Beyond the Cusp

January 19, 2016

Iran the New Aryan Nation

Filed under: Act of War,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab League,Ayatollah Khamenei,Ayatollah Khomenei,Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,Ayatollahs,Blood Libel,Calaphate,Civilization,Coverup,Cyrenaic Greeks,Cyrus the Great,Enlightenment,Europe,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Pressure,Germany,Government,Greece,Hassan Rowhani,Hate,History,Hitler,Imam,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Military,Iraq,IRGC,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Leftist Pressures,Missile Attacks,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim Invade Europe from the East,Muslim Invasoin of Europe from the West,Muslim World,Nationalist Pressures,Nazi,Nazi,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Weapons,Ottoman Empire,Persians,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Religious Pressures,Saudi Arabia,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Saudi Military,Shah,Sharia Law,Shiite,Smiling Cheshire Man,Sudetenland,Sunni,Threat of War,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,War,World Opinion,World War III,World Without Zionism or America — qwertster @ 3:35 AM
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Few of us were alive when the Persians disappeared and instead became Iranians all in a single day. In 1935, Reza Shah asked foreign delegates to use the term Iran, the historical name of the country before the Greek conquest where the name Persia was born. Surprisingly, the word chosen to represent the master race was chosen carefully by the Nazis and they found their new name from a nation of great age and lineage but not in use by that nation from where it originated. This master race predecessor had all the necessary requirements, it was the name of one of the oldest and most stable of empires and apparently they disappeared from history so the Nazis grabbed their name and used it as their term of the master race, the Aryan race. The former owners of this name when they fell before Alexander the Great, were renamed by the Greeks using the word for nation, Persica or Persis, which in time became Persia. All the great accomplishments of that early and great empire were written into the history books using the Greek name as the name stuck until, as noted above, 1935. This was an act of deference and also a demand of an alliance with Germany as the Persian leader, Reza Shah, ordered that all diplomats for Persia now, immediately and without explanation, begin using the ancient, pre-Greek racial name of Cyrus the Great’s tribe and the tribes of peoples he took to the edge of ruling the known world, Iran. This name derived from Middle Persian Ērān, Pahlavi ʼyrʼn, and in modern pronunciation, Iran or Aryan. The change of name can only raise questions about Persia/Iran and where they sided during World War II.


So let us discuss Iran, Nazis, Aryan, Persia and World War II. Initially the Shah declared neutrality; but when the British, who held ownership of the majority of the Iranian oil fields, the British grew ever more nervous over the German engineers and workers manning their oil interests and demanded the Shah send them back to Germany. The British concerns were that many of these Germans may be spies or could damage the oil fields. The history was unclear as to whether this demand was made in a threatening nature or as a polite favor requesting their preference for different workers but the one thing which was made obvious is the successive requests became demands but were all met with the same answer from the Shah declaring his neutrality while refusing to fire and send packing workers who had given him any reason for doing so other than they suspected there might be German Nazi spies amongst them who could sabotage the oil fields. The Shah having no cares and doubting these people would risk their jobs and his neutrality by any such foolish acts refused the British demands. This went through a couple of renditions before the British nerves and politics and the war took over and forced their hand. In September of 1941 the British and Soviets took control of Iran. They refer to it a wartime occupation and not any effort to compromise Iranian national freedom and that the entire necessity was due to the dangers that the Axis Powers were poised to move on Iran and the British and Soviets were simply protecting their investments and Iranian freedoms from the Nazi threats. The British and Soviets withdrew after the war but had changed the Shah rule for that of his more compliant son; otherwise the damage was minimal though there are those who claim the invasion shook the people’s faith in their rulers.



Reza Shah of Iran 1935

Reza Shah of Iran 1935



There have been rumors that the Reza Shah was in negotiations with the Nazis to provide the Third Reich with much needed petroleum for their war machine which was running drastically low and even marginalizing operations. The Nazis were desperate and had likely offered the Shah great riches and power and potentially the reemergence of Persian like power in the Middle East, possibly a similar set of promises as they had given to the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini while he was living in Berlin to avoid the British forces who were poised to arrest him for allying with the Nazis. The British had much difficulty with different Arabs throughout World War II. The main thing to understand was that Iran actually was poised to assist the Nazis, allied with their cause and found a sympathy to their idea of an Aryan super race of perfected humans but the Iranian description might have varied from that of the Nazis who sought blond haired blue eyed men and women of above average height and physical fitness. The Iranians may have held for different qualities but they did believe in a pure Aryan race though theirs would be best represented in English as Ērān or ʼyrʼn.



Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in His One of Many Personal Meetings with the Führer Adolf Hitler

Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini
in His One of Many Personal Meetings
with the Führer Adolf Hitler



Part of the above history shows there is a historic sense of grandeur and importance exuded by many Iranians which has been played to every extreme by the current rulers. The Islamist Ayatollahs take full use of this sense as well as a sense of entitlement and supremacy, especially when it comes to Israel and the United States. They have worked on that entitlement behavior to blame the United States and Israel, especially with the sanctions which the United States pioneered and joined by Europe to a pressure Iran into compliance and to explain a few things as objectively as possible. Considering I am a Jew living in Israel and as such have a bullseye emblazoned between my eyes makes me particularly sensitive to the fact that the Arab and Muslim nations and many of their peoples who sided with the Nazis but did not face the destructions and defeat as did the Nazis, never had those anti-Semitic views expunged. In the case of many of the Arab nations, they were exposed to the poisonous broadcasts by the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini who had anti-Semitic leanings and blamed the Jews of the Holy Lands around Jerusalem for the poverty and what he viewed as miserable living conditions of his Arab peoples compared to the Jewish farmers and entrepreneurs and shop owners in Jerusalem many of which sold Jewish items needed in religious observances, marketed the produce, as did several Arab families who gained wealth, and serviced farm needs such as fertilizers and pesticides and finally had foreign contacts mostly in Europe but also across the Arab lands of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and possibly even in the far east where the farmers could sell their harvests. The Mufti blamed the Jews for taking all of the economic pie and not leaving any wealth available to his Arab subjects thus forcing them into poverty. He never considered that they should improve their lot in life by working the lands or finding other means for earning a living instead of relying largely on the good graces of others who did produce to gift them charity, something he found demeaning and where he blessed Arabs who would give alms he always blamed the Jews, even those who might have given similarly or even greater amounts or percentages of their income, for being stingy and not granting the Arabs a greater share in their wealth. The one thing which has to be remembered is that nobody was become a millionaire working the Holy Lands in this era.


When the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini fled Jerusalem fearing arrest by the British, who he also saw as favoring the Jews over the Arabs, not exactly an accurate appraisal as there may have been British who favored the Jews to an extent, British policy was either equally damning or anti-Semitic in its application on orders or preferences of the higher officers. The Mufti made broadcasts into the Arab lands with a very powerful directions broadcast tower spewing the Nazi supremacy and equating them with Arab and Muslim ideals of supremacy and equated Nazism and Islam in some unholy marriage of joining forces against the evil Jew who stole the food from Arab and Muslim mouths and refused to share and were enslaving the Arabs and Muslims in poverty by cruel and inhuman measures of attempted superiority born out of jealousy of the true Master Races, Nazis and Islamic, against the base and animalistic Jews. These broadcasts cast hatred of the Jews as the Jews selfishly stole all the wealth and held to it tightly were themes repeated by Imams as you preach to the masses basing your message on some of their ready beliefs as that is the path easiest to their attentions. So the message of Jewish hoarding became the legal tender on which much of the anti-Semitism was based and much of that was based on the Jews having stolen all the land from its rightful Arab, Muslim owners, the people in the Mosques for the sermons. This combinations drummed this hatred and the deceits such that many, nowhere near all, but a possible plurality bought into this message and it became their legal tender to claim the possessions of the Jews because they were only returning the lands and other wealth to its rightful owners.



Grand Ayatollahs Ruhollah Khomeini and Ali Khamenei

Grand Ayatollahs Ruhollah Khomeini and Ali Khamenei



These alliances with the Nazis further poisoned the well against the Jews and many of the British chose not to intervene or actually harbored their own anti-Semitic leanings and thus their not opposing these beliefs only served to amplify their validity. This further amplified the latent anti-Semitic feelings, especially amongst the Arabs who were living in poverty and who were seeking a reason and the Jew selfishly stealing all the wealth and controlling the distribution of assets and their control of the British played heavily into that market. In Iran there was their neutrality which always appeared to favor the Germans as there were numerous German citizens working within Iran and the Shah had changed the name their nation was known by internationally to the Iranian Farsi word which meant Aryan, namely Iran, and this was often seen as tacit approval of the Nazi principles of the Master Race and the poignant hatred and casting of the Jews as an animalistic sub-human species which polluted the genetic superiority of the rest of the human race and as such needed to be extinguished. When Israel became a nation they soon afterwards enjoyed good relations with Iran of open friendship and embassies were exchanged and all the benefits which goes with such. All of this was shut down almost immediately after the revolution and the betrayal of the Shah by his former ally, the United States. President Jimmy Carter ‘understood’ the heart of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 as President Carter saw him as a holy man and thus he must uphold Christian principles from the post-enlightenment period of modern Western thought.


