Beyond the Cusp

April 16, 2019

We Fear Trump Believes the Arab Problem is Economic


Rumors and rumors of rumors abound concerning President Trump’s presumably soon to be released “Deal of the Century” (DoC). The oldest of the rumors claimed that the DoC was based on territorial concerns meant to address the requirement the Palestinian Arabs required a larger plot of land. This was one of the most obvious suppositions as President Donald Trump does come from a real-estate background thus seeing all problems as pertaining to land was the obvious place to head with first instincts. It was like the old saying that to a man with a hammer, all problems look like nails. Later rumors slowly were eliminated while the land supposition stubbornly remained circulating. Lately, there have been a few more concepts floated, none of which address the Palestinian Arabs’ foremost demand which we will get to all in good time. The latest reading of the wind claims that President Trump intends to present his plan on May 15, 2019, a mere month from now. Imagine all the rumors we will have in the coming weeks. But allow us to play with what has most recently been floated which we read about here.


Let us simply start with the date they claim he has chosen. Could it be that he is making another one of his statements with this release date or could it be he is unaware of its significance. According to the Western World’s calendar, May 15th has some things of significance which may or may not have to do with his choice of dates. First off, here at BTC it is my father’s birthday. Only slightly more important, it is also the day on the Julian Calendar when Israel declared her independence and the day that six Arab armies and numerous militias attempted to eradicate the nascent Jewish State in its crib as a mere infant in the world. This intended genocidal assault upon the newly formed Israel was best described succinctly by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League at that time who stated, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.” This Arab assault upon Israel was referred to historically, and all too erroneously, as the Israeli War of Independence. Why was it so named? That is easy to answer; by making the Israeli war of Independence the Arab world could point top this attempted genocide as a war in which Israel attacked and stole their lands. Had it been called the failed Arab war of aggression with intent to obliterate the Jews, then it might be more difficult to claim that the Jews started the war. History is a tricky thing as it often is dependent upon the person telling the narrative. But if one delves deep enough, the truth is always there for the doggedly determined. Here, the little gems which makes it obvious who started the war come from the words of Azzam Pasha given above and the invasion map shown below. Still, the first reaction by all too many is that the war was begun by the Jews to take over as much land as they could which ignored that Israel lost Gaza as well as most of Judea and Samaria, later renamed West Bank by Jordan as the former names were too Jewish.


Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948

Initial Invasion Routes by Arab Armies on May 15, 1948


But the little fact that Israel was the victim and six Arab nations; Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, attacked a nation less than twelve hours old and without a functioning military is lost in two ways, as mentioned above, the referencing this war as the Israeli War of Independence, something Israelis should really stop allowing, and further the Palestinian Arabs and their supporters the world over mourn deeply calling this “Palestinian Nakba Day,” which translates as Catastrophe Day. The catastrophe was that the Jews proved just too darn stubborn and feisty and were not aware that they were supposed to simply allow their Arab betters to annihilate them. The catastrophe was Israel remained alive despite the world believing that this would be the end of that little Jewish State and then the Jews would be back in their place to be kicked from one place to another at the slightest whim or reason. President Trump definitely understands what the date he is said to have chosen means and if that is the date, we bet that it is intentional and well played. As for some of the other rumors which abound, well, they may not be so well thought through or some basic things have been ignored.


According to their sources, the “Arab countries that will be partners in the deal are Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and even the United Arab Emirates.” After that it starts to get a little more complicated. The first knot we will attempt to untie is how the land deals are stated. The easiest part is that Egypt will return two islands in the Red Sea ceded to them by Saudi Arabia back to the Saudis. This is to compensate Saudi Arabia for their ceding lands to Jordan. Still with us? Next Jordan is to cede lands to the Arab Palestinians to compensate them for lands which they will cede to Israel. Oh-oh, big problem, the Palestinians will never accept having Israel existing when the deal is done, let alone ceding land to Israel, that is hurdle number one. That right there should result in the big “No Deal” sign waving frantically by Mahmoud Abbas. This is where President Trump will need to navigate this deal in such a manner as Mahmoud Abbas is circumvented and left out in the cold. But even should that succeed, what about the other Arab Palestinians in Gaza and Hamas. Here is where the plan simply becomes explosive, honestly, explosive. As stated in the article, as well as untold amounts of cash will be made available to the Palestinians in Jordan and Area A and possibly B of the Oslo Accords as well as to those in Gaza, there is a plan to make an industrial zone in Gaza to provide jobs and a better future for the Gazans.


