Beyond the Cusp

January 25, 2017

Anti-Semitism’s Israeli Amplifier of Inaction and Timidity

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 War,Act of War,AIPAC,Amalekites,American Israel Public Affairs Committ,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab World,Benyamin Netanyahu,British Mandate,Cabinet,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,EMP Attack,Eretz Yisroel,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Fatah,Federica Mogherini,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Galilee,Hamas,Hezballah,History,International Politics,Intifada,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jenin,Jerusalem,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Judea,Judean Hills,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Likud,Mahmoud Abbas,Muslim World,Muslims,Nationalist Pressures,Netanyahu,Old Testament,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Legislative Committee,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,Peace Treaty,Pentagon,Politicized Findings,President Obama Pessing Freeze,Promised Land,Resolution,Samaria,Secular Interests,Security,Separation Barrier,Shimon Peres,Shin Bet,Shoah,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Torah,Two State Solution,United States State Department,West Bank,World Opinion,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:09 AM
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The existence of anti-Semitism across Europe, Canada, the United States and the rest of the developed world, particularly on college campuses, is growing and will soon be beyond control and spread throughout society. The first waves will soon break out as today’s college students being steeped in anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic programs and virtual pogroms graduate and bring their toxic views into the political world and then the workplace and society as a whole. These indoctrinations are presented as presumed pro-Palestinian protests such as Israel Apartheid Week, mock checkpoints, demonstrations blocking campus access portraying the Israeli security barrier as the modern version of the Berlin Wall or the Warsaw Ghetto Walls as well as faux eviction notices placed on Jewish and pro-Israel students’ dorm rooms claiming their rooms are to be demolished as protest of terror home demolitions and simple, straight out physical intimidation of Jewish and pro-Israel students. For further observations and documentations one can start with these two articles; Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain and Hotbeds of Anti-Semitism in British Academia or use the results from a simple search engine results for anti-Semitism on college campus we performed as a free service to make life easier.


This article is not out to bang the drum which already has been accomplished to the point that a complete percussion section has been added to the anti-Semitism orchestrated noises around the world just covering college campuses and in some cases it spreading to public high schools. This is following a normal progression for many politicized items as has been tracked with other subjects such as global climate change, equal opportunity, affirmative actions, LGBTQ rights and other highly charged political subjects from our modern societies. We will be taking a different tact driving to perceive what is probably the one major change which if taken would help rid the entire developed world from this pernicious evil. We will leave the proof to the links above and what will probably be more than sufficient numbers of articles which are sure to continue to surface. That could change and do so with a rapidity that would astonish the world and could be right around the corner if only some specific events and particular actions taken by some crucially critical people would materialize, but such things are unfortunately not looking ready to occur. So, let’s dive in and see what needs to be shaking.


Anti-Israel Protests

Anti-Israel Protests


One of the first items which everybody a week ago thought was fair accompli and about to happen as soon as all the arrangements were done and ground was broken was the repeated statement once more by a candidate for President of the United States that the American Embassy in Israel would be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Candidate Donald Trump promised, and we quote, “We will move the American Embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” speaking to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in March. Further he stated this important add-on stating, “The Palestinians must come to the table knowing that the bond between the United States and Israel is absolutely, totally unbreakable.” Well, here we are in week one and already the moving of the American Embassy to Jerusalem has gone from we will to a process where ramifications and complications must be weighed and a cost/benefit analysis performed and all the other irrelevant items being spit out all in an effort to say we are going to do the same old same old. We have already heard of Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and other Arab allies having warned the White House of severe repercussions should it proceed with the move. The threats included a threatened review of bilateral relations with both the US and Israel plus warnings of an upsurge in violence should the embassy be relocated. Please do not tell us that the Trump campaign were not aware of these ramifications when they followed the well-worn path of lying to AIPAC knowing full well that they would turn everything over to the State department and Pentagon and either or both would come back with a report warning against such rash actions as they would inflame the world and the ramifications far outweighed any benefit if there could even be an argument that there exists a benefit. Further, they would question the expense and warn that such simply was politically risky should any of the threats of violence be traced to having moved the Embassy, which the State department would warn they would most likely find as the cause of any terrorism targeting American facilities overseas.


So, Trump is not going to be as pro-Israel as advertised, and why should he? Expecting President Trump to be more pro-Israel than Israel is ridiculous, as it should be. We learned this centuries ago and it was most succinctly stated by Rabbi Hillel who wisely asked, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?” When, as we mentioned yesterday, the Israeli Security Cabinet voted unanimously to delay discussion on any law annexing Maaleh Adumim, can we expect for President Trump to stick his neck out and move the American Embassy to Israel to Jerusalem when the Israelis main decision makers unanimously refused to even consider annexing just a suburb of East Jerusalem? Of course that would be ridiculous. For proof just read Hillel above and it plainly states that step one will always be us being for what we hold dear before we can expect others to act similarly in our interests. Perhaps it would be a good idea to inundate the members of the Knesset’s e-mails with copies of Hillel’s quote followed by a simply Yiddish question, “Nu?” implying to ask what have you done recently which changes anything. Israel acting weak and timid reflects on everything worldwide simply because Israel is the exemplary representation of Jewish pride and strength and of late Israel has shown neither for quite some time.


