Beyond the Cusp

November 2, 2016

Time to End Minhal Ezrachi and COGAT


Both Minhal Ezrachi (Civil Administration) and COGAT (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories) are obsolete, counterproductive, anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist and well beyond their use-by-date. They both were established during the heady and oft wrong-headed days after the Six Day War designed to administrate over the formerly Jordanian occupied lands, illegal under every last line of applicable International Law and solely recognized by Pakistan and Britain, with the potential purpose to permit their ready status to be traded with Jordan in exchange for a peace treaty. Well, Israel has her peace treaty and Jordan renounced their false claims thus the reverting of these lands of Judea and Samaria back to their rightful owner under applicable International Law, Israel. That should have been the end of the story and Israel should have annexed these lands legally registering the residents as resident alien citizens granting them limited political rights within the areas they constitute a majority but barring them from national elections until a means, path and completion of becoming Israeli citizens was accomplished. Those refusing such should have been encouraged to emigrate even to the point of bribery. That, after peace was reached with Jordan would have been the end of the issue.


Instead, Minhal Ezrachi, COGAT, the elite ranking officers with the Minister of Defense (or without if need be) plus the Supreme Court backed by a core set of Ministers of the Knesset from both sides of the aisle all support the status-quo. All of these disparate entities have a stake in this game as it extends their control over the lives of the littler people starting with the Israelis residing in Judea and Samaria and continuing through the remainder of the population. There are any numbers of reasons this fiasco which could be resolved and settled once and for all is instead perpetrated indefinitely. Most of the players are fiercely guarding their power to control people and areas plus retaining their well-paid positions as commanders in the IDF and their path to the highest echelons and beyond into politics or a cushy job once they retire from serving in the IDF. These are careerists more than soldiers who claim they know what is best in Judea and Samaria constantly painting the area as fraught with dangers with a wild-west kind of vibe where only the Military keeps things from worsening. They also prevent change and thus progress to a solution. They see their responsibility to extend a situation in such a manner such that the IDF continues to rule the area, specifically the Israeli or, more accurately, the Jewish Israelis always calling for additional soldiers and funding as everything is forever escalating with just the right inclusion of progress which becomes erased and any freedoms further curtailed at every terrorist strike.


The Supreme Court simply is chasing that perfect society as they envision Israel. They view Israel quite differently than the average Israeli. The Supreme Court is largely a political dinosaur from the 1950’s Israel as the Supreme Court is largely, along with the position of State Attorney General, a self-replicating monster which perpetuates the socialist utopianism of the original court with extreme leftists all with minimal numbers as exceptions. They would feel at home on the Haaretz Editorial Board. They could best be described as Universalists and post-Zionists. They believe in Israeli democracy over Israel as the Jewish Homeland which they view as too exclusive; and they are multiculturalists as well as ultimate protectors of the human rights for everyone and even more so the determined underclass, in Israel’s case, the Palestinian Arabs. The Supreme Court Justices treasure their acceptance by the elite of Europe, particularly the leading government figures and the elite of the European Union. The Justices crave the approval of these leaders and paragons of human rights, post-modernism, multiculturalism and, of course, internationalism which call for the erasure of borders and above all the acceptance of the other who while having been raised under oppressions existing from their past treatment at the hands of the Western World and whose culture is equal if not superior to the Judeo-Christian, never to mention Jewish culture described and laid out in Torah, and must be not only accepted but treated with respect denied Western Culture. These are open border with state guaranteed wage, a combination long proven to be the views adopted just before the fall of near countless civilizations throughout history.


