Beyond the Cusp

March 3, 2017

Jewish Divide Over Trump Very Telling


Here’s a news flash that the media thus far has refused to mention, there are many Jews who support President Donald Trump. The media has been quite vocal of those Jews who are vehemently protesting the Trump Presidency. Probably the most telling example has been the Senate hearings to approve his Ambassador to Israel, David M. Friedman. We will gladly grant the media that President Trump’s choice for Ambassador to Israel of David M. Friedman is a novel appointment when compared to previous appointments made by all the previous Presidents throughout Israeli history. There have been Ambassadors, Middle East Special Councils, Palestinian Israeli Peace Ambassadors and all sorts of other appointments made concerning Israel and her Arab neighbors plus the fact that American Ambassadors to the United Nations often have to interdict in matters concerning Israel, especially in United Nations sanctions against Israel often brought by Arab and European nations at the behest of the PLO or Palestinian Authority (PA) which have more often than not been vetoed by the United States Ambassador.


All of these past officials have more often than not been career Foreign Service Officers (FSOs) with the remainder have been political appointees. There have been more than a few of the most recent Israeli Ambassadors and Special Appointees who have been Jewish and thus touted as being most obviously as pro-Israeli. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. Some in particular, Thomas R. Pickering, Martin Indyk and Denis Ross have been some of the most antagonistic to the Israeli cause. Both Martin Indyk and Denis Ross were said to be very much favorable to Israel because of their being Jewish which is like claiming that someone had to be favorable to illegal immigration across the southern border because they were Hispanic, an insult and very likely false. Indyk and Ross attempted to force Israel to make concessions in exchange for empty promises which had been given by the PA before and never acted upon or immediately broken often with an in-your-face attitude. David M. Friedman is a different Jew, he is also a Zionist. This is a first for an Ambassador to Israel and many Israelis are expecting great things if only our leaders can be bold, even brash for a change. Some here in Israel have placed David M. Friedman as being to the right and more Zionist than Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu or most of the other Ministers of the Knesset. Additionally, Israelis have begun to believe that President Trump will be good for Israel providing Israel acts good for Israel.


Additionally, Orthodox Jews mostly voted for President Trump over Hillary Clinton while Democrat Jews voted almost universally for Hillary Clinton and are extremely upset by her loss and screaming mad over President Trump. During the hearings for Ambassador David M. Friedman there were Jews disrupting the hearings blowing Shofars. Traditionally the sounding of the Shofar other than as part of religious observance has been used as a warning sign often used as an alarm that enemies were advancing or other calamity. Sounding the Shofar at the hearings for the new Israeli Ambassador they were meaning that a calamity was occurring threatening Jewish lives. Their actions were over the top as no lives were being endangered and no emergency was coming for Jews and if anything this appointment was going to be good for Israel, a new page in appointments of advisors to Israel.


This brings us to what for us is one of the saddest things we will ever discuss, Israel and the American Jewish left. Often at demonstrations denouncing Israel some of the most virulent demonstrators will come from leftist, liberal Jews. These Jews are more attached to their leftist principles than they are to Torah and Israel. These are Jews who will never consider making Aliyah and were the members of our Synagogue who when we made Aliyah asked us why in the world we would want to go live in Israel of all places. They were stunned that somebody they knew would do something which was such an anathema to them. These were the same members of the Synagogue who had to get past the horror that we might actually be Republicans as we had admitted. Many initially thought we were joking and trying to be funny and some when they realized we actually were Republicans never spoke with us again. Israel has actually become a divisive issue in the American Jewish community.


For Jewish Democrats it is a serious problem. There are still a goodly number of friends to Israel remaining in the Democrat Party but their numbers are diminishing and some have actually needed to go underground in their support. Pro-Israel Jews in Reform Synagogues have to act like the Marranos during the Inquisition where they practice their Judaism silently and with little visible evidence at home and were good Catholics in public even to going to church daily and every action including rosaries and confession to avoid the Inquisition and the tortures and death sentences which would be their punishment if their being a Jew was ever rooted out. These new Marranos support Israel but must do so while in conversations in Synagogue or at Temple functions, as most Reform Synagogues refer to themselves as Temples; something less Jewish in its identity, these Jews either remain silent on issues Israel or denounce those sensitive issues such as Bibi Netanyahu, the greatest force of evil in the Middle East.


