Beyond the Cusp

October 9, 2018

After Trump, There Comes the Great Question


We can assume that the Democrat Party will lose the coming midterms largely due to the public lynching of Justice Kavanaugh in his confirmation hearings. The Republicans can probably count on the Democrat candidates using similar tactics against numerous Republican candidates in the most highly contended states. This will backfire on them to the extremes. It is even rather likely that President Trump will easily be reelected should, as expected, the economy continue to roll along with a future that appears bright. This will only be more likely should the Republicans experience a red tide flowing fast carrying Congress securely behind the President and his work of bolstering the economic conditions. The problem comes after President Trump for the Republicans to continue to keep the Trump support of what we call the Silent Majority or the Middle American Normals. Vice President Pence is not a highly exciting personality which would stir the base to come out and vote. By 2024, the Democrats will have a completely new and different body of candidates. They will probably run a fresh face filled with the vigor of youth which will produce the kind of excitement which brings out the younger voters, the very kind of voters which elected President Obama and before him President Clinton. The Republicans will be required to come up with a Presidential candidate who can stir the base and get the working class voters to remain steady with the Republicans. The one person we can see who would bring out such passion would be United States Ambassador Nicky Haley. In addition, Nicky Haley could be the woman to claim the treasured title of first woman President. This would be a great thing as she is an invigorating and special personality as well as a great and steady proponent of conservative thought and policy.


United States Ambassador Nikki Haley

United States Ambassador Nikki Haley


Here is where the problem comes, after twelve years of holding the Presidency, it will be very difficult for the Republicans to hold to power beyond, as the pendulum of politics tends to inexorably swing one way and then inevitably swings back. Finally, even should the excitement of having the first woman President, after the period of Republican hold of Congress will also become challenged, and if Ms. Haley does not have a supporting Congress, she will not be able to accomplish her preferred policy and might fall victim to the same difficulties which plagued President George H. W. Bush with having to allow the raising of taxes in order to receive the votes necessary to at least salvage part of the conservative agendas. No matter what, eventually the Democrats will take the White House and if this should come after a near record time of holding the Presidency by the Republicans, history teaches that any Democrat President, especially if this does not occur until 2032, then the Congress will also be under Democrat rule and the mainstream Republican establishment will have recovered sufficiently to have returned the Republican agenda to the unexciting middle of the road policies which has seemingly always put the base to sleep as it lacks vision. This is what led to the initial two years under President Obama where he also had an unchallengeable majority in the House of Representatives and a cloture proof sixty or greater number of Senators. This was how President Obama managed to force through Obamacare and virtually anything else they chose to pass. This is the great problem which has faced every past correction from the seemingly inexorable move leftward by American politics. This will also have a devastating effect on the rest of the world, as the United States once again will change their loyalties away from their former traditional allies, especially in the Middle East, and ally with former adversaries. But with whom will the Democrats ally?


The next time the Democrats capture the White House the only mystery will be whether they ally on the side of the Sunni or the Shiite base of Islam. This decision will determine whether they will support Saudi Arabia or Iran, as they are the leaders of these two variants of Islam. Whichever side is chosen, the reality will also show a new threat to traditional America. The Democrat Party is at the forefront of their new identity. This new Democrat is currently represented by such as Linda Sarsour and Keith Ellison who both have connections with CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and connections with the Muslim Brotherhood and even potentially with Hamas. The main reasoning behind the Islamic preference for the Democrat Party is largely due to their immigration policy which favors immigrants from the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region which is heavily Islamic. Further, the members of Islamic faiths are very politically conscious and realize that power only comes when you concentrate your power in one group which maximizes your influence. It currently appears that the Islamic power base will be cultivated and grown within the Democrat Party over the Republican Party. Their hard work has been rewarded with Keith Ellison being promoted into the second highest position in the party. The apparent partnering of the Democrats and Islam makes little sense until you realize they also have a common enemy, the Judeo-Christian Ethics. The problem in marrying the remainder of their seeming alliance is easily explained by the overly optimistic belief in their powers and abilities of having an ability powered by their overt belief in the rightfulness of their political agenda to overcome all obstacles if only they are able to take power. By the time the Democrats retake power in the White House, the face of Europe will be changing as the Islamic influx creates political unrest. The Democrats will promise to keep the United States out of any European war and not facing the problems which resulted from the two World Wars. This will be a very appealing platform which will likely be successful.


