Beyond the Cusp

May 28, 2019

France Topples Over and Beyond the Cusp into Parallel Universe

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:58 AM
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France apparently is afraid to even place an Islamist murderer of Jews on trial. This has become their modus operandi when any Muslim murders a Jew. The most recent case one can read here plus another look at this here is about the murder of Sarah Halimi. One can only wonder how long before the French judicial system finds these two murderers to also be unfit to stand trial for their murder of Mireille Knoll. This was the only way the trend in France could have ended as carefully reported in this article. What makes this all the more troubling is that it was the result of a general slide to viewing any Jew murdered, threatened, attacked or verbally harangued by any Muslim as some form of justifiable action simply as a result of their culture. This is where the leftist ideology that no culture is superior to any other leads a nation. This is the road much of the Western World is merrily traveling down and those traditionalists who call out the danger are mocked as Islamophobe or some other equally damning epithet as even being a nationalist is considered criminal behavior requiring reeducation.


Sarah Halimi and Mireille Knoll

Sarah Halimi and Mireille Knoll

Quoting from an article, “How the murders of two elderly Jewish women shook France,” we read in the Guardian International Edition, we found this to be quite interesting.

No fewer than 12 Jews have been killed in France in six separate incidents since 2003: Sébastien Selam, Ilan Halimi, Jonathan Sandler, Gabriel Sandler, Aryeh Sandler, Myriam Monsonégo, Yohan Cohen, Philippe Braham, François-Michel Saada, Yoav Hattab, Lucie Attal and Mireille Knoll. In each of these cases, at least one of the perpetrators was from what the French call minorités visibles, or “visible minorities”, which typically refers to those of north African or west African descent; in most cases, the perpetrators have been linked with some form of extremist Islam. In nearly every case, the victims have been either identifiably Jewish or personal acquaintances of the perpetrator.

Reading the names, one stood out for two reasons, first is that the young man’s name, Ilan Halimi, shares the last name of Sarah Halimi from the story above. Ilan’s story is about as horrific as one might ever read as reported in the New York Times. That is another reason his name was so noticeable. Almost all of the murders and attacks made upon Jews, not only in France but throughout Europe, in the United States, Canada, here in Israel and around the world share one singular fact, the victim is almost always somebody completely unable to fight back or offer any form of resistance unless armed and holding the weapon before the attack, an unlikely event. In New York City, in some of the most Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, there have been numerous attacks registered with the police where young men and teens attacking religiously dressed Jews from behind with a one-off and then run often striking them with sufficient force to knock them to the ground. Again, these are attacks from behind without warning against either Jewish youth or middle aged or older men. This report in Haaretz tells the grim tale along with links to further information.


This rise in anti-Semitism is virtually worldwide and has crept into culture which even showed its ugly head in Israel during the Eurovision 2019 Song Contest in Tel Aviv where the group from Iceland, Hatari, as they unfurled their ‘Palestine’ banners at the televised Final and sang “Hate will prevail,” as commented on by Barry Shaw in his article Hate prevails in Iceland. Barry Shaw expounds on the historic prevalence of anti-Semitism across Icelandic history. But historic anti-Semitism is not a prerequisite for modern anti-Semitism, though it does appear to make it more apparent. Recent reports have indicated that the trend is a universal problem around the world as reported here and here. There actually is one place where Jews can find relative peace of mind that they are unlikely to be attacked, and that is Israel. As odd as it might seem, but inside Israel, especially Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Netanya, Peta Tikvah and Nahariya. Most of Jerusalem is safe but we did not list it due to the problems which reoccur almost on schedule coinciding with Jewish Holy Days. It is true that the High Holy Days the rioting on the Temple Mount starts a couple of weeks before and continues for up to three weeks or so after simply to deny Jews the right to ascend to the Temple Mount. The Palestinian Arabs know that when they riot, the Jews are barred from visiting the Temple Mount as the Waqf will blame the Jews for the rioting always claiming that the Jews defiled the al-Aqsa Mosque or some other invention and insist that the Jews not be permitted to visit the Temple Mount until the Arab rioting is over. Yea, we thought that made a whole lot of nonsense as well, but those are the rules.


