Beyond the Cusp

September 18, 2016

Palestinian Elections Cancelled Again and Why


There was little if any surprise when the local elections in the Arab Palestinian Authority Areas and Gaza were cancelled. We understood that the probable results would very likely place Hamas representatives elected over anyone thought to be acting under orders from the Palestinian Authority (PA). The elections were shaping up to be a vote of no confidence over the lack of any real and meaningful progress towards peace with Israel. The reality would be something far different as wherever the PA currently ruled the elections would favor Hamas and in Hamas controlled areas there would be internecine killing as well. The groups of Arab populations who live under either the PA or Hamas would be seeking new leadership and this would necessarily start at the local areas. The problem is that neither the PA nor Hamas can allow their citizenry to elect people from the other side. As each is not exactly popular whence they rule, neither would consider elections to be to their advantage. Further, both sides have good reason to suspect the elections on the other side would be tainted and that the reality would come down to who counted the votes, not who cast them. That is the real reason the elections were cancelled, neither side was willing to subject the local political base under each respective population to be allowed openly to vote for the representatives in their own neighborhoods. Had the elections gone forward there would have necessarily been bloodshed as part of the campaign on both sides in an attempt to strengthen their grip on their respective areas. Hamas representatives and candidates would be arrested in Judea and Samaria to ensure they would have no direct effect upon the elections and Hamas would remedy their problem in a similar manner just with less media attention.


Israel also has reason to be relieved as the elections were poised to give Hamas large areas of control in Judea and Samaria. Hamas would have retained their control over local governance in Gaza by any means necessary which would have resulted in murders of any remaining PA sympathizers. Similar actions would take place where the PA rules except Hamas sympathizers would have simply been jailed and not permitted to vote and the most adamant of the Hamas representatives would have met with a fatal accident. Further, should these local elections have occurred, then both sides would have taken drastic and direct actions to retain their control. The rulers in Gaza, Hamas, and Judea and Samaria, the PA, have both become quite unpopular to a large segment if not a majority of their constituents for similar reasons. Where there being no hope of any final peace with Israel, a governance of Kleptocrats stealing them blind and no peace talks by the PA being scheduled and no reconstruction instead of tunnel building in Gaza has made both segments of their populations ready to demand change. The change might also take the form of local leaders more willing to work with the Israelis than with their respective governments and possibly even demanding relief from either Hamas or PA rule. There is far too much money being siphoned off by both sides to permit any threat to their road to untold wealth. The most obvious recipients of said siphoned funds are Mahmoud Abbas, Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh respectively; multimillionaire or potentially billionaires all (see picture below).


Mahmoud Abbas, Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh

Mahmoud Abbas, Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh


The concept that there is no money to be made in terrorism has been proven time and again to be a fallacy. For the terrorists presumably fighting against Israel, fighting against the Jews and their Jewish State, the world is willing to spend an unlimited amount of money to undo what they believe was their biggest mistake ever, the founding of Israel. Israel was founded under the premise that the Arab forces would remove it immediately after it was founded and they got the united Arab States surrounding Israel (Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and various militia forces, plus the Mufti of Jerusalem’s forces, the precursors to Hamas and PA) to all attack Israel as stated yesterday with the map below. These combined forces had some initial success but were soon being repulsed requiring the world to demand ceasefire after ceasefire allowing the Arab Armies which were in disarray to regroup. Each time the results were the same, initial Arab gains due to surprise as they were breaking the truce and Israeli forces were presumably in stand-down rather than combat modes.


Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948

Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948


The Israelis still managed to turn things around rapidly and had the fighting been permitted to last longer it became obvious that the Jews would regain all the areas they had not had control after the initial burst on the morning of May 15, 1948 immediately after the British pulled out and presumably before the Israelis had gotten organized into some form of command structure tying all the disparate defensive groups together. The final result left Syria in command of the high ground of the Golan Heights, Egypt holding Gaza and Jordan occupying Judea and Samaria which they annexed illegally and renamed it something less Jewish, namely the West Bank. All of these territories were liberated by Israel in the Six Day War forced by massed troops on both northern and southern borders and the eventual joining the futile effort of Egypt and Syria despite Israeli pleas for them to remain out of the hostilities, thus allowing Israel to liberate the large areas of Judea and Samaria. The world is still pressing to force Israel back to the perilous 1949 Armistice Lines which with modern weaponry is completely indefensible while the movement for Israel to simply annex all of Judea and Samaria would leave Israel defendable with the Jordan River, Dead Sea and Golan Heights as her eastern borders (see maps below).


The Real Truth About Israel in Stark Relief Graphically Displayed Compared Indefensible Mid-Section vs. Annexed Judea Samaria and Gaza

The Real Truth About Israel in
Stark Relief Graphically Displayed
Compared Indefensible Mid-Section
vs. Annexed Judea Samaria and Gaza


With an Israel midsection cut back to the mere nine miles would allow for any new Arab invasion force to immediately cut Jerusalem from Tel Aviv making any forces or Israelis left in Jerusalem facing a similarly deadly situation as they were in 1948 when the identical strike was made and only through a herculean effort were Israeli forces able to reconnect to Jerusalem in the final days, actually hours, before the Armistice Lines were set as the front lines of contiguous forces, the reason a breakthrough to Jerusalem to relieve those still holed up there and make some claim to this holiest of Jewish cities. After cutting off Jerusalem the heart of Israel could be bombarded by direct and indirect fire from atop the Judean Hills western ledge which rises fifteen-hundred to over twenty-five-hundred feet overlooking the coastal plains below. Tel Aviv and even its central district with the tallest buildings in Israel are all clearly seen from the heights. Further, even today the old adage of he with the high ground had the advantage holds some validity. The damage which could be unloaded simply using mortars, light artillery and tank fire for fifteen to thirty minutes would prove devastating even should Israel then repulse the assaulting forces. One would not need to rely on rockets or even use aircraft to devastate Israel from the Judean Hills (they are actually mountains as seen in images below).