When Israel acts decisively and boldly projects strength and confidence taking whatever steps necessary to protect their people and the future of the Jewish State, it becomes reflected in the actions by Jews in the world and affects the way Jews are treated. When Israel demands respect as she did during the first half of her brief history, the world respected the Jews and allowed for Jews to be proud and live holding their heads high. As Israel has mired herself and given concession after concession with nothing to show for any of it as the land for peace more represented land for terrorism and Israel appeared weak and Jews started to wear long faces and are soon, if not already, hang their heads and shuffle along giving once again the image of the Jew ready to be kicked and ill-regarded. The ghetto Jews, as it had been called throughout much of modern history, was again the view. The Jews were those people who are to be blamed for all the ills in the world, all the wars, all the hatreds, all the destitution, all of any and every evil imaginable and the Jew could be kicked and spat upon and they would shuffle off accepting any scorn. This persona has become accepted on all too many college and university campuses in the developed world. As Israel is demeaned and seen as threatened and not really taking actions to protect themselves, this places the Jews across the world in jeopardy of attack and other forms of anti-Semitism. These acts have already made numerous cities across Europe actually dangerous to Jews to even so threatening that, as in Malmo, most of the Jews are packing up and departing. The numbers of Jews making Aliyah from France this past year was the highest since the end of World War II and many times the average for any year in the past half century. Further, the Arab world is using their oil wealth to finance those NGOs who coordinate numerous campus groups in anti-Israel and anti-Zionist programs with very obvious and well-coordinated demonstrations and events demeaning Israel and Zionism and by an extension anti-Semitism as many times these actions also lead to direct targeting of the Jews on the campus sometimes placing their lives and health in danger.


As noted in the articles linked above, there are campuses in Britain where Jews do not even apply as the atmosphere is that toxic. This is a direct result of Israeli passive resistance to terrorism and apparent trepidation to acting boldly to suppress those acting against her. This has to end but for that to come to pass Israel will need to elect a far more active and bold leadership. This can be done but first an election is necessary and the Israeli Zionists and related activists will need find and promote someone to lead one of the existing parties and then support that party with sufficient votes that they either are the party making the coalition or be the main partner in a coalition with sufficient influence to force definitive action. The United States election set in place an opportunity of a lifetime. The election of Donald Trump as President and the fact that for the first time in memory the House of Representatives, the Senate, the White House and soon even the United States Supreme Court will be Republican or conservative making support for Israel, especially as a fair percentage of Democrats in Congress also support Israel, a given, freeing Israel to act without any ramifications from Washington. This is a situation which has not been seen since the founding of the modern state of Israel and may never return again should it disappear in the next election, a certain possibility as the opponents to President Trump will throw everything they have to at least take back the House of Representatives if not also the Senate. There are no guarantees in American politics but the stars and planets have aligned along with the Congress and White House to favor a bold and take-action Israel, now all that is necessary is leadership willing to take action which will define the state of Israel and the state of Israeli politics for the foreseeable future.


The unfortunate unanimous vote by the Prime Minister’s Security Cabinet to delay considerations on annexing Maaleh Adumim must be laid in the lap of Prime Minister Netanyahu as well as any leaders of the presumed Zionist and Religious Zionist parties who are represented in the Security Cabinet such as Naftali Bennet. There can be no excuse other than fear of retributions from European nations who are acting with ill will already towards Israel and also allowing similar disregards for their Jewish citizens throughout their college and university communities and even in many cities and towns. The BDS movement is making strides thanks to the recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334 which was facilitated by President Obama who had been rumored was personally involved along with his Secretary of State John Kerry as a means of tying incoming President Trump’s hands in dealing with Israel and in the Middle East. The best way to counter the disastrous implications of that UNSC Resolution is strong and defined actions performed as an in your face Israeli response. The UNSC will not be following up and passing any similar or other damaging resolution against Israel as President Trump will reinstate the American veto of such damaging resolution in the UNSC. The message must be delivered to the Knesset that the irons are hot and it is time to put the hammer to anvil and beat out a favorable fait accompli. The time to annex not only Maaleh Adumim, but Bet El, Ariel, Betar Illit, Modi’in Illit, Har Gilo, Gush Etzion at the least and all of Judea and Samaria returning the PLO, Fatah, and all other terrorist affiliated persons to Tunis or wherever in Europe they would be welcome and give the Arab Palestinians their first hopes for a bright and unencumbered future free of the kleptocracy which has stolen all hope from them for the past near quarter of a century. Will the world, particularly Europe, explode in indignation? Probably, but ride out their initial explosion and with time they will tire of complaining and when things here in Israel settle and the Arabs are slowly but surely incorporated into Israeli society and their lives improve immeasurably, there will be less and less reason to protest eventually leaving no reasons to protest. The future with a secure Israel, and this should be the sole consideration of the Knesset, is with Israel with all the lands promised us between the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and not sharing it with any terrorist nest guaranteed to feed the world’s need to hate Israel, and by equal measure hate Jews. Israel could do more to guarantee her future and destroy anti-Semitism by simply annexing all of Judea and Samaria, removing those who would continue being a menace and reward those Arabs who desire living in peace with equality and security for all. By acting to assure Israel’s future and boldly protecting Israel, Israel would herself be combatting anti-Semitism in the world with better efficiency than any other actions could dream of accomplishing. The first question is can Netanyahu act or is he so damaged by the strains of leadership that he is no longer capable of acting definitively and securing the Israeli future? The last question is are the Zionist Israelis organized enough to start and continue programs and demonstrations demanding that the Knesset and the Prime Minister with his Security Cabinet act definitively with a minimum of delay as time is precious, and if we might repeat Rabbi Hillel, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?”


