Beyond the Cusp

January 25, 2017

Anti-Semitism’s Israeli Amplifier of Inaction and Timidity

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 War,Act of War,AIPAC,Amalekites,American Israel Public Affairs Committ,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab World,Benyamin Netanyahu,British Mandate,Cabinet,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,EMP Attack,Eretz Yisroel,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Fatah,Federica Mogherini,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Galilee,Hamas,Hezballah,History,International Politics,Intifada,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jenin,Jerusalem,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Judea,Judean Hills,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Likud,Mahmoud Abbas,Muslim World,Muslims,Nationalist Pressures,Netanyahu,Old Testament,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Legislative Committee,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,Peace Treaty,Pentagon,Politicized Findings,President Obama Pessing Freeze,Promised Land,Resolution,Samaria,Secular Interests,Security,Separation Barrier,Shimon Peres,Shin Bet,Shoah,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Torah,Two State Solution,United States State Department,West Bank,World Opinion,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:09 AM
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The existence of anti-Semitism across Europe, Canada, the United States and the rest of the developed world, particularly on college campuses, is growing and will soon be beyond control and spread throughout society. The first waves will soon break out as today’s college students being steeped in anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic programs and virtual pogroms graduate and bring their toxic views into the political world and then the workplace and society as a whole. These indoctrinations are presented as presumed pro-Palestinian protests such as Israel Apartheid Week, mock checkpoints, demonstrations blocking campus access portraying the Israeli security barrier as the modern version of the Berlin Wall or the Warsaw Ghetto Walls as well as faux eviction notices placed on Jewish and pro-Israel students’ dorm rooms claiming their rooms are to be demolished as protest of terror home demolitions and simple, straight out physical intimidation of Jewish and pro-Israel students. For further observations and documentations one can start with these two articles; Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain and Hotbeds of Anti-Semitism in British Academia or use the results from a simple search engine results for anti-Semitism on college campus we performed as a free service to make life easier.


This article is not out to bang the drum which already has been accomplished to the point that a complete percussion section has been added to the anti-Semitism orchestrated noises around the world just covering college campuses and in some cases it spreading to public high schools. This is following a normal progression for many politicized items as has been tracked with other subjects such as global climate change, equal opportunity, affirmative actions, LGBTQ rights and other highly charged political subjects from our modern societies. We will be taking a different tact driving to perceive what is probably the one major change which if taken would help rid the entire developed world from this pernicious evil. We will leave the proof to the links above and what will probably be more than sufficient numbers of articles which are sure to continue to surface. That could change and do so with a rapidity that would astonish the world and could be right around the corner if only some specific events and particular actions taken by some crucially critical people would materialize, but such things are unfortunately not looking ready to occur. So, let’s dive in and see what needs to be shaking.


Anti-Israel Protests

Anti-Israel Protests


One of the first items which everybody a week ago thought was fair accompli and about to happen as soon as all the arrangements were done and ground was broken was the repeated statement once more by a candidate for President of the United States that the American Embassy in Israel would be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Candidate Donald Trump promised, and we quote, “We will move the American Embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” speaking to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in March. Further he stated this important add-on stating, “The Palestinians must come to the table knowing that the bond between the United States and Israel is absolutely, totally unbreakable.” Well, here we are in week one and already the moving of the American Embassy to Jerusalem has gone from we will to a process where ramifications and complications must be weighed and a cost/benefit analysis performed and all the other irrelevant items being spit out all in an effort to say we are going to do the same old same old. We have already heard of Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and other Arab allies having warned the White House of severe repercussions should it proceed with the move. The threats included a threatened review of bilateral relations with both the US and Israel plus warnings of an upsurge in violence should the embassy be relocated. Please do not tell us that the Trump campaign were not aware of these ramifications when they followed the well-worn path of lying to AIPAC knowing full well that they would turn everything over to the State department and Pentagon and either or both would come back with a report warning against such rash actions as they would inflame the world and the ramifications far outweighed any benefit if there could even be an argument that there exists a benefit. Further, they would question the expense and warn that such simply was politically risky should any of the threats of violence be traced to having moved the Embassy, which the State department would warn they would most likely find as the cause of any terrorism targeting American facilities overseas.


