Beyond the Cusp

April 16, 2019

We Fear Trump Believes the Arab Problem is Economic


Rumors and rumors of rumors abound concerning President Trump’s presumably soon to be released “Deal of the Century” (DoC). The oldest of the rumors claimed that the DoC was based on territorial concerns meant to address the requirement the Palestinian Arabs required a larger plot of land. This was one of the most obvious suppositions as President Donald Trump does come from a real-estate background thus seeing all problems as pertaining to land was the obvious place to head with first instincts. It was like the old saying that to a man with a hammer, all problems look like nails. Later rumors slowly were eliminated while the land supposition stubbornly remained circulating. Lately, there have been a few more concepts floated, none of which address the Palestinian Arabs’ foremost demand which we will get to all in good time. The latest reading of the wind claims that President Trump intends to present his plan on May 15, 2019, a mere month from now. Imagine all the rumors we will have in the coming weeks. But allow us to play with what has most recently been floated which we read about here.


Let us simply start with the date they claim he has chosen. Could it be that he is making another one of his statements with this release date or could it be he is unaware of its significance. According to the Western World’s calendar, May 15th has some things of significance which may or may not have to do with his choice of dates. First off, here at BTC it is my father’s birthday. Only slightly more important, it is also the day on the Julian Calendar when Israel declared her independence and the day that six Arab armies and numerous militias attempted to eradicate the nascent Jewish State in its crib as a mere infant in the world. This intended genocidal assault upon the newly formed Israel was best described succinctly by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League at that time who stated, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” This Arab assault upon Israel was referred to historically, and all too erroneously, as the Israeli War of Independence. Why was it so named? That is easy to answer; by making the Israeli war of Independence the Arab world could point top this attempted genocide as a war in which Israel attacked and stole their lands. Had it been called the failed Arab war of aggression with intent to obliterate the Jews, then it might be more difficult to claim that the Jews started the war. History is a tricky thing as it often is dependent upon the person telling the narrative. But if one delves deep enough, the truth is always there for the doggedly determined. Here, the little gems which makes it obvious who started the war come from the words of Azzam Pasha given above and the invasion map shown below. Still, the first reaction by all too many is that the war was begun by the Jews to take over as much land as they could which ignored that Israel lost Gaza as well as most of Judea and Samaria, later renamed West Bank by Jordan as the former names were too Jewish.


Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948

Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948


But the little fact that Israel was the victim and six Arab nations; Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, attacked a nation less than twelve hours old and without a functioning military is lost in two ways, as mentioned above, the referencing this war as the Israeli War of Independence, something Israelis should really stop allowing, and further the Palestinian Arabs and their supporters the world over mourn deeply calling this “Palestinian Nakba Day,” which translates as Catastrophe Day. The catastrophe was that the Jews proved just too darn stubborn and feisty and were not aware that they were supposed to simply allow their Arab betters to annihilate them. The catastrophe was Israel remained alive despite the world believing that this would be the end of that little Jewish State and then the Jews would be back in their place to be kicked from one place to another at the slightest whim or reason. President Trump definitely understands what the date he is said to have chosen means and if that is the date, we bet that it is intentional and well played. As for some of the other rumors which abound, well, they may not be so well thought through or some basic things have been ignored.


According to their sources, the “Arab countries that will be partners in the deal are Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and even the United Arab Emirates.” After that it starts to get a little more complicated. The first knot we will attempt to untie is how the land deals are stated. The easiest part is that Egypt will return two islands in the Red Sea ceded to them by Saudi Arabia back to the Saudis. This is to compensate Saudi Arabia for their ceding lands to Jordan. Still with us? Next Jordan is to cede lands to the Arab Palestinians to compensate them for lands which they will cede to Israel. Oh-oh, big problem, the Palestinians will never accept having Israel existing when the deal is done, let alone ceding land to Israel, that is hurdle number one. That right there should result in the big “No Deal” sign waving frantically by Mahmoud Abbas. This is where President Trump will need to navigate this deal in such a manner as Mahmoud Abbas is circumvented and left out in the cold. But even should that succeed, what about the other Arab Palestinians in Gaza and Hamas. Here is where the plan simply becomes explosive, honestly, explosive. As stated in the article, as well as untold amounts of cash will be made available to the Palestinians in Jordan and Area A and possibly B of the Oslo Accords as well as to those in Gaza, there is a plan to make an industrial zone in Gaza to provide jobs and a better future for the Gazans.