Horned Netanyahu


For far too many American Liberal Leftist Jews, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has been the reason why President Obama was unable to make peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis and had Netanyahu simply followed the instruction, the orders from on high at the Oval Office, then Israel would have peace. There are no arguments which they would ever accept and they honestly believe that the Arabs would be happy if only Israel would surrender everything to the Green Line and half of Jerusalem and all the terrorism and demands would end. Never mind that Mahmoud Abbas refuses to even say, let alone guarantee, that the terror and violence would end with such an agreement, he has instead stated that any agreement would be but the initial step to the removal of the Zionist entity and that all resistance, that would be terrorism, would continue until the Zionist entity has been eradicated and the Jews defeated completely. Never mind that in Gaza there is Hamas which has promised to murder every Jew on Earth which includes these American Leftist Jews who happily claim that Hamas can be reasoned with. One would think with the history of the Jewish People, especially their recent history, specifically since the last century, that when some group of extremists claim they have designs for the complete annihilation of the Jewish People they would take things like that very seriously.


That Israel, and even additionally President Trump to the point of violence and lost friendships, have become the two most divisive issues in the Jewish community is the saddest commentary one could imagine. Israel, the hope and the prayers of Jews for thousands of years now a matter for derision and splitting the community is beyond sadness. Israel and Jerusalem, the final desire of every Seder is, “Next year in Jerusalem” and Psalms 137, Song of Babylon, which demands that as a member of the Jewish People, Jerusalem must be our first love and, allow me to quote, “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill (strength). (And) May my tongue cling to my palate, if I do not remember you, if I do not bring up Jerusalem at the beginning of my (chief and most important) joy.” Yet somehow Israel, and even the surrender of the Old City of Jerusalem and the surrendering of the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives Cemetery, has become a sticking point, an issue for debate and for too many simply something too trivial to be bothered with when supporting those for whom Israel is a bother is the real issue. How can Jews unfriend other Jews or shun them in the Synagogue because they support Israel. They demand, ‘how can one support Israel’ which is simply just for those other Jews, those religious Jews, those Jews who are just too Jewish and the ones the anti-Semites hate. They believe that because they support the right causes and they rub elbows with the right people that should the anti-Semites ever get their dream again and Jews are hunted down that they will be granted exceptions because they are those good Jews. They do not realize that to an anti-Semite the only good Jew is a dead Jew. But these Jews would gladly sacrifice those Zionist crazies if it would advance their standing at the club, or even sadly their Synagogue. We hold some truths to be very troubling and beyond our ability to accept. How can there be an ingathering when so many Jews refuse to even accept the concept of a Jewish State, a Jewish People or of Hashem and instead view their Synagogue as just another social club. This makes one remember that a minority of slaves left Egypt with Moses and a similarly percentage returned after they were liberated from Babylonia by Cyrus the Great and the majority either remained in Babylon or migrated to the major cities of Persia.


Beyond the Cusp


January 20, 2017

The Criminalization of the Jewish State


Thank you President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Power as well as members of the United Nations Security Council, China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Angola, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, Uruguay and Venezuela for your thoughtful nonbinding UNSC Res. 2334 and especially your special efforts expressing in uncertain references that the world was now free to economically and politically attack Israel with the world’s blessings. Thank you the many areas in the world, especially in Europe as depicted more politely than we would be able by Giulio Meotti in his editorial in Arutz Sheva titled Welcome to Europe’s “Israel Free” Cities and it listing a sampling of these open-minded, progressive, free-thinking and anxious cities vying to be amongst the first to boycott all things Israel. We find ourselves fortunate that you are not sending representatives to Israel to paint “Jude” on the storefronts of Israeli retail outlets and manufacturers to further enlighten the world that they should be shunned and boycotted. We would like to say that we were surprised, shocked even, but we knew you were just waiting for President Obama to make hating and boycotting Israel popular and made “kosher” as well, if such a reference does not upset you as being too Jewish. It is our best of hopes that every Israeli and many Jews decide that visiting your hospitable climes or Jews simply find residing in your loving, warm and caring cities an affront and move somewhere they will be accepted and loved. We have plenty of room here in Israel and will hopefully soon have a whole lot more.


