Beyond the Cusp

January 20, 2017

The Criminalization of the Jewish State


Thank you President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Power as well as members of the United Nations Security Council, China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Angola, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, Uruguay and Venezuela for your thoughtful nonbinding UNSC Res. 2334 and especially your special efforts expressing in uncertain references that the world was now free to economically and politically attack Israel with the world’s blessings. Thank you the many areas in the world, especially in Europe as depicted more politely than we would be able by Giulio Meotti in his editorial in Arutz Sheva titled Welcome to Europe’s “Israel Free” Cities and it listing a sampling of these open-minded, progressive, free-thinking and anxious cities vying to be amongst the first to boycott all things Israel. We find ourselves fortunate that you are not sending representatives to Israel to paint “Jude” on the storefronts of Israeli retail outlets and manufacturers to further enlighten the world that they should be shunned and boycotted. We would like to say that we were surprised, shocked even, but we knew you were just waiting for President Obama to make hating and boycotting Israel popular and made “kosher” as well, if such a reference does not upset you as being too Jewish. It is our best of hopes that every Israeli and many Jews decide that visiting your hospitable climes or Jews simply find residing in your loving, warm and caring cities an affront and move somewhere they will be accepted and loved. We have plenty of room here in Israel and will hopefully soon have a whole lot more.


The good news is many European Jews are finding the spiteful atmosphere just a tad too hateful and have moved up their decision for making Aliyah and returned to their true home, Israel. Perhaps these cities, towns, municipalities and even entire swaths of the countryside, as in Spain, deciding that a boycott of Israel is in their best interests will place the hint to the Jews residing within areas where the Jewish State is considered something to be spited and blacklisted might not be the most advantageous or even the place where their future may not prove healthy and get the itch which will be given to many by Hashem in the near future and come home before their friendly neighbors decide that a Jew is too Israeli for them. The world is slowly deciding for the Jews that they need to return home to Israel where they will find a happiness unlike any they have ever experienced. All of a sudden being a Jew becomes something easy and so comfortable as you are no longer the other, the outsider, the Jew which will be tolerated as long as it does not act too Jewish. The world may not want things made in Israel, but they actually depend daily on things Israeli and they will not give up those items which make their lives not only easier and richer but in some cases make their lives possible. Their cell phones depend on Israel. If they have stents in the heart they likely were made by Israel. Their instant messenger coding was initially written in Israel. Many agricultural technologies such as drip irrigation which saves water while increasing crop health was invented in Israel. But in order to assist these haters across the world who decide that all things Israel and those things tainted by Israel must be boycotted, allow us to help with this list of ten products you will need to avoid or simply remember all the items from Made in Israel for a more complete list. The thing you won’t need to give up is Stock 84 brandy as it is so good we do not export this gem so you will need to actually visit Israel to enjoy this delicious cordial.


Sometimes one need make fun of what is happening, even make jokes about it as the reality is so disgusting and unacceptable that being completely honest and serious all the time becomes tedious and disgust builds. There is little difference between the Nazis painting “Jude” on shop windows and then one fateful night the anti is raised and windows are smashed and stores ransacked with their inventory either stolen or destroyed and even entire blocks in Jewish neighborhoods are set to the torch and blaze throughout the night. From there we know what came next. Defenseless Jews whose weapons had been confiscated using the lists of gun ownership from the Weimar Republic who required gun licensing which they promised would never be used for confiscation. Well, that went completely wrong as the Nazis broke that promise taking the guns from German citizens to keep order and remove any possibility of public threat to their complete domination of the society. This left the Jews, the Roma, and others who the Nazis labeled as undesirables or submerses completely defenseless allowing for the rounding up, mass transfer of entire communities and entire populations leading eventually to the extermination camps. That is where this path leads whether anybody has the nerve to admit this is where the world is heading. There is a difference this time; the Jews you are targeting cannot be disarmed as long as they have Israel. Wait, that makes things all the clearer, doesn’t it.


Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases

Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases


First weaken Israel with a subversive group claiming lands which the world through the League of Nations and so many treaties and even the promise of the United Nations within Article 80 of the Charter guaranteed all the British Mandate lands west of the Jordan River. The world is attempting to force Israel to give away these promised lands because unless Israel agrees to part with the lands, then they belong to Israel, period, and the world knows this. They refuse to say what they know is the truth because once again they believe they can force the Jews to be disarmed, this time through the destruction of Israel under the barrage of rockets from an Arab terror state carved from Judea and Samaria taking the high ground overlooking all of Israel. That was what UNSC Res 2334 and the follow-on Paris conference were presumed to allow, nay, force. President Obama could singlehandedly push through the UNSC Res 2334 which defined all the lands beyond the Green Line as reserved for that Arab State which now Israel is presumed to be bound to granting. There is one problem, that resolution is no more than a UNGA Resolution like so many that have passed there or the condemnations from the menagerie of Human Rights groups and the presumptuous gifting of the Temple Mount to Islam denying the Jewish and Christian historic and previous claims and ties by UNESCO. The United Nations can pass whatever they decide they think will disposes Israel of her claims and lands but none will stand before any honest court of law, including the International Criminal Court. We have discussed this quite a bit lately and shown even an Egyptian judge sitting on the court stated as an addendum to a decision which the UNGA had requested as stated towards the end of this article. The land belongs to Israel as long as Israel demands so and that is where this must remain.


The latest events have had a striking effect which was the opposite of their intention. Right now it matters little what Prime Minister Netanyahu may think or what the government currently sitting in the Knesset might claim, the Israeli people will have the final say and that will be exclaimed with pride that Judea and Samaria along with East Jerusalem are the Jewish ancestral heartland and we will never surrender that land. Any government attempting to give away these lands will crumble and fail with new elections being demanded by the Israeli Zionist majority. The best that the Arabs can hope to gain is the right to behave as semiautonomous governance where they care for their people and rule their cities but under Israeli oversight and protection without anything beyond a police security force, not an actual military. They will never steal the ancient heart of Israel and never ever again tear out eternal capital city of Jerusalem in half and steal the Temple Mount or Old City from Israeli rule. Our annexation of Jerusalem is as final as is our annexation of the Golan Heights. There actually need not be any formal annexation of Judea and Samaria as they are already Israeli and will remain Israeli. There will be no debate and the world can yell, stamp their feet, shake their fists, boycott our goods and in the end they will willingly accept the miracles we discover and the advances in computers, telecommunications, agriculture, medicine, drugs, treatments and other advances across all fields because they will want these items and their people will want these items. Just as the boycotters are not surrendering their cell phones, having their stents replaced, avoiding instant messaging, endoscopy in a capsule, clean geothermal power already built in more than twenty countries, the solar window providing power generation and transparency, cherry tomatoes, BabySense’s device which monitors a baby’s breathing and movements through the mattress during sleep, EpiLady which made the first electric hair remover, Rav Bariach introduced steel security door or any of these other forty-five items. The Israeli people are starting to reach the end of their patience and will soon be demanding action that the government will need heed or else a new government will soon be elected which will listen as the Zionists in Israel and will make their voices heard and their presence felt. Their patience has about run out on the empty promises and knows that the time has come as of a few hours from this posting and probably by the time you are reading this. The time has come and the world can react and do whatever they think is required. We have seen how attempting to work with the world gets us; hate, boycotts and threats from every corner. We have reached the point where we are willing to state, “What is the world going to do, hate us? Been there and received that and really do not care as the world will get over it, or not.”


