Beyond the Cusp

January 18, 2017

Paris Balak Obama Balaam Kerry and History Repeated


In Torah at Numbers Verse 22 we are told about how Balak, son of Zippor, King of Moab, sent messengers to summon Balaam, son of Beor, who told him the message from their King which was, “A nation has just come here from Egypt. They’ve spread out all over the countryside and are setting up their camp here in front of me. 6 Please come and curse these people for me, because they are too strong for me. Maybe then I’ll be able to defeat them and force them out of the country. I know that whomever you bless is blessed and whomever you curse is cursed.”


Balaam replied asking that the messengers of his King, “Spend the night here and I’ll report to you what the Lord tells me.” Hashem said to Balaam, “Don’t go with them! Don’t curse these people, because they are blessed.” Balak commanded the princes, “Go back to your own country, because the Lord has refused to let me go with you.” The messengers returned and King Balak sent them to return to entreat Balaam once again and during that night Hashem came to Balaam and said, “If these men have come to summon you, go with them, but do only what I tell you.” So Balaam went to journey to do as the King demanded but an Angel blocked the way so Balaam’s mule refused to continue down the blocked passage. Balaam cursed the beast and the beast explained why it refused to continue and they argued; perhaps this is where the phrase ‘smart ass’ originated. Again, after a brief discussion the Angel bid Balaam continue. Balaam had King Balak prepare sacrifices in the manner as commanded by Hashem and then make his prophesies, the presumed curses the King of Moab had commissioned Balaam to pronounce over the Israelites. There were four prophesies which all were blessings, not curses, for Balaam was only able to speak the words that Hashem had given to him. My reason for the detail is that like many other Jews, I say the third of the four ‘curses’ as it blesses the house of Jacob and is known as Ma Tovu. The English Translation can be found at the end of this article.


The conference which just ended in Paris was the great idea of United States ‘Lame Duck’ President Obama and likely to be replaced in the next election French President Hollande in a joint effort to summon seventy nations, including their own, to condemn Israel and form the basis for further documents and edicts, particularly another United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution augmenting the recent UNSC Resolution 2334 which was an advisory resolution unenforceable by any means claiming that Israel has no claims beyond the Green Line unless the Arab known as Palestinians willingly allow such presence. This inverted all former resolutions which left borders up to the involved parties and made no claim as to which party owned which lands with the original resolutions placing the land as belonging to Israel but urging an Arab state be carved from the lands with Israeli permission otherwise the land belonged to Israel. The Oslo Accords altered this granting the lands denoted as Area A as belonging to the Arabs to practice semiautonomous rule. Presidents Obama and Hollande had believed the gathering would be anxious to agree to a resolution demanding Israel withdraw from all of Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem allowing for an Arab nation of Palestine to be formed and this conference would also recommend that the UNSC also pass a resolution granting the Arab State of Palestine recognition and membership in the United Nations making the demand enforceable by all means necessary under Chapter Seven. This not only did not come to pass, but the conference almost immediately repudiated any thoughts of condemning Israel in such manner and within forty-eight hours the conference disbanded. Once again Hashem intervened and prevented those gathered to curse Israel before the world and withheld their tongues and forbid their cursing of the nation of Israel. The parallel had everything except any reports of angels blocking their paths and their donkey refusing to continue the journey when seeing the heavenly entity (feel free to insert your own ‘smart ass’ joke here).


The further good news is without any proclamation from Paris showing any consensus of the seventy gathered nations to present at the United Nations Security Council over the remaining few days before the inauguration brings a close to the Presidency of Barack Obama, it is quite possible that his crusade to attempt to nail Israel to within indefensible borders which she held pre-1967 Six Day War may very well be coming to an end. The problem is that a former President Obama very well will continue his quest using his former title and the aid of collaborative NGO’s is a definite probability. If he intends such actions, time will not be on his side as former President Carter can attest. Granted, Jimmy Carter can get an audience made up of reporters, even if nobody else, willing to echo and amplify his words hoping to reach any potential confederates. Like Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama could write books with fabricated and slanted reviews of events and even nonevents and title the books in similar manner as Jimmy Carters’ book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid” which reveals his bias using Palestine in the title and not Israel. The one thing is his book may have been an appropriate title even if the contents were tainted with pure hatred against Israel and the Jewish People. If one is truly interested as to where the true apartheid is in the Israel-Arab conflict, all one need do is read the demands made by Mahmoud Abbas, other Palestinian leaders, Arab leaders across the Arab world about how any Arab nation carved out of Israel must be free of all Jews. One need look no further than the presenting all of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority where every Jew had to be removed and even those buried within Gaza needed to be reinterred within Israel. Where is the real apartheid when even the dead must be removed because even the corpses of a Jew are considered a contaminant by the leaders of the Palestinian Authority? Not a very difficult to figure this one out unless one has bought into the Arab initiated propaganda machine and their media acolytes amplifying their hatred disguised as news and their alternate revisionist history as fact. Let’s look into the little history story they have concocted and measure it against some well-known history by anybody who has studied ancient history or religious histories.


