Beyond the Cusp

December 11, 2016

From Israel for Your Information


Just as the world’s media downplayed or simply ignored not only the massive forest and other fires where many were proved to be arson, there are some other stories which might not have reached the rest of the world we thought you might desire hearing all about. We will start out with lighter fare and work our way through to wherever it leads us. One factoid which became known this week has supposedly struck some in the Arab world as distressful, that there has been a steady increase of Israeli Arabs joining the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Another was the breaking up of a terror cell of eight Hamas backed Arab residents from the Sur Baher and Sheikh Jarrah neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. The cell was preparing to carry out shooting attacks in the Israeli Capital of Jerusalem and surrounding areas, including against an IDF base and targets on Mount Scopus, home to the Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital. The cell had reconnoitered some of their targets and were about to attack the IDF base in North Jerusalem on Mount Scopus. The cell was apparently started by Hamas back in 2015 after many of its members were released from serving their sentences for previous “nationalistic” crimes, a euphemism for terrorist attacks. A statement released by Shin Bet reported, “The disruption of the [terror] network preventing a number of serious terror attacks in Jerusalem and its discovery again highlights the danger posed by terrorists with Israeli ID cards, who benefit from the freedom of movement and access to firearms, making it relatively easy for such individuals to carry out terror attacks.”


In plain English the point was that the instigating tactics and inflaming of anti-Israel and anti-Semitism exists and has been growing amongst Israeli Arab, especially those who received citizenship when East Jerusalem was formally annexed and the residents granted Israeli identification cards. Many of these who have taken to terrorism were initially educated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and never were honestly integrated into Israeli society and still dreamed of the destruction of the Jewish State. This was also a further warning of some of the problems which now exist after so many decades of Arab incitement throughout their society and particularly in their education indoctrination schools and camps. The silence from the world’s media on these two stories stem from the same inadequacy, or better put, were filtered from the news by the same principle, no news which backs the Israel or Jewish side of this conflict must be permitted. On the other hand, every time an Arab is harmed even through a verbal slighting, no matter what the reasoning this must be blown out of proportion and be used to show the racism in Israeli reporting by the European and leftist world media. The simple fact of breaking up a terrorist squad one would think could be a good news story but only if it takes place in Paris, Rome, Berlin, London or any other Western metropolis as preventing terror in these parts is part of the “War on Terror” while the same events in Israel is part of “other news” and not the slightest degree of equal importance. The media would have you believe that terrorism in Israel is separate and totally different and unrelated to terror outside of Israel. According to too many media news editors, Israeli terrorist attacks are deserved while all terror outside Israel is horrific and actually Israel’s fault in the first place and thus can be reported and even blamed upon Israel if even the most tenuous connection is possible.


This brings us to our last story before more opinion comes your way. The United Nations, that great arbiter of beneficial actions has decided to vote next week in the General Assembly to fund a blacklisting of Israeli and international companies operating in Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and in Judea and Samaria. There will be no distinction as to whether these companies employ Palestinian Arabs or that by boycotting them they are acting in a hurtful manner as we can assure you that in virtually every company which had facilities outside the Green Line is employing both Israeli settlers and Palestinian Arabs. Why, you may ask, would the international community boycott or otherwise target Israeli companies who employ Palestinian Arabs with equal rights and salaries as Israeli citizens possibly causing these Palestinian Arabs who this is done to support their good paying jobs. The reason is as sick as it is disgusting. These Arabs, who work alongside Jewish workers, hold management and supervisory position in equal percentages as Jewish workers with some supervising Jewish workers, despite what you may have been told, are not helping the cause of proving Israel to be an Apartheid state which segregates against Arabs. All Palestinian Arabs must be dependent on Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah, UNRWA, and be providing ample fodder for the terror mills. Israeli employed Palestinian Arabs make often half again higher wages that even the PA security forces are paid and this makes for bad news. These Palestinian Arabs are considered by the world media to be collaborators and that can only be an evil Zionist plot to employ these Palestinian Arabs and provide them jobs and equal treatment and what would happen should the world find this out. When SodaStream was boycotted and maligned sufficiently that they closed their Judea plant and this cost nearly a thousand Palestinian Arab jobs but this was heralded as a good thing as it presumably cost the Jew settlers their jobs, but it did not because they have Israeli Identification Cards and thus just had a farther distance to drive to work and kept their jobs. The Palestinian Arabs would need to receive special work permit identification cards which would also have required clearance from the PA as well as Israel and these papers were slow if ever coming at all thus all that was accomplished by the boycott of SodaStream was the loss of Palestinian Arabs’ jobs making for another group of PA Arabs that Israel would not permit to work. Now there is a story they did report but did so making it seem like SodaStream had simply fired their Arab workers at their Judea plant and never noting it was the media that hounded them in closing that plant.


