Beyond the Cusp

December 28, 2016

Three Weeks Could Produce Obama Surprise of the Week


One must first broaden their horizons to play at this sick little game. Remember that President Obama still has a little over three weeks left and he still has his pen even if it is too late for his phone to help. This all depends on what legacy President Obama believes he is setting, not what legacy he is actually achieving. When one allows their vengeful and oh so petty side to overrule all sense of propriety so many things become possible. One could see crippling the incoming President with such a mountain of impending disasters that he will waste his first year putting out fires and rescuing lost causes. President Obama has taken a pass at the United Nations Security Council all while pushing for a resolution to punish those uppity Jews otherwise known as Israel. He has all but eliminated any future the United States and Canada, as he was working with Canadian leftist Prime Minister Trudeau, drilling or mining for precious natural resources leaving almost the entire Arctic region for the Russians to explore and drain of everything he claimed to have rescued from the greedy hands of American capitalists. There are so many other fronts where he could even create calamities and disasters beyond the pale and since he is surrounded by sufficiently bright minds, nothing we add here will be giving them any ideas they already have not thought about, so no damage looking around and seeing what is the potential for mischief.


President Obama may not be actually capable of declaring war as that is reserved for Congress, but why would that stop him now, as he could provoke a state of war with Russia or China or Israel. President Obama has a long list of those who have not bowed to his preeminence, that is when he was not bowing to theirs (see images below). Protocols are one thing; bowing to the point of submission is completely different. President Obama entered office with little knowledge as to the actual importance of the office he was to hold. He differed to nearly every leader he met initially apparently believing it was polite. It was submissive and his actions afterwards proved that perception to be most accurate. Still, anybody receiving the Nobel Prize for Peace when still shuffling people around to complete their Cabinet and place their preferred people in Ambassadorships is bound to make anybody’s head spin giddy with the feelings of the moment and to honestly believe that it was a sign that he would accomplish great things. Now President Obama finds himself with mere weeks left, the next President hostile to virtually everything he accomplished and no real legacy except as probably being the President with the most number of presumed accomplishments reversed in the first year of the following President’s administration. The real problem with much of President Obama’s presumed accomplishments is they were either passed with a veto proof majority in Congress willing to support everything he proposed and to fall at his feet when required. Still, he was unable to get his energy plans and the carbon tax and credit system passed (even the Democrats realized that would destroy the economy irreparably) and only got his healthcare system, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, Obamacare) passed without a single Republican vote making it an albatross around the neck of every Democrat legislator, retreated from Iraq while announcing a date American troops would all but desert Afghanistan leading to the disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan and largely Syria along with the birth of the Islamic State (not the Junior Varsity Obama labelled them but also a problem soon to meet a solution), started but did not finish a war in Libya leading to Syria redux, and generally underperformed. So, what to do to set things to right and gain something of a legacy?


President Obama Bowing to top row: Saudi King, Japanese Emperor middle row: Chinese President, Japanese Robot bottom row: Queen of England, and the Pope

President Obama Bowing to
top row: Saudi King, Japanese Emperor
middle row: Chinese President, Japanese Robot
bottom row: Queen of England, and the Pope