What will also have come into being is a sufficient number of Islamic voting blocks which can carry certain states for the Democrat Party. These states will be, but not limited to, Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia and possibly the Carolinas. Many of these states are the decisive states necessary for carrying the Electoral College and attaining the White House. This will provide the Islamic blocks considerable power in the Democrat Party. It could be that power which may cause the Democrats to break that promise about not entering into the problems of Egypt and further into the imbroglio all but guaranteed to have worsened in the Middle East. Our best guess is that the Democrats will be beholding to Sunni Islam which will place the United States in direct conflict with Iran as well as possibly, should alliances remain as they are currently, against Russia. The wild card would be whether or not the Chinese desire getting involved or take the intelligent path of remaining aloof and out of all wars which they do not choose to start. The truth is that we are guaranteed that the future is going to be interesting if nothing else. The question is will time change Islam or will it remain set on the path of chasing after world conquest as they believe the Quran demands of them. Should the Muslim Brotherhood remain a power determining the policies and beliefs for Sunni Islam, then we can be assured that world conquest will remain their goal. They will desire to use their power within the Democrat Party in order to serve just that goal.


If anyone believes that the United States is in turmoil currently, just wait until the late 2020’s to the mid 2030’s and what is coming. Imagine the conflict which will arise should one party begin to try and replace the Constitution with a new set of laws which, as time passes, begin to point that they are attempting to place Sharia in place of the Constitution. The civil conflict which this could instigate would make these current altercations pale by comparison. That will be because the Christians, who are usually the quiet or at least polite, will be up in arms and become the strongest of Constitutionalists. Things might even start to become uncomfortable sufficiently for the Jews, who currently are very aligned with the Democrat Party, start to depart out of fear and a measure of survival instinct. If the rise of Islamic interests in the Democrat Party does not give the Jews reason for pause, then they are truly lost to their faith. The Muslim power base and ability to fund campaigns for the Democrats will have them a strong replacement for the Jews who will not have the numbers or financial clout to compete with the Islamic power base. Should these events take place, there will be many Jews fleeing to Israel, as Europe will no longer be a safe refuge. The real question is whether or not the Islamic powers through the Muslim Brotherhood actually take power in the United States as their well laid out plans which are no secret.


We may be sounding like fear-mongers, but the above link is real and what we have laid out here is also a distinct probability. We have traced this slow progression of the hate of anti-Semitism which has slowly but inexorably grown stronger and stronger in places which many claimed it could never grow. This growth has been in the far left and not the right. This is why the left and Democrat Party have become the natural home for the Islamic interests. We have witnessed the expression of Israel hatred from the far left and exemplified by Linda Sarsour and many of her activities. How all of the parties and forces in play will make sure that American political theater continues to defy predictions and make turns and spins which nobody could ever have conceived could occur is anyone’s guess. Who could have predicted that President Obama would be elected at the time that Ronald Reagan gained his reelection and it appeared that Vice President Bush would follow for a full two terms, and he lost to a relative unknown governor from Arkansas. Imagine a time when we had little knowledge of a family known as the Clintons. Of all the things which have occurred in American politics, the one prediction which came true in spades was the warning from President Eisenhower to keep a tight control over the military and its potential marriage with a defense industry which would drain funds from the American public at unstoppable rates if allowed to go loose. Well, they went loose and America reaped the misery. We are, unfortunately, not quite as true seeing as was President Eisenhower, but then he spoke of what he knew and you cannot fault him for the ensuing mess because we did not heed his warnings. What will be coming down the road to us looks to be of equal a threat to the American dream and a Constitution which has never known and potentially will never see its equal outside of the bible, the book which began the entire idea of personal freedoms and national liberties.


