Beyond the Cusp

January 4, 2017

The Obama Hollande Israel Conspiracy and the United Nations


President Obama and President Hollande have two major things in common at the junction; they are both lame ducks leaving office and both have a visceral hatred for Israel. The first jab at Israel belonged to Hollande with the first Paris so-called peace conference to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict back in June of last year which ended in complete and dishonorable failure. Amongst the attendees were President Hollande, US Secretary of State John Kerry, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini and over twenty other Foreign Secretaries from European States and some Arab States (see picture below). Now they are going to go for round two with the same attendees and once again leaving any meeting with Israeli leadership until after the conference. There is also the claim, a valid fact, that they will also be meeting with Palestinian Authority President Abbas after the conference while nobody is to mention the December meetings in Paris with Abbas, Kerry and Ayrault drawing up the basics and demands of the Arabs to destroy or mortally wound Israel as the conclusion to the conference. With the same attendees, how are they planning on making things different; and that has a singular answer, President Obama. We are willing to bet that even if President Obama is not there for the start of the conference, if necessary he will attend at some point and remind the various attendees of the bold step of allowing Israel to be made vulnerable through his bold actions at the United Nations right before Christmas. President Obama will be there to challenge these leaders to take the bold move to really make peace by recognizing Palestine and all members nations to the conference doing so in accord with having the conference findings formalized and President Obama will take it to the Security Council and have them pass the same resolution formally recognizing Palestine and setting its borders with half of Jerusalem as their capital city all using the Green Line. Why not place a gun to every Israelis head and telling them leave or die in a hail of a million rockets raining down from the Judean hills, the heights overlooking almost all of Israel including its heavily populated central heartlands around Tel Aviv and five other major cities. Such a forced peace resolution would make Jerusalem undefendable as well as Tel Aviv, Dimona, Haifa, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Netanya and all the suburbs and industrial centers throughout Israel.


French President Francois Hollande (C), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (C-L), French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (C-R), US Secretary of State John Kerry (4th R), European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini (3rd R) and officials pose for a group photo at an international meeting in a bid to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in Paris, on June 3, 2016. (AFP Photo/Pool/Kamil Zihnioglu)

French President Francois Hollande (C), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (C-L), French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (C-R), US Secretary of State John Kerry (4th R), European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini (3rd R) and officials pose for a group photo at an international meeting in a bid to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in Paris, on June 3, 2016. (AFP Photo/Pool/Kamil Zihnioglu)


This conference is a set up for the imposition of a suicide peace upon Israel and guarantees war will start within days of Trump being sworn in as President as it is likely that Abbas promised to wait a short period, probably very short, after President Obama has left office and the Democrats and media can place all the blame on President Trump simply because he is the one in the White House when the fighting commenced and will be charged with doing too little to prevent any Israeli response. That is all the world cares about any longer, Israel and their making any efforts to survive and protect their citizens which the world sees as simply millions of Jews. Whatever one does, do not even try to tell these intelligentsia that Israel has almost as many non-Jewish citizens including Arab Christians, Arab Muslims, Druze, Bedouin, Baha’I and many others which make up a full quarter of the population. These unfortunates will be the ones mourned should they be harmed and Israel will be blamed for their deaths as well as receiving demands they stand down and not overreact to the attacks and that negotiations are being held again across the capitals of the world in emergency sessions and Israel must give them the opportunity to forge peace. The only peace they will be attempting to forge is what the Arab world demands, no more Israel and all the Jews gone. None of these noble nations for peace would allow a single Jew to enter their nation should Israel face the necessity to evacuate her population leaving just the military to try and defend the nation. The response of the world would mimic their responses from World War II when they knew about the Concentration Camps and did nothing, not even bomb the railroad tracks five miles to the east and destroy the junction to Auschwitz Buchenwald when striking the train depot just down the tracks. Then there was the Voyage of the Damned, the fated MS St. Louis and its slow trip back to Germany from Cuba and the refusal by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to allow a single Jew to enter as a refugee of an endangered peoples as they are now taking Syrians, Afghans and other Arab refugees under President Obama. Actually, the fact is President Obama would likely insist the Palestinians delay any attack until some amount of time after he retires and can claim to have washed his hands of Israel and the Middle East and leave blame heaped upon the new President Trump with the mainstream media valued assist.