So, Trump is not going to be as pro-Israel as advertised, and why should he? Expecting President Trump to be more pro-Israel than Israel is ridiculous, as it should be. We learned this centuries ago and it was most succinctly stated by Rabbi Hillel who wisely asked, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?” When, as we mentioned yesterday, the Israeli Security Cabinet voted unanimously to delay discussion on any law annexing Maaleh Adumim, can we expect for President Trump to stick his neck out and move the American Embassy to Israel to Jerusalem when the Israelis main decision makers unanimously refused to even consider annexing just a suburb of East Jerusalem? Of course that would be ridiculous. For proof just read Hillel above and it plainly states that step one will always be us being for what we hold dear before we can expect others to act similarly in our interests. Perhaps it would be a good idea to inundate the members of the Knesset’s e-mails with copies of Hillel’s quote followed by a simply Yiddish question, “Nu?” implying to ask what have you done recently which changes anything. Israel acting weak and timid reflects on everything worldwide simply because Israel is the exemplary representation of Jewish pride and strength and of late Israel has shown neither for quite some time.


When Israel acts decisively and boldly projects strength and confidence taking whatever steps necessary to protect their people and the future of the Jewish State, it becomes reflected in the actions by Jews in the world and affects the way Jews are treated. When Israel demands respect as she did during the first half of her brief history, the world respected the Jews and allowed for Jews to be proud and live holding their heads high. As Israel has mired herself and given concession after concession with nothing to show for any of it as the land for peace more represented land for terrorism and Israel appeared weak and Jews started to wear long faces and are soon, if not already, hang their heads and shuffle along giving once again the image of the Jew ready to be kicked and ill-regarded. The ghetto Jews, as it had been called throughout much of modern history, was again the view. The Jews were those people who are to be blamed for all the ills in the world, all the wars, all the hatreds, all the destitution, all of any and every evil imaginable and the Jew could be kicked and spat upon and they would shuffle off accepting any scorn. This persona has become accepted on all too many college and university campuses in the developed world. As Israel is demeaned and seen as threatened and not really taking actions to protect themselves, this places the Jews across the world in jeopardy of attack and other forms of anti-Semitism. These acts have already made numerous cities across Europe actually dangerous to Jews to even so threatening that, as in Malmo, most of the Jews are packing up and departing. The numbers of Jews making Aliyah from France this past year was the highest since the end of World War II and many times the average for any year in the past half century. Further, the Arab world is using their oil wealth to finance those NGOs who coordinate numerous campus groups in anti-Israel and anti-Zionist programs with very obvious and well-coordinated demonstrations and events demeaning Israel and Zionism and by an extension anti-Semitism as many times these actions also lead to direct targeting of the Jews on the campus sometimes placing their lives and health in danger.


As noted in the articles linked above, there are campuses in Britain where Jews do not even apply as the atmosphere is that toxic. This is a direct result of Israeli passive resistance to terrorism and apparent trepidation to acting boldly to suppress those acting against her. This has to end but for that to come to pass Israel will need to elect a far more active and bold leadership. This can be done but first an election is necessary and the Israeli Zionists and related activists will need find and promote someone to lead one of the existing parties and then support that party with sufficient votes that they either are the party making the coalition or be the main partner in a coalition with sufficient influence to force definitive action. The United States election set in place an opportunity of a lifetime. The election of Donald Trump as President and the fact that for the first time in memory the House of Representatives, the Senate, the White House and soon even the United States Supreme Court will be Republican or conservative making support for Israel, especially as a fair percentage of Democrats in Congress also support Israel, a given, freeing Israel to act without any ramifications from Washington. This is a situation which has not been seen since the founding of the modern state of Israel and may never return again should it disappear in the next election, a certain possibility as the opponents to President Trump will throw everything they have to at least take back the House of Representatives if not also the Senate. There are no guarantees in American politics but the stars and planets have aligned along with the Congress and White House to favor a bold and take-action Israel, now all that is necessary is leadership willing to take action which will define the state of Israel and the state of Israeli politics for the foreseeable future.


