Beyond the Cusp

January 13, 2017

It is All a Debate of Dates (Part II)

Part 1


The Arabs refuse to recognize anything anywhere in the world where their feet have tread should ever be ruled by any others and must remain an Arab Waqf for all eternity. This is why in many Arab countries a map of the world does not contain the nation of Spain and instead shows a nation named Andalusia. This name was what the Moors who conquered Spain used to name that area and that was the name until 1492 when Ferdinand and Isabella who reconquered Spain for the Church and initiated the infamous Inquisition. This warring between Christianity and Islam had continued for centuries with the most famous were the Crusades to return the Holy Lands for Christianity with their emphasis on Jerusalem and secondary targets of Nazareth and Bethlehem. The Muslim conquests had reached from Spain into France being turned at the battle of Tours. The invasions in Eastern Europe reached Vienna twice where the Muslims were turned back and the Ottomans returned eventually retreating back into what is today Turkey. World War I brought an end to the Ottoman Empire and in a number of first ever treaties the lands were turned over to rule other than that of the conquerors with most returned to what were believed to be the indigenous peoples. The most striking was the reestablishment of the Jewish State in its ancient homelands. These new nations were to be guided by Mandates assigned to the European allied victors of World War I.


Also redrawn were the borders of Eastern Europe with Germany and the Austria-Hungarian Empire being broken into new nations and borders adjusted with the allies and their defeated ally Poland gaining area at the cost of Germany and the Austria-Hungarian Empire. The Arab claims that the Europeans after World War I crippled and altered the Arab world while leaving Europe unchanged is not a valid claim and the reason the Arab world appeared to be more altered was the area of the Ottoman Empire compared to the Austria-Hungarian and German lands combined. The alterations in both lands were relatively equal in their depth and altering of influences. In Europe they set the ground for the remilitarization of Germany and World War II. The problems in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) was caused largely because each of the nations drawn on the map placed several tribes within the same borders and even cut some groups such that their peoples were spread amongst several nations. Probably the biggest losers from these borders were the Kurdish People who, despite being promised their own lands of Kurdistan, they were cheated and their tribes spread between Iran, Turkey, Iraq and the former (and potentially future) Syria. This has caused great amounts of friction especially with Turkey and Iraq where the Kurds were often targeted by their own governments. The Kurds in Syria have been facing an extermination assault by Turkey on top of fighting the Islamic State as well as other independent units and the Syrian government and allies. When reading about the Kurds it often appears that like Israel these people are also fighting the entire world with the main difference is at least the United Nations ignored the Kurds.


According to the Arab history of the world there was nothing before Islam. There were no great empires of Persia, Greece, Rome, Babylon and so forth. All these lands came into history upon their conquest by the Arabs and Islam. All the former and undeniable peoples from the bible were all Muslims. This may appear to be an anachronistic view of the world but the way this is established is that Allah founded the universe and gave Adam the perfect faith, Islam and when Abraham was to sacrifice his son, that son was Ishmael and there is little if any mention of Isaak. Abraham was a Muslim, Moses was a Muslim and the Torah he wrote was really the first writing of something resembling the Quran but the Jews altered the writings given them by Moses corrupting it and the Christians took that and corrupted it further all to such an extent that Allah had to provide the original all over again to Muhammad. Thus Islam is the only true religion and thus has been promised to be given the entirety of Earth to rule as the only ones who have truth. This is the reality under which the Arab Muslims perceive the world and insist this is the truth and their truth must be the only truth. Anybody who refuses to accept their truth is a heretic and under Islam such a blasphemer needs to be silenced by all and any means necessary. All of this comes to a head over Israel and the focus of Arab war with the developed world and the Western world and culture. Islam had made a number of offences with their first the most successful and is now at the leading edge of their third surge (see map below). This latest offensive is using numerous efforts including warfare, terrorism, infiltration (refugees) and using democracy against itself and the equality and protections of religion to spread political Islam. Until Western nations realize that Islam is a religious-political system where the political Islam supremacy is hidden within a religion where it retreats whenever challenged demanding their religion be respected and pressing those who propose to tell the truth are then attacked as Islamophobic and thus ridiculed as anti-religious or bigoted haters. Thusfar their methods have been working exactly as they planned and will continue until either the Western World succumbs or wakes up and treats Islam as a political supremacist totalitarian system threatening the developed world.