Many of these to be blacklisted Israeli companies will either move their companies within Israel or simply go bust and close up all together. Palestinian Arabs will lose good jobs and Jews residing now near their work will need to take transportation or drive further to reach their work. This blacklisting makes for some added stress for the Jews working in Judea and Samaria for these companies but it denies the PA Arabs of jobs which serves the propaganda campaign against Israel. If PA Arabs must suffer so Israel will look bad, well then to help these PA Arabs we must first destroy their jobs and lives. They are destroying workplaces where Jew and Arab work together in peace and with mutual respect in the name of helping the Arabs who without this help would have nowhere to turn, but it is more like because of this help they lose it all and then have nowhere to turn. These lost jobs are then trumpeted in the media of a wickedly evil within Israeli society refusing to hire Arabs despite the reality that it was the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction) Movement which stole the existing livelihood from these PA Arabs who they now lament lost their jobs. It is one of the worst cases of it works so let’s fix it which leads to destroying a better life for PA Arabs because the story line must read Israel denies PA Arabs the opportunity to work. How can these NGOs demonize Israel if Israeli companies are treating PA Arabs as equals in their factories in Judea and Samaria, those “settler” companies? That is a question the media refuses to admit to facilitating.


The reality that the world is not being told about is that it has been the PA leadership which has refused to make any deal with Israel as they still adhere to the Khartoum Conference’s Three No’s which are, No Peace with Israel, No Negotiations with Israel, No Recognition of Israel. This was the agreement reached in an emergency session of the Arab League. It was his going against these agreements for which the Muslim Brotherhood, potentially but unproven assists from the Arab League or other Arab nations, arranged the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat after he Negotiated with Israel, made Peace with Israel and thus Recognized Israel. Anwar Sadat was a brave soul who knew he was tempting fate when he initiated talks with Israel meeting in Jerusalem with Menachem Begin. For reaching an agreement with Israel, Egypt was returned the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula with its small but profitable oil fields, its Sharm El Sheikh Resort community and with the destruction of twenty-plus Israeli settlement communities being removed and the Israelis taken back within Israel. That last bit is proof positive that the “settlements” are not an impediment for peace. If a true and real peace required their destruction, then such would become a definitive possibility, but the world does not want a peace or any settlement of the Palestinian Arab situation, the world wants it to fester and to become ever more dire with the Palestinian Arabs without jobs such that the destruction of Israel becomes the cry of the day. Mahmoud Abbas has flat stated that he will only accept a peace which destroys Israel as a Jewish State and is perfectly fine with an Israel ruled by Arabs. The fact that the Arabs he desired be moved to Israel include every Arab in any refugee camp including the camp in Jenin and the camp outside Nablus and even the camp attached to Gaza City. Yes, there are three massive refugee camps for Palestinian Arabs with their being held prisoners within lands under Palestinian Arab autonomy, complete rule when speaking of Gaza under Hamas. These Palestinian Arabs are guarded by Arab security forces and some even meet with family through the barbed wire topped fences. One need understand that these Arabs must be kept separate from their brethren because they are the political hammer and crowbar with which Israel is to be destroyed and as such they are only useful if they are kept as refugees in their own lands. And yes, the media, the Western governments, and the United Nations all know about these refugees left in these camps for the purpose solely of bringing about the destruction of Israel and they all agree that this is the end to be desired even if it leads to every Israeli Jew and Christian being slaughtered along with many Arab Muslims who are deemed to be traitors to the cause for being Israeli citizens and having a good life with all the benefits of being an Israel over being a Palestinian Arab inside the fences of Jenin, Nablus and Gaza City. Oh, and one last thing, there are no Arab refugee camps within Israel and Israel took in the same numbers if not more refugees of Jews forced to flee their homelands in Arab countries across the Middle East and North Africa. None were placed in refugee camps and left to languish in misery just to make a political point, they were taken in as brothers and sisters as they are just as much family as the Ethiopian Jews who were airlifted to Israel when their homelands turned on them and they needed a new home. These are all realities you will never hear from the media hype of mean horrible Israelis victimizing Palestinian Arabs with genocidal rage and hatred.