The unfortunate unanimous vote by the Prime Minister’s Security Cabinet to delay considerations on annexing Maaleh Adumim must be laid in the lap of Prime Minister Netanyahu as well as any leaders of the presumed Zionist and Religious Zionist parties who are represented in the Security Cabinet such as Naftali Bennet. There can be no excuse other than fear of retributions from European nations who are acting with ill will already towards Israel and also allowing similar disregards for their Jewish citizens throughout their college and university communities and even in many cities and towns. The BDS movement is making strides thanks to the recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334 which was facilitated by President Obama who had been rumored was personally involved along with his Secretary of State John Kerry as a means of tying incoming President Trump’s hands in dealing with Israel and in the Middle East. The best way to counter the disastrous implications of that UNSC Resolution is strong and defined actions performed as an in your face Israeli response. The UNSC will not be following up and passing any similar or other damaging resolution against Israel as President Trump will reinstate the American veto of such damaging resolution in the UNSC. The message must be delivered to the Knesset that the irons are hot and it is time to put the hammer to anvil and beat out a favorable fait accompli. The time to annex not only Maaleh Adumim, but Bet El, Ariel, Betar Illit, Modi’in Illit, Har Gilo, Gush Etzion at the least and all of Judea and Samaria returning the PLO, Fatah, and all other terrorist affiliated persons to Tunis or wherever in Europe they would be welcome and give the Arab Palestinians their first hopes for a bright and unencumbered future free of the kleptocracy which has stolen all hope from them for the past near quarter of a century. Will the world, particularly Europe, explode in indignation? Probably, but ride out their initial explosion and with time they will tire of complaining and when things here in Israel settle and the Arabs are slowly but surely incorporated into Israeli society and their lives improve immeasurably, there will be less and less reason to protest eventually leaving no reasons to protest. The future with a secure Israel, and this should be the sole consideration of the Knesset, is with Israel with all the lands promised us between the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and not sharing it with any terrorist nest guaranteed to feed the world’s need to hate Israel, and by equal measure hate Jews. Israel could do more to guarantee her future and destroy anti-Semitism by simply annexing all of Judea and Samaria, removing those who would continue being a menace and reward those Arabs who desire living in peace with equality and security for all. By acting to assure Israel’s future and boldly protecting Israel, Israel would herself be combatting anti-Semitism in the world with better efficiency than any other actions could dream of accomplishing. The first question is can Netanyahu act or is he so damaged by the strains of leadership that he is no longer capable of acting definitively and securing the Israeli future? The last question is are the Zionist Israelis organized enough to start and continue programs and demonstrations demanding that the Knesset and the Prime Minister with his Security Cabinet act definitively with a minimum of delay as time is precious, and if we might repeat Rabbi Hillel, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?”


Beyond the Cusp 


January 16, 2017

Israel Further Divided is Israel No More


How many times can Israel be divided down from the original British Mandate until there is no longer any viable Israel? Would taking away seventy-eight percent of the lands make Israel untenable? History would indicate that was not the case as Israel survived two Arab mass attacks to try and eradicate her. The division was made when the Palestinian Arab State of Jordan was granted to be ruled by the Hashemites and Israel was left with the twenty-two percent of the Mandate west of the Jordan River. The first assault came within hours of the State of Israel being declared established where half a dozen Arab States attacked across every border and yet Israel survived. Again in June of 1967 Israel was attacked across her three land borders by Syria, Egypt and Jordan and survived. Then again in 1973 Israel was again attacked by Egypt and Syria but survived due to still holding the Sinai Peninsula otherwise Israel might have been lost. But with Israel having returned all of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt for the promise of a future of peace, a cold peace, but peace just the same, well, thus far; Israel was shrunk back to controlling merely the twenty-two percent of the original British Mandate west of the Jordan River. Still, this was too much land for Jews to hold according to the rest of the world, at least all of the world which was making any noise. What then followed is frightening but nowhere near as frightening as what the future potentially holds.


Since March 26, 1979, when the Camp David Accords was formally signed and peace broke out between Egypt and Israel, the Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egyptian control with the proviso that it remains limited in military powers being stationed by Egypt with any exceptions as required being established with the full knowledge and permission of Israel. This peace has been a cold peace much of the time but both nations have kept the agreements. There was a short period where the peace appeared to be potentially in danger while the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi won an initial election after President Obama assisted in forcing President Mubarak from power. The Egyptian people, or at least a fair percentage, appeared to protest the ill effects of the Muslim Brotherhood rule and the Egyptian military returned to power with President Sisi being elected after the Military removed President Morsi and the Muslim brotherhood from power. President Sisi did at least resign from his position as head of the Egyptian Military before running for President but his election was assured by his leadership in removing the Muslim Brotherhood from power. Israel and Egypt remain at peace and presently there are additional allowances for Egyptian military activity in the Sinai Peninsula to address terrorist activity which has blossomed with Islamic State, Muslim Brotherhood and various other terror and criminal enterprises taking control of much of the Sinai Peninsula.