The claims that the Arabs resided in the lands which were presumably reserved for the Jewish State was a claim the British found convenient as they exercised efforts to assure that the numbers of Arabs in the British Mandate west of the Jordan River always exceeded the number of Jews. The British imported Arabs while restricting the number of Jews allowed to enter in order to prevent the establishment of a Jewish state. This cost millions of Jews their lives when during the lead up to World War II the Jews of Europe were blocked by the British to a mere seventy-five-thousand a year immigrating and the British managed to not even meet that meager number almost every year. This resulted in Israel being founded with near the same numbers of Jews and Arabs within her borders. This resulted in many Arab villages deciding to fight as allies to the Islamic Arab forces from half a dozen Arab nations attacking Israel at her birth resulting in many of these villages being vacated and sent beyond the front lines as the vulnerability of the Jews to these attacks left them without a better option. The claims that the Arabs resided in these lands for many thousands of years, some have claimed five while others as many as nine, is completely unsubstantiated by the historic records. On the other side, Jews residing in the lands and in Jerusalem, including the Jewish section of the Old City, Hebron and virtually every major city was recorded in every census taken by the British and the Ottomans before them. The Arabs, on the other hand, did not leave the Arabian Peninsula in any numbers until after the year 600 after which they made quick conquest of the entirety of the Middle East followed by Northern Africa and into Spain (Andalusia). This conquest was one of the greatest colonizational conquests in history only rivaled later by Spain and Britain. (For a record of the separate conquests starting with the lands taken by Mohammad and after his passing the following Muslim leaders see map below) Muhammad conquered most of the Arabian Peninsula; at least its main population centers of Mecca and Medina and never saw Jerusalem in his entire life. It was not until at least a quarter of a century before the Islamic forces claimed Jerusalem and proceeded to take the rest of the former Jewish lands. The Crusades were the Christian response to being pushed from Jerusalem and the Holy Lands and continued for quite some time with Jerusalem and other major cities such as Nazareth, Akko and Bethlehem changed hands between the Muslims and Christians numerous times. This did not go well for the Muslims or Christians as these conquests alternated. The one consistency was that the Jews suffered with every change of conquest as they were always regarded as having aided the other side and thus as untrustworthy. Jewish writings from these times, the few which survived, reported mostly that the Jews did all in their power to melt into the scenery and be as unobtrusive as humanly possible. Their survival depended on their giving an image as being as weak and unassuming as possible completely unable of posing a threat to anybody. The Islamic history does not record many defeats as Islam is predicated on the supremacy of Allah and as such also his warriors. Their rapid conquest of large areas fed this supposition as they had no real idea that the Roman Empires collapse and the weakness of the Byzantine Empire and lack of any united force beyond the Nile River was instead interpreted as the supremacy of Islam.


Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule

Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule


The most interesting concept from these conquests was the idea of what was the third holiest city in all Islam. As they surged from the Arabian Peninsula the initial third most important city became Damascus and Bagdad then Toledo and Barcelona and eventually Constantinople which when they finally breached its walls and took the city they renamed Istanbul. What is interesting is that Jerusalem was such a minor city that it paled in importance initially to Damascus except for the fact that it was of such importance to the Jews and Christians which made it worthy of great efforts to take and keep. Holding Jerusalem was important only in that it denied the Jews and Christians of their holy city. When Islam went through a period where the Muslim rulers in Arabia were at odds with the northern Islamic holdings and denied them permission to enter the Arabian Peninsula the Muslims decided that the Haj could be satisfied by going to Damascus, not Jerusalem. One northern Calif did attempt to use Jerusalem, but he quickly realized the fact that Jerusalem was an uncomfortable city with an awful climate and part way through the summer he moved everybody back to Damascus and wrote off any ideas of using Jerusalem as a holy place in Islam. The mosques built on the Temple Mount were placed there in order to overshadow the Christian churches and make the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple presumably impossible. Other than denying Jerusalem to the Jews and Christians, Jerusalem served no other importance in Islam. When Muslims in much of Israel and Jordan pray five times each day they turn themselves toward Mecca placing their derrieres toward Jerusalem, more a sign of disrespect than honor.


The reality of President Obama and his campaign to injure Israel appears to be far more than a simple dispute between him and Prime Minister Netanyahu. If that is the entire root of his apparent desire to injure Israel at every turn, then he is a more petty and disrespectful person than I would like to believe. Odd as it may seem, I would rather President Obama to desire to make a gift of all Israel to Islam as he believes Israel, wrongfully, to be a European colony. This proves he has never spent any time within Israel and watching the people, the Jews. The Synagogue I attend is a mixture of Jews from all over the areas with over half coming originally from areas under Islamic control while others are from Eastern Europe and some from Western Europe and a few from the United States and a couple from Africa, possibly Ethiopia. We are a mixed group and yet are more about our common Judaism and our shared faith and love for Hashem, but President Obama believes we are all European conquerors because of the dreams he uses as his inspiration in life, the dreams from his father, just like his book title he presumably wrote. It really is a shame that President Obama had this misconception about Israel as we have pointed out before, many of the nations, the numerous Arab and even European nations, really would rather not take any Jews; even any that may have had ancestors residing in those nations. Further, many younger Israelis have parents who are from opposite ends of the world. My parents are a perfect example, as my father was from London and ancestors traced to Russia while my mother was raised in Mumbai and trace her family to Iraq. Which nation would I be forced to return to or would I have to return to the United States? Yes, it gets confusing once one actually attempts to figure out what to do with the Jews in Israel. How about what they decided in Paris, allow the Jews to take care of themselves and do so in all of the lands guaranteed them by Article 80 of the United Nations Charter and all that includes the lands west of the Jordan River. Just what the world agreed upon originally including King Feisal representing the Arab League. For the mean time, at least Paris has passed and Israel spared by Hashem and the guiding hand which this time was used gently. It would be nice to keep it that way.


Beyond the Cusp 



How great are your tents, O Jacob,
Your dwelling places, O Israel!

As for me, through Your abundant grace,
I enter your house to worship with awe in Your sacred place.

O Lord, I love the House where you dwell,
And the place where your glory tabernacles.

I shall prostrate myself and bow;
I shall kneel before the Lord my Maker.

To You, Eternal One, goes my prayer:
May this be a time of your favor.

In Your abundant love, O God,
Answer me with the Truth of Your salvation.

October 31, 2016

Rampant Roiling Anti-Semitic Hatred Rising


First and foremost, anti-Semitism rarely happens in a vacuum, it is almost always accompanied by another plague, the coarsening of the public to the needs of the less fortunate such as the handicapped, mentally challenged, reality challenged and hardened hearts against the unwanted unborn, a misnomer if ever there was one as almost every baby would be treasured if only allowed to be adopted instead of aborted. That is an issue for another time but first this must be stated. Adopting a baby in the United States has reached a point where Federal, State, Local and Federally mandated State requirements weed out the majority of families simply because they lack sufficient funds and do not know the right people and were unaware that today one need hire a lawyer for anywhere, depending on the aims of which child one wish adopt, of as high as a quarter of a million dollars and starting at over twenty thousand dollars just to clear the government regulations. Then there are financial requirements so a family who wishes to offer a young child love, affection and do everything they are able may not pass the litmus tests to adopt a child in the United States. Perhaps returning the responsibility for vetting potential adopting parents where it once was, with our religious institutions might return sanity to the current pay-to-play system.


