Beyond the Cusp

November 9, 2016

Hubris Thy Name is France

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,2016 Elections,Absolutism,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Borders,Chapter Seven Security Council Resolution,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Divided Jerusalem,Donald Trump,East Jerusalem,Egypt,Elections,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Hate,Hevron,History,IDF,International Politics,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamists,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jordan River,Jordanian Pressure,Judea,Judean Hills,Khartoum Conference,Kotel,Leftist Pressures,MENA,Middle East,Muslim World,Myth,NATO,Negev Desert,Nepal,New Testament,Old City,Old Testament,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,PLO,Politicized Findings,Politics,President,Promised Land,Promised Land,Prophets,Recognize Israel,Samaria,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Security Council,Shechem,Six Day War,Statehood,Support Israel,Temple Mount,Temple Mount,Three No's,Torah,Two Millennia of Exile,Two State Solution,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States State Department,West Bank,World Opinion,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:37 AM
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French diplomats told Haaretz, describing the situation after the meeting between French envoy Pierre Vimont and Israeli officials Monday where the Israelis restated their refusal to cooperate with the French peace plans, the French representatives stated, “Envoy Pierre Vimont’s discussion with Israeli government representatives in Jerusalem was sincere and difficult. The negative Israeli response was predictable, and we will take Israel’s position into consideration. However, we plan to carry on promoting our peace initiative.” Apparently the French establishment is determined to pursue their designs on formulating a peace proposal based on the defunct two state solution, which they feel and believe is fair and acceptable to the nations they are able to gather by year’s end even if Israel is not included in the formulation of the solution. Israeli refusal is based on the insistence for direct party to party negotiations to resolve any differences. Since Israel rejected the French proposals, the Palestinian Authority (PA) accepted the French proposal and is seeking for the Arab League and Nonaligned Nations (NAM) joining the French negotiation in order to formulate a proposal which will facilitate the eradication of Israel through Arab Palestinian refugee and their descendants right to return to within Green Line (1949 Armistice Lines), all five to eight million making Israel just one more Arab majority state which will vote to deport, murder or otherwise deal with their Jewish minority. The PA is simultaneously seeking a preferably binding Security Council Chapter Seven resolution making all Israeli existence beyond the Green Line illegal under International Law believing that United States President Obama will not veto and might even propose such a measure in his closing weeks before the new President, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, a decision still being voted upon as we write, is inaugurated and such returns to being a dicey issue which remains a third-rail issue.


The French, with Egyptian assistance, have already made one run at this which started to be setup back in February 2016 and held in June, with no agreement being accepted by the attending nations and the French vowing to hold a follow-up by the end of the year. France is intending to form a coalition of the willing to reach a completely fleshed-out agreement accepted by and signed onto by the majority of the attending nations whether either concerned party, the Israelis or PA, approve or even accept the invite to join and assist in the drafting a resolution. The French believe that their record as world leaders stretching back century after century to the modern day giving them the right to design, implement and enforce any solution resolved by their conference. The first failed attempt consisted of largely European, Arab and Muslim nations plus the United States breaking-up with acrimony and disagreement leaving the French empty-handed with no two-state agreement to implement by any and all means necessary. How the French plan on forcing any agreement has also not been discussed with some believing that the French conference would be the first step to a Security Council Chapter Seven initiative then enforced using troops under the United Nations command relieving the French of posting an enforcement military contingent. The French even had to pull from the military contingent of NATO as they were unable to continue to provide their share, despite the limited demands being asked, and preferred to sit snug realizing there could be no actual threat to their nation as the Soviet Union threat was gone and any other threat would require hitting France’s neighboring countries thus giving them ample warning time to seek a solution.