Beyond the Cusp 


December 6, 2016

Pro-Palestinian Pressure Pushing President Obama


The hounding of hate is hammering President Obama to act unilaterally to recognize the Palestinian State and declare the borders as the Green Line before it is too late. The claim is by taking on such a bold endeavor he will forever place his name into the history of the Middle East as the man who achieved the impossible. The two leaders have already launched their opening salvos with President Jimmy Carter sounding off in the New York Times with two days later Dennis Ross following up in the Washington Post with both sounding their same sirens song of doom. President Jimmy Carter never misses an opportunity to display his visceral hatred for the Jewish State while Dennis Ross is simply a misguided soul forever attempting to make right his deep and enduring trust that Yasser Arafat and, by inference, his understudy Mahmoud Abbas are statesmen who have forgone their terrorist pasts and become men in the mold of Gandhi. Needless to point out that both we here at BTC and history have proven both men horrifically misguided. In the case of President Carter it is a true hatred while Dennis Ross took a wrong turn back around 1990 and has never recovered and found the highway to the future and continues down one dead end after another. The real problem is that President Obama shares both men’s shortcomings when it comes to Israel and particularly Prime Minister Netanyahu. The question is does this situation portend some imminent disaster or will Israel survive these last six weeks unscathed by the wrath of the White House.


Dennis Ross (center), with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1998

Dennis Ross (center), with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1998


Truth be told, it does not bode well for President Obama to actually make good on his indications that there is no last minute surprise in store for United States policy in the Middle East, particularly for Israel and the Palestinian situation. The problem comes to a head the day after Christmas and was set in motion by the Israeli Supreme Court. According to a ruling by the Supreme Court of Israel, in response to a leftist petition claiming Arab ownership of lands which the community of Amona is using, with an absentee deed issued by Jordan during their illegal occupation of Judea and Samaria as the proof of Arab ownership, the community has been ordered destroyed. The owners of these lands never built any structure there, likely never tread their feet on said soil, probably could not locate their land on a blank map of the area and were given honorary title largely to make claim to prevent Jews from ever owning the land. Jordan gave out such deeds in name only covering the majority of the lands of Judea and Samaria as a reward and as a stop against squatters while they possessed the lands and now this ploy is being used against honest development of the area by post-Zionist leftists. The sickening part of all this is these are Israeli Jews whose NGO’s are largely European supported and have next to no Israeli funding but register as Israel due to lack of legal requirement for NGO’s to have predominately domestic funding, a law found in the United States and virtually every European nation but denied Israel by Western, mostly European, demands and protests every time the Knesset considers such a law plus the Israeli Supreme Court, ever the backer of all idea European, threatens to negate any such law which is made into law. This is an example of another problem brought on by an out of control judiciary where the Supreme Court has taken on the position of final arbiter of all things legal to such an extent as to have negated laws they disagree with politically and writing new laws they believe are necessary to extend and further empower themselves. When additionally, the Supreme Court itself has veto power over any proposed sitting of Judges replacing any jurist who dies in office or steps down, plus also appointing their Chief Justice; this has produced a Supreme Court which rules as if the year is still somewhere around 1970, standing immeasurably to the left of the Israeli public and governance who are all but powerless against this abuse of power. The runaway Supreme Court relishes handing out destruction orders for any Israeli development, even to include legally built communities which were granted government approval and have every piece of paper required for ownership, simply by any NGO claiming they know of previous Arab ownership of the land in question and ruling without any process to determine whether such deed exists or right of ownership. According to Justices sitting on the Supreme Court it is not their place to determine ownership and they need not question such claims as who would make such a claim falsely. Well, as it turns out, these NGO’s would and have done so with actual cases where they found an Arab who would claim ownership, nobody along the way required proof and when the suit of ownership finally reached a lower court the claimant usually is nowhere to be found fearing filing false claims charges. This has occurred more than once and more often than not no claim for ownership is ever filed by the supposed Arab claimant in most instances.


With the Supreme Court demanding the destruction of this community on December 25th, the day after Christmas and the second day of Chanukah, the pressure has come upon the Knesset to reign in the Supreme Court and their presumed power using this case as the weapon of choice. The Prime Minister has attempted to mollify the situation claiming that the community will simply be moved a few hundred meters away from the lands behind the order and the community of Amona will be saved as if a community can be moved by waving his magic wand. The promise of moving homes and communities to new locations close to their former location have been proffered by Israeli politicians before and then the feasibility study renders such impossible or far too expensive and the community gets destroyed and remains destroyed. This ploy will not be accepted as the viable magic solution once again. The sole solution which should be implemented by the Knesset is the issuing of a Basic Law which empowers the Knesset alone in the determination of legality of any Israeli community and its structures and that once the community has been properly filed and plans set then the Supreme Court will be prohibited from making any destruction orders without first a settlement of proper claim has been made and verified settled by lower courts. This would make a great first step in solving a serious problem within Israel and allow people residing in these challenged locations who possess righteous claims under the law to rest easy at night that the next day bulldozers are not going to come and destroy their lives.