The plan is to lay a pipeline from the Saudi Arabian oil fields to Gaza and construct refineries in Gaza leading to a desalinization plant and other improvements down the road. We are not concerned about the improvements down the road, though we might suggest the desalinization plant be built before the refineries as you are going to need water to put out the resulting fires. Perhaps we can provide a small taste for what will become of a refinery built in Gaza by showing what happened to the natural gas pipeline which provides Gaza with its natural gas from Israel for free in the pictures below. These are from approximately one year ago when the rioting broke out along the Gaza border, the “peaceful protests” according to most of the world’s media. Do these photos appear like the result of families out flying kites (with incendiary devices to set Israel farms and towns on fire), playing soccer (which appeared more like rolling burning tires at the border fence) and enjoying the coming of spring (by slinging stones and grenades into Israel and blowing things up). Imagine the fireworks display which will be put on once the people who build the refineries along with the peacekeepers guarding their safety have all left with the entire operation running and then being set alight the first night after they leave. The whole of Gaza will be brightly light-up against the dark night’s sky. Apparently, nobody has informed President Trump how absolutely world-leading the Palestinian Arabs are at looking a gift-horse in the mouth and then shooting it claiming it saw a broken leg in there, or simply because they only want one result from any peace plan, no Israel and no Jews.


Gas Pipes Set Ablaze at the Kerem Shalom Gaza Crossing to Israel

Gas Pipes Set Ablaze at the Kerem Shalom Gaza Crossing to Israel



Rioters Ignite Provisions, Trailers, Electrical Infrastructure, Conveyor Belt used to Transferred Goods into Gaza

Rioters Ignite Provisions, Trailers, Electrical Infrastructure, Conveyor Belt used to Transferred Goods into Gaza


As we have written on any number of occasions, there exists only one item which Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PLO, Fatah and virtually every other entity representing the Arabs, specifically the Palestinian Arabs, demands must be the result of any peace plan for the Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel destroyed as the Jewish State and all the Jews removed from their lands and if the world will not take them, the Arabs have a solution for that as well, a final solution. Their intent has not changed since May 15, 1948, which was so nicely summarized above by Azzam Pasha. As far as we have been able to ascertain, President Trump and his “Deal of the Century” is not going to be viewed favorably by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Fatah or any faction within Palestinian Arab society as long as it permits Israel to continue to exist under anything other than Arab rule. Of course, then they cannot agree on who gets to rule and so even were the Jews to find a new home elsewhere, the Palestinians would end up embroiled in a multi-faceted civil war very much like the imbroglio going on for years now in Syria and to a lesser degree in Iraq. The world has held up some degree of hope that President Trump would have a fresh, new approach which would bring peace. The problem is that one side refuses to allow any peace unless they are awarded complete and total victory including deciding the fate of the vanquished. That side, contrary to what is taught at numerous Western colleges, is not Israel who has already sacrificed the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula in order to have peace with Egypt. For some reason, the world does not either remember this startling event or they have decided that they can ignore that Israel gave back the largest possession they held after the Six Day War and go on claiming that Israel needs to give some land for peace and if they would just compromise. Well, we already compromised and returned a piece of land many times the size of Israel herself. But why bother the world with facts when they can simply blame Israel claiming that Israel is the source of every problem in the world and that believing that is not anti-Semitic, that is just being sensible. The only thing which will end the Arab-Israeli conflict is many millions of dead Jews or the Arabs realizing that Israel is not going to go away naturally as they have been taught and will stubbornly insist on survival and there is nothing they can do to alter those facts.