MS St. Louis

MS St. Louis


The perfidy of all involved, which remarkably pretty much leaves Israel out of the picture except for a possible photo op for French President Francois Hollande, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, US Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama immediately after the conference and immediately before informing him of the agreement and concurrently with it being presented for consideration at the United Nations Security Council. This is the opportunity which these leftist have been drooling over. With President Obama showing a glimmer of light, a crack in the armor which the United States had provided Israel defending them in the Security Council but now the United States has taken a bow and retired to the sidelines allowing mischief to run wild. This just might result in the second phase, the recognition which formalizes President Obama’s initial assault with their abstaining allowing condemnation of any Israeli or Jewish presence beyond the Green Line and demanding any peace be based on the Green Line erasing UNSC Res 242 allowing for recognition to follow by any nation of Palestine Arab State using the Green Line for the new border. This would be President Obama’s legacy and one he would proudly hold as his most outstanding accomplishment while secretly knowing he had simply instigated yet another war. Why should his ability to destroy nations and start wars not continue to the last day of this Nobel Peace Prize Laureate?


The Paris conference had originally been aimed to be scheduled for somewhere right before Christmas when the June confab failed. This was postponed and was set for after New Year’s but with some of the Foreign Secretaries requesting a later date it was then set for March 15 thus making “Beware of the Ides of March” an enticing title. For reasons not made public, the scheduled meeting was moved back to January and set for the fifteenth once again. One can only wonder what forces in the universe converged on all the attending nations to return the conference to five days before President Obama is scheduled to be retired from the Presidency. President Obama might be putting some real mileage onto Air Force One in the final week of his Presidency with a possible pressure trip to Paris to insist that the rest of the world do their part of the power squeeze against Israel and formally recognize Palestine. He will claim how he is depending on their taking the bull by the horns and wrestling with reality as this may be the last time that the world has the correct people in the White House and in governments across Europe such that peace can be forged if they steel themselves to the task. There will be arm twisting, back slapping, and compliments galore, but if that fails then the threats get lined up, but a forced peace will be the only result President Obama will settle for, anything less he will take as a personal rebuke. The reasoning before was that they could not set any borders as UNSC 242 and the careful language would not allow such to be forced on Israel. That was the reasoning behind the latest UNSC 2334 setting the new border negotiations to be set around the Green Line making using the Green Line and blaming Israel for not acting faster and sacrificing for peace as the reason the rest of the world had to step in and set a border while such was a possibility. This has been planned in the White House as their contingency plan should the impossible happen, Hillary Clinton losing the election. Never underestimate Hillary Clinton when it comes to messing up even a given thing and managing to lose an election, even to a confirmed clown. With President Trump now looming on the horizon with a complete Cabinet filled with pro-Israel group of candidates, President Obama is making this appear as a threat to peace and not the return of the United States support for her ally. President Obama does not see Israel as an ally but as the bane behind all that is wrong in the world and the basis of all wars, especially those in the Middle East and North Africa. President Obama has painted the lack of a settled peace between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs as the most pressing and necessary emergency the nations of Europe and the Middle East to work with him in this tight schedule before the inauguration and this opportunity being eclipsed by the end of President Obama’s term on January 20 about noon. Imagine President Obama at the United Nations Security Council on January 20 at about 9:45 crying to the other members to hurry and get the Paris conference adopted by the United Nations Security Council and make it under, please, please Chapter Seven to make it a binding resolution and not merely a Chapter Six which is a nonbinding resolution which is unenforceable and depends on both sides accepting the resolution. Chapter Six Resolution would leave doubt as to whether Israel could be made to accept the Green Line meaning that almost a million Israelis would need be relocated, a monumental imposition and something near impossible to do without severe destruction to the Israeli economy and making an instant housing crisis. What everyone is ignoring is that the Palestinian Authority would reject such an offer even if it were a Chapter Seven as they are sworn to only accept all the land and the destruction of Israel, everything else is too little to end their continued demands and terror war.