Islamic Expansion

Islamic Expansion


Concerning Israel, the Arabs have directed their main efforts on the heart of Israel realizing that Israel is the tip of the defense of Western World civilization. To target Israel they are aiming for the heart of Israel which is Jerusalem and targeting the beating heart of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount and Old City all of which is all encompassed in Eastern Jerusalem and thus beyond the Green Line. But what is this Green Line and why is it so important? The Green Line is the line between the IDF and the Arab forces on the Jordanian front at noon of the final day of hostilities. This was an Armistice Line and the Arab League at that time insisted that the Green Line was only to be the demarcation of the end of fighting and never, ever, ever to be considered as a border nor was it to be even used to form or delineate in negotiations a border and Israel was never to have an eastern border. The reasoning was that as long as Israel was denied any of its borders it would not be a real nation and thus the Arab world could maintain that Israel was not a nation and did not exist and was really just part of southern Syria. The Arabs reject the Mandates as having been legal and claim that the Europeans were the longest and most vile colonialists in all of MENA. What they are ignoring is the fifteen-hundred-years of Arab colonialism which continues to this day. The Europeans began any colonialist possession of the areas of MENA during and after World War I in 1914 through 1917 and then took responsibility for nation building as these areas were under Arab and then Ottoman dictatorial rule since the latest around the year 700 up through 1914, 1200 years, and have returned to Arab control as these nations were released from European influences (see map below). Judging from the longest colonial possession by Europeans of MENA lands hangs around half a century with most far less. The biggest lie about European colonies in the MENA lands is that Israel is a European colony, the big lie.


Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier

Dates that the MENA nations received their independence after colonial rule many since the times of the Persians or even earlier


The truth is there is no evidence from the population statistics of Israel by which one can prove it to be a European colony. Approximately forty percent of the Israeli population comes from the MENA nations that forced the vast majority of their Jewish population from within their borders, some with the belief that they could drown Israel with these destitute refugees who were denied their wealth as their valuables and monies were confiscated before they were allowed to depart. Often they were limited to one or two suitcases per person and these suitcases were all inspected for anything of value or desirability. Over half of Israeli population is constituted from non-Europeans within other than MENA Jews there are the Menashe from India, the Ethiopian Jews and many others. Lastly, of the non-Mena populations the largest single population is from the former Soviet Union. The claims are that Israel is made up of Jews from the Concentration Camp survivors that the Nazis did not murder and that they are destined to complete the work of the Nazis.


Let us go to the reality for a moment as we have been reporting so much of the strange and untrue, well, a lot of untrue mixed with sufficient truth to make everything have just that taste of the possible. Much of the rest is accepted largely on the mistrust of Jews or outright anti-Semitism. Before the year 600 the Arabs resided almost exclusively along the coasts of the Arabic Peninsula. They were idolaters and Islam was not yet an idea emerging from Muhammad’s experiences in that cave. Meanwhile, the Jews had survived their experiences in Egypt and were led by Moses into the desert where for forty years they prepared the population for becoming a nation and to conquer the Promised Land. Moses led them to the Jordan River and from there Joshua led the assault into the Promised Land. First Jericho then Ai and onto the remainder of the lands (see map below). The conquest took longer than a single lifetime and culminated with King David and King Solomon centered around the year 1000 BCE (see map below). By the time of King David and King Solomon all the Canaanite tribes were defeated and the Israelite enemies now were Greeks, Egyptian and Babylonians. The Israelites were driven from their lands twice, the first by the Babylonians and the second by Alexander the Great and his Greek armies. From that second conquest there came the Roman rule which executed what they considered to be the deathblow being delivered to the Israelites, who by this time were merely called Judeans which eventually became Jew. The punishment the Romans delivered was the scattering of the Judeans (Jews) throughout their Empire and even banishing many Jews to beyond their frontiers expecting they could never survive. This resulted, over time, with Jews living virtually throughout the world. Meanwhile, many Jews also sought home along Northern Africa to escape Roman brutalities resulting in a sizeable Jewish population being spread throughout North Africa when the Arab forces burst from the Arabian Peninsula and conquered this area. Some Jews even followed this migration into Spain where they met Jews who had been dispersed and reached Spain from the Roman frontiers.