The main plague which comes with anti-Semitic hatred is it never stops there and there is always the next group, and this time in the United States it may well be Native Americans who practice their native religions and honor their gods soon after by the Christians of all denominations and will eventually target the secularists who place their faith in mankind and government. Along the way there will be more than desirable targeting of the LGBT community as the dreamed of perfectly multicultural societal mixture is obtained where the United States population closely represents the official numbers claimed to exist in the world’s population. While this will be occurring there will be the continued drumbeat detesting the unproportional amount of “Islamophobia” defined as the illegal and undesired persecution of people of the Islamic faith far above the average of any other hate crimes. This is a politically correct smokescreen and a lie and in the more extremist corners of the Islamic society where this canard was hatched as a weapon actually means that the American people are not falling all over themselves seeking to convert to what they consider the only true religion to which all must belong. The graph below depicts the percentages of hate crimes for 2014 which is indicative of the average over the last fifty years including 2001 and 2002 after the 9/11 bombings. If the figures were proportional to population, then Islamic hate crimes should have been a mere one percent making the reported hate crimes sixteen times their population numbers, while Catholics are twenty-one percent of the population and had six percent of the reported hate crimes; so obviously there is a greater out of proportion of Islamic hate crimes. But that pales compared to Jews who are less than two percent of the population receive fifty-seven percent of hate crimes which is twenty-eight and a half times their population which, unlike what is often quoted fact, the anti-Islamic hatred is not the worst in the United States. The numbers do not tell the half of the story as anti-Semitic acts have grown at nearly double the rate of any other group simply in numbers which grows worse if population proportions are included. The numbers in Europe are even worse for the Jews who have begun to vacate the entire continent. The snakes of anti-Semitism are slithering freely in the world.


Hate Crimes Motivated by Religious Bias for 2014


There is another strange occurrence when it comes to anti-Semitism, it is found in some of the more remote corners of our little world, even those where there is no record of a Jew having lived or even conducted trade thus there having been no recorded contact with anything Jewish yet they exhibit anti-Semitic feelings. Recently the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) did a world-wide survey to measure the current levels of anti-Semitism in the world. A graphical representation of the main findings of their one-hundred nation survey is pictured below with greater map at the site linked above along with the entire report and updates. Looking at the map it becomes quite evident where the largest resentment, one might claim hatred, of the Jewish people arises. It should also not be surprising to know that the majority of the nations making up MENA (Middle East and North Africa colored in brown) evicted over ninety percent, some even one-hundred percent, of their Jewish populations in the decade after Israel was founded. These Jews by in large resettled in Israel as other nations made requirements that they have family or other stipulations to avoid taking any significant numbers while others simply refused any entry. These non-European Jews make up close to half the Jewish population and as intermarriage between European Jews and MENA Jews are common as is intermarriage across all ethnic lines within the Jewish community, that making any reference to a difference is rapidly becoming a moot point. Israel is rapidly approaching having simply Jews with no reference to nations or continents of origins and efforts are being made to further make the society one even to having a single Chief Rabbi when the next selection is made. Israel is facing a second influx of European Jews as anti-Semitism recently has grown worse in much of Europe.


World Anti-Semitism Survey

World Anti-Semitism Survey


The worst regions for anti-Semitism have also demonstrated other signs of bigotry and hatred. One example of such was the attempted genocidal erasure of the Yazidi People in Iraq by the Islamic State. There has also been systematic persecution of the Kurds as well as Sunni-Shiite violence going back centuries. Many MENA nations having basically rid themselves of their Jews are now working on eradicating the next group on their infidel roster, Christians. One of the least discussed bigotries and subjugations and eradications is the treatment of Christians in the world. A direct result of anti-Semitism is anti-Christianism. The usually noted path starts with the Jews and once the Jews have been eradicated comes the persecution of Christians throughout the world where Christianity is in the minority. What makes such hatred so dangerous today is that Christians are approaching minority status in many parts of Europe and the numbers of Jews in Europe is falling at an ever increasing rate which places the persecution of believing Christians ever closer and immediately behind them will fall the secularists, especially the professed atheists, as they will be identified as wayward Christians who have served their purpose of continued silence or even active participation in the removal of Jews and/or Christians. For those questioning how such will come to be, research history from around the year 620 through to 750 and consider that Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Spain and more were predominantly Christian and Jewish and before 615 there is no reference to Islam or Muslims in any name or form (see map below). Even the Saudi Arabian Peninsula from the Iraq and Southern Syrian borders to and including Yemen were almost entirely Christian, Jewish or idolaters many of which worshipped their Moon god ‘Hubal’ at the Kaaba where Mecca stands today. Hubal is reported to have gained favor over another of the pagan gods often referred to as ‘Allah” though many Islamic sources denounce this. Let us simply leave this as contested and not given the weight of fact until otherwise validated.


Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule

Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule


The reality is that should the uncontrolled influx of Islamic ‘refugees’ continue there will erupt even greater and more frequent violence. Many of the self-defacing lessons about Christian barbarism against Arabs and Muslims such as the Spanish Inquisition and the various Crusades were not offensive actions without prior historical facts of the Christians being forcibly thrown from their lands, remaining Christians enslaved or persecuted even crucified for denying Allah and Mohammad as their deity and prophet and renouncing Jesus as more important than Mohammad. The real downside came for the Jews who were persecuted by both Muslim and Christian always accused of assisting the other no matter who had won the day. Islam has attempted through three main pushes to conquer Europe with the first being tuned back at the battle of Tours and the other two stopped at the gates of Vienna. The defeat of Islam which is being avenged currently includes the sieges of Vienna and the defeat of the Ottoman Empire which replaced the first Caliphate and is often referred to as the last Caliphate. Turkish President Erdogan fancies the reestablishing of the Ottoman Empire and has started his quest by attempting to take Aleppo and Mosul while eradicating the Kurds. We discussed that recently here. There are other leaders who envision their rise to caliph such as the leader of the Islamist State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, or the Supreme Leader of Iran, not necessarily the current person but more some future Supreme Leader which will posthumously grant the predecessors with the honor of the title as well. The Saudi Royal Family should not be included as we do not intend to slight anyone. Once upon a time Saddam Hussein considered himself the next to conquer the world for Allah and become Caliph. Oh to dream…


Beyond the Cusp


September 25, 2016

Why Must Israel and Jerusalem Remain One?


The reasons are so basic and simple that they can be and often are expressed with singular thoughts with simple and easily understood words representing basic human understanding. Israel is the body, Jerusalem its heart. Jerusalem is the pearl and Israel its oyster. Israel is the glistening sands, Jerusalem the shining jewel completing the picture. Put in words of nationhood, Israel is the Jewish State and Jerusalem their longing and capital city. There are many prayers that when spoken outside of Jerusalem during the pilgrimage celebrations which say it clearly, “Next year in Jerusalem.” Often Jerusalem is called by a slightly different pronunciation, Yerushalayim.


Then there is in the Bible in Tehillim – Psalms – Chapter 137 – verses referred to often by the names, “Song of Babylon” and “By the Rivers of Babylon” with the latter being the first line of the verse. Jerusalem plays a special place in these verses where they state in verses 4 through 6,

4 “How shall we sing the song of the Lord on foreign soil?”
5 If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget [its skill].
6 May my tongue cling to my palate, if I do not remember you, if I do not bring up Jerusalem at the beginning of my joy.

Hebrew – עִברִית
דאֵיךְ נָשִׁיר אֶת שִׁיר יְהֹוָה עַל אַדְמַת נֵכָר: 4
האִם אֶשְׁכָּחֵךְ יְרוּשָׁלִָם תִּשְׁכַּח יְמִינִי: 5
תִּדְבַּק לְשׁוֹנִי | לְחִכִּי אִם לֹא אֶזְכְּרֵכִי אִם לֹא אַעֲלֶה אֶת יְרוּשָׁלִַם עַל רֹאשׁ שִׂמְחָתִי: 6

The meaning is obvious, for Jews as for our Israelite brothers and sisters before us, who were exiled a second time in Babylon, as it was with the first exile in Egypt and the third exile which was the Roman dispersal which resulted with time and numerous expulsions, pogroms and other catastrophes culminating in the Shoah, where we were thrown to every corner of the globe and from which our return is in progress. Our greatest loss was our beloved Jerusalem with the Temple which was the central point in our religion as it was where the sacrifices were made and the Holy of the Holies which held the spirit of Hashem and where the High Priest would enter to make the case and receive the judgement for the entire nation every Yom Kippur.


