Beyond the Cusp

July 17, 2019

Democrat Hopefuls Finally United on Israel


There has been a single outlier when it came to Israel until recently, Joe Biden. Joe is now planning on touting his pressuring Israel when under President Obama. Mr. Biden answered a self-identified Jewish activist who inquired, “I’m an American Jew, who is very concerned about what Netanyahu’s government is doing to Palestinians currently.”


Biden curtly replied, “There’s no answer but a two-state solution.”


But the young man was not satisfied and further insisted of Biden, “”I am wondering if you think that the occupation is a human rights crisis, and if you’ll pressure Israel when you’re President.”


Biden expanded his answer claiming, “The answer is I think the settlements are unnecessary. The only answer is two-state solution, number one. Number two: the Palestinians have to step up to stop the hate. So, it’s a two-way street.”


Continuing to press Joe Biden, the man insisted to know if Biden believes, “the occupation is a human rights crisis.” Biden shot back stating, “I think occupation is a real problem, a significant problem.”


In yet another exchange, the young man insisted that Biden tell him whether, “And will you pressure Israel to end the occupation as president?” Biden answered simply, “You know I have.”


Further, there is this short recording explaining his positions here.



We found this in an Israeli news source which can be read here. We already discussed where Elizabeth Warren stands and her positions are very nearly identical to the Biden answers just reported. But this set of quotes from a recent confrontation at a campaign event and Joe Biden has crossed over to supporting the Palestinian Arabs and their efforts to destroy Israel. So, where do the remainder of the candidates stand on Israel? Here is a talk by Elizabeth Warren speaking on Israel and foreign policy.



Another candidate is South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg has stated that should Israel not withdraw from the “settlements,” he would cut all financial aid until Israel buckled. Sounds very similar to our warnings over the last year that after President Trump the United States could very easily elect a Democrat President and potentially also taking the Congress allowing the Democrats to do to Israel as they are promising they desire doing.


Pete Buttigieg Twitter Post About Israel

Pete Buttigieg Twitter Post About Israel


The rest of the Democrat field are covered here giving information about California Senator Kamala Harris, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio who is a staunchly pro-Israel politician, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has also already launched her bid as a traditionally being supportive of Israel, yet she penned an op-ed in The Forward in August 2017 explaining her decision to oppose the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, plus Texan Beto O’Rourke, and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker. The one thing which becomes fairly obvious is that should the Democrats take the White House, they are likely to take a vastly different approach toward Israel than Trump.


As we have stated, support for Israel is becoming a partisan issue with the Republicans supportive of Israel, for now, and the Democrats are sliding away from supporting Israel and pressing that the United States apply pressure upon Israel to force them back to the pre Six Day War boundaries, simply put, the 1949 armistice lines which would be granting the Arab world a complete do-over of the Six Day War. They press for Israel to be cut back to having her center varying between nine to fifteen miles. This would also provide the Arabs with positions along the Judean Hills, how are Judean Hills not Jewish, such that they will be able to actually watch their rockets as they would launch on Tel Aviv, Netanya, Herzliya and a large amount of Israeli population, businesses, utilities, nuclear power plants, naval ports all within close range from the areas of Judea and Samaria which many of these candidates have stated they would allow them to be gifted to the Arabs. We have included a map which displays the range and capability of the Katusha rocket, the smallest of the rockets which the Palestinian Authority has in their inventories. This is the problem with forcing Israel to return to the Green Line and set the borders back to what existed before the Six Day War. Such a plan would gift the Arabs with a complete do over in initiating a new Six Day War, something which could allow much of Israel to face destruction from the Arab armies and terrorists.


Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan Depicting the Near Complete Coverage of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah Are Capable of Producing in Bulk

Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan
Depicting the Near Complete Coverage
of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest
Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah
Are Capable of Producing in Bulk