Cities Conquered by Joshua as Recounted in Kings In the Hebrew Bible the Old Testament

Cities Conquered by Joshua as Recounted in Kings
In the Hebrew Bible the Old Testament


Eretz Yisroel as formed after the conquests by the Kingdoms of King David and King Solomon; both of whom allowed the Principalities of Edom, Moab and Ammon to be semi-autonomous as long as they and their armies supported Eretz Yisroel

Eretz Yisroel as formed after the conquests by the Kingdoms of King David and King Solomon; both of whom allowed the Principalities of Edom, Moab and Ammon to be semi-autonomous as long as they and their armies supported Eretz Yisroel


The history of the Western Jews and the history of the Jews under Islam had many similarities where the forms of government and names of the rulers were different but the results identical. In Europe the Jews were chased from nation to nation and even from kingships to kingship and baron’s lands to baron’s lands and even from town to town. The plight of the Jew was well told in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice where the Jew is a moneylender whose client has refused payment. For the rest, read the play or go to the theater for the full story, dinner at 11:00 PM. Jews were permitted a select few professions and were forbidden to own land, what was considered the ultimate sign of wealth. This placed Jews as the initial provisionors and retailers. This would grant the Jews great advantage in a much later time while others were just first reaching the cities where the Jews were already established. The Islamic world was ruled locally in many ways similarly to the European world with the main difference being that the entirety was under the rule of one person who seldom ever visited much of their lands. This left the rule and tax collecting from which they often took a great cut for themselves. Often these local leaders would enact Islam only laws pressing the Christians and Jews to flee with little or nothing more than they could hastily gather and carry. Sometimes these restrictions and persecution were targeting Jews alone; it is so much fun to be the chosen people. The areas under each Sheikh, Emir and other titles whose moniker would change depending on the Caliph and the ruling Islamic branch would each make decisions which affected the non-Muslims, especially the Jews, residing within their territories. The similarities between the lives of Jews under Islam and Christianity were far greater than were the differences as far as the average Jew and their security, or lack thereof. The problem for the Jews is we were seldom permitted weapons when we most would need them and never had the numbers of population to provide ourselves with much hope of protecting ourselves beyond taking flight when trouble brewed. With Israel things are different as now we have equal footing though our numbers are limited, our determination is not and we will not be driven from our lands ever again, and that is our intent.