Jerusalem is so much more than the Capital City of Israel, it is a necessity for Israel as are the Biblical heartlands and the Muslims know this which is what drives their demands for us to release any claim to these lands and simply hand them over and tear them from our midst. What they have not figured on is whether Hashem will allow them to do such a dastardly act and in doing so give to Hashem such an insult. Hashem will not let such an act remain standing long and the Arab Muslims who call themselves Palestinians will know their mistake on the day that Hashem chooses. Allah will not be of any assistance once Hashem decides that His lands and His Capital City are to be returned to their rightful owners by International laws far older than the Geneva Convention or anything else modern society is based. These sets of international laws were set down millennia ago and were decided before the Earth was formed as it was to be an integral part of the reason for the Earth and the eventual birth of human-kind. No mortal may challenge these laws and have such stand long. The only difficulty is what is long for Hashem has no relationship to our time-frame and can be eons or an instant; all depends on Hashem, as it has been and always will be. So, let them huff and puff but that will never be permitted to last and they will be returned to the Israelite people once they have returned and the time determined ready or necessitated, Hashem will have His will be done.


So the United Nations can debate, make speeches, pontificate, declare and whatever else they do in Turtle Bay, New York, New York; it is all just a puff of hot air lost on that autumn day, nothing more. We do not make that decision as it is reserved for Hashem to inform us in its proper time. When that blessed day arrives there will no longer be any doubt to Whom this planet, this world and every grain of sand from which it is fashioned belongs and Who makes every decision which has weight and real meaning, Hashem, and there is no substitute. So, go ahead and sound your fury like a thousand horns as your orchestra is barely a whisper in the realm of Hashem but the tiniest whimper crying out the Jewish love for Yerushalayim will reverberate in Heaven and will unavoidably be heard by Hashem which will start in motion the vengeance of Hashem to make straight what man has twisted, defiled and broken as Hashem restores all to its chosen path cutting through history as a geodesic through the rough-hewn stones of fate. The fate of man will always be returned to its proper place at crucial unchangeable points chosen at the time of creation by Hashem and nothing in Heaven or Earth will bend Hashem and His will as these points were set by He.


Meanwhile we heard a great speech we have read by Prime Minister Netanyahu (see video below), something we can always expect as his words are great but his actions do not always reflect what he promised and for good reason, Netanyahu may not be the chosen person to implant Hashem’s will on the future as the time might not yet be right and more preparations are required of man by Hashem. The words spoken by Prime Minister Netanyahu rang true but still we await the proper actions. Even the initial conquest of the lands which made up the original tribes did not proceed in a straight line and without struggle. Life and reality are always some form of struggle through which we are cut and hewn making us whatever our finished self will become and be prepared to stand before Hashem and receive our just and final judgement. That is the point where we fully understand that Hashem loves each and every one of us and we are all blessed in Hashem’s eyes. Still, now comes the difficult part for the Israeli Prime Minister and the rest of us while we make this land whole again. But once again, in plain and simple language we all understand the case for Israel was made and the sins accumulated against Hashem were partially enumerated once again as even the best mortal cannot begin to understand Hashem and His ultimate plan. But just as Hashem assisted Bibi in making the Prime Minister’s speech remarkable, Hashem will work making what many will believe was magical and completely miss the miracles within. That time is approaching fast yet we should be patient and wait the proper time, but is it not always that way? Hashem be blessed for returning many of us and raising the others as natives in their own lands. One need remember a single truth, Israel has been occupied by the Babylonians followed by the Persians followed by the Greeks followed by the Romans followed by the Caliphate followed by the Ottomans followed by the British leading finally on the mortal calendar as May 15, 1948 where the land of Israel, home to close to half of the world’s Jews and climbing. Yet we will wait the proper time which Hashem has chosen for our dreams to be realized. This is the story of the Valley of the Dry Bones from Ezekiel 37.





All of the above are meaningless if not for the will of Hashem, the singular truth in all creation. Pharaoh realized this truth even if only for a moment and Pharaoh reaped the reward for opposing Hashem, though there are those who claim that the Pharaoh had no choice in what he did as he had to be laid waste such that the nations in every corner of the world could witness the miracles and power of Hashem. Yet still men demand to play Pharaoh in this and every age opposing Hashem and believing their power even compares with the infinite power of Hashem. Hashem will make Israel whole and in the process Jerusalem becomes inseparable from that which is Israel. Even elsewhere mankind is destined to travel, Jerusalem and the Holy Temple will remain a central concept and the Jewish People will place their Holy Temple within an area designated as Jerusalem which will be where Hashem places them on the central hill which it turns out may not necessarily be the highest peak but will be the central of seven hills. It is the Temple which elevates the hill, not the hill elevating the Temple.