All this still begs whether the world is ready to place military troops inside Israeli borders engaging the IDF in a general state of war? Would Russia sign on to a second front in the Middle East against the one nation capable of assisting their efforts in what remains of Syria and working against the Islamic State? What about China? China and India are both trading partners with Israel and potential recipients of military and dual use technologies as well as advanced in crop production, irrigation, resource management, computing sciences and numerous other scientific and social areas of research and development from Israel and these trade and sharing relations, to quote a song, have only just begun. Neither nation is to be expected to turn against Israeli interests making an antagonistic enemy out of a developing friendly nation. Other nations from the Middle East are currently so involved in internal conflicts that their participating in any joint military endeavor is next to or absolutely impossible. Examples include but are not limited to Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and others. Whether the United States would be even approachable to participate depends heavily on who becomes the next President and which party controls Congress. Canada is currently one nation which can be expected not to attend any such conference, let alone actively participate in any actions against Israel. There are other nations which would never act against Israel even if simply because of emergency aid received often starting early after the emergency and almost always remains being amongst the last to depart and giving a level of aid only matched by the United States. Such nations would include Haiti, Japan, Philippines, Nepal and others. These facts might make fielding a military force capable of engaging the IDF adequately with sufficient force to alter the current realities on the ground. Further, placing troops for making an assault against Israel might be problematic as Jordan and Egypt both have peace treaties with Israel which would preclude their permitting any military force to be mounted from their fronts, their borders.


The dream the French envision will not only be a nightmare for Israel should some agreement be concluded but also a nightmare for any and every nation choosing to join in being resolved to force any two state solution which addresses also the right for the Arab Palestinian refugees being relocated within Israel and splitting Jerusalem. Those opting to provide troops will be on the front lines of the war prophesized to incur the greatest casualties of any war throughout history making the blood and bodies to be piled deep upon the plains at Megiddo and others being cut to pieces against the sharp shards of the injurious bolder which is Jerusalem. The New Testament relays the story in Revelations which describes a final battle between good and evil. This is, in appearance, exactly the plan by the French as they appear to include initiating a war solely for and by themselves where no others are pressed into war. But even if France is foolhardy enough to initiate such a war believing that such a conflict would not soon balloon up and explode in their faces, then they are horribly ignorant or simply foolhardy to such a point taking risks beyond any an informed and sane person would pursue. But then again we are speaking about the forcing of an Arab Palestinian State, which would soon fall to Hamas or Islamic State if not a marriage of the two, against Israel so completely losing one’s sanity is all but required when addressing this problem.


Armageddon Before and After

Armageddon Before and After


Where the French may dare to go has been covered by their leadership though there does appear to be minimal wiggle-room such that they could back down from the threatened result even should the French proposals fail to gain any traction. This determined alternative was stated as France officially recognizing a Palestinian State and potentially delivering them with France even recognizing the actual borders. Should France take such a foolish direction it would all but guarantee a raised level of conflict and a far lesser possibility for the two parties negotiating one with the other. The PA has always had a singular goal from its very start as the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization, a terrorist group) back in 1964, a full three years before the Six Day War of June 1967 when the perverse concept that Judea and Samaria along with Eastern Jerusalem including the Old City, the Kotel and the Temple Mount were being occupied by Israel, not liberated from the nineteen years of Jordanian occupation; and that is, was and continues to be the destruction of Israel, all of Israel by any and all means necessary. The reality is that Judea and Samaria were Jordanian occupied lands before their liberation by Israel in the Six Day War. That is the dirty little lie the world has swallowed and used to attempt to assist the Arabs in destroying Israel. Each time a nation recognized an Arab state anywhere in Judea and Samaria and especially any part of Jerusalem the possibility that the Arabs, many of whom were placed there by Jordan during their occupation from 1949 through June 1967 were and remain the real “settlers” as they were in many cases forced to resettle so as to create the appearance of Jordanian ownership. In some cases they were moved into the homes the Jews lost when they were forced from their homes, lands and businesses by the Jordanian troops as Jordan refused to permit a single Jew to remain on their lands during the occupation. That is the reality which in far too many cases is driven by anti-Semitism in the form of either anti-Zionism or anti-Israelism; the three are interchangeable as to hold any one implies your support for the other two.


