Beyond the Cusp

October 25, 2016

What Else Can Go Wrong?


The world is a mess and it looks like it is only going to get worse. Even if the present problems simply fester, that would be horrid enough but we cannot but pray for such good fortune. Turkey’s Erdogan has plans of reconstituting the Ottoman Empire. Erdogan is starting smaller than the Ottoman Empire stretching across MENA (Middle East North Africa) and only including small areas of Syria and Iraq. He designs on taking care of some trouble spots including Aleppo and Mosul while also eradicating the Kurds in a manner likely resembling their solution for their former ‘problem’ of the Armenians or the Greeks or any others who have had the temerity to stand against Turkish Islamic superiority. The new map in Turkish texts is below and shows the initial expansions Erdogan seeks. They are taking advantage of their special units they have positioned north of Mosul under the pretense of security against anti-Turkish elements. These new lands are being incorporated as Erdogan stands to throw out recognition of the Treaty of Lausanne claiming that Turkey has the rights to these lands due to the National Pact which also includes Kirkuk. Erdogan has also shown interest in some Grecian owned islands, which is dangerous as what is Greece but a collection of islands. What next, Islamic State and Jordan?


New Textbook Maps of Turkey

New Textbook Maps of Turkey


While in the area of the Middle East we can list a few other spots which have differing potentials for exploding at any point in time, any day of the week, may those days be lost into distant times that never arrive. Islamic State has made their principle to find more and more horrid and gross means of slaughtering innocents simply for being different in even the slightest of ways. They have taken to slaughtering Muslims as they have run out of any of the others they took such pleasure of torturing while robbing them of their lives. Jordan is suffering from many refugees from the Syrian debacle which they are caring for as best as they are capable. They receive additional assistance of natural gas and other needful things from an unlikely source, one who need remain unannounced and unrecognized though all know and understand that friend is Israel. Remarkable that with all the Islamic nations who claim friendship and alliance with Jordan as members of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) with all their oil wealth yet they give no assistance for the care of the refugees, refuse to take in even a single Syrian refugee while demanding the rest of the world show kindness which they refuse to spare themselves. Perhaps this is the great plan; push enough Muslims into the West that they can tear democracies down from within. This is what the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic organizations backed by many Islamic governments and has been a preferable and useful manner of Jihad over the years. There is even a name for this subversive means of disruption and conquest, it is Civilizational Jihad. You would think that at least one leader in the Western World would identify this problem and perhaps suggest a plan to address this threat, or at least label this a challenge. We live and hope somewhere outside of Israel someone will wake up and smell the Dracunculus Vulgaris, also called a Voodoo Lily (pictured below), with an appropriately unpleasant aroma, really unpleasant. Of course any mention that this might actually be real problem, a real situation, is automatically labelled as being racist and is ridiculed as if there was no historical reference to such methods.


Dracunculus Vulgaris also called a Voodoo Lily

Dracunculus Vulgaris also called a Voodoo Lily


Then there is the one news item which is sucking the oxygen out of the rest of the news cycle, the United States elections, especially the Presidential free-for-all. The polls tell a story, well, two stories depending on which polling organization to which you listen. The only candidates the polls are able to rule out are the ‘third party’ candidates, who include the following names and parties but may not be limited to Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party, Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party, plus five from small parties who have the most remote of chances and dozens more with absolutely no possibility but might actually make better alternatives than the top two candidates. This election has been the most raucous, illiberal, shrill, fiercely contested and in many ways the most unprofessional and unclassical of any election in modern history. What would probably be beyond the belief of most Americans is the rancor and mean-spirited accusations that pale compared to some rhetoric from the earliest of United States elections. One of the most famous was the obscene accusations from John Adams and Thomas Jefferson campaigns in the election of 1800 and 1808. The campaigning in both elections was dirty, bordering libelous and filled with sexual innuendo accusations back and forth which can be found with minimal research on the net with an introduction here. Theirs was just the juiciest and most severe campaign filled with slurs and crass accusations which make Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump seem to be holding a seniors’ tea social.


