Beyond the Cusp

January 20, 2017

The Criminalization of the Jewish State


Thank you President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, United States Ambassador to the United Nations Power as well as members of the United Nations Security Council, China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Angola, Egypt, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, Spain, Ukraine, Uruguay and Venezuela for your thoughtful nonbinding UNSC Res. 2334 and especially your special efforts expressing in uncertain references that the world was now free to economically and politically attack Israel with the world’s blessings. Thank you the many areas in the world, especially in Europe as depicted more politely than we would be able by Giulio Meotti in his editorial in Arutz Sheva titled Welcome to Europe’s “Israel Free” Cities and it listing a sampling of these open-minded, progressive, free-thinking and anxious cities vying to be amongst the first to boycott all things Israel. We find ourselves fortunate that you are not sending representatives to Israel to paint “Jude” on the storefronts of Israeli retail outlets and manufacturers to further enlighten the world that they should be shunned and boycotted. We would like to say that we were surprised, shocked even, but we knew you were just waiting for President Obama to make hating and boycotting Israel popular and made “kosher” as well, if such a reference does not upset you as being too Jewish. It is our best of hopes that every Israeli and many Jews decide that visiting your hospitable climes or Jews simply find residing in your loving, warm and caring cities an affront and move somewhere they will be accepted and loved. We have plenty of room here in Israel and will hopefully soon have a whole lot more.


The good news is many European Jews are finding the spiteful atmosphere just a tad too hateful and have moved up their decision for making Aliyah and returned to their true home, Israel. Perhaps these cities, towns, municipalities and even entire swaths of the countryside, as in Spain, deciding that a boycott of Israel is in their best interests will place the hint to the Jews residing within areas where the Jewish State is considered something to be spited and blacklisted might not be the most advantageous or even the place where their future may not prove healthy and get the itch which will be given to many by Hashem in the near future and come home before their friendly neighbors decide that a Jew is too Israeli for them. The world is slowly deciding for the Jews that they need to return home to Israel where they will find a happiness unlike any they have ever experienced. All of a sudden being a Jew becomes something easy and so comfortable as you are no longer the other, the outsider, the Jew which will be tolerated as long as it does not act too Jewish. The world may not want things made in Israel, but they actually depend daily on things Israeli and they will not give up those items which make their lives not only easier and richer but in some cases make their lives possible. Their cell phones depend on Israel. If they have stents in the heart they likely were made by Israel. Their instant messenger coding was initially written in Israel. Many agricultural technologies such as drip irrigation which saves water while increasing crop health was invented in Israel. But in order to assist these haters across the world who decide that all things Israel and those things tainted by Israel must be boycotted, allow us to help with this list of ten products you will need to avoid or simply remember all the items from Made in Israel for a more complete list. The thing you won’t need to give up is Stock 84 brandy as it is so good we do not export this gem so you will need to actually visit Israel to enjoy this delicious cordial.


Sometimes one need make fun of what is happening, even make jokes about it as the reality is so disgusting and unacceptable that being completely honest and serious all the time becomes tedious and disgust builds. There is little difference between the Nazis painting “Jude” on shop windows and then one fateful night the anti is raised and windows are smashed and stores ransacked with their inventory either stolen or destroyed and even entire blocks in Jewish neighborhoods are set to the torch and blaze throughout the night. From there we know what came next. Defenseless Jews whose weapons had been confiscated using the lists of gun ownership from the Weimar Republic who required gun licensing which they promised would never be used for confiscation. Well, that went completely wrong as the Nazis broke that promise taking the guns from German citizens to keep order and remove any possibility of public threat to their complete domination of the society. This left the Jews, the Roma, and others who the Nazis labeled as undesirables or submerses completely defenseless allowing for the rounding up, mass transfer of entire communities and entire populations leading eventually to the extermination camps. That is where this path leads whether anybody has the nerve to admit this is where the world is heading. There is a difference this time; the Jews you are targeting cannot be disarmed as long as they have Israel. Wait, that makes things all the clearer, doesn’t it.


Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases

Eretz Yisroel the Israel Solution to Problems is One State Solution with Citizenship for Anybody Who Desires Living in Peace with Equal Rights Responsibilities and Worshiping as One Pleases


First weaken Israel with a subversive group claiming lands which the world through the League of Nations and so many treaties and even the promise of the United Nations within Article 80 of the Charter guaranteed all the British Mandate lands west of the Jordan River. The world is attempting to force Israel to give away these promised lands because unless Israel agrees to part with the lands, then they belong to Israel, period, and the world knows this. They refuse to say what they know is the truth because once again they believe they can force the Jews to be disarmed, this time through the destruction of Israel under the barrage of rockets from an Arab terror state carved from Judea and Samaria taking the high ground overlooking all of Israel. That was what UNSC Res 2334 and the follow-on Paris conference were presumed to allow, nay, force. President Obama could singlehandedly push through the UNSC Res 2334 which defined all the lands beyond the Green Line as reserved for that Arab State which now Israel is presumed to be bound to granting. There is one problem, that resolution is no more than a UNGA Resolution like so many that have passed there or the condemnations from the menagerie of Human Rights groups and the presumptuous gifting of the Temple Mount to Islam denying the Jewish and Christian historic and previous claims and ties by UNESCO. The United Nations can pass whatever they decide they think will disposes Israel of her claims and lands but none will stand before any honest court of law, including the International Criminal Court. We have discussed this quite a bit lately and shown even an Egyptian judge sitting on the court stated as an addendum to a decision which the UNGA had requested as stated towards the end of this article. The land belongs to Israel as long as Israel demands so and that is where this must remain.


The latest events have had a striking effect which was the opposite of their intention. Right now it matters little what Prime Minister Netanyahu may think or what the government currently sitting in the Knesset might claim, the Israeli people will have the final say and that will be exclaimed with pride that Judea and Samaria along with East Jerusalem are the Jewish ancestral heartland and we will never surrender that land. Any government attempting to give away these lands will crumble and fail with new elections being demanded by the Israeli Zionist majority. The best that the Arabs can hope to gain is the right to behave as semiautonomous governance where they care for their people and rule their cities but under Israeli oversight and protection without anything beyond a police security force, not an actual military. They will never steal the ancient heart of Israel and never ever again tear out eternal capital city of Jerusalem in half and steal the Temple Mount or Old City from Israeli rule. Our annexation of Jerusalem is as final as is our annexation of the Golan Heights. There actually need not be any formal annexation of Judea and Samaria as they are already Israeli and will remain Israeli. There will be no debate and the world can yell, stamp their feet, shake their fists, boycott our goods and in the end they will willingly accept the miracles we discover and the advances in computers, telecommunications, agriculture, medicine, drugs, treatments and other advances across all fields because they will want these items and their people will want these items. Just as the boycotters are not surrendering their cell phones, having their stents replaced, avoiding instant messaging, endoscopy in a capsule, clean geothermal power already built in more than twenty countries, the solar window providing power generation and transparency, cherry tomatoes, BabySense’s device which monitors a baby’s breathing and movements through the mattress during sleep, EpiLady which made the first electric hair remover, Rav Bariach introduced steel security door or any of these other forty-five items. The Israeli people are starting to reach the end of their patience and will soon be demanding action that the government will need heed or else a new government will soon be elected which will listen as the Zionists in Israel and will make their voices heard and their presence felt. Their patience has about run out on the empty promises and knows that the time has come as of a few hours from this posting and probably by the time you are reading this. The time has come and the world can react and do whatever they think is required. We have seen how attempting to work with the world gets us; hate, boycotts and threats from every corner. We have reached the point where we are willing to state, “What is the world going to do, hate us? Been there and received that and really do not care as the world will get over it, or not.”