Israel being the good guys is rarely covered and when it is it has often been Israelis rushing to some of the world’s worst disaster places to assist in helping in any way possible. Israel has civilian corps and military units which are trained to provide assistance, do search and rescue, set up and man a complete field hospital including OBGYN, delivery rooms and a nursery as well as fully capable operating rooms and clinics which can treat people where they live and are injured plus perform triage of a sort for the main field hospital. One of the best examples was Haiti after their devastating earthquake and the Philippines after a horrific typhoon. Israel was at Japan after the earthquake and tsunami which destroyed the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant meltdown and destruction. Israel assisted in New Orleans after Katrina and in New York City and all its affected surrounding areas after Superstorm Sandy. Israel has assisted in Turkey, Nepal and just about every nation willing to accept Israeli help.


Top left Haiti Earthquake Top right Philippine Typhoon 2014 Bottom left Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant explodes Bottom right remains of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

Top left Haiti Earthquake Top right Philippine Typhoon 2014
Bottom left Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant explodes
Bottom right remains of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant


Israel has a group of heart specialists who assist with special cases where children require specialized help. The group is known as Save A Child’s Heart (SACH) and will go to any length including flying children and parents to a third country or even a fourth in order to bring them to Israel to receive the medical care not available to them at home. SACH also trains pediatric heart doctors the world over, especially the developing world, sets them up with entire treatment facilities and thus spreads their good work to many more children the world over. For any wishing to enjoy a benefit symphony to benefit SACH being held Sunday, January 29, 2017, in the Los Angeles area, please find information and link at the very bottom of this article and please visit the SACH link above if you are at all curious of their entire range of assistances provided.


Symphony to benefit SACH being held Sunday, January 29, 2017, in the Los Angeles area