The coming Paris peace conference is the setting of the final trap by the Obama administration should they manage to persuade the European Foreign Secretaries to accept making a resolution recognizing a Palestinian State and setting the borders recognized by the international community to be the Green Line. Their agreement is the necessary introduction which is required by President Obama as the means for requesting similar action by the United Nations Security Council and if the Paris agreement can be done with a unanimous agreement with no dissenting votes, then perhaps such pressure of universal agreement in Paris would suffice to force even that Chapter Seven resolution and provide President Obama his vitally needed legacy as thus far no such success exists and his legacy is simply lacking. This is urgent legacy building and President Obama will refuse to be denied. What is the terrible truth is that should President Obama get his legacy, the world will be that much closer to a great confrontation between two cultures, one where preserving life is the greatest gift while the other finds glory though death and honors the fallen over the living. The world will have to choose sides and it appears that at Paris, Europe might decide to side with death over prizing life and set the wheels of destiny into motion. President Obama will be getting the greatest legacy possible, the legacy of destroying much of society having it all but surrender to the purveyors of death over the guardian of life.


Beyond the Cusp


December 28, 2016

Three Weeks Could Produce Obama Surprise of the Week


One must first broaden their horizons to play at this sick little game. Remember that President Obama still has a little over three weeks left and he still has his pen even if it is too late for his phone to help. This all depends on what legacy President Obama believes he is setting, not what legacy he is actually achieving. When one allows their vengeful and oh so petty side to overrule all sense of propriety so many things become possible. One could see crippling the incoming President with such a mountain of impending disasters that he will waste his first year putting out fires and rescuing lost causes. President Obama has taken a pass at the United Nations Security Council all while pushing for a resolution to punish those uppity Jews otherwise known as Israel. He has all but eliminated any future the United States and Canada, as he was working with Canadian leftist Prime Minister Trudeau, drilling or mining for precious natural resources leaving almost the entire Arctic region for the Russians to explore and drain of everything he claimed to have rescued from the greedy hands of American capitalists. There are so many other fronts where he could even create calamities and disasters beyond the pale and since he is surrounded by sufficiently bright minds, nothing we add here will be giving them any ideas they already have not thought about, so no damage looking around and seeing what is the potential for mischief.


President Obama may not be actually capable of declaring war as that is reserved for Congress, but why would that stop him now, as he could provoke a state of war with Russia or China or Israel. President Obama has a long list of those who have not bowed to his preeminence, that is when he was not bowing to theirs (see images below). Protocols are one thing; bowing to the point of submission is completely different. President Obama entered office with little knowledge as to the actual importance of the office he was to hold. He differed to nearly every leader he met initially apparently believing it was polite. It was submissive and his actions afterwards proved that perception to be most accurate. Still, anybody receiving the Nobel Prize for Peace when still shuffling people around to complete their Cabinet and place their preferred people in Ambassadorships is bound to make anybody’s head spin giddy with the feelings of the moment and to honestly believe that it was a sign that he would accomplish great things. Now President Obama finds himself with mere weeks left, the next President hostile to virtually everything he accomplished and no real legacy except as probably being the President with the most number of presumed accomplishments reversed in the first year of the following President’s administration. The real problem with much of President Obama’s presumed accomplishments is they were either passed with a veto proof majority in Congress willing to support everything he proposed and to fall at his feet when required. Still, he was unable to get his energy plans and the carbon tax and credit system passed (even the Democrats realized that would destroy the economy irreparably) and only got his healthcare system, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, Obamacare) passed without a single Republican vote making it an albatross around the neck of every Democrat legislator, retreated from Iraq while announcing a date American troops would all but desert Afghanistan leading to the disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan and largely Syria along with the birth of the Islamic State (not the Junior Varsity Obama labelled them but also a problem soon to meet a solution), started but did not finish a war in Libya leading to Syria redux, and generally underperformed. So, what to do to set things to right and gain something of a legacy?


President Obama Bowing to top row: Saudi King, Japanese Emperor middle row: Chinese President, Japanese Robot bottom row: Queen of England, and the Pope

President Obama Bowing to
top row: Saudi King, Japanese Emperor
middle row: Chinese President, Japanese Robot
bottom row: Queen of England, and the Pope