Beyond the Cusp 


December 19, 2015

What the IAEA Closure of Their Iran Investigations Really Meant

Perhaps we should be starting with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Director General Yukiya Amano statements which pertained to the IAEA’s verification of Iranian nuclear research and development including answers to previous questionable activities and current activities including possible secretive research into weapons production.





We realize that you played that ten, fifteen, thirty times and still he said almost nothing other than we wash our hands of the Iran issue and give them a clean bill of health and for more read our nice, dry and hard to read report, if he said that much. So, you ask hoping we have read the report and you will not need to read the report, all sixteen pages, what did it all say? Well, we could answer off the top of our heads, as probably all of you could, it will say Iran is clean now though they may not have been completely honest in the past; we believe them completely now and there is almost nothing to worry about unless they are lying; but we don’t think they are lying, like we would admit we did even if we were sure they were lying, but you will have to trust that we trusted them. Oh, you really want us to go through the report and take out the pertinent parts, FINE! We’ll do so! Trust there is more article after the summary which can wait until you have the time and nothing more interesting to do. Scroll down and we’ll put a nice picture separating the final writings there to flag you down, so look for the flags.


The following were the actual quotes which may or may not clarify their findings and positions, but we figured that was their intentions.


“From 2002 onwards, the Agency became increasingly concerned about the possible existence in Iran of undisclosed nuclear related activities involving military related organizations, including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile. Reports by the Director General identified outstanding issues related to possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme and the actions required of Iran to resolve these.”
The information indicated that Iran had carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device. The information also indicated that prior to the end of 2003, these activities took place under a structured programme, and that some activities may still have been ongoing.
There was mention that their information came from a wide number of sources, another way of saying not to blame them, but just in case there was anything brilliant in the report they said that some came from their own efforts, and then another disclaimer which has to be quoted, “from a number of Member States, including Iran itself.” From here on it is quotes unless in {} or obvious commentary by us. And it will be obvious.
“Between January 2012 and May 2013, the Agency and Iran held ten rounds of talks in Vienna and Tehran, aimed at reaching agreement on a ‘structured approach’…no concrete results were achieved during those talks. …”
Framework for Cooperation
On 11 November 2013, the Agency and Iran signed a ‘Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation.’
{We could now quote a whole load of legalese describing their agreement and all the trust and measures and validations and verifications and our eyes started crossing and glazing over.}
Security Council Resolution 2231
On 20 July 2015, the Security Council adopted resolution 2231 (2015), in which, inter alia, it reaffirmed that Iran “shall cooperate fully as the IAEA requests to be able to resolve all outstanding issues, as identified in IAEA reports.”
Implementation of the Road-map
More Gobbled-y-Goop
More Gobbled-y-Goop
Area Assessments
Gobbled-y-Goop but here it is in case it might be important, like FoR ReAL!
As previously reported, the Agency has focused its analysis of Iran’s nuclear programme on an acquisition path involving high enriched uranium (HEU). Based on indicators observed by the Agency in connection with Iran’s nuclear activities, the Agency’s work has concentrated on an analysis pertinent to the development of an HEU implosion device.
Past Resolutions of the Board of Governors and the Security Council
The United Nations Security Council has affirmed that the steps required by the Board of Governors in its resolutions are binding on Iran. Between 2006 and 2010, six Security Council resolutions… In particular, in its resolution of June 2010…concerns about the possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme… all sites, equipment, persons and documents requested by the Agency.
Following the issuance of… essential for Iran and the Agency to intensify their dialogue… providing clarifications regarding those issues.
Further to the Director General’s report of August 2012, the Board of Governors, in its resolution of September 2012… restore international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme.