What makes all of this far more theater of the absurd than simple fiasco is for reasons unknown Jordanian law is enforced in Judea and Samaria by the IDF as directed by COGAT and the Minhal Ezrachi backed by the Supreme Court and allowed such insanity by the powers on both sides in the Knesset with a few select exceptions. Observing Jordanian Law is anti-Semitic as selling land to a Jew is punishable by death and simply being a Jew on land under Jordanian law is illegal punishable by deportation to Israel within the Green Line, the apparent intent of numerous NGO’s and much of the Muslim world plus the rest of the planet with few exceptions, or death. By observing Jordanian Law it was thought it would facilitate the return to Jordanian occupation. This was despite knowing that the Jordanian occupation was outright illegal as the border between Jordan and Israel was set as the Jordan River in so many treaties including but not limited to the San Remo Conference, the Treaty of Sèvres, the ,a href= target=blank>Treaty of Lausanne amongst others which culminated World War I as well as Article 80 of the United Nations Carter which further codified the Mandate System. These treaties give Israel first right to all of Judea and Samaria as well as voiding any and all of the land grant provisions by which leading members of the Jordanian government and friends of the King were granted deed to great stretches of these lands such that all the lands were gifted in this manner and largely was never developed. These land claims are utilized by NGO’s such but not limited to Peace Now, Yesh Din and Rabbis for Human Rights to sue any and all Israeli building in Judea and Samaria. These demolitions brought on through the Supreme Court by direct filing these NGO’s attack Jewish buildings from a single stand-alone home to entire cities such as Amona, which is currently under threat, as well as other “Jewish settlements” which are considerably larger and more developed (see picture below). Direct filing with the Supreme Court is legal and done in this case so that the liberal, left-leaning Supreme Court Justices can rule without requiring any investigation into the legality or even existence of actual Arab ownership. Evidence is taken as if vetted and verified thus these NGO’s need no tangible proof and an entire city can be ordered erased. When cases are filed to actually claim the land in court, many such cases are resigned from the docket before even a hearing as the claimant has withdrawn knowing the entire claim to be bogus.


Larger Jewish Settlement Under Threat of Demolitions

Larger Jewish Settlement Under Threat of Demolitions


Many of these NGO’s including those licensed and claiming to be homegrown pro-Israel groups are part of a post-Zionist, leftist, universalist groups which are all predominantly financed by European, American and other Western and Universalist entities receiving often less than one-third and some next to no funding originating in Israel. Some of the monies come from individuals directly, surreptitiously or through front groups or organizations; more from individual governments who also use other NGO’s to put distance, deniability and insulation between them and the monies; and some is funneled through the long and many tentacles of the United Nations and its various groups which are more money laundering operations than anything else. While almost every nation in this so-called civilized world has laws disallowing NGO’s from obtaining majority funding from outside the nation, some requiring well above half be domestically raised, whenever Israel proposes such a law the Europeans and American leftists, progressives and far right haters of Jews and Israel rise and make a cacophony of cries of complaints, screams of unfairness, yelping that democracy is under attack, squawking that freedom is being curtailed and other hooting and hollering over any-and-everything under the son being squelched and a fascism rising in Israel. All these accusations are made to prevent Israel having the same protections these other nations enjoy. This demanding Israel meet a standard not required of other nations has a name, anti-Semitism. Some claim it is anti-Zionism while others anti-Israel in the occupation, but all three are identical, demanding the Jew, the Jewish State, Israel to be judged by a different set of rules designed for the destruction and dismantling of the national home of the Jews. Yep, that is anti-Semitism.