The other international news story consuming the remaining oxygen not eaten by the American elections has been the decision by UNESCO that the Temple Mount and most if not all of the Old City of Jerusalem are Islamic holy sites with no Jewish, and also Christian, history. This should be no surprise as UNESCO has referred to numerous ancient Jewish and Israelite sites throughout the region as being Islamic Mosques including but not limited to Rachel’s Tomb and Cave of the Patriarchs. As the Islamic and third world nations, most of which being dictatorships with poor actual human rights records, though don’t expect the United Nations to notice, have an unsinkable majority in virtually every corner of the United Nations arms and agencies as well as the General Assembly only lacking complete control due to the Security Council, but they are working on forcing a restructuring. Abba Eban, Israeli diplomat, former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations and held numerous positions in the Israeli government during his career once quipped, “If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.” The numbers were slightly off but the entire gist of his statement was valid as valid can be. UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova wrote that she believes in the 3,500 year-old connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, and promised to work against anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activism as part of her letter rejecting and expressing regret over the ruling. Unfortunately that ruling remains standing and will be the world body’s official position until, if ever, repealed.


Finally, it need be mentioned a few odds and ends which need no explanations or are fairly unimportant for now but may prove highly important down the road. Rumors continue to float around that President Obama will place a motion setting the Green Line as the border for a Palestinian state when or if such ever comes to fruition. This will probably depend on whether Hillary Clinton wins the election to carry forward President Obama’s slights and campaigns against Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, and Israel herself. Talking of Ms. Clinton, she is rumored to have moved a $1.8 billion transfer from the Clinton Foundation to the Qatar Central Bank. Further, the Clintons have their own luxurious hidey-hole, a $200 Million Maldives Estate pictured below. At least we know where she and Bill will be running to should Hillary lose the election. Oh, if she wins we also know where the personal e-mail server will be located.


Clinton Hidey-Hole and Remote Viewing White House

Clinton Hidey-Hole and Remote Viewing White House


And let us end with a positive piece of news from a few weeks back. Blue Origin tested their escape system for their space vehicle which landed with adequate results but that was almost secondary to what followed. Even the company engineers believed the second part of the test would probably fail. That part of the test must be witnessed to believe so the video is below. Prepare to be blown away.



Beyond the Cusp


December 19, 2015

What the IAEA Closure of Their Iran Investigations Really Meant

Perhaps we should be starting with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Director General Yukiya Amano statements which pertained to the IAEA’s verification of Iranian nuclear research and development including answers to previous questionable activities and current activities including possible secretive research into weapons production.





We realize that you played that ten, fifteen, thirty times and still he said almost nothing other than we wash our hands of the Iran issue and give them a clean bill of health and for more read our nice, dry and hard to read report, if he said that much. So, you ask hoping we have read the report and you will not need to read the report, all sixteen pages, what did it all say? Well, we could answer off the top of our heads, as probably all of you could, it will say Iran is clean now though they may not have been completely honest in the past; we believe them completely now and there is almost nothing to worry about unless they are lying; but we don’t think they are lying, like we would admit we did even if we were sure they were lying, but you will have to trust that we trusted them. Oh, you really want us to go through the report and take out the pertinent parts, FINE! We’ll do so! Trust there is more article after the summary which can wait until you have the time and nothing more interesting to do. Scroll down and we’ll put a nice picture separating the final writings there to flag you down, so look for the flags.


The following were the actual quotes which may or may not clarify their findings and positions, but we figured that was their intentions.