Efforts to address the Agency’s concerns since November 2011

Structured Approach
Between January 2012 and May 2013, the Agency and Iran held ten rounds of talks in Vienna and Tehran… a new approach aimed at ensuring the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme should be developed.
Framework for Cooperation
On 11 November 2013, the Agency and Iran signed a ‘Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation’… proceed with such activities in a step by step manner.
Within the Framework for Cooperation… practical measures and technical discussions had been held with the Agency concerning the other two.
On 14 July 2015, the Director General and the Vice-President of Iran and President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran… strengthen their cooperation and dialogue aimed at the resolution, by the end of 2015, of all past and present outstanding issues that had not already been resolved by the Agency and Iran. The actions agreed under the Road-map are listed in Annex I. {Great, now we need to read Annex I}
Security Council Resolution 2231
On 20 July 2015, the Security Council adopted resolution 2231 (2015), in which, inter alia, it reaffirmed that Iran “shall cooperate fully as the IAEA requests to be able to resolve all outstanding issues, as identified in IAEA reports.”
Implementation of the Road-map
In the Road-map, the Agency and Iran agreed to aim to…the Agency had assessed to be “overall, credible”, as well as information received…which further contributed to the analysis contained in that Annex.
As agreed in the Road-map, on 15 August 2015, Iran provided to the Agency its explanations in writing and related documents, on past and present outstanding issues. On 8 September 2015, the Agency submitted questions to Iran on ambiguities regarding the information provided…as a basis for seeking clarification; the Agency’s review of information available…any implications regarding the indicators; and the Agency’s questions.
To remove the ambiguities regarding the information…particular locations of interest to the Agency…15 October 2015.
On 20 September 2015, the Director General and Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Safeguards visited the particular location at the Parchin site of interest to the Agency.
All the activities in the Road-map were implemented in accordance with the agreed schedule and, on 24 November 2015, the Agency and Iran held a “wrap up technical meeting” in Vienna.
In November 2011, the Agency provided its “analysis of the information available to it in the context of relevant indicators of the existence or development of processes associated with nuclear-related activities, including weaponization.” Since November 2011, the Agency has acquired more information through activities under the Framework for cooperation, including the Road-map and the JPA, through the Agency’s own efforts, and from Member States, including Iran. As additional information has become available to the Agency, the Agency has been able to refine its analysis of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme.
In order to perform the final assessment, the Agency has analyzed all the information available to it in relation to each of the 12 areas, as set out in the 2011 Annex. The Agency has also used the same information to gain an understanding of the whole picture through consideration of the nature, amount and coherence of the information over time.
Area Assessments
As previously reported…concentrated on an analysis pertinent to the development of an HEU implosion device.
Programme management structure
{Iran was using multiple agencies and departments and other subterfuges to conceal their real purposes which we recognized sort of; spread over four tedious paragraphs}
Procurement activities
As previously reported, Iran has stated that the AEOI encountered difficulties with procurement… {poor babies} …Ministry of Defence Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL), thereby disguising the final user.
The Agency also had indications of instances of procurements and attempted procurements of items with relevance, inter alia, to the development of a nuclear explosive device. The Agency does not have information regarding any such procurement attempts after 2007.
During discussions with the Agency…Iran confirmed its earlier statements that…made a procurement enquiry about a specific high speed camera, the camera had been for a conventional purpose and, ultimately, Iran had not purchased it. Iran also reiterated its earlier denial that a named company had attempted to acquire high-speed switches.
The Agency has not received additional information on this topic since the 2011 Annex.
Nuclear material acquisition
{Technical garbles which is too rich to summarize as the claims and counters are simply beyond belief and other beyond credulity and the rest far too technical}
Nuclear components for an explosive device
{More technical garbles}
Detonator development
{More technical garbles}
Initiation of high explosives and associated experiments
{More technical garbles which only one of us understands}
Hydrodynamic experiments
{More technical garbles}
Modelling and calculations
{More technical garbles}
Neutron initiator
{Technical garbles but you have to love discussions about nuclear physics}
Conducting a test
{Technical garbles and as it said, it’s just a test, a physics test}
Integration into a missile delivery vehicle
{Technical garbles all about miniaturization and the rest is nuts and bolts}
Fuzing, arming and firing system
{Technical garbles and no there is nothing about detonation-cord}
Overall Assessment
This overall assessment results from the analysis of all the information available to the Agency in relation to each of the 12 areas, as set out in the 2011 Annex.
{More technical garbles}
Political and technical Gobbled-y-Goop




Let’s Run Them Up Any Flag Pole and See Who Salutes Them Smartly Showing Your Love of Freedom and Feel Free to Add Your Flag if the Moment Grabs You as You See This Pair of the Flags for Freedom

Let’s Run Them Up Any Flag Pole
and See Who Salutes Them Smartly
Showing Your Love of Freedom
and Feel Free to Add Your Flag
if the Moment Grabs You as You
See This Pair of the Flags for Freedom



Much of the reports have centered on that the IAEA has found no indications of diversions or of extraordinary mining in or near known uranium mines and that there probably has been no developmental steps taken beyond feasibility and assuring of having acquired the technical ability to produce nuclear weaponry of the nature and suitability the Iranians desired, whatever all that really means. Anyone who expected an arm of the United Nations run largely by third world officials and nuclear physicists whose highest desire was to travel around the world either inspecting third world nuclear sites or attempting to inspect nuclear weapons programs of nations who would just as soon kill as look upon their own people, so you can guess what the worth of an IAEA inspector is worth. The IAEA is also heavily political and not exactly all that enamored with the Western States or Israel and likely more guided by the membership of the General Assembly than the five permanent members in the Security Council. Further, if the people working for the average large city are fairly incompetent and state officials make the city workers look like geniuses, while Federal employees are legendary for their lack of ability, of course all of these have exceptions such as any government worker reading BTC, so you can imagine what any world employees can be in the competence department. The one thing which can be said is the United Nations workers for all of their agencies have some of the most difficult and dangerous jobs when working out in the world as they are often not exactly appreciated by the governments of the nations where they are assigned and often face threats of death simply for attempting to serve others unselfishly and many probably get abuses which they do not deserve. Imagine attempting to distribute aid and food and other sustenance to the people under a dictator who would just as soon see them dead and wants to steal the food supplies and distribute it to his security forces and army which keep him in power and then it becomes no surprise that often the aid is simply unloaded from the ship or aircraft and then left for the dictator to distribute as he desires because it is not worth being murdered in a futile effort. There are reasons that the United States sends troops with their aid shipments. It is true that the United States military should not be used for meals on wheels but sometimes they may be necessary for those performing the meals on wheels distribution to be allowed to actually move the aid. The world is a far from perfect place, something many of us forget or would rather not face as long as it does not affect us and may we continue to live where life is not endangered just because we hold an opinion which others are willing to kill us over.