Finally, much of this is the Israeli leadership’s fault. That includes all the leadership; the IDF, the Supreme Court, the media and especially Knesset and political hierarchy. The Knesset and political hierarchy could annex all of Area C with a simple bill with the only thing potentially blocking such a move would be the Supreme Court claiming it had some reason to belay and void the legislation passed by the Knesset. The way beyond that would be change a couple of punctuation and pass the legislation again and again and make it the biggest thing since Jews ate manna in the wilderness and allow the majority to get behind the idea and carry the day. Then Israel could city by city set up local governance for the Arab Palestinians, the former Jordanians, the Arabs holding other than legal Israeli passports; grant them semi-autonomy over the areas where they reside but keep them barred from general elections until they decide and take a path to citizenship. Emigration enticement with assistance in the form of a buyout of property with an added percentage for a clear deed should be Israeli policy including a records check to assure the land was not sold or belonging to another Jordanian/Palestinian Arab or other party. Even in such cases some form of emigration enticement should be in order. Emigrants must be made aware that any unauthorized return within Israeli borders will be dealt with harshly followed by an immediate deportation after prison sentence has been carried out. Israel honestly will by necessity have to annex these lands as soon as Hamas or Islamic State takes over after any remotely free elections. The Palestinian Authority (PA) is mortally wounded and entering its death throes. Abbas is entering the tenth or eleventh year of a five year term. Elections were once again cancelled; the PA had cancelled elections numerous times since their scheduled date of spring of 2009. Law and order is breaking down and radical Islamists are banding together and arming for whoever decides they want the base of operations so close to the heart of Israel. The time to act was actually immediately after the Six Day War with another opportunity immediately after Jordan made peace with Israel. Unfortunately, the Knesset and political hierarchy will continue dragging their feet and claiming that acting is impossible and need wait until the climate changes for the better. We’ve watched the world climate towards and concerning Israel and here have noted climate change and it has been the worst. Time has come to let the dust fly and settle where it will. Waiting has ceased to be the answer. There are six days before the Presidential Election in the United States after which President Barack Hussein Obama will be free to call a special session and pass a binding resolution negating all recognition currently existing for annexation of Judea and Samaria by the Security Council passing a Section Seven Resolution establishing the Palestinian State with the Green Line as its border and the whole of Eastern Jerusalem as its capital. Such a binding resolution would alter International Law possibly forever and would establish and likely add as a full member the new nation of Palestine. This is why action must be decided now and no delay must be permitted. The power to do so lies with the Knesset and the IDF could assist by working to prevent and end their assisting circumventing and neutering Israelis’ rights to settle our land. If we wait, we lose.


Beyond the Cusp


September 20, 2016

So You Really Hate Israel… Why?


There are two nations on this planet which have entire NGOs and groups who make their millions by hating them and running around screaming about everything they can find or think they know is evil about them. One is Israel and the other is the United States. Well, guess what. Both nations air their mistakes right out front for the world to feast upon if they so desire. They also both quietly go about helping save the world and not asking for anything much in return. Those who have benefited from this help often turn right around and speak evil about both of us and that is just fine because we know who we are. You want to hate Israel? We are not going to stop you, argue with you or apologize for our few problems. But maybe you should look at Israel, and if you hate the United States you better take a long hard look at them too. While you are seeking an honest answer, perhaps you should check yourself and those who have been feeding you this hatred because you will probably realize some problems with your information train. But if you want to hate Israel, go ahead because we can take it, we Jews have been the object of a general hatred for a few hundred years now, close to over thirty-hundred.


In case you are having difficulty with the math, allow us to help. Thirty-hundred is three-thousand, yes, three thousand years with most of that time our living right here in Eretz Yisroel. That is why Jews have another name less used these days but it is all over this bestselling book, the bible. We are also the Children of Israel. Why children? Well, that is an easy one. We are His children, Hashem, the Big Guy upstairs. Perhaps you’ve heard of Him. We are His children and will forever be His children and just like all children we make mistakes. We do try to learn from our mistakes but sometimes that is a difficult path. We really messed up badly a few times and paid a heavy price. Our first foray into being less than all we could be got us exiled to Babylonia, but rather quickly our Father forgave us and we returned here to Israel and built the Second Temple. For your information, that was around the time when Buddha, Confucius and a few other well-known fathers to some of the other great Earthly philosophies and religions were just starting out. That was nothing compared to our later mistake where too many of us turned to evil such as idolatry and hating one another. For that we paid an even dearer price. The Second Temple was destroyed and the majority of us spread all over the globe for almost two-thousand years. Our Father, oh, and your Father too, but you hopefully know that or have briefly forgotten about that, He finally allowed His displeasure to subside and we have been given another return home and we are hoping that enough of us can keep things real and on the straight and narrow. Two thousand years of basically being thrown out of your house and told to go stand in the corner is a tough lesson and we had better have learned our lesson.