“From 2002 onwards, the Agency became increasingly concerned about the possible existence in Iran of undisclosed nuclear related activities involving military related organizations, including activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile. Reports by the Director General identified outstanding issues related to possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme and the actions required of Iran to resolve these.”
The information indicated that Iran had carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device. The information also indicated that prior to the end of 2003, these activities took place under a structured programme, and that some activities may still have been ongoing.
There was mention that their information came from a wide number of sources, another way of saying not to blame them, but just in case there was anything brilliant in the report they said that some came from their own efforts, and then another disclaimer which has to be quoted, “from a number of Member States, including Iran itself.” From here on it is quotes unless in {} or obvious commentary by us. And it will be obvious.
“Between January 2012 and May 2013, the Agency and Iran held ten rounds of talks in Vienna and Tehran, aimed at reaching agreement on a ‘structured approach’…no concrete results were achieved during those talks. …”
Framework for Cooperation
On 11 November 2013, the Agency and Iran signed a ‘Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation.’
{We could now quote a whole load of legalese describing their agreement and all the trust and measures and validations and verifications and our eyes started crossing and glazing over.}
Security Council Resolution 2231
On 20 July 2015, the Security Council adopted resolution 2231 (2015), in which, inter alia, it reaffirmed that Iran “shall cooperate fully as the IAEA requests to be able to resolve all outstanding issues, as identified in IAEA reports.”
Implementation of the Road-map
More Gobbled-y-Goop
More Gobbled-y-Goop
Area Assessments
Gobbled-y-Goop but here it is in case it might be important, like FoR ReAL!
As previously reported, the Agency has focused its analysis of Iran’s nuclear programme on an acquisition path involving high enriched uranium (HEU). Based on indicators observed by the Agency in connection with Iran’s nuclear activities, the Agency’s work has concentrated on an analysis pertinent to the development of an HEU implosion device.
Past Resolutions of the Board of Governors and the Security Council
The United Nations Security Council has affirmed that the steps required by the Board of Governors in its resolutions are binding on Iran. Between 2006 and 2010, six Security Council resolutions… In particular, in its resolution of June 2010…concerns about the possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme… all sites, equipment, persons and documents requested by the Agency.
Following the issuance of… essential for Iran and the Agency to intensify their dialogue… providing clarifications regarding those issues.
Further to the Director General’s report of August 2012, the Board of Governors, in its resolution of September 2012… restore international confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme.

Efforts to address the Agency’s concerns since November 2011

Structured Approach
Between January 2012 and May 2013, the Agency and Iran held ten rounds of talks in Vienna and Tehran… a new approach aimed at ensuring the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme should be developed.
Framework for Cooperation
On 11 November 2013, the Agency and Iran signed a ‘Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation’… proceed with such activities in a step by step manner.
Within the Framework for Cooperation… practical measures and technical discussions had been held with the Agency concerning the other two.
On 14 July 2015, the Director General and the Vice-President of Iran and President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran… strengthen their cooperation and dialogue aimed at the resolution, by the end of 2015, of all past and present outstanding issues that had not already been resolved by the Agency and Iran. The actions agreed under the Road-map are listed in Annex I. {Great, now we need to read Annex I}
Security Council Resolution 2231
On 20 July 2015, the Security Council adopted resolution 2231 (2015), in which, inter alia, it reaffirmed that Iran “shall cooperate fully as the IAEA requests to be able to resolve all outstanding issues, as identified in IAEA reports.”
Implementation of the Road-map
In the Road-map, the Agency and Iran agreed to aim to…the Agency had assessed to be “overall, credible”, as well as information received…which further contributed to the analysis contained in that Annex.
As agreed in the Road-map, on 15 August 2015, Iran provided to the Agency its explanations in writing and related documents, on past and present outstanding issues. On 8 September 2015, the Agency submitted questions to Iran on ambiguities regarding the information provided…as a basis for seeking clarification; the Agency’s review of information available…any implications regarding the indicators; and the Agency’s questions.
To remove the ambiguities regarding the information…particular locations of interest to the Agency…15 October 2015.
On 20 September 2015, the Director General and Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Safeguards visited the particular location at the Parchin site of interest to the Agency.
All the activities in the Road-map were implemented in accordance with the agreed schedule and, on 24 November 2015, the Agency and Iran held a “wrap up technical meeting” in Vienna.
In November 2011, the Agency provided its “analysis of the information available to it in the context of relevant indicators of the existence or development of processes associated with nuclear-related activities, including weaponization.” Since November 2011, the Agency has acquired more information through activities under the Framework for cooperation, including the Road-map and the JPA, through the Agency’s own efforts, and from Member States, including Iran. As additional information has become available to the Agency, the Agency has been able to refine its analysis of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme.
In order to perform the final assessment, the Agency has analyzed all the information available to it in relation to each of the 12 areas, as set out in the 2011 Annex. The Agency has also used the same information to gain an understanding of the whole picture through consideration of the nature, amount and coherence of the information over time.
Area Assessments
As previously reported…concentrated on an analysis pertinent to the development of an HEU implosion device.
Programme management structure
{Iran was using multiple agencies and departments and other subterfuges to conceal their real purposes which we recognized sort of; spread over four tedious paragraphs}
Procurement activities
As previously reported, Iran has stated that the AEOI encountered difficulties with procurement… {poor babies} …Ministry of Defence Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL), thereby disguising the final user.
The Agency also had indications of instances of procurements and attempted procurements of items with relevance, inter alia, to the development of a nuclear explosive device. The Agency does not have information regarding any such procurement attempts after 2007.
During discussions with the Agency…Iran confirmed its earlier statements that…made a procurement enquiry about a specific high speed camera, the camera had been for a conventional purpose and, ultimately, Iran had not purchased it. Iran also reiterated its earlier denial that a named company had attempted to acquire high-speed switches.
The Agency has not received additional information on this topic since the 2011 Annex.
Nuclear material acquisition
{Technical garbles which is too rich to summarize as the claims and counters are simply beyond belief and other beyond credulity and the rest far too technical}
Nuclear components for an explosive device
{More technical garbles}
Detonator development
{More technical garbles}
Initiation of high explosives and associated experiments
{More technical garbles which only one of us understands}
Hydrodynamic experiments
{More technical garbles}
Modelling and calculations
{More technical garbles}
Neutron initiator
{Technical garbles but you have to love discussions about nuclear physics}
Conducting a test
{Technical garbles and as it said, it’s just a test, a physics test}
Integration into a missile delivery vehicle
{Technical garbles all about miniaturization and the rest is nuts and bolts}
Fuzing, arming and firing system
{Technical garbles and no there is nothing about detonation-cord}
Overall Assessment
This overall assessment results from the analysis of all the information available to the Agency in relation to each of the 12 areas, as set out in the 2011 Annex.
{More technical garbles}
Political and technical Gobbled-y-Goop