The plan is to lay a pipeline from the Saudi Arabian oil fields to Gaza and construct refineries in Gaza leading to a desalinization plant and other improvements down the road. We are not concerned about the improvements down the road, though we might suggest the desalinization plant be built before the refineries as you are going to need water to put out the resulting fires. Perhaps we can provide a small taste for what will become of a refinery built in Gaza by showing what happened to the natural gas pipeline which provides Gaza with its natural gas from Israel for free in the pictures below. These are from approximately one year ago when the rioting broke out along the Gaza border, the “peaceful protests” according to most of the world’s media. Do these photos appear like the result of families out flying kites (with incendiary devices to set Israel farms and towns on fire), playing soccer (which appeared more like rolling burning tires at the border fence) and enjoying the coming of spring (by slinging stones and grenades into Israel and blowing things up). Imagine the fireworks display which will be put on once the people who build the refineries along with the peacekeepers guarding their safety have all left with the entire operation running and then being set alight the first night after they leave. The whole of Gaza will be brightly light-up against the dark night’s sky. Apparently, nobody has informed President Trump how absolutely world-leading the Palestinian Arabs are at looking a gift-horse in the mouth and then shooting it claiming it saw a broken leg in there, or simply because they only want one result from any peace plan, no Israel and no Jews.


Gas Pipes Set Ablaze at the Kerem Shalom Gaza Crossing to Israel

Gas Pipes Set Ablaze at the Kerem Shalom Gaza Crossing to Israel



Rioters Ignite Provisions, Trailers, Electrical Infrastructure, Conveyor Belt used to Transferred Goods into Gaza

Rioters Ignite Provisions, Trailers, Electrical Infrastructure, Conveyor Belt used to Transferred Goods into Gaza


As we have written on any number of occasions, there exists only one item which Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PLO, Fatah and virtually every other entity representing the Arabs, specifically the Palestinian Arabs, demands must be the result of any peace plan for the Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel destroyed as the Jewish State and all the Jews removed from their lands and if the world will not take them, the Arabs have a solution for that as well, a final solution. Their intent has not changed since May 15, 1948, which was so nicely summarized above by Azzam Pasha. As far as we have been able to ascertain, President Trump and his “Deal of the Century” is not going to be viewed favorably by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Fatah or any faction within Palestinian Arab society as long as it permits Israel to continue to exist under anything other than Arab rule. Of course, then they cannot agree on who gets to rule and so even were the Jews to find a new home elsewhere, the Palestinians would end up embroiled in a multi-faceted civil war very much like the imbroglio going on for years now in Syria and to a lesser degree in Iraq. The world has held up some degree of hope that President Trump would have a fresh, new approach which would bring peace. The problem is that one side refuses to allow any peace unless they are awarded complete and total victory including deciding the fate of the vanquished. That side, contrary to what is taught at numerous Western colleges, is not Israel who has already sacrificed the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula in order to have peace with Egypt. For some reason, the world does not either remember this startling event or they have decided that they can ignore that Israel gave back the largest possession they held after the Six Day War and go on claiming that Israel needs to give some land for peace and if they would just compromise. Well, we already compromised and returned a piece of land many times the size of Israel herself. But why bother the world with facts when they can simply blame Israel claiming that Israel is the source of every problem in the world and that believing that is not anti-Semitic, that is just being sensible. The only thing which will end the Arab-Israeli conflict is many millions of dead Jews or the Arabs realizing that Israel is not going to go away naturally as they have been taught and will stubbornly insist on survival and there is nothing they can do to alter those facts.