Maps of Israel and Israel Replaced with New Jersey

Maps of Israel and Israel Replaced with New Jersey


That brings us to our final point. It concerns the Palestinian Arab-Israeli conflict. There can be only one nation between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea as the region is about the size of New Jersey and almost the same shape (see map above). New Jersey has a population of just over nine-million while Israel has a population currently of just over eight and a half million. When one considers the rising anti-Semitism, it is not out of line to foresee a time in the not too distant future when Jews will either be fleeing or be dispossessed and deported from any number of nations something similar as to what happened to most Jews from the Arab World between the founding of Israel and over the following decade or two. This has a potential to flood Israel with refugees from around the world. Looking around the world by continent, North America has approximately six million plus a fraction of Jews with Central and South America adding another half million Jews. Moving along Asia has about thirty-five thousand Jews with Oceana with one-hundred-twenty-one thousand plus Africa with seventy-four thousand and finally Europe (including Russia) which has the bulk outside North America with almost one and a half million. Outside of North America there are just over two million Jews. Assuming that only ten percent of North American Jews make Aliyah and the majority of Jews from the rest of the world also move to Israel, this would add another three to four million Jews to the population not even counting the number of Israelis expected from population growth, as unlike much of the rest of the developed world, Israel has a positive population growth while virtually if not every nation in Europe has a negative population growth which is part of the reason Europe has basically opened their borders to make up for the loss of population causing economic havoc. If the world goes completely mad and all Jews are deported with only Israel as a destination, this would make Israel one of the more densely populated nations, something which is going to occur with or without immigrants, immigration simply would cause this sooner rather than later. Israel currently has a population growth rate of just under two percent and has 3.11 births per woman compared to the average in Europe of around 1.65 births per woman where 2.13 births per woman is considered replacement rate meaning no change in the population. We will show one last map comparing the Arab World in green with Israel in red and you figure out where the displaced Arabs might find plenty of elbow room, Israel or amongst the Arabs world with pockets flushed with money provided by Israel as a relocation bonus to make their resettlement less painful.


Israel and the Arab World

Israel and the Arab World


If you figured the Arab world, then we are of the same mind. Remember that Israel would be providing the Palestinian Arabs and anybody else including Jews Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or any of the plethora of other religions who desired to leave Israel permanently with a relocation bonus and full market price for their properties. These would be welcome immigrants in any nation which desired inviting a freshly minted halfway to a millionaire family to assist with their economic fortunes. There would probably be a number of European nations who might consider extending an invite. Perhaps this is an idea worth some effort, especially if made now with a three-month time limit to decide before President Trump releases his Deal of the Century. This just might make President Trump and his deal unnecessary.


Beyond the Cusp


October 10, 2015

Intifada or No Intifada, Media Keeps Silent


The world mainstream media has been completely silent about the declared war against the Jews and other Israelis by Mahmoud Abbas and the terror masters and militants who take their cues from his broadcasts. Below is a clip with translation to English of the Arabic used by the PLO spokespeople, the terrorist wing of the Fatah political party which includes the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades but first a few quotes just to make your viewing displeasure more rewarding. The initial screen opens with a PLO spokesperson comment on the murdering of the Parents, Eitam and Naama Henkin, before four of their children who were in the back seat of the family car during the execution using assault weaponry stating, “Killing Israeli Parent of four children is “national duty.” That screen is followed by a woman representing Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO and Fatah Party which are both led by Mahmoud Abbas stating, “Are they from the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade or from Hamas?” Next speaker claims, “There is no need to return to the argument and dispute about who carried out the operation.” He continues, “There is no need to announce it and boast of having done it. One fulfills his national duty voluntarily as best as one can.” These were the boasting about at least two heavily armed Arabs backed by a large number of other Arabs who were hurling cinderblocks at the vehicles to force them to stop or crash or, if their wildest hopes could be met, killed occupants when the cinderblocks pierced through the windscreens or other window. It was the striking of the vehicle which probably caused the Henkin’s to need to stop even if only for a second, and a second was all it took for the embedded murderers to open fire and murder a mother and a father before four of their children aged nine, seven and four years plus the newborn of only four months of age. The father reportedly exited the vehicle and opened the back door and yelled for the children to run before collapsing on the pavement dead. To read more about this and other incidents proving that the Arab Palestinians are operating under orders to begin the third intifada see our article from October 3, 2015 titled Final Palestinian Israel War Declared at United Nations.