Images from Northern and Southern Coastal Plains Looking East at Judean Hills (TOP) and From Ridgeline of Judean Hills Looking West Overlooking Coastal Plain (Bottom)

Images from Northern and Southern Coastal Plains
Looking East at Judean Hills (TOP)
and From Ridgeline of Judean Hills
Looking West Overlooking Coastal Plain (Bottom)


By now the reasoning on why Israel must annex all of the West Bank including all of Jerusalem is far more clear and when one adds in the defensibility of the Jordan River and accompanying Valley, which must be climbed by any invading force including armor, the reasons become even more evident (see map from Jordan Valley to the Mediterranean Sea below). Giving away the high ground and the defensive virtual wall, which is the Jordan River Valley from which there are at most five passes allowing traveling to the heart of Israel, and it becomes even more vitally obvious.


Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea

Cutaway View of Tactical Advantage and Necessity
of the Jordan Valley and Judean Hills for Defending
Coastal Plains and Israel Alongside the Mediterranean Sea


Finally, back to the cancelled local election for all of the Palestinian Arabs under both the PA in Judea and Samaria and Hamas in Gaza and why this is simply the final nail in any potential for peace with Israel. First and foremost it must be stressed and stressed until it is fully understood everywhere, Israel had nothing to do with the cancelling of the elections. Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah political arm of the PLO who also is President of the PA, simply put Abbas rules every possible entity controlling the PA areas, he cancelled the elections claiming difficulty in oversight in Gaza and other miscellaneous reasons. Hamas immediately followed up claiming they were postponing the Gaza elections as well. Abbas had already claimed he was cancelling the elections for all of the Palestinian Arab areas. Still, Hamas had to interject their control over Gaza as they cannot permit the PA or Fatah or any other organization where Abbas rules to make any decisions for Gaza. So Hamas rules Gaza except where Islamic Jihad and even Islamic State decide they are going to go rogue and fire rockets and mortars at Israel. This places Hamas in a tight squeeze as anything they do to end the shooting at Israel makes them appear to be doing the IDF’s job of policing any attacks on Israel. The groups who would challenge Hamas for control in Gaza already have labeled Hamas as Israeli border guards.


Meanwhile the PA rules with Hamas elected to the parliament but their representatives are not permitted to attend meetings from Gaza. There are also Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Islamic State amongst others who are all prepared to shoot it out in Judea and Samaria to unseat Fatah and take over the PA. Then there are the least fortunate from amongst the Arab Palestinians from Judea, Samaria or Gaza who simply desire peace and to get on with a normal life. They would love to increase their cash flow and be as wealthy as are the Israelis. They also know they must never utter even the slightest expression of dissatisfaction with whichever group rules their little corner in “Hell,” be it Judea, Samaria or Gaza. So we have the terrorists who if they are of rank are well paid and living high. If they are the family of a Shahada, a Martyr, then they will receive a salary commensurate with the numbers of Israelis their family member murdered and injured and how serious were the injuries. If one committed a terror act and survived and were arrested, they too receive payments while in prison and their family once they are out. This payment too is commensurate with the numbers of Israelis they murdered and injured and how serious were the injuries. These payments are often higher, sometimes by multiples as high as six times, than the salaries of the PA workers who have jobs in the governing bodies. They make more than the members of the police force and many of these terrorists who have blood on their hands for murdering Israelis are also police officers and usually higher ranking members of their enforcement services. Then there is Force 17 started way back by Yasser Arafat. These fighters, almost all terrorists, often convicted but released in one of those thousands for a single Israeli, and receive healthy salaries. If you are starting to believe that the most profitable business a family can easily build would be to sacrifice a few of the more troublesome children in terror suicide bombings or other terror attack pretty much guaranteed to end with their death, and then the family is rewarded and no longer need worry about working. Where does all this money come from to pay these terrorists’ families? Where else, the United Nations through United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) which gets their funds mostly from the United States, European Union and various European governments. The United States, European Union and various European governments also give hundreds of millions to the PA, who passes knowingly half the monies to Hamas as protection as well for them to carry out attacks, of which a fair share is given to the terrorists and their families. But these funds are paid only as long as no money is diverted to terrorist activities, is that the claim? Well, it appears that everybody involved has agreed to accept Mahmoud Abbas assurances given while meeting once each year at the General Assembly of the United Nations opening ceremonies where Abbas gives a speech to a standing ovation and the Prime Minister of Israel also gives a speech at which point well over two-thirds of the representatives walk out. What was the question about funds not being used for terror again? Trust that nobody cares in all honesty and it is all a farcical circus where nobody in Israel is amused outside of some diehard leftists.


So, who does one talk to in order to establish a viable and terror-free Palestinian State? Even dropping the terror-free part, who is the one representing the majority of Palestinians? Even more poignant, who does one talk to who represents the Palestinians who want to build a working democratic state free of Kleptocrats who steal everything that is not nailed down? The answer to all the above questions is the same, nobody on the face of the earth outside of the supporters for Israel and the few Arabs stuck under the oppressive rule of either Hamas or the PA really care. The idea of a Palestinian State is simply a visor hiding the multitude of Arabs who back the destruction of Israel and a second Holocaust despite many not believing there ever was a first Holocaust. Here is where it starts to get confusing. Also desiring the end of Israel are the multitude of European Union and European government political leaders, rank and file and many moneyed interests which include George Soros for one and many others all who share the concept that the biggest mistake Europe ever made was the formation of Israel.