What lesson? Well, to love one another and especially each and every member of our family and to help where and when and how we are able and to give of ourselves for the betterment of humankind and not to turn away from our Father and to pay Him His due. That may sound easy but it is not as people have been getting that one wrong seemingly forever but yet our Father still loves His children, not just us, but all of His children and that includes you. We hope we have learned a few things about truth and the ways of the universe and it is a lot more difficult to grasp or understand than many think. Yes, sure there are tons of nice formulae which describe everything and as the scientists discover more the more they realize they do not know and more recently they have figured out the BIG truth, they will never know all there is because there will be more and it will be beyond their ability to even see the whole picture, let alone figure it out. The real truth is we need to care for what we have and everything else will come in its time.


Israel and the United States share a few things. We are usually the first two nations to arrive when there is a natural disaster to assist and we often are the last to leave. We both send our physicians out into the world to teach procedures and other things which a few hundred years ago were considered witchcraft but today we know are simple facts used for the betterment of mankind. Israel and the United States are often the target of unfounded hatreds even from those we have assisted the most. We have treated freely many Palestinians and especially those their own hospitals do not have the equipment or know-how to treat. This has included relatives, close relatives including mothers, siblings, children and even those leaders themselves of both Hamas and the PLO. Why do we help our mortal enemies? They are not our enemies, they just are people who have erred into blind hatred; yet still parts of their reason allows them the ability to turn to that most hated people, the Jews of Israel, and seek us out when their own family is in the most dire place need of help. They turn to Israel knowing that despite their desire to murder all of us, we will help them when they are in need because they are also our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters who are lost. Further, our Father tells us to assist those seeking our help, so we do so. It is that simple.


For your information, it is because we refuse to even hate our mortal enemies that they hate us even more. They see their failings and blame us and we do not fight back as that would be something our Father would not abide. We have an obligation to be as wonderful and helping in all cases to all our fellow human beings and not judge their rights and wrongs as that is not our place. We are His children and we must strive to be worthy of that name. We fail and fail far too often to worry about those false accusations as we need to live up to our expectations of ourselves and then go beyond that to His expectations of us. We will never be the perfect people Hashem desires of us but we will pick ourselves up off the floor every time we fail and try harder. That is what drives us and keeps us working at making ourselves and all we touch better. We are supposed to help and fix that which needs repair and leaving alone that which either is already good or that which refuses to be helped. When they then stop the hate long enough to beseech our aid, we give it freely because that is why we are here and why you are here.


That dictate, telling all of us about loving thy neighbor as thyself thing, we were first commanded to try and live up to that and we have stumbled. We still work on that principle and we will likely stumble some more, but we will continue to try. Treating the stranger amongst us kindly is also one of the commandments we try to live by. But let me tell you a few things we bet you have never heard about. First thing is the Arabs who are citizens of Israel are fully equal with the Jews. They vote, work as they please, live where they please and have every right to fair treatment as anyone else in Israel and some would claim that we are harder on our fellow Jews than any of the myriad of minorities residing in Israel, citizens or not. The Palestinians you demand so much for, rule themselves within our borders in semiautonomous zones. The reason they are semiautonomous is because we do not demand they raise armies and we would defend them from foreign attacks. They continue to reside here because the majority of the Palestinians would love for there to be peace but outside forces rule them and demand they never make peace. Look up the Khartoum Resolution and the resultant Three No’s and read why there is such a movement of hate against Israel. This conference, as you would read, came about after the Six Day War of 1967. The three no’s, just to save you reading all that Wikipedia propaganda, are “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” The Khartoum Conference was technically an emergency meeting of the Arab League called in order to end Israeli aggressions. Israeli aggression is defined by our Arab brothers and sisters officially as Israeli existence. The only solution acceptable is the complete and total destruction of Israel, and if truth be told, followed by the hunting down and murder of every Jews, practicing or not, everywhere. By the way, the leaders of this movement are also the people paying for your NGO through many long, convoluted and twisting channels as they desire to be hidden from view. They know that should their backing become common knowledge then they would not have as much backing as they have collected. Personally, I believe they might receive more backing if they went public, but it matters not.