The good news is many European Jews are finding the spiteful atmosphere just a tad too hateful and have moved up their decision for making Aliyah and returned to their true home, Israel. Perhaps these cities, towns, municipalities and even entire swaths of the countryside, as in Spain, deciding that a boycott of Israel is in their best interests will place the hint to the Jews residing within areas where the Jewish State is considered something to be spited and blacklisted might not be the most advantageous or even the place where their future may not prove healthy and get the itch which will be given to many by Hashem in the near future and come home before their friendly neighbors decide that a Jew is too Israeli for them. The world is slowly deciding for the Jews that they need to return home to Israel where they will find a happiness unlike any they have ever experienced. All of a sudden being a Jew becomes something easy and so comfortable as you are no longer the other, the outsider, the Jew which will be tolerated as long as it does not act too Jewish. The world may not want things made in Israel, but they actually depend daily on things Israeli and they will not give up those items which make their lives not only easier and richer but in some cases make their lives possible. Their cell phones depend on Israel. If they have stents in the heart they likely were made by Israel. Their instant messenger coding was initially written in Israel. Many agricultural technologies such as drip irrigation which saves water while increasing crop health was invented in Israel. But in order to assist these haters across the world who decide that all things Israel and those things tainted by Israel must be boycotted, allow us to help with this list of ten products you will need to avoid or simply remember all the items from Made in Israel for a more complete list. The thing you won’t need to give up is Stock 84 brandy as it is so good we do not export this gem so you will need to actually visit Israel to enjoy this delicious cordial.


Sometimes one need make fun of what is happening, even make jokes about it as the reality is so disgusting and unacceptable that being completely honest and serious all the time becomes tedious and disgust builds. There is little difference between the Nazis painting “Jude” on shop windows and then one fateful night the anti is raised and windows are smashed and stores ransacked with their inventory either stolen or destroyed and even entire blocks in Jewish neighborhoods are set to the torch and blaze throughout the night. From there we know what came next. Defenseless Jews whose weapons had been confiscated using the lists of gun ownership from the Weimar Republic who required gun licensing which they promised would never be used for confiscation. Well, that went completely wrong as the Nazis broke that promise taking the guns from German citizens to keep order and remove any possibility of public threat to their complete domination of the society. This left the Jews, the Roma, and others who the Nazis labeled as undesirables or submerses completely defenseless allowing for the rounding up, mass transfer of entire communities and entire populations leading eventually to the extermination camps. That is where this path leads whether anybody has the nerve to admit this is where the world is heading. There is a difference this time; the Jews you are targeting cannot be disarmed as long as they have Israel. Wait, that makes things all the clearer, doesn’t it.


Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases

Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases


First weaken Israel with a subversive group claiming lands which the world through the League of Nations and so many treaties and even the promise of the United Nations within Article 80 of the Charter guaranteed all the British Mandate lands west of the Jordan River. The world is attempting to force Israel to give away these promised lands because unless Israel agrees to part with the lands, then they belong to Israel, period, and the world knows this. They refuse to say what they know is the truth because once again they believe they can force the Jews to be disarmed, this time through the destruction of Israel under the barrage of rockets from an Arab terror state carved from Judea and Samaria taking the high ground overlooking all of Israel. That was what UNSC Res 2334 and the follow-on Paris conference were presumed to allow, nay, force. President Obama could singlehandedly push through the UNSC Res 2334 which defined all the lands beyond the Green Line as reserved for that Arab State which now Israel is presumed to be bound to granting. There is one problem, that resolution is no more than a UNGA Resolution like so many that have passed there or the condemnations from the menagerie of Human Rights groups and the presumptuous gifting of the Temple Mount to Islam denying the Jewish and Christian historic and previous claims and ties by UNESCO. The United Nations can pass whatever they decide they think will disposes Israel of her claims and lands but none will stand before any honest court of law, including the International Criminal Court. We have discussed this quite a bit lately and shown even an Egyptian judge sitting on the court stated as an addendum to a decision which the UNGA had requested as stated towards the end of this article. The land belongs to Israel as long as Israel demands so and that is where this must remain.