During President George W. Bush Administration and his plan for Israel-Palestinian Peace named the Roadmap, Israel was pressured in removing every Jewish settlement, industry and other presence from Gaza and a number of other communities in northern regions of Judea and Samaria in order to allow for the Palestinian Authority to be able to establish semiautonomous rule in Judea and Samaria and complete autonomy to establish a working state in the surrendered lands of Gaza to prove that the establishment of a Palestinian State was not only possible but would pose no threat to Israel and could live peacefully side-by-side. The Bush Administration also issued a letter granting fourteen guarantees to Israel as a protection for their taking what could prove to be a huge risk if it went wrong. Since then President Obama basically voided every guarantee granted by that letter claiming there was no promise or guarantee despite a near unanimous approval of these promises by the congress. President Obama’s destruction of those promises was done unilaterally without any council or consent by Congress. Further, within two years the Palestinian Authority lost control of the Gaza to Hamas who has utilized it as a staging area for launching rocket attacks, mortar fire, sniper shootings mostly at Israeli civilian targets and three wars and counting in order to end increasing rocket fire which was ramped up almost in a regularly scheduled timeframe which shortened with each confrontation. Further, the range and accuracy of the rockets have grown significantly placing much, if not all, of Israel within range of rockets fired from the very same locations which had been under the control of the Jewish communities which were removed from Gaza. All told the surrender of Gaza to the Palestinian control turned out to fulfill every single worst possible scenario as predicted by many Zionists and nationalists. Despite the debacle which resulted from the Gaza withdrawal, the world is demanding that Israel now withdraw completely from Judea and Samaria allowing the Palestinian authority another opportunity for displaying their ability to rule and live at peace with Israel. They are demanding this despite, or possibly because of, the fact that Mahmoud Abbas has pledged to use any such withdrawal as an opportunity to destroy the remainder of Israel and murder every Jew residing between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The world claims that he does not really mean his threats and Israel should give him the opportunity to prove he does not desire to destroy Israel, kill every Jew he can find and take every inch of land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea even if he must burn everything to the ground and lay waste to all of Israel. Actually, he claims to desire and do exactly that and has repeated that threat consistently. But the world is sure that it would be worth it for Israel to test his resolve on this as nobody other than Israelis are threatened and they believe that by sacrificing Israel the terrorism which has spread to their lands will cease because the Arab and Muslim world do not really mean it when they claim that Allah promised them they were to conquer the entire planet and rule it as the lords over all humanity and thus make Islam the only religion and political power on the Earth. What could possibly go wrong, after all Gaza was the exception and the threat does not also transfer to Judea and Samaria, let alone the entire globe.


The problem comes when one realizes the tactical position of superiority giving over all of Judea and Samaria gives the Palestinian Arabs as they take the high grounds and have a direct line of sight over Tel Aviv, Haifa and all of central Israel and the major structures, industry, residential areas, the sole international airport and major docks in all of Israel. There is an article which has a series of pictures taken from what would become Palestine overlooking Israel with detailed description of some of the major targets which would become vulnerable which can be read here which we recommend highly. Below we will post two of those pictures which we feel are pretty much self-descriptive though the sight has information on both and far, far more.


Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Trans-Israel Highway Route 6 (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Trans-Israel Highway Route 6
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Israel could always make things more difficult for the Arabs by constructing a little wall about two-thousand feet in height and thick enough to withstand a few direct strikes by rocket fire or artillery and then station around five hundred or a thousand Iron Dome Batteries with hundreds and hundreds of interceptor missiles costing approximately $50,000.00 firing one at probably three-fourths of the $50.00 rockets fired over the wall and Israel could afford to do this for almost three weeks before going so far into debt that the nation would financially fail. But of course Judea and Samaria could never turn into Gaza II and Hamas would never be capable of overthrowing the Palestinian Authority a second time and the Islamic State would also have no interest in staging in Judea and Samaria against both Israel and Jordan at some point. And the world would be so appreciative of Israel taking such a risk for peace that they would have Israel’s back should everything go so terribly wrong just as they have with Gaza. Oh, wait; they have not had Israel’s back unless stabbing Israel in the back counts as having our back. Remember that the United Nations had demanded Israel cease attacking Gaza immediately after the IDF fired a single round in counterstrike for a rocket fired using back-tracing technologies which allow a strike to hit nearly exactly where a rocket originated within less than a minute and often mere seconds after the rocket was tracked by an Iron Dome or radar array. Then, when after the numbers of rockets approached almost one thousand per day and Israel sent troops into Gaza to end the barrages the United Nations, European Union, numerous governments and any number of NGOs began accusing Israel of using disproportional force because insufficient numbers of Israelis were being killed despite the overwhelming number of those killed in Gaza proved to be terrorists and others were largely human shields used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad to protect their rocket firing positions and in order to wage political war against Israel. Do not even try and tell me that this time things will be different, they will not and everybody knows they will not except this time there will be massive Israelis killed as well which at least will remove the disproportional force dialogue, but that claim will continue as the Palestinian Authority releases inflated numbers of dead and the world takes their numbers at face value while questioning any numbers released by Israel. Oh, and when the investigation by the United Nations verifies exactly what Israel reported and proved that the Palestinian Authority was making up numbers when claiming there was a massacre, say Jenin for example, the world will continue to claim there was a massacre despite all evidence to the contrary, like Jenin for example. Please spare us the inanities as the stories and empty promises will not sway the majority of Israelis, we have about had it with the double standards and the false pretenses and are fed up and not taking it any longer.