Beyond the Cusp 


October 17, 2016

The Hillary Clinton Harrowed Conundrum

Filed under: Abortion,Afordable Healthcare Act,al-Aqsa Mosque,Alawite,Amalekites,Amnesty,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab Spring,Arab Winter,Arab World,Bashir al-Assad,Battery Power Tech,Blood Libel,Borders,Boycott,Building Freeze,CAFE Standards,Calaphate,Cap and Trade,Carbon Credits,China,Chinese Pressure,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Covert Surveillance,Coverup,Debt,Default on Debt,Disarm People,Divestment,Drones,East Jerusalem,Ecology,Ecology Lobby,Economy,Equal Outcome,Eugenics,Euro,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Facial Recognition Software,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Gaza,Gender Issues Lobby,Global Climate Change,Government,Government Health Care,Green Economy,Green Energy,Green Line,Gun Ban,Gun Control,Hamas,Hate,Health Care,Higher Prices,Hyper-Inflation,Illegal Immigration,Interest on Debt,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Jihad,Jihad,Keynesian Economics,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Livable Wage,Mahmoud Abbas,Maniacal Fear,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Minimum Wage,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim World,National Debt,North Korean Pressure,Obama Care,Old City,Organization of the Islamic Conference,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Political Identity,Pre-Conditions,President Morsi,Quantitative Easing,Regulations,Right of Return,Rioters Pressure,Sanctions (BDS),Secular Interests,Single Payer Plan,Socialism,Syria,Taxes,Temple Mount,Terror,Unemployment,Union Interests,United Nations Presures,United States State Department,Waqf,Warrantless Searches,World Government,World Opinion — qwertster @ 2:35 AM
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There has been near constant accusations and bloviating all about Donald Trump’s presumed short fuse. These attacks have come furious and provokingly and these are being used as chum in the water for the mainstream media to feast on; and believe us they have been coordinating and laying aside above the fold for every leading news-story; or should we say political editorial. These salacious assaults on Donald Trump would be far more convincing and less conniving if they were to include even a hint on Hillary Clinton’s short fuse and ill-tempered side which were a driving force behind much of what has displayed her being ill-fit to be the President of the most powerful nation on the planet. When Donald Trump has an emotional outburst, his response is verbal and short-lived. Hillary Clinton is known to carry forth for the remainder of life, hers or her newly acquired target. When Bill Clinton lost his reelection election she famously called the Christian Campaign Manager a “F—-g Jew B——d.” She became the wounded warrior and claimed that a “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” was behind the accusations of sexual misconduct of her husband. Beyond that, Hillary took charge of the intimidation, belittling, slandering, character assassination, media control, story massaging and sundry miscellaneous attacks targeting any and all allegations and accusations against Bill Clinton thus assuring that no more women, or bimbos as the White House labeled those coming forward, would be coming up with any additional accusations or verifications against the President. This was a well-coordinated assault just as well planned and executed as was the campaign to get out the vote except this was a suppress the evidence effort.


Hillary Clinton on the Prowl for Voters

Hillary Clinton on the Prowl for Voters


If this was the extent of Hillary Clinton perfidy, there would be little evidence of her unsuitability for the office of President of the United States. Hillary claims how she has always been so transparent in all her actions that the public can trust that all her actions will be entirely open and able to be monitored by all who are interested. Apparently Hillary Clinton has completely forgotten her efforts at designing her own version of a healthcare system. Her committee contained some of the best minds in the progressive movement plus the fly in the ointment, Hillary Clinton. The public was left in the dark. Congress was left in the dark. The media, including the leftist media, was left guessing, being fed tempting morsels but actually only gristle and no red meat. The universe was led on the merry path of flowers and unicorns with all the wonderful reports of total free coverage with almost no additional costs. Perhaps the promises of everything for nothing proved to be the straw that broke the healthcare back. When Hillary Clinton and companies’ plan was presented to Congress, even the democrat faithful headed for the hills escaping as fast as they could. Her produced healthcare plan was such a monstrous and unwieldly conglomeration of regulations, legal demands, meticulous record keeping and required filings with the Federal Government that all who read the plan were flabbergasted. Commentary from numerous sources inside and outside, but close to the manners in which the plan was hatched, told of Hillary Clinton riding roughshod over all contrary opinions doing exactly as she thought best. This kind of leadership, totalitarian leadership, had actually driven a number of leading surgeons and physicians from participating or even signing the plan sent to Congress. They told of fiery outbreaks replete with profanity at some of the mildest of suggestions or alternative proposals where Hillary Clinton appeared to have lost all sense of reason.


Finally, there were numerous reports and even complaints filed against Hillary Clinton for abusive language, abusive treatment, violent outbursts and some workers fearing for their safety. These complaints and requests for transfer or alternate position from people who had nearly a lifetime of service climbing to reach a White House assignment and to then risk never making it back to their former privileged position was an acceptable sacrifice to be rid of Hillary Clinton. All of these point to Hillary Clinton not only having an explosive temper but also a short fuse with a vengefully long memory. Such was a temperament of throwing items, oft of value, for periods as long lasting as an entire day and even lasting through the next day or beyond as well. Some who have been found to get on the wrong side of Hillary Clinton have related that despite attempts to settle their differences or even apologize have failed dashed on the craggy cliffs which make up the beach at shoreline Clinton. Hillary Clinton has proven herself to be a person with a malleable core where beliefs come to die especially after receiving poor poll ratings. Taking the sum of these parts produces a picture of an unbalanced individual whose coworkers fear working anywhere near her spheres of influence.