The latest events have had a striking effect which was the opposite of their intention. Right now it matters little what Prime Minister Netanyahu may think or what the government currently sitting in the Knesset might claim, the Israeli people will have the final say and that will be exclaimed with pride that Judea and Samaria along with East Jerusalem are the Jewish ancestral heartland and we will never surrender that land. Any government attempting to give away these lands will crumble and fail with new elections being demanded by the Israeli Zionist majority. The best that the Arabs can hope to gain is the right to behave as semiautonomous governance where they care for their people and rule their cities but under Israeli oversight and protection without anything beyond a police security force, not an actual military. They will never steal the ancient heart of Israel and never ever again tear out eternal capital city of Jerusalem in half and steal the Temple Mount or Old City from Israeli rule. Our annexation of Jerusalem is as final as is our annexation of the Golan Heights. There actually need not be any formal annexation of Judea and Samaria as they are already Israeli and will remain Israeli. There will be no debate and the world can yell, stamp their feet, shake their fists, boycott our goods and in the end they will willingly accept the miracles we discover and the advances in computers, telecommunications, agriculture, medicine, drugs, treatments and other advances across all fields because they will want these items and their people will want these items. Just as the boycotters are not surrendering their cell phones, having their stents replaced, avoiding instant messaging, endoscopy in a capsule, clean geothermal power already built in more than twenty countries, the solar window providing power generation and transparency, cherry tomatoes, BabySense’s device which monitors a baby’s breathing and movements through the mattress during sleep, EpiLady which made the first electric hair remover, Rav Bariach introduced steel security door or any of these other forty-five items. The Israeli people are starting to reach the end of their patience and will soon be demanding action that the government will need heed or else a new government will soon be elected which will listen as the Zionists in Israel and will make their voices heard and their presence felt. Their patience has about run out on the empty promises and knows that the time has come as of a few hours from this posting and probably by the time you are reading this. The time has come and the world can react and do whatever they think is required. We have seen how attempting to work with the world gets us; hate, boycotts and threats from every corner. We have reached the point where we are willing to state, “What is the world going to do, hate us? Been there and received that and really do not care as the world will get over it, or not.”


Beyond the Cusp 


January 16, 2017

Israel Further Divided is Israel No More


How many times can Israel be divided down from the original British Mandate until there is no longer any viable Israel? Would taking away seventy-eight percent of the lands make Israel untenable? History would indicate that was not the case as Israel survived two Arab mass attacks to try and eradicate her. The division was made when the Palestinian Arab State of Jordan was granted to be ruled by the Hashemites and Israel was left with the twenty-two percent of the Mandate west of the Jordan River. The first assault came within hours of the State of Israel being declared established where half a dozen Arab States attacked across every border and yet Israel survived. Again in June of 1967 Israel was attacked across her three land borders by Syria, Egypt and Jordan and survived. Then again in 1973 Israel was again attacked by Egypt and Syria but survived due to still holding the Sinai Peninsula otherwise Israel might have been lost. But with Israel having returned all of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt for the promise of a future of peace, a cold peace, but peace just the same, well, thus far; Israel was shrunk back to controlling merely the twenty-two percent of the original British Mandate west of the Jordan River. Still, this was too much land for Jews to hold according to the rest of the world, at least all of the world which was making any noise. What then followed is frightening but nowhere near as frightening as what the future potentially holds.


Since March 26, 1979, when the Camp David Accords was formally signed and peace broke out between Egypt and Israel, the Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egyptian control with the proviso that it remains limited in military powers being stationed by Egypt with any exceptions as required being established with the full knowledge and permission of Israel. This peace has been a cold peace much of the time but both nations have kept the agreements. There was a short period where the peace appeared to be potentially in danger while the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi won an initial election after President Obama assisted in forcing President Mubarak from power. The Egyptian people, or at least a fair percentage, appeared to protest the ill effects of the Muslim Brotherhood rule and the Egyptian military returned to power with President Sisi being elected after the Military removed President Morsi and the Muslim brotherhood from power. President Sisi did at least resign from his position as head of the Egyptian Military before running for President but his election was assured by his leadership in removing the Muslim Brotherhood from power. Israel and Egypt remain at peace and presently there are additional allowances for Egyptian military activity in the Sinai Peninsula to address terrorist activity which has blossomed with Islamic State, Muslim Brotherhood and various other terror and criminal enterprises taking control of much of the Sinai Peninsula.