Going to another set of thoughts, something we do here often and what else can be said about an IAEA report we all knew would be a whitewash of the Iranian nuclear program anyways and that is what we likely got. The hope now is that we never reap the ill rewards which are possible should Iran produce and use nuclear weapons or that ever there should come a nuclear war which encompasses a number of nuclear armed nations and a general exchange of nuclear weapons causes a runaway ecological disaster having planetary effects which could only result in consequences too horrid to imagine. Such an event would make most of those post apocalypse movies appear optimistic with the likely exception of “On the Beach” depicted. That was presumably what the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) was designed to prevent and the reason for the IAEA was originally enacted and initiated, but that was when the United Nations member nations were restricted.


That was before the fateful decision to allow all nations to enter the United Nations as all nations were equal and should have an equal vote in such a body and the General Assembly was opened to every nation and dictator who desired equal footing with every other nation. Fortunately the original nations who were tasked with fashioning the United Nations kept veto power in the Security Council for the five nuclear powers of the time, or their closest allies thus the United States, Russia, China, Britain, and France were given veto power in the Security Council, the only body which could order the use of military force. That too will soon be surrendered as the world will decide there is nothing special about those five nations and everybody has to be equal. Once the veto for the permanent members has been erased then the seats on the Security Council will be expanded and the fixed memberships will either be expanded beyond reason or abolished making all nations equal in all things and then the United Nations will devolve into chaos and soon will disintegrate under its own equality as the more equal numbers of dictators vote the democracies out of existence under threat of war, of course, after they have demanded and received nuclear technology including weaponization because all nations are of equal value so they should have equal military power and technologies. We will learn that merit has value but it will probably be learned too late. Equality only works between nations who agree on the sanctity of life, have similar value systems and have a free and open society; otherwise you end up with almost two hundred nations who agree on nothing except that there are well over one hundred who wish to drag the wealth from the most wealthy nations even if it destroys the geese with the golden eggs because they want all the golden eggs for themselves in the name of equality. Such a United Nations will be the igniter for a terrible conflagration. Let us pray that the nations with dignity of the human spirit to protect realize their special place and realize it is not rubbing elbows in equality in the putrid bog where leaders disregard or enslave their populations as in such a swamp all sink into the teeming cauldron of inhumanity and such can only work to the detriment of the world as there is enough heartlessness in the world that without freedom loving nations mutually protecting those values all human value will be lost. That is the number one reason for the free world to realize their precious gift and the value of going to whatever lengths required to protect the freedoms from those who would denigrate all human life trampling underfoot the freedoms which by the grace of all that is holy came from the values which have flourished in the Western World and a limited set of other nations who must remain free at all costs. Freedom once lost is almost never regained and especially if it dissolves from the entire planet in a swarming over the free world of a demographic explosion initially necessitated due to a demographic implosion largely fueled by a loss of faith in Hashem.


Beyond the Cusp


November 22, 2015

Islamic State is not the Main Threat, Iran Is


Islamic State is not yet a problem so large it cannot be dealt with in a matter of weeks, not months, not years, but weeks. President Obama was on the right page when he referred to them as the Junior Varsity and he ought to know as he armed the Varsity with his Iran agreement. Granted, as far as any intelligence which has been revealed to any source we have found would admit; Iran does not yet have a practical deliverable nuclear device. Sure Iran could build a nuclear bomb and possibly a thermonuclear bomb, a hydrogen bomb. The problem they face is twofold. First is the device would be crude by modern standards and would be too cumbersome for placing on a missile and Iran does not have any heavy bombers which are able to penetrate any radar nor have the range to strike the United States. Secondly, the device would be trackable by nuclear detection satellites and thus there would be no element of surprise and at least the United States military and probably others would have early warning should such a concentrated amount of nuclear fuel be moved; and all a nuclear device is, is a concentrated amount of highly enriched nuclear fuel which can easily be pushed to critical mass. The only way that Iran could currently conceal a nuclear device would be to build the device sufficiently deeply underground and then contain it in lead or other means of preventing its detection by satellites and other means, load it onto a ship and sail it to its target detonating it as soon as the first alarms were sounded by the detection devices currently in place at most major shipping docks. The problem will be what Iran develops within the next three to five years as they master miniaturization thus making a high yield thermonuclear device deliverable on any of their missiles, particularly any of their suborbital and low Earth orbital missiles which by then will have the capability to strike anywhere on the planet.


We know from monitoring their launches that Iran has, as has North Korea, mastered the launch angle which the Russians first proposed and the Chinese were informed of this weakness who then passed it to the North Koreans who have shared this information with Iran that the United States defensive grid and radars all point northward where a perceived nuclear attack by the Soviets was feared would strike going over the North Pole. Thus, should Iran develop a nuclear warhead and the missile with which to deliver it all they would need is a missile capable of crossing Antarctica and coming upon the United States crossing the Gulf of Mexico and within a minute detonating approximately three-hundred miles over St Louis-Kansas City area using a low yield high EMP device, exactly what intelligence from numerous sources has indicated Iran has concentrated most of their research into manufacturing, and thus crippling the entire North American grid overloading well over three-quarters of the main transformers to overload and potentially explode and minimally melt down and knocking their delivery systems out of order for the foreseeable future and which would take decades to replace causing an estimated eighty-five to ninety percent of the human life to die as a consequence. Making matters worse, the only nations currently producing such transformers are Germany and Japan. That, my friends, is the real nature of the threat to the United States and all her allies counting on her promises of defense and protection. Where will those allies sit when the United States is incapable of accessing her satellites to provide intelligence and other warnings? That is the big question.