Many have spoken similarly of Donald Trump, but from most appearances his tantrums have been largely bluster with little threat of physical violence, at least before the October Surprise of crass claims of sexual violence. Given the claims of violent actions, we would feel safer with a Donald Trump Presidency than a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Unfortunately, elections remain out by three weeks and it is still anybody’s election to win or lose. Donald Trump will be facing sexual harassment charges most of which are likely people coming forth for their moment of fame. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is facing a truly deep character fault which will have a direct effect on her Presidency. As to which one is most likely to get the United States embroiled into a war, it would be Hillary Clinton with her establishment of a “No Fly Zone” probably on Aleppo could escalate with the downing of a Russian fighter jet leading to a direct confrontation. That is but a single potential point of contention where a single miscalculation could lead to great problems soon thereafter. That alone is food for thought.


Beyond the Cusp


December 28, 2015

A Law Whose Time Has Come


Imagine for a moment that a group of nations in Europe and the European Union itself had decided, more or less as a loosely defined group, that they were going to finance and direct a group of NGOs in Israel with the intent of besmirching the image of Jordan throughout the world and work to degrade the Israeli military and drag its military and civilian leadership and soldiers before the world courts on charges of crimes against humanity. Imagine they also worked to collapse Israel as a nation and replace it with an Arab nation using spurious claims that there exists a group who have a deeper and more legitimate claim on the land and whose history was the exact history the Jews were claiming only older and thus more valid than the Jewish claims despite known facts to the contrary. Finally, imagine these same NGOs claiming to be indigenous and demanding government funding from the Israeli government and were influencing the courts and attempting to assist candidates in elections who would be more in line with the designs of the European financed NGOs in granting the Arab claims on the land and might even cripple their own nation before the spurious claims and yet lobbied the government to prevent a law making it that NGOs who received over half their financing from outside Israel to have to report all of their financing while still allowing their right to operate and claim to be actual representatives of the majority of Israelis despite all evidence to the contrary. If you were able of imagining such a ridiculous plot against Israel, then you have just successfully reached an understanding of exactly what is occurring in Israel right now.


This is not even a new issue as it has been going on for well over a decade by groups such as Breaking the Silence, B’Tselem, Adalah, Yesh Din, Machsom Watch, Hamoked, Rabbis for Human Rights and far too many others. All of these groups support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement which singles Israel out claiming their laws make Israel an Apartheid state. One spurious claim made constantly despite full knowledge that the complaint is unwarranted is that Israel has not permitted the Arab Palestinians to hold an election for over a decade. Is it true that the Arabs living in the semiautonomous regions under the administration of the Palestinian Authority headed by Chairman Mahmoud Abbas who was elevated to the position after the death of Yasser Arafat in 2004 have yet to vote since 2005; yes, that is a valid statement which is what makes the charge appear to be valid. The fly in that ointment is the fact that the Palestinian Authority is semiautonomous and thus has political control and governs the area in question and Mahmoud Abbas has refused to permit election where he would necessarily stand for reelection and knows he would most likely lose such an election, thus, no elections. Israel has no power to force elections in the areas under Palestinian Authority political control any more than any government in Europe can force elections in another country. Such a claim is like so many others, containing a kernel of truth which makes it believable and appear valid but the rest of the charge is false and known to be using false links and logic. The election libel is similar to the libel that the IDF (Israeli Defense Force, the Israeli military) is guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocidal crimes against the Arab Palestinians and other atrocities. Has the IDF ever had a soldier or commander of a unit commit war crimes? Unfortunately that is true as it is of any army which fights in a combat area and for proof one need not look any further than at the case against Colonel West formerly of the United States Military. His case was covered by the New York Times in an article titled THE STRUGGLE FOR IRAQ: INTERROGATIONS; How Colonel Risked His Career by Menacing Detainee and Lost which gives the essentials and the situation facing commanders in the combat zones.