This will be something which will require Israel to start to take her own future into her own hands as the United States may be pulling her support whenever the Democrats take the White House. Should they also take the Congress, whether in 2020 or in 2024 after President Trump cannot run again, Israel could find herself deserted on the battlefield. Just as in Britain it is extremely probable that Jeremy Corbyn will become the next Prime Minister with a coalition which would probably oppose anything favorable for Israel. Add in the actions by the European Union which we reported here working to dismantle the Israeli settlements and granting the Arabs with all the lands which they had occupied between the 1948 attempted annihilation of Israel and her Jews in 1948 until 1967 when Israel liberated her stolen lands which the world has attempted to return to the Palestinian Arabs simply to deny the Jews the lands. The time has come to simply have Israel retain the lands which were promised her from the San Remo Conference, the Mandate System, Article 80 of the United Nations Charter which all referred to the Jordan River as the Israeli eastern border. These are the difficulties that Israel faces day after day as the world continues to try and strip Israel of any hope for her survival. In time, Israel needs to simply take the lands which she was promised and simply take all which she requires seeking the best results she is able to make such that Israel takes the measure of the situation and refreshes the demands such that she combines her necessities and follows the regular treaties which Israel has reached. The treaties and other agreements have brought much of the lands which are part of Israel back to the Jewish State with the European Union now working to relegate the lands to the Arabs leaving the Jews watching as they make claims which deny Israel any final lands. This is the situation that Israel finds herself as she starts to find a solution which allows her to reach space and settle down in a stretch of lands within the lands west of the Jordan River.


Beyond the Cusp


November 12, 2018

Abbas Reveals the Palestinian Demands


Mahmoud Abbas revealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin, “We state that from now on we refuse to cooperate in any form with the U.S. in its status of a mediator, as we stand against its actions.” This was a bit of an introduction to their real stance, which is actually no different than it has been since Yasser Arafat or Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Husseini (Arabic: محمد أمين الحسين); they want it all with no Jewish State, only an Arab Muslim state where the Jews accept Islamic superiority. In a recent speech commemorating fourteen years of the death of Yasser Arafat, his mentor, stated, “The ‘Deal of the Century’ will not pass and the fate of the land of Palestine will be decided by the Palestinian people.” These remarks were quoted by Channel 10 News which went further claiming, “We are remaining on our land and we will continue to act. Our flag will continue to be raised on the walls of Jerusalem as you always wanted,” referencing to Arafat. “The stage that the Palestinian people are going through is one of the most dangerous that has passed so far – the provocation that began with the Balfour Declaration has not yet ended. The occupation must end. You will not find one Palestinian who is willing to renounce the rights of the Palestinian people.” Abbas has also threatened to cut off all relations with Israel if an agreement is made between Israel and Hamas without his approval. He has already stated that there can be no agreement with which he would agree. Mahmoud Abbas has simply taken the position that he opposes any and every peace between Israel and anybody as he claims that all of the lands belong to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and thus Israel does not exist in his view of the world.


We have been listening to Abbas far too long while he has often made the claim that the PA only demands what is theirs, the 22% of the Mandate. Whenever he has made this claim, the Media misrepresented his demand by claiming that the 22% is simply the areas of Gaza, Samaria and Judea, the region of the Shomron beyond the Green Line, as they described his demands for the pre Six Day War lines which are the 1949 Armistice Lines between Jordan and Israel. This is actually inaccurate as these regions while close to 22%, are not the 22% that Abbas demands. What has to be noted is that he claims 22% of the Mandate. When one goes back to the British Mandate and checks the divide between the Arab State and the Jewish State along the Jordan River, delegated 78% of the British Mandate was reserved for Jordan, the Arab State, leaving 22% of the Mandate for the Jewish State, Israel. This is Abbas’s claimed 22% as the word Mandate is referencing the divide between Jordan and Israel in the lands promised by the British when they reached the agreement with the Zionist Congress (see map below). Abbas simply wants the 22% of the Mandate which is Israel. Until the truth of the claims by Mahmoud Abbas and other Arab leaders, who will claim the same demands, the replacement of Israel with an Arab Muslim State with the Jews cared for as Dhimmi initially and eventually the Jews will meet the same end as did the Jews of Medina, the Banu Qurayza. Meanwhile, President Trump has been giving signals that his ‘Deal of the Century’ will soon be made public and that neither side will be happy with everything but they will each also like parts and all will see immediately the reasons for the compromises in the deal. All this attention begs a question, why is Israel so important that the whole world appears to revolve around Jerusalem?