President Obama took care of the first thing on his bucket list, revenge on Bibi Netanyahu and destroying any possibility for peace between Israel and the Arab world. This also set the stage for a potential war between the entire world and Israel. His Security Council abstaining after forcing the bringing to a vote a condemnatory piece of garbage against Israel while leaving the Palestinians not even required to make a statement about peace will make it a required necessity for Israel to retreat behind the Green Line or face isolation from the world. This piece of garbage is making her once again completely vulnerable to another massive Arab assault with genocidal intents just as happened in 1948 and again in 1967. Israel surviving those wars, and even thriving, that was only by the will of Hashem as both times the survival of Israel was the miracle. President Obama does not wish for Israel to thrive, survive or anything resembling existing and he has no desire for any space to be the Jewish homelands. His orders to abstain and forcing the bringing of this motion after the President elect worked to have it postponed was a bastardation of his powers and a vile show of hatred. What was done is done and the world will never allow it to be undone. The world was embarrassed and forced to rescind their United Nation General Assemble passing of a resolution declaring “Zionism is racism” begrudgingly. The Durban 2001 World Conference against Racism which carried the official title of the noble sounding long stretching string of words, “World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance,” chaired by the esteemed anti-Zionist, anti-Israel, anti-Semite then United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Therese Winifred Robinson. This conference has been celebrated repeatedly and will continue to be celebrated for as long as Israel remains the Jewish State and its target will never change. The initial conference devolved into such a vile seething hatred of Israel and Jews in general centered around the “Zionism is racism” theme. The United States joined Israel in walking out. Later reviews of the Durban Conference were boycotted by several western nations to no avail as when hate runs rampant, especially when centered on the Jews; it gains a life of its own but given time will not end with the Jews and always results in horrors beyond the initial targets. Read the Bible, ancient history and even recent history including World War II and whatever will be the result of the current hatreds infecting the Arab and much of the Muslim world and rapidly spreading through Europe and beyond. But this is actually not of President Obama’s making, he has simply acted as it conduit assisting its spread and facilitating the general infection of anti-Semitism throughout the world and even onto the American college campuses where it infects the future leaders of the United States and the world. This will likely be President Obama’s greatest legacy.


President Obama still has his vexation with Putin for ignoring the greatness of President Obama and for opposing his Syria policy, a policy few have been capable of identifying. President Obama had his retreat into oblivion red lines which Bashir al-Assad crossed again and again no matter how far back they were moved. If memory serves us, President Obama had to retreat his lines until Russian President Putin stepped in and offered a false deal which was graciously accepted. Unfortunately, President Obama has a strange way of showing gratitude, he plots to belittle and destroy which may explain why so few have rushed to his side in times when he could have used friends. Sure, those from the extreme left and Democrats who depended on his goodwill stood there but that was their greed and their disgrace. President Obama might still cause a confrontation in Syrian airspace testing the Russian demands that any actions be coordinated with Russia. What might be the result of American and Russian pilots engaging over Syria?


China also has made President Obama look impotent as they have challenged former United States allies. Already the Philippines have reconsidered their faith in their alliance and dependence on the promises of the United States for protection. President Obama has actually managed to chase an ally into the arms of the Chinese despite a multitude of signs that there was a problem needful of attention. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte delivered a number of ever increasingly vile, insulting, obscene and crude references and names referring directly to the United States President. Japan has for the first time since World War II decided to develop their own active military forces including a blue water navy and is even considering finalizing their development and manufacturing of nuclear weaponry. Consider the irony and what it must take for Japan to actually consider favorably becoming a nuclear armed nation. That is an accomplishment for which one should feel deep shame, but some amongst us appear incapable of shame, they simply continue bumbling along making everything they touch turn into disaster after disaster. Taiwan is following Japan’s lead and also considering arming themselves with everything within their technological limits. They too are considering arming with nuclear weaponry. What an accomplishment, not only making some excuse for a treaty, sorry, our mistake, Presidential Agreement between the P5+1 and Iran guaranteeing the Mullahs of Iran can arm themselves with nuclear armaments in approximately eight to ten or twelve years, nobody knows as the treaty appears to be worded differently for each copy, the Russians have one version, the Germans another which appears very similar to the French and British, the United States has the most strident restrictive against Iran version and then there is the Iranian version which appears to be variable, able to mean whatever they desire when they desire it. Once the Iranians arm with nuclear weapons, the Saudi Arabian Royals promise they will acquire nuclear arms (they have an agreement with Pakistan for nukes when they need as they financed the Pakistani nuclear development program), the Egyptians and Turkish leaders have intimated they too will go nuclear, and who knows who else in the Middle East might think having a few nuclear weapons in their pantry might prove useful. President Obama, the proliferation President who armed the world for Armageddon.