Beyond the Cusp


February 14, 2018

Any Excuse to Postpone Action on Claiming All the Land


The excuses roll off the lips and out of the mouths of the leaders of the coalition one after the other. They make them sound so righteous and proper. We need to work with the Administration of President Trump. The security situation demands we wait as that takes precedent. The Prime Minister has determined this is not the time. The Europeans have demanded we reconsider. The stars are not aligned in favor currently. There are winds blowing for which we have to understand. Any port in a storm will do when it comes to postponing consideration of the Sovereignty Bill. Judea and Samaria, the Shomron, are to continue to be Jewish killing fields and our leaders are refusing to extend protection of Israeli law and instead leave the area under military rule which has proven so insufficient, especially since the disastrous Oslo Accords. What is strange is even the Romans under Herod’s rule over the Jews included not only the Shomron but lands east of the Jordan River as belonging to the Jews of the First Century (see map below). The Sovereignty Bill is the Israeli answer to actually just agree with Mahmoud Abbas that the Oslo Accords are dead. They should have been declared dead when the Second Intifada broke out. They should have been declared dead when the Stabbing Intifada broke out. And they certainly should have been declared dead after the recent implosion of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the expletive strewn tirade by Mahmoud Abbas declaring relations with the United States, President Trump, Israel and whomever else he blamed for his failings screeched forth from Nablus. Truth be told, the Oslo Accords were stillborn as the reason behind this deceit was to fool the ready to be duped Israelis, specifically the peace loving Jews, into believing they actually had partners for peace and instead were bringing vipers to their bare chests. Still, it is way past time that Israel took the necessary steps to annex all the areas currently having Israeli citizens and their neighborhoods, cities and industrial parks. Finally, we need consider ending the Oslo farce and taking the steps which were legal and expected after the Six Day War and reclaim all the lands west of the Jordan and let the world howl for as long as they please, and here is how to accomplish that and why.


Roman Lands for Jews Under Herod in the First Century

Roman Lands for Jews Under Herod in the First Century


The asps in question were Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas and their PLO which once renamed the Palestinian Authority was presumed to end their terror war on Israel. Well, how many deaths and acts of terror does it take before we admit that there has been no change, they are still just terrorists and we have no partner for peace, just those who wish to murder us in our beds (Fogel Family), on our streets (Rabbi Itamar Ben-Gal HY”d and so many others), in our synagogues (Kehilat Bnei Torah synagogue) using weapons of every variety and even ramming us with vehicles. This is the language they are taught in their schools, heard on their televisions and radios, lauded with the naming of streets, parks, camps, schools and Mosques and directed all from the headquarters in Ramallah of the presumed peace partners. Their leaders admit freely that there are no such people as the Palestinians and they are but a construct for murdering Jews and Zionists and later the Americans and Europeans. The world should be clamoring for the Israeli leadership to annex the totality of the lands west of the Jordan and deporting the Palestinian Authority threat and menace, sending the leadership and all its aiders and abettors back to Tunis from whence they came or sending them to Syria, Iran or whomever is willing to take them. They have proven their deceits and no longer serve any constructive purpose, but until the leadership, starting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, take the initiative and extend the rule of law to every Israel community of citizens, then the blame for any more terror lies with them as well as the PA terror masters.



The reality of the situation is that given the opportunity to leave the area ruled under autonomy by the PA, the Arab residents would leave of their own volition if not for the fact that doing so is punishable by death. Oh no, there is no law to point to, just that the Arabs know that this is what Arafat had ordered and that Abbas is no different except he dresses well. They have all seen the gruesome reality of people lynched and left hanging from cranes in village squares or shot in groups as done by Hamas in 2014 responding to allegations of their collaborating with Israel during the Gaza war as a warning to all, do not even consider leaving or cooperating with the Jews. That is the reason that the Palestinian Authority and its entire security apparatus must be dissolved and prevented from any continuing influence. Only then can the Arabs residing in the areas they currently control with iron-fisted subjugation be free to act in their own best interests.