France is not forwarding anything new and the PA is continuing with their enforcement of the Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 which included the Three No’s. These Three No’s are, no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel. This was broken by Egyptian martyred President Anwar Sadat. He broke the silence and negotiated peace with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin while United States President Jimmy Carter was presumably facilitating but later it was learned that Carter kept pressing Sadat to demand more of Israel and almost cost the two nations’ peace. President Carter was a virulent anti-Israel politician and thought Egypt should have demanded the Israelis return every inch of land and admits the Arab refugees and their children and children’s children making Israel simply another Arab state. Sadat was more interested in making a real and lasting peace. He attained his vision before the Muslim Brotherhood had succeeded in assassinating this man with a vision. That has been a problem in the Arab and much of the Muslim lands, few leaders have visions of peace and there lies the wall the French will hit. The question is will they learn or simply recognize a state where the sole desire is the destruction of an existing state and after that returning to their respective tribes leaving the land barren again, as it was in the latter half of the Nineteenth Century when the first Zionists returned joining the remnants of the Jewish Israelite civilization still residing in Jerusalem, Hevron, Shechem and throughout the Galilee, Judea, Samaria and even the Negev Desert. There is another reality; the land was mostly empty until the Jewish Zionists constructed the waterworks irrigation systems. After much of that work had been accomplished, the Arabs arrived for the better economy and that is their reason for remaining. Should the world end their payments to these terror masters, they would leave never to be seen again. The few who would remain would be those willing to work and make something with their lives and with those Israel will be capable of negotiating a lasting peace. Think about that France, if you can see past your hatreds and anti-Semitism.


Beyond the Cusp


*Tomorrow Reaction to President Elect Donald Trump and what that entails for the future.




November 2, 2016

Time to End Minhal Ezrachi and COGAT


Both Minhal Ezrachi (Civil Administration) and COGAT (Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories) are obsolete, counterproductive, anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist and well beyond their use-by-date. They both were established during the heady and oft wrong-headed days after the Six Day War designed to administrate over the formerly Jordanian occupied lands, illegal under every last line of applicable International Law and solely recognized by Pakistan and Britain, with the potential purpose to permit their ready status to be traded with Jordan in exchange for a peace treaty. Well, Israel has her peace treaty and Jordan renounced their false claims thus the reverting of these lands of Judea and Samaria back to their rightful owner under applicable International Law, Israel. That should have been the end of the story and Israel should have annexed these lands legally registering the residents as resident alien citizens granting them limited political rights within the areas they constitute a majority but barring them from national elections until a means, path and completion of becoming Israeli citizens was accomplished. Those refusing such should have been encouraged to emigrate even to the point of bribery. That, after peace was reached with Jordan would have been the end of the issue.


Instead, Minhal Ezrachi, COGAT, the elite ranking officers with the Minister of Defense (or without if need be) plus the Supreme Court backed by a core set of Ministers of the Knesset from both sides of the aisle all support the status-quo. All of these disparate entities have a stake in this game as it extends their control over the lives of the littler people starting with the Israelis residing in Judea and Samaria and continuing through the remainder of the population. There are any numbers of reasons this fiasco which could be resolved and settled once and for all is instead perpetrated indefinitely. Most of the players are fiercely guarding their power to control people and areas plus retaining their well-paid positions as commanders in the IDF and their path to the highest echelons and beyond into politics or a cushy job once they retire from serving in the IDF. These are careerists more than soldiers who claim they know what is best in Judea and Samaria constantly painting the area as fraught with dangers with a wild-west kind of vibe where only the Military keeps things from worsening. They also prevent change and thus progress to a solution. They see their responsibility to extend a situation in such a manner such that the IDF continues to rule the area, specifically the Israeli or, more accurately, the Jewish Israelis always calling for additional soldiers and funding as everything is forever escalating with just the right inclusion of progress which becomes erased and any freedoms further curtailed at every terrorist strike.


The Supreme Court simply is chasing that perfect society as they envision Israel. They view Israel quite differently than the average Israeli. The Supreme Court is largely a political dinosaur from the 1950’s Israel as the Supreme Court is largely, along with the position of State Attorney General, a self-replicating monster which perpetuates the socialist utopianism of the original court with extreme leftists all with minimal numbers as exceptions. They would feel at home on the Haaretz Editorial Board. They could best be described as Universalists and post-Zionists. They believe in Israeli democracy over Israel as the Jewish Homeland which they view as too exclusive; and they are multiculturalists as well as ultimate protectors of the human rights for everyone and even more so the determined underclass, in Israel’s case, the Palestinian Arabs. The Supreme Court Justices treasure their acceptance by the elite of Europe, particularly the leading government figures and the elite of the European Union. The Justices crave the approval of these leaders and paragons of human rights, post-modernism, multiculturalism and, of course, internationalism which call for the erasure of borders and above all the acceptance of the other who while having been raised under oppressions existing from their past treatment at the hands of the Western World and whose culture is equal if not superior to the Judeo-Christian, never to mention Jewish culture described and laid out in Torah, and must be not only accepted but treated with respect denied Western Culture. These are open border with state guaranteed wage, a combination long proven to be the views adopted just before the fall of near countless civilizations throughout history.