We have not gotten to Libya, the Sudan and the general mayhem which has slowly begun to encompass the entire area of MENA (Middle East and North Africa). Then there has been the economic malaise which affected not only the United States but much of Europe as well. Then there has been the flood of Muslims into Europe and the United States and with them increased murder, rape, and other criminal activity including sexual gang rapes and molesting which manifested itself on New Year’s Eve as well as at other festive events as well as increased terrorism. Some have intimated that these refugees consist of an inordinately high percentage of single males between the ages of mid-teen years to late thirties and early forties, exactly the makeup one would send to prepare for an invasion acting as a fifth front tearing Europe apart from within. This has brought on fears by many that the refugees are an invasion disguised as a refugee problem in need of a humanitarian solution but will soon produce an Islamic resurgence in Europe resulting in Islam finally conquering the continent. That could be one heck of a legacy.


There is still time for more mischief with President Obama’s main obsession, the destruction of Israel using the grievance mongering Palestinian cause as the weapon of choice. He could recognize an Arab state of Palestine and actually map out the recognized borders. There is still an opportunity for more resolutions from the Security Council even to include an enforceable Chapter Seven Resolution demanding that Israel remove almost a million Jews from Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem setting as the recognition of Palestine in all but actuality, or even go as far as having the United Nations Security Council establish the twenty-second Arab state. The latitude available to President Obama boggles the mind and Israel has the largest bullseye centered on them even to the point of establishing that Jerusalem is actually an Islamic Waqf and as such is forbidden from even becoming the Israeli capital city and push such through the United Nations Security Council. As long as President Obama and United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power design to work to Israel’s detriment, something both have shown a great propensity to accomplish driven by a particular and peculiar hatred for Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government, they can abstain from any motion and know that the remainder of the Security Council will most gladly concur with anything which damages Israel. This alone could make for the greatest damage not only against Israel, but against Europe and eventually the world, the entire world. Damaging Israel will embolden the Arab world which could easily lead to a general war similar to the 1948 Arab war against Israel. Such a war will not end with Israel and the spread of that war beyond MENA to the rest of Africa, Europe, India and even beyond to Asia and across the waters to the United States. Even an isolationist President Trump would have no other play, his hand would be forced. The dangers over the next three weeks and three days are legion and the best that could happen is nothing, absolutely nothing. We should all pray for quiet, peace and quiet with no further surprises.


Beyond the Cusp 


December 18, 2016

Imagine the Return to a Revolutionary Ideal


Once upon a time there was the Black Robe Regiment which was the name given by the British to the Colonial Preachers who supported American independence. Not only did they preach independence, they very often were officers in the militias against the Red Coats. The British did all they could to murder these preachers and many gave their lives for the Revolution but the danger did not curtail the Black Robe Regiment preachers who refused to be cowed and were one of the main inspirations of the American revolution. Their sermons inspired and often their brash and brave actions kept the Revolution alive and brought a number of victories against the odds with their bravery and words motivating their fellow congregants often at the most crucial of moments. The United States owes much of the founding in the fighting and the religious basis of the Founding Fathers and the state legislators whose input and approvals were required in the formation of both the federation of America and then the Constitution which was the foundation for the United States of America. There is a possibility that the Revolution could have failed without the local inspiration and organization which was often centered around the churches and their Black Robe Regiment preachers.


Black Robe Regiment

Black Robe Regiment


All that changed in 1954 at the behest of Texas Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson’s proposed legislation to amend the tax codes affecting houses of worship such as churches, synagogues, mosques, or temples and other nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) tax exemptions. The amended tax code limited the freedom of speech by members of organizations and entities who had tax exempt status under 501(c)(3) regulations making any political speech such as supporting a candidate, party or other specified political speech. The amendment to the tax codes was named for its presenter and is called the Johnson Amendment. Particularly prohibited was conducting political campaign activities to intervene in elections to public office or other sermonizing which may be perceived as backing a candidate or party. The language was vague and unspecific enough that many clergy were silenced from mentioning even certain Bible passages near election times as they might be construed as taking sides on a campaign issue and by doing so backing a particular candidate or party. Such brought to an end political preaching from the pulpit, at least in theory as some such still exists but as long as the parishioners are singing the same tune, nobody complains and such activity continues. This was specifically used to target and silence clergy from endorsing candidates. Over time this embargo on political speech became partisan in nature in too many locations as a ban against conservative politicking while backing leftist causes or progressive Democrat candidates. Still, care was taken to never mention any names and instead to often mimic campaign slogans working them into sermons or choosing verses carefully for recitation which would appear to back one candidate’s positions or damn the opposing candidate. Still, clergy still need be far more reserved and careful and a far cry from the history of clergy, especially when one remembers the Black Robe Regiment.