Just as colonel West came forth and faced military trial but took an early retirement from what had before one act to protect his troops by insinuating he was about to do the unthinkable to a detainee, IDF had soldiers who have crossed lines but Breaking the Silence has been found to be using testimonies from soldiers who were forced from the IDF and are bitter about their experience and even using known activists who were never in the IDF as witness or the ones who committed such war crimes to get false testimonies which they then market to a receptive media and other manner of shaming the IDF. If Breaking the Silence were really interested in policing and improving the morality and legal restrictions being obeyed they would not seek publicity and attempt to shame the IDF and besmirch their reputation in media around the world but would rather bring their evidence before the IDF and assist in the prosecution or fact finding such that these IDF soldiers could be brought before a trial and new guidelines could be made known within the IDF preventing another such disgrace which the IDF has proven time and again to investigate every accusation of wrongdoing and does so in complete view of the public. The IDF has had its actions in the last Gaza offensive and every military engagement under the scrutiny of a military panel made up of senior officers and experts on military and international laws of warfare wherever such inquiries were warranted. The United Nations report was largely assisted by Israeli NGOs who, without exception, rely on European funding largely from individual governments, the European Union itself with a guiding purpose of defaming and disrupting the IDF and its efforts to protect Israelis from Arab aggressors including numerous terror entities such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others operating in Gaza as well as Judea and Samaria (West Bank). Below are three videos of experts on the laws of war and International Law, the first two are separate testimonies before the United Nations as an individual expert and as part of the panel of review both emphasizing the good and deficits of their review by Lieutenant Colonel Jeffery Corn, U. S. Army Law of War Expert, and the third is Colonel Kemp who was an observer during the Gaza War as is also an expert on the laws of war and International Law as well as the makeup and slanted objective of the United Nations panel looking to equate IDF actions with those of Hamas or possibly dirty the IDF sufficiently so as to exonerate all actions taken by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, al-Qaeda, Islamic State and other terror actions in the Gaza war and before the war with the firing rockets by the hundreds and even thousands per day which was the real cause of the conflict. Please give each approximately two minutes of your time as they are worth hearing.









The law being considered and about to be presented to the Knesset for actual debate and voting will be more revealing and honest than the efforts to make this legislation out to be an assault on the rights of individuals, minorities, all Palestinians and the free expression of NGOs and other elements which may at times appear critical of Israel, as the possible to be effected NGOs have claimed. The so-called “Transparency Bill” would require NGOs who receive over 50% of their funding from foreign states to reveal the precise sources of their funds. The aim is to curb the current practice of primarily European states who seek to undermine Israeli government policy by pouring millions into extreme-left and radical Arab Israeli NGOs, according to reports and comments of its supporters. European Union Ambassador to Israel Lars Faaborg-Andersen said the Bill was more suited to a “despotic” country and added, “The Bill is explicitly intended to harm organizations critical of government policy. It will have a negative impact on the image of Israel and its standing in Europe as an open and democratic society.” Of course his comments that this legislation would impact Israeli relations with the very governments financing these foreign sourced NGOs and will now require the European busybodies who ignore the serious and potentially fatal economic and immigration positions of their own actions and spend inordinate amounts of their funds taken by taxation and other revenue sources such as tariffs and fees all to spend on financing NGOs in order to influence and destroy both politically and physically the state of Israel and only the state of Israel which just happened to be the only state of the Jews as well as the sole true democracy in the Middle East. These actions say more about these nations and the European Union and their resorting to their oldest hatreds which they have been and apparently always will be as a whole anti-Semites who firmly hold the identical view as the Arabs and too much of the Islamic world that the Jews and their state must be destroyed and brought down to be trodden on by their betters, which is defined as any bipedal lifeform free of feathers and warm blooded. These actions are claimed to be warranted as only by the destruction of Israel will peace and human rights break out in the Middle East; like the Syrian civil war turned Sunni-Shiite war will end if Israel ceases to exist, RIGHT, now tell me another European act so pathetic that even laughter gives more credence and attention than it deserves. Below is an example and translation of the fliers dropped on one location of concentrated terrorist resistance and rocket fire and these were dropped before any IDF action by approximately thirty minutes giving the Arab citizens time to relocate. The real and obvious side-effect of these warnings is it both reveals the next area targeted and allows the terrorists time to relocate as well. The advantage is that by relocating the Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other terror units will be in the open and not surrounded by civilians and thus their choices from bad to worse are they can relocate and present easy targets for airstrikes free of civilian casualties or remain in place and be eradicated free of civilian casualties.