What makes all of this far more theater of the absurd than simple fiasco is for reasons unknown Jordanian law is enforced in Judea and Samaria by the IDF as directed by COGAT and the Minhal Ezrachi backed by the Supreme Court and allowed such insanity by the powers on both sides in the Knesset with a few select exceptions. Observing Jordanian Law is anti-Semitic as selling land to a Jew is punishable by death and simply being a Jew on land under Jordanian law is illegal punishable by deportation to Israel within the Green Line, the apparent intent of numerous NGO’s and much of the Muslim world plus the rest of the planet with few exceptions, or death. By observing Jordanian Law it was thought it would facilitate the return to Jordanian occupation. This was despite knowing that the Jordanian occupation was outright illegal as the border between Jordan and Israel was set as the Jordan River in so many treaties including but not limited to the San Remo Conference, the Treaty of Sèvres, the ,a href= target=blank>Treaty of Lausanne amongst others which culminated World War I as well as Article 80 of the United Nations Carter which further codified the Mandate System. These treaties give Israel first right to all of Judea and Samaria as well as voiding any and all of the land grant provisions by which leading members of the Jordanian government and friends of the King were granted deed to great stretches of these lands such that all the lands were gifted in this manner and largely was never developed. These land claims are utilized by NGO’s such but not limited to Peace Now, Yesh Din and Rabbis for Human Rights to sue any and all Israeli building in Judea and Samaria. These demolitions brought on through the Supreme Court by direct filing these NGO’s attack Jewish buildings from a single stand-alone home to entire cities such as Amona, which is currently under threat, as well as other “Jewish settlements” which are considerably larger and more developed (see picture below). Direct filing with the Supreme Court is legal and done in this case so that the liberal, left-leaning Supreme Court Justices can rule without requiring any investigation into the legality or even existence of actual Arab ownership. Evidence is taken as if vetted and verified thus these NGO’s need no tangible proof and an entire city can be ordered erased. When cases are filed to actually claim the land in court, many such cases are resigned from the docket before even a hearing as the claimant has withdrawn knowing the entire claim to be bogus.


Larger Jewish Settlement Under Threat of Demolitions

Larger Jewish Settlement Under Threat of Demolitions


Many of these NGO’s including those licensed and claiming to be homegrown pro-Israel groups are part of a post-Zionist, leftist, universalist groups which are all predominantly financed by European, American and other Western and Universalist entities receiving often less than one-third and some next to no funding originating in Israel. Some of the monies come from individuals directly, surreptitiously or through front groups or organizations; more from individual governments who also use other NGO’s to put distance, deniability and insulation between them and the monies; and some is funneled through the long and many tentacles of the United Nations and its various groups which are more money laundering operations than anything else. While almost every nation in this so-called civilized world has laws disallowing NGO’s from obtaining majority funding from outside the nation, some requiring well above half be domestically raised, whenever Israel proposes such a law the Europeans and American leftists, progressives and far right haters of Jews and Israel rise and make a cacophony of cries of complaints, screams of unfairness, yelping that democracy is under attack, squawking that freedom is being curtailed and other hooting and hollering over any-and-everything under the son being squelched and a fascism rising in Israel. All these accusations are made to prevent Israel having the same protections these other nations enjoy. This demanding Israel meet a standard not required of other nations has a name, anti-Semitism. Some claim it is anti-Zionism while others anti-Israel in the occupation, but all three are identical, demanding the Jew, the Jewish State, Israel to be judged by a different set of rules designed for the destruction and dismantling of the national home of the Jews. Yep, that is anti-Semitism.