Beyond the Cusp


November 26, 2016

Election Leaves Need for Safe Spaces


This election of Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States has really stressed me out. I am reeling and in dire need of a series of safe spaces in near every place which I visit. I go get coffee at my usual place and there it is in my face, Donald Trump will be President come January 20, 2017. Dinner out, more Trump is pushed in my face. Where are my safe spaces like all those lucky college children have access to while their professors cancel exams and hold weep-ins instead of lectures. Even going to the grocery store and you pass the newsstand where you are reminded about President elect Trump and all that entails and there will always be somebody who just has to discuss the election and if unlucky the checkout person who might just decide to want to speak about the election knowing I blog on politics. There is absolutely no way to run to a safe place when at the checkout counters. One cannot escape waiters, especially those who know you blog politics, from their asking your take on Donald Trump. Where are my safe spaces from these people who insist on knowing what my advice is to survive the coming apocalypse known as the Trump Presidency? Where do I go to escape these hurt feeling leftists who automatically believe because I appear intelligent (and who knows, I might actually be intelligent, but that is not for me to claim) I must be appalled by Trump winning the election. Honestly, we who actually are glad that Trump won need safe places from these leftists who believe that Trump won without anybody actually supporting his candidacy. They even believe that there cannot be anybody in their lives who might support Trump. Then, lastly, why am I being so silly as everybody knows that supporters of Trump are not allowed in safe places. Trump supporters are evil and must be shrieked at in a fashion eerily resembling the pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.


Then there are the ongoing horrors on the faces when these mind-numbed people finally figure out the bored and fed up look on your face is not your traumatized look due to Trump being elected but your growing impatience with people assuming you could never have supported such a person. Funny, that is how I feel about people who voted for Hillary Clinton. These infantile people think that if they continually bombard you with question on how you can explain how each appointee can be explained or even pretend to have any experience which would qualify them for each position. Really? Like how can a retired general who commanded military intelligence could ever be considered qualified to be security advisor since he did not take the right elective courses, attend Columbia, Harvard or Yale, and obviously does not possess the sensitivity to feel the right direction and how to softly apply American presence in such a manner as to not upset any snowflakes who are currently coloring books, playing with play-dough, cuddling puppies and sipping herbal teas hoping to continue at these projects until somebody sensitive is elected to the Presidency.


There has to be a way to permit those so taken out-of-sorts by a simple election not agreeing with their perceived correct choice, to opt out of any future election. As their ability to understand any differing opinion than their own is to opt out of any activity within the real world and allow them to continue with their puppy cuddling, coloring-book coloring, tea sipping and joint primal screaming sessions insulated from the real world so it does not hurt them and their influence does not harm the rest of us. There are those who chose Hillary Clinton for actual reasoning and who can actually explain why they did so and also explain why the idea of a President Trump is troubling to them rather than simply repeating the accusations of Trump is a racist, hater, idiot, fascist, not nice, evil, the devil, scary or any of any number of one to three word slogans which can be seen on the vast majority of protest signs. Mind you, the signs with the big red hearts followed by Trumps Hate or Love Trumps Hate are so intelligent except how do they apply to the election of Donald Trump? Are they implying that Love is Trump or that Trump Hates or are they simply using a phrase they saw and thought was like way kewl and just so smart that it had to be the thing. Bad news for these brilliant minds, it is absolutely meaningless as we all wish that Love Trumps Hate and do not see where that implies anything about the President elect except that the word Trumps contains the letters T-R-U-M-P in the sign and thus might imply something about the President elect, but sorry, it doesn’t really mean anything obvious and definitely that Trump Hates as the chant which has accompanied these signs implies. Signs are supposed to be intuitively obvious and not confusing or vague as you are conveying a message and not a trite saying which everybody would love to actually describe an actual truth in life. We all hope that Love (or big heart) Trumps Hate but we do not automatically equate that with Trump Hates as we do not just take the last words from the sign and move the ‘s’ from Trump to hate and feel so smug and smart.