British Mandate with its division between an Arab State of Jordan and Palestine denoted to be the Jewish State later named Israel

British Mandate with its division between an Arab State of Jordan and
Palestine denoted to be the Jewish State later named Israel


There is a reason why everything around Israel is so important, but one has to look deeply into the history and the positions and why reaching an agreement will signal a seismic shift in the Arab and Islamic view of the world and not merely Israel. We hope that the rest of the world realizes that Israel is not going to surrender and just hope and pray that the Arabs will treat them humanely. So, if an agreement is ever reached, it will signal an acceptance of the Jews to live in peace and security in their ancient homelands, or at least most of their ancient homeland. Such an agreement will signal that Islam in general and Arabs in particular have compromised on their claim that all lands which have ever come under Islamic control, and specifically Arab control, must always remain under Islamic (Arab) rule and must never be permitted to be ruled by any other. What makes Israel even more important in signaling such a change is because the Arabs and many Muslims have a particularly deeper hatred of Jews than any other group of unbelievers. One could logically reach the conclusion that it would be more readily possible that the Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and other religious groups, including secular humanists, could reach an accord of mutual respect than it will ever be for Israel to reach such an acceptance. We would have to, quite reluctantly and unfortunately, agree that this is very likely quite valid. This is why Israel makes the perfect test case. Let us look at the positions of the various groups.


The PA claims they simply desire what is theirs, everything. They claim that they will treat the Jews honestly, which is something we fear with good reason. We know that as Dhimmi there will be demanded that we pay a Jiyza, a tax on the unbelievers in return for which they remain protected. There is no upper limit to the Jiyza which means that at some point the demand could be all of one’s possessions. After that, the Jews would no longer be capable of paying any future Jiyza demand which would remove the obligation to protect the Jews and we all know what follows losing protection. This is the point where the demand becomes convert or die. Still, we would live longer under the PA than we would Hamas. Hamas does not mince words, they simply want to kill every Jew on the planet, and off the planet if we should head out into space. We could find a place where it is obvious from space that we would belong, call it the mythical Planet Israel (depicted below). Of course there is no such myth just as it is highly unlikely that such a planet exists, though most physicists claim that if you can think it, then it probably exists somewhere out in the deepest recesses of space. But the Hatred which the leaders of Hamas express is presumably held throughout much of the Islamic world. So, let us move on to Iran which, while Islamic, is not purely Arab as it is the former state of Persia. The empire which was built by Cyrus the Great who liberated the Jewish People from their exile in Babylon and allowed them to return to their homeland and instructed them to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. That is not the view of the current rulers in Persepolis, oh, sorry, Tehran, as they wish to wipe Israel off the map, or at least this was the wish of their past President, Ahmadinejad. The former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Muhammad Mahathir, is another Islamic leader who has expressed desires to be rid of Israel. The general level of animosity against Israel, and also by many against the United States, was in full evidence when President Trump announced the United States intention to move their embassy to Jerusalem recognizing that Jerusalem was, is and always will be the Capital City of Israel and much of the Islamic world broke out in riots, some staged but most were an actual result of the anger of Muslims worldwide. That was a further proof of the reason that no Arab or Muslim nation is supposed to recognize Israel. It was all placed in the Khartoum Convention and the Three No’s, “No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” That was the decision of the Arab League after their meeting in September of 1967, and was their official position after their loss in the Six Day War with Israel gaining territory which included the Sinai Peninsula, which was returned to Egypt, who released their claim to Gaza, when their peace was reached with Israel. For making this peace, Egypt was evicted from the Arab League for quite a period and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated by members of his own military while watching a pass in review of some troops. Later, Jordan also reached peace with Israel releasing their claims to all lands beyond the Jordan River, though they later reneged on that claiming they meant that they gifted those lands to Yasser Arafat and the PLO, a terrorist organization.