Subsequent to such an enactment of a Basic Law, sort of a constitutional set of laws which can be enacted and amended by simple majority, another problem for another time, there need be a resetting of the selection process for judgeships, especially for the Supreme Court. The legal community could and should have input as to who is eligible to be placed on the bench and who can be elevated to the Supreme Court. Their input need be as part of the selection committee but not the validations process or even the majority decider in said committee. Further, the Prime Minister should be the originator of a list of acceptable names worked out between him and the leaders of the ruling coalition and with input from the leader of the opposition. This list should then be passed to a committee made up of perhaps nine electors; three from the judiciary, three from the Knesset ruling coalition, two from the opposition and one representing the Prime Minister. Once these committee members have decided on the judge, then the Knesset should decide needing an approval of seventy-two Knesset Ministers (60%) with Supreme Court nominees required to have eighty Knesset Members agree to their appointment (2/3). Such a procedure would provide for adequate Judicial input while leaving the final appointment up to the representatives of the people of the State of Israel and not permit the tyranny of the robes continue unabated. This ruling need also be included in the Basic Laws and should serve as the template if and when a Constitution is finally permitted to be written.


Still, should the community of Amona become another battleground between the Supreme Court and the elected governance, especially if it becomes a battle between the Supreme Court and the Prime Minister, then it could explode initially in the Israeli media with Haaretz leading the cheer for destruction and supporting the Supreme Court, it would soon be picked up by the European media and them the United States mainstream media and the howling worldwide would begin. The European media would be demanding the Supreme Court order to destroy Jewish homes be upheld immediately as they always have and in the United States the left leaning media would likely follow suit while right leaning media would support the residents of the community and the Prime Minister and/or the Knesset as they represent the will of the people. Such a brouhaha exploding in the media might be the impetus supporting the demands of Dennis Ross and President Jimmy Carter and demanding the destruction of what will most certainly be labeled a “settlement” might prompt the White House to take action to settle the entire controversy.


Former President Jimmy Carter with Yasser Arafat (left) and Mahmoud Abbas (right)

Former President Jimmy Carter
with Yasser Arafat (left)
and Mahmoud Abbas (right)


As President Obama has consistently implied that the border for any Arab Palestine should be the 1949 Armistice Lines, the Green Line, and the division of Jerusalem to be the shared Capital of each nation; the immediate problem is Jerusalem which Israelis feel militantly strongly must remain in Israeli control such that the Holy Sites in the Old City, including the Temple Mount, are open to all people of all faiths and not once again become a closed area where only Muslims are permitted to tread as it was under Jordanian Rule and would return to under Arab Palestinian rule. This would present a breaking-point which would have no means of breaching to reach a settlement. This would bring down any government prepared to give away half of our Holy City and Capital City for three-thousand years and never having been the capital city of any other nation. Jerusalem is the beating heart of Judaism and the Arabs are aware of this which is why they are demanding it be broken in two as should such come to pass the wound to Judaism and religious Jews would be insufferable and could not be permitted to stand. That is the plain and simple truth and no Israeli government could stand after suffering such a proposal even for consideration. This strong and unyielding attachment was best described by the Song of Babylon written as a response to the demand of the Babylonians that their Jewish Israelite captives who were being sold into slavery in many a case sing for them a song as the Jews, especially the Priests, were renowned for their love of song and singing abilities. One must remember that the young King David played the lyre and was sweet in song such that he would be called to sing to King Saul to soothe the King in times of distress. There is one of the most famous lines within this song of distress which read “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill (lose its strength). May my tongue cling to my palate, if I do not remember you, if I do not bring up Jerusalem at the beginning of my joy.” That is the importance of Jerusalem, that and so much more. As might be said in less formal a situation, dividing Yerushalayim be fighting words.