During President George W. Bush Administration and his plan for Israel-Palestinian Peace named the Roadmap, Israel was pressured in removing every Jewish settlement, industry and other presence from Gaza and a number of other communities in northern regions of Judea and Samaria in order to allow for the Palestinian Authority to be able to establish semiautonomous rule in Judea and Samaria and complete autonomy to establish a working state in the surrendered lands of Gaza to prove that the establishment of a Palestinian State was not only possible but would pose no threat to Israel and could live peacefully side-by-side. The Bush Administration also issued a letter granting fourteen guarantees to Israel as a protection for their taking what could prove to be a huge risk if it went wrong. Since then President Obama basically voided every guarantee granted by that letter claiming there was no promise or guarantee despite a near unanimous approval of these promises by the congress. President Obama’s destruction of those promises was done unilaterally without any council or consent by Congress. Further, within two years the Palestinian Authority lost control of the Gaza to Hamas who has utilized it as a staging area for launching rocket attacks, mortar fire, sniper shootings mostly at Israeli civilian targets and three wars and counting in order to end increasing rocket fire which was ramped up almost in a regularly scheduled timeframe which shortened with each confrontation. Further, the range and accuracy of the rockets have grown significantly placing much, if not all, of Israel within range of rockets fired from the very same locations which had been under the control of the Jewish communities which were removed from Gaza. All told the surrender of Gaza to the Palestinian control turned out to fulfill every single worst possible scenario as predicted by many Zionists and nationalists. Despite the debacle which resulted from the Gaza withdrawal, the world is demanding that Israel now withdraw completely from Judea and Samaria allowing the Palestinian authority another opportunity for displaying their ability to rule and live at peace with Israel. They are demanding this despite, or possibly because of, the fact that Mahmoud Abbas has pledged to use any such withdrawal as an opportunity to destroy the remainder of Israel and murder every Jew residing between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The world claims that he does not really mean his threats and Israel should give him the opportunity to prove he does not desire to destroy Israel, kill every Jew he can find and take every inch of land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea even if he must burn everything to the ground and lay waste to all of Israel. Actually, he claims to desire and do exactly that and has repeated that threat consistently. But the world is sure that it would be worth it for Israel to test his resolve on this as nobody other than Israelis are threatened and they believe that by sacrificing Israel the terrorism which has spread to their lands will cease because the Arab and Muslim world do not really mean it when they claim that Allah promised them they were to conquer the entire planet and rule it as the lords over all humanity and thus make Islam the only religion and political power on the Earth. What could possibly go wrong, after all Gaza was the exception and the threat does not also transfer to Judea and Samaria, let alone the entire globe.


The problem comes when one realizes the tactical position of superiority giving over all of Judea and Samaria gives the Palestinian Arabs as they take the high grounds and have a direct line of sight over Tel Aviv, Haifa and all of central Israel and the major structures, industry, residential areas, the sole international airport and major docks in all of Israel. There is an article which has a series of pictures taken from what would become Palestine overlooking Israel with detailed description of some of the major targets which would become vulnerable which can be read here which we recommend highly. Below we will post two of those pictures which we feel are pretty much self-descriptive though the sight has information on both and far, far more.


Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Trans-Israel Highway Route 6 (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Trans-Israel Highway Route 6
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Israel could always make things more difficult for the Arabs by constructing a little wall about two-thousand feet in height and thick enough to withstand a few direct strikes by rocket fire or artillery and then station around five hundred or a thousand Iron Dome Batteries with hundreds and hundreds of interceptor missiles costing approximately $50,000.00 firing one at probably three-fourths of the $50.00 rockets fired over the wall and Israel could afford to do this for almost three weeks before going so far into debt that the nation would financially fail. But of course Judea and Samaria could never turn into Gaza II and Hamas would never be capable of overthrowing the Palestinian Authority a second time and the Islamic State would also have no interest in staging in Judea and Samaria against both Israel and Jordan at some point. And the world would be so appreciative of Israel taking such a risk for peace that they would have Israel’s back should everything go so terribly wrong just as they have with Gaza. Oh, wait; they have not had Israel’s back unless stabbing Israel in the back counts as having our back. Remember that the United Nations had demanded Israel cease attacking Gaza immediately after the IDF fired a single round in counterstrike for a rocket fired using back-tracing technologies which allow a strike to hit nearly exactly where a rocket originated within less than a minute and often mere seconds after the rocket was tracked by an Iron Dome or radar array. Then, when after the numbers of rockets approached almost one thousand per day and Israel sent troops into Gaza to end the barrages the United Nations, European Union, numerous governments and any number of NGOs began accusing Israel of using disproportional force because insufficient numbers of Israelis were being killed despite the overwhelming number of those killed in Gaza proved to be terrorists and others were largely human shields used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad to protect their rocket firing positions and in order to wage political war against Israel. Do not even try and tell me that this time things will be different, they will not and everybody knows they will not except this time there will be massive Israelis killed as well which at least will remove the disproportional force dialogue, but that claim will continue as the Palestinian Authority releases inflated numbers of dead and the world takes their numbers at face value while questioning any numbers released by Israel. Oh, and when the investigation by the United Nations verifies exactly what Israel reported and proved that the Palestinian Authority was making up numbers when claiming there was a massacre, say Jenin for example, the world will continue to claim there was a massacre despite all evidence to the contrary, like Jenin for example. Please spare us the inanities as the stories and empty promises will not sway the majority of Israelis, we have about had it with the double standards and the false pretenses and are fed up and not taking it any longer.


We do not need to explain the reasons why the Arabs have no valid claim and never used Jerusalem as a capital city for any nation and how there was never a nation called Palestine and how it simply denoted a region which has also been referred to as southern Syria but that does not make it Syria any more than it is Palestine. The treaties which make all the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea belonging to Israel, are reserved exclusively for the Jewish State and which cannot be used for any other purpose without the consent of Israel are well known which is why nobody had taken Israel before the International Criminal Court. The entire world of politicians and professors and experts and whoever else is knowledgeable knows, as soon as the case is heard in The Hague the game is over and it will be verified that Israel controls the lands between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, all of it, period. The sole exception is Gaza which Israel ceded to the Palestinian authority and should Israel take it back from Hamas, then there would be an argument which could be heard that it should be returned to the Palestinian Authority. That would lead to another coup as even the Arabs do not wish to live under the Palestinian Authority as their mismanagement and stealing of funds is legendary even to their own people. That would start the question of how many times would the Palestinian authority have to lose Gaza before Israel could simply keep it and allow the Arabs residing in the Gaza to have semiautonomous lives basically ruling themselves while still under the security provided by the IDF to prevent terrorism and any forced takeover by outside forces such as the Muslim Brotherhood or Islamic State or other such forces.


But the world will not sit still and allow Israel to live in peace because the world cannot accept that the Jews are ruling themselves. The world demands that the Jews live under the thumb of others who are their betters and know to keep an eye on the Jew and keep them from ruling the world which they would do if permitted. If one does not believe the Jews run the world then why is the entire world despite all its other problems always holding hearings and conferences to decide what to do next with the Jews and Israel? Obviously since the world concentrates so much energy and time worrying about what the Jews and Israel are up to then there must be something nefarious going on with the Jews and Israel. So much effort is put into dividing Israel into smaller and smaller chunks until it can be erased completely must have some actual reason other than people hate the Jews, they must deserve to be cheated out of the lands so foolishly granted them after World War I and the conferences which followed. Why the Jew must be made subservient just as they have been for the past two and a half thousand years as see how much trouble they have caused even when under the thumb of others, imagine the problems they have caused with their own nation. There have been an inordinate number of resolutions, hearings, conferences, approaches and what not simply to wrest all of the land of Israel from Jewish control so there must be a good reason. Hatred and anti-Semitism cannot be the explanation; it has to be the Jews who are the problem, not the rest of the world. It is entirely impossible for the entire world to be wrong and Israel to be right, isn’t it? It has to be the Jews as the world would not spend so much time, effort, treasure and all else that’s holy just to destroy little old Israel if the Jews were not the problem. This appears to have been the reasoning of the Europeans, the Americans, the United Nations, the Arab World, the Russians, Chinese, and whoever else one cares to name because otherwise everybody has been wasting so much time all about nothing other than hate. Could it all be that simple, could it all be about hatred of the Jews, a three-thousand-plus year problem that the world just cannot seem to get past?