President Obama took care of the first thing on his bucket list, revenge on Bibi Netanyahu and destroying any possibility for peace between Israel and the Arab world. This also set the stage for a potential war between the entire world and Israel. His Security Council abstaining after forcing the bringing to a vote a condemnatory piece of garbage against Israel while leaving the Palestinians not even required to make a statement about peace will make it a required necessity for Israel to retreat behind the Green Line or face isolation from the world. This piece of garbage is making her once again completely vulnerable to another massive Arab assault with genocidal intents just as happened in 1948 and again in 1967. Israel surviving those wars, and even thriving, that was only by the will of Hashem as both times the survival of Israel was the miracle. President Obama does not wish for Israel to thrive, survive or anything resembling existing and he has no desire for any space to be the Jewish homelands. His orders to abstain and forcing the bringing of this motion after the President elect worked to have it postponed was a bastardation of his powers and a vile show of hatred. What was done is done and the world will never allow it to be undone. The world was embarrassed and forced to rescind their United Nation General Assemble passing of a resolution declaring “Zionism is racism” begrudgingly. The Durban 2001 World Conference against Racism which carried the official title of the noble sounding long stretching string of words, “World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance,” chaired by the esteemed anti-Zionist, anti-Israel, anti-Semite then United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Therese Winifred Robinson. This conference has been celebrated repeatedly and will continue to be celebrated for as long as Israel remains the Jewish State and its target will never change. The initial conference devolved into such a vile seething hatred of Israel and Jews in general centered around the “Zionism is racism” theme. The United States joined Israel in walking out. Later reviews of the Durban Conference were boycotted by several western nations to no avail as when hate runs rampant, especially when centered on the Jews; it gains a life of its own but given time will not end with the Jews and always results in horrors beyond the initial targets. Read the Bible, ancient history and even recent history including World War II and whatever will be the result of the current hatreds infecting the Arab and much of the Muslim world and rapidly spreading through Europe and beyond. But this is actually not of President Obama’s making, he has simply acted as it conduit assisting its spread and facilitating the general infection of anti-Semitism throughout the world and even onto the American college campuses where it infects the future leaders of the United States and the world. This will likely be President Obama’s greatest legacy.


President Obama still has his vexation with Putin for ignoring the greatness of President Obama and for opposing his Syria policy, a policy few have been capable of identifying. President Obama had his retreat into oblivion red lines which Bashir al-Assad crossed again and again no matter how far back they were moved. If memory serves us, President Obama had to retreat his lines until Russian President Putin stepped in and offered a false deal which was graciously accepted. Unfortunately, President Obama has a strange way of showing gratitude, he plots to belittle and destroy which may explain why so few have rushed to his side in times when he could have used friends. Sure, those from the extreme left and Democrats who depended on his goodwill stood there but that was their greed and their disgrace. President Obama might still cause a confrontation in Syrian airspace testing the Russian demands that any actions be coordinated with Russia. What might be the result of American and Russian pilots engaging over Syria?


China also has made President Obama look impotent as they have challenged former United States allies. Already the Philippines have reconsidered their faith in their alliance and dependence on the promises of the United States for protection. President Obama has actually managed to chase an ally into the arms of the Chinese despite a multitude of signs that there was a problem needful of attention. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte delivered a number of ever increasingly vile, insulting, obscene and crude references and names referring directly to the United States President. Japan has for the first time since World War II decided to develop their own active military forces including a blue water navy and is even considering finalizing their development and manufacturing of nuclear weaponry. Consider the irony and what it must take for Japan to actually consider favorably becoming a nuclear armed nation. That is an accomplishment for which one should feel deep shame, but some amongst us appear incapable of shame, they simply continue bumbling along making everything they touch turn into disaster after disaster. Taiwan is following Japan’s lead and also considering arming themselves with everything within their technological limits. They too are considering arming with nuclear weaponry. What an accomplishment, not only making some excuse for a treaty, sorry, our mistake, Presidential Agreement between the P5+1 and Iran guaranteeing the Mullahs of Iran can arm themselves with nuclear armaments in approximately eight to ten or twelve years, nobody knows as the treaty appears to be worded differently for each copy, the Russians have one version, the Germans another which appears very similar to the French and British, the United States has the most strident restrictive against Iran version and then there is the Iranian version which appears to be variable, able to mean whatever they desire when they desire it. Once the Iranians arm with nuclear weapons, the Saudi Arabian Royals promise they will acquire nuclear arms (they have an agreement with Pakistan for nukes when they need as they financed the Pakistani nuclear development program), the Egyptians and Turkish leaders have intimated they too will go nuclear, and who knows who else in the Middle East might think having a few nuclear weapons in their pantry might prove useful. President Obama, the proliferation President who armed the world for Armageddon.