The astonishing is the price of hardening the power grid, the protecting it from an EMP attack by any enemy as well as protecting it from solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) as well as from storm damage would cost between a half of a billion dollars to as high as twenty-five billion dollars depending on how much of the grid one would desire to protect. The higher figure would protect the entirety of the electrical grid leaving only what is deemed the “last mile” vulnerable which is the lines coming to the poles and small transformers for home delivery vulnerable which thus would make a single strike EMP device a local failure of power which could be repaired in months, not years, and would effect a relatively small area. This higher price would include hardening the parts of the grid delivering electricity to hospitals, government communications centers, phone company service, military facilities, police and fire service and other vital systems. Granted, it would still be a disaster for an EMP event be it a solar storm or a nuclear or other EMP attack but it would be survivable. If work began this month the hardening could be mostly complete and the grids switched over to the new below ground delivery system within five years, it would only take funding and Congress is aware of this situation having monitored its price since it was first researched in the 1950s. Had the monies used to research and re-research this problem and its solutions have been used after the third assessment to installing the obviously necessary fix, it would have been accomplished long ago and the discussion would be ended. The problem with making the necessary repairs and alterations to the system is simple, once repaired it is no longer a campaign issue and everybody knows that a campaign issue, especially one so universally accepted as common sense, is far better than a problem resolved. The issue is that nobody can take credit for repairing a problem beyond maybe two or three election cycles (two years so for a Senator it would be one election cycle) while leaving a vital problem which is a winning position for both parties to continue to need addressing can be a campaign winner for decades upon decades if left wanting, which do you think the idiots in Washington would want more, the repair or the perpetual campaign device where incumbents can point to their votes to research an EMP vulnerability one more time or their opponent claiming they have ignored the problem too many times when it should have been addressed. Almost a no-brainer, a recurring issue is far more useful than any repair of a major vulnerability, obviously. If the American public, even as small as ten percent, were to make the actual repair work their main priority and establish an NGO to lobby Congress and the White House these repairs would be financed and gone within one Senatorial election cycle (six years). But of course this is not as sexy a topic as say neutral-gendered public restrooms.


The vulnerability of the North American electrical grid is actually becoming a vital issue as it would take ordering some fifty new transformers to begin the main work such that as the system is hardened simply by burying it twenty yards underground, it would require less but placing it that deep would allow for almost any building to take place without causing disruptions caused by new buildings construction needing to rerun electrical grid wiring. In urban environments and presumed expansion of large metropolises the depth could be increased placing it beyond any conceivable construction projects with the possible exception of an underground city, another idea from the fifties we have not seen as the science magazines envisioned along with cities under the ocean and flying cars, though progress is good on the flying cars and not so much the others as people like being able to walk outside and feel the breeze on their cheeks and the warmth of the sun while taking in some rays on a summer day. Under ground and under water make these little pleasures a tad more difficult, not insurmountable, but more difficult. So, the question we need to be asking the American public is, when are they going to take up this as their main concern every election cycle thus letting Congressional Representatives and Senators alike know that if they are not actively pushing and bringing legislation to the floor every six months then they will be voted out of office. Make them accountable for having the monies granted to the states to harden their electrical grids. Furthermore, they must have a date set for all work to be completed, granted if the deadline is five years it will take fifteen, and have the Department of Energy (DOE) follow up and report to Congress and the White House every six months. Make completing such a project a national priority, that is completion and not debate and researched, as the research has been done and redone and done again ten times over and the time to implement is far beyond overdue and needs to be done, not still overdue.


Both North Korea and Iran have been furthering their research into an EMP attack allowing them to strike the North American electrical grid and then sit back and watch the United States and Canada suffer a blow placing them back into the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries at the very start of the electronic age and widely distributed power systems being built. Knowing this threat is rapidly becoming a reality and the race should be on whether such an attack can be mounted successfully against the hardening of the electrical grid getting it sufficiently far along to prevent most of the damage from such an attack. Intelligence reports have already shown the advances, and sizeable they are, of North Korea and Iran, with assistance from China, making the preparations to allow for such an attack. Congressional studies having been done at least a dozen times and still no action on what should be and is a federal responsibility yet still there are no plans being put into motion with only Texas making and executing the initial phases for hardening the electrical grid should alarm the public into demanding action. The race is an obvious one placing the Iranian ability to deliver a nuclear or electrical bomb as an EMP attack over central United States against the United States hardening the North American power grid. Thus far only North Korea and Iran are participating in this race while the United States is still rubbing its hands together treating hardening the electrical grid as a perpetual campaign issue to never be resolved as it serves them for the problem to persist. Where are the people and their demanding that this problem be resolved? Perhaps if somebody were to get the public involved and demand, then this project can be completed before Iran or North Korea uses the vulnerability as a weapon, destroying the United States by taking out their ability to deliver generated electricity to the general public. It is obvious that posing this as a threat to life as we know it has not engendered any serious concern so it is time to strike a blow below the belt, as it were. There need be a large effort on social media informing the American people that should an EMP wave strike their electrical grid, be it a solar flare or an attack by North Korea or the soon to go nuclear Iran that they would no longer have cell phone service, no more texting, and no more following the Kardashian on the web or watching Game of Thrones on Television and no more microwave dinners, perhaps then they would wake up and smell the odor coming from the unpowered refrigerators. Just saying. What will it take to wake the American people to demand this be taken seriously by their Representatives and Senators in Congress and whoever will be in the White House next to get-er-done! Iran is counting on the United States to remain unaware and unconcerned in order for them to strike and wipe the United States off the world’s scene leaving them as the inheritors of the world.