We do not need to explain the reasons why the Arabs have no valid claim and never used Jerusalem as a capital city for any nation and how there was never a nation called Palestine and how it simply denoted a region which has also been referred to as southern Syria but that does not make it Syria any more than it is Palestine. The treaties which make all the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea belonging to Israel, are reserved exclusively for the Jewish State and which cannot be used for any other purpose without the consent of Israel are well known which is why nobody had taken Israel before the International Criminal Court. The entire world of politicians and professors and experts and whoever else is knowledgeable knows, as soon as the case is heard in The Hague the game is over and it will be verified that Israel controls the lands between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, all of it, period. The sole exception is Gaza which Israel ceded to the Palestinian authority and should Israel take it back from Hamas, then there would be an argument which could be heard that it should be returned to the Palestinian Authority. That would lead to another coup as even the Arabs do not wish to live under the Palestinian Authority as their mismanagement and stealing of funds is legendary even to their own people. That would start the question of how many times would the Palestinian authority have to lose Gaza before Israel could simply keep it and allow the Arabs residing in the Gaza to have semiautonomous lives basically ruling themselves while still under the security provided by the IDF to prevent terrorism and any forced takeover by outside forces such as the Muslim Brotherhood or Islamic State or other such forces.


But the world will not sit still and allow Israel to live in peace because the world cannot accept that the Jews are ruling themselves. The world demands that the Jews live under the thumb of others who are their betters and know to keep an eye on the Jew and keep them from ruling the world which they would do if permitted. If one does not believe the Jews run the world then why is the entire world despite all its other problems always holding hearings and conferences to decide what to do next with the Jews and Israel? Obviously since the world concentrates so much energy and time worrying about what the Jews and Israel are up to then there must be something nefarious going on with the Jews and Israel. So much effort is put into dividing Israel into smaller and smaller chunks until it can be erased completely must have some actual reason other than people hate the Jews, they must deserve to be cheated out of the lands so foolishly granted them after World War I and the conferences which followed. Why the Jew must be made subservient just as they have been for the past two and a half thousand years as see how much trouble they have caused even when under the thumb of others, imagine the problems they have caused with their own nation. There have been an inordinate number of resolutions, hearings, conferences, approaches and what not simply to wrest all of the land of Israel from Jewish control so there must be a good reason. Hatred and anti-Semitism cannot be the explanation; it has to be the Jews who are the problem, not the rest of the world. It is entirely impossible for the entire world to be wrong and Israel to be right, isn’t it? It has to be the Jews as the world would not spend so much time, effort, treasure and all else that’s holy just to destroy little old Israel if the Jews were not the problem. This appears to have been the reasoning of the Europeans, the Americans, the United Nations, the Arab World, the Russians, Chinese, and whoever else one cares to name because otherwise everybody has been wasting so much time all about nothing other than hate. Could it all be that simple, could it all be about hatred of the Jews, a three-thousand-plus year problem that the world just cannot seem to get past?