Texas Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson

Texas Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson


Should Donald Trump as president keep his word and successfully repeal the Johnson Amendment thus freeing certain tax exempt institutions and their personnel from conducting any political activities, especially campaigning or endorsing candidates, imagine the consequences. We would witness the liberation of the clergy and the resultant rebirth potentially of a new Black Robe regiment preaching and supporting political positions more aligned with their religious beliefs. There need be no great fears from secularists as they won’t be in houses of worship forced to hear any sermonizing, especially political sermonizing. Rescinding this regulation, expunging it from the tax code, would be a strike for freedom of speech. Placing a political muzzle on the clergy and threatening their tax exempt status was a bad idea from the start, one might even say criminal. But then Lyndon Baines Johnson was not exactly known for tact or freedom of expression for anybody disagreeing with his views. He was better known for strong-arming political rivals by any and all means at his disposal. This was most evident during his time as President which also served to allow his passing every piece of legislation which became the backbone of his “Great Society” and a remaking of the social safety net and the start of an increased welfare system. Some have blamed this for many societal problems being faced by American society currently. Just maybe a little moralizing before Election Day voting would serve as a positive influence. Just Maybe.


Beyond the Cusp


December 1, 2016

The Unmaking of America


America was founded upon great principles which relied upon a well-educated and involved electorate founded in morality and steeped in Judeo-Christian ethic. The moral underpinnings of America have been eroded slowly but inexorable since the end of World War II and the beginning of the rule of the cities which many were destined to become megalopolises. Just like the original cities of iniquity, Sodom and Gomorrah, deprivations began to grow within the cesspools of the new civilization. The pews grew emptier and emptier until the churches became too expensive to support by the paltry remains of congregants. They became schools, restaurants, malls and some even became Mosques as the new religion which was growing was Islam. This was the story and history written across Europe and gaining a beachhead in America. The hope and presumed saving grace which was to protect America was her well-crafted Constitution. Presumable the balance of powers and the checks and balances would prevent the corruption from taking the nation over the edge and into oblivion. But as presented, the Constitution was written for, in the immortal words of John Adams, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Slowly but surely the United States has sunk beneath irreligious immorality rendering the Constitution less of a protecting blanket and more of a sheer veil pretending to cover and protect.


But the immorality, it ends up, will be the lesser problem as the lack of education of the people will bring forth an electorate which will be enticed by babbles, smoke and delights offered by tempters and shysters. Their votes bought with the treasures of a government which will become bankrupt in the process and the nations will be left with a populace which will be as empty in their pockets as they are in their heads. The education system will have failed them raising instead of scholars mere rubes indoctrinated to follow false prophets who they will elect for promises equally as empty. They managed to escape the charlatan this election only due to promises just as bold and bodacious as they will be difficult to fulfill. Yet to look at the colleges and their campuses and the future is written in their classes and the major fields the new intellectuals pursued and now educate the youth. Gender Studies and other philosophies of government painted as savior and the many needful groupings and minorities, the many colored and patterned quilt as the new model replacing the melting-pot. Instead of “E Pluribus Unum” the new cry is “instead of one-many.” Celebrate your separateness, be a special group demanding recognition and rights designed to keep each within their own and none shall stray from their special little click. Thus the populous has been set separate one from the others all against the other fighting for their special recognition and treatment exalted through government favors. Thus divided, the people are set to be conquered by the charlatans.