Iran could squash the Islamic State in under six months and under six weeks with the assistance of Putin and the Russian military. That was proven by the cruise missile attack made this week by Russia from ships in the Caspian Sea striking Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo provinces of Syria causing heavy casualties to Islamic State forces stationed in these areas. Further, you will note the lack of concern over the use by the Russian forces in Syria of disproportional force as the Islamic State cannot launch cruise missiles from ships, they have no ships. Further, where is the concern over collateral damage, civilian casualties or of causing collective punishment and targeting innocents? Where are the perpetually concerned activists who flock to every court in the world which will hear them, storm the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council as well as the United Nations Human Rights Council and every NGO concerned with human rights as well as the editorial page of the New York Times and other leftist news networks, newspapers and other media? Oh, excuse me, I thought this was Israeli cruise missiles, go back to sleep, nothing to see here. After all, it is not as if anybody in Moscow would care one iota about any rulings in any court, commission, council or NGO even if one were to have the nerve to stand up and accuse Russia of war crimes, come-on, give me a break. So, in case we were not paying attention to the entire Middle East conundrum, Russia and Iran are cutting a swath out from the easternmost borders of Iran facing India through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon thus establishing and cementing in place a Shiite Crescent which we defined as one of the main designs the Iranians placed in their list of priorities, even first on the list right ahead of nuclear weapons and using them to rid the world of the Great and Little Satans, the United States and Israel, thus the EMP coverage above. This Iranian Shiite Crescent would include all of Iraq except for the Kurdish regions which they would name as Iraq as the rest of Iraq would have been absorbed into Iran along with Syria and Lebanon, though Syria would be managed by Bashir al-Assad and Lebanon would be a semiautonomous state owing fealty to Iran (see map below).



This is the desired and long sought Iranian Shiite Crescent across the Middle East reaching from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea after Islamic State Defeat and Iran Surge Retaking Syria for Bashir al-Assad with Hezballah retaining their iron-fist control over Lebanon and the Iraqi Shiites retaining their hold on the southern half of Iraq. This could very well be the starting positions for a final World War resulting in exchanges of nuclear weapons before the end is reached. This map also depicts the areas bordering the Iranian influence which could become the future red lines and the trip wire for a horrific conflagration, exactly what the Twelvers desire to bring back the Twelfth Imam and the Islamic Messiah who will lead them to finally realize their destiny of world conquest. Despite what many in the West view as an outdated and dead idea, the Iranian leadership dreams of world conquest and desire to that end.

This is the desired and long sought Iranian Shiite Crescent across the Middle East reaching from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea after Islamic State Defeat and Iran Surge Retaking Syria for Bashir al-Assad with Hezballah retaining their iron-fist control over Lebanon and the Iraqi Shiites retaining their hold on the southern half of Iraq. This could very well be the starting positions for a final World War resulting in exchanges of nuclear weapons before the end is reached. This map also depicts the areas bordering the Iranian influence which could become the future red lines and the trip wire for a horrific conflagration, exactly what the Twelvers desire to bring back the Twelfth Imam and the Islamic Messiah who will lead them to finally realize their destiny of world conquest. Despite what many in the West view as an outdated and dead idea, the Iranian leadership dreams of world conquest and desire to that end.



The main force blocking the Iranian dreams are held by the anti-Assad forces and the Islamic State. Currently these two forces are fighting one another which Iran sees as to their advantage and as military doctrines point out, when two of your enemies are fighting each other, arm both and sit back and watch. This is exactly what Iran is doing while Russia attacks both keeping either from attaining a victory. When the time is ripe and the Iranians are ready to spread their voodoo that they do so well, their moves will be signaled by their overrunning the Islamic State and wiping out the opposition to al-Assad returning him to power where he can rule over the rubble. When the Iranian Army, aided by shock forces from the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps), crash into the Islamic State from both sides aided by United States and Russian air power with the Russian operating within Syria and the United States striking in Iraq, then they will have aided Iran in establishing what they feel is required to pursue goals at the next level. These attacks will also serve a secondary objective, the acquisition of Abrams Main Battle Tank which they will be able to reverse engineer its best features and develop the next Iranian Heavy Battle Tank ending their reliance of Russia for their main battle tanks. What the world need understand is that Iran is not aiming for simple hegemony over the Middle East surpassing Israel in military strength; their intent is replacing the United States as the main superpower of the planet. The majority of military assessments of Iran place their aspirations as being to simply be the main power in the Middle East. Where that is their immediate goal, it is a goal on their way to far loftier goals. Once they assume the role of superpower in the Middle East it is their intent to take control of the GCC oil fields and of the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina thus claiming the title of the central force in Islam. Should Iran establish these facts on the ground it will amaze most military and political researchers on how fast Shiite Islam completely eclipses Sunni Islam. There will be a rush for Sunnis to declare their perpetual and complete devotions to Shiite Islam and Shias will be the predominant form of Islam practiced in the world though the majority of these new Shia Muslims practices will almost assuredly appear no different than their practices under Sunni, only their adherence to the Ayatollah over any other religious leader and their imams will slowly transit their practice to celebrate the Shia holidays and follow Shiite rules and power structure.