Beyond the Cusp 


January 4, 2017

The Obama Hollande Israel Conspiracy and the United Nations


President Obama and President Hollande have two major things in common at the junction; they are both lame ducks leaving office and both have a visceral hatred for Israel. The first jab at Israel belonged to Hollande with the first Paris so-called peace conference to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict back in June of last year which ended in complete and dishonorable failure. Amongst the attendees were President Hollande, US Secretary of State John Kerry, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini and over twenty other Foreign Secretaries from European States and some Arab States (see picture below). Now they are going to go for round two with the same attendees and once again leaving any meeting with Israeli leadership until after the conference. There is also the claim, a valid fact, that they will also be meeting with Palestinian Authority President Abbas after the conference while nobody is to mention the December meetings in Paris with Abbas, Kerry and Ayrault drawing up the basics and demands of the Arabs to destroy or mortally wound Israel as the conclusion to the conference. With the same attendees, how are they planning on making things different; and that has a singular answer, President Obama. We are willing to bet that even if President Obama is not there for the start of the conference, if necessary he will attend at some point and remind the various attendees of the bold step of allowing Israel to be made vulnerable through his bold actions at the United Nations right before Christmas. President Obama will be there to challenge these leaders to take the bold move to really make peace by recognizing Palestine and all members nations to the conference doing so in accord with having the conference findings formalized and President Obama will take it to the Security Council and have them pass the same resolution formally recognizing Palestine and setting its borders with half of Jerusalem as their capital city all using the Green Line. Why not place a gun to every Israelis head and telling them leave or die in a hail of a million rockets raining down from the Judean hills, the heights overlooking almost all of Israel including its heavily populated central heartlands around Tel Aviv and five other major cities. Such a forced peace resolution would make Jerusalem undefendable as well as Tel Aviv, Dimona, Haifa, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Netanya and all the suburbs and industrial centers throughout Israel.


French President Francois Hollande (C), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (C-L), French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (C-R), US Secretary of State John Kerry (4th R), European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini (3rd R) and officials pose for a group photo at an international meeting in a bid to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in Paris, on June 3, 2016. (AFP Photo/Pool/Kamil Zihnioglu)

French President Francois Hollande (C), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (C-L), French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (C-R), US Secretary of State John Kerry (4th R), European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini (3rd R) and officials pose for a group photo at an international meeting in a bid to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in Paris, on June 3, 2016. (AFP Photo/Pool/Kamil Zihnioglu)


This conference is a set up for the imposition of a suicide peace upon Israel and guarantees war will start within days of Trump being sworn in as President as it is likely that Abbas promised to wait a short period, probably very short, after President Obama has left office and the Democrats and media can place all the blame on President Trump simply because he is the one in the White House when the fighting commenced and will be charged with doing too little to prevent any Israeli response. That is all the world cares about any longer, Israel and their making any efforts to survive and protect their citizens which the world sees as simply millions of Jews. Whatever one does, do not even try to tell these intelligentsia that Israel has almost as many non-Jewish citizens including Arab Christians, Arab Muslims, Druze, Bedouin, Baha’I and many others which make up a full quarter of the population. These unfortunates will be the ones mourned should they be harmed and Israel will be blamed for their deaths as well as receiving demands they stand down and not overreact to the attacks and that negotiations are being held again across the capitals of the world in emergency sessions and Israel must give them the opportunity to forge peace. The only peace they will be attempting to forge is what the Arab world demands, no more Israel and all the Jews gone. None of these noble nations for peace would allow a single Jew to enter their nation should Israel face the necessity to evacuate her population leaving just the military to try and defend the nation. The response of the world would mimic their responses from World War II when they knew about the Concentration Camps and did nothing, not even bomb the railroad tracks five miles to the east and destroy the junction to Auschwitz Buchenwald when striking the train depot just down the tracks. Then there was the Voyage of the Damned, the fated MS St. Louis and its slow trip back to Germany from Cuba and the refusal by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to allow a single Jew to enter as a refugee of an endangered peoples as they are now taking Syrians, Afghans and other Arab refugees under President Obama. Actually, the fact is President Obama would likely insist the Palestinians delay any attack until some amount of time after he retires and can claim to have washed his hands of Israel and the Middle East and leave blame heaped upon the new President Trump with the mainstream media valued assist.