Safe Space with Puppy Cuddle

Safe Space with Puppy Cuddle


Now here is some advice for these people who are all bent and forlorn. Start looking for a candidate who can garner the support of more people than Hillary Clinton was capable of snaring. Hint, Elizabeth Warren might be a better candidate as would Bernie but they are both very extreme in their beliefs and many Americans do not share their beliefs. Many Americans do not agree with everything Trump has said but many believed that the one thing Donald Trump would be capable of doing is choosing solid and qualified people to advise him and be responsible for the different areas and Cabinet posts. Work to find candidates for position less lofty than President and see if during the next elections you can win back the House of Representatives or the Senate and then work with a President Trump to assist in the recovery necessary in both the economy and in the United States international standing. Democrats should be seen as desiring a better America rather than striving for an extremist agenda which does not function, and candidates who believe the United States is a necessary force for good and what is right in the world and forges a greater peace. The exit from the world over the past eight years or so has brought disaster down on many parts of the world including many allies in Europe, Asia, Africa and elsewhere. Work toward a constructive presence and not simply choose to find reasons to tear the nation apart and complain that things are not going just as you desire because you need to take effort and compromise in order to make friends and win elections. Ideologues usually find their way difficult and opposition strong while those willing to listen to others and work together accomplish far more. The last though, let us all work to make a President Trump as successful taking America forward and improving all our lives and making the United States important again as when America acts with means which prove important, the world usually wins. America has been one of the greatest forces for good and it would be horrific if America ever became a force for evil, and Donald Trump does not desire an evil future for America no matter what you may have heard. At least wait and see what he does and judge him on his actions and policies and not on hearsay from people who refuse to even grant the man any chance to prove he is not the bringer of the Apocalypse.


Beyond the Cusp 


November 19, 2016

Islamic Hierarchy Should be the Target as Well as ISIS


Is Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL or al-Qaeda offshoot) honestly that horrific a threat and challenge that it should be treated as an individual threat needing a solution before any further assessment can be conducted? If you were to make this an inquiry of the United States State Department, they would answer in the affirmative and probably make Islamic State the sole terror threat requiring attention. Pose this same question to the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and their answer would place Islamic State as the immediate threat but would follow that up with a litany of other threats hiding in the background, in the darkest of recesses. So, which assessment is the most accurate and which should be utilized to address future actions. Obviously the Pentagon assessment is more in depth while the State Department takes a mere cursory glance seeking the least invasive path and the least need for involvement having a minimal footprint. This demands further explanation more as to why the Pentagon explains a path which is far deeper and requiring greater invasive solutions and the State Department leaves most of the problem unaddressed and untouched. The reasons are simple and would be obvious to any observers. The Pentagon is funded by the width, depth and breadth of a threat and gains funding and importance through greater involvement. The State Department gains funds by having obscured threats which it can assign staff to investigate and report threats in such a manner as to allow them to linger, requiring greater inspections over the longest time frame. Thus any military assessment should be judged knowing their report will make the threat the greatest potential possible while State Department assessment should be realized to define the situation calling for minimal involvement in order to preserve the situational threat generating further investigations. The best path would more often than not be somewhere between the two assessments.


So, what do these realities have to do with Islamic State? A fair analogy would be somebody waking one morning feeling poorly and upon looking in the mirror they notice there are red blotches all over their face and further checking they find more such red blotches all over their bodies. Reacting to these skin lesions they make an appointment with a physician. The question becomes what type of physician they should call. The initial assessment is the patient has a skin condition so they might make an appointment to visit a Dermatologist and treat the skin ailment while ignoring the underlying disease. The result is the patient will remain ill and would need visit the dermatologist repeatedly while if they had visited an Internal Medicine Doctor they quite possibly would have been admitted to a hospital and undergo a more rigorous cure than they would receive from a Dermatologist but would also be cured. Simply put, if you have the measles you do not visit a dermatologist, you visit a doctor of Internal Medicine. The State Department is the Dermatologist and the Internal Medicine Physician would represent the Military. So, the military will present a harder path with the greatest potential challenges you will be presented with and some painful choices need to be made. The State Department provides for a simple and immediate repair of a situation while leaving the underlying problems churning away and no difficult choices would be necessitated. So, the path you choose will likely be somewhere between the two, which one you follow more closely will dictate the level of curative actions and their lasting effects.