That would be insane as the entire world knows that if the Jews were to be left alone and in peace in the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, that entire 26,184 sq. km., the entire 0.005% of the Earth’s surface, then left to their own devices the Jews of Israel, a whole 0.1% of the World’s population, allowed freedom to invent, research, work and live and share their discoveries and inventions with the world, these Jews who are a remnant of the world population residing on a mere scrap of lands at the east end of the Mediterranean Sea would somehow manage to ruin the lives of everyone else and own everything within a mere decade, maybe two decades? Is this the fear the world has because we often hear of this “Greater Israel” which would come about should Israel not be hampered and driven into extinction by those who have a reliable and valid fear, right? Is it really too much to ask that the world leave us alone and allow us to run our lives, study our Torah and make wondrous discoveries which we will share, invent new applications, programs, devices and miracle cures for diseases and maybe even cancer and share them and do all sorts of what might be seen as miracles and share them all and do it all and remain on our little patch of soil and nothing more. We do not wish to conquer anything and would not have agreed to every proposition made; even when the United Nations proposed on November 29, 1947, against Article 80 of the United Nation’s own Charter, to divide the remaining Mandate Lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea in half and make the Jewish half be made up of over one third Negev Desert; the Zionist Congress speaking for the future Israel and the Jewish nation agreed and the Arab League refused demanding all the land or threatening war, a threat they carried out the very morning of May 15, 1948, the morning of Israel’s founding as a new state, as over a half dozen nation’s armies with militias attacked the nascent Jewish State and somehow a miracle, Israel survived.


About that war where Israel survived but lost Judea and Samaria, renamed West Bank by Jordan, and lost Gaza to Egypt and still Israel celebrated as we Jews had a homeland in the vicinity of our ancient homelands. Jordan occupied Judea and Samaria illegally and even the Arab States refused to recognize their annexation, an annexation they cancelled in order to make additional Arab refugees after the Six Day War, a war Israel begged Jordan to refrain from joining but Jordan saw those pleadings as weakness and found out different. That was the Six Say War where Israel liberated Gaza as well as Judea and Samaria while also conquering all of the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights, another area given away by the French and British in order to deny it to the Israelis and give Syria the high ground overlooking the Galilee. Here is the really interesting item about the lands lost by Israel in 1948-9, the Gaza, Judea and Samaria. These are the very lands that today the world is demanding that Israel surrender to make another Arab State called Palestine. These are part of what the world claims was the ancient land of Palestine though there is no record of any nation ever in all of history called Palestine. There is a region known as Syria Palaestina under the Romans but that was a region ruled from Rome, like Prince Georges County in Maryland, ruled from Washington D.C. but never would one call it a nation. Still, for the eighteen plus years that Jordan and Egypt controlled these regions there was not a single call to form a state called Palestine. There was the formation of a terror group called the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964, a full three years before the six Day War and the liberation of Gaza, Judea and Samaria by Israel from Egyptian and Jordanian control respectively and the start of the Arab League deceit of stealing land called Palestine. The PLO did claim they were going to liberate Palestine but they were not interested in Gaza, Judea or Samaria as these lands were already in Arab hands. The Palestine they declared they would liberate was Israel, all of Israel, and that is exactly the area they desire to liberate today, all of Israel and not just Gaza, Judea and Samaria. What is so sad is that almost the entire world appears to desire to assist them in exactly that goal and assist them in their conquest of all of Israel. That is the truth and that is why there are seventy nations conspiring in Paris to imagine a new and inventive way of destroying Israel and gifting it to the Arabs who will ignore the land within a few years and move on as they never did populate the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea until the Jews returned and an economy was born. Read Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) and Herman Melville and others descriptions of these lands when they visited the Holy Lands before 1900 and get a taste for the reality and not the fiction being sold as real history by the fabricators and their revisionist history which suits their political ends over the truth. Once you know the reality, please pass it along with some advice that the Jews be permitted their little scrap of land and we will promise to repay in kindness and miracles almost beyond belief.