Of course there would be no dividing of Jerusalem nor would there be the acceptance of the 1949 Armistice Lines, the Green Line, and no acceptance of an Arab State by any name unless that state replaced all of Israel either through the return of over five million Arabs into Israel all steeped in the same indoctrination by UNRWA as the Hamas and PLO terrorists the Palestinian Arab schools churn out year after year with their textbooks filled with hatred of Israel and Jews, all Jews everywhere and anywhere. Mahmoud Abbas has already declared all the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea as an Islamic Sacred Waqf. By his own declarations he is religiously tied to refuse anything short of the complete destruction of Israel. If Abbas were to accept the 1949 Armistice Lines as borders, even temporary borders, he would be hung from a crane by noon on that day and the entirety of Judea and Samaria, and we’re afraid parts inside Israel, would briefly turn into a redux of Syria with all the violence and a heated war waged between the PLO against Hamas with Islamic State trying to take control as well. Granted such lawlessness inside Israel would be rapidly quelled and the areas within Judea and Samaria where Israel is responsible for keeping the peace under the Oslo Accords would also be pacified but until the world demanded, the area presumably controlled by the Palestinian Authority (PA) would remain a lawless land of strife, struggle and death.


Press Abbas to accept such a declaration and one is lighting the fuse on a dangerous situation which would explode as the people within the areas ruled by the PA and Hamas in Gaza have been indoctrinated such that few under the age of thirty or forty would stand for such and would immediately replace whoever from the PA agreed and this would decapitate the PA, PLO, Fatah and the entirety of PA run lands where these groups as well as Hamas and Islamic State would immediately vie for superiority and you would have instant Syria, just add a forced peace settlement. Very quickly allowing Israel to do whatever was required and to declare all the land as Israel would become acceptable even in the United Nations as such added violence in an area already steeped in violence and failed states, one more which could be handed off to Israel to handle, would almost immediately be handed to Israel with European and American blessings. Where this would result in all of Israel as promised by San Remo conference, Treaty of Serves and even after the White Papers and the United Nations failed partitioning which the Arab League flatly refused and invaded Israel immediately the first morning of her statehood and a series of failed peace plans including the disastrous Oslo Accords and Israel total unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, finally being established on all of the lands actually remaining as Israeli under existing international law. The reality of the River to the Sea is that it all actually belongs legally to Israel and only Israel can allow any other entity to establish any otherwise ordered autonomy. The PA exists by the good graces and permission of Israel and should that fail the lands resort to Israeli rule.


So, if the prodding of President Jimmy Carter and Dennis (I never met a peace plan I didn’t back that didn’t fail) Ross along with the internal Israeli coming dust-up over the legality and existence of Amona all presses President Obama to actually make a declaration recognizing anything more permanent and fixed concerning an Arab State within Israel, this will soon devolve, especially if borders are set or implied heavily enough, into a violent struggle to determine who gets to demand the annihilation of all the Jews in Israel leading to IDF intervention and very likely Europe demanding Israel take control of the situation before it spreads into Jordan and beyond. Even President Obama might be pressed but President Trump will definitively decide that the easiest solution is for Israel to annex Judea and Samaria and settle everything down restoring peace and replacing the indoctrination centers with actual schools teaching skills other than bomb making and stabbing 101. President Obama is fully aware of the reality which is why he will most likely let sleeping dogs lie rather than start a war on his way out, especially an unnecessary war.