Making war on Islamic State is a requirement of immediate urgency, President elect Donald Trump will need answer the riddle of how far does he wish to peel back the onion. A fully committed military campaign to destroy Islamic State presence in Syria and Iraq could be executed taking no longer than three or four months. The time it would take would depend on how ruthless and how close to barbarism the military forces will be permitted by their Rules of Engagement (ROE). The obvious problem with such tactic is that such a solution does little to permanently change the situation. When choosing civility while fighting barbarians, one makes leaders and financiers unaffected, they will just wait for the opportunity and start right up anew. The sponsors must be made to pay a price, even to threats on their lives, before anything will change. This was proven in all theaters of World War II where German leaders needed to be hunted down even to the last bunkers in Berlin and the Emperor of Japan had to be convinced the allies could utterly destroy his nation without losing any of their military forces. This has also been proven in the current “War on Terror” where we are treating the rash and ignoring the disease.


By now most Westerners realize the problems caused by terrorism and the threat posed by Islamic State. Where many fall down is in linking the two problems and realizing that these two problems though often unrelated directly, both have a root cause and any logistics, funding, know-how or other support for both are derived from the same pool of sponsors. The source for both terrorism and Islamic State come from the various wealthy and powerful governing entities throughout the nations of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and the infrastructure put in place utilizing the tribal make-up of the society often pitting one tribe against another tribe in order to procure additional power and a broader area from which to operate. Should one trace the cash flowing into the coffers of Islamic State one would see a trend that the same monies also fund the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, al-Qaeda and other Sunni terror masters and their operations. Much of the funding originates in or by those close to the Saudi Royal family as well as graft skimming funds from government funding by Egyptians and other Sunni ruled nations supporting the Sunni, Muslim Brotherhood, forces worldwide. There also exists an extensive Shiite terror networks which is not quite as expansive but still a very real threat. These groups are financed, organized and run by the Iranian government and the Grand Ayatollah (Arabic:آية ‌الله العظمی) and Supreme Leader of Iran. The leadership of these terror forces controlled by Iran starts with the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) who incorporate the leadership of Hezballah and oft time Hamas as well. The reach by Iran is not as diffused as are the disparate Sunni terror forces. Much of the reason behind this is simply numbers. The Sunni make-up slightly over four-fifths of Muslims worldwide while the Shiites find themselves around a mere 17% of Muslims worldwide thus Shiite power structure by necessity must be more centralized and rigid while the Sunni can easily create anywhere from three to five separate groups.


Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC


What people in the United States need know is that the current fighting between Islamic derived forces and the Western forces, particularly in and around the Mediterranean Sea is just the latest stage in the war with the Barbary Pirates. Truth be told, the European interests back to around 632 onto the current age have felt constant rumblings of discontent filled by dreams and desires to return to their ages of conquest and swallow Europe as they have tried before only to meet a standoff or complete defeat as was Andalusia, as was Spain. Much of the march of Islam colonizing the entirety of MENA has been accomplished by Sunni though there have been Shia heroes through the ages. Still, this fight to choose the ultimate ruler, the single Caliph who talks the talk but all are curious if one can be found who additionally walks the walk. Despite gaining a sizeable following and demanding he be recognized as Caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi will not become the Caliph restoring the Caliphate as the requirement is a vast stretch of lands which are individually owned and most have real air power which would decimate any ground assault not possessing sufficient air cover, something which likely plagues al-Baghdadi day and night and he likely dreams of having sufficient fighters and the people to launch adequate air support. The Arab and Islamic worlds are far too tribal and fragmented each refusing to particularly perform feats of great valor and have somebody outside your team ending up with all of the glory. The tribal overriding thought power need be abandoned should Islam ever desire to become great again and have yet a second sense of glory and accomplishment. Such an accomplishment will take a true Caliph, one such as the last Imam, the one who leads the final conquests leading to an Islamic World running under Sharia, the Islamic Code of Laws as preached by Mohammad and the original force.