They reject Israel because it stands for the Jews who represent Torah and morality and the rule of law over the rule of men. Of course all these people desiring the end of Israel view themselves as part of the men part who rule the world from above all laws. Israel represents man’s covenant with Hashem and thus represent Hashem Whose Law is absolute and stands above all mankind. There are those in the United States who would also love little more than to be rid of Israel. This includes President Obama, Socialist Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and a host of other extreme left-wingers and extreme right-wingers. We are speaking of the Pat Buchanan, Lew Rockwell, and the late Joseph Sobran. As we have pointed out before repeatedly, the Democrat National Convention for the past four and possibly six or longer have voted against placing any reference to Hashem or standing with Israel or that their Capital City be Jerusalem. They are against moving the United States Embassy to Jerusalem, but they have a consulate in Jerusalem to service Palestinians though it is located safely deep within Western Jerusalem, the newer parts of the city and not near the Temple Mount or East Jerusalem.


Yes, there are conspiracies which have as their aim the termination of the State of Israel and many would really appreciate following that up with making the final solution a done deed most foul. There have been such people ever since the Israelites received Torah at Mount Sinai. The first to try and harm the Israelites after they had left Egypt was the Amalekites (if memory serves me) who preyed on the weak, the feeble, the old and those who were unable to keep up the pace and straggled behind. It was this unkind opportunism amongst other deeds so foul that the Israelites are instructed to never forget Amalek and to be prepared for them in every generation. This name became the reference for anyone who plagued the Israelites and eventually the Jews. We are also warned that in every generation there will be one who rises up against us. I may not speak for all Israelis and especially not for all Jews, but I have beseeched Hashem to please make it just one. Still, the promise to the Zionist Congress was the Jordan River was to be our eastern border and still is under international law. We gave away our claim to Gaza, so that is gone for as long as they desire to live in peace.


We should also offer to allow the PA and their people, the Arab Palestinians, to make the choice we are to proffer to the Canaanites. We will allow them some lands and as long as they live there in peace and obey the Seven Noahic Codes we will live at peace with them. They may choose to leave at which point we wish them well and will not follow after them for any reason and especially not to do them harm for they left in peace. Finally, if none of these are acceptable and they instead choose war, they need to understand the full ramifications of that act. Choosing war is an absolute choice and we will war with them until every last man, woman, child, cattle, crops and stores have been utterly destroyed. This is done so that we cannot be accused of making such a war for gains of their properties, thus we destroy everything leaving nothing for us to gain. The land was already ours and they resided amongst us under stipulation that they reside peaceably and obey the Noahic Code. It is understandable that they will refuse that offer but a percentage may come to us and surrender desiring to live amongst us as we require and make themselves separate from those who desire complete war. That will be a difficult decision which will not likely be mine to make, bless Hashem for that favor. Were I to be in that position I would likely take them at their word but warn them that if even one were to break the agreement they would all pay as they had now been warned twice. But as things stand, there is no one person with whom any peace can be established. Abbas has adamantly exclaimed that the only peace he will accept is Israel destroyed and an Islamic State to be built on the ashes of the Jewish people who were slaughtered to the last one. This is the creed by which Abbas rules, this plus speaking at every opportunity declaring that the Palestinians must cleanse the land and the earth itself of the Jews such that all others may live as they please. What is the real shame is Abbas sees nothing wrong with what he demands and believes that by murdering the Jews he will reach a greater salvation. He believes that his religion demands such of him and the Muslim peoples. Those are not beliefs of a person with whom any form of peace can be attained and is the final nail in the coffin of the two state solution as almost everyone has decided to follow Abbas descending to the most base form of humanity short of cannibalism, genocide.


Beyond the Cusp 


September 1, 2016

Colonial Expansions Resumed


The greatest colonial force in the history of humankind is again on the march. This colonial system has expanded reaching beyond the size if not scope of the great European empires of France, Spain, Portugal, England and the rest. This expansionary force has reached beyond the scope of all systems with the exception of Communism and is now ascending as Communism collapses in Europe and Russia. This expansive colonial force is, of course, Islam. Islam is not actually a religion as much as a weaponized political force wrapped in the shroud of an all-consuming religion. Islam is perfectly named and correctly translated to English meaning “Surrender.” That is exactly what Islam requires and Sharia is the force used to demand the complete turning over of one’s existence to Islam. All free will is surrendered. All curiosity is surrendered. All of one’s society and way of life is surrendered. Islam demands that it be granted all power over every act one will be permitted from the moment Islam assumed full influence in an area. Islam empowers the cult of personality placing the most successful Imam as Caliph, and the greatest Imam is that which has conquered the largest number of minds into blind obedience into every interpretation given of the Quran.


Inside the Quran is the secret magic of Islam and Sharia. The Quran contains verses placed in order not chronologically, not by importance of highest to lowest or lowest to highest, but from shortest to longest. The Quran is assembled in a manner which lends to its being memorized starting at the earliest of ages. Thus Islamic education takes over the entirety of the education system into which it plants memorized verses. It is then the privilege of the Imam to exemplify and amplify by their teaching those verses which are dominant and those which are of lesser standing. This too lends itself to a means of conquest. Islam can be all things to all peoples simply by expressing certain verses as superceding all other verses. This lends perfectly to the use of Taqiyya which is using deceit to gain advantage and for the sole implementation of Sharia. The implication of Sharia is the ultimate goal of Islam as once Sharia has been imposed on a society, Islam will inevitably become the sole religion and further, only the manner of Islam practiced by the main body will result in the only permitted form of Islam. In the world today that would mean that Sunni Islam is dominant. Even this realization still leads to an eventual conflict between the main proponents of Sunni Islam, Wahhabi Islam or the Muslim Brotherhood Islam.