Earlier this week PLO Chairman and chief terror master made a broadcast on Arab Palestinian television which has reportedly been retransmitted regularly clearing or approaching twenty rebroadcasts instigating for Arabs to protect their al-Aqsa Mosque which they interpret to mean all of the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and all other lands where Jews can be targeted including all of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Haifa or anywhere else and calling for all Arabs including those so inclined residing in Israel within the Green Line. Abbas begins his tirade demanding, we won’t allow Jews with their “filthy feet” to “defile our al-Aqsa Mosque” and “We bless every drop of blood spilled for Allah. We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem, which is clean and pure blood.” Abbas continued further on stating, “Every Martyr will reach Paradise, and everyone wounded will be rewarded by Allah…” Abbas went on to claim during this tirade meant to inspire additional deadly violence against Israelis aimed primarily at the Jews demanding, “The al-Aqsa (meaning the entirety of the grounds and structures upon the Temple Mount) is ours, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is ours and they have no right (Jews in particular and Israelis in general) to defile them with their filthy feet. We will not allow them to, and we will do everything in our power to protect Jerusalem,”





Add to all of this and far more coming from all directions instigating violence, rioting and general mayhem from all of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria and especially with radicalized Arabs residents within Green Line Israelis; the attacks have not been limited to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem or places where Arabs reside to rise up and destroy all of Israel so that Palestine can be built on the graves of over six-million Jews and four-million other Israelis. Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh has called for the Arabs within Hamas also to assist in the dismemberment of the Jews which led to a mass rush at the fence separating southern Israel and Gaza which resulted in the death of three or four Arabs from the group charging the fence and ignoring warnings to stop and keep a safe distance from the border fence. The Gaza fence sits within the Israeli side of the border such that if the Gazans were to reach the fence they would have already crossed the border which in and of itself is a violation of all agreements between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Israel. These confrontations require coordination and instigators and community rioting and general mayhem coordinators to get fifty or so people to launch themselves all at the same time charging a border, in this case an actual declared violence and breaking the Hamas treaty which was brokered after the Gaza offensive from over a year ago. This coming offensive will not be limited to Gaza or Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and Yerushalayim; it will be a general uprising which may see additional fronts being opened within the Green Line making for a glorious display of why there were Arab villages, not many but some, that were forced to leave their villages and remain before the armies which were fighting in order to secure the lands and prevent their falling into Arab hands the very first day after the war of annihilation of 1948-9 (what many refer to as the Israeli War of Independence).


Since Mahmoud Abbas gave his speech at the United Nations, he received great response from the nations whose representatives were present at the speech where the Oslo Accords were cast off into the waste bin of history as the they had served their purpose and the terror armies having established their beachheads in Gaza and north central Judea and Samaria while also receiving arms and training from the United States largely during President Bush’s terms in office under the watchful eyes of Lieutenant General Keith Dayton. This task of training the Palestinian Security Forces changed almost before General Dayton took command from simply making the fighting forces better trained to improving the security forces making them all sufficiently proficient so as to prevent any Hamas from taking over the rest of the Palestinian Authority as Hamas had just taken control of Gaza by way of a coup. This was established by arming the Fatah terrorists with heavy weapons and introducing squad tactics and fields of fire with interlocking fields of fire and other concepts of modern warfare.