We have not gotten to Libya, the Sudan and the general mayhem which has slowly begun to encompass the entire area of MENA (Middle East and North Africa). Then there has been the economic malaise which affected not only the United States but much of Europe as well. Then there has been the flood of Muslims into Europe and the United States and with them increased murder, rape, and other criminal activity including sexual gang rapes and molesting which manifested itself on New Year’s Eve as well as at other festive events as well as increased terrorism. Some have intimated that these refugees consist of an inordinately high percentage of single males between the ages of mid-teen years to late thirties and early forties, exactly the makeup one would send to prepare for an invasion acting as a fifth front tearing Europe apart from within. This has brought on fears by many that the refugees are an invasion disguised as a refugee problem in need of a humanitarian solution but will soon produce an Islamic resurgence in Europe resulting in Islam finally conquering the continent. That could be one heck of a legacy.


There is still time for more mischief with President Obama’s main obsession, the destruction of Israel using the grievance mongering Palestinian cause as the weapon of choice. He could recognize an Arab state of Palestine and actually map out the recognized borders. There is still an opportunity for more resolutions from the Security Council even to include an enforceable Chapter Seven Resolution demanding that Israel remove almost a million Jews from Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem setting as the recognition of Palestine in all but actuality, or even go as far as having the United Nations Security Council establish the twenty-second Arab state. The latitude available to President Obama boggles the mind and Israel has the largest bullseye centered on them even to the point of establishing that Jerusalem is actually an Islamic Waqf and as such is forbidden from even becoming the Israeli capital city and push such through the United Nations Security Council. As long as President Obama and United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power design to work to Israel’s detriment, something both have shown a great propensity to accomplish driven by a particular and peculiar hatred for Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government, they can abstain from any motion and know that the remainder of the Security Council will most gladly concur with anything which damages Israel. This alone could make for the greatest damage not only against Israel, but against Europe and eventually the world, the entire world. Damaging Israel will embolden the Arab world which could easily lead to a general war similar to the 1948 Arab war against Israel. Such a war will not end with Israel and the spread of that war beyond MENA to the rest of Africa, Europe, India and even beyond to Asia and across the waters to the United States. Even an isolationist President Trump would have no other play, his hand would be forced. The dangers over the next three weeks and three days are legion and the best that could happen is nothing, absolutely nothing. We should all pray for quiet, peace and quiet with no further surprises.


Beyond the Cusp 


October 17, 2016

The Hillary Clinton Harrowed Conundrum

Filed under: Abortion,Afordable Healthcare Act,al-Aqsa Mosque,Alawite,Amalekites,Amnesty,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab Spring,Arab Winter,Arab World,Bashir al-Assad,Battery Power Tech,Blood Libel,Borders,Boycott,Building Freeze,CAFE Standards,Calaphate,Cap and Trade,Carbon Credits,China,Chinese Pressure,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Covert Surveillance,Coverup,Debt,Default on Debt,Disarm People,Divestment,Drones,East Jerusalem,Ecology,Ecology Lobby,Economy,Equal Outcome,Eugenics,Euro,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Facial Recognition Software,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Gaza,Gender Issues Lobby,Global Climate Change,Government,Government Health Care,Green Economy,Green Energy,Green Line,Gun Ban,Gun Control,Hamas,Hate,Health Care,Higher Prices,Hyper-Inflation,Illegal Immigration,Interest on Debt,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Jihad,Jihad,Keynesian Economics,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Livable Wage,Mahmoud Abbas,Maniacal Fear,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Minimum Wage,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,National Debt,North Korean Pressure,Obama Care,Old City,Organization of the Islamic Conference,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Political Identity,Pre-Conditions,President Morsi,Quantitative Easing,Regulations,Right of Return,Rioters Pressure,Sanctions (BDS),Secular Interests,Single Payer Plan,Socialism,Syria,Taxes,Temple Mount,Terror,Unemployment,Union Interests,United Nations Presures,United States State Department,Waqf,Warrantless Searches,World Government,World Opinion — qwertster @ 2:35 AM
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There has been near constant accusations and bloviating all about Donald Trump’s presumed short fuse. These attacks have come furious and provokingly and these are being used as chum in the water for the mainstream media to feast on; and believe us they have been coordinating and laying aside above the fold for every leading news-story; or should we say political editorial. These salacious assaults on Donald Trump would be far more convincing and less conniving if they were to include even a hint on Hillary Clinton’s short fuse and ill-tempered side which were a driving force behind much of what has displayed her being ill-fit to be the President of the most powerful nation on the planet. When Donald Trump has an emotional outburst, his response is verbal and short-lived. Hillary Clinton is known to carry forth for the remainder of life, hers or her newly acquired target. When Bill Clinton lost his reelection election she famously called the Christian Campaign Manager a “F—-g Jew B——d.” She became the wounded warrior and claimed that a “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” was behind the accusations of sexual misconduct of her husband. Beyond that, Hillary took charge of the intimidation, belittling, slandering, character assassination, media control, story massaging and sundry miscellaneous attacks targeting any and all allegations and accusations against Bill Clinton thus assuring that no more women, or bimbos as the White House labeled those coming forward, would be coming up with any additional accusations or verifications against the President. This was a well-coordinated assault just as well planned and executed as was the campaign to get out the vote except this was a suppress the evidence effort.