Reading the Quran one will inevitable discover that there are verses which are contradictory where there are a set which preach acceptance and peaceful coexistence and still others which dictate conquest and submitting any native population forcing conversion or death choices and still others which direct exactly how one is to live one’s life. There are the obvious religious teachings such as prayer five times each day, observing Ramadan fasting, giving of alms, making of the Haj to Mecca in one’s lifetime and the acceptance of Allah and Muhammad as Allah’s messenger on Earth as the final revelation. These five laws are called the “Five Pillars of Islam” pictured below. Additionally the Quran teaches what foods are acceptable as Halal and numerous other requirements of Islam. Beyond these basics are the two sets of verses which are obvious in their differences.


Five Pillars of Islam


The two obviously contradictory verses within the Quran are the Mecca versus preaching peace, acceptance, pluralism, respect for other religions and even recognizing the Promised Lands as belonging to the Jewish people. Then there are the verses demanding conquest, subjugations and the eventual complete absorption of a society by force if required which were recorded in Medina. An introductory explanation can be found here. Suffice it to say these different and opposing verses are implemented such that Islam slowly builds until reaching a critical point at which it conquers. Islam has attempted to conquer Europe at a minimum twice, once from the west and once from the east.


The western offensive was eventually halted in the Battle of Tours where the Frankish forces commanded by Charles Martel who was also known as Martellus (“The Hammer”), who defeated the Muslims of the Umayyad Caliphate advancing out from Spain in October 732. The Battle of Tours was known to Islam as the Battle of the Palace of the Martyrs (Arabic: معركة بلاط الشهداء‎‎, transliterated as ma’arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ). This turned back the Islamic armies who were later driven from Spain starting with the Spanish reconquest and the imposition of the Inquisition to cleanse the Spanish of any remnants of unbelievers, mostly Muslims and Jews. This was a cleansing by the Church to reestablish their dominance after recovering from Islamic conquest.


The conquest from the east was turned back at Vienna in the breaking of the Siege of Vienna on September 11 through 12, 1683. This battle pitched the Ottomans against the Holy Roman Empire and was subsequent to the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and its being renamed Istanbul to erase its history in Christianity and Roman, Greek, Persian and even earlier civilizations and empires going back originally in the first known empire of the Hittites. The breaking of the Siege of Vienna was largely accomplished by the addition of the Polish forces to those of the Holy Roman armies and the commander, the King of Poland leading the troops himself, King John III Sobieski. The battle was depicted by an anonymous British artist shown below. This was the high watermark of the Ottoman Empire’s thrusts into Europe. The Ottoman Empire was finally defeated as a result of World War I leading to the Sykes-Picot Treaty, Treaty of Versailles, and the Treaty of Sèvre which codified the San Remo conference and the Mandate System subsequently recognized by the United Nations in Article 80 of the Charter.


Siege of Vienna Depicted by an Anonymous British Artist

Siege of Vienna Depicted by an Anonymous British Artist


Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula by the Prophet Muhammad starting around 611 to 625 in Mecca and finally truly established in Medina around 629 establishing it in both cities until his death in 632. This led to the Rashidun Caliphs who ruled and expanded Islam from 632 through 661 and were succeeded by the Umayyad Caliphs ruling from 661 through 750 and expanding Islam further taking it into Spain finally halted by Charles Martel in 732 as noted above. A map depicting these early advances can be seen below. The early expansion would continue to include subsequent conquest of Constantinople and under the Ottomans conquer up to Vienna where they were stopped and repulsed by the Holy Roman Empire aided by the support of the Polish Army and the combined troops commanded by King John III Sobieski of Poland, also as noted above.


Islamic Expansion

Islamic Expansion


Islam in the Middle East and much of North Africa is currently engaged in a great political upheaval which will likely spell the end of the Sykes-Picot Treaty’s borders and set up of states to be replaced either by tribal boundaries or possibly a unified Islam likely broken into two camps, the Sunni and the Shiite. The Shiites will most definitely be under the control either directly or indirectly by Iran and will include Yemen, western Syria and potentially central Syria, Lebanon and Southern Iraq. The Sunni Islamic camp will include as separate but potentially allied Egypt and Saudi Arabia with each under strong leadership and the partnership always slightly tentative between these two. Saudi Arabia and Egypt may include Turkey though Egypt and Turkey are currently at odds over loyalty or opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood. Jordan will remain a lesser player probably seeking shelter under Egypt or Saudi Arabia if not both. Jordan also has a delicate balance with the Muslim Brotherhood with their allowed a presence but not overtly ruling the country. Then there are the Kurdish forces which have been showing signs of joining the radical jihadi forces but on their terms. This will depend on the Kurdish forces currently engaged by Turkey surviving the Turkish offensive bent on wiping them out as a viable fighting force. This has led to some friction between Turkey and the United States who was serendipitously supplying the Kurds with bombing support and some logistics and planning. The one obvious challenge to all Sunni forces is the Islamic State which has terrorist bands in the Sinai Peninsula and Libya as well as their main body centered in southern Syria and into central Iraq. The Islamic State is currently opposed by all state actors who are refusing to grant the Islamic State leader al-Baghdadi who is a self-proclaimed Caliph and insisting that the Islamic State is the new Caliphate, something which remains to be seen.