The American President could not have been any more mistaken, much like the current American President who trusts Iran to hold to the limitations of the treaty he signed with them. The treaty itself is lenient and pro-Iranian in its make-up but likely does not suit the immediacy of the Ayatollahs drive for nuclear weapons with which to claim preeminence in the Arab and Muslim world and thus as the rightful leader of such in the conquest of the world. The Ayatollah likely see their ascendance to be the rightful leaders of the Muslim world and as such the ones who will bring the Ummah from predominant Sunni beliefs to almost entirely Shiite in their beliefs as Iran, as the titular leader of Shia Islam will have ascended unarguably the strongest of position and have gained dominance over Saudi Arabia and Egypt and as such gained the title as the next and only true claimant to Caliph. Should the Saudi Royal family refuse to basically kneel before the Ayatollah Khamenei, they may have earned Riyadh the initial test of the Iranian super weapon in their nuclear armed quest to gain the world. Any upset or obstruction to the Iranian claim and smooth path to world dominance will have a ready-made and golden diabolical reason, Israel as the Jew amongst the nations and the Jews world-wide as they will be cast as all serving Israel against the perfection of the World by the Ayatollahs. Israel will actually be spared initially as they are required to serve as the true source of any difficulties because the Grand Ayatollah is a position of ultimate perfection and a straight connection to Allah if ever such could exist. They would be assuming a similar position to Emperor and Pope Constantine the Great who was crowned Pope after he conquered most of Europe, ending the many squabbles and smaller wars, uniting all under his banner. Unfortunately for Europe all men die and when Constantine died, so went his empire.


Emperor and Pope Constantine the Great with Map of Conquest Preserving the Byzantine Empire

Emperor and Pope Constantine the Great
with Map of Conquest
Preserving the Byzantine Empire



How this will end? That, my friends and acquaintances, is the really big question. The things we know is that Iran will be at its weakest and most vulnerable and have given the world cause for alarm and a call for action right after they move on any nation whether directly or through terrorist proxies beyond their actions in Syria. What will be interesting is who allies with Iran and who starts to slide into the position of leaders of the opposition other than Saudi Arabia and possibly Egypt and other Sunni Arab nations. They would be uniting against both Shia Islam and the fact that Iran is of Persian lineage and thus not Arab and this also is an abomination to many Muslims, especially Arab Muslims. We know also that the Saudi oil fields have a majority Shiite population and could be the next war’s Sudetenland which Iran will claim as part of bringing all of Shia Islam under their rule which is what has already occurred for all intents and purposes in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. Where else they will initially turn will be telling. We expect their first move will be to co-opt Pakistan through some alliance deal as the two Islamic nuclear powers with similar goals, though that is not entirely true. Iran could promise Pakistan that one of their first moves would be to subsume by means other than direct war possibly as a treaty with India, to gain them the lands which they and India have fought wars over and potentially some of north-western India where there is a large Muslim presence. All things will become fungible when Iran becomes a nuclear armed nation with a war chest of nuclear weapons and the will to use them. This has us thinking of Alice in Wonderland and the disappearing Cheshire Cat’s smile and Alice commenting that everything was becoming “Curiouser and curiouser!”



Iranian President Hassan Rouhani smiling for report on how he and Iran charmed the world reminding all of the evil laugh as the Cheshire Cat faded away leaving only his wicked smile and it just fit calling him the ‘Smiling Cheshire Man’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani smiling for report on how he and Iran charmed the world reminding all of the evil laugh as the Cheshire Cat faded away leaving only his wicked smile and it just fit calling him the ‘Smiling Cheshire Man’