Planet Israel

Planet Israel


In many ways, Abbas took down the couching of their demands and came out stating that the Palestinian Arabs will remain steadfast in claiming the entirety of the Mandate Lands. He has also stated that should Israel reach an accord ending the Gaza violence and rioting along the border that he will break off all negotiations with Israel. Well, that is just wonderful, except one need ask, what negotiations is he speaking of which he will break off? There are no negotiations between the PA and Israel for him to break off, unless he means his repeated denunciations of President Trump and claiming that the United States is no longer an unbiased arbitrator and will be rejected by the PA. Maybe he means his referencing that he would be glad to accept the United Nations General Assembly or similar international group deciding the solution to the Arab-Israeli Conflict. For Israel, that would be like one-hundred-ten wolves and three sheep with thirty or forty cows with ten bulls running for the high ground all deciding what will be on the menu for dinner, and everyone except the sheep are voting sheep or vacating as fast as possible so as not to be dessert. Abbas has been pushing his desire for the conflict solution to be internationalized as he, and we, know what that would bring, the end of Israel. But the only problem we know will be the result is that nobody will ever notice the complete refusal of Abbas to accept anything short of Israel erased and his being placed as the potentate over the new Arab nation of Palestine. We can understand the world ignoring his demand as we have people in Israel who are unaware of his demands simply through willful blindness. Apparently, willful blindness is a politically based disease which goes along with certain political position of which in Israel the Two-State Solution is by far the largest group representing this malady. It is not that Israel would not have accepted a Two-State Solution as we accepted the offered divide offered by the United Nations in 1947 which the Arab League refused instead opting to destroy Israel at her birthing in May of 1948. The Arab League had a half-dozen Arab armies attacked Israel along with numerous militias and volunteers from numerous other nations and assistance by officers from both sides of World War II as advisors. They failed to crush Israel but they did take Gaza and the Shomron (Jordan’s West Bank annexation which they released in their peace with Israel as noted above). We accepted it again with generous offers in 1999-2000 under the auspices of President Willian Jefferson Clinton and again in 2008 with the help of President George W. Bush, the first refused by Yasser Arafat, the second refused by Mahmoud Abbas (Arafat in a suit). Israel had been residing in peace with her Arab neighbors before Egypt and Syria allied with Jordan invaded Israel starting the Six Day War. An uneasy peace continued until the forces from Egypt and Syria attacked starting the Yom Kippur War. The Arabs decided after these two losing efforts by open warfare, they needed to change the equation. This is when they fully backed the efforts of the PLO terror group. This effort changed the worldview from the Arabs as Goliath and the Jews as David to the Arabs as David and the Jews cast as Goliath. The world had absolutely no problem accepting the new venue which cast the Jews as the oppressors instead of the weaker side in the conflict. This has been the situation but now that Abbas has laid out his hand claiming the demand for Israel to be completely destroyed and replaced by an Arab Islamic state with him as the absolute leader, we could hope that somebody out in the greater world will sit up and take notice, but we will not be holding our breath.


Beyond the Cusp


August 24, 2018

More Insights on the Jordanian Position


Yesterday, we quoted a retired Jordanian Ambassador and former editor of the Jordan Times, Walid Sadi, stating in a recent op-ed article in that very same Jordan Times, “First of all, the unity of the West Bank with the East Bank was officially and constitutionally adopted on 24 of April 1950. No one disputes this fact. The Constitution of the country at the time was the 1952 Constitution, which stipulated in no uncertain terms that no part of the Kingdom shall be ceded, period. This provision makes the 1988 decision to cut off all legal and administrative relations between the two banks stopping short of ceding the West Bank to any side whatsoever. Any other interpretation of the 1988 political decision is absolutely untenable constitutionally.” We basically concluded that Jordan was claiming that despite presumably losing these lands in the Six Day War, they were now reclaiming these lands, as it is impossible for the armies of Allah to ever lose a war, and going to enter into any negotiations under the coming Trump “Deal of the Century” with the positions that the Green Line, the 1949 armistice lines are the current borders between Israel and Jordan. Well, if only that were the end of the story one could be amazed with the bravado and disgusted with the lack of reality. Then again, as we are fond of saying, but wait, there’s more!


Former Jordanian Culture Minister Salah Jarrar

Former Jordanian Culture Minister Salah Jarrar


Former Jordanian Culture Minister Salah Jarrar (pictured above), who serves as Vice President of Amman’s University of Jordan, published an article in Al-Rai on July 4, 2018, which slammed President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” outright and proposed a better idea. MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute) has translated the entirety of the article for anyone to read. We would recommend that all please visit the MEMRI translation of this article and take in the full arrogance, ostentation, and pomposity of the author and the stated positions and demands. We will only place a small excerpt to whet your taste and provide an appetite for the remainder.

we must end our silence and idleness and declare, first of all, that we categorically oppose all the Zionist and American plans and that we will be the ones to choose the deal we want as a solution [to the conflict]. It will be the Deal of [our] Lifetimes, not the Deal of the Century, and will include the following clauses:

1) The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River will end.