The advance guard of the Islamist forces are currently infiltrating the Western nations as a part of the “refugee” crisis which has Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia allowing increased immigration with minimal if any checks on any Middle Eastern or North African claiming to be refugees from any of the wars currently embroiling much of the area. These refugees include Syrians, Afghanis, Iraqis, Iranians, Yemenis, Libyans, Algerians and others from as far as the Horn of Africa to Morocco back across to Pakistan. Imbedded within the refugee population are teams of Islamists, both Sunni and Shiite largely from Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hezballah on the Shiite side and Islamic State, Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and smaller groups on the Sunni side. All these planted groups plus unknown numbers of Muslims who are being excited by the signs of a resurgent Islam are taking on themselves the mantle of jihad and attacking in what are call “Lone Wolf” attacks. The violence and lawlessness which has come along with the predominantly male fighting age single unaccompanied men has led to some second thoughts across Europe. Sweden is paying undocumented Middle Eastern refugees money to leave and presumably return to their national origins in the Middle East, or at least appear to be heading in that direction. Some Eastern European nations simply refused to allow any refugees to permanently remain within their borders with some places the military at the train stations forcing the refugees to continue on to Germany, France, Britain or anywhere but “here”. Russia has pretty much been bypassed as a nation for the refugees. The biggest scandal has been the entire Islamic world refusal to accommodate resettling any of the millions of refugees. Turkey and Jordan have been stymied by the hordes crossing from Syria and Iraq simply to escape the wars in those nations. Quietly Israel has provided aid to Jordan in the form of additional water and electricity to assist the refugee situation. Whatever additional aid has been provided is uncertain.


On another front the Islamic State is serious about their becoming the next Caliphate and is fighting against Saudi Arabia and Egypt as well as throughout the remainder of northern Africa. Further, terror groups including Boko Haram in Nigeria and neighboring nations and some groups formerly tied with al-Qaeda also have sworn allegiance to the Islamic State. The main problems with these forces have been in the Sinai Peninsula and have been aided as possible by Hamas in Gaza. This has made for a strange cooperative effort by Egypt and Israel in sharing intelligence and closing all borders over land and sea by both nations to prevent military and dual use items from being used by Hamas as much as they are capable. Hamas has stolen, re-appropriated if you insist, the building provisions such as bricks and cement and concrete for their tunnel construction to infiltrate into Israel or the Sinai. This has had the strange effect of a world demanding that more building provisions be sent into Gaza despite the known misuse. Apparently building tunnels with humanitarian aid is just fine with much of the world providing those tunnels are used to murder Israelis. So nice to be appreciated in this manner, we bet!

Meanwhile, the numbers and severity of crimes, many of which could be termed as Jihadic or terrorist attack, have been exploding across Europe with concentrations in Germany, France, and the Scandinavian nations, the places which took in the largest share of Muslim refugees or had large Islamic populations to begin with. One systemic problem has been the radicalization of the younger indigenous Muslims by the instigators planted within the refugee populations. By all appearances, what had been considered to be the peaceful Muslims, the good Muslims if you will, only need be aroused and pushed, perhaps threatened to join jihad or else and they appear to respond, at least a percentage. There will be those who will rightfully point out that the problems are caused by a minority, anywhere from negligible (obviously the low estimate) to as high as one in five or even in four but not quite three, or so we hope. Still, twenty percent of three or four million refugees is still well over half a million persons and add in the “Lone Wolves” and you are likely approaching a potential of three-quarters of a million threatening social cohesion which had been low to begin with. Seven-hundred-fifty-thousand jihadists will overwhelm European and western society’s ability to cope with such a threat.


These are just the initial wave as the refugees are still pouring into eastern Europe heading northward and westward aiming for Germany, France, Britain, the Scandinavian countries; anywhere that a strong social basket is deployed giving what amounts to a guaranteed wage for all persons reaching and registering with the government no questions asked. The problems in Germany alone appear to be sufficient that Chancellor Angela Merkel appears to be on her way out of office come the next elections no matter what the future holds, as the people are furiously upset with her open borders policies. Should Donald Trump win in the United States, his election will in part be all about closing the borders, all the borders including those currently used by the State Department to import as many Islamic refugees as humanly possible. The most interesting and important item is that very few of the refugees are Christians or Yazidis, people truly under threat just remaining in the Middle East and North Africa. It is as if these refugees are not desirable and the few who manage to arrive in Europe are often murdered in the camps by the other refugees. One would think that the Christians would identify themselves as such to the Europeans and they would be separated out but maybe the European powers that be are not interested in importing devout Christians, Christians who have resisted unknowable hardship that Western Christians have never faced. Western European Christians face a different threat, indifference and a strong societal urge for hedonism. We know from past empires failing that when the public turns as a whole to hedonism as their life’s theme the society will die within two generations at most, often in one generation. Perhaps these two symptoms go together one causing the other. Hedonistic society not reproducing as that would curtail the fun and thus requiring immigrants to replace the children they refuse to have of their own and then they wonder what happened when the new refugee brought morality closes all the doors and brings their fun ride to its undeniable terminal end. Perhaps this is the Requiem for Europe and Christianity in the Western world, or at least in Europe. Requiem for Europe, somebody should write a song with this title, it would be appropriate to salute the death of a society.


Beyond the Cusp


July 30, 2016

How Many Innocents Must Die?