MS St. Louis

MS St. Louis


The perfidy of all involved, which remarkably pretty much leaves Israel out of the picture except for a possible photo op for French President Francois Hollande, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, US Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama immediately after the conference and immediately before informing him of the agreement and concurrently with it being presented for consideration at the United Nations Security Council. This is the opportunity which these leftist have been drooling over. With President Obama showing a glimmer of light, a crack in the armor which the United States had provided Israel defending them in the Security Council but now the United States has taken a bow and retired to the sidelines allowing mischief to run wild. This just might result in the second phase, the recognition which formalizes President Obama’s initial assault with their abstaining allowing condemnation of any Israeli or Jewish presence beyond the Green Line and demanding any peace be based on the Green Line erasing UNSC Res 242 allowing for recognition to follow by any nation of Palestine Arab State using the Green Line for the new border. This would be President Obama’s legacy and one he would proudly hold as his most outstanding accomplishment while secretly knowing he had simply instigated yet another war. Why should his ability to destroy nations and start wars not continue to the last day of this Nobel Peace Prize Laureate?


The Paris conference had originally been aimed to be scheduled for somewhere right before Christmas when the June confab failed. This was postponed and was set for after New Year’s but with some of the Foreign Secretaries requesting a later date it was then set for March 15 thus making “Beware of the Ides of March” an enticing title. For reasons not made public, the scheduled meeting was moved back to January and set for the fifteenth once again. One can only wonder what forces in the universe converged on all the attending nations to return the conference to five days before President Obama is scheduled to be retired from the Presidency. President Obama might be putting some real mileage onto Air Force One in the final week of his Presidency with a possible pressure trip to Paris to insist that the rest of the world do their part of the power squeeze against Israel and formally recognize Palestine. He will claim how he is depending on their taking the bull by the horns and wrestling with reality as this may be the last time that the world has the correct people in the White House and in governments across Europe such that peace can be forged if they steel themselves to the task. There will be arm twisting, back slapping, and compliments galore, but if that fails then the threats get lined up, but a forced peace will be the only result President Obama will settle for, anything less he will take as a personal rebuke. The reasoning before was that they could not set any borders as UNSC 242 and the careful language would not allow such to be forced on Israel. That was the reasoning behind the latest UNSC 2334 setting the new border negotiations to be set around the Green Line making using the Green Line and blaming Israel for not acting faster and sacrificing for peace as the reason the rest of the world had to step in and set a border while such was a possibility. This has been planned in the White House as their contingency plan should the impossible happen, Hillary Clinton losing the election. Never underestimate Hillary Clinton when it comes to messing up even a given thing and managing to lose an election, even to a confirmed clown. With President Trump now looming on the horizon with a complete Cabinet filled with pro-Israel group of candidates, President Obama is making this appear as a threat to peace and not the return of the United States support for her ally. President Obama does not see Israel as an ally but as the bane behind all that is wrong in the world and the basis of all wars, especially those in the Middle East and North Africa. President Obama has painted the lack of a settled peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs as the most pressing and necessary emergency the nations of Europe and the Middle East to work with him in this tight schedule before the inauguration and this opportunity being eclipsed by the end of President Obama’s term on January 20 about noon. Imagine President Obama at the United Nations Security Council on January 20 at about 9:45 crying to the other members to hurry and get the Paris conference adopted by the United Nations Security Council and make it under, please, please Chapter Seven to make it a binding resolution and not merely a Chapter Six which is a nonbinding resolution which is unenforceable and depends on both sides accepting the resolution. Chapter Six Resolution would leave doubt as to whether Israel could be made to accept the Green Line meaning that almost a million Israelis would need be relocated, a monumental imposition and something near impossible to do without severe destruction to the Israeli economy and making an instant housing crisis. What everyone is ignoring is that the Palestinian Authority would reject such an offer even if it were a Chapter Seven as they are sworn to only accept all the land and the destruction of Israel, everything else is too little to end their continued demands and terror war.