Eventually somebody will have to realize that the actors on the Arab side of this equation have yet to keep a single promise, yet to meet a single requirement, yet to apply actual rule of law, yet to hold another election since electing Abbas dictator, yet to fulfill even the most rudimentary requirements for statehood, but have fully gone to great extremes to demand that they be credited with having completed every requirement to establish a state. The Arabs in Judea and Samaria have indoor plumbing throughout most of their communities installed and supplied by Israel, get the majority of their water, gas and electricity, if not all, from Israel and have yet to pay for any of it since the year 2000 and before, rely on Israel for security to keep the PA in power and prevent Hamas or Islamic State amongst others from conducting a coup (Israel has prevented at least half a dozen coup attempts by Hamas which the public has been made aware), rely on the cash in the millions per month to run their area the size of a midsized city as the majority of the international funding goes for two main products; bombs and weapons along with graft taking a large share right off the top, have never actually prevented any terror activities carried out by the PLO (they have prevented a few Hamas operations which have been classified as terror but could have been coup attempts and not attacks on Israel), when forced to incarcerate a terrorist they go in the front door to serve a multi-year sentence and are released through the back door in a couple of weeks if not days or even hours, and had one of the most disturbing displays of animal hatred and bloodletting when an Italian photojournalist caught the picture below with the story here, here, and finally here, plus they have seldom missed an opportunity to have invented and exaggerated stories of Israeli malfeasance such as Jenin, and we could go on and on.


Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands

Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd
Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists
Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands


Beyond the Cusp


November 23, 2016

Israel Prepares for New Reality


For quite some time Israel has seen the writing on the wall and knew she was not prepared for what lies ahead in her future. She had absorbed influxes of immigrants over the years with varying levels of effectiveness. There was the initial pouring in of European Jews who survived World War II and the European death camps. This is the only influx of immigrants most of the world remembers and thus get the warped opinion that Israel is simply a European colony. The second influx of immigrants laid that misconception aside as false as these were the nearly one million Jews expelled from across the Arab and Muslim worlds from Pakistan to Morocco and Turkey to the Sudan to Yemen and beyond. These Asian, Middle Eastern and North African Jews comprise almost half the population of Israel at the time of the Six Day War in June of 1967. There have been subsequent waves of immigration with the largest single source being Russian Jews many of which spent time in work camps while others simply took advantage of a means to leave the Soviet Union. Other immigrant waves were less in numbers but some of those Israel is most proud to have found the means to settle and incorporate into the population. There were the Ethiopian Jews who have been airlifted from camps in Ethiopia and other Ethiopian Jews have made their way to Israel through airlifts and some by their own volition. There were the Bnei Menashe Jews from India and various other groups of Jews from the world over.


Israel is truly a multi-ethnic nation as well as multi-religious with approximately twenty percent of the Israeli population made up of Arabs, both Christian and Muslim, who enjoy the full rights as citizens of the State of Israel. There are Arabs in the Knesset, they are judges, doctors, nurses, teachers and virtually every other profession one can think of and have their own churches and Mosques worshiping as they please. They vote in all elections and are equal citizens in every aspect bar none. There is also a community of Bahá’í who have two shrines in Israel, one near the recognized heritage site outside of Akko on Israel’s northern coast and the other on Mount Carmel in Haifa (see image below). These are the resting places of Baha’u’llah and the Bab, the founders of the Bahá’í Faith. Israel and India are the sole nations with such Bahá’í religious structures and grounds. The Bahá’í Faith was founded in Iran in the mid-19th century in Iran where the religion is all but outlawed today.


Bahá'í Gardens in Haifa

Bahá’í Gardens in Haifa


Things in Israel are about to change with yet two more waves of immigration by Jews to come. The first has already started and will result in the many European Jews and remaining Jews throughout the world with two main exceptions, Canada and the United States, will begin their exodus to Israel though a fair number of European Jews may choose to immigrate to the United States given half an opportunity. The European influx has already begun with France, Sweden, the Ukraine and the Balkan States being the early entries as anti-Semitism grows once again across the continent. Perhaps by now we should call it the Dark Continent of Europe as its history of anti-Semitism dates back to the early Greeks through the Roman and Byzantine Empires and continued through every age of Europe with Jews often keeping a couple of suitcases packed in case the family had no time to pack before leaving. There were those who believed anti-Semitism was a monstrous evil which had been put in its grave but alas that did not even prove true for Europe, let alone the MENA States (Middle East and North Africa). What was disparaging was one particular result of the worldwide anti-Semitism study which found that some seventy percent of those considered anti-Semitic said they have never met a Jew. That has to be one of the most vexing discoveries from the universal study of anti-Semitism in the world today. Still, such does not alter the fact that anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe and if truth be told, also in the United States. There remains approximately one and a quarter to one and a half million Jews across Europe which is one reason there has been such a concentration on building new apartments within the Green Line and any demographic scientist would point out that Israel does not have sufficient lands to support the entirety of the World Jewish population, though that is a definitive possible future. Where Israel would face incredible difficulties would be should the nearly six and a half million Jews from the Americas (North, South and Central America) move in great numbers to Israel as this would be a doubling of the Israeli population when adding in the coming Europeans whether these Europeans first settle in North America or come straight to Israel. These demographic bombs are part of the reason that Israel must insist that she be granted what was promised by the Oslo Accords and be permitted to annex at a minimum the lands of Area C.