Let’s Run Them Up Any Flag Pole and See Who Salutes Them Smartly Showing Your Love of Freedom and Feel Free to Add Your Flag if the Moment Grabs You as You See This Pair of the Flags for Freedom

Let’s Run Them Up Any Flag Pole
and See Who Salutes Them Smartly
Showing Your Love of Freedom
and Feel Free to Add Your Flag
if the Moment Grabs You as You
See This Pair of the Flags for Freedom



Much of the reports have centered on that the IAEA has found no indications of diversions or of extraordinary mining in or near known uranium mines and that there probably has been no developmental steps taken beyond feasibility and assuring of having acquired the technical ability to produce nuclear weaponry of the nature and suitability the Iranians desired, whatever all that really means. Anyone who expected an arm of the United Nations run largely by third world officials and nuclear physicists whose highest desire was to travel around the world either inspecting third world nuclear sites or attempting to inspect nuclear weapons programs of nations who would just as soon kill as look upon their own people, so you can guess what the worth of an IAEA inspector is worth. The IAEA is also heavily political and not exactly all that enamored with the Western States or Israel and likely more guided by the membership of the General Assembly than the five permanent members in the Security Council. Further, if the people working for the average large city are fairly incompetent and state officials make the city workers look like geniuses, while Federal employees are legendary for their lack of ability, of course all of these have exceptions such as any government worker reading BTC, so you can imagine what any world employees can be in the competence department. The one thing which can be said is the United Nations workers for all of their agencies have some of the most difficult and dangerous jobs when working out in the world as they are often not exactly appreciated by the governments of the nations where they are assigned and often face threats of death simply for attempting to serve others unselfishly and many probably get abuses which they do not deserve. Imagine attempting to distribute aid and food and other sustenance to the people under a dictator who would just as soon see them dead and wants to steal the food supplies and distribute it to his security forces and army which keep him in power and then it becomes no surprise that often the aid is simply unloaded from the ship or aircraft and then left for the dictator to distribute as he desires because it is not worth being murdered in a futile effort. There are reasons that the United States sends troops with their aid shipments. It is true that the United States military should not be used for meals on wheels but sometimes they may be necessary for those performing the meals on wheels distribution to be allowed to actually move the aid. The world is a far from perfect place, something many of us forget or would rather not face as long as it does not affect us and may we continue to live where life is not endangered just because we hold an opinion which others are willing to kill us over.