Even the fighters from the Islamic State might see it as to their advantage to switch sides and serve Iran if given half the chance. It is exactly what Osama bin Laden stated in video tape released after he attacked the United States on September 11. 2001, “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature, they will like the strong horse… We hit her the first hit and the next one will hit her with the hands of the believers, the good believers, the strong believers. By Allah it is a great work. Allah prepares for you a great reward for this work.” Iran is the coming unarguable strong horse with Shia Islam following right behind attracting the worship of the soon to be majority Shiites over the has-been Sunni should Iran get half the chance to complete their current plans. In a warped manner, Islamic State has served a two-fold purpose of stymying the Iranian plan for a quick destruction of the anti-Assad forces in Syria and completing his crescent of power across the entirety of the Middle East and then being able to center their attention on the oil fields in Kuwait and northern Saudi Arabia as well as the oil fiefdoms along the Arabian coastlines which would allow Iran to tie a direct route to Yemen allowing for Iranian forces, likely mostly from the ranks of the IRGC to assault the western edge of Saudi Arabia gaining a front along the Red Sea, cementing their control over what passes through the Suez Canal and thus controlling one of Egypt’s main sources of income, as well as capturing Mecca and Medina and with them control over the world’s one and one third billion Muslims. Once Iran has gained that much influence over the Islamic world the rest of the world, in their thoughts, is simply ripe for them to pluck off the lowest hanging branches of the tree. If anybody is still seeking the blue turban mentioned so predominantly in one of the Nostradamus quatrains:



Century 9 – Quatrain 73
The king enters Foix wearing a blue turban,
he will reign for less than a revolution of Saturn;
the king with the white turban, his heart banished to Byzantium,
Sun, Mars and Mercury near Aquarius.

Dans Foix entrez Roi ceiulee Turban,
Et regnera moins revolu Saturne,
Roi Turban blanc Bisance cœur ban,
Sol, Mars, Mercure pres de la hurne.


Iran has a master plan to become the new master race replacing their friends from World War II, the Nazis. In 1935, Reza Shah asked foreign delegates to use the term Iran replacing their historical name of Persia. Despite most of the world having referred to Iran as Persia, the people of Iran, since the Sassanid Dynasty when it was called Iranshahr or Empire of Iran, had been using the name Iran, as it translates in English, in conversation and whenever referring to the people as well as the nation internally. It was considered quite interesting that the timing of the request from Persian to now be referred to by the old but not as ancient name of Iran as it coincided with the rise to power of Adolph Hitler, the Nazi Party and the concept of a master race called the Aryans which translates to Farsi as Iran. Despite the history behind the name, changing the name from Persia to Iran, meaning Aryan, was quite strange and could only be determined by the Western powers as depicting the preference of the Persian, now Iranian, leadership to the Axis powers and not the allies. For many decades, Iran and the German Empire had cultivated ties, partly as a counter to the imperial ambitions of Britain and the Russian Empires but which proved problematic to the allied powers as World War II placed the necessity for taking sides, especially in the oil rich Middle East. This was where the long established friendship between Iran and Germany caused concern which was the reasoning behind the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran from August 25 through September 17, 1941 thus preventing Iranian oil from giving Germany the lifeblood of war, petroleum for the engines of aircraft, armor and vehicles of all sorts, the very necessities for a modern military even during World War II. In conclusion, Iran has a similar vision as did Germany in the lead up to World War II. Iran now sees themselves as the new chosen to rule the globe, and yes, there are those who still believe in world conquest. All one need do is listen to the speeches translated from the first Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini or his successor the current Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The western world ignores the warning signs at their own risk, and a great risk that is. When somebody joins in on a group chant of “Death to America, Death to Israel!” then both America and Israel should sit up and pay attention. Israel has shown that she is and has been paying attention for quite some time but the United States appears to be more focused on Israel and the demand that they give back to the Arabs every inch of the land they demand and yes the leadership of the United States, especially in the State Department, are fully aware that the Palestinian and Arab demand is for every inch of Israel with the Jews removed by whatever means are available. If no nation on Earth will take them in then the other solution must be implemented, another final solution to a Jewish problem. The Jews have been down this road before despite the evidence out of Tel Aviv which appears to be adamantly ignorant and mislead by leftists of the world uniting in declaring Israel the next Palestine and the Israeli Jews and Christians as the next genocidal massacre as the world shrugs and claims they did not see it coming and were planning on mobilizing but they took too long, so bad, how sad, you western-world cad. The one overlooked item is the Jews who remember history, all three and a half thousand years of history and we have made a solemn vow, Never Again!! Just in case you missed it,



Memorial Entrance to the Dachau Concentration Death Camp Which reflects on the reason that Never Again must mean Never Again and that is said to all Whose Choice is the Persecution of Jews Anywhere NEVER AGAIN!!

Memorial Entrance to the
Dachau Concentration Death Camp
Which reflects on the reason that
Never Again must mean Never Again
and that is said to all Whose Choice is
the Persecution of Jews Anywhere


Never Again!!

And we Mean Every Word



Beyond the Cusp


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