Hamas Lining Up Arab Gazans for Execution by Firing Squad

Hamas Lining Up Arab Gazans for Execution by Firing Squad


Once the area has been pacified and freed from the PA oppressors, then Israel can offer to buy any properties at twice appraised value along with additional funding for relocation allowance for any non-Jew who desires to relocate outside the area of Israel which would then include all the lands promised under the San Remo Conference and the Mandate System which entitled Israel to the lands west of the Jordan River. Israel has made an offer to the illegal African migrants who came seeking jobs and not refugee status or asylum that should they leave by the end of March, they will be given $3,500, along with airfare and other incentives. Certainly, an even more generous offer could be offered to the Arabs and other non-Jews, even including Israeli citizens who are unhappy living in Israel, to have them relocate with the understanding that their move from Israel will be permanent and return will not be permitted. As far as airfare, that would need to include a pair of tickets if their relocation were to an Arab nation which does not permit flights from Israel. Of course, if the chosen destination were Jordan, no airfare would be required, simply ground transportation for them and their household goods. All of those accepting such an offer would be permitted a certain size container for personal household belongings they wish to take with them and anything beyond the allotted size would need be at their expense. The Arabs from the PA who desire remaining residing in Israel would be granted resident alien status which allows them every privilege of residence but does not permit their having political rights such as voting in national elections or regional elections. Certainly if a town or city was predominantly Arabs, who were once under the PA, like Nablus or Bethlehem, these resident aliens would be permitted to vote in their city elections. Cities like Hevron would need to be considered with specifics put in place, as there exists both Arabs from the PA and Jews residing in the city and some meeting of the two would be required. Hevron could not remain a divided city as such does not function well as coordination will always be a problem. There will be certain difficulties resulting from this change but there will be ways of handling almost any situation.


Once Israeli law has been extended to the entirety of the area, there would be a simple understanding that terrorism would not be tolerated and any act of terror would be dealt with severely. There would need be a system by which any terrorist having attempted or successfully committed an act of terror would, after serving their court assigned sentence in prison, would then be deported and their attempt to return would result in another prison sentence and again deportation. Also, the family of a terrorist would potentially face deportation if it became known that they knew of their dependent child’s intent to commit an act of terror and they had not informed authorities, they would also face deportation. Where such may sound harsh, Israel has suffered more than its share of terrorist acts and would already have made a generous offer for people unhappy with Israeli rule to leave with much financial assistance, any who remain must be expected to refrain from violence, especially terrorist violence. The driving force behind these actions was two-fold, first the false offer of peace by the PA leadership and second their use of terror as their weapon to destroy Israel and murder Jews proved their anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic driving emotions and for these and their being steeped in terror was the entire reason for the deportation of the PA leadership and security force and the offer to permit those desiring to reside other than under Israeli rule of law a generous package to get them started elsewhere. After such generosity, Israel has every right to expect those remaining to live under Israeli law and to do so peaceably. Any other nation in the world would not deport or offer generous relocations bonuses but would instead hold trials for those behind the terrorism with stiff sentences even to include the death penalty where appropriate and deportation as a minimal sentence without any relocation bonus. Further, for those desiring leaving, they would be permitted by other nations without even the offer to buy their property. They would basically be invited to use the door and not let it strike their backsides on their way out. That is the reality in the majority of the world and Israel is likely one of the few if not the only to offer illegal immigrants financial aid to relocate provided they do so within a set time period and did so voluntarily or they can ignore the warnings and be arrested and deported without any bonus. That is theirs to choose and is far better a choice than the United States even provides. Those nations who allow airfare to their originating nation and not just dumping them over the border they crossed on entrance are considered generous; Israel is being attacked for her generosity. That is simply proof that there are those, especially when it comes to Israel, who would not be satisfied with a loaf of bread under each arm. Simply put, they would never permit Israel any credit no matter how exemplary the Israeli actions. We call those in all too many cases, NGO’s.


Beyond the Cusp


August 26, 2017

Now the Saudi Peace Initiative Springs Back to Life


Every four to eight years, whenever the United Stated changed the occupant in the White House, we hear the Sirens’ call from Jeddah, ‘Come hither and hear our magical plan to end the strife throughout the world.’ Of course the Saudis are selling their peace initiative for Israel to return to the borders from before the Six Day War, the Green Line and for Israel to permit a fraction of the Arab refugees to settle within Israel, only the ones who can prove their original residence was within Israel plus the dividing of Jerusalem making two-thirds of the Capital City no longer inhabitable or even useable by Israel as snipers will sit upon the high spots and shoot Israelis who enter their field of fire. What is left untold is the danger to Jerusalem of being cut off by Arab forces from the remainder of Israel. Further, Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion International Airport will become direct fire zones for rockets and aircraft will be unsafe flying into or out of Israel. Lastly, those few Arab refugees will number at least three million and Israel will face reintegrating the one million Jews who will be uprooted from their homes and sent packing back to Israel. You have to understand, while Israel must be forced to accept Muslim Arabs in the millions, not a single Jew can be permitted to reside on the Arab lands. That has always struck us as a tad bit like what the United States would call a hate crime and people would be in courts facing charges of discrimination, hey, but these are only Jews, it doesn’t matter in the ways of the world now, does it. The fact that this deal is designed to destroy Israel, both from within and without, also matters little to anybody because the world never desired and even plotted to prevent Israel from ever becoming a successful venture and the fact that, while threatened every day from well before its founding with annihilation, Israel managed to become a success.