Going to another set of thoughts, something we do here often and what else can be said about an IAEA report we all knew would be a whitewash of the Iranian nuclear program anyways and that is what we likely got. The hope now is that we never reap the ill rewards which are possible should Iran produce and use nuclear weapons or that ever there should come a nuclear war which encompasses a number of nuclear armed nations and a general exchange of nuclear weapons causes a runaway ecological disaster having planetary effects which could only result in consequences too horrid to imagine. Such an event would make most of those post apocalypse movies appear optimistic with the likely exception of “On the Beach” depicted. That was presumably what the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) was designed to prevent and the reason for the IAEA was originally enacted and initiated, but that was when the United Nations member nations were restricted.


That was before the fateful decision to allow all nations to enter the United Nations as all nations were equal and should have an equal vote in such a body and the General Assembly was opened to every nation and dictator who desired equal footing with every other nation. Fortunately the original nations who were tasked with fashioning the United Nations kept veto power in the Security Council for the five nuclear powers of the time, or their closest allies thus the United States, Russia, China, Britain, and France were given veto power in the Security Council, the only body which could order the use of military force. That too will soon be surrendered as the world will decide there is nothing special about those five nations and everybody has to be equal. Once the veto for the permanent members has been erased then the seats on the Security Council will be expanded and the fixed memberships will either be expanded beyond reason or abolished making all nations equal in all things and then the United Nations will devolve into chaos and soon will disintegrate under its own equality as the more equal numbers of dictators vote the democracies out of existence under threat of war, of course, after they have demanded and received nuclear technology including weaponization because all nations are of equal value so they should have equal military power and technologies. We will learn that merit has value but it will probably be learned too late. Equality only works between nations who agree on the sanctity of life, have similar value systems and have a free and open society; otherwise you end up with almost two hundred nations who agree on nothing except that there are well over one hundred who wish to drag the wealth from the most wealthy nations even if it destroys the geese with the golden eggs because they want all the golden eggs for themselves in the name of equality. Such a United Nations will be the igniter for a terrible conflagration. Let us pray that the nations with dignity of the human spirit to protect realize their special place and realize it is not rubbing elbows in equality in the putrid bog where leaders disregard or enslave their populations as in such a swamp all sink into the teeming cauldron of inhumanity and such can only work to the detriment of the world as there is enough heartlessness in the world that without freedom loving nations mutually protecting those values all human value will be lost. That is the number one reason for the free world to realize their precious gift and the value of going to whatever lengths required to protect the freedoms from those who would denigrate all human life trampling underfoot the freedoms which by the grace of all that is holy came from the values which have flourished in the Western World and a limited set of other nations who must remain free at all costs. Freedom once lost is almost never regained and especially if it dissolves from the entire planet in a swarming over the free world of a demographic explosion initially necessitated due to a demographic implosion largely fueled by a loss of faith in Hashem.


Beyond the Cusp


August 27, 2015

Will Europeans Answer Call to Salvation


Western culture, science, development, priorities and history are on the line and that line is in danger of breaking. Once the last line breaks there will be little possibility of rebirth in not only our time but the times of our children and their children as visited onto four generations are the sins of the father. That is the punishment described in the Bible, in Torah, for bowing to false gods and forsaking Hashem. Whether that sentence upon the generations that follow a civilization which lost their faith and believe that there is no entity that is Hashem or simply is the result due to the morals and the reason for preservation and child rearing falls upon tin ears and being rejected simply lends to the collapse of the civilization due to influx of peoples with completely different beliefs or an invasion by same. It is the reality currently infecting European culture which has led to a destructive form of hedonism which had forsaken religion and replaced it with the cold truths of science. The problem with basing your entire existence solely upon science is this gives no moral conviction for life and the continuation of life through having children. Science alone will lead many, as we have witnessed, to believe that mankind is a blight upon the earth and thus should be sacrificed in all things for Ghia, their new god, replacing Hashem who had preserved their societies in some form for the past five thousand years since the birth of Abraham and the first in the line of peoples following Hashem as described by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Whose laws were transcribed by Moses. These laws guided the greatness which brought society to this point and their protection died just assuredly as the people chased false gods rejecting Hashem because of the commandment of “Be fruitful and multiple.” This was the commandment that gave purpose of each generation to reproduce such that their societies would have the necessary youth to care for the aged and the society would remain viable.