Beyond the Cusp


February 10, 2019

They Are Coming to Bargain Away Israel Again


Coming in late February will be White House Senior Adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner and President Trump’s Middle East envoy, Jason Greenblatt, on a one week tour hitting the best of the spots the Arabs offer. They will be visiting Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. They will be on a mission, but not one from the Most High. Their efforts are to sell the “Deal of a Century” while only revealing many of its financial rewards which will be available to those willing to assist reaching the deal for Trump. As is almost always the case, rumors have been flying. Some even extend to the Middle East conference being held next week in Warsaw where the men are expected to hold meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Israel’s Channel 13 News reported leaks claiming that Jared Kushner will be expected to share an update about the “Deal of a Century” during the Warsaw Conference. The White House claims that Kushner will be participating in a discussion hosted by former Norwegian foreign minister Borge Brende on efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict. Does anybody remember the Norwegians? They were the go-betweens acting largely for the United States State Department and the rest of the let’s sell Israel down the river entities who worked with Israelis Simon Peres, Yossi Beilin, Yair Hirschfeld, Ron Pundak, Uri Savir and other leftists willing to go to any lengths for self-gratification, fame, and a shot at a Nobel Peace Prize all at the expense of their nation and her people. The Norwegians were the go-betweens who assisted in greasing the skids that produced the Oslo Accords and almost every mounting disaster since. While on the subject of leaks, another Channel 13 report back in January claimed that the “Deal of the Century” would include the establishment of a Palestinian state in about ninety percent of Judea and Samaria, with at least part of eastern Jerusalem as its capital. Jason Greenblatt rejected the report claiming it to be inaccurate. Either way, this coming “Deal of the Century” sounds an awful lot like the Ehud offers, what Ehud Barak and after him Ehud Olmert offered to Yasser Arafat and then Mahmoud Abbas the first under President Bill Clinton and the second under President George W. Bush, both rejected out of hand by the Palestinians. Whatever the “Deal of the Century” may hold, Mahmoud Abbas has already dismissed it as unacceptable sight unseen.


Of course, looking at their itinerary and seeing the absence of a stop to visit with Mahmoud Abbas or other Palestinian Authority official, one can only reason that the trip is a fishing expedition seeking anybody willing to replace the Palestinian Authority and accept the “Deal of the Century” in their stead. Perhaps we should save these busy Trump representatives by alerting them to the Khartoum Resolution issued September 1, 1967, as a reaction to the Six Day War where the crux of the agreement could be summed up with the “Three No’s”: “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” That is succinct and as straight forward as any rejection can be. There is also rumored to be an economic stimulus and large aid package included to assist Gaza in overcoming their economic woes. That would be a completely wasted effort and would only serve to empower Hamas and Islamic Jihad with the people of Gaza who need such aid never seeing a single red cent. Everything will result just as the numerous aid packages designed to assist in rebuilding the apartments and other structures which remain as mostly rubble since the first Gaza war with Hamas. The more rubble Hamas forces to remain, the more photo opportunities there are to blame Israel for the destruction. Repeatedly Israel has been threatened, cajoled and otherwise twisted until allowing building provisions to enter Gaza only to have them time after time become bunkers, command centers and infiltration tunnels reaching under the border as much as two or even three and more kilometers into Israel. Any aid to Gaza will build more and deeper tunnels as well as rockets and launchers while allowing for extending the tunnel network which crisscrosses Gaza already. But rebuilding Gaza is a Western dream and an Israeli nightmare. Actual rebuilding of Gaza will never occur until the terrorists who govern the region have been defeated. Even then, the probability is that the people of Gaza will simply form a new terror group which will immediately be elected and they will do the only thing they have been educated to perform, attempting to murder Israelis, or as they refer to Israelis, Jews.


Perhaps we should clarify the Arab League’s official position on peace with Israel. There is no such position unless Israel agrees to be placed under Arab rule with Islamic Sharia as the only law. This is actually the mildest position one will find officially across the Arab and extending into much of the Muslim worlds. The Palestinians are even less caring as their idea of an acceptable peace is every Israeli Jews they can catch being murdered in as slow and torturous a means as humanly possible. We had an example of what happens when a group of everyday Palestinians, the ones who actually make up the majority, do when they find a couple of Jews. The case we are referring to came about when two reservists made a wrong turn and as a result ended up in the Palestinian Authority areas. The Palestinian police initially arrested them and placed them in a cell for their own protection. A crowd rioted outside the jail demanding to be permitted to slaughter the Jews. The police abandoned their station leaving the reservists locked in the cell and left the keys on the desk. The result is evidenced by the picture below. They were mauled and torn apart and disemboweled and mutilated with one teen displaying his trophy blood-soaked hands and the crowd outside reacted with brutish and primal screams of ecstasy. These are the people the world treasures and demand that Israel make nice with them.


Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands

Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd
Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists
Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands


The above example is far from the only sign which reveal what the nature of those who the world wishes to adopt and favor over Israel. There is another place where the actions speak so much louder than words. This place is Joseph’s Tomb in Hevron. It is in the area of Hevron controlled by the Palestinian Authority and outside the reach of the Jewish community at the edge of the city. The Arab revels and celebrates, as if in carnal ecstasy, as they destroy the Jewish shrine time and time again. Each time Jews under protection of the IDF steal their way in armored buses and rebuild the entire sight in a few hours only to have the Arabs make it into an unholy sacrifice to their unbridled hatred. We have a montage of pictures below where the top displays the Arab brutality to a Jew who has been dead over two thousand years and the bottom the devotion of setting things right as we Jews cannot permit his soul’s resting to be so disturbed. Joseph’s bones were carried back from Egypt by Moses personally in order to keep a by then centuries’ promise made by our early ancestors. If this and the above are typical examples, and as the desecration of Joseph’s tomb is a regular event we can expect such are exactly that, then what peace could ever be reached with such people. We will not even begin to go into any description of what had been done to synagogues and Jewish cemeteries by Jordan in the nineteen years they held parts of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, today referred to as the Shomron. The typical example was the tombstones which had been used to build latrines. When Israel restored one of the destroyed synagogues, the Palestinians and other Arab spokespeople referred to Israel rebuilding the synagogue as a mission of hate and spite and an offense to Islam and threatening the peace process. Perhaps some will remember the disaster which resulted when thirteen Palestinian terrorists barricaded themselves in the Church of the Nativity knowing that either the Israelis would be stymied and unable to reach them or be forced to destroy this Christian holy place, a holy place which to them had no special value except as a cloak to hide behind from the Israelis. These monsters tore up priceless ancient books and used the pages as toilet-paper and burned relics to cook their meals. They harassed and threatened the priests, used priceless chalices, when not drinking straight from the bottle rummaging through the Church wine cellar laughingly breaking bottles and drinking numerous others. They left the Christian holy site a shambles and the world either laid all the blame on Israel or said nothing.


Six frames depicting the destructions, discovery of damage, finishing rebuilding, prayers and an endearing good-bye, or perhaps with luck til next time


Whether the gentlemen from Washington succeed in finding any Arab to claim they will assist President Trump with his deal, they should not celebrate too quickly. It was claimed after an earlier trip by Trump officials that Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia were onboard with assisting in pressuring Abbas or acting as an agent for the Palestinians in place of Abbas. Those promises turned into wisps of smoke and dissipated faster than one takes to read their report once they got home. The initial glee and excitement quickly became disappointment. President Trump should prepare for more disappointment should reports come that there has been remarkable success with their flash-dance across the five Arab states as that will be what the success will become a flash, a little dance and when the music stops and the song is over, the promises will vanish just as before. The reality is this is not a real estate deal nor is it about land. This is about life and death; they desire death while we desire life. They are willing to have fifty million Muslims die if it would destroy Israel. We want to live and would like to live in peace, they want us dead and are willing to kill everything including themselves if it leads to our deaths. The only deal which the Arab World, and much of the Muslim World, will ever accept is Israel wiped from being the Jewish State and the Jews gone, and if nobody will take the Jews, that is fine as they already have an example on how to solve that dilemma, they can behead the men and they have a different use for the women as spoils of war. They always have their example by the way Muhammad would have handled the situation once he was ensconced in Medina. This is why the Medina Quran is so diametrically opposite to the Mecca Quran. We gave an introduction to the differences in our article, “Which Quran, Mecca or Medina?,” and numerous friends have added links to deeper discussions within the comments section. This is why President Trump will not fare any better than his predecessors at finding the middle ground, there is no middle ground, either all the ground is given to the Arabs or they will simply wait until Islam has conquered Europe and the Americas and then turn their attentions towards Israel, and then it will likely be three, four or more, billion Muslims against perhaps sixteen million Jews. This will be the foretold world against Israel, a war foretold by prophesies and it is said that it will be better to stand with Israel when this final war takes place. Personally, we would be even happier if President Trump does find a settlement which is real and effective and allows for all the people to have an opportunity for a positive and bright future. Unfortunately, this is a dance we have witnessed before and it almost never turns out well for Israel as the Arabs will demand Israel forfeit something to prove that Israel desires peace, and then they will pocket the concession and walk away until the next time, rinse, repeat…