Mahmoud Abbas grabbing for everything within his reach including all of Israel given half the chance

Mahmoud Abbas grabbing for everything within his reach including all of Israel given half the chance



The Palestinian Authority was technically declared null and void as soon as Mahmoud Abbas declared that as far as the Arabs Palestinians are concerned, the Oslo Accords no longer apply to them as it is those same accords which lent any mantle of respectability to the PLO and was the reasoning used to remove them from the terror lists and placed in a seat with the rest of the civilized world. Truth be told, the PLO never considered themselves restricted or in any way restrained by the Oslo Accords and the world reinforced this concept by not expecting and definitely not demanding that the Palestinian Authority act any different than what was expected from the PLO, namely to act as terrorists bent on murdering as many Jews as humanly possible while allowing the world to defend them by claiming they used to act even more barbarous. Where that statement is valid, they were not acting any more civil by choice than because Israel had taken necessary steps to curtail the suicide bombings and had developed some very effective intelligence with a large dependence on human driven intelligence (HUMIT). The one step taken by Israel which was the most effective step towards limiting terrorist operations was what Israel rightfully refers to as the separation barrier but the world, particularly the Europeans and other Western leftists, refer to as the Apartheid Wall. After its construction, the numbers of suicide bombings dropped by over ninety percent. That is what is referred to as an effective barrier against the suicide bombings which had increased to almost one every week before the separation barrier was erected.


Just in case anybody has been keeping score, the total number of reactions or alterations of policies announced or implemented by the Western World since Abbas announced the departure from the Oslo Accords, compromising the myriad of groups he is chairman, president or leader of, we are not familiar with him applying the title of emperor to himself on any position but give him time, there has been no recognition or reaction of this announcement. The Western world and media appear to not have heard about this change which should have resulted in the returning of the PLO to terror lists, Abbas placed back in exile in Tunisia, and Israel freed to apply their influence over the rest of Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and Eastern Jerusalem, but alas the world continues as if the announcement was but a cute joke and had no real meaning. Meanwhile, the PLO and Fatah Party members and leadership have announced the start of the third Intifada with Hamas and Islamic Jihad agreeing to join in on this installment of the war against Israel and the Jews. Abbas is referring to himself as the President of the State of Palestine and has been operating as such for over a year now even to the point of using “official” Palestine State stationary when declaring edicts from on high, which is a small hill with his office on the second floor in Nablus, about as high as he will ever be elevated except by the West who are counting on his efforts to do away with Israel for them.


Another resurrection has occurred this past week with the reemergence of the Middle East Quartet which was a group consisting of the European Union, United Nations, United States and Russia for the purpose of overseeing the Roadmap, an invention by the administration of George W. Bush for forcing Israel to submit to blackmail and extortions by the Palestinian Authority. Of course, since the Palestinian Authority has been defrocked of any legality with Abbas declaring the Oslo Accord dead and declaring the Third Intifada, the Quartet has also lost its meaning and no longer exists. The problem is once any monstrosity has been incarnated and imbued with powers to make demand upon Israel, that body will never completely die and can and will be resurrected without warning in order to give some gravitas to demands that Israel once again engage in the self-sacrifice and grant some grand motions facilitating some selfless actions to the benefit of the Arab causes against Israel’s existence in order to allow Mahmoud Abbas and his henchmen to sit with the Israelis just long enough to pocket the offering and insult Israel and all those employing numerous grand schemes whose purpose is to form two states, one Arab the other multicultural side by side living with a state of war from the Arabs and self-sacrificing by the other. This is a step that presumably would be employed for as long as the multicultural state exists making a Palestinian State after Palestinian State with each smaller than the precious and all dependent of Israel for their continued existence. Perhaps Abbas is correct and the time has come to end the Oslo Accords and the misnamed peace process and end this process of destroying Israel by a million concessions and just have it out, may the best side win. Allow that final battle to be held now and just end the farcical charades. Abbas declared Oslo Accords dead, live with it and allow sleeping dogs to lie. Enough kicking a dead horse, it will never bear a rider again and the process has been moribund and finally been laid to rest, live with it and allow Israel to finally live without the cloud of a world gone mad nipping at her edges trying to tear her asunder. In the last twenty-four hours there have been over one-hundred-fifty terror attacks against Israeli Jews, Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Europeans, North Africans, Middle Easterners, Asians and anybody else whose vehicle sports Israeli license plates. Simply put; no more!


