ISI when they literally knocked down and used explosives to eradicate most of Palmyra. There has been the destruction of countless sites across Iraq and Syria. The reason for some of these and most of the reason behind the destruction of sites within Israel is simply because they are not Islamic and even more of a problem for these individuals is they prove that there were civilizations which came before Islam. Their claim is that if it is not Islamic, then it has no value and thus their erasure is inconsequential. Their other means is to simply claim all of the history as being simply a part of Islamic history. This has brought the claim that Jesus was a Palestinian and they even go beyond the names which are claimed by Judaism claiming that Noah was a Muslim. They also claim Abraham as well as Isaak and Jacob which is strikingly strange since they claim that they were all descended from Ishmael which would make them not related as descendants of Isaak and Jacob, but why invoke logic and reality into this discussion. The reason for the destructions throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa and the absorbing all the prophets from both the New and Old Testaments is simply because Islam was to replace all other religions and convert the world to Islam.


Things almost always get heated when religion is the center of any discussion, but when dealing with Israel, religion becomes central. The reality is Jerusalem has only been the capital city of two civilizations, the original Israelite unifying of the twelve tribes by King David and continuing under King Solomon and onward. At a later date there was a disagreement as to who was to be the rightful heir to the throne and the twelve tribes divided into the ten northernmost tribes who kept the name of Israel and would be conquered and taken into exile by the Assyrians not to be heard from until this modern era and were often referred to as the ten lost trines of Israel. The southern two Tribes, Judea and Benyamin, were the other part of this division who took the name of the larger tribe and became known as Judea. They were conquered by the Babylonians and returned when Cyrus the Great, a Persian, conquered Babylon and freed the Judeans to return and build the Second Temple. Then came the Greeks and the Romans and on and on. Under Rome, the Romans grew tired of saying Judeans so they shortened it Judans to Junes and finally they settled, as has the world ever since, on calling them by two letters, Ju, which is pronounced the same as the modern Jew. The descendants of the tribes of Juda and Benyamin along with their Priests which were from the tribes of the Levites and the Kohanim and these were the Jews who returned and founded modern Israel coming from all the areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea including both Christian Europe and Islamic Middle East and Northern Africa as well as coming from Russia, the United States, Canada, Ethiopia, India and virtually every other nation on Earth. This is the history which the Palestinian Arabs are attempting to steal as well as the history of all of Christianity. Every Christmas Mahmoud Abbas and numerous other Palestinian Arab spokespeople claim that Jesus was a Palestinian Arab and a Muslim and claim the Churches in Jerusalem and Bethlehem are actually some of the oldest and original Mosques and belong to Palestinian Arab history. The two main churches they claim are the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Church of the Nativity. But please do not take our word for this as Christmas is fast approaching, which if you shop at Walmart, the Muzak being blared throughout the store already will make that evident, and they will likely make all these claims once more as repetition makes things believable. We have all heard the infamous quote from Joseph Goebbels which goes, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” If only this was the sole idea that the Palestinian Arabs learned from the Nazis, but then again the Mufti of Jerusalem put in place quite intentionally by the British, Amin al-Husseini, spent almost all of World War II hobnobbing with the Nazi elite and was rumored to have insisted that the Nazis promise that when they conquered the Middle East they would make it Judenrein for him as a reward for his broadcasting propaganda into the Middle East attempting to have the Arabs rise up and support the Nazis. The following leaders of the Palestinian Arabs, the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad and any others have proven that the apple does not fall far from the tree, an idiom of unknown origins.


Beyond the Cusp


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