Arab League Summit From left to right: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Abdullah Sallal of Yemen, Sheikh Ahmad Sabah of Kuwait and Abd al-Rahman Arif of Iraq

Arab League Summit
From left to right: King Faisal of Saudi Arabia,
Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Abdullah Sallal of Yemen,
Sheikh Ahmad Sabah of Kuwait and Abd al-Rahman Arif of Iraq


Israel will continue and will seek peace even when doing so appears suicidal. We are commanded to offer those residing in our lands a choice of three options about their residing here. This was also what we offered the Canaanites when we entered here from Egypt, and we know there are historians who claim we never were in Egypt and that is their right to believe as they choose. They were told they could remain and live in peace as long as they observed the Noahic Code, or they could depart over our borders and we would not pursue or harm them without due cause, or they could choose to war with us at which time we would defeat them and destroy every last vestige that they existed, their people, cities, cattle, crops, idols (definitely their idols) and lastly anything else we could find. Many of the Canaanites chose the war option but there were a minority which chose leave or live with us and observe the seven Noahic Laws (see below). The Noahic Code is given in the bible and has also become known as the Divine Code which also has a nice ring to it. Yes, the Noahic Code is also part of the Ten Commandments but is not all ten, it is seven on which a right and decent society must be built or it will fail. The Palestinians claimed they would abide by the Noahic Code but some insist on trying to kill us. As long as one tries to kill us, we will answer them in kind. If they wish peace then we will give peace for peace. It really is that simple, peace for peace, threat for threat, death for death, war for war, eye for an eye and life for a life, it sounds almost Biblical, doesn’t it.


Noahic Codes

Noahic Codes


Let us conclude our little conversation and ask a simple favor, if we may. Visit Israel and realize that despite the attractive life in Tel Aviv, that is not our best and finest, just the wealthiest. But then the major cities in the United States is not representative of the heart of America, it is just where the wealth resides. The measure of a person and a nation are similar, gold does not make them necessarily right, it just makes them wealthy and able to be heard louder. Loud does not equal right just quiet also does not impart automatic justness as often whispers are the most devious of all lies as they carry the shroud of being long kept secrets. Often the whispers and the person screaming in the town square are repeating the same oft told lies which many are centuries old. Hatred of the Jews is amongst those ancient hatreds and we were warned that in every generation one would rise to destroy us and unfortunately it has often not been just a single one but often a multitude with numerous leaders and prophets. The Nazis did not act completely alone as some nations have admitted and others still remain unrepentant. Neither did the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Philistines, Nazis, Stalinists, Czars, British, French, Spanish (Inquisition), Ottomans, Assyrians, Persians (Haman the Amalekites, descendant of King Agag), Amorites and now the Islamists. Many of these listed were our friends and turned against us or were our enemies and made eventual peace with us.


But do something easy and spend a couple of weeks visiting Israel and travel to the far corners and walk the fields, enjoy the fruits of the land and get to know the people, Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Baha’I, Buddhists, Hindus and the other myriads of people as well. If you prefer take that vacation in Haiti and ask of the Israelis there, or the Philippines, Japan where the quake and tsunami hit worst, or even New Orleans from the hurricane or the parts of Louisiana recently flooded and you will hear that the Israelis came and assisted. As a matter of fact, Israel is one of only a few nations which offers assistance to the United States and does not simply believe they can handle it alone; they do not need or want our help. We know that would be a lie and is simply a reason for not assisting and we take assisting our fellow man in need and try to help whenever we are permitted, even if that means deception about the aid given coming from Israel as the Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) foundation does regularly when a child from an Arab and/or Muslim nation which refuses to recognize Israel and would torture or murder the family if it were known they received our help. These special cases are handled discreetly and they are flown to a neutral nation and brought to Israel on El Al or private airlines and their travel documents never show any reference to Israel as we are helping and not in the business of burdening people who have suffered the pains of a deathly ill child and the only true assistance being theoretically out of reach due to unseemly hatreds.