Jason Greenblatt and the president’s son-in-law and Middle East envoy, Jared Kushner, have been assigned the unenviable plan to tour the Arab world, or at least the pertinent countries, and then head to Israel to meet with the central players where they will find the real reasons for no peace ever being established, or at least we hope they will. First off, they meet with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu, who is actually inconsequential, and then on to the President of the Palestinian Authority (PA), currently Mahmoud Abbas, who is simply the current person carrying on the legacy as it was assigned to Yasser Arafat. That is the dirty little secret which, should the President’s envoys be prescient enough, these men must pry from the unsettling result of their talks. They will find both men speaking of reaching a mutual and lasting peace and their willingness to make sacrifices for peace. There will be a slight difference in their attitudes which is key to the dirty little secret. One of these gentlemen will demand certain concessions and definitions as the requirement for even beginning any negotiations. The demands will appear innocent and inconsequential, but when studied through the lense of the past they represent a set of serious compromises to any hope of a settlement. Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a high representative for the PA, demanded a “clear vision” from the United States on resuming peace talks with Israel and that Abbas “wants clarity” on the two-state solution. The clear vision they are demanding is exactly the same as before, namely, that President Donald Trump and all of his Administration are on board with forcing Israel to make concessions. The clarity they desire on the Two State solution is that their definition will be the sole definition and that the United States is truly with the PA in forcing the Israelis to capitulate. What need be understood is that Mahmoud Abbas is but the spike at the end of the bludgeon, and that behind Abbas is the entire Sunni Arab world who accepted the premise for backing the Palestinian cause as defined by Yasser Arafat. The plan is excessively simply and plainly stated that the plan was to establish a beachhead from which to demand more concessions until Israel was left so weak that the Arab world’s combined forces behind Saudi Arabia and Egypt, along with the now defunct Syria and Lebanon, could and would easily overpower and destroy the Jewish state and then cleanse the lands of the infernal Jews. The plan has been explicitly stated (see videos below) that Israel can be a binational state with Arab rule or the entirety of the area can be granted to the Arabs or Israel can remain a democracy as long as the Arab (Palestinians) be permitted to resettle within Israel with full citizenship, all five million or so of them, making them almost the majority needing just a small percentage of the Arab Israelis to assist their taking full political control. Simply stated, Israel can remain Israel as long as the nation is run by the Arabs and Muslims and the Jews know their place as Dhimmis. The reality is every plan acceptable to the Arabs, represented by the PA, is if there is no Jewish state remaining as a result. This is the initial piece of the puzzle which together makes up the entirety of the dirty little secret.




The plan has been established that the destruction of Israel is the exact and complete end of the desired peace the Arabs seek. They are not seeking all of their aims in the initial peace, they simply want their beachhead from which they will make future demands and through stages destroy Israel. Whatever the PA accepts is not what they actually desire as the finality. There is never to be a finality as long as Israel continues to exists. This has been exactly the desire of the Arab world, the Europeans, much of the United States government. The rest of the world has simply agreed with this historic and simply demonically genocidal demand by the Western and Muslim Worlds as it mattered less than nothing to them as long as they were permitted trade with Israel. Well, the Western World trades with Israel as well as everybody else who desire the advances, technology and other discoveries and inventions which the Israeli develop, so sure, trade is fine as it advances everyone. The Muslim world does not trade with Israel as their revulsion can only be supported if they stick to the belief that Israel does not exist and all the lands remain under Islamic control. To the Muslim world, particularly the Arab Muslims, Israel is nothing more than a wayward province which has temporarily revolted and will require taming and being brought back into the fold and under Islamic rule as no lands once under Islamic rule in perpetuity. The situation is similar to that which exists between Mainland China and Taiwan except Israel stands under greater threat than Taiwan as Israel has no water barrier to make invasion difficult. What is unfortunate is that the Western world is willing to sacrifice the reestablishment of the ancient peoples and their homelands which gave the West and Christianity their foundations which might just be worth a short paragraph itself.