Beyond the Cusp


July 8, 2018

Justice Department Inspector General Report on FBI and 2016 Elections


Why not just get the most over-hyped part out of the way right off the bat. Yes, FBI lawyer Lisa Page sent a text message to her lover at the FBI asking, “(Trump is) not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” with an actual ?! which where we come from shows distress, uncertainty and heightened anxiety. Then the fateful reply from FBI agent Peter Strzok who texted back stating, “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.” So, what can we conclude from this evidence? Well, that the rest of the five-hundred page report will end up as fodder for the mainstream media while social media will be tossing back and forth how that exchange is meaningless and also that it signifies the end of the world, it all depends upon which side of this battle you side.


We have a different take on the whole report and a few of the outstanding minutia which we believe should have sounded alarm bells somewhere within the FBI or the Justice Department but obviously did not. The first thing is this was the Justice Department selecting an inspector to inspect the FBI which is part of the Justice Department. The fact that this investigation found absolutely nothing untoward should have been the expected response. Basically you had an enforcement officer from the Justice Department investigating if the department which pays his salary did anything wrong. Why is it we see something not quite right here? Well, because this investigation which was largely to see if there was any bias in favor of Hillary Clinton and/or against Donald Trump during the 2016 election cycle was performed by the agency where the bias presumably was centered while the investigation into whether Trump’s campaign was working hand in glove with the Russians went to a special prosecutor. The important difference there is the special prosecutor is paid independently and thus will often be more thorough. Both of these investigations should have been investigated by a special prosecutor or neither of these investigations should even have been executed. Having the Justice Department investigate the Justice Department is the quickest means to reaching a conclusion that nothing was done which requires any further investigation, now can we get back to running the country as we see fit while basically ignoring the President and Congress unless we agree with them.


But we believe there was one little item which really should have set off alarms. This concerns FBI agent Peter Strzok. Even before his little reassuring text message, there was something not quite correct in his behavior. Mr. Strzok was part of the investigation by the FBI into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server. Mr. Strzok was part of the investigation by the FBI into collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Mr. Strzok was initially part of the special counsel probe being run by Robert Mueller. Any normal human being would probably grow suspicious of any person who wormed their way into every aspect of investigating and potentially affecting the Presidential campaign. One would think that Mr. Strzok’s immediate supervisor would have at least called him in for a consultation and inquired as to what was it that had him working on so many closely related investigations. Then, a good supervisor would have made him give up at the very least one of the positions if not just choose which one in which he most desired to take part. Leaving one person in all three of these investigations was an error of management. Additionally, Peter Strzok’s wife, Melissa Hodgman, was appointed by President Obama as Associate Director of the SEC’s (Securities and Exchange Commission) Enforcement Division in 2016. We guess the good news is that Joseph Burrow, the husband of former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, has a position which is not with the government and may actually be above suspicion of anything except probably really upset about his name being dragged like this because his wife was having too much fun at the office parties.


Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page


What we love about this entire boondoggle is that it exposed something those of us who grew up around Washington D.C. already knew, that there is a government within the government which actually runs the day-to-day operations and because Congress grew fat and lazy, they also decide how the general concepts and ideas which Congressional legislation contains are interpreted and applied into regulations which have the weight of law. President Barack Obama understood this which is why during his first term; Cass Sunstein was named the Administration’s Regulatory Czar. President Obama’s initial instructions to Mr. Sunstein were to go through the legislation passed during the last decade and look for regulations which could be derived out of these pieces of legislation. Needless to say, Mr. Sunstein was very efficient and the number of regulations during President Obama’s first term was significant. So, yes, Virginia, there really is a “Deep State” and it lives within the agencies which are largely manned by left-leaning to extreme left individuals with, every so often, a conservative who spends much time ducking to remain out of sight and hopefully out of mind. The reason for this is very simple to understand. During Republican conservative administrations, true conservatives, they more often than not put in place a hiring freeze, consolidate departments, which often lead to numerous government workers being sent to new agencies where they bump another worker who has less time in service at their level or is a lower pay grade who then bumps the next until the most recent hire found loses their job. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is a very strong and powerful union and has garnered near chiseled in stone guarantee that once you complete your probationary period you can only be fired if you really do something stupid like texting on your government provided computer, “(Trump is) not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” or reply to this text saying on your government provided computer, “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.” One of these people was forced from their position and the other merely demoted and barred from active investigatory positions. So, even doing such as these might not get you fired. So, Republican conservatives block hiring new personnel when they might have some sway in the process. Then when a Democrat or Republican Progressive and often leftist is elected, the flood gates open and the hiring circus begins and things are good in old D.C. This is how and why most federal government employees are liberal or even leftists and the promotion ladder is stacked even further to the left than the middle and lower level positions. President Trump has revealed this truth for the world to see. Unfortunately, most of the world, and even the American people, do not care and most honestly believe that there is nothing that can be done to repair this problem. The really sad news is that they are correct.


Deep State

Deep State


Thomas Jefferson realized that this would be a problem, that with parties that the government employees would tend to be more from one party than the other and with time would create a poisonous atmosphere which would threaten the people’s freedoms and liberties. Thomas Jefferson stated it outright when he wrote to his friend William Smith, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson once confided that he believed for the United States to stay true to its founding declarations that it would take a revolution every twenty years to force the nations to start again from scratch with only the Declarations of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. This, in his opinion would be found to be necessary otherwise; the federal government would usurp the power of the states and become tyrannical. He was very likely a tad too pessimistic thinking twenty years, but two-hundred and twenty would probably have reached that stage in his mind. When people who have positions of such power as obviously Peter Strzok must have wielded getting on every investigation of note about the election all to work to the detriment of one of the candidates and the favor of the other, then there is a problem. That it took an investigation by an Inspector General to make possible the airing of the full scope of the problems was significant. What became even more significant was that the Inspector General was so invested in the swamp that is the Deep State that he saw nothing inherently wrong or partisan in these events. Basically, the report states that everything was just as normal as could be expected, all things considered. This is what is considered normal then there is a deep-seated problem and it needs to be pulled up by its rotting foliage, roots and all. But, that is something the American people need to wrestle with and decide. We hope that the solution found will be peaceable but thorough leading to efficient and balanced government similar to the initial days of the nation where the government represents the people and not represses the people. We wish you well as you enter your two-hundred-forty-third year.


Beyond the Cusp


June 11, 2018

Trump Russia Probe is Now All About Israel


We know what many are shaking their heads asking, ‘Really BTC, not everything is about Israel.’ Well, true, but let’s dive down this rabbit hole and see where it leads us. The reporting we saw came from an article titled Does Mueller have an Israel problem? Quoting from the initial paragraph, it states the following;

According to The Conservative Review’s Jordan Schachtel, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has exhibited a “disturbing pattern” of suspicion directed against Israel over the years – which continues to this day.

Ominous start, but why not explore the remainder and then all make up our minds. Looking at Jordan Schachtel’s article in Conservative Review titled “Robert Mueller’s Israel Problem,” we read in his first paragraph,

As the Mueller probe drags along into year two of its supposed investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, a disturbing pattern has emerged. The special counsel has become obsessed with the state of Israel. The former FBI director is deeply suspicious, to the point of total paranoia, that there is a grand conspiracy involving the Trump campaign and transition officials as potential agents for the Israelis.

Is this starting to get a little more interesting yet? Well, we also went through a number of the Daily Caller articles where we finally found the source for the initial intrigue where presumably George Papadopoulos plead guilty to lesser charges in order to avoid the threat from Mueller that he would prosecute him as an Israeli spy. That source was presumably George Papadopoulos’ wife, Simona Mangiante. While looking at the Daily Caller articles on the Mueller Probe, and they apparently are obsessed with this probe, we found this little jewel,

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is looking into White House adviser Jared Kushner’s contacts with Israeli officials in the days leading up to the election.