This past week brought another horrific murder in the name of Islam. A priest, Father Jacques Hamel, was reciting Mass at the Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, near Rouen. The 85 year old priest was forced by his attackers, the terrorists, to kneel before they sliced his throat. Some reports have stated they completely beheaded though we were unable to confirm the report. Parishioners, who were in prayer when the attack occurred, reported further that when the police arrived they attempted to use the nuns from the church as human shields. Another unnamed individual referred to only as an 86-year-old worshipper was seriously injured but hospital reports inform they are out of danger and continue to be treated. The alarm was raised when one of the nuns escaped and called the authorities. The Islamic State claimed ‘credit’ for the attack, but who claims credit for murdering an unarmed innocent allowing it to stand as a testament to their faith? The answer is the Islamic State as their Caliphate gets spread with designs on world conquest. What needs to be understood is that many of these Islamic groups and definitely applies to such as the Muslim Brotherhood who is working on a Civilizational Jihad whereby they use religious tolerance and such to change the customs and laws eventually altering imposing Sharia in one final blitzkrieg where the remainder of laws are rewritten or replaced making Islam the only recognized and eventually permitted faith. Islamic State is less patient and take spreading Islam by any means including the sword, though they use rifles and knives when beheading priests. The blood toll of the Islamic State has included their brave conquest of the basically unarmed Yazidi who they slaughtered saving only the younger women who they made sport of raping them often until they died. They slaughtered the Christians they could find in Mosul using their women in similar fashion. Probably the least mentioned thing is what happened to the Muslims of Mosul and other areas where the Islamic State took hold. One need understand that the Islamic State has their own version of Islam and their own select verses of the Quran which they hold were the final verses and the only verses necessary to permit their conquests and purification even of other Islamic believers. The largest number of victims of the Islamic State has been other Muslims. They often ask questions which any Muslim to quote the verses they have chosen and in the exact way they have interpreted said verse often at the end of a rifle. Should one not choose as the Islamic State warrior desires they may very well end up murdered. The tale was the trail of Islamic blood spilled throughout Mosul and other places visited by the Islamic State. Additionally, the Islamic State is warring with other Muslims and murdering only Muslims as are the branches of al-Qaeda and the Syrian Army. This is the holy war being fought in Syria and areas of Iraq, Muslims killing Muslims in the name of Allah and Islam. While they are busy killing one another they also urge others to murder people, their neighbors in many instances, and kill in the name of Allah and expect this to make people admire Allah and Islam. Eventually, once the world figures out the simple truth, which such forces as the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Taliban, Iran, and other Islamic forces all desiring world conquest, will not rest until they force all to bend before them and fall before the sway of Islam as so prescribed by their conquerors kneeling before them in submission. That is right, world conquest as it has not been recognized as impossible by some forces and Islam is amongst those who still desire conquest of the world by the sword if required. Do not believe us just ask Erdogan in Turkey who has been executing his military, police and judiciary and other lawyers in his own Stalinist purge of thousands of fellow Turks and Muslims to make Turkey in his own image and ready to reestablish the Ottoman Empire and proceed in conquering the rest of the world making him Caliph.


Father Jacques Hamel

Father Jacques Hamel


Speaking of Father Jacques Hamel, Sister Danielle told French TV, “They forced him to his knees. He wanted to defend himself. And that’s when the tragedy happened. They recorded themselves. They did a sort of sermon around the altar in Arabic. It’s a horror. He was an extraordinary priest. He was a wonderful, kind man.” How many tributes about a kind man, a compassionate mother, a wonderful brother, sister or loving parent does the world need before we realize that these are not “man caused disaster” and that it will take something greater than an “overseas contingency operation” to end the murders by the Islamic State and the Haters they influence? These killings will continue for as long as leaders simply make grand speeches and fantastic promises about working across lines with all faiths and actually face that this is a war and only fighting against those who demand to wage war does a war end. Still, the people cannot fully lay the blame on their leaders as the way things stand in the Western World, the people themselves have no stomach for a prolonged war to bring an end to Islamist violence and without the support of the people no fight can be waged. As long as no fight will be waged, then the attacks will only continue and; if the Muslims fighting one another ever united under one banner, then Europe would be the first frontier and the war would come to them full force. As things stand now the fight to bring an end to Islamic terrorism in Europe, in the United States, in Canada, in Israel, around the world and most of all throughout the Muslim world where non-Muslims, infidels as the Islamists call them, and those Muslims considered to be the wrong kind of Muslim or insufficiently Muslim or weak or un-Islamic, they are the ones who are suffering the most from Muslim violence.


The terrorism faced in the Western and developed worlds is nothing compared to the violence in northern Africa which itself barely registers compared to Islamist on Muslim violence. The perfidy of Islam goes further as it serves as a shield behind which many leaders hide while the people suffer in poverty. If as much money and effort that goes into building ever larger and grander Mosques were instead used to build infrastructure, irrigations, and facilities to encourage manufacturing and other ventures thus attracting companies to construct factories and employ thousands then the people could be brought out of poverty and backwardness. There is one thing preventing such investments which can be put into a single word, violence. As long as terrorism threatens any factory or other venture it will remain impossible to bring any investments into the Islamic world. Those who claim it is impossible to modernize and bring prosperity to any population need look no further than Malaysia(PDF file). Malaysia is but one example of such change with Sanghai being another example of Third World to First World transition in barely a single generation. These examples prove that what it takes to attain such results is a formula which, where posing serious challenges, has nothing insurmountable with good leadership and a dedicated core of inspired individuals.