Beyond the Cusp


October 14, 2014

Western Liberal Hypocrisy and Anti-Semitism

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab League,Arab World,Arabs,Ban Ki-Moon,Blood Libel,Bombing,Borders,Britain,British Mandate,Cabinet,Cairo,Canada,Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Disengagement,Divided Jerusalem,Domestic NGOs,Egypt,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Fatah,Fatah Charter,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Golan Heights,Government,Green Line,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,History,IDF,Inteligence Report,International Politics,Intifada,Islam,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Israelite Artifacts,Jerusalem,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jordan,Jordan River,Judah,Judea,Judean Hills,Kidnap Soldier,Kidnapped Israeli,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Mahmoud Abbas,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Military Intervention,Mortar Attacks,Murder Americans,Murder Israelis,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,Muslims,Old City,One State Solution,Pakistan,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Liberation Organization,Palestinian Pressures,Palestinian Security Force,Partition Plan,Peace Partner,Peace Process,PLO,PLO Charter,Politicized Findings,Politics,Pre-Conditions,Promised Land,Protective Edge,Recognize Israel,Refugees,Response to Terrorism,Right of Return,Rock Throwing,Rocket Attacks,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Sderot,Secular Interests,Security,Six Day War,Statehood,Stephen Harper,Suicide Bomber,Syria,Taqiyya,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Terrorist Release,Third Intifada,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United Nations Relief and Works Agency,United States,UNRWA,West Bank,World Opinion,World Pressures,Yasser Arafat,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:31 AM
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When in Cairo at the Fund Hamas and Islamic Jihad and World Terror Supporting Gala one expects no small amount of fawning over Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority and its latest unity government and denunciations of Israel and Zionism. It can perhaps be excused to air an amount of acrimony while criticizing Israeli use of disproportionate power and possibly asking rhetorically if the amount of destruction in Gaza might have possibly been averted and announce grand promises to alleviate the suffering of the residents of Gaza. All of Israel would love to alleviate the suffering in Gaza if it were to be accompanied by a real peace with security and an end to rockets landing on the unfortunate citizens in towns bordering Gaza to the east such as Sderot, Ashkelon , Ashod, Be’er Sheva, and the Kibbutzim along the Israeli southern border with Gaza as well as any escalations where hundreds of rockets per day rain down on the residents listed and additionally on Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Netanya and the bordering towns and neighborhoods which account for over seventy percent of the Israeli population. We even accept that there is no mention of these victims of the recent conflict with Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and it was a conflict with Hamas and Islamic Jihad and not with the people of Gaza except in as far as they served as a protective shield for the Hamas and Islamic Jihad war machine and the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist army which was raining rockets into Israel. We have learned that what Western representatives say in Cairo and other Arab cities is to be mostly ignored by Israel as long as corrections are offered by our political leadership and the perfidy and lying remains in Cairo and other Arab cities and not be taken out into the general rest of the world. That is not what happened yesterday and the denunciations of Israel going to an international setting must be answered with some truths which remain obscured by these righteous representatives of the Western nations and the purveyors of honorable truths go so far awry straying into areas which can only be classified as the new blood-libels of anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism with a few exception such as the current Canadian government under Prime Minister Harper.

Perhaps the best place to start is with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon who blamed the conflict with Hamas and its terrorist allied entities on the Israeli occupation in Gaza. There has been absolutely no occupation in Gaza by the Israelis since the disengagement where Israel tore out their emotional hearts wringing hands at the wretched scene of IDF soldiers dragging sobbing women and children from their homes and neighborhoods, tearing down the Synagogue to prevent its desecration, and threatening the older men and younger adults, both men and women, and eventually dragging them down from the roofs of their homes and community centers forcing them into buses to be transported to nowhere, a nowhere which was spread around southern and central Israel placing them in inadequate makeshift mobile homes, many of which had no electricity, sewage, or water hooked up as of yet and there they remained while Israel at first took care but slowly their plight faded from the consciousness and many of them have yet to recover and recollect their shattered lives to this day. If this had been the limit of the sadnesses of those days and that horrific sacrifice but it did not end there. What was mostly shielded from Israeli citizens’ eyes was the even more horrific scene of Israeli Security Police and IDF soldiers exhuming every last Jewish grave disturbing those interred there and reburying them in a cemetery within Israel as had the dead been left there their graves would have been desecrated and possibly their bodies dragged from their resting places to be burned and dragged around in an orgy of horrid unsightly ghoulishness as depraved as any of the ancient sacrifices to Ba’al and other pagan deities. There has not been any Israeli occupation of Gaza and Israelis have not set foot in Gaza since the disengagement except when forced to give a military response to Hamas unceasing rocket fire into Israel such as was the cause of the recent conflict, not any form of occupation.