The greatest contribution to Western civilization and Christianity by the Israelites, the Jewish People, was, of course, the Ten Commandments (see below). But there was far more as the basis for Judeo-Christian ethics was born from the Old Testament and the writings of the Judges, Prophets and Kings. There were the wise and sagely guidance and admonitions found within Proverbs and Psalms. There was the limitations on a ruler, a king, or any other governing entity formed written in Deuteronomy 17:14-17. The influences of Judaism were largely spiritual but were not limited to simply spiritual. They also were one of the main formers of the centrality of the individual in a society and that every society is the sum of its individuals. Every individual has their effect upon the society just as the society will affect each individual. For this reason, we have the concept that one is their brother’s keeper and that the society is thus responsible for its members. These are simply the very basics from which the whole concept of nobility of the individual and the sanctity of life are derived. This, in turn, leads to the concept that government serves the people and should retain only those powers which are required to maintain order and provide public safety. These were the concepts which led to the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence and finally the Bill of Rights. The rest can be researched with a little effort, just be forewarned that the subject is used to defame traditional Judaism and the concepts in Torah and the documents which followed.


Ten Commandments Arranged in Hebrew Reading from Right to Left with English Translations Underneath the Hebrew

Ten Commandments
Arranged in Hebrew
Reading from Right to Left
with English Translations
Underneath the Hebrew


The coming months on into years for as long as the Trump Presidency continues, the path will be familiar to those who have watched and understood. There will be demands from the PA for Israel to make the noble and needful sacrifices for peace. They define peace exactly as did the Quran. Peace means Islamic rule over all. This ‘all’ spoken of by the Quran means the entirety of existence where humanity resides. The ‘all’ the PA means only starts with all of Israel and then will melt into the Quranic meaning of all. The sacrifice the PA actually demands is that the Jews of Israel admit that they are inferior and require Muslims to care for them, as they are incapable of acting in a means which would care for their real needs. They also demand the Jews realize that their real needs are to believe in the Quran and convert to Islam. The reasoning is simple and straight-forward. The PA is simply another face of the idea and belief in Islamic superiority and rightful hegemony over all things. Israel is a challenge to the rightness of the Quran as Israel has stolen Islamic lands which cannot be permitted to stand. This is why the PA demands Israel surrender as Islam demands that all surrender to Allah. This has been the story of the entirety from 1948 forward. The Arab nations all invaded Israel on the morning of her independence on May 15, 1948 with the intent of erasing all of Israel and her non-Islamic population. They failed in removing Israel but did take the areas of Gaza, Judea and Samaria. Then, once again, in 1967, the Arabs invaded and this time they lost and lost big. By the end of six days, the war was over and Israel had gained the Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza, Judea and Samaria. Once more in 1973, the Egyptians attempted to destroy Israel with assistance from Syria as Jordan sat this one out. They lost once again and if Israel had not been prevented by the combined threats from much of the world, led by the Soviet Union and the United States, she would have taken Damascus and Cairo, but instead retreated as demanded to the initial lines of the conflict. Since then the tactics were altered and the PA was eventually born in order to make peace between Israel and the Arab world. The terms of that peace remains the same as the previous demands from the Arab world, the destruction of Israel and the subjugation of the Jewish People under Islam. The terms of all we are going to hear will resemble exactly those we have heard from the PA and the Arab world for quite some time. Their demands will remain the same, their words will remain the same, their accusations will remain the same and nothing will ever change because the Islamic demand that the world bend to their rule and their inevitable dominion and superiority has never altered one iota. So, simply put on Led Zeppelin and listen to your favorite tracks, but the most pertinent one for this writing remain The Song Remain the Same (below).




Beyond the Cusp



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