Eventually, running all of this backwards far enough and we find the Wall Street Journal article, “Special Counsel Mueller Probes Jared Kushner’s Contacts With Foreign Leaders” where our suspicions were finally verified on what the entire Mueller Russia Probe is all about, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 condemning all Israeli settlement activity beyond the Green Line (the 1949 Armistice Line) including East Jerusalem and everything that entails claiming it constitutes a “flagrant violation” of international law and has “no legal validity”. It demands that Israel stop such activity and fulfill its obligations as an occupying power under the Fourth Geneva Convention. We all remember the claims that President Obama had absolutely no part in the authoring of this resolution, and we agree as it was entirely written in Tehran and was last swipe at Bibi Netanyahu and a conjoined effort by the Mullahs of Iran and President Obama probably with Valerie Jarrett acting as the go-between. So, one last quote from Conservative Review’s Jordan Schachtel,

The special counsel has become obsessed with the state of Israel. The former FBI director is deeply suspicious, to the point of total paranoia, that there is a grand conspiracy involving the Trump campaign and transition officials as potential agents for the Israelis.


President Obama probably with Valerie Jarrett acting as the go-between

President Obama probably with Valerie Jarrett acting as the go-between


Now we can continue with the rest of this now that we have found that kernel of reality, which binds it all together. Mueller, who is a close friend of President Obama and was hand picked by the Deep State at the Justice Department with high recommendations from then FBI Director James Comey was chosen to lead this expedition as revenge for President Obama on President Trump because Trump had the audacity to make an attempt to thwart President Obama’s United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 with which he was going to show those upstart Israelis who really holds the power. Can one really believe this entire mess has been a personal vendetta also joined into with the Clinton’s as Trump had just bested Hillary Clinton in an election which was supposed to coronate her as the heir to the throne. One can only be tempted to substitute these characters into the series “Game of Thrones” and debate who is going to have their head chopped off next. Just to set things straight, Mueller would be the Ice King’s dragon sent forth to destroy the normal with the Ice King and the second in command being Obama and Hillary and the Ice Wall was the Constitution of the United States, that which protects individuals from political vendettas. Now back to our regularly scheduled article.


We have Papadopoulos pleading guilty to lesser charges after Mueller, the Great Inquisitor, threatened him with prosecution as an Israeli spy. Papadopoulos knows there is virtually no evidence which would link him with being an Israeli spy, but also knows that there are many people out for blood in this matter and he did not desire any of it being his. He probably thought it is better to require a Band-Aid than surgery to treat the wounds he was going to receive. So, he pleads guilty, turns evidence as to whatever Mueller demands and walks away a few months later with all his parts in order. We understand completely, when choosing between a cement truck and a tricycle, you pick being run into by the tricycle over run over by the cement truck. We now know how they got the presumed goods from Papadopoulos to go after General Michael Flynn with misleading the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador about a UN anti-Israel resolution in December of 2016. This is an easy trap to set; you have Papadopoulos swear in a deposition that he heard General Michael Flynn say something simple. Then you have James Comey claim in his deposition that General Michael Flynn also said the same something simple. Both agree that what Flynn stated to the FBI was not the actual truth and bingo, two against one. Now you have General Michael Flynn caught in the Mueller bear trap with the intent of turning him against President Trump and then you have impeachment proceedings to remove Trump, or better yet, conspiracy to alter the outcome of an election to take to the Supreme Court in order to overturn the election results because there was tampering with the vote and really Hillary Clinton won the election. That would really be selected, not elected, the chant we heard back during George W. Bush’s first term in office after the Florida debacle.