Hillary Clinton on the Prowl for Voters

Hillary Clinton on the Prowl for Voters


If this was the extent of Hillary Clinton perfidy, there would be little evidence of her unsuitability for the office of President of the United States. Hillary claims how she has always been so transparent in all her actions that the public can trust that all her actions will be entirely open and able to be monitored by all who are interested. Apparently Hillary Clinton has completely forgotten her efforts at designing her own version of a healthcare system. Her committee contained some of the best minds in the progressive movement plus the fly in the ointment, Hillary Clinton. The public was left in the dark. Congress was left in the dark. The media, including the leftist media, was left guessing, being fed tempting morsels but actually only gristle and no red meat. The universe was led on the merry path of flowers and unicorns with all the wonderful reports of total free coverage with almost no additional costs. Perhaps the promises of everything for nothing proved to be the straw that broke the healthcare back. When Hillary Clinton and companies’ plan was presented to Congress, even the democrat faithful headed for the hills escaping as fast as they could. Her produced healthcare plan was such a monstrous and unwieldly conglomeration of regulations, legal demands, meticulous record keeping and required filings with the Federal Government that all who read the plan were flabbergasted. Commentary from numerous sources inside and outside, but close to the manners in which the plan was hatched, told of Hillary Clinton riding roughshod over all contrary opinions doing exactly as she thought best. This kind of leadership, totalitarian leadership, had actually driven a number of leading surgeons and physicians from participating or even signing the plan sent to Congress. They told of fiery outbreaks replete with profanity at some of the mildest of suggestions or alternative proposals where Hillary Clinton appeared to have lost all sense of reason.


Finally, there were numerous reports and even complaints filed against Hillary Clinton for abusive language, abusive treatment, violent outbursts and some workers fearing for their safety. These complaints and requests for transfer or alternate position from people who had nearly a lifetime of service climbing to reach a White House assignment and to then risk never making it back to their former privileged position was an acceptable sacrifice to be rid of Hillary Clinton. All of these point to Hillary Clinton not only having an explosive temper but also a short fuse with a vengefully long memory. Such was a temperament of throwing items, oft of value, for periods as long lasting as an entire day and even lasting through the next day or beyond as well. Some who have been found to get on the wrong side of Hillary Clinton have related that despite attempts to settle their differences or even apologize have failed dashed on the craggy cliffs which make up the beach at shoreline Clinton. Hillary Clinton has proven herself to be a person with a malleable core where beliefs come to die especially after receiving poor poll ratings. Taking the sum of these parts produces a picture of an unbalanced individual whose coworkers fear working anywhere near her spheres of influence.


Many have spoken similarly of Donald Trump, but from most appearances his tantrums have been largely bluster with little threat of physical violence, at least before the October Surprise of crass claims of sexual violence. Given the claims of violent actions, we would feel safer with a Donald Trump Presidency than a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Unfortunately, elections remain out by three weeks and it is still anybody’s election to win or lose. Donald Trump will be facing sexual harassment charges most of which are likely people coming forth for their moment of fame. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is facing a truly deep character fault which will have a direct effect on her Presidency. As to which one is most likely to get the United States embroiled into a war, it would be Hillary Clinton with her establishment of a “No Fly Zone” probably on Aleppo could escalate with the downing of a Russian fighter jet leading to a direct confrontation. That is but a single potential point of contention where a single miscalculation could lead to great problems soon thereafter. That alone is food for thought.


Beyond the Cusp


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