Expansion of Islam Across MENA and into Europe before Ottoman Rule

Expansion of Islam Across MENA and into Europe before Ottoman Rule


There are realities which must be faced and faced immediately. Before there can be progress the new President already has a large pair of conflagrations he need work out a solution which will probably require a fair number of military service personnel. A President Trump must use all the forces at his disposal in order to remove Islamic State from the picture. After this has been accomplished the next task will be forming a governance or set of governances such that Libya becomes a normative entity capable of trade with the world which will bring wealth to these governing bodies and the people as well. Once Libya has been resolved and returned to viability it will become time to deal with Russia and do similar for Syria. Russia will press for the entire area be returned to Bashir al-Assad while the remaining “rebel” forces will protest loudly and just as vehemently as they have all along. Meanwhile, a refuge for the Kurdish population will necessarily be needed while Turkey and her President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, are edging towards conquest and taking lands formerly belonging to both Syria, a lifelong enemy, and Iraq, whose Saddam Hussein had stashed thousands of barrels of nerve agent and other chemical and nuclear weaponry in an attempt to evade justice. Erdoğan’s hopes and dreams of reestablishing the Ottoman Empire will be muted. Once again all these solutions do little to nothing about remedies for the tribal alliances and primitive culture which keeps the nations of MENA suffering while other nations quite distant as in the Horn of Africa and as far east as Pakistan and Afghanistan are all experiencing national traumas from forces at the tribal area. These problems were exasperated by the imposition of the Sikes-Picot Agreement of 1916 which set arbitrary borders, making self-rule all but impossible. Sikes-Picot ignored tribal alliances and clan structures splitting these entities between three nations in some cases and two at others which simply added wood to the fire. Sikes-Picot also redrew the maps of Eastern Europe breaking up the Austria-Hungarian Empire. All of this eventually led to World War II and has set in motion the potential for a third shooting war, World War III. The problem is amplified with the knowledge that Eastern Europe is also facing economic distress along with threats from Russia to incorporate them back under soviet style land and they wish to remain free.


These areas are powder kegs just waiting for the fire from a mistakenly tossed match or misread of any situation to have the entirety of these places to sheepishly huddle under Russian wings. The United States lack of influence throughout the MENA area as well as the entirety of the globe for the last eight years has left foreign policy in such turmoil as to provide room for threats from all sides and levels. The world, and the United States and allies in particular, are facing an invigorated Russia, a China willing to manufacture Islands in order to further their goal of taking certain Islands which they claim as have other nations. These threats are backed by a new and proficient fleet China is building, a worthy blue-water fleet. Add to this the dual threat of a nuclear armed North Korea who has already developed and tested a number of nuclear warheads and appears to be attempting to manufacture an EMP device to knock out the power grid in North America thus neutering the United States military and causing widespread death. Along with North Korea we also will be facing a nuclear armed Iran who has the missiles with advanced guidance and range capabilities with which to deliver them. Once Iran is confirmed to have nuclear weapons one can safely assume that Saudi Arabia will call in their markers for their financing of the Pakistani bomb thus instantly becoming a nuclear armed nation as well. After this the proliferation across all of MENA will likely occur with blinding speed. From that point the rest of the world will be rapidly acquiring nuclear weapons and from there to annihilation of the human race is a short trip and it all might take place in a blink of an eye. It is truly sobering realizing how so very close we are from slipping beyond the cusp into a reality even Hollywood was unable to imitate believably.


The race now is to educate and bring the third world somewhere even with the advanced world. By this we mean to teach them from our mistakes such that the world benefits. These newly acquired nuclear capabilities must be impressed not to use them for the sake of humanity. At the same time the world need share its many secrets and the desire to go into space beyond just the solar system but to other star systems even beyond our cluster setting out to truly become a space-born people. That need be our goal if we plan on being a long lived species. I guess we will soon know if the Earth will become the origin of a truly enlightened space based society or will the Earth need await the next great catastrophe to rid it of a stagnant humanity so another intelligence reaches senescence and go off into space and be the long lived Earth born species.


Beyond the Cusp 


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