The colleges have also been bought by the oil sheiks and their monies as they have endowed new departments which they bought with their ill-gotten oil wealth making Middle East studies their means of indoctrinating the youth with their alternate reality. Their motive was simple; to win favor and defeat the one they believe is the greatest threat to their promised future. They have a religion in which they believe with every fiber of their beings. Their faith and trust in their god is the opposite of that in the Western developed world. They see their faith as resurgent and rising to replace all others starting with the Western religions starting with the Jews; it always starts with the Jews, but these believers of Allah also hold Christianity in equal disregard. This is why their main enemy which they teach in their classes and reinforce with staged demonstrations is Israel and the Jews. This is their theme in protests such as Israel Apartheid Week (month) and Palestinian Awareness protests through which they turn the irreligious against the Jews through repetition of tropes many thought dead and buried after the defeat of the Nazis and the revelation of the camps and anti-Semitic hatred which was a uniting trope of Nazis, a unifying hatred of the other, the Jew. Now the same trope is being sold on many college campuses including the Ivy League and top schools such as the California University System, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, CUNY, MIT, CMU, CWR, and many other well-respected places of higher learning. The spring semester and the coming of better weather throughout the college world across the United States is the time where the demonstrations turn against Israel and Jews feel and, in too many cases, become threatened and some have been attacked being blamed for perceived crimes of Israel. What crimes? The audacity to exist in the heart of what Islam considers their sacred Waqf.


Anti-Israel Demonstration

Anti-Israel Demonstration


Israel is but the first step, just a taste of their believed inevitable conquests. Their god has promised them that Allah will give them the world and all the people within and in that end they are bound to conquer all nations and convert or kill the infidel, the unbelievers. Their eventual gift to the world is rule by the Imams and all given a choice, Islam or death. This is not taught in their Middle Eastern studies as there they receive only the palatable. They are steeped in the hatred and inviolability of Islam throughout the Middle East and the hatred of the Jews and their presumed affront to humanity, to Islam, Israel. They are indoctrinated with the Palestinian narrative of the Jews stealing their ancient homeland and are taught that the Biblical story of the Jewish People, the Israelites is actually the history of the Palestinian Arabs. Never mind that the Arabs did not arrive in Jerusalem until the year 637 and was then fought over for centuries thereafter. But the new teachers of history of the Middle East know that their students have little if any knowledge of the Bible, the Old Testament. Many know next to nothing about the New Testament so it stands to reason they would know even less of Jewish history and thus are willing to accept that which they are taught. The professors of other subjects accept this alternate history with the only major fields not thusly infected being the hard sciences. One of the most renowned of the linguistic professors was the late Edward Said who, along with fellow traveler and also linguist, Noam Chomsky, have taught the Islamic tropes and fully vilified Israel and the Jews, which is weird as Noam Chomsky was born Jewish. They are but a sampling of the humanity professors who back the Islamic Middle Eastern history letter for letter as many of their departments are dependent upon the oil monies which equal over a billion dollars yearly from Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia and even Iran.


This lifeblood corrupts the entire scholarly endeavor infecting the universities and through them future generations who will soon be the leaders of the Western nations leaving them vulnerable to Islam as these leaders will have already been corrupted. This is what could bring down America and the world will be a darker place for the loss. This past election was the primal scream of the middle of the United States, fly-over country, the moral and often silent majority. This was the expression of the last of those who fill the pews of the churches largely outside the main metropolises. These were the people who will hopefully demand their country back and force truth in the education system. Should the education system remain corrupted and ineffectual then all will be lost. The task ahead is one of rebuilding, of rejuvenation and of resurrection of what has been lost to corrupt governance. The schools need be retaken and once again teach the lessons which were the basis that built America. There need be a retaking of the youth for if the youth are lost then so will be the future. The teacher unions have forsaken the children and education in their lust for political power and higher wages. Teachers often now are more interested in job security, retirement benefits and ever increasing salaries with tenure assuring them of a comfortable life where their position is unassailable and thus does not require their fulfilling any obligation to actually teach to actually educate. What are the options? That is a difficult one but the most obvious is to drastically change the education system. The available alternatives are private schools or homeschooling. Should sufficient students be pulled from the current education system, perhaps it would collapse under its own weight and allow for replacement with a better system. Continuing on with the current systems, then the future will be determined by a basically ignorant electorate which has a false history fed them by teachers in the grasp of their unions and foreign money and influences in government. That will present a populace which silently accepts what their “betters” dictate to them without even a murmur. Let us pray that this last election was not the final scream as the world plunges into darkness for a thousand years, maybe longer.


Beyond the Cusp


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