That would be insane as the entire world knows that if the Jews were to be left alone and in peace in the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, that entire 26,184 sq. km., the entire 0.005% of the Earth’s surface, then left to their own devices the Jews of Israel, a whole 0.1% of the World’s population, allowed freedom to invent, research, work and live and share their discoveries and inventions with the world, these Jews who are a remnant of the world population residing on a mere scrap of lands at the east end of the Mediterranean Sea would somehow manage to ruin the lives of everyone else and own everything within a mere decade, maybe two decades? Is this the fear the world has because we often hear of this “Greater Israel” which would come about should Israel not be hampered and driven into extinction by those who have a reliable and valid fear, right? Is it really too much to ask that the world leave us alone and allow us to run our lives, study our Torah and make wondrous discoveries which we will share, invent new applications, programs, devices and miracle cures for diseases and maybe even cancer and share them and do all sorts of what might be seen as miracles and share them all and do it all and remain on our little patch of soil and nothing more. We do not wish to conquer anything and would not have agreed to every proposition made; even when the United Nations proposed on November 29, 1947, against Article 80 of the United Nation’s own Charter, to divide the remaining Mandate Lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea in half and make the Jewish half be made up of over one third Negev Desert; the Zionist Congress speaking for the future Israel and the Jewish nation agreed and the Arab League refused demanding all the land or threatening war, a threat they carried out the very morning of May 15, 1948, the morning of Israel’s founding as a new state, as over a half dozen nation’s armies with militias attacked the nascent Jewish State and somehow a miracle, Israel survived.


About that war where Israel survived but lost Judea and Samaria, renamed West Bank by Jordan, and lost Gaza to Egypt and still Israel celebrated as we Jews had a homeland in the vicinity of our ancient homelands. Jordan occupied Judea and Samaria illegally and even the Arab States refused to recognize their annexation, an annexation they cancelled in order to make additional Arab refugees after the Six Day War, a war Israel begged Jordan to refrain from joining but Jordan saw those pleadings as weakness and found out different. That was the Six Say War where Israel liberated Gaza as well as Judea and Samaria while also conquering all of the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights, another area given away by the French and British in order to deny it to the Israelis and give Syria the high ground overlooking the Galilee. Here is the really interesting item about the lands lost by Israel in 1948-9, the Gaza, Judea and Samaria. These are the very lands that today the world is demanding that Israel surrender to make another Arab State called Palestine. These are part of what the world claims was the ancient land of Palestine though there is no record of any nation ever in all of history called Palestine. There is a region known as Syria Palaestina under the Romans but that was a region ruled from Rome, like Prince Georges County in Maryland, ruled from Washington D.C. but never would one call it a nation. Still, for the eighteen plus years that Jordan and Egypt controlled these regions there was not a single call to form a state called Palestine. There was the formation of a terror group called the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964, a full three years before the six Day War and the liberation of Gaza, Judea and Samaria by Israel from Egyptian and Jordanian control respectively and the start of the Arab League deceit of stealing land called Palestine. The PLO did claim they were going to liberate Palestine but they were not interested in Gaza, Judea or Samaria as these lands were already in Arab hands. The Palestine they declared they would liberate was Israel, all of Israel, and that is exactly the area they desire to liberate today, all of Israel and not just Gaza, Judea and Samaria. What is so sad is that almost the entire world appears to desire to assist them in exactly that goal and assist them in their conquest of all of Israel. That is the truth and that is why there are seventy nations conspiring in Paris to imagine a new and inventive way of destroying Israel and gifting it to the Arabs who will ignore the land within a few years and move on as they never did populate the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea until the Jews returned and an economy was born. Read Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) and Herman Melville and others descriptions of these lands when they visited the Holy Lands before 1900 and get a taste for the reality and not the fiction being sold as real history by the fabricators and their revisionist history which suits their political ends over the truth. Once you know the reality, please pass it along with some advice that the Jews be permitted their little scrap of land and we will promise to repay in kindness and miracles almost beyond belief.


Beyond the Cusp


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