Beyond the Cusp


February 4, 2019

Think About Where You Put the Jews Before Backing Palestinians


Backing the presented plight of the Palestinian Arabs, people need to think about a few other points as well. First, you have to understand that the Arab Palestinians, backed by the oil wealth of the Gulf States, present a propaganda front backed by now approaching billions of dollars in the past two decades plus. People ask why Israel does not answer and present her side. Well, first, Israel does not have the wealth required to equal the propaganda aired against her. Israel is required to remain on close to war footing at all times with the threats on her every border and this takes much of the money which could be used to counter the propaganda, but then there might not be an Israel to save. Further, all one need do is look at a map showing the Arab world and Israel and we will even provide that map below. That will also tell you something about the propaganda that Israel threatens the Arab world. That will also put in doubt the claim that the Jews are using Israel to destroy the Islamic World. There are almost, if not, two-billion Muslims in the world while the total number of Jews is approaching fifteen-million. That is approximately one-hundred-twenty Muslims per Jew on planet Earth. Another item is that both the League of Nations and the United Nations gave their blessings after the Arab League refused to any compromise on their position, which is the Jews must be ruled by the Muslims because the Quran instructs that the Jews are a lesser people to the superior Muslims, to the original promise made under the San Remo Conference that Israel was to be bordered on the east by the Jordan River. The initial idea was that the Jewish State would have occupied all of what is Israel and Jordan but the British insisted that they promised the sons of King Faisal their own kingdoms, these were Iraq and Jordan, so they divided the British Mandate evenly between the Jews and the Arabs, Jordan received 78% of the British Mandate, the lands east of the Jordan River, and the Jews received 22% represented by the lands west of the Jordan River. When the Arabs claim that all they desire is their 22% which most Western World sources interpret to mean Gaza and West Bank (Shomron or Judea and Samaria), when in actuality they mean the 22% of the British Mandate which is not Jordan, they mean all of Israel. The reason that Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas have refused every peace offer has been because they provide for there to be a Jewish State, an Israel, and not the Arabs doing as they please with the Jews. That is the reality.


Israel and the Arab World

Israel and the Arab World


The Arabs do not hide their desire and intents. They have often called for the death of every Jewish Israeli. Hamas has in their charter a call to murder every Jew. Their intent is to complete what Hitler started. One need remember that the Arab Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini spent the Second World War working for and with the Nazis, sat with Hitler, met with most of the Nazis who at the Wannsee Conference decided on the Final Solution and demanded of the Nazis that they assist the Arabs with their Jew problem once they had conquered the Middle East and North Africa, with the assistance of the Arabs who the Mufti was recruiting to fight with the Nazis. This is the same Mufti Amin al-Husseini who in the first weeks of May, 1948 ordered that every Arab leave Israel and come to the safety of Jordan, Syria, Egypt or Lebanon so that the soon to be gloriously victorious Arab armies could simply invade the Zionist entity and kill every person they encountered without having to worry about killing fellow Arabs. This tells a thinking person two things. First is that it is very difficult to tell Arabs from Jews. Sure, there are some people where one would think it obvious, but you might be surprised. Second, is that most of the Palestinian Arab refugees from the 1948 Arab war attempting to annihilate Israel upon the morning of her birth left of their own free will and were not forcefully evicted from their homes and villages. When the Arab armies failed and peace, or at least an end to the active fighting, finally came over a year and half later, the Arab nations took these very same refugees which they had caused and enclosed them in camps which originally were tent cities with armed guards surrounding them with barbed wire as the Arab leaders realized that these unfortunate brothers and sisters could be used as a weapon against Israel. If nothing else, they could be used as soldiers to put at the front of any army at their next invasion, which did come in 1967 and worked out even worse than their first attempt. These are realities and truths seldom spoken of as they are called lies. Here is a link to a one-hour informative examination of the Arab Palestinian Refugee problem which does not leave either Israel or the Arab world as without some of the blame and is worth watching at least once.