Beyond the Cusp


December 20, 2015

Why Iranian Nuclear Program Matters


President Obama would like the world to believe that there was a nuclear deal reached, signed, sealed and delivered to the Security Council and set into stone. There are a few problems with that story line, namely the Iran part of the deal. The part of the nuclear deal which is valid is that the sanctions have been lifted, Iran is back in the oil and pistachio business while European companies are tripping over each other in a race to sign deals with Iran and get their share of the billions which are going to be flowing when Iran receives the monies the United States is obligated to release from banks and investment accounts. The deal passed by the Security Council made the European and United States parts of the deal sealed and delivered and sent the Iranian part of the deal to Iran where it was graciously received and filed in the nearest wastebasket. Think back and try to remember the conflicting news reports from those final days of the Iran nuclear negotiations with the P5+1 consisting of Russia, China, Britain, France, the United States plus Germany and think back to the celebratory language and you might remember that the Obama White House and State Department were claiming one set of conditions, the Europeans had their version, Russia and China made very few statements with some in interviews with Western news interviews revealing that they were uncertain on a number of issues in Moscow and Beijing remaining mute and Iran claiming an entirely different interpretation and having doubts that the remaining difficulties would ever be bridged. I’m not sure those differences were ever ironed out nor does it appear that Iran has ever considered themselves to have made any promises to the Western World or the United Nations or anybody else. For the record, the Iranian parliament has never approved any deal that the United States or anybody else can honestly report and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has never signed any paperwork for a deal and thus Iran is not legally bound to anything just as the State Department freely admitted in a letter to Representative Mike (R-Kan.) of the House Intelligence Committee.


This admission simply echoes the actions by Tehran which has now made two test launches of ballistic missiles which would have definitively been forbidden by any deal admitted to exist by any of the Western Nations as well as the United Nations interpretations of the agreement, but nobody appears to be rearing up in reaction to these tests. There has been no ‘snapback’ of sanctions and the releasing of funds as theoretically agreed upon by western Nations in any version of a deal is proceeding along on schedule. Are we the only ones who seem concerned that there appears to be an agreement to free the dogs of nuclear ambitions in Iran while obliging the West to release the funds and remove all sanctions which might have proven to be an impediment and chaining the United States and European nations to back the Russian, Chinese and Iranian desires for business as usual as if there is not a care in the world? A quick check of news stories and it seems the most recent testing of another nuclear delivery capable continental ballistic missile, the most powerful yet and a decent sign that Iran is aiming for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capabilities and is going at such capabilities with some vigor does concern any number of responsible adults. Unfortunately the closest the White House has come to a responsible adult has been United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power who stated at a Congressional hearing last week, “discussions are a form of U.N. action.” So, apparently the White House left Congress and themselves no actual control over sanctions and thus the possible ‘snapback’ is solely in the hands of the United Nations where such is an impossibility and even if the United States acted, theirs would necessarily be a whole new set of sanctions which are presumably forbidden by the presumed deal which is no deal and the White House would necessarily, as they have stated, veto any such sanctions. So as it currently sits, Iran will receive their $150 billion in unfrozen assets within the next six months, can test missiles to their hearts’ delight and all are to proceed as if there are sanctions on Iran when in reality the sanctions are on the Western Powers making sanctions near to impossible and now even the IAEA has officially surrendered before the Iranian games of guile as we reported recently in What the IAEA Closure of Their Iran Investigations Really Meant.


What has been successfully pulled off by deceptiveness, chicanery and outright lies is the freeing of Europe to return to their preferred business as usual and ignore the consequences, a similar aspect to their recent receipt of the first wave of ‘Syrian refugees’ and intent to make them legal citizens almost automatically which will grant them new visas from their new home nation and also grant them instant acceptance on the visa waiver program the United States shares with the European Union. What could be better as it has been made obvious that the vast majority of these ‘Syrian refugees’ are not Syrian, are not refugees, are not dirt poor losing everything in the civil war and Bashir al-Assad’s butchery and are intent on infiltrating the United States as they see Europe rightfully as all but conquered already. What we do have as the vast majority of these ‘Syrian refugees’ are military age single males with plenty of money and a penchant for rioting and causing disturbances and will very likely prove to be the tip of the spear with the only question being are they Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Taliban, or Iranian IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) trained infiltrators who have received some of the best training in sabotage and other disruptive acts and also master coordinators (community organizers on steroids). Whatever and whomever they are operating under, this sizeable sector of the ‘Syrian refugees’ who have poured into Europe, largely centered on Germany and the Scandinavian nations all of which have some of the best social services with the highest welfare payment structures in all of Europe, and with a fair share of the ‘Syrian refugees’ now headed to the final target on the list, the United Kingdom; their aims are becoming ever more clear, to bring Europe to its knees and then simply take charge of its remnants and turn it all over to whichever group manages to wrench control from the rest of the other groups. This simply means that the next front of the Syrian civil war turned Sunni-Shiite war will be being fought across Europe just as soon as the Christian and Atheist Secular Humanists have been murdered in large part or converted to Islam or converted to being good little worker Dhimmis producing for their new taskmasters. The alternative is a revolution by the Europeans themselves which will end very poorly for both sides as this will become very quickly a war of extermination and who will prove the strongest force and last group standing is in doubt though we would place our money on the home team as they know the landscape and will be fighting for their own survival and the survival of their way of life and the Europeans have proven their ability for warfare and the heritage to match. The question which needs answering is when, or should it be, will the European Union and the individual governments such as Angela Merkel’s Germany and François Hollande’s France wake from their utopian dream, which is proving to be a hellish nightmare for their people, before their nations are so overrun with ‘Syrian refugees’ that recovery has been made impossible? If not, does the average European have it within them to force their leaders to heed and save the lands before it is too late? The greatest of fears is that for Western Europe it may already be too late.