The coming Paris peace conference is the setting of the final trap by the Obama administration should they manage to persuade the European Foreign Secretaries to accept making a resolution recognizing a Palestinian State and setting the borders recognized by the international community to be the Green Line. Their agreement is the necessary introduction which is required by President Obama as the means for requesting similar action by the United Nations Security Council and if the Paris agreement can be done with a unanimous agreement with no dissenting votes, then perhaps such pressure of universal agreement in Paris would suffice to force even that Chapter Seven resolution and provide President Obama his vitally needed legacy as thus far no such success exists and his legacy is simply lacking. This is urgent legacy building and President Obama will refuse to be denied. What is the terrible truth is that should President Obama get his legacy, the world will be that much closer to a great confrontation between two cultures, one where preserving life is the greatest gift while the other finds glory though death and honors the fallen over the living. The world will have to choose sides and it appears that at Paris, Europe might decide to side with death over prizing life and set the wheels of destiny into motion. President Obama will be getting the greatest legacy possible, the legacy of destroying much of society having it all but surrender to the purveyors of death over the guardian of life.


Beyond the Cusp


October 20, 2016

Why the Temple Mount was Denied Connection to Judaism


UNESCO recently ruled the Temple Mount was of Islamic origins ignoring all evidence of its age easily reaching back at least one or as many as two and a half thousand years before the birth of Mohammed. The fact it was given to the Muslims was of less importance than the fact that it would be denied the Jews. The Temple Mount could have been presented to the Roman Catholic Church in Rome, the Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Coptic or other Christian sect, or the Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, or Evangelical Christian and even the Anglican Church of England; just as long as it was not recognized as having any relation to the Jews and especially their history. There is too much riding on Jerusalem and ancient Israel being simply part of an old storybook which taught a few basic morals through stories with flawed people and holier than thou seers and magic. Some advanced and currently influential religions, both Christianity and Islam utilized some of these stories in moral tales in their holy works. But as Christianity was long based on their religion being the replacement of Jews as the Chosen People with a new set of Prophets whose writings were of the selected most recognized few used to compose the New Testament. Islam came and was based as the final replacement theology replacing both Judaism and Christianity and making the claim there could be no further alterations or adjudications and this final word was written in the Quran in its pure and final form. There is one thing which must be made about all three holy books, the Old Testament which includes the Five Books of Moses (Torah) and the books of the Prophets, Judges, Kings, plus Psalms and Proverbs written largely by Kings David and Solomon; New Testament; and Quran were all written years if not centuries after the people who originally authored them had lived carried forward by oral repetitions, memory, adaption to political designs and cultural needs thus are not likely to be quite as accurate as often advertised. The one item which becomes obvious is that the Old Testament is the origin for the other two writings and the Quran uses parts and references to both previous works and incorporates many customs though some appear to having been twisted and possibly inverted to fit the idea of a superseding Islam.


The foremost need with the descendants of the Israelites, the remaining tribes being Benjamin and Judea with the majority of the priestly casts who became known in Grecian and Roman eras as the Judeans which was eventually shortened to Jews, that their returning and founding the nation of Israel not be recognized as the realization of the Prophetic predictions of the eventual return of not only the Jews, but of all of the Tribes of Israel, all twelve and their priestly Levites and Kohanim. As lost tribes of peoples who claim relations and whose ancestry has been checked and rechecked, passing all requirements, having been restored to join their long separated brothers and sisters, for they are all from one family, the family of Jacob, son of Isaak, son of Avraham; are indeed the fulfillment of prophesy and now the final resistance. The last obstacle is to deny them their ancient heartlands, their beating heart of Jerusalem, and to deny them their most prized Temple Mount so as to belittle their return and mock Hashem and His people. Jewish tribes have returned from across Europe from France and Britain through Poland into Russia entering Asia. Tribes of Jews arrived from Spain south to Morocco across North Africa on through the Middle East through Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. There was the airlifting of Ethiopian Jews facing horrific threats to their very lives. There are the Menashe Tribe in India and a potentially new tribe in southern India. There is a set of Jews from Morocco mostly residing up the Amazon River where a grand Synagogue once was the center of a burgeoning community which has died off over the years and the Synagogue still stands but has lost some of its grandeur. Some wonder if theirs was not a somewhat lesser meaning as the building was not built in any grand European style synagogue. There have been groups of Jews, more often than one might expect but entire groups who can trace their ancestry back all the way to when they were forced from Eretz Yisroel. There have been numerous resident Jews residing in Hevron and Old City Jerusalem in the family house tracing ancestry whose graves they can point to and tell how they are related back to the earliest periods. Jerusalem has long held a Jewish community which has always made up a majority. But the problem was not those Jews who remained throughout some cities in Israel; it was those Jews who were returning home, as they described their making Aliyah, sometimes in droves since the founding of the new Zionist Movement in the 1880s.