Then there are the inconsistencies in Western acquiescence to Palestinian demands and their adopting those demands and attempting to foist their compliance on Israel in the name of peace, but they will not bring peace. They say nothing about the demand that all Palestinian occupied lands be free of any Jewish presence while insisting that Israel continue to give full rights to the Arab and Muslim citizens within Israel, something Israel has provided them since her founding and has never challenged or threatened to revoke their equal standing in Israeli society. They not only demand that Israel remove any Jewish presence from Palestinian lands but also give credence to the Palestinian demands that Israel incorporate some five-million Palestinian refugees and provide them with Israeli citizenship and assure that they receive adequate housing and other privileges. Somehow this is what defines equity and fairness to the minds of many of the Western elite. In Israel this equates to the European propensity for anti-Semitism and their recent and seemingly endless obsession with destroying the state of Israel and making it into simply another Arab state with no regard for the continued safety of the Jews. There is also the wrongheaded agreement with the canard that all the Jews in Israel originated from Europe and that the Jews in Israel are actually European colonialists. Israel as a Mandate Land was treated as a British colony from before 1920 until finally in 1948 when Israel was born. The Israelis were not the colonialist power as Britain was the occupying colonial power. Further, by 1950, two years after her founding, Israeli Jewish population was virtually equally consisting of Jews who emigrated from Europe and Jews emigrating from the Middle East and Northern Africa as the numerous Arab and Muslim nations made concerted and even overt acts to rid themselves of their Jewish populations and in many cases expelling them sending them into Israel. The Arabs know and fully understand that the threatening demand that the Jews return to where they came from is impossible as these very same Arab nations would never allow their Jews and their descendants to return and settle in their lands. Still, the Arabs are echoed by the Western political leadership that all the Jews in Israel originated in the West and mostly are from Europe. These libels also ignore the large Russian influx of Jews once they were permitted to make Aliyah from the Soviet Union. The other mistreatment originating from the Western elite is their ignoring of the hatreds taught in the Palestinian schools and the incitement which permeates their societal activities. The teaching of martyrdom as being a desirable end as long as it is aimed at Israel and the Jews is part and parcel of Palestinian media of every genre. This incitement goes hand-in-hand with their glorification and deifying of terrorists who murdered Israelis by any means including but not limited to ambushes of busses, suicide murder bombings, drive by shootings, rock throwing at and from vehicles, shooting across from one neighborhood to the next, rioting and assassinations of IDF and security police. UNRWA schools and camps teach children from preschool throughout their education that they were from Israeli cities and their most cherished desire is to return to their birth city or city of origin which include Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Akko, Netanya, Tiberius and every other city, town and kibbutz within Israel. This is ingrained into these children’s minds from an early age in order to promote an institution where every child believes that they were uprooted and their destiny is to return to their home in Israel and take the Jewish homes restoring their homeland and their entitlement which must be rewarded.