The reality in the Arab world is that the Palestinian Arabs, be they refugees or living under the Palestinian Authority in parts of the Shomron or under Hamas in Gaza, are seen as lower Arabs less worthy than the rest of the Arab world. Their sole use is to wield as a bludgeon against Israel. Most of the protesters one will see at the so-called pro-Palestinian protests are more against Israel and Jews than they are pro Palestinian. This can be realized when one listens to many of their slogans which are often more about destroying Israel or killing the Jews in Israel than about concern for the Palestinians. This is made obvious simply by looking at a map and realizing exactly what their chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free,” which means the eradication of Israel. That is the bottom line of their reason for Palestinians, to destroy Israel. Many at these protests have no real idea what Israel is or why the Jews would even desire to live surrounded by Arabs who wish them dead. The truth is that Israel existed and was attempted to be destroyed and the Jews along with it by numerous peoples throughout history. We have a prayer included in the Passover Seder where it states that in every generation there will be those who wish to eradicate us, it says rise against us, but there is little difference when one looks at history. The following empires of history have sought to eradicate the Jewish People, Ancient Egypt, Philistine, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Crusader, Caliphate, Ottoman, Spain, Nazi, Soviet Union, Arab World and currently the one saying it the loudest is Iran. This list pretty much covers the history of the Hebrews who would become the Judeans from which the name Jew originates. But this region is our ancestral homeland and the only peoples who were here before the Hebrews arrived at the end of the Exodus from Egypt were the Canaanites, a people who have disappeared in history. The closest that any people came to successfully destroying the Jewish People, before the Nazis almost wiped out European Jews, were the Romans. The Romans fought three wars against only two peoples and treated both identically after defeating them for the third time; these were the Carthaginians and the Judean (Jews). In both cases they changed the name of the region, in the case of the Judean they named it with the Roman name for the Philistines and attaching it to their province of Syria naming, it Syria Palaestina. It is from this name that the British and much of the world named the area which now comprises Jordan and Israel as Palestine, which was the name of a region of the Ottoman Empire and was never an actual nation. The Romans took both the Judean (Jews) and the Carthaginians and dispersed them throughout their empire and beyond as the Roman means of eradicating bothersome peoples. This brought the end for the Carthaginians, unless anyone has found one lately, but somehow the Jews survived, and their secret was simple, the Torah was the glue which kept us a people.


These are some of the realities of the situation and they deserve to be considered carefully before choosing which side to support, if either side. Supporting the Arabs would present the following problem, a very real and serious problem when one considers how nation after nation, including President Roosevelt and the United States, closed their borders to the Jews, and the British closed off allowing Jews to come to what would become Israel, during World War II. About the only nations who accepted Jews in some numbers were the Philippines, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Switzerland, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, Shanghai, and, oddly enough, Japan; but none of these nations put much of a dent in the murder machine which was Nazi Germany as they took in a few thousand or tens of thousands leaving millions with nowhere to turn. Italy protected some Jews in their regions of conquest and Japan refused the Nazi demand that they turn the Jews in Japan over to them. All told, and this is a generous estimate, perhaps one-million Jews escaped by fleeing from the Nazi death machine. Jack Engelhard wrote of his family’s escape from Europe and eventual arrival in Canada in his best selling book, Escape from Mt. Moriah. We will simply say that their escape was not exactly a straight affair of going to Canada; it was an adventure with its share of perils. The reality is through the well financed propaganda against Israel and the lack of knowledge of history, let alone ancient history, and the Bible becoming unread by most youths, many people have forgotten or were never aware that the Jews come from exactly the location it now holds. The Map below shows the routes of Joshua and the Israelites took to establish their lands and on the right is the original home of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. In the map on the right in the top right is the city of Damascus, the current capital of Syria as well as many of the cities which are today parts of Israel along the coast and throughout the tribal lands. This was the reason that the early Zionists refused the offer to grant them the Island of Madagascar simply because Madagascar is not our homeland; Israel is where we originate and where we desired to return. Torah and the Old Testament along with the numerous commentaries all promised we would return and build the Third Temple which is also called the final Temple. But if the Jews are to be stripped of their homeland, what will the world do with probably seven-million Jews. Can anybody tell me a nation which would even accept half that number? If World War II is any example, then we know the answer, a few thousand here, a few thousand there, but millions left to the mercies of the Arabs who have sworn to kill every last Jew that they are able. Even once they would have Israel, their raging desire to eliminate the Jews from the world would continue as it is commanded in the Quran, as from Sahih Muslim Book 41 Hadith 6985 stating, “Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” Whatever this tree is, the Gharqad tree, we should start planting groves of them.