Before you continue with the next Apartheid Israel demonstration or give the Palestinians their own country or whatever the next “thing” protesting Israel, seek a little truth, check out those claims you have been fed, realize there is a silent, quiet, underlying lie in the slanders and a kernel of truth out there if only you seek it. We cannot simply yell from the bell tower as we have limited funds which can be better used helping people, other people who really need the help, than using the money to fight the lies. The lies are backed by some of the richest oil wealth nations whose people often reside in poverty and whose education system indoctrinates, not teach. We could never scream louder than the paid adversaries receiving their ill given hate funding from people who would line every Jew on the planet up and slaughter them ISIS (Islamic State, Daesh or ISIL as President Obama prefers to call them) style and would probably do as did the Nazis and record it for posterity. We would rather save lives whenever possible and that is the reality. Israel has saved more Arabs, children and adults, than we have killed in our defense of our nation and wish that we could only save lives and never be in the position of having to take them. But that probably remains for you to find out for yourself, and we invite you to do so. For the rest who already know and appreciate these facts, we would like to give you our heartfelt thanks for your support at any level or effort. Even your smile towards us is sufficient recognition, thank you.


Beyond the Cusp


August 23, 2016

Philippine President Duterte Against the World


Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte took office on June 30, 2016, elected partially on his promise to bring an end to the drug trade which was destroying his nation and the people’s nation. He has gone directly to work on this promise but now is facing threats from the United Nations as well as the United States State Department. Just yesterday we were giving the United States Department of State credit and now we face the great let down as they join the United Nations Human Rights experts all of whom are denigrating the efforts of President Duterte in freeing his people from the ravages of the illegal drug trade. His efforts to clean the Philippines of this scourge has run into a difficulty which the United Nations Human Rights experts and United States Department of State as they protest the deaths of five-hundred drug suspects have who have been killed in gun battles with police. If this number shocks you, then we might ask a simple question. What part of the statement distresses one? Is it the fact that gun battles have broken out between suspected drug criminals? Is it that these suspected drug traffickers were killed extra-judicially without being found guilty by a trial in a court of law? Was it the number of drug suspects killed is so high at five-hundred? Was it something we may have missed in our quick summary? Perhaps we should slow down in the rush to judgement and place this number into perspective of the accomplishments Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte in his eight weeks in office first and then discuss these introduction statements in context.


Yes, five-hundred were killed in gun battles in eight weeks, a total of nine suspected drug criminals each day. We agree that such is a bit shocking but what is even more shocking are the success numbers of efforts thus far which place all in sharp contrast. Thus far over four-thousand-four-hundred drug suspects have been arrested and are awaiting trial. That is a large number of arrests and that is not even the slightest bit of the success. Between those arrested and those who chose to resist arrest and died in violent gun battles approach five-thousand drug suspects out of action, that is nothing compared to this final statistic. There have been an astonishing almost six-hundred-thousand drug suspects and related operatives who have turned themselves over to authorities simply surrendering. This astounding and likely unexpected success has resulted in overcrowding in Philippine jails which were never expected to hold such numbers. We believe that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte will find some alternative by which these suspects will be housed at military bases or other emergency facilities and many will likely be processed, then charged, followed by some very reasonable bails being set and the least offenders freed on their own recognizance and told they will be notified of their court date which they will be expected to present themselves or face additional and likely more serious charges of disobeying the courts. Meanwhile, after taking in the scope of the problem, is there any doubt that those who decided their odds were better in a shoot-out than a trial were actually the most guilty and the highest ranking drug lords and their security forces, the central core of what was obviously an enormous problem in the Philippines which President Duterte has delivered on a dangerous and difficult promise and done so spectacularly.