The Lord's Stare

The Lord’s Stare



Alexander Hamilton was quoted as having said, “He who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” That could just as easily be the condemnation on modern Western society and culture. All one need do is to study the news cycles and there in plain sight is the result of modern Western public’s rejection of Hashem and any religion which claims to believe in Hashem. Never mind that it provided Europe with the faith in their fellow man to persevere through some of the most tumultuous times the world has ever known, but such is often what drives invention and development. Many will claim that it was just those faithful who almost brought civilization to its knees and the answer is that perhaps one bending one’s knees and returning to Hashem and belief that mankind has a higher purpose than selfish pleasures at the sake of the society. One more reason the Bible may teach us to be fruitful and multiply is so as to have the youths necessary to defend one’s way of life even if it has been corrupted by the sins of the flesh, and trust I know of what I speak. No matter how great and fulfilling one believes living in the moment and only for the moment will give them lasting satisfaction, the proof this is a false belief is in those moments between fulfillment of the moment what feelings are left, what fills the vacuous times between pleasures? The problem is that there is nothing which carries one into the far future, the living beyond one’s self and propagating a legacy which lasts beyond one’s life. The only thing which is capable of doing such is renewal of life. But if we refuse to believe in a higher and better source and implementer of a grander theme in which we are but the functionaries to fulfill a greater destiny, then all is for naught and the self becomes all-important and the serving on oneself becomes a goal in and of itself. Any society which emphasizes the self above all else is a society stricken with a fatal disease similar to the worship of idols. Idolatry does not require a stone or metal figure for one to believe upon as it can just as easily be a false ethic formed around the immediate and holding no finer goal than self-satisfaction above all else.


One of the worst nightmares which follow the loss of belief in Hashem is the sacrifice of children. This was something Hashem made clear in the most primitive and brutal of ways bringing His most faithful of servants, Abraham, to the very brink of committing such a sacrifice and only then intervening and forbidding such sacrifice unto forever for those following Hashem and His ways. Modern times have great difficulty understanding this passage because they can only see it through their modern precepts which they claim they do not sacrifice children or other humans to false gods and have not done so for centuries. If only such were the truth. But first to understanding Abraham and the testing and altering of the way life was in the times of Abraham. In those days one of the most prevalent of gods was Ba’al, a vengeful god which often required the sacrifice of children to appease his anger. Ba’al was not the sole god making such demands of their worshipers. We know through the study of anthropology that the Aztecs had human sacrifice and even in modern times there are those who proactive the ritual sacrifices of the wife when her husband dies by her throwing herself upon his burning corps and being consumed in his funeral pyre. This practice was most likely adopted in dire times of scarcity of resources, particularly food and water such that a woman with no man to provide would likely have been too great a strain on her tribe so this was a manner of dealing with this inconvenient person. When Abraham was commanded to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham would have thought such could very well simply be a test of faith and that this was going to continue as a form of acceptable sacrifice. Making such an offering was not all that unusual in those dark days of idolatry and Abraham had no actual proof that such was not to continue on forever into the future and such would be the requirement of any god, even Hashem. After the redemption and prevented from such a sacrifice, Abraham came to learn that Hashem loved life above death and it is this belief and concept which is vital in any society which follows Hashem.



Crescent of Arms

Crescent of Arms



Modern Western society has strayed from Hashem. Even many who believe they follow Hashem and go to services every week, be those services on Sunday or Saturday, Saturday is called Shabbat in places in this world and in certain languages that the day of rest is so important that it became the name of the day so as none could ever forget. Still, there are those today who deal in and accept child sacrifice. We have had a recent series of videos laying out for all to see where the sacrifice of our children leads us to committing, the dividing the portions and selling these portions for silver and gold and other trinkets of trade. Of course we are not so heartless as to call such a child sacrifice; we call it the right to choose. Whatever one names it and how much we sanitize it, an abortion is still the taking of a life and the proof is in our laws. If one murders a pregnant women and by doing so the child she was carrying also dies the murderer is charged with two counts of murder, one receiving special additional punishment as it is listed as committing infanticide, a worse form of murder than murdering a grown person as it is the murder of the most innocent and helpless. But we in a modern society have reached a point where the life and convenience of the young woman takes precedent over the child she carries. The infant under the consideration of the law in almost every other legal definition becomes merely a choice, a lump of cells causing an inconvenience, a threat to the mental health of the adult person, or at least sufficiently adult to have conceived most likely in a consensual engagement. Many will claim that any conception should be brought full term and if still rejected by the mother then given up for adoption and that adoption is always preferable to any form of child sacrifice, of infanticide, abortion, choice. We give it so many different terms and names because we are not completely united on the issue and there still is some amount of stigma on abortion that such was not even discussed in anything approaching polite conversation. With the ‘Planned Parenthood’ videos we have been introduced to the industry that begins with such a choice, with an abortion, a murder, the termination of a precious gift. The abortion has become the safe extraction of the organs for sale to the highest bidder. For this reason there need to be a fetus which has developed to the point that there exist the organs which science wishes to study more closely. That is our new idolatry, science, and all that serves science had benefits for us.