Finally, much of this is the Israeli leadership’s fault. That includes all the leadership; the IDF, the Supreme Court, the media and especially Knesset and political hierarchy. The Knesset and political hierarchy could annex all of Area C with a simple bill with the only thing potentially blocking such a move would be the Supreme Court claiming it had some reason to belay and void the legislation passed by the Knesset. The way beyond that would be change a couple of punctuation and pass the legislation again and again and make it the biggest thing since Jews ate manna in the wilderness and allow the majority to get behind the idea and carry the day. Then Israel could city by city set up local governance for the Arab Palestinians, the former Jordanians, the Arabs holding other than legal Israeli passports; grant them semi-autonomy over the areas where they reside but keep them barred from general elections until they decide and take a path to citizenship. Emigration enticement with assistance in the form of a buyout of property with an added percentage for a clear deed should be Israeli policy including a records check to assure the land was not sold or belonging to another Jordanian/Palestinian Arab or other party. Even in such cases some form of emigration enticement should be in order. Emigrants must be made aware that any unauthorized return within Israeli borders will be dealt with harshly followed by an immediate deportation after prison sentence has been carried out. Israel honestly will by necessity have to annex these lands as soon as Hamas or Islamic State takes over after any remotely free elections. The Palestinian Authority (PA) is mortally wounded and entering its death throes. Abbas is entering the tenth or eleventh year of a five year term. Elections were once again cancelled; the PA had cancelled elections numerous times since their scheduled date of spring of 2009. Law and order is breaking down and radical Islamists are banding together and arming for whoever decides they want the base of operations so close to the heart of Israel. The time to act was actually immediately after the Six Day War with another opportunity immediately after Jordan made peace with Israel. Unfortunately, the Knesset and political hierarchy will continue dragging their feet and claiming that acting is impossible and need wait until the climate changes for the better. We’ve watched the world climate towards and concerning Israel and here have noted climate change and it has been the worst. Time has come to let the dust fly and settle where it will. Waiting has ceased to be the answer. There are six days before the Presidential Election in the United States after which President Barack Hussein Obama will be free to call a special session and pass a binding resolution negating all recognition currently existing for annexation of Judea and Samaria by the Security Council passing a Section Seven Resolution establishing the Palestinian State with the Green Line as its border and the whole of Eastern Jerusalem as its capital. Such a binding resolution would alter International Law possibly forever and would establish and likely add as a full member the new nation of Palestine. This is why action must be decided now and no delay must be permitted. The power to do so lies with the Knesset and the IDF could assist by working to prevent and end their assisting circumventing and neutering Israelis’ rights to settle our land. If we wait, we lose.


Beyond the Cusp


October 25, 2016

What Else Can Go Wrong?


The world is a mess and it looks like it is only going to get worse. Even if the present problems simply fester, that would be horrid enough but we cannot but pray for such good fortune. Turkey’s Erdogan has plans of reconstituting the Ottoman Empire. Erdogan is starting smaller than the Ottoman Empire stretching across MENA (Middle East North Africa) and only including small areas of Syria and Iraq. He designs on taking care of some trouble spots including Aleppo and Mosul while also eradicating the Kurds in a manner likely resembling their solution for their former ‘problem’ of the Armenians or the Greeks or any others who have had the temerity to stand against Turkish Islamic superiority. The new map in Turkish texts is below and shows the initial expansions Erdogan seeks. They are taking advantage of their special units they have positioned north of Mosul under the pretense of security against anti-Turkish elements. These new lands are being incorporated as Erdogan stands to throw out recognition of the Treaty of Lausanne claiming that Turkey has the rights to these lands due to the National Pact which also includes Kirkuk. Erdogan has also shown interest in some Grecian owned islands, which is dangerous as what is Greece but a collection of islands. What next, Islamic State and Jordan?