The other ramification of the ‘Syrian refugees’ problem is that with much of Eastern European nations, former Warsaw Pact nations plus Greece, have closed their borders allowing those who wish to take trains through to Germany and other points west with the train stations along the tracks well-guarded to force the ‘Syrian refugees’ through to all points west. What way will these nations be turning once NATO ceases to offer them any real protection? We see their returning to the Russian sphere of influence as Vladimir Putin (aka Vlad the Invader), offering a stronger arm in protecting them from the invading ‘Syrian refugees’ and all that encompasses, then turning to the seemingly feckless United States which has proven itself to be weak and unsupportive at best and traitorous at worst. Poland and the Czech Republic, despite being the victims of President Obama’s cancellation of the radar and anti-missile system which had been approved for delivery and operation on their bases, might hold out and wait to see who wins the 2016 United States elections though if pressed would likely seriously consider placing their bets on a sure thing, meaning Putin. And now we can probably name the three things which will be the Obama legacy; first, a nuclear armed Middle East tinderbox; second, a neutered United States military degraded to a point of near impotence; and third, removing any trust in the United States as her promises have been proven to be simply worthless if any change of administration can so abruptly and totally alter the realities and break any and all promises with allies apparently is just as easily done as it is with revolutions in third world nations. The last one which renders the United States as untrustworthy will prove to be the straw which breaks the camel’s back as if the word of the President of the United States is only good for as long as he or his party holds the Office of the President, then what worth does any Presidential promise hold? Even worse was that President Obama also went back on promises made by President Willian Jefferson Clinton which infers that even same party Presidencies may prove untrustworthy of keeping promises made by previous Presidents of their own party. One thing which has been made evidently obvious is that any nation relying on the United States to have their back had best also have their own Plan B just in case they find their back suddenly rendered vulnerable as their strongest protection of their back having quit and gone home prematurely. Further, depending on the United States to actually produce and make good on promises of weapons systems being completely dependent on any new President continuing with the production or delivery of promised systems should put the fear of heaven in them as the anti-missile systems and radar cancelled and the premature stoppage of production of the F-22 Raptor proved as that was the fighter the United States was counting on for granting her air superiority over any other nation, something the F-35 joint strike fighter does not and may even prove to be less of a fifth generation fighter when compared to the Eurofighter Typhoon or the Russian Sukhoi Su-27.



Picture of F22 Raptor, F35 Joint Strike Fighter, Eurofighter Typhoon or the Russian Sukhoi Su-27



These are the lasting legacies of President Obama and they will all but destroy the faith in the world of any United States President for some time into the future until trust can be proven or given a legal basis. The only item which may be seen as trustworthy might be actual treaties which have the full backing of the congress and the Courts, including especially the Supreme Court and as such may be proven to be beyond the reach of any American President to negate by his or her own power without running afoul of the Courts and Congress. Even this will need to be seen by those who have been burnt the most by this administration and its complete disregard for precedent, Presidential respect for and by other administrations and potentially the rule of law which would make even treaties only as good as the President and congress who made them and otherwise potentially worthless. The United States is going to have to face these issues and either find some manner of placing the nation behind the promises of their Presidents going forward when a new President takes the office and has a different view of the world and sees the promises of the predecessor as unbinding upon them, that must be changed if the United States ever desires to be respected and trusted ever again. Perhaps it is time for a previously unthought of and seemingly unnecessary Amendment to the United States Constitution which will state that once the President and the Congress have declared use of the United States military to undertake a task that from that point forward or until a supermajority of two-thirds of both houses of congress and the President together call the mission complete, the military will remain on stations until the military Joint Chiefs of Staff declare the mission completed. Such an amendment would restore faith that once the United States military was deployed that they would not simply pull out leaving whatever governance they left in place completely vulnerable and it will cause the Congress and President to carefully spell out the necessary accomplishments of every mission long before troops would be deployed. Both of these required changes in the way troops are deployed and returned from deployment would make for stricter definitions of any mission and a clear promise that once the United States troops are deployed and tasked with supporting any government until said time that it has been stabilized and completely functioning with domain over all of its nation that the United States will not just pull out leaving a huge sucking sound of a vacuum which will almost always be filled by other than savory forces. Such would give real meaning to any military promise given by the Congress and President when forces are deployed to a long term mission which will necessarily be passed to the next President and his administration which would be powerless to end the mission unless the military top level commanders determined the mission completed.