Beyond the Cusp


November 9, 2016

Hubris Thy Name is France

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,2016 Elections,Absolutism,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Borders,Chapter Seven Security Council Resolution,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Divided Jerusalem,Donald Trump,East Jerusalem,Egypt,Elections,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Hate,Hevron,History,IDF,International Politics,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamists,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jordan River,Jordanian Pressure,Judea,Judean Hills,Khartoum Conference,Kotel,Leftist Pressures,MENA,Middle East,Muslim World,Myth,NATO,Negev Desert,Nepal,New Testament,Old City,Old Testament,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,PLO,Politicized Findings,Politics,President,Promised Land,Promised Land,Prophets,Recognize Israel,Samaria,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Security Council,Shechem,Six Day War,Statehood,Support Israel,Temple Mount,Temple Mount,Three No's,Torah,Two Millennia of Exile,Two State Solution,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States State Department,West Bank,World Opinion,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:37 AM
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French diplomats told Haaretz, describing the situation after the meeting between French envoy Pierre Vimont and Israeli officials Monday where the Israelis restated their refusal to cooperate with the French peace plans, the French representatives stated, “Envoy Pierre Vimont’s discussion with Israeli government representatives in Jerusalem was sincere and difficult. The negative Israeli response was predictable, and we will take Israel’s position into consideration. However, we plan to carry on promoting our peace initiative.” Apparently the French establishment is determined to pursue their designs on formulating a peace proposal based on the defunct two state solution, which they feel and believe is fair and acceptable to the nations they are able to gather by year’s end even if Israel is not included in the formulation of the solution. Israeli refusal is based on the insistence for direct party to party negotiations to resolve any differences. Since Israel rejected the French proposals, the Palestinian Authority (PA) accepted the French proposal and is seeking for the Arab League and Nonaligned Nations (NAM) joining the French negotiation in order to formulate a proposal which will facilitate the eradication of Israel through Arab Palestinian refugee and their descendants right to return to within Green Line (1949 Armistice Lines), all five to eight million making Israel just one more Arab majority state which will vote to deport, murder or otherwise deal with their Jewish minority. The PA is simultaneously seeking a preferably binding Security Council Chapter Seven resolution making all Israeli existence beyond the Green Line illegal under International Law believing that United States President Obama will not veto and might even propose such a measure in his closing weeks before the new President, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, a decision still being voted upon as we write, is inaugurated and such returns to being a dicey issue which remains a third-rail issue.


The French, with Egyptian assistance, have already made one run at this which started to be setup back in February 2016 and held in June, with no agreement being accepted by the attending nations and the French vowing to hold a follow-up by the end of the year. France is intending to form a coalition of the willing to reach a completely fleshed-out agreement accepted by and signed onto by the majority of the attending nations whether either concerned party, the Israelis or PA, approve or even accept the invite to join and assist in the drafting a resolution. The French believe that their record as world leaders stretching back century after century to the modern day giving them the right to design, implement and enforce any solution resolved by their conference. The first failed attempt consisted of largely European, Arab and Muslim nations plus the United States breaking-up with acrimony and disagreement leaving the French empty-handed with no two-state agreement to implement by any and all means necessary. How the French plan on forcing any agreement has also not been discussed with some believing that the French conference would be the first step to a Security Council Chapter Seven initiative then enforced using troops under the United Nations command relieving the French of posting an enforcement military contingent. The French even had to pull from the military contingent of NATO as they were unable to continue to provide their share, despite the limited demands being asked, and preferred to sit snug realizing there could be no actual threat to their nation as the Soviet Union threat was gone and any other threat would require hitting France’s neighboring countries thus giving them ample warning time to seek a solution.


All this still begs whether the world is ready to place military troops inside Israeli borders engaging the IDF in a general state of war? Would Russia sign on to a second front in the Middle East against the one nation capable of assisting their efforts in what remains of Syria and working against the Islamic State? What about China? China and India are both trading partners with Israel and potential recipients of military and dual use technologies as well as advanced in crop production, irrigation, resource management, computing sciences and numerous other scientific and social areas of research and development from Israel and these trade and sharing relations, to quote a song, have only just begun. Neither nation is to be expected to turn against Israeli interests making an antagonistic enemy out of a developing friendly nation. Other nations from the Middle East are currently so involved in internal conflicts that their participating in any joint military endeavor is next to or absolutely impossible. Examples include but are not limited to Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and others. Whether the United States would be even approachable to participate depends heavily on who becomes the next President and which party controls Congress. Canada is currently one nation which can be expected not to attend any such conference, let alone actively participate in any actions against Israel. There are other nations which would never act against Israel even if simply because of emergency aid received often starting early after the emergency and almost always remains being amongst the last to depart and giving a level of aid only matched by the United States. Such nations would include Haiti, Japan, Philippines, Nepal and others. These facts might make fielding a military force capable of engaging the IDF adequately with sufficient force to alter the current realities on the ground. Further, placing troops for making an assault against Israel might be problematic as Jordan and Egypt both have peace treaties with Israel which would preclude their permitting any military force to be mounted from their fronts, their borders.