2) All the Jews who came to Israel after the Balfour Declaration of 1917, as well as their children and descendants, will return to the countries from which they came, without taking anything with them.

3) The U.S. and Britain will compensate the Palestinians for all the damage caused by the Zionist occupation to the land and its people.

4) The U.S. and Britain will compensate the Arab states for the damage caused to them by the Zionist aggression against their lands, and for hosting the [Palestinian] refugees throughout the years of occupation.

5) All Israelis who took part in killing Palestinians will be turned over to the Palestinians to be prosecuted and to receive the punishment they deserve.

6) The Palestinian refugees will return to their homes and their property.

7) The leadership of the Zionist occupation will sign a document stating that they have no rights, historical or otherwise, in Palestine.

8) Should the Israeli side, or its American ally, wish to negotiate about any of these clauses, this will be put to referendum among the Palestinian people, and [negotiations will occur] only if all the children of Palestine and the families of all the martyrs agree to this.

…some may claim that the above clauses a dream that cannot be realized given the current state of the Arab nation. I say that the current state, grave as it is, does not deprive anyone of his rights, and that these clauses (are) our rights and we must continue to demand…


As stated above, go and read the entirety and please buffer your jaw such that it does not fall to the floor at the insanity being claimed and proposed. We can only pray that President Trump is being advised about the trap being set and the preconditions being stated to be taken as facts as he prepares to walk potentially blithely into the lion’s den, and we suspect he will be less fortunate than Daniel from Biblical times. The Jordanian leadership is being pressed not to merely regain the lands lost from the Six Day War but to demand lands lost by the Ottoman Empire resulting from World War I and claiming them as rightfully belonging to the Jordanians as the successors to Ottoman Rule over the entirety of the British Mandate. This actually is not half as crazy as it seems because the British would have been content with giving the entirety to Arab rule and proved this when voting in the United Nations to divide is again into Arab and Jewish States after allowing the Arabs 78% of the Mandate lands when creating Jordan. As far as the world can tell, they would have divided Israel in half for as many times as it would have taken to erase Israel using the United Nations and whatever other authority they could find. Fortunately, the Arabs refused that further division and instead attempted to eradicate Israel militarily in 1948-9 and only ended up with Jordan holding the Shomron, which they renamed the West Bank, as its real name was too Jewish, and Egypt holding Gaza. The Six Day War returned these lands to their rightful nation, Israel, as proposed in the original Mandate plans pictured below. The accepted division of the British Mandate which the Arabs and the Zionist Congress agreed upon split the lands with the Jordan River as the demarcation line between the two entities, This should have made everything simple, but when it comes to the world’s relations with the Jews, it is never just that simple as Jewish rights are considered malleable to the point of their complete disregard and destruction.


British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel

British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel


Another takeaway from the diatribe from Salah Jarrar’s compendium of demands is that the United States is but to be the lap dog along with the British in this deconstruction of Israel for which the method and results are plainly laid out and the United States and Britain have their marching orders and demands for them to provide more trillions of dollars and pounds to the Arab treasuries as if they have not done anything up to now. This is what the world is reaping for their complicity in the Arab machinations for the destruction of Israel. The one interesting point in all their plans of mice and men is that they demand that somebody else, the men, do the heavy lifting while they scurry around potentially only managing to get under foot and destroy their plan themselves. They cannot accept that they lost the Six Day War after also almost losing the War to Annihilate Israel which the world and Israel, to her shame, the Israeli War of Independence, as it came immediately after Israel declared themselves a nation believing the Jordan River to be her eastern border. Perhaps what they should do is try to figure out why Allah has allowed every nation to defeat them and what was the point at which this became an identifiable problem. Some historians might point to the point where they abrogated half of the Quran and decided that the Mecca Quran had nothing to teach them. Perhaps when the Islamic faith decided that Jihad was more about conquest than introspection and improving the world through making each person the best person they could conceivably be. It is where many modern Jews have strayed believing they should repair the world and do so by foisting their ideas upon the rest of the world and not looking inside to their souls and finding peace with Hashem and his commandments, all 613 of them. Perhaps both faiths should learn that the real beauty of their faiths is that it advises making oneself better and by having each person improving themselves, the world will take care of itself.


Beyond the Cusp


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