Hashem Creating Adam Filling him with Breath and a Soul

Hashem Creating Adam Filling him with Breath and a Soul


But who are the ‘us’ that science serves if our small piece of science results in reproductive rates falling below replacement levels, below the level for a healthy society. Europe from the westernmost tip of Ireland and Portugal to the eastern tip of Europe be it in Russia, Finland, Norway, the Ukraine or Georgia; is experiencing the result of being celibate, or at least childless. The result of lower than healthy reproductive rates makes one’s entire society vulnerable to fight off societal threats, today we just yell, scream, stomp our feet and hold our breathe until we turn blue and it still does us no good. Europe is slowly being conquered by Islamic transfer of sufficient youth to be able to take demographic control unless Europeans waken real soon. But far too many in Europe have decided to live their lives to the maximizing of their own personal pleasure whether such pleasures require their climbing the ladder to success like any man does or whether pleasure requires living largely for carnal pleasures or, as was once a popular phrase which sums this all up nicely, whatever floats your boat. This self-centric societal outlook will soon find itself challenged by the followers of Islam which are infiltrating in ever growing numbers and they bring a separate culture and foreign religious beliefs, but beliefs they do bring and those self-same beliefs will be imposed. The only solution which might work, if it is already not too late, would be to return to Hashem; be it Catholic or Protestant or Judaism and through that choice one must from that point onward choose life as life is precious before Hashem.



Direction Defined

Direction Defined



There are those who will claim that there can be no Hashem, there is only science and in time science will reveal the reason behind everything. Even was this remotely possible, there are always going to be questions we have not yet answered; there will always be the next star, solar system, galaxy or even alternate universes and alternate realities. Simply put, we will always have unknowns and questions and we may even have such a question astrophysicists are asking today, what came before the ‘Big Bang?’ Hashem was before the ‘Big Bang’ and will remain after the cold silence of an emptiness is all that remains of what we once were which has ceased its existence. Meanwhile, those who once used to fight over such things as how was one to best serve Hashem, they now face a greater foe than ever as this foe has its own religious beliefs and claims they supercede Judaism and Christianity and believes it is tasked in converting the entirety of the world to their faith. Their belief in something which defines them will defeat a Europe and an America if both remain guided by faithless people.



Sistine Chapel Ceiling attempting to give inspirational guidance we would hope entering the White House fills the next President

Sistine Chapel Ceiling attempting to give inspirational guidance we would hope entering the White House fills the next President



Entering the White House has been transformational to many presidents turning or returning them to Hashem and the religion they had lost or forsaken. These types of leaders are needed in Europe and America and real soon. Hopefully the United States will elect one who knows Hashem and believes His prayer which conveys the concept that all things have their proper times and places where they need be to continue testing his believers and them needing to turn to Hashem when the times are tough and that extra strength is needed and I cannot think of any time when such was needed more.


The fate of the world may depend on the next American elections though things may proceed such that we may not have the sixteen months left to act. Then we will need to pray that much more fervently for an America to return and play their role as the world’s police. If they fail, then who? Should America fail then the weight falls to the final hope for at the least a quarter of a century, that is the reasoning behind the Bible verse from Exodus 20:5 which reads in part, Hashem will “visit(ing) the iniquity of the fathers upon their sons and their daughters unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate (forsake, forget, depart completely from the teachings and commandments) Me. The generation which diverts near completely from the path of righteousness will bring the end of those peoples as they will fall, as ancient Israel fell when she strayed from the path, and it takes a minimum of three or four generations before they can throw off the yoke of oppressions and reestablish Hashem’s place and order on the world.


Beyond the Cusp


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