Beyond the Cusp


December 19, 2015

What the IAEA Closure of Their Iran Investigations Really Meant

Perhaps we should be starting with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Director General Yukiya Amano statements which pertained to the IAEA’s verification of Iranian nuclear research and development including answers to previous questionable activities and current activities including possible secretive research into weapons production.





We realize that you played that ten, fifteen, thirty times and still he said almost nothing other than we wash our hands of the Iran issue and give them a clean bill of health and for more read our nice, dry and hard to read report, if he said that much. So, you ask hoping we have read the report and you will not need to read the report, all sixteen pages, what did it all say? Well, we could answer off the top of our heads, as probably all of you could, it will say Iran is clean now though they may not have been completely honest in the past; we believe them completely now and there is almost nothing to worry about unless they are lying; but we don’t think they are lying, like we would admit we did even if we were sure they were lying, but you will have to trust that we trusted them. Oh, you really want us to go through the report and take out the pertinent parts, FINE! We’ll do so! Trust there is more article after the summary which can wait until you have the time and nothing more interesting to do. Scroll down and we’ll put a nice picture separating the final writings there to flag you down, so look for the flags.


The following were the actual quotes which may or may not clarify their findings and positions, but we figured that was their intentions.


“From 2002 onwards, the Agency became increasingly concerned about the possible existence in Iran of undisclosed nuclear related activities involving military related organizations, including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile. Reports by the Director General identified outstanding issues related to possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme and the actions required of Iran to resolve these.”
The information indicated that Iran had carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device. The information also indicated that prior to the end of 2003, these activities took place under a structured programme, and that some activities may still have been ongoing.
There was mention that their information came from a wide number of sources, another way of saying not to blame them, but just in case there was anything brilliant in the report they said that some came from their own efforts, and then another disclaimer which has to be quoted, “from a number of Member States, including Iran itself.” From here on it is quotes unless in {} or obvious commentary by us. And it will be obvious.
“Between January 2012 and May 2013, the Agency and Iran held ten rounds of talks in Vienna and Tehran, aimed at reaching agreement on a ‘structured approach’…no concrete results were achieved during those talks. …”
Framework for Cooperation
On 11 November 2013, the Agency and Iran signed a ‘Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation.’
{We could now quote a whole load of legalese describing their agreement and all the trust and measures and validations and verifications and our eyes started crossing and glazing over.}
Security Council Resolution 2231
On 20 July 2015, the Security Council adopted resolution 2231 (2015), in which, inter alia, it reaffirmed that Iran “shall cooperate fully as the IAEA requests to be able to resolve all outstanding issues, as identified in IAEA reports.”
Implementation of the Road-map
More Gobbled-y-Goop
More Gobbled-y-Goop
Area Assessments
Gobbled-y-Goop but here it is in case it might be important, like FoR ReAL!
As previously reported, the Agency has focused its analysis of Iran’s nuclear programme on an acquisition path involving high enriched uranium (HEU). Based on indicators observed by the Agency in connection with Iran’s nuclear activities, the Agency’s work has concentrated on an analysis pertinent to the development of an HEU implosion device.
Past Resolutions of the Board of Governors and the Security Council
The United Nations Security Council has affirmed that the steps required by the Board of Governors in its resolutions are binding on Iran. Between 2006 and 2010, six Security Council resolutions… In particular, in its resolution of June 2010…concerns about the possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme… all sites, equipment, persons and documents requested by the Agency.
Following the issuance of… essential for Iran and the Agency to intensify their dialogue… providing clarifications regarding those issues.
Further to the Director General’s report of August 2012, the Board of Governors, in its resolution of September 2012… restore international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme.