There are other Westerns echoing, restating or granting credence by not denying Palestinian blood-libels against Israelis and Jews. Many of these are old and discredited only to be given rebirth by the Palestinians and seldom denied or corrected by Western leaders who act as if they fear retribution if they stand up for the truth. The Western leaders refuse to counter the canard that the essays titled “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” are nothing more than a Czarist invention written to justify the pogroms against the Russian Jews by Czarist forces. The Protocols have been exposed for quite some time but have been allowed to be given new life and credence in the Arab and Muslim world without even the slightest denunciation and counter fact from Western leadership. Hitler’s screed “Mein Kampf” is one of the most bought and read books throughout the Arab and Muslim world and is not refuted as the vile and disgusting tome of hatreds, lies and manifestations of a troubled and hateful mind. Instead of denouncing these megalomaniacal writings, Western leaders just ignore this reality and continue printing copies of “Mein Kampf” in Arabic and shipping it to bookstores in the Middle East and North Africa. Western leaders associate equality for the Palestinians as forcing compromises and concessions on Israelis while excusing and justifying Palestinian prevarications and accusations giving them credence and gravitas despite knowing it all to be empty fabrications. Western leadership knows just as many Israeli leftists supporters that the idea of an indigenous Palestinian Arab peoples is simply an invention conceived and formed in Moscow as a pan-Arab club to wield against Israel to beat Israel into submission and eventually to replace Israel with a Palestinian state only to have it then divided between Syria, Egypt and Jordan. They are aware that the Palestinians were brought into being and placed under Yasser Arafat who is an Egyptian and if one traces the family names of the Palestinian leadership over the years one finds their family names indicate they originate from Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and even further astray throughout the Arab world and none were indigenous to the region. Western politicians are aware that the Palestinians have no relation to the Philistines, the Canaanites or any of the other peoples from the general area which is Israel, let alone having roots which date back nine-thousand years as claimed by Mahmoud Abbas.

The Europeans and the rest of the World knows that the truth is the idea of a Palestinian people was crystalized in 1964 with the founding of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) which had as it leadership Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas as his second in command. The PLO Charter sets as their goal the liberation of all of Palestine and defines this as all the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea with the exceptions of Gaza and the West Bank which are wholly owned lands of the Egyptians and Jordanians respectively. The formation of the PLO, the grandfather of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, came a full three years before the 1967 Six Day War which saw Israel in a defensive war capture Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. Soon after the Six Day War ended, the United Nations issued their demands for Israel to return most of the gained territory and Israel was to be permitted to retain those lands necessary for secure and defensible Israeli borders. The initial idea actually depicted Israel returning the Sinai Peninsula and retaining at the least the West Bank, which was actually Judea and Samaria in historical references. Israel made peace with Egypt and Jordan, with each relenting their occupied areas of Gaza and the West Bank. Egypt never actually formally claimed Gaza and Jordan annexation of the West Bank was recognized by a mere two nations, Britain and Pakistan. Western governments would reassess the amount of lands Israel was presumed to retreat from in such a manner as once Israel had given Egypt back the Sinai Peninsula, the area from which Israel was now expected to return land was redrawn to exclude the Sinai Peninsula as if Israel had never held the area, let alone returned it to Egyptian control. Carrying this concept to its final and only logical conclusion, should Israel give the Palestinians Gaza and the West Bank then those lands would be removed from the equation and after a few years when the Palestinians once again claim that all of Israel is occupied area then the pressure will come from Europe, the United Nations, the United States and the world to return further lands to the Palestinians. There may even be a demand for Israel to surrender the entirety of the Negev Desert allowing for the formation of national homelands for the Bedouin tribes. Just think about that one for a moment, a homeland for Bedouins who wander an area but do not settle anywhere, well, anywhere except Israel it seems. The end result appears to be taking all of Israel and leaving the Jews nationless, an idea which was first given credence by the Romans who dispersed the Jews from Judea and claimed to have destroyed the Jewish nation into perpetuity. This definition of the Jews as homeless and nationless was adopted by the Roman Christian Church (Later to become the Catholic Church) who added to the nationless degradation of Jews that this was G0d punishing the Jews for not becoming Christians who now replaced the Jews thus rendering the Jews to scorn and a future without a nation again in perpetuity. Perhaps this is the origin of the European inability to accept the existence of Israel as a state for the Jews; it undermines their own self-worth to recognize the Jewish nation. This also is something the Muslims got from their Christian neighbors and have adapted this definition of the Jews as well. It also seems that the Muslims have also adapted that idea as an eventuality for the Christians amongst others. Of course this progression is not possible as long as there is a Jewish Israel, thus a Jewish Israel must be resolved before history can proceed, or at least that appears to be the driving force behind much of this animosity, an animosity on a level not seen since Rome sacked Carthage, or since when Rome scattered the Judeans from Judea. Somehow we are now told that Judea was never Jewish and this makes sense exactly how? Rest on that thought.

Beyond the Cusp

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