The fist requirement is a ruler desiring change and modernization for their people over enriching themselves, though often they also benefit from the new economics. The first requirement is impressing upon the nation law and order with personal freedoms and ownership of assets such as land, businesses, homes and so forth. The nation will have started in the right direction as the nation builds infrastructure, largely good roads, access to harbors, enlarged harbors, additions to airports, electricity, gas and water extensions and increased ability. Within a year or two of starting such a project other countries and companies will have taken notice. Here it becomes important to make the framework of the government, nation and its peoples attractive to investments. This includes improved education with a new emphasis on math, science and technologies. Further, any laws restricting religious beliefs or favoring one group over other demographic entities such as Apartheid laws need be repealed or otherwise removed as no company will construct their facilities in a nation where all of their employees, especially upper management, would be prosecuted or otherwise inconvenienced simply by visiting their facilities in the nation they constructed a facility. Finally, the tax structure should be conducive or even favoring both industry and their employees. Such lowered taxes can be recovered by laying a small percentage on purchases other than food or medical expenses. There might also be a further tax on “luxuries” such as vehicles above a certain price, that part is taxable, jewelry, alcohol and other amenities. Once these changes and perhaps others; depending on the culture, laws, and other factors, have been accomplished and there begins investments and coming industries then employment of the people is accomplished, the standard of living increases and the nation is itself being transformed out of third world and towards first world status and potentially developed world joining those in the information age, an accomplishment requiring a highly educated population.


Great upheavals are envisioned as the world itself transforms and new nations rise and other long established ones crash. This has occurred all throughout history with the fall of ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Minoans, Hittite, China, Mongol, USSR, Greek, Roman, Spain, Portugal, Zulu, Aztec, Olmec, Toltec and near countless others some of which exist only in the anthological records waiting to be unearthed. Behind each collapse rose another, Mongols came after the collapse of a united China breaking at its seams with different families struggling for supremacy. The Rise of Islam came on the heels of a collapsing Roman Empire leaving a vulnerable Byzantine Empire which was the eastern Roman Empire with its stronghold of Constantinople. After numerous decades the great walls of Constantinople were finally breached and Islam took what today would be Turkey. Constantinople was renamed Istanbul, a practice used by Islam to erase any histories which predate their inception thus making Islam the start of all humanity should they accomplish their goal of world conquest. Such a desire was an objective of empires all the way up to somewhere before World War I. World hegemony is the current hope of such empires as the United States whose culture permeates almost every corner of the globe. Almost anywhere one travels there will be American style T-shirts in English and even in the native language. This influence is oft referred to as the Anglo-influence. But even with its powerful military, the United States no more dreams of empire and world conquest because they realize, as should most, that even a world under a single rule would no sooner be accomplished before segments of such a society would revolt to break away from centralized rule. That is what brought the age of colonialism to an end and cut the British Empire down by its colonies, as did the Spanish, French, Portuguese and other empires with one exception, the Islamic Arab Empire which still stretches from the Iran/Iraq border to Morocco. This is the final empire and it is currently in remission but starting to arise and press Europe and North America through terrorist attacks and cultural conversion to bring them too under Islamic Arab hegemony or even direct control. The most violent of their fronts is in Central and North Africa.


The war being fought is both direct confrontation and military conquest known as Jihad, or they are using sublimation and injection of Sharia and other favorable laws using minority rights and the cloak of Islam as a religion rather than a smothering cloak that brings about the conquest through usurpation of the legal system to submit the entire culture replacing it with Sharia and Islamic rule, known as Civilizational Jihad. The use of freedom of religion, false claims of purported assaults on Muslims, demands for accommodation of prayer schedules and private dedicated prayer rooms, and their demands for special treatment not given other religions, they slowly take the easily surrendered legal grounds. This is combined with their taking positions as they are able often deceiving their real intentions. This can be found in many educational systems throughout the developed world, especially the United States. They attempt to have text books which favorably treat Islam and denigrate Israel or even replace it on world maps with “Palestine.” This was evidenced when publishing giant HarperCollins released an atlas which included Lebanon, West Bank, Gaza but omitted Israel. The entire run of tens of thousands (if not millions) of these atlases were recalled and destroyed to be replaced with a proper map of the area (see below).


Atlas Released by HarperCollins which Omitted Israel Causing Mass Recall

Atlas Released by HarperCollins which
Omitted Israel Causing Mass Recall


Such could be attributed to a single person with a motive whose supervisor agrees with the politics in which Israel is seen as a condemnable, colonialist, Apartheid, racist and unforgivable blight on the world which must be eliminated even if only and uniquely in this particular atlas as all things need a first step. The problem with such thinking is such an act is so far from being the first step that if one knows their history it makes such laughable. The founding of the Jewish State was actively opposed by the British who had promised the Arab League that there would never be a Jewish State because the British would allow as many Arabs as required into the area such that there would never ever be a Jewish majority. This was true and when Israel was declared a state there were more Arabs residing in Israel than Jews and they could have declared themselves an Arab Islamic entity and made Jews a persecuted minority to be hunted down and murdered. Instead of relying on such democratic means, the Mufti of Jerusalem, the man who met with Hitler and the upper crust of Nazism and recruited divisions for the Reich and fomented uprisings against the Jews throughout the late 1920’s through the 1930’s, demanded the Arabs leave their homes so the entering Arab armies of half a dozen nations could simply kill all they encountered as they wiped the Zionists from the face of the Earth. They did not attain their desired goal but did gain both Gaza and Judea and Samaria (renamed West Bank as Judea was a bit too Jewish) and occupied these areas illegally. Still, Israel remained and need be in any accurate atlas no matter who drew it.


The real problem facing the world and even more heavily facing Islam is what to do about the now evident attempts by Islamic forces to advance their conquest once again and see Europe and eventually the United States fall before their subversions. Further, there is a military attempt to subvert and conquer more of Africa moving into central Africa where they plan on converting by whatever means is required the Christian and Animist cultures of Central Africa and complete their complete and total domination of North Africa driving out, converting or murdering every last person not worshiping and surrendered to Allah and Islam. The singular aim of Islam anywhere it takes hold and even if there is but a single Muslim the lands they tread are required to be brought under Islam and all converted by coercion or by the sword. Until the current Islamic supremacy doctrine is destroyed or altered, Islam will remain a threat and challenge to every non-Islamic nation on earth.