Efforts to address the Agency’s concerns since November 2011

Structured Approach
Between January 2012 and May 2013, the Agency and Iran held ten rounds of talks in Vienna and Tehran… a new approach aimed at ensuring the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme should be developed.
Framework for Cooperation
On 11 November 2013, the Agency and Iran signed a ‘Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation’… proceed with such activities in a step by step manner.
Within the Framework for Cooperation… practical measures and technical discussions had been held with the Agency concerning the other two.
On 14 July 2015, the Director General and the Vice-President of Iran and President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran… strengthen their cooperation and dialogue aimed at the resolution, by the end of 2015, of all past and present outstanding issues that had not already been resolved by the Agency and Iran. The actions agreed under the Road-map are listed in Annex I. {Great, now we need to read Annex I}
Security Council Resolution 2231
On 20 July 2015, the Security Council adopted resolution 2231 (2015), in which, inter alia, it reaffirmed that Iran “shall cooperate fully as the IAEA requests to be able to resolve all outstanding issues, as identified in IAEA reports.”
Implementation of the Road-map
In the Road-map, the Agency and Iran agreed to aim to…the Agency had assessed to be “overall, credible”, as well as information received…which further contributed to the analysis contained in that Annex.
As agreed in the Road-map, on 15 August 2015, Iran provided to the Agency its explanations in writing and related documents, on past and present outstanding issues. On 8 September 2015, the Agency submitted questions to Iran on ambiguities regarding the information provided…as a basis for seeking clarification; the Agency’s review of information available…any implications regarding the indicators; and the Agency’s questions.
To remove the ambiguities regarding the information…particular locations of interest to the Agency…15 October 2015.
On 20 September 2015, the Director General and Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Safeguards visited the particular location at the Parchin site of interest to the Agency.
All the activities in the Road-map were implemented in accordance with the agreed schedule and, on 24 November 2015, the Agency and Iran held a “wrap up technical meeting” in Vienna.
In November 2011, the Agency provided its “analysis of the information available to it in the context of relevant indicators of the existence or development of processes associated with nuclear-related activities, including weaponization.” Since November 2011, the Agency has acquired more information through activities under the Framework for cooperation, including the Road-map and the JPA, through the Agency’s own efforts, and from Member States, including Iran. As additional information has become available to the Agency, the Agency has been able to refine its analysis of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme.
In order to perform the final assessment, the Agency has analyzed all the information available to it in relation to each of the 12 areas, as set out in the 2011 Annex. The Agency has also used the same information to gain an understanding of the whole picture through consideration of the nature, amount and coherence of the information over time.
Area Assessments
As previously reported…concentrated on an analysis pertinent to the development of an HEU implosion device.
Programme management structure
{Iran was using multiple agencies and departments and other subterfuges to conceal their real purposes which we recognized sort of; spread over four tedious paragraphs}
Procurement activities
As previously reported, Iran has stated that the AEOI encountered difficulties with procurement… {poor babies} …Ministry of Defence Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL), thereby disguising the final user.
The Agency also had indications of instances of procurements and attempted procurements of items with relevance, inter alia, to the development of a nuclear explosive device. The Agency does not have information regarding any such procurement attempts after 2007.
During discussions with the Agency…Iran confirmed its earlier statements that…made a procurement enquiry about a specific high speed camera, the camera had been for a conventional purpose and, ultimately, Iran had not purchased it. Iran also reiterated its earlier denial that a named company had attempted to acquire high-speed switches.
The Agency has not received additional information on this topic since the 2011 Annex.
Nuclear material acquisition
{Technical garbles which is too rich to summarize as the claims and counters are simply beyond belief and other beyond credulity and the rest far too technical}
Nuclear components for an explosive device
{More technical garbles}
Detonator development
{More technical garbles}
Initiation of high explosives and associated experiments
{More technical garbles which only one of us understands}
Hydrodynamic experiments
{More technical garbles}
Modelling and calculations
{More technical garbles}
Neutron initiator
{Technical garbles but you have to love discussions about nuclear physics}
Conducting a test
{Technical garbles and as it said, it’s just a test, a physics test}
Integration into a missile delivery vehicle
{Technical garbles all about miniaturization and the rest is nuts and bolts}
Fuzing, arming and firing system
{Technical garbles and no there is nothing about detonation-cord}
Overall Assessment
This overall assessment results from the analysis of all the information available to the Agency in relation to each of the 12 areas, as set out in the 2011 Annex.
{More technical garbles}
Political and technical Gobbled-y-Goop




Let’s Run Them Up Any Flag Pole and See Who Salutes Them Smartly Showing Your Love of Freedom and Feel Free to Add Your Flag if the Moment Grabs You as You See This Pair of the Flags for Freedom

Let’s Run Them Up Any Flag Pole
and See Who Salutes Them Smartly
Showing Your Love of Freedom
and Feel Free to Add Your Flag
if the Moment Grabs You as You
See This Pair of the Flags for Freedom