But there is still the matter of Barack Obama getting his revenge on Trump for attempting to get Russian President Putin to have his United Nations Ambassador veto President Obama’s United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 against Israel. Well, it failed anyway probably because President Putin, like President Obama, is allied with Iran and as they wrote the resolution, or helped possibly, he had to back his important Syrian ally. What is so very interesting is what has happened since. President Putin was following what then President Obama desired probably figuring that Trump would be a one-term President and a complete fiasco and failure having no influence or power. President Obama had all the signs of power and was the safer bet. Putin likely wishes for a do-over as President Trump has proven to be far more than an empty suit. Nowhere has this been more evident than concerning Israel with the official recognition by President Trump that the United States sees Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the embassy to Jerusalem with great alacrity. That, in and of itself, has all but cancelled President Obama’s Resolution 2334. Yes, we know that President Trump gave lip-service to the moving of the embassy has nothing to do with the final borders the two sides might agree to in the end. With all that has happened in the past year, it has become obvious that it has been the Palestinian Authority which has prevented any steps towards peace to even those who have been asleep for the past fifty years.


Further, Mueller, as part of his pursuing charges against President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s part in the attempts to shoot down President Obama’s United Nations Resolution 2334, sent an investigatory team to Israel to speak with as many people who might have had contact with Kushner. This effort was all part of seeing if Kushner might be acting as an Israeli agent which would bring him instantly under charges. They turned over every leaf, combed every paper trail, and still came up empty. Interestingly, quoting once again from Conservative Review’s Jordan Schachtel,

Mueller’s suspicions of Israel — and Jews as a whole — go back to his early days as the FBI director.
In 2004, the Mueller FBI alleged that a massive Israeli spy ring was operating out of the Pentagon. The stunning revelations sent shockwaves throughout the intelligence community, and it was followed by endless editorials painting Israel as a nefarious actor seeking to undermine the United States.
Yet it later turned out that the allegations were completely bogus. There was no Israeli spy ring, but rather, what appeared to be a deliberate attempt to target Jews for prosecution. There were several disturbing instances of the Mueller FBI running sting operations attempting to “tempt Jews” to betray their country. “All turned down the offer,” according to the Washington Post. Mueller’s attempts to lure Jews into a trap failed. The botched operation confirmed the troubling reality that elements of the U.S. intelligence community remained attached to anti-Semitism.

Meanwhile, the investigatory team sent to Israel was tasked specifically to track down the activities of at least two Israeli social media and consulting firms. Mueller and his prosecutors suggested in leaks to the media, something done way too freely by everyone from the Justice Department, that the Israeli firms probably have colluded with the Trump campaign to secure his election victory. After all, it simply could not have been the will of the American electorate, those ones which President Obama once quipped, “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”



We used to believe the Mueller Probe was largely about overturning the Presidential Election as well as, failing that, preventing President Trump from accomplishing much of his program by hogtying as many in his administration with fighting against seemingly honest efforts to remove Trump from office. This has so catastrophically failed that even many Democrats now see the Mueller Probe as a boat anchor preventing their ship from sailing. Trust that it is more than that anchor as the mainstream stalwarts of the Democrat Party insist on firing their cannonades through the decks and the bottom of the boat which is sinking their hopes for the midterm elections. The Republican Party stands to gain in both houses despite recent efforts by retiring Speaker Paul Ryan to sabotage Republican gains. All the Republicans really need control is President Trump and his Tweeting something horribly offensive or some other unforgivable gaff. Also, the Republicans should do everything quietly and behind the scenes to encourage Mueller to continue full speed ahead and continue leaking like a sieve. The media will take care of the rest, as they cannot help themselves. If they even get a whiff of something anti-Trump, they are right on it and running with it to their ever-appreciative editors. But could we ask one more favor of Mueller while he is running to and fro attempting to chase his personal daemons, could you actively attempt to link Israel with Trump and Russia and spell it all out in the media and throw in a full recounting about how the Israelis foiled you uncovering their spy ring in the Pentagon and how this is all about Israel preventing you from finding the truth about Trump because, well, you know, they control Trump and the government. Of course that would mean they chose you knowing that you are looking for the Israel angle almost as hard as you are the Trump and Russia angle. Keep up the good work, really.


Beyond the Cusp


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