That brings us to the election of Donald Trump, a man who might become the most supportive President concerning Israel. It is undeniable that the Republican Platform plainly states that they no longer support the two state solution. President elect Trump has stated he does not see the “settlements” as a problem for making peace. One advantage Donald Trump has is that he fully understands contracts and can read the Oslo Accords and the promises and preconditions placed into that agreement and the related United Nations Resolution and realize at no point does anything demand Israel vacate all of the lands won in their defensive war in 1967 and the Six Day War and 1973 and the Yom Kippur War. It is obvious that Israel having returned the Sinai Peninsula and given up Gaza has already fulfilled any obligation for returning lands and that the main reason there has been no peace reached between Israel and the Arab Palestinians has been the Arab intransigence demanding the total destruction of Israel as a Jewish State, let alone the Jewish State. Between the Republican Platform and statements from Donald Trump an end to this decades’ long nightmare might actually be forthcoming.


This likely also explains the opposite voting patterns between American Jews residing in the United States and American Jews residing in Israel. In the United States it was reported that approximately, if not more than, three-quarters of Jews voted for Hillary Clinton while Israeli Jews and Orthodox Jews in the United States voted over three-quarters for Donald Trump. This last fact, especially orthodox Jews, of Jewish support for President elect Trump should dispel the ugly rumor that Donald Trump harbor anti-Semitic feelings. He will be the first American President with Jewish grandchildren as well as a daughter who has converted to Judaism (see images below). Trump’s chosen Middle East and Israel advisors support Israel and the Zionist enterprise of reestablishing the ancient home of the Jewish People with Jerusalem as its political and religious Capital City. Of course everything remains to be seen and what will be borne out after the State department gets their say into the mix will remain to be seen.

Ivanka Trump with Jared Kushner and daughter Arabella Rose and son Joseph Frederick and Ivanka with youngest son Theodore James

Ivanka Trump with Jared Kushner
and daughter Arabella Rose and son Joseph Frederick
and Ivanka with youngest son Theodore James

The final concern which Israel very well may face in the future would be the near unthinkable of anti-Semitism becoming so strongly engaged by populations the world over that Israel becomes the sole refuge from the storm. This would most certainly double the population of Israel and as what starts with the Jews rarely ends there, the potential for certain, if not all, Christians becoming victims of secular purges where any religion outside secular humanism are chased from the world’s societies. There are many who claim that the numbers of Christians would prevent such from ever coming to fruition in the Western world. The problem is looking at the Western world, especially Europe, and one sees a land destitute of Christians. The churches and cathedrals stand with empty pews Sunday after Sunday with some being sold to be torn down, used for Mosques or any other assorted uses. Should Christianity face the same withering assault from secular purists they too might seek refuge where religion still has a home, Israel and certainly areas in South America and Central and Southern Africa and Asia. There can be little denial that much of Western society no longer finds a place for religion and in a couple more generations such a trend to believe in mankind and the governments that man creates could lead to a cleansing of what would be viewed as a backward and suspicious practice with archaic structures and beliefs which would have no place in the perfect world presumably designed by man dedicated to pure intellect. For me, just leave me be and let me know how that works out in the end. I have my suspicions and they do not appear to be pretty, at least not as pretty as the secular humanists like to paint their bleak existence.

Beyond the Cusp

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