What does this mean for today? It means one has to have a fair degree of faith and the rest will work itself out and the truth will become reality. It means that anything which steals from the Israelis any of the Promised Land, and especially any part of Jerusalem, is a theft which Hashem will never countenance. The United Nations can make their decrees from the General Assembly and in time there will be a true Israeli leader who will follow Torah and the instructions of Hashem. By that date every nation which had forsaken Israel or oppressed and hated the Jews will have been dealt their just rewards for opposing the very desires of Hashem. That has never been a good idea as the justice for that transgression has almost invariably been quite harsh. Perhaps their final rewards will come from the hands of Israel as they defeat them even worse, they may very well be handing out the fury of Hashem and the final disposition. The decisions of the United Nations General Assembly are but suggestions and with Europe on the verge of falling before their Islamic surging refugee problem as these are not so much refugees as they are an Islamic foothold. By the turn of the next century Europe, with the exception of Switzerland, may all be Islamic states where the institutions which sought equality of the two genders will crushed as will gay rights and same sex couples will be arrested initially and likely sentenced to death by one or another barbaric means. Think what a Europe ruled by Imams dictating the laws and deciding the fates of millions as they retrain their lives to obey blindly and without complaint. Such a map might look like the one below showing Europe after an Islamic takeover.


Arab and Muslim World After the Islamization of Europe except for Switzerland and Israel in Red Both Standing Against any Islamic Assault or Tide


Some have questioned as to why we often do not report of the United States as standing with Israel in the conflict which is approaching much faster than many believe. The truth be told about the United States is that they may not even play any role in the coming conflict. The coming election could result in an isolationist United States at best and an ally of Islam at its worst. Hillary Clinton blindly following the path set forth by Barack Obama will cause the United States such internal strife that as a nation they would be unable to look beyond their borders. Donald Trump, on the other hand, may continue to send arms though in a far more limited manner as he rebuilds the American economic engine, that which provides the means for such activities. Trump also is stressing a stay at home and mind our own business outlook with his emphasis on introspection above seeking out their place on the world stage. Trump appears to believe that by repairing the home-front that by that process the world will also take care of those matters which need addressing. Hillary will continue the Islamization of the American society. United States educational institutional systems, both private and especially public, have by-and-large have been slowly but inexorably altering the system from an education system to a reeducation, an indoctrinating center. This in-and-of-itself would have sufficed to change the landscape of the United States somewhere down the road but these leftists want the change and they want it now. That was the secret behind Bernie Sanders campaign and near success. One should not rule out the United States sliding leftward and becoming indistinguishable from France, Britain, or worse, Greece. Whatever the final result of the Europeanizing of the United States, they would be ill-prepared to fight any sustained war as they would have insufficient funds unless they simply went all in as in World War II.


The coming war will be either the culmination of the long war Islam has been fighting since around 625 CE (AD) and continued through to the modern age, currently being reengaged full force by the Islamists and on the way to drafting all Islam for what they hope will be their final victory and the completed conquest of the Earth. There can only be two endings to Islam’s war; either the complete surrender and subjugation of all planet Earth or the eradication of Islam, similarly as was Nazism, rendering it to cult status equal to one of the cult churches from the late 1960s and early 1970s mostly in San Francisco or possibly Greenwich Village in New York. Islam could also repair themselves through a reformation where the new Islam is based on the Mecca Quran instead of the later verses from Medina. It was this question we addressed a few years back in our article Which Quran, Mecca or Medina? This article has many additional links to further information from all sides and points of view entered within the commentaries by numerous readers and others passing through reading just this article making it also a resource tool. This war on our horizon will start in Europe, particularly one of the nations bordering the southern Balkans up through Germany and Poland and ending in Scandinavia, and from there spread to North America then through to South America and then remainder of Africa and ending striking India, China, Russia and the remainder of Asia. The question which is first and foremost, will the non-Islamic world band together or will they permit each area to be sectioned out and conquered slowly but inexorably eventually leaving Islam possess them each one-by-one.