New Textbook Maps of Turkey

New Textbook Maps of Turkey


While in the area of the Middle East we can list a few other spots which have differing potentials for exploding at any point in time, any day of the week, may those days be lost into distant times that never arrive. Islamic State has made their principle to find more and more horrid and gross means of slaughtering innocents simply for being different in even the slightest of ways. They have taken to slaughtering Muslims as they have run out of any of the others they took such pleasure of torturing while robbing them of their lives. Jordan is suffering from many refugees from the Syrian debacle which they are caring for as best as they are capable. They receive additional assistance of natural gas and other needful things from an unlikely source, one who need remain unannounced and unrecognized though all know and understand that friend is Israel. Remarkable that with all the Islamic nations who claim friendship and alliance with Jordan as members of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) with all their oil wealth yet they give no assistance for the care of the refugees, refuse to take in even a single Syrian refugee while demanding the rest of the world show kindness which they refuse to spare themselves. Perhaps this is the great plan; push enough Muslims into the West that they can tear democracies down from within. This is what the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic organizations backed by many Islamic governments and has been a preferable and useful manner of Jihad over the years. There is even a name for this subversive means of disruption and conquest, it is Civilizational Jihad. You would think that at least one leader in the Western World would identify this problem and perhaps suggest a plan to address this threat, or at least label this a challenge. We live and hope somewhere outside of Israel someone will wake up and smell the Dracunculus Vulgaris, also called a Voodoo Lily (pictured below), with an appropriately unpleasant aroma, really unpleasant. Of course any mention that this might actually be real problem, a real situation, is automatically labelled as being racist and is ridiculed as if there was no historical reference to such methods.


Dracunculus Vulgaris also called a Voodoo Lily

Dracunculus Vulgaris also called a Voodoo Lily


Then there is the one news item which is sucking the oxygen out of the rest of the news cycle, the United States elections, especially the Presidential free-for-all. The polls tell a story, well, two stories depending on which polling organization to which you listen. The only candidates the polls are able to rule out are the ‘third party’ candidates, who include the following names and parties but may not be limited to Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party, Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party, plus five from small parties who have the most remote of chances and dozens more with absolutely no possibility but might actually make better alternatives than the top two candidates. This election has been the most raucous, illiberal, shrill, fiercely contested and in many ways the most unprofessional and unclassical of any election in modern history. What would probably be beyond the belief of most Americans is the rancor and mean-spirited accusations that pale compared to some rhetoric from the earliest of United States elections. One of the most famous was the obscene accusations from John Adams and Thomas Jefferson campaigns in the election of 1800 and 1808. The campaigning in both elections was dirty, bordering libelous and filled with sexual innuendo accusations back and forth which can be found with minimal research on the net with an introduction here. Theirs was just the juiciest and most severe campaign filled with slurs and crass accusations which make Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump seem to be holding a seniors’ tea social.


The other international news story consuming the remaining oxygen not eaten by the American elections has been the decision by UNESCO that the Temple Mount and most if not all of the Old City of Jerusalem are Islamic holy sites with no Jewish, and also Christian, history. This should be no surprise as UNESCO has referred to numerous ancient Jewish and Israelite sites throughout the region as being Islamic Mosques including but not limited to Rachel’s Tomb and Cave of the Patriarchs. As the Islamic and third world nations, most of which being dictatorships with poor actual human rights records, though don’t expect the United Nations to notice, have an unsinkable majority in virtually every corner of the United Nations arms and agencies as well as the General Assembly only lacking complete control due to the Security Council, but they are working on forcing a restructuring. Abba Eban, Israeli diplomat, former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations and held numerous positions in the Israeli government during his career once quipped, “If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.” The numbers were slightly off but the entire gist of his statement was valid as valid can be. UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova wrote that she believes in the 3,500 year-old connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, and promised to work against anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activism as part of her letter rejecting and expressing regret over the ruling. Unfortunately that ruling remains standing and will be the world body’s official position until, if ever, repealed.


Finally, it need be mentioned a few odds and ends which need no explanations or are fairly unimportant for now but may prove highly important down the road. Rumors continue to float around that President Obama will place a motion setting the Green Line as the border for a Palestinian state when or if such ever comes to fruition. This will probably depend on whether Hillary Clinton wins the election to carry forward President Obama’s slights and campaigns against Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, and Israel herself. Talking of Ms. Clinton, she is rumored to have moved a $1.8 billion transfer from the Clinton Foundation to the Qatar Central Bank. Further, the Clintons have their own luxurious hidey-hole, a $200 Million Maldives Estate pictured below. At least we know where she and Bill will be running to should Hillary lose the election. Oh, if she wins we also know where the personal e-mail server will be located.


Clinton Hidey-Hole and Remote Viewing White House

Clinton Hidey-Hole and Remote Viewing White House


And let us end with a positive piece of news from a few weeks back. Blue Origin tested their escape system for their space vehicle which landed with adequate results but that was almost secondary to what followed. Even the company engineers believed the second part of the test would probably fail. That part of the test must be witnessed to believe so the video is below. Prepare to be blown away.



Beyond the Cusp


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