This brings us right back to the question of how many more must die before the world awakens and brings about the reformation of Islam that some Imams and President Sisi of Egypt have proposed and Imams through the ages have attempted to bring about. Thus far such people have been in the minority as Islam was not under threat and in the developed world even offered the protection granted all religions. What was not seen, or seen but not believed, were the supremacy doctrines in the Quran and the Hadiths. They were viewed as something from the deep past and as Islam was calmly being observed with only minor violence perpetrated and in modern times the majority of Islamic violence had been directed against Israel which many in the Western World found served their desires for their forming of the Jewish State to be revoked and the Arabs were providing the means. As long as those murdered were Israelis, then all was forgiven and even condoned in some circles. That violence is now being expanded into the developed world. The same terrorist groups which assault Israel now have shadow branches growing from the same roots, the roots planted by the Mufti of Jerusalem after World War I and through World War II and beyond being the same roots for these groups, al-Qaeda, Islamic State, Taliban, Boko Haram and near countless others now operating in Russia, Europe, China, United States, Canada, Australia and Africa. These terror groups also spawn what are often called ‘lone wolves’ who attack often from off the radar of Western security forces. Israel has a means of detecting and intercepting such attackers but even they miss more than one would prefer, but they intercept their share which often are not reported so as to retain sources and intelligence methods. The same is probably true in the developed world though Israel has spent decades building up HUMIT (human intelligence) without which they would be as blind as the rest of the world was on September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center and Pentagon were struck and one other undisclosed target was saved by the actions of the passengers on that fateful flight. That was and remains the shining example of ordinary citizens rising to the occasion and taking the risk and ending a terror threat even, in this case, at the cost of their lives.


The world is facing a menace and if one were to read about the elections in the United States or the BREXIT vote in Britain, one would believe that the economy was the greatest problem faced by society and the threats from Islam are nowhere on the horizon. The threat becomes heated after the murder of a priest, or the slaughter of people across Paris or an attack by an Army Officer at Fort Hood taking the lives of numerous soldiers and their family or whatever is the most recent attack. Still, these are treated as singular events and not at all related to Islam or connected to one another. The threat is allowed to fester and grow and eventually will be so pervasive that the people will demand action and those politicians unwilling to take such steps will not be reelected. The need is for the people to demand of their elected officials that they take the needful steps to eradicate the threat. Granted that the vast majority of the Muslims we all know are decent and hard working members of our communities. That would have been the description of a fellow worker whose supervisors described as a hard worker who did not bother others and was friendly and cordial in his relations. What none of us knew was he had a second life where he was the leader of a terror strike force. He is currently serving a very long sentence in a Federal Prison as he and his team were caught before they took their actions. I was surprised but far from shocked as I had observed some clues but had not reached any conclusive belief he was a terrorist, let alone a leader of a terrorist team.


But one need ask themselves a simple question. Let us assume there is a mostly Muslim neighborhood where within a short distance from a Mosque five hundred to a thousand members to this Mosque reside. All has been a bed of roses but unbeknownst to all a team of fifty Islamists move into the area and instruct their Imam to begin putting a sharper tone to his sermons, not all at once but slowly over the weeks. After about six months one of the leaders of this group takes the forum one week and preached the need for Jihad. A few weeks later the youth director resigns and is replaced or gains an assistant, a minder. The children are taught Jihad as the way for all good followers of Islam. They are taught about the great leaders of Islamic conquest, Saladin, Khalid bin Walid, Bu Ali, Khalid ibn al-Walid, Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib, Al Qaqaa Ibn Omar, Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb, Omar Mukhta, Abu Ali and others. They are regaled with tales of defeating the Crusaders, the breaching of the walls of Constantinople with siege cannons and balls brought by barges to the battle front, the conquests of Jerusalem, the conquest of North Africa and of Spain. The children start correcting any presumed deficiencies in their observance of Islam. Initially the parent see this as endearing as their children are learning to be good Muslims and they feel they will be like their parents when they are older just as they adjusted. What they learn too late is their children are being inundated with Jihad as well as their faith. The children are learning to be pure Islamic warriors ready for Jihad. When the final push comes even many parents never saw what was coming, they missed the signs and the changes. Now your peaceful neighbors are challenged to join Jihad or face recrimination and to prepare themselves for assigned duties. Most are given mundane tasks such as praying and demanding prayer rooms at work, demanding women’s only times for Islamic women to use the pool in private. There will be demands that they be wearing more concealing proper clothing and eventually the full body covering and veil. By this point your Muslim friends will view themselves as no longer a part of the community but rather a community apart and superior and truly religious while the rest are Kaffir, unbelievers to be converted or put to the sword. At this point a portion of your former peaceful Muslims will now have become potential, if not already; Jihadist Muslims ready to wage the war against the unbeliever. Those who resisted this propagandizing are no longer members of their former society and are under a great deal of pressure to return. Those most resistive will be considered part of the great unwashed and also to have deserted their faith; and as apostates, they are in even greater danger than the unbelievers. What occurs next, well, let us all hope we have awakened long before such unrest strikes our homes. This war is progressing and will continue to advance in stages which have been tried and proven true throughout Islamic history and is in progress today throughout much of our world. Be aware, pay attention, read the little and passive signs but not to the point of paranoia. The best thing one can do is continue to be an anchor point with your Islamic friends and treat them as you would best friends as they are the front line in preventing Islamists from converting them and their friends and fellow Muslims and perhaps Islam will finally be granted its reformation and the Mecca Quran can become dominant over the Medina Quran (read our intro to the two Qurans here) and the initial verses of tolerance and welcome will prevail over those of conquest by the sword or any other means necessary.


Beyond the Cusp


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