The one important and further ramification of the United Nations and United States State Department charges of human rights abuses and extra-judicial executions prompting threats to charge President Duterte with crimes against humanity and potentially genocidal practices are as ridiculous and they are familiar to us here. President Duterte had gone after and looking like having cleaned-up some dangerous and hard-core criminal enterprises which likely were costing the Philippine population numerous lives and making for a society where lawlessness was posing a threat and difficulty for those desiring to live in peace and security. Such a drug problem had to result in challenges to the authority of the government and pose serious threats to the Philippine citizens, especially those trying to be law abiding. Further, such a criminal enterprise must have been a huge drain on the economy and further made life difficult for the average law abiding citizens with lives threatened by such lawlessness in a similar manner as faced in Israel from terrorism and President Duterte and his government was threatened with the exact same threats as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Israeli governance is threatened with as Israel fights terrorism. Even spookier was that the charges emanated from the United Nations human rights experts and the United States Department of State, the identical entities which make Israelis fighting terrorism appear to be a criminal enterprise against innocent terrorists just as the Philippine fight was criminalized as they brought innocent drug lords to justice.


The difference was the reaction from the Philippine President when compared to the passive and almost acquiescing apologetic Israeli reactions. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte took on his detractors from the United States and United Nations head-on and bluntly called them out. He challenged the United States on their fatal and very public shootings of black men in the recent past challenging to know how what he was doing was any different than these shootings by the police in the cities of the United States. He also brought up the viral picture of the five-year-old Syrian boy, Omran Daqneesh, which has gone viral online (see montage below). He stressed the lack of any progress and the lack of evidence that the people of Syria were being relieved of the heavy toll from the civil conflicts encompassing every corner and area of Syria where numerous disparate groups are warring each against the others with there being at least four distinct groups, Russia, Bashar Assad, Hezballah, Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps, Sunni Fighters, Islamic State and the Kurdish Militias for starters plus who knows who else. The big threat was that perhaps the Philippines would be better served separating from the United Nations as their efforts in Syria, Darfur, Libya and formerly in Rwanda, Central African Republic and the myriad of other trouble spots past and present which the United Nations had proved less than effective and in many cases where United Nations troops caused more problems than they relieved including running food for sex scandals in numerous places and their inability to enforce any order and being basically nonfunctional. President Duterte challenged the United Nations threatening to set up a group of nations initially with suggesting China and African nations to form a new international body. Perhaps Israel should assist with the formation of an actual international group of like-minded nations as a replacement for the United Nations though simply making agreements with select nations on a one-by-one nature and forge alliances more directly.


Five Year Old Syrian Omran Daqneesh sitting in Ambulance in Aleppo Syria After Being Pulled from Beneath Rubble of Collapsed Building from Bombing Attack

Five Year Old Syrian Omran Daqneesh
sitting in Ambulance in Aleppo Syria
After Being Pulled from Beneath Rubble of
Collapsed Building from Bombing Attack


Those who have followed or had direct experience with the United Nations and/or the United States State Department realize how much these sanctimonious organizations have rules of their own and definitions which they adjust to fit their preferred targets. Both organizations would rather target democratic states as their accommodations are often of a higher level of comfort and these targets are far more sensitive and less likely to shoot first and ask questions rarely. These organizations would prefer Israel to Gaza, Syria or most other areas in the Middle East. They would prefer to inspect Egypt from Alexandria or Cairo than the Sinai Peninsula or anywhere in Libya or the Sudan. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Gulf States are preferable to Yemen and almost anywhere is preferable to northern Nigeria where Boko Haram works their horrors. Europe is preferable to anywhere in the Third World.


Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte


Their field inspections are more tailored to five star hotels than actual trouble spots. Their hypocrisy is only out done by their padded expense accounts’ and even that is a close race. They both avoid making accusation about police states such as China, Turkey, Myanmar or Turkey outside the main cities and even those are losing their luster. With the fine beaches and five star resorts in the Philippines and Israel, it is no wonder these two organizations have redundant subgroups all but assigned to giving first class air fare, placing these inspection bodies with reservations along the Tel Aviv beaches or the gorgeous resorts all along the northern Philippine Islands and Manilla. It is difficult to take almost anything either the United Nations or United States State Department accuse certain nation of being guilty of when these adjudications are more attuned to vacation season than actual criminal activities. What a world we reside in and we owe President Duterte a tip of our hats for making such needful accusations against the two grandest fraudulent hypocritical organizations on the planet.


Beyond the Cusp 


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