The dream the French envision will not only be a nightmare for Israel should some agreement be concluded but also a nightmare for any and every nation choosing to join in being resolved to force any two state solution which addresses also the right for the Arab Palestinian refugees being relocated within Israel and splitting Jerusalem. Those opting to provide troops will be on the front lines of the war prophesized to incur the greatest casualties of any war throughout history making the blood and bodies to be piled deep upon the plains at Megiddo and others being cut to pieces against the sharp shards of the injurious bolder which is Jerusalem. The New Testament relays the story in Revelations which describes a final battle between good and evil. This is, in appearance, exactly the plan by the French as they appear to include initiating a war solely for and by themselves where no others are pressed into war. But even if France is foolhardy enough to initiate such a war believing that such a conflict would not soon balloon up and explode in their faces, then they are horribly ignorant or simply foolhardy to such a point taking risks beyond any an informed and sane person would pursue. But then again we are speaking about the forcing of an Arab Palestinian State, which would soon fall to Hamas or Islamic State if not a marriage of the two, against Israel so completely losing one’s sanity is all but required when addressing this problem.


Armageddon Before and After

Armageddon Before and After


Where the French may dare to go has been covered by their leadership though there does appear to be minimal wiggle-room such that they could back down from the threatened result even should the French proposals fail to gain any traction. This determined alternative was stated as France officially recognizing a Palestinian State and potentially delivering them with France even recognizing the actual borders. Should France take such a foolish direction it would all but guarantee a raised level of conflict and a far lesser possibility for the two parties negotiating one with the other. The PA has always had a singular goal from its very start as the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization, a terrorist group) back in 1964, a full three years before the Six Day War of June 1967 when the perverse concept that Judea and Samaria along with Eastern Jerusalem including the Old City, the Kotel and the Temple Mount were being occupied by Israel, not liberated from the nineteen years of Jordanian occupation; and that is, was and continues to be the destruction of Israel, all of Israel by any and all means necessary. The reality is that Judea and Samaria were Jordanian occupied lands before their liberation by Israel in the Six Day War. That is the dirty little lie the world has swallowed and used to attempt to assist the Arabs in destroying Israel. Each time a nation recognized an Arab state anywhere in Judea and Samaria and especially any part of Jerusalem the possibility that the Arabs, many of whom were placed there by Jordan during their occupation from 1949 through June 1967 were and remain the real “settlers” as they were in many cases forced to resettle so as to create the appearance of Jordanian ownership. In some cases they were moved into the homes the Jews lost when they were forced from their homes, lands and businesses by the Jordanian troops as Jordan refused to permit a single Jew to remain on their lands during the occupation. That is the reality which in far too many cases is driven by anti-Semitism in the form of either anti-Zionism or anti-Israelism; the three are interchangeable as to hold any one implies your support for the other two.


France is not forwarding anything new and the PA is continuing with their enforcement of the Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 which included the Three No’s. These Three No’s are, no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel. This was broken by Egyptian martyred President Anwar Sadat. He broke the silence and negotiated peace with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin while United States President Jimmy Carter was presumably facilitating but later it was learned that Carter kept pressing Sadat to demand more of Israel and almost cost the two nations’ peace. President Carter was a virulent anti-Israel politician and thought Egypt should have demanded the Israelis return every inch of land and admits the Arab refugees and their children and children’s children making Israel simply another Arab state. Sadat was more interested in making a real and lasting peace. He attained his vision before the Muslim Brotherhood had succeeded in assassinating this man with a vision. That has been a problem in the Arab and much of the Muslim lands, few leaders have visions of peace and there lies the wall the French will hit. The question is will they learn or simply recognize a state where the sole desire is the destruction of an existing state and after that returning to their respective tribes leaving the land barren again, as it was in the latter half of the Nineteenth Century when the first Zionists returned joining the remnants of the Jewish Israelite civilization still residing in Jerusalem, Hevron, Shechem and throughout the Galilee, Judea, Samaria and even the Negev Desert. There is another reality; the land was mostly empty until the Jewish Zionists constructed the waterworks irrigation systems. After much of that work had been accomplished, the Arabs arrived for the better economy and that is their reason for remaining. Should the world end their payments to these terror masters, they would leave never to be seen again. The few who would remain would be those willing to work and make something with their lives and with those Israel will be capable of negotiating a lasting peace. Think about that France, if you can see past your hatreds and anti-Semitism.


Beyond the Cusp


*Tomorrow Reaction to President Elect Donald Trump and what that entails for the future.




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