Pamphlet and Translated Version of Pamphlet Dropped by IDF Command Before Calling Airstrikes or Deploying Ground Troops Whichever is Less Likely to Harm Civilian Lives

Pamphlet and Translated Version of Pamphlet Dropped
by IDF Command Before Calling Airstrikes or Deploying
Ground Troops Whichever is Less Likely to Harm Civilian Lives



The reality is that these NGOs do not serve the majority or even a plurality of Israeli citizens almost all of whom realize their lives are dependent upon the skill and sacrifices of the IDF and know they are owed a debt of gratitude beyond anything we can offer other than our support, thanks and love. We Israelis cannot begin to find sufficient respect for our IDF young men and women as they are by leaps and bounds the most moral and honorable military in the world ever. What also sets them apart from all other militaries, the Islamic State fears any conflict and especially a front where they would be facing the IDF on their borders. The British and Americans they claim they would welcome, though we all know they really do not want to see the entire force which the United States and Britain to a somewhat lesser extent, but as the IDF has proven repeatedly that size or lack thereof does not mean less fierce or efficient on the battlefield. The Islamic State facing a determined NATO front would last about three hours after the civilians let loose the full force as was utilized during World War II or even a single front, either the Japanese or the European front’s forces. There is another problem on the ground in an area which presents such a plethora of such challenges and where we can be glad that Egypt is no longer in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood or that too would present some difficulties.


One has to wonder why Israel presents such an interest and desire to do harm where no such attitude exists on the Israeli side and only desires to run their nation free of foreign entangling and mischief working to their detriment. This “Transparency Bill” only seeks to present an honest assessment and accounting before the public and provide honesty and open examinations of any outside entities seeking to hide behind highly placed charges and other mischief all tailored to bring Israel down. This blood libel of Israel as presented by Breaking the Silence before the world is simply evidentiary proof that these NGOs are nothing more than appendages of European anti-Semitism seeking to destroy Israel by setting a completely different standard and though knowing of these NGOs perfidious acts and missions statements as they are funded by their European government and the European Union who direct them to provide the exact information and take whatever stand is required for the moment and dance for their masters in Europe. The Jews who work with these groups knowing their intent and origins are nothing more than the fools, and all too many were Jews, who assisted Lenin into power who never hid his hatred for Jews but that has never bothered the leftist Jews who will grease the wheels instead of the tracks at some crucial location as the train will not take them until they are the last or the war turns poorly but the one thing they are guaranteed, in the end they will be murdered as such is the way of the tyrants. In the meantime as Europe itself has chosen a slow suicide by allowing open immigration and are receiving largely untrained people seeking the European baskets of support and not opportunity which will pay off once the requirement of hard work has been met. These immigrants are setting up areas where their laws are applied and their nation and its laws are kept quite distant beyond the jagged line upon which Europe will be breaking themselves against these jagged edges long before Israel can come to their rescue; especially should these very same Europeans continue their pogroms attempting to tear Israel down before her enemies.


Beyond the Cusp


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