Israel Through the Ages Joshua Enters to the Twelve Tribes

Israel Through the Ages Joshua Enters to the Twelve Tribes


Below, we decided to place a couple of videos of anti-Israel protests gone somewhat wrong. The first falls askance when they decide to take their protest into the diamond district of New York. What follows is remarkable. The second is quite different as the anti-Israel protest is disrupted, this time by a single young Jew armed with chutzpah and an Israeli flag. It is strange the reaction in both cases and especially when confronted by a sole sixteen-year-old young man with conviction and totally fearless. One they are overwhelmed by numbers and the second they are overwhelmed by courage, what a contrast.



The obvious truth is should the Arabs ever destroy Israel, then the Jews remaining there on those final days will be slaughtered. The Palestinian Arabs and numerous Arab spokespeople have all made this evidently clear. It is a staple of the diet used to stoke protesters in the Western World, use to mollify the masses in Arab countries as well as Iran, and a staple in the Palestinian vision of their eventual return which will be over the bodies of every Israeli, by which they mean Jew though some include all Israelis with very few exceptions which would include many Arab Israelis. The obvious alternative is for the Jews to flee. Some show their lack of knowledge when they simply claim that the Jews can all return to the country they originally came from. Well, the throngs who came after the Holocaust had no nation to take them, the Jews expelled from the Arab world cannot return to Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Yemen or the many other Islamic nations which were their families’ homes in some cases for close to two-thousand-years and most of the rest for many hundreds of years, and the Jews from the Soviet Union would not likely be welcomed in Russia, same with the Ukraine and numerous European nations would be unsuitable and that leaves Canada, the United States, Central and South America and the Far East which is not exactly a place where Jews have resided in great numbers. In all honesty, within a couple of decades we doubt that the United States would even consider allowing a large number of Jews to make a new life there and the same with much of Europe. Perhaps the Jews could all climb onto a large interstellar spacecraft and head for Planet Israel. Perhaps it is actually out there.


Planet Israel

Planet Israel


Israel is the home of the Jewish People and has been for approaching four-thousand years. Granted we were kicked out and dispersed throughout the world. We survived and we came back to claim the land which was stolen from us. The world knows that the Arabs were and are not native to the area of Israel. They originated in the Arabian Peninsula, broke out in the early Seventh Century, and spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa and into Europe from both the east and west before finally meeting a limit to what they would conquer. We saw above that Israel is not exactly threatening the Arab world or spreading and becoming a threat to all Islam. The Jews are a small minority of the world populations, approximately 0.2%, and we are not demanding a large tract of land, just our own little corner which does not even have oil. Is the world so anti-Semitic that it refuses to permit the Jews a refuge to call their own where they can simply assist nations which have had catastrophes, be they natural or man-made, invent things and share them with the world as we have done since our founding, find cures for cancer and other debilitating or fatal diseases and, most of all, study Torah and worship Hashem having a little peace at long last. Apparently, that appears to be too much to ask of this world.


Beyond the Cusp


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