Much of the reports have centered on that the IAEA has found no indications of diversions or of extraordinary mining in or near known uranium mines and that there probably has been no developmental steps taken beyond feasibility and assuring of having acquired the technical ability to produce nuclear weaponry of the nature and suitability the Iranians desired, whatever all that really means. Anyone who expected an arm of the United Nations run largely by third world officials and nuclear physicists whose highest desire was to travel around the world either inspecting third world nuclear sites or attempting to inspect nuclear weapons programs of nations who would just as soon kill as look upon their own people, so you can guess what the worth of an IAEA inspector is worth. The IAEA is also heavily political and not exactly all that enamored with the Western States or Israel and likely more guided by the membership of the General Assembly than the five permanent members in the Security Council. Further, if the people working for the average large city are fairly incompetent and state officials make the city workers look like geniuses, while Federal employees are legendary for their lack of ability, of course all of these have exceptions such as any government worker reading BTC, so you can imagine what any world employees can be in the competence department. The one thing which can be said is the United Nations workers for all of their agencies have some of the most difficult and dangerous jobs when working out in the world as they are often not exactly appreciated by the governments of the nations where they are assigned and often face threats of death simply for attempting to serve others unselfishly and many probably get abuses which they do not deserve. Imagine attempting to distribute aid and food and other sustenance to the people under a dictator who would just as soon see them dead and wants to steal the food supplies and distribute it to his security forces and army which keep him in power and then it becomes no surprise that often the aid is simply unloaded from the ship or aircraft and then left for the dictator to distribute as he desires because it is not worth being murdered in a futile effort. There are reasons that the United States sends troops with their aid shipments. It is true that the United States military should not be used for meals on wheels but sometimes they may be necessary for those performing the meals on wheels distribution to be allowed to actually move the aid. The world is a far from perfect place, something many of us forget or would rather not face as long as it does not affect us and may we continue to live where life is not endangered just because we hold an opinion which others are willing to kill us over.


Going to another set of thoughts, something we do here often and what else can be said about an IAEA report we all knew would be a whitewash of the Iranian nuclear program anyways and that is what we likely got. The hope now is that we never reap the ill rewards which are possible should Iran produce and use nuclear weapons or that ever there should come a nuclear war which encompasses a number of nuclear armed nations and a general exchange of nuclear weapons causes a runaway ecological disaster having planetary effects which could only result in consequences too horrid to imagine. Such an event would make most of those post apocalypse movies appear optimistic with the likely exception of “On the Beach” depicted. That was presumably what the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) was designed to prevent and the reason for the IAEA was originally enacted and initiated, but that was when the United Nations member nations were restricted.


That was before the fateful decision to allow all nations to enter the United Nations as all nations were equal and should have an equal vote in such a body and the General Assembly was opened to every nation and dictator who desired equal footing with every other nation. Fortunately the original nations who were tasked with fashioning the United Nations kept veto power in the Security Council for the five nuclear powers of the time, or their closest allies thus the United States, Russia, China, Britain, and France were given veto power in the Security Council, the only body which could order the use of military force. That too will soon be surrendered as the world will decide there is nothing special about those five nations and everybody has to be equal. Once the veto for the permanent members has been erased then the seats on the Security Council will be expanded and the fixed memberships will either be expanded beyond reason or abolished making all nations equal in all things and then the United Nations will devolve into chaos and soon will disintegrate under its own equality as the more equal numbers of dictators vote the democracies out of existence under threat of war, of course, after they have demanded and received nuclear technology including weaponization because all nations are of equal value so they should have equal military power and technologies. We will learn that merit has value but it will probably be learned too late. Equality only works between nations who agree on the sanctity of life, have similar value systems and have a free and open society; otherwise you end up with almost two hundred nations who agree on nothing except that there are well over one hundred who wish to drag the wealth from the most wealthy nations even if it destroys the geese with the golden eggs because they want all the golden eggs for themselves in the name of equality. Such a United Nations will be the igniter for a terrible conflagration. Let us pray that the nations with dignity of the human spirit to protect realize their special place and realize it is not rubbing elbows in equality in the putrid bog where leaders disregard or enslave their populations as in such a swamp all sink into the teeming cauldron of inhumanity and such can only work to the detriment of the world as there is enough heartlessness in the world that without freedom loving nations mutually protecting those values all human value will be lost. That is the number one reason for the free world to realize their precious gift and the value of going to whatever lengths required to protect the freedoms from those who would denigrate all human life trampling underfoot the freedoms which by the grace of all that is holy came from the values which have flourished in the Western World and a limited set of other nations who must remain free at all costs. Freedom once lost is almost never regained and especially if it dissolves from the entire planet in a swarming over the free world of a demographic explosion initially necessitated due to a demographic implosion largely fueled by a loss of faith in Hashem.


Beyond the Cusp


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