The Jews returning was fulfilling prophecy completing the Bible providing validation of their place as Hashem’s chosen people. It was this validating of the Old Testament and that by doing such invalidating the claims by Christianity and Islam as having replaced the Israelite people, the Jews, as the chosen by Hashem. This made everything become a problem and the center of the building storm was Jerusalem and more accurately, the Temple Mount where a rebuilt Holy Temple, if constructed, would be the final tile falling into place completing the construction of a mosaic started some 3500 years ago where, with the slight change of two names, the first tile in the hopefully never ending mosaic were lain. It is understood by both the leadership across Islam and Christianity that the Jews must be prevented by any and all means necessary from one, building the Temple specifically on Mount Moriah and the Temple Mount and second, the Jews must be prevented from returning and owning their sacred heartlands and holiest cities which all revolves around Judea and Samaria along with the cities of Jerusalem, Hevron, Shiloh, and/or Shechem (renamed Nablus) as well as a few others beyond the Green Line all of which have holy places relevant to stories in the Old Testament. Further, the Muslims control the Temple Mount Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Bethlehem Church of the Nativity and have a controlling population in Nazareth thus holding the cards for preventing Christians their historic sites as well. All of this has placed the Muslims in control of historically and religiously vital and near essential holy sites and holy cities and is working to cement their presumed control over all the above mentioned areas. It is well understood that Abbas is willing to refuse any deal where the Arab Muslim Palestinians do not control not only all the lands beyond the Green Line but also all of Jerusalem as well as areas within Israel which includes Nazareth. This would cement control of the important Christian sites and cities as well as a long list of Jewish cities filled with Jewish history. This has been the Islamic playbook from their very beginning, to conquer, destroy or Islamize other religion’s holy sites often by simply raising one to four or even beyond minarets as was done to the Hagia Sophia.


Istanbul, Turkey pictures of Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque Montage. The Hagia Sofia Mosque was originally a cathedral built when the city was known as Constantinople.

Istanbul, Turkey pictures of Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque Montage. The Hagia Sofia Mosque was originally a cathedral built when the city was known as Constantinople.


Lastly, the Temple Mount being given over to Islam was one of many slights, insults and forced servitude done to prevent the re-establishment of a Biblically intact Jewish State and the first of many steps so that a military crush can be initiated whereby Hashem will prevent such. Under the Sharia all lands ever trodden by a Muslim must be conquered and brought back under their rule at all cost as all of the Middle East had been colonized by the Arabs during their many assaults expanding their colonial empire.


Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule

Expansion of Islam Across MENA and threaten Europe before Ottoman Rule


The above map depicts the conquests of the initial Caliphate and also depicts lands where the Arabs through various means have all but destroyed, decimated the original conditions, peoples, religions and all else. The means are unimportant as long as all surrender to Islam as the presumed end result for all within their areas of control must surrender to Islam. Their desired end aim is world subjugation by any and all means necessary including the slaughter of their noncompliant peoples who refuse to convert. Those are the truths. The world may ignore all they desire but they do so at their own peril.


Beyond the Cusp


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