That is the Islamic plan, inundate Europe and subsume their democracies electing their own and when they have sufficient power, declaring each to be the newest member of the final Caliphate. After the world has been brought to kneel before Allah one nation after the other, then comes the next question, which version of Islam will be permitted and this is important as it will define who are permitted as Imams and thus the just deciders of Sharia, Quranic Law. One could hope that the fighting would then be complete and finished but we have an aching feeling that will not be the case and further divisions will come to the fore and many will result in further fighting. Islam is not a religion which can be pacified as it has always been at conflict. As Islam has a deity that is separate from Judaism and Christianity it is no wonder that it has a completely different tenor. Judaism and Christianity follow Hashem, the deity of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob while Islam follows Allah, originally the name of a pagan moon god worshipped in the Arabian Peninsula and was the deity from Abram, Ishmael and Mohammad. Articles delving further into this can be read here and here. Look up the birth of Ishmael in the Old Testament Book in Genesis – Chapter 16 where it states:

1) Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had not borne to him, and she had an Egyptian handmaid named Hagar.
2) And Sarai said to Abram, “Behold now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing; please come to my handmaid; perhaps I will be built up from her.” And Abram hearkened to Sarai’s voice.
3) So Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her handmaid, at the end of ten years of Abram’s dwelling in the land of Canaan, and she gave her to Abram her husband for a wife.
4) And he came to Hagar, and she conceived, and she saw that she was pregnant, and her mistress became unimportant in her eyes.
5) And Sarai said to Abram, “May my injustice be upon you! I gave my handmaid into your bosom, and she saw that she had become pregnant, and I became unimportant in her eyes. May the Lord judge between me and you!”
6) And Abram said to Sarai, “Here is your handmaid in your hand; do to her that which is proper in your eyes.” And Sarai afflicted her, and she fled from before her.
7) And an angel of the Lord found her by a water fountain in the desert, by the fountain on the road to Shur.
8) And he said, “Hagar, Sarai’s servant, where are you coming from, and where are you going to?” And she said, “From before Sarai my mistress, I am fleeing.
9) And the angel of the Lord said to her, “Return to your mistress, and allow yourself to be afflicted under her hands.”
10) And the angel of the Lord said to her, “I will greatly multiply your seed, and it will not be counted for abundance.”
11) And the angel of the Lord said to her, “Behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and you shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard your affliction.
12) And he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be upon all, and everyone’s hand upon him, and before all his brothers he will dwell.”
13) And she called the name of the Lord, Who had spoken to her, “You are the God of seeing,” because she said, “Have I seen [him] here also after I have seen?”
14) Therefore the well was called Be’er Lachai Ro’i; behold it is between Kadesh and between Bered.
15) And Hagar bore a son to Abram, and Abram named his son, whom Hagar had borne, Ishmael.
16) And Abram was eighty-six years old, when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram.

Note in the final line that Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram. Abraham, or the rebirth of Abram into Abraham, came in the next chapter in Genesis Chapter 17 where it states:

1) And Abram was ninety-nine years old, and God appeared to Abram, and He said to him, “I am the Almighty God; walk before Me and be perfect.
2) And I will place My covenant between Me and between you, and I will multiply you very greatly.”
3) And Abram fell upon his face, and God spoke with him, saying,
4) “As for Me, behold My covenant is with you, and you shall become the father of a multitude of nations.
5) And your name shall no longer be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.
6) And I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make you into nations, and kings will emerge from you.
7) And I will establish My covenant between Me and between you and between your seed after you throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant, to be to you for a God and to your seed after you.
8) And I will give you and your seed after you the land of your sojournings, the entire land of Canaan for an everlasting possession, and I will be to them for a God.”


Note verse 5 where Abram becomes Abraham and then receives the Covenant with Hashem for Abraham and his seed after him. Ishmael received his promise of a nation under Hagar meeting with an angel and while Abram has yet to receive the Covenant so the two are completely different Covenants and never have been equal. The question remains as will the world with almost no exception become under Islam and a form of idol worship? That is a question which may see an answer sooner than many believe, and it will end after the most serious bloodletting the planet will ever come to know and that is the curse for transgressions which we will leave for